
How to install Yandex with the start page in the browser. How to change the home and start page in Google Chrome Changing the default search engine

There are people who agree to anything, as long as they click a single button on their website. Their site needs to be built around the main button.

Home button

A fair question: what is this button? And why is it important to customers?

Submit a website for a lending institution. The site director needs loan applications. Managers successfully turn applications into disbursed loans. The well-being of a credit institution depends on the number of clients, which means that the company needs to do its best from the site. Now it is clear how important the request button on the website is for the manager?

All components of the site, including design and ergonomics, must work for the main button.

This button explains the costs of the site: the campaign for the button and the fact that people will click it. This view turns the role of web design upside down. Judge for yourself: is it important to the owner, is it interesting for him to win the competition of outstanding sites, if he put everything on the button? My answer is no. The button is like a trump ace - it covers everything, subjugates the rest of the aspects. It turns out that all components of the site, including design and ergonomics, should work for the main button.

How many companies need a button? Very, very much. So many that the way it is now. Most companies need to build a website around a button, not get busy.

There is no button without a task

Whatever aspect of site building we touch on, we constantly return to. The basis of the site is only the task of the site and nothing else. The client always has goals that he strives to achieve. Even if the client denies their existence, they still exist. People don't do anything. The button on the site will appear only if the button's function is formulated in the terms of reference. It seems simple and logical, but in practice, the main button has more reasons not to be on the site than to be. I believe that the root of this problem lies in the passion for drawing. Web designers are obsessed with drawing and clients love it; what buttons are there ...

Making a website without formulating its objectives is how to build a house without a plan.

The right motive for a web designer is to help the client achieve their goals. Do not make the most beautiful site, do not convince, do not go crazy. And try to solve the business problem in the best way. Why, then, are new sites so rarely useful to customers? Because clients and web studios are not looking for extra work. One was ashamed, the other was too lazy: they mastered the budget and fled. When a client formulates a task and insists on completing it, developers have no choice but to give the client what he wants.

Building a website without taking into account tasks is like building a house without a plan. You cannot do without understanding what you are doing. It's not that the site is going to be bad. And the fact that it will work out. Expensive and cute to the eye - the winner of the Runet Rating, but absolutely useless for the customer. There is a misconception that a beautifully drawn and well-designed website “sells” on its own. There is also a misconception that websites have to be unusual. Both the first and the second are myths.

Website with a button

You all know very well the most popular website with a button. It does its job, is understandable to anyone and is used by billions of people. This is Google. On google.com there is a field for entering a request and a button. Home button Google works so well that the richest corporation hesitates.

Not as concise as Google. It is difficult to imagine a company website without a description of services, a story about the company, a blog of competence. You can't google with one button on a white screen. Yes and no need: we do not need extremes. I do not urge to give up individual design, multiple pages and everything else so beloved by clients. I suggest building your site around the main button, if there is one.

A site around a button is a site whose job is to entice visitors to click a button.

A site around a button is a site whose job is to entice visitors to click a button. Seemingly simple task, which is achieved through painstaking mental work. You are deeply mistaken if you think that seemingly simple sites are easy to manufacture. The most difficult thing in our profession is to create websites where at first glance it is clear what to do. Real design is hidden behind the apparent simplicity, this word comes from the English design - to design, draw, conceive. Design doesn't mean drawing at all.

Designing a website with a button, as an absolute of conciseness and informational content, will require many times more effort than drawing wow layouts. Almost anything that causes salivation on Behance isn't viable in practice. If you look closely at most of Behance's spectacular layouts, you will find glaring ergonomic flaws. But who cares when the pictures are so beautiful! The main button will not forgive this, which means that the web studio will have to think 5 times more how to tie structural standards with fashionable visuals.

ReConcept Policy

We, like any thinking web studio, have to overcome the resistance of the environment. When a client insists on a meaningless spectacular site, does not set other tasks, he will receive his "candy". But we consider real clients to be people who think of a website as an investment. We prefer to work for the result. And the result can be assessed only by setting a specific task.

Sites around the button solve business problems. The effectiveness of such a site is tangible, the conversion is measurable, and the performance is modernizable. Many web studios can do beautiful pictures. The trouble for the spectacle is that viable products survive and the home button site is one of the favorites.

Do you need a website to generate applications? Send us your contact!

Hello, friends! In this article, we will learn how to customize both the start page and the main page in the browser. Google chrome... They are not the same thing.

Home - opens immediately after starting the browser.

Home - opens when you click on the button with the "House" icon.

In Chrome, the home page and start page will be different. I think that's enough theory, and, as I like, let's go straight to practice.

We will make Yandex the start page in Chrome, to begin with.

How to customize the start page

Click on the "Menu" button in the form of three parallel horizontal lines and from the drop-down list, select the "Settings" item:

A tab with browser settings opens. We are looking for the section "Open at startup", put the switch in the "Specified pages" position, click on the "Add" link.

A window opens in which we enter the address of the desired site, which we will open when the browser starts. In my case, this is the Yandex search engine.

Chrome allows, in this situation, not to be limited to one. Therefore, if you wish, you can enter a few more. Each of them will open in its own tab.

