
Battle of psychics alien. Kyshtym dwarf or "Alyoshenka" through the eyes of psychics. Is the Kyshtym dwarf real?

You are watching the Battle of Psychics and this is the 15th season of the most paradoxical and controversial project on Russian TV. And today there will be more accusations against us, but there will also be plenty of miracles that the most furious skeptics cannot explain.

The mystery of the century - the Kyshtym dwarf Aleshenka - who is he and where did he come from and where did the mysterious creature disappear.

7 psychics, they see the hidden, feel the unknown. They amaze and shock, they are not like us, but how did they become like that?

Ekaterina Borisova, she was 4 years old when she first saw the souls of the dead. Katya did not like the ghosts and the girl ran away from them into the forest. The master of Slavic practices became her own among the foresters and kikimors. Baba Katya knows how to negotiate with everyone, even with the brownie.

Nikita Platonov - his gift was discovered after a tragedy when a 6-year-old boy lost his father. The guy from Rostov-on-Don is experiencing his failures harder than all the participants in the 15th battle.

For the winner of the Georgian battle of psychics, Maya, the Russian battle turned out to be more difficult than she expected.

Arseniy Karadzha practices practices that are taught in the FSB. To begin to control himself, from the age of 4 the boy began to practice wushu.

Julius Mitkevich Daletsky was also a little child prodigy. For the first time since the 15th season of the battle, a person is trying to pass the test through observation, deduction and analysis.

Tatyana Larina, at the age of 5, tried to kill her own grandmother. Relations with relatives of the young witch did not work out. And then the girls discovered that essences live in everyone and learned to use it.

The main rival of the St. Petersburg witch Julia Wang. Nobody knows what she really is. She calls herself a spirit of chaos in a female form.

Extraterrestrial test - Kyshtym, dwarf alien Alyoshenka

In the late 90s, the topic of UFOs and aliens became incredibly popular in Russia. Newspapers print pictures of aliens found all over the country. In 1996, a strange creature was also found in the Chelyabinsk region, which the newspapers dubbed the Kyshtym dwarf, but then this story seemed pure fiction. And 10 years later, Moscow journalists became interested in the incident in Kyshtym (Andrey Loshak). The main witness of the miracle was the local opera commissioner Vladimir Bendlen. It was he who discovered the alien during a search in one of the garages. Or rather, his mummy. He brought the find to the site, but there it did not arouse interest, and at his own peril and risk, the enthusiast began his own investigation. It turned out that the mummy was stolen from the apartment of the mentally ill Tamara Prosylina. The grandmother found the creature in the cemetery. Tamara Vasilievna kept Alyoshenka at home for two weeks.
There are almost no living witnesses left. Who or what was Alyoshenka the Pretty. Then an expensive genetic examination could answer this question, but there was no money for it, and the investigator decided to keep the mummy at home in the refrigerator. However, his wife was categorically against keeping the alien in the refrigerator. A specific and very unpleasant and nauseating smell emanated from the mummy.
Tamara Vasilyeva died in an accident, hit by a car, when she found out that a specialist from Japan wanted to examine her to see if she was telling the truth.
The leader of the test, Alexander Makarov, did not hear anything about this story.
The test participants will have to answer the only question - what is in this video, standing with their backs to the screen.
Where did the Kyshtym dwarf come from and where did it go, will they reveal the mystery of the century?

The results of the main test about aliens - the solution to the mystery of the Kyshtym dwarf Aleshenka, can psychics understand what is being broadcast on the screen

Arseniy Karadzha - said what colors he sees on the screen. When I saw what was really there, I said that this creature carries negative energy. Now, according to Karaj, the mummy is used for rituals, the head is allegedly in someone's staff .. It feels like it is a fake from a human fetus. Arseny did not see anything alien in Alyosha.

There is a version that a sect led by Boris Zolotov was involved in the disappearance of Alyoshenka, and under the guise of ufologists, her adherents arrived to Bendlen 18 years ago.
There are many harmful enterprises in Kyshtym, and in 1988 a sump with radioactive waste exploded at the local Mayak chemical plant. This catastrophe is considered almost Chernobyl. The River Leek was then simply rolled up in cement. Kyshtym nature is called "Ural Switzerland", there are lakes and pine forests everywhere, nevertheless, there is a "Radiation" sign near each lake. Fish without eyes are often caught in lakes, doctors have seen newborns with monstrous mutations more than once, even a child with flippers.
Research Vadim Chernobrov, who compiled a description of Aleshnya, counted at least 20 differences from a person (lack of a heel, navel, auricles, a completely different structure of the skull, consisting of 4 plates, and not of 6 as in a person, there was no no genitals, no cartilage in the skeleton, there was a full set of teeth).
There is also the Chilean Dwarf, found in the Chilean Otacama Desert.

