
How to find id in YouTube. YouTube Channel ID: Where to Find the Combination? Google A nalytics account tracking ID

Millions of users visit the video hosting every day: some are frequent guests of YouTube, while others are getting acquainted with the service for the first time ……….

Often, users have many difficulties that can interfere with viewing, so today we decided to sanctify a fairly common problem.

→ This is a YouTube Playback ID error and the message “ Please try again later».

We will also talk about the intricacies of setting the channel identifier and more. ↓↓↓

What you need to know about this issue

→ Speaking in simple words, then the identifier is a certain sequence of characters and numbers assigned to a specific section, channel, etc.

The main task of this code is to identify a specific object among tens of thousands of similar ...

There are dozens of different IDs on YouTube, but for your daily activities, you only need to know about the main ones.

In particular, below we will talk about the following ones.: ↓↓↓

  • YouTube video ID - assigned to each video (for example, for the popular PSY video - 9bZkp7q19f0);
  • user and channel id - special code(for example, the PSY channel has the form UCrDkAvwZum-UTjHmzDI2iIw);
  • identifier Google account Analytics - designed to transfer information from sites to the analysis service.

Popular bugs

Each YouTube video has its own ID, allowing tens of thousands of users to view popular videos.

This code consists of numbers and letters, preceded by url (http://youtube.com).

Any user of the system can view this code.

It is not uncommon for viewers to encounter the "YouTube Playback ID Error" issue. ↓

This error, as a rule, is not associated with problems on the server, but indicates that there is a discrepancy between the data on the user's computer and on the hosting.

If this problem occurs repeatedly and you want to fix it, then we can advise the following:

  • check the functionality on other devices, browsers, etc.
  • clear the cache or restart your computer;
  • synchronize the time on the computer and on the service;
  • check the availability of free space on the computer;
  • evaluate the speed of Internet access.

As practice shows, most often on YouTube there is an identifier error "Please try again later" due to the fact that there is a discrepancy between the date and time on your computer.

If you fix this problem, the video should work again.

Channel ID: all the most important

We have already briefly mentioned what a channel ID is. In fact, this is the part of the link that is located after the "channel" parameter in the browser line.

By the way, you can also see the user ID here.

For many users, the "change channel identifier" function is available, thanks to which you can get an original address that your viewers will easily remember.

The channel requirements at the moment are as follows:

  • 100 subscribers and 30 days from the date of creation;
  • there is an original design and an avatar in the form of a photo.


You can only change your channel URL once, so please be aware of this issue.

Instructions on how to simply change the channel ID:

  1. follow this link ();
  2. now find the item "To change the URL, click";
  3. a page will open where the names for your channel were generated;
  4. now follow the instructions, choose a new name and confirm the changes.

Now you can go to your channel using the link (youtube.com/nazvanie) or (youtube.com/c/nazvan) - this will allow you to use the brand in the name and improve the memorability of your project !!!

Account tracking ID onGoogleAnalytics

Google analytics Is a popular service designed to track audience activity on sites in YouTube services etc.

→ To obtain such data, the site must be posted special Java service code

Most important points of interest to the user are the tracking code of the Google Analytics YouTube account, the ID, and the asset number.

Each of these parameters can be adjusted in order to prohibit or allow access of the statistics service to your data….

How to find your Tracking ID in Analytics:

  • go to the address;
  • go to "Administrator" - "Account" - "Resource";
  • now select the option you want.

→ As for the tracking ID, it might look like “ UA-000000-04».

This code allows the system to determine where to send the desired data.

1. The first part of the digital code "000000" is the account number

2. And the second part "04" - corresponds to the number of the site associated with it.

Thus, we have considered the most popular types of identifiers in the system, as well as elimination of popular errors associated with them. !!!

Identifier YouTube channel(Channel ID) is a personal 16 or 24-digit code that is required to link the channel with third-party services and to organize a unique link leading to the page of each YouTube author. The identifier appeared along with the release of the video hosting - in 2006. But, as now, the ID is assigned automatically, and the combination of symbols is random and does not depend on the region, or on the chosen nickname or theme. Moreover, not every author or blogger knows about the YouTube channel ID and why such a combination is needed.