Too many sites to make start-up, I do not recommend, so as not to load the browser. Two will be enough. After you have configured everything, do not forget to click on the "OK" button.

Setting up the home page

Here, on the settings tab, go to the section " Appearance"And put a checkbox next to the item" Show Home button ".

Below is the line "Quick access page", click next to it on the link "Change".

We have the settings of the main page. In the window, you must put the switch from the position "Quick access page" to the position "Next page" and enter the desired address in the proposed field. As an example, I again enter the main page of the Yandex search engine.

After the changes are made, click on the "OK" button.

Changing the default search engine

And the last thing I would like to show in this article is how you can customize the search bar of the browser, namely, change the search engine with which the browser searches.

This is all done on the same "Settings" tab, in the "Search" section from the list, select the desired search engine... If you have not found anything suitable for yourself, then you can always add a search engine by clicking on the button "Configure search engines ...":

That's all for today, in this simple lesson we figured out the main and start page in Chrome, and also set up the default search.

A button in HTML can be made in three different ways:

  • Using the tag input;
  • Using the tag button;
  • Using a link (tag a) and CSS properties.

Input tag

Tag input can be used to create various input elements on the page (text input field, button, etc.) and take values ​​of the following attributes:

  • type- indicates the type of element (in our case, this button);
  • name- allows you to specify the name of the element (this is necessary, for example, to identify the button by the form handler);
  • value- sets a value for an element (for example, for transmitting form data) and this value acts as an inscription on a button.

Thus, recorded using the tag input the button will look like this:


Button tag

Buttons for the site can also be defined using the tag button HTML. The advantage of this tag over input is that here you can add other elements to the button, for example, an image:


Website builder "Nubex"

Tag attributes button the same as input, the only difference is that the value value is no longer the label on the button, but only serves to transmit the value to the server.

Link button

The third option for creating a button on a page is using a tag a, that is, an ordinary link. The link takes on the appearance of a button when the necessary CSS styles are applied to it. Let's consider the option of creating a button using a link:

Link button Link button

This method provides a great advantage and freedom in the design of the button.

How to make Yandex home page start page in the browser so that it opens automatically, immediately after starting the program. In this case, the site (www.yandex.ru) of the Yandex search engine will act as the main (start) page of the browser.

Usually, users independently choose what exactly will be opened after launching the browser: a search engine page, launching several pages at once, opening a specific web page, a page with the most frequently visited sites (express panel), or a page with certain sites (service or extension for so-called visual bookmarks).

Many people start working in a browser from the Yandex home page, which they use as their home (start) page. Therefore, users need the main page of the Yandex search engine website to open immediately after starting the browser. How to make Yandex start page automatically launched?

There are two ways to install Yandex.ru on the main page:

  • a bookmark to the Yandex home page - the “home page” in some browsers;
  • opening the start page automatically after starting the browser.

In the case of using a bookmark, to open the yandex.ru page, the user will additionally have to click on the button with the house image opposite the address bar in the browser.

Another option is to launch the start page (Yandex home page) automatically, immediately after opening the browser window. This is the most suitable option for those who need to open the main page of the Yandex search engine as a browser start page.

There are 3 options for installing the Yandex home page in browsers, as the initial one that opens at startup:

  • independently changing the settings of a specific browser to save the Yandex home page;
  • a special Yandex application for automatic configuration;
  • changing the home page using Yandex Browser Manager.

From time to time, Yandex itself invites the user who opened the main page of the search engine to automatically set his page as the start page in the browser.

Next, let's see how to make yandex ru the start page in popular browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer... Keep in mind that Yandex Browser does not have a start page. There are also special “Yandex versions” of some popular browsers in which settings for Yandex are made.

A special Yandex application or Yandex Browser Manager program will help you install the home page in your browser.

How to make Yandex your start page in Google Chrome

You can get quick access to the main page using the "Home" button in the Google Chrome browser, but this is not what we need. We need the Yandex site to open immediately in the Chrome browser.

Launch the Google Chrome browser, and then follow these steps:

  1. Enter "Google Chrome Settings and Management" and then click on "Settings".
  2. In the "Open on startup" section, activate the "Set pages" option, and then click on the "Add page" link.
  3. In the "Add page" window that opens, enter the address of the Yandex website: https://www.yandex.ru/, and then click the "Add" button.
  4. Restart your Google Chrome browser.

After starting the browser, all pages added to this list will open, including the Yandex home page. By default, several pages of some search engines are added to the browser, so most likely the Yandex page will not be in the first place.

If you need to leave only one page in the browser (in our case, the Yandex web page) so that it opens automatically, the rest of the pages can be removed from the list set pages.

Opposite the name of the page in the Preset Pages list, click the More button (in the form of three dots), and then select the desired option: Delete or Modify.

After deleting unnecessary pages, the Yandex home page will move to the top of the list, or remain singular.

If there are several specified pages in the list, then all of them will open after starting the browser. The Yandex.ru website will be opened first (it will be displayed in the browser window), in other contributions (inactive) other pages from the list of specified ones will open.