Georgian Maya Dzidtishvili- described the small details that she felt in the video, standing with her back to him. When I saw it with my eyes, I decided that it was an alien and is now in the museum.

Ekaterina Borisova- I felt only unpleasant sensations. Baba Katya decided that it was a person.

Julius-Mitkevich Daletsky- refused to take the test due to family troubles.

Nikita Platonov - hurried and started talking when the video had not yet been turned on.

Julia Wang with purple lips - felt the change of time in the frame, saw some frames and described. And she said it was a mummy. When I decided that this is not an animal and not a person, some other form of life. Came at the transition from the portal under the bridge.
For some reason, it reminded me of the Bon religion in which drums are made from small children's skulls.

Feels a sense of unreality or a fantasy film made 15-17 years ago. Mysticism, something otherworldly. I asked for a piece of paper and a pen and tried to draw an image and drew a curved mushroom.
When she looked, she said that it was an alien skeleton. Larina decided that the parents of the aliens forgot to pick up this child of an alien on another planet.

Boris Zolotov claims that aliens took the mummy of the Kyshtym dwarf.

We continue to keep independent statistics on how the psychics of the new 15th Psychic Battle will be tested.
For each exact hit, we will award 1 point.
For an approximate guessing of the situation, but not accurate, and also if something happened sometime, but there are no exact facts of what happened, but the psychic roughly described the situation - 0.5 points.
Points will be summed up from release to release and at the end of the season we will find out how relevant the jury's choice was.

Today's 15th Battle Jury Council decided:
Tatyana Larina receives the white envelope .
The black envelope was received by Nikita Platonov. Train and home to Rostov.

On the test with the Kyshtym dwarf, there was no exact version of who it was:
- or an alien;
- or a person of a changed form due to radiation in the region;

1. Julia Wang - 13 points (3 white envelopes "best psychic of the week" in, and in today's episode 8)
2. Tatyana Larina - 11.5 points (3 white envelopes "the best psychic of the week", and today's 9th issue)
3 Yury Mitkevich-Daletsky - 8.5 points

4. Ekaterina Borisova "Baba Katya" - 7 points (2 white envelopes "best psychic of the week" and)
5 Maya Dzidzishvili - 4.5 points
6 Arseniy Karadzha - 2.5 points

The following psychics left the 15th battle and in the following chronological order:
1) Vasilisa Shatunova - left the battle in the 3rd issue without gaining a single point. She was probably taken for a beautiful and original semi-Asian face.
2) Oleg Cornelius - left the battle in issue 4, gaining only one point. In general, nothing .. Was not noticeable by anything interesting.
3) Alexey Shavyrkin - left the battle in episode 5 with 1.5 points. The host gave him a second chance, but he could not realize it.
4) Master Gahan - for the first time a clown at the Battle, a complete zero! Not a single test passed. Why is he doing this, it is not clear ... Maybe he himself will someday admit. Gone in episode 6.
5) Evgeniy Znagovan - left the battle in episode 7 with 1.5 points. The indicators at that time were the worst. On a par with Platonov.
6) Nikita Platonov - left the battle in episode 9, gaining 2.5 points, but in general, the impression is zero.

The name of the transfer, project, TV show - Battle of Psychics
Season 15, episode 9 - the mystery of the Kyshtym dwarf, psychics investigate the mummy on video, who is this man or an alien?
TV channel: TNT
Air date: November 15, 2014

Chelyabinsk region, November 15 - AiF-Chelyabinsk. Participants of the 15th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" told about the mysterious origin of an unidentified creature, popularly nicknamed the "Kyshtym dwarf" Alyoshenka, who was found in 1996 by a resident of the Chelyabinsk region.

Seven clairvoyants were to unravel the mystery of the phenomenon from Kyshtym in the 9th edition of the Battle of Psychics, which was released on TNT on Saturday, November 15. To do this, Vladimir Bendlin, a former police officer who discovered the mummified body of the “Kyshtym dwarf,” showed them a recording of operational footage, in which witnesses claimed that the mysterious creature had lived with a local resident for a whole week. However, for the purity of the experiment, psychics watched the video, turning their backs to the screen.

Most of all, the experts were struck by the explanations of two participants: a witch from St. Petersburg, Tatiana Larina, and a foreigner from Latvia, Julia Wang, who calls herself the spirit of Chaos, who, according to the mythology of the ancient Greeks, is the immortal god of creation. Both psychics assured that the "Kyshtym dwarf" is of extraterrestrial origin.

“This is not an animal and not a person. He has no soul like a man. This is a different form of life,” Wang shocked everyone. “Not necessarily alien [creature, — author’s note], but from some other world.”

