
Time weber hosting affiliate program constructor. TimeWeb Hosting Affiliate Program. Advantages of TimeWeb affiliate program

When I decided to take part in their affiliate program, the conditions seemed quite tempting to me - a 30% reward for the purchase of virtual hosting services by the referred client. And starting from the 26th active client, the reward increased to 40%. At that time, I personally did not come across more profitable offers. Plus, on many other blogs and sites of different GURUs, I saw a lot of banners of this company. From what then I concluded that the companies are trusted. I transferred my site there from a cheaper hosting and began to recommend this hosting to my clients. And everything seemed to be fine so far...

Lack of transparency of partner charges

Because I recommended hosting to clients and registered accounts for them myself, then I was aware of all the payments made. But, for some reason, the reward that I expected to see often came in a different amount than I expected, or sometimes did not come. Naturally, I started asking tech support about it.

As a result of the communication, it became clear that when paying for hosting by some methods, the payment comes with the appointment " total payment' instead of assigning ' hosting payment”(at least this type of payment included payment through a QIWI wallet, which many people willingly use). I don’t remember the exact wording of the appointments, but I think the meaning is clear. As I was told, such payments are tracked and processed by Timeweb employees (! brilliant) MANUALLY! When paying for services by clients through Yandex money, in about half of the cases I immediately received a notification about the transfer of remuneration. The second half of the notifications mysteriously hung somewhere. Anyway.

Decided to try it out, how many active clients I have brought at the moment and estimate, according to the payment amounts known to me, what remuneration I should receive and whether it coincides with the accruals that are displayed in the statistics. With such a check, I also had the result, to put it mildly, did not match.

He began to hammer support again, they say it was nice to be able to see the number of my active referrals (customers brought by me), the dates and amounts of their payments. In this case, you will agree that the affiliate program would be quite transparent and the webmaster could always check whether the accrued remuneration is true. To which I received an answer, they say these the data is confidential and Timeweb does not disclose it. But I do not ask you to open any personal data of clients (name, passport details, contacts, etc.)! A referral login and a table with payment amounts and dates would be enough. But no ... The question is, what kind of transparency of the affiliate program can we talk about? If my calculations did not match even for the clients I knew, how can I talk about controlling the remuneration for clients who came through my advertising materials posted on the network? To believe in the word of the company Timeweb, faith in which is increasingly melting?

Further - more fun. I have already resigned myself to the fact that FIG I will be able to check something. Decided to rely on their honesty. And finally, the long-awaited moment has come when the number of referrals has exceeded 26! I think I'm about to start making money! Now I will receive as much as 40% of customer payments! I recommend hosting. I register another client who almost immediately pays for hosting. I received a reward but not 40%. Again I write to support, they say, what is it? They write to me that such a reward of 40% is accrued if at the time of accrual I have 26 active referrals or more. I look at my affiliate account. I have more than 30 paid clients, but how can I see the active ones? It turns out not. Another opaque relationship...

Problems with withdrawing earned money in Timeweb

More fun to come! Some time later, about 6,000 rubles were collected on my Timeweb affiliate account. And I really needed the money. I think it's time to start withdrawing! Already made plans. Made a withdrawal request 05-12-2013 . A few days later I write to support. Answer:

All applications for payment are made in the order of priority. Upon payment, a notification will be sent to your contact e-mail.

Okay, I think it was not possible to quickly withdraw money from the Timeweb affiliate program. I specify when the translation will be, how long should I at least expect? They replied that approximately within 30 days. 30 days have passed, I'm already writing to them 08-01-2014 . Mol made an application for the payment of partner remuneration. I've been waiting for my payout for over a month now. Somehow you are not serious about your partners. Please indicate when the money earned will be transferred to me.

The answer was practically the same as just above, that everything is in order. And that my payment application is currently being processed. Unfortunately, at the moment it is not possible to give an exact date for the execution of the application.

By the way, now in the yard 14-01-2014. So far there are no changes. So I will continue to unsubscribe here about how quickly I can withdraw the money I earn from the Timeweb affiliate program.

And then I decided to read the contract, on the subject of the time frame Timeweb undertakes to pay remuneration to partners from the moment of application. Unfortunately, there is not a word about this moment. But it is written that it is possible to deduce cash no more than twice a month. Haha, smiled)) Here, soon a month and a half from the date of application for withdrawal will be (and it’s not a fact that this will be the limit).

I hope that Timeweb employees or its management will read this publication and draw the right conclusions.