If the Yandex page in the list of specified pages is singular, then after launching, only one page will open in the browser: yandex.ru.

Install Yandex home page in Mozilla Firefox

Now let's install the Yandex home page in the Mozilla Firefox browser, which opens automatically when the browser starts.

In order to make Yandex the start page in Mozilla Firefox, enter the browser settings and do the following:

  1. Click on the "Open Menu" button.
  2. Enter "Settings".
  3. In the "General" tab, in the "When Firefox starts" setting, select the "Show home page" option.
  4. In the "Home page" field, enter the URL of the main page of the Yandex website: https://www.yandex.ru/.
  5. Restart Mozilla browser Firefox.

Now after opening Firefox browser, the user will see the Yandex home page.

How to make Yandex the start page in Opera

Opera browser, by default, opens an express panel with selected sites. The user can independently add any page from the Internet to the panel. In Opera, it is possible to open at startup not the express panel, but the Yandex site as the initial page of the browser.

To save the Yandex home page as the start page in the Opera browser, you need to make the following settings:

  1. Click on the "Menu" button (Opera Settings and Control).
  2. In the context menu, select the "Settings" item.
  3. In the "At startup" section, activate the "Open a specific page or multiple pages" item.
  4. Click on the Set Pages link.
  5. In the "Start Pages" window, in the "Add new page"Enter the address of the Yandex home page, and then click the" OK "button.
  6. Restart your Opera browser.

After that, the Yandex home page will open in the Opera browser at startup.

Setting Yandex as the home page in Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge has the ability to change the start page that opens when the browser starts.

Do the following in sequence:

  1. Click the Options & More icon.
  2. Enter "Options".
  3. In the setting "Show in new Microsoft window Edge ”select the option“ Specific page or pages ”.
  4. In the Enter URL field, paste the address of the Yandex home page, and then click the Save button (floppy disk).
  5. Restart Microsoft Edge browser.

The Yandex home page is now automatically launched in the Microsoft Edge browser.

How to make Yandex your start page in Internet Explorer

To change the home page to Internet browser Explorer, go to browser settings, change the parameters:

  1. Click on the "Service" icon.
  2. In the context menu that opens, click on "Internet Options".
  3. In the Internet Options window, in the General tab, in the Home page option, enter the address of the Yandex home page in the URL field.
  4. Click on the "OK" button.
  5. Please note that the Start from home page option is enabled in the Startup option.
  6. Restart your Internet Explorer browser.

Now the site of the Yandex search engine will open in Internet Explorer immediately after launching the application.

Yandex home page in a browser using the Yandex app

A special Yandex application automatically installs the Yandex home page in the browser as the start page. Go to https://home.yandex.ru/, install the extension in supported browsers.

Installing the Yandex start page in Yandex Browser Manager

The free program Browser Manager from Yandex is designed to manage browser settings and to protect browser settings from changes.

In the Browser Manager, you need to select a supported browser, in the Home page setting, enter the address of the Yandex web page in the appropriate field, and then click the Save button.

Read more about working with Yandex Browser Manager.

Conclusions of the article

The user can set the Yandex home page as the browser's start page, launched automatically, in several ways: by changing the browser settings on his own, using special application Yandex using Yandex Browser Manager.

Experienced PC and Internet user

Probably more than once the question was disturbed: “ How to put the Home button in chrome?" and " How do you make the home page the one you want?", For example, make Yandex, Google or VKontakte the start page ... Or maybe a page of your favorite site. The answers to these questions will be discussed in this article. How to work with the main page Google browser Chrome.

The item "Show the" Home "button" in the Main menu of the Google Chrome browser settings

In order to customize the browser home page, you first need to:

  1. Find " Appearance" in settings
  2. It is in it that the management is located. Show button "Home page" .

Enabling the display of the "Home" button in Google Chrome

In order for the "Home page" button to start showing in the browser, you need to left-click (once) on the gray switch located to the right of the item Show Home button... This action will trigger several events at once:

  1. An icon in the form of a house will appear next to the address bar of the browser (this is the link to Home page browser).
  2. The switch will turn blue and be set to the “On” position.
  3. An additional menu for managing the main page of Google Chrome will open (more on this below).

Browser main page management menu

The Chome browser main page management menu consists of two items:

  1. Quick access page.
  2. Enter the web address (with an input field).

By default, Chrome is selected Quick Access Page... It contains the Google search bar and quick links to the pages you use the most. Well, additional links to all sorts of useful (in the opinion of Google developers) sites:

This page will open on each new tab or by clicking on the house icon.

In order for some other specific page to be displayed by clicking on the icon with the house and when opening a new tab, you need to enter its address in the field Enter web address... In this case, the selection switch in the Management Menu of the main page of the browser will automatically switch to this field:

After entering the address of the browser start page and making sure that the switch is on this field, you do not need to do anything else. The start page will automatically open at the specified address:


Thus, you can customize the start page of the Google Chrome browser or completely disable the display of the icon with the house (links to the main page of the browser). Let me remind you, no buttons " Save settings»No - all changes are applied immediately and are remembered by the browser until you change them again.

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