Why do I need a channel ID

A personal YouTube channel ID is requested primarily when using third-party browser extensions that enable additional functions, like collecting independent statistics about views and subscriptions. In addition to plugins, ID is used in the following scenarios:

  • Organization of RSS feeds. Subscribing to a kind of newsletter directly - without using the YouTube channel ID in some plugins, it is impossible, especially those that offer extensive functionality, but with minimal computer requirements.
  • YouTube channel implementation. On sites of entertainment and information topics, it is easy to attach a link to the YouTube channel for further promotion. But, as practice suggests, without entering a personal ID, the implementation procedure will end with an error.
  • Advertising. The identifier is also useful in situations where you want to order advertising, but exchanges or sponsors require a full informational outline, starting from the subject and nickname and ending with prices and ID.

And about that, see the corresponding article.

How to find the ID

The video hosting offers to view information about the YouTube channel identifier in two ways:

Information about that, you can find out if you follow the link.

ID search problems and errors

How to find ID if errors and technical problems appear? There are three things to keep in mind.

Should I create a channel onYouTube

Hello friends and colleagues! This article is definitely for beginners. Although, sometimes even experienced users cannot always answer the question of how to find out the link to your channel on YouTube.

The fact is that not so long ago, we, within the framework of the project Academy of earnings for someone over 50 held a marathon on teaching computer literacy. Including there were lessons on how to create and design your own YouTube channel.

And this is understandable. If a person is going to make money through the Internet, he must have his own resource on YouTube, since YouTube is the most popular hosting for storing and playing videos.

If you are making money through the Internet, then your YouTube channel is a must. With this tool, you can promote your blog and information products, position yourself as an expert. By monetizing your channel and gaining a certain number of subscribers, you can earn on advertising.

The most amazing thing is that none of those who came to the marathon, and this is more than 1000 people, could not correctly answer the question of how to link to your YouTube channel.

When I decided to write this article, I began to study the materials on this issue and was surprised. Many instructions suggest the following algorithm.

We go to YouTube through google browser Chrome in your account.

The YouTube home page will open. You need to go to your channel. It is necessary. Otherwise, you will send your friends a link to home page, not your own.

To go to your YouTube account, you need to left-click on your avatar icon in the right upper corner screen, and select the item "My channel" in the drop-down menu.

This is not a very convenient way, you can incorrectly delete the end of the link. To prevent this from happening, there is a more reliable way.

Where to find a link to your YouTube channel. Method one

We go to your channel. The algorithm is described above. While on your channel, click again on the avatar on the right and select "Creative Studio" in the drop-down menu. The main panel window appears. Click "View Channel"

And the required link already appears in the address bar.

Where to find a link to your YouTube channel. Method two

Go to your resource. Click on the "Creative Studio" item and click on the avatar on the right again. A small window appears where we select "Settings".

In the settings, we select the channel ID directly.

If you look closely, then the specified identifier is the basis of the link to your channel.

This topic is discussed in more detail in the video tutorial.


Video nowadays is the leading informational component. Having your channel on such a popular resource as YouTube means being a leader in the niche in which you develop. In order for friends, subscribers from social networks and from a blog to come to your channel, they must know the URL of your channel. Now I hope you understand how to find out the link to your YouTube channel and send it to everyone who is interested in your topic. Good luck friends!

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How to find the ID of your own or someone else's page on YouTube:

You open required account, for example: https://www.youtube.com/user/AlexHandle, then open any video from the channel, then under the video, under the views, click on the name of the channel, in my case it is "Handle Video". After that, the main channel opens again, but in the address bar the link is already direct: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXD8fPuwMfizCmgMtc9KAqQ

How to get a short link to a channel:
Alas, only unnecessary "www." and for almost all resources, you can do without "https: //", it is no longer shortened.
It was: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXD8fPuwMfizCmgMtc9KAqQ
Became: youtube.com/channel/UCXD8fPuwMfizCmgMtc9 KAqQ

But here's a nominal link can be shortened a little more:
It was: https://www.youtube.com/user/AlexHandle
Became: youtube.com/AlexHandle

We use the following type of code on our resources:
Causes. Firstly, it is better for the visitor of the page to visually see a short real link, and secondly, this link leads to the original link. Thus, even if the channel owner after a while wants to change the named link of the channel, the link on our pages will remain working as it leads to a permanent link that will not change in any way and the links in our articles will always be relevant.


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