After all, we, partners, are also people and we want elementary human respect and the fulfillment of the conditions you have proposed. I want transparency of relations, automaticity of accruals and speed when withdrawing earned funds. After all, there are already other companies that offer all this. And it is not worth explaining to such a large and long-standing company on the hosting services market that a satisfied partner is a good source of income for yourself! If you do not strive for this, then your Time in the world web it might end pretty soon. I liked how I wrapped it myself;)

Alternative or Best Hosting Affiliate

What a pity that only later I found an awesome affiliate program for webmasters from

Its difference from the Timeweb affiliate program in full transparency of work with partners!!!

  • You are immediately offered 40% from payment by an invited client for shared hosting services (check the information on their website).
  • Detailed statistics on attracted customers is available! Namely, the table indicates the client's login in the system, the date of registration, the percentage of remuneration (depending on the purchased service), when the last payment was made, its amount, and the amount of remuneration accrued to you from each operation!
  • Affiliate commission received can be used without problems in three ways: withdraw to your bank account after signing an agreement, pay for hosting services for your account (without concluding an agreement), and you can also pay for hosting services for any account of a client you attracted.

TimeWeb Hosting Affiliate Program (TimeWeb)- you can earn up to 40% from payments for hosting services made by clients you referred, up to 20% from payments from attracted clients using the VDS service and 10% from payments from clients using powerful hosting, a dedicated server or a website builder.

The TimeWeb affiliate program is a two-level one, i.e. you will additionally receive remuneration from the payments of clients who were attracted by the webmaster who registered using your link. You will be able to receive 10% of the first payment of each client referred by the second level webmaster.

In order to start earning in the affiliate program, you need to register as an affiliate.

Advantages of TimeWeb affiliate program

  • Two-level affiliate system allows you to receive additional income from webmasters of the second level.
  • Relatively high level partner remuneration compared to affiliate programs of other hosting providers. However, this advantage comes at the cost of higher hosting fees.

Promotional materials

To attract customers, TimeWeb offers webmasters to use a referral link, ready-made banners, or add their own referral site.

TimeWeb affiliate payouts

Affiliate remuneration can be paid to bank details (settlement account or card) or Yandex.Money. In addition, the money earned on the affiliate program can be used to pay for hosting services. To pay (transfer) a partnership agreement, you must sign a partnership agreement.

    I work with the timeweb affiliate program and regularly withdraw money to the card. Payments can be ordered once a month, the minimum is 390 rubles.

06.01.2018 14:11

affiliate program -this is a format of cooperation between a company and individuals or other companies, which allows the company to get clients, and partners- Additional income which often becomes the main source of income.

Timeweb has two affiliate programs-"Webmaster" and "Integrator".


Citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens (living and working outside the Russian Federation) and Russian legal entities. For each attracted client who pays for Timeweb services, the webmaster receives a reward-percentage of the customer's payment. It varies depending on the type of service used by the client:

The exception is payment for registration and renewal of domain names, purchase of CMS, payment for SeoPult, SSL certificates and other services that are not related to hosting services.

Example. You have 7 clients who use the Optimo+ tariff (149 rubles per month), 4 clients use the 1Site powerful hosting tariff (99 rubles per month) and 11 clients ordered the VDS Master tariff (390 rubles per month). So, for virtual hosting clients you will receive 417 rubles, for powerful hosting clients-40 rubles, and for VDS clients-858 rubles. Total: 1315 rubles per month.

You can also attractto the Timeweb affiliate program andother webmasters-you will receive 10% of the amount of the first payment of each client referred by them. This applies to all rates. .

How to become a webmaster?

To become our partner, all you need to do is . After registration, you will have access to the webmaster's control panel, where you will find your ID (WMID, referral code), and you will also see statistics on your account:

In the control panel there is a section with promotional materials-banners that you can use on your site to advertise our services:

For more information about working in the webmaster control panel, see our Help Center .


In order to receive money, the webmaster needs to go through the verification procedure and conclude an agreement. Only after that he will be able to send a request for payment from his control panel-It will be processed the very next business day. If you want to withdraw funds, then the amount of the application must be at least 390 rubles, and you can submit such an application once a month. When transferring funds to the account balance, there is no minimum amount.

You can withdraw rewards to:

  • hosting account;
  • bank account (only for citizens of the Russian Federation and legal entities registered in the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • ruble wallet in Yandex.Money.