According to Julia, the dwarf Alyoshenka entered Kyshtym through a portal between worlds, the existence of which in physics is explained by the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox.

“This is the skeleton of an alien,” Larina said with confidence. - On Earth, it (author's note - a creature) was alive, maybe for two months. There is a feeling that he was forgotten here ... he should not have stayed here.

However, Tatyana explained the equally mysterious disappearance of the mummy of the “Kyshtym dwarf” with an even more fantastic version. The creature, most likely, was taken by the brethren, since, according to the feelings of the witch, it is no longer on Earth.

Meanwhile, Ekaterina Borisova, a psychic from Bryansk, did not see anything mystical in the “Kyshtym dwarf”. She came to the conclusion that it was the corpse of a child. “Maybe a mutation, maybe some kind of disease,” Baba Katya suggested. By the way, the obstetrician-gynecologist, who studied the find in 1996, came to the same conclusion.

Recall that in April of this year, a film about a mysterious creature from Kyshtym was shot by the American popular science television channel Discovery. Then, that the "Kyshtym dwarf" had a pear-shaped body, thin limbs and skin resembling aspic. However, he was missing an umbilical cord and ears.

“There are many witnesses who claimed to have seen this Alyoshenka alive,” the man said. “However, it is still difficult to fully believe in it.”

1996 gave the world a new mystery: the Kyshtym dwarf. The mystery, which is still unsolved, shocked numerous researchers, forcing them to put forward the most incredible assumptions.

The question of where the unusual creature came from can be answered by the story of a resident of the city of Kyshtym.

The appearance of Aleshenka

The summer night of August 1996 was remembered for a terrifying thunderstorm, hail and downpour. In the village of Kaolinovy, located near the city of Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk Region, lived Tamara Vasilievna Prosvirina.

According to available evidence, the woman suffered from a mental illness, therefore she was registered at the local psycho-neurological dispensary.

Walking in the dark between the graves of strangers, she suddenly stopped next to the burial place of Ledovskaya Valentina.

In the ground between the trees in the grass was an earthen mound. It was there that Tamara Vasilievna discovered the creature.

Digging the ground with her hands, she saw that the little man had been buried upside down. The mysterious dwarf squealed, staring intently.

Without hesitation, the woman wrapped the found miracle in a scarf and took it home. She had no doubt it was a gift from above, found thanks to the voices.

Already at home, having unfolded the find, the woman decided to call him Alyoshenka Pretty. She fed, washed and swaddled like a baby. Since then, Tamara Vasilievna has settled in her mysterious baby.

What was the Kyshtym dwarf

Later, scientists called the find the Kyshtym dwarf. His external description was so unusual that it still amazes.

Aleshenka's height was about 20-25 cm according to various sources. The torso was very reminiscent of a human, as it had 2 legs and 2 arms, a head. In general, he was like a small child, but with his own characteristics.

Firstly, the dwarf did not have a navel, which completely excluded the possibility of a human origin. Secondly, Aleshenka had absolutely no sexual characteristics. Photos taken after death and barbaric mummification testify to this.

According to witnesses who happened to see the little creature alive, his body was brown and gray-green in color, and the consistency of the fluid in the body was puzzling.

But the main, most important feature was the skull, consisting of 4 parts. It had a very odd shape.

Tower-shaped, helmet-shaped, conical - the descriptions vary. The pupils and iris of the eyes were absent, as were the eyelids. The eyes seemed to sink into the skull. The nose in its usual sense was also deformed: instead of it there was a skin fold. A thin gap replaced the mouth, and a full-fledged dentition was represented by only two front teeth. The ears were two small holes.

An interesting feature was the fact that the fingers on the hands had very long and sharp claws.

Solid food was not available to Alyoshenka, so he had to be fed something liquid.

According to Tamara Vasilievna, the first food he ate was condensed milk. After meals, the dwarf excreted liquid through the surface of the body, since he could not produce waste in the usual way due to the lack of appropriate organs.

unexpected death

Tamara Vasilievna lived with a Kyshtym dwarf in an ordinary apartment. Daily meals, drinking from a spoon - this is how Alyosha's life went.

The woman looked after her son with extreme reverence, indulged in sweets. The unusual creature obviously understood the woman's attitude and tried to respond with peculiar signals. It reacted to light, made whistling sounds, and occasionally lifted its miniature legs.

Alyoshenka could not walk, so he was always in a lying position, wrapped in a blanket.

People who saw the dwarf said that his gaze was deep and meaningful, but as if very sad.

Trying to make peculiar sounds, he folded his lips into a tube. It is possible that in this way Alyosha tried to express gratitude to the woman who anxiously looked after him.

As previously reported, Tamara Vasilievna suffered from schizophrenia. She was absolutely harmless, only in moments of exacerbation of the disease could she do strange things.

Neighbors who lived nearby got used to her, trying to take care and not offend. But when the woman told several people about her son Alyoshenka, of course, no one believed her.

Tamara Vasilievna loved the dwarf, took care of him and always felt special tenderness at mention of him.

After another story, one of the residents of the village decided that an exacerbation of the disease had begun, because the son Alyoshenka looked more like incoherent nonsense than the truth.

Tamara Vasilievna was hospitalized, placed for a while for examination in a psychiatric clinic.

The woman tried to convey to the doctors that the story about an unusual baby is true, and she needs to be at home, otherwise he will die. But again, they didn't believe her.

The doctors agreed that the story about the unknown son was nonsense caused by illness. Obviously, it was the absence of Tamara Vasilievna, who provided him with food and water, that caused his death. In total, the Kyshtym dwarf lived with her for about a month.

Further developments

After the death of Aleshenka, his story continued. There are several versions of what happened.

  1. After Tamara Vasilievna was placed in the hospital, they tried to rob the apartment. The thief saw an unusual creature, killed him and cut out all the internal organs, and then hid the corpse in the freezer. Later, the investigative committee found him there. However, it is completely unclear why this was done.
  2. The daughter-in-law of Prosvirina decided to look into the apartment, to see if everything was in order. The woman knew about the dwarf, since Tamara Vasilyevna told her about him, and once even showed her. Entering the house, she realized that Alyoshenka was dead. The body began to rot, the larvae covered its surface, and a disgusting smell filled the apartment, which was more like the smell of tar than human. The daughter-in-law of Tamara Vasilievna at that time was with a friend and, at the same time, a tenant who decided to benefit from a poor deceased creature. Nurdinov, the man had such a surname, dried the alien dwarf in the sun, intending to sell it later. But this did not happen, as law enforcement agencies managed to intervene in the matter. Investigator V. Bendlin seized Alyosha's body.

The existing photographs were taken during this period and are authentic.

While in the hospital, Tamara Vasilievna was interrogated, and the testimony was recorded on videotape. At that moment, Aleshenka was dead.

The woman was inconsolable, crying and lamenting, because she warned the doctors. Of course, Tamara Vasilievna experienced the pain of loss: for her, the mysterious dwarf became dear.

In 1999, the women had another seizure. At night, she ran out of the house without clothes, driven again by voices. She was standing on the road at the moment when 2 cars appeared, squeezing her between each other.

Tamara Vasilievna died instantly. But here's what's interesting: later the cars were never found, they seemed to have evaporated. The mysterious death of an elderly woman still raises a lot of questions.

Is the Kyshtym dwarf real?

The discovery of an alien creature aroused wide interest, so the investigation was carried out on a large scale.

The first stage was the study of the pathologist and gynecologist.

The conclusions were clear: the creature was not a human embryo. And the most interesting thing is that the proportions of Alyosha's body were characteristic of an adult individual.

The explanation is simple: in children, the head always exceeds the size in relation to the body. The absence of a navel spoke of an alien origin.

But for detailed answers, DNA analysis was required, which was not possible due to lack of funds.

The unusual shape of the head could be caused by a mutation or underdevelopment. It is possible that the deformation was made on purpose in order to give wide publicity to an unusual creature.

Specific female organs or traits may have been unformed or eliminated through improper mummification in the sun.

  • alien creature. Also, one of the versions is the assumption of an alien origin, although not supported by anything.

Investigation of psychics

In one of the seasons, it was decided to conduct an experiment, during which psychics had to describe the photo, standing with their backs to the screen.

Video footage taken at the time of the investigation showed the mummy of Alyosha. But, despite all efforts, the issue remained unresolved, because the assumptions diverged.

Some believed that he was a sick child, and someone was sure that this was a mutation of a human embryo.
But the strongest participants in the program, Tatyana Larina and Julia Wang, put forward the most significant versions.

Tatyana said that the footage captured something mystical and otherworldly. After watching the film, she was sure that Alyosha was an alien left by his parents on our planet.

Julia said that a dwarf is a type of life form that has nothing to do with the human species or any animals. This creature came to us through a special portal. According to Julia, Alyosha did not have a soul, and his appearance is the injuries received during the transition through the worlds.

According to psychics, the Kyshtym find is not the only one of its kind. Other countries also found something similar.

Unusual facts

Strangely, Wang was right in her statement. People like Alyosha were found in other places.

Alyoshenka from Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico: 20 years ago, a young man walking near the mountains noticed several tiny creatures. Their growth did not exceed 30 cm.

Noticing the man, the creatures tried to talk to him, but the guy got scared and killed one of them with a blow from a club. The rest of the individuals hurried to hide in the bushes nearby.

After the shock and surprise wore off, