
What kind of work do spiders robots do? Search robots are search engine robots. comments to the post "Search engines are their robots and spiders"

Search robot called special program any search engine, which is designed to enter into the database (indexing) sites found on the Internet and their pages. The names are also used: crawler, spider, bot, automaticindexer, ant, webcrawler, bot, webscutter, webrobots, webspider.

Principle of operation

A crawler is a browser-based program. He constantly scans the network: visits indexed (already known to him) sites, follows the links from them and finds new resources. When a new resource is found, the robot of procedures adds it to the search engine index. The search robot also indexes updates on sites, the frequency of which is recorded. For example, a site that is updated once a week will be visited by a spider with this frequency, and content on news sites can be indexed within minutes after publication. If no link from other resources leads to the site, then in order to attract search robots, the resource must be added through a special form (Google Webmaster Center, Yandex webmaster panel, etc.).

Types of search robots

Yandex Spiders:

  • Yandex / 1.01.001 I - the main bot that deals with indexing,
  • Yandex / 1.01.001 (P) - indexes pictures,
  • Yandex / 1.01.001 (H) - finds site mirrors,
  • Yandex / 1.03.003 (D) - determines whether the page added from the webmaster's panel matches the indexing parameters,
  • YaDirectBot / 1.0 (I) - indexes resources from the Yandex advertising network,
  • Yandex / 1.02.000 (F) - indexes favicons of sites.

Google Spiders:

  • Googlebot is the main robot,
  • Googlebot News - crawls and indexes news,
  • Google Mobile - indexes sites for mobile devices,
  • Googlebot Images - searches and indexes images,
  • Googlebot Video - indexes videos,
  • Google AdsBot - checks the quality of the landing page,
  • Google Mobile Adsense and Google Adsense - indexes sites in the Google advertising network.

Other search engines also use several types of robots, functionally similar to those listed.

Search robot is a special program of any search engine, which is designed to enter into the database (indexing) sites found on the Internet and their pages. The names are also used: crawler, spider, bot, automaticindexer, ant, webcrawler, bot, webscutter, webrobots, webspider.

Principle of operation

A crawler is a browser-based program. He constantly scans the network: visits indexed (already known to him) sites, follows the links from them and finds new resources. When a new resource is found, the robot of procedures adds it to the search engine index. The search robot also indexes updates on sites, the frequency of which is recorded. For example, a site that is updated once a week will be visited by a spider with this frequency, and content on news sites can be indexed within minutes after publication. If no link from other resources leads to the site, then in order to attract search robots, the resource must be added through a special form (Google Webmaster Center, Yandex webmaster panel, etc.).

Types of search robots

Yandex Spiders:

  • Yandex / 1.01.001 I - the main bot that deals with indexing,
  • Yandex / 1.01.001 (P) - indexes pictures,
  • Yandex / 1.01.001 (H) - finds site mirrors,
  • Yandex / 1.03.003 (D) - determines whether the page added from the webmaster's panel matches the indexing parameters,
  • YaDirectBot / 1.0 (I) - indexes resources from the Yandex advertising network,
  • Yandex / 1.02.000 (F) - indexes favicons of sites.

Google Spiders:

  • Googlebot is the main robot,
  • Googlebot News - crawls and indexes news,
  • Google Mobile - indexes sites for mobile devices,
  • Googlebot Images - searches and indexes images,
  • Googlebot Video - indexes videos,
  • Google AdsBot - checks the quality of the landing page,
  • Google Mobile Adsense and Google Adsense - indexes sites in the Google advertising network.

Other search engines also use several types of robots, functionally similar to those listed.

Friends, I welcome you again! Now we will analyze what search robots are and talk in detail about the google search robot and how to be friends with them.

First you need to understand what search robots are, they are also called spiders. What kind of work do search engine spiders do?

These are programs that check sites. They look at all the posts and pages on your blog, collect information, which they then transfer to the base of the search engine for which they work.

You don't need to know the entire list of search robots, the most important thing is to know that Google now has two main spiders called "panda" and "penguin". They fight low-quality content and junk links, and you need to know how to fend off their attacks.

The google search robot "panda" was created in order to promote only high-quality material in the search. All sites with low-quality content are demoted in search results.

The first time this spider appeared in 2011. Before its appearance, it was possible to promote any site by publishing a large amount of text in articles and using a huge amount keywords... Taken together, these two techniques did not bring high-quality content to the top of search results, but good sites dropped in the search results.

"Panda" immediately put things in order by checking all the sites and put everyone in their deserved places. Although it fights against low-quality content, it is now possible to promote even small sites with high-quality articles. Although previously it was useless to promote such sites, they could not compete with giants with a large amount of content.

Now we will figure out how you can avoid the "panda" sanctions. You must first understand what she doesn't like. I already wrote above that she is struggling with bad content, but what kind of text is bad for her, let's figure it out so as not to publish such on her website.

The google search robot strives to provide only high-quality materials for applicants in this search engine. If you have articles in which there is little information and they are not attractive in appearance, then urgently rewrite these texts so that the "panda" does not get to you.

High-quality content can be both large and small, but if the spider sees a long article with a lot of information, then it will benefit the reader more.

Then it should be noted duplication, or in other words plagiarism. If you think that you will rewrite other people's articles on your blog, you can immediately put an end to your site. Copying is severely penalized by the imposition of a filter, and plagiarism is checked very easy, I wrote an article on the topic how to check texts for uniqueness.