Integrator is the second type of Timeweb affiliate program for webmasters and IT companies, which allows you to sell Timeweb services under your company's brand.

With this type of cooperation, you, firstly, will be able to make a profit by attracting customers (as in the Webmaster program); secondly, you will centrally monitor the accounts of attracted customers and manage them. And for the organization of the work of services and technical support we will answer.

Your profit directly depends on you -integrator sets the price for clients on one's own.

The remuneration also depends on the number of currently active integrator clients and can reach 50%:

The amount of remuneration that will be transferred to the account of the integrator,-this is a percentage of the amount that goes to the balance of the integrator and is subsequently used to pay for the hosting of clients under its control.

Example. You have 40 clients, half of which are using the Year+ shared hosting plan and the other half using Century+. That is, you need to pay 7160 rubles per month for hosting the clients under your control (for twenty clients, hosting costs 99 rubles per month, for the other twenty-259 rubles per month with annual payment). You can put 8000 rubles into your account and get 40% reward (silver integrator level)-3200 rubles; total 11,200 rubles on your account. You distribute this money between customer accounts to pay for hosting services.

At the same time, you determine the cost of hosting for clients yourself, that is, the final income depends only on you.

In the ranks of Timeweb integrators, we will be glad to see not only experienced webmasters and developing web studios, but also those who are just about to start their own business in the IT field. The Integrator Affiliate Program will allow you to quickly and easily start your own hosting business.

How to become an integrator

Any individual or legal entity can become an integrator. To start cooperation, you need to register as an integrator, and then conclude an agreement. All actions can be performed remotely, without the need to come to the office in person.

After signing the contract, both parties will create an integrator control panel for you and transfer access data.

In the control panel, you can create and manage customer accounts, as well as see and distribute funds between accounts. AT our Help Center It is described in detail about the work in the integrator control panel.

The integrator's personal account is the balance of the account from which he pays in advance for the hosting services of his clients. Remuneration is automatically credited to the same personal account, which is also used to pay for hosting services for clients managed by the integrator.

Integrator's clients can be connected to one of the tariffs of virtual or powerful hosting, as well as to the postal tariff. Payment can be monthly or annual, and it occurs only through the integrator.

Integrator clients can use almost all additional services timeweb. Also, Timeweb promotions and bonuses do not apply to the integrator's clients.

5 Benefits of Timeweb Affiliate Programs

  1. We are a large company, one of the three largest hosters in Russia.
  2. Any individuals and legal entities can cooperate with us, regardless of their place of registration and residence.
  3. Cooperation with us takes place strictly in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  4. We provide your clients with everything technical capabilities of our company, we help with advertising and training materials. If you have questions or problems, your customers can always contact our support team.
  5. We offer high interest rates and the ability to start earning quickly.

In numbers

Now more than 30 thousand webmasters and more than 800 integrators participate in affiliate programs.

The income of partners depends directly on their activities, so the range of earnings is quite wide and ranges from 30 to 150 thousand per month.

For many, participation in the affiliate program-this is an additional income, but there are also those partners for whom this is the main income.


Send all questions about participation in Timeweb affiliate programs to [email protected]

Timeweb affiliate programs are an opportunity to get a stable additional income or even open your own business. Join now!

All Internet users, one way or another familiar with the creation of sites, know that hosting providers often offer their subscribers to receive rewards for attracting new customers. no exception andtimeweb. Moreover, in recent times the conditions of the hoster's affiliate program have become especially attractive for webmasters.

Participating in the affiliate program from Timeweb is very simple. Just register, enter your Webmoney ruble wallet number and start attracting users to the system. To do this, you will be given a huge selection of promotional materials.

The reward in the affiliate program depends on the number of attracted users and the services they ordered. So, if you managed to invite up to 25 people to use virtual hosting provider, you will be paid 30% of their payments. If there are more than 25 active customers of the service attracted by you, your remuneration will grow up to 40%. For other services (dedicated server, powerful hosting, VDS, website builder), the size of the affiliate payout varies from 10 to 15%. The reward will be paid to your webmoney wallet the next day after submitting an application for withdrawal of funds (the minimum threshold is 390 rubles).

Timeweb also offers to receive rewards for attracting new members to the affiliate program. It is 10% of the first payment of the client attracted by the webmaster of the second level. You can spend these funds to pay for hosting at Year, Optimo, Century, Millennium rates.

On our site you will also find information about promotions and great offers, and other hosting providers.

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