The next thing to notice is the oversaturation of the text with keywords. Whoever thinks that he will write an article from some keys and take the first place in the search results is very much mistaken. I have an article on how to check pages for relevance, be sure to read it.

And another thing that can attract a "panda" to you is old articles that are outdated morally and do not bring traffic to the site. They must be updated.

There is also a google search robot "penguin". This spider fights spam and junk links on your website. It also calculates purchased links from other resources. Therefore, in order not to be afraid of this search robot, you should not engage in buying links, but publish high-quality content so that people themselves link to you.

Now let's formulate what needs to be done to make the site look perfect through the eyes of a search robot:

  • In order to make quality content, do your research first before writing an article. Then you need to understand that people are really interested in this topic.
  • Use specific examples and pictures, this will make the article lively and interesting. Break your text into small paragraphs to make it easy to read, like if you open a page with jokes in a newspaper, which ones will you read first? Naturally, each person first reads short texts, then longer, and last but not least, long footcloths.
  • The panda's favorite quibble is not the relevance of an article that contains outdated information. Stay tuned for updates and change the texts.
  • Keep track of the density of keywords, how to determine this density I wrote above, in the service I told you about, you will get the exact required number of keys.
  • Do not plagiarize, everyone knows that you cannot steal other people's things or texts - this is the same thing. You will be responsible for the theft by falling under the filter.
  • Write texts of at least two thousand words, then such an article will look informative through the eyes of search engine robots.
  • Don't stray from the topic of your blog. If you run a blog on making money on the Internet, then you do not need to print articles about air guns. This can lower the rating of your resource.
  • Design articles beautifully, divide them into paragraphs and add pictures to make it pleasant to read and do not want to quickly leave the site.
  • When purchasing links, make them to the most interesting and useful articles that people will actually read.

Well, now you know what kind of work search engine robots do and you can be friends with them. And the most important thing is the google search robot and "panda" and "penguin" you have studied in detail.

It is an integral part of the search engine and is designed to search through Internet pages in order to enter information about them into the search engine's database. In principle, the spider resembles a regular browser. It analyzes the content of the page, stores it in some special form on the server of the search engine that it belongs to, and is sent through links to the following pages. Search engine owners often limit the depth of penetration of the spider into the site and maximum size crawled text, so overly large sites may not be fully indexed by the search engine. In addition to ordinary spiders, there are so-called " woodpeckers"- robots that" tap "the indexed site to determine that it is available.

The order of crawling pages, the frequency of visits, protection against looping, as well as the criteria for highlighting significant information are determined by information retrieval algorithms.

In most cases, the transition from one page to another is carried out by the links contained on the first and subsequent pages.

Also, many search engines provide the user with the opportunity to independently add a site to the indexing queue. Usually, this significantly speeds up the indexing of the site, and in cases where no external links lead to the site, in general it turns out to be practically the only way to indicate its existence. Another way to quickly index a site is to add web analytics systems belonging to search services to the site. For example, such as Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica and Рейтинг@Mail.ru from Google, Yandex and Mail.Ru, respectively.

You can limit the indexing of your site using the robots.txt file. Full protection against indexing can be provided by other mechanisms, such as setting a password on the page or requiring you to fill out a registration form before accessing the content.

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Hello friends! Today you will learn how Yandex and Google search robots work and what function they perform in website promotion. So let's go!

Search engines do this action in order to find ten WEB projects out of a million sites that have a high-quality and relevant response to a user's request. Why only ten? Because it consists of only ten positions.

Search robots are friends and webmasters and users

Why is it important to visit the site by search robots has already become clear, and why is it to the user? That's right, in order for the user to open only those sites that will answer his request in full.

Search robot- a very flexible tool, it is able to find a site, even one that has just been created, and the owner of this site has not yet worked. Therefore, this bot was called a spider, it can reach its legs and get anywhere along the virtual web.

Is it possible to manage a search robot to your advantage

There are cases when some pages were not included in the search. This is mainly due to the fact that this page has not yet been indexed by a search engine. Of course, sooner or later, the search robot will notice this page. But it takes time, and sometimes quite a lot of time. But here you can help the search robot visit this page faster.

To do this, you can place your site in special directories or lists, social networks. In general, at all sites where the search robot simply lives. For example, social networks are updated every second. Try to advertise your site, and the search robot will come to your site much faster.

This implies one, but the main rule. If you want search engine bots to visit your site, they need to be given new content on on a regular basis... In the event that they notice that the content is being updated, the site is developing, then they will visit your Internet project much more often.

Each search robot knows how to remember how often your content changes. He assesses not only quality, but time intervals. And if the material on the site is updated once a month, then it will come to the site once a month.

Thus, if the site is updated once a week, then the search robot will come once a week. If the site is updated every day, then the search robot will visit the site every day or every other day. There are sites that are indexed within a few minutes after the update. it social networks, news aggregators, and sites that post several articles a day.

How to give a task to a robot and forbid it to do something?

At the very beginning, we learned that search engines have several robots that perform different tasks. Someone is looking for pictures, someone for links, and so on.

You can control any robot using special file robots.txt ... It is from this file that the robot begins to get acquainted with the site. In this file, you can specify whether the robot can index the site, and if so, which sections. All of these instructions can be created for one or all robots.

Website promotion training

Learn more about the wisdom SEO promotion sites in search Google systems and Yandex, I tell them on my Skype. I brought all my WEB projects to more traffic and I get excellent results from it. I can teach this to you, who is interested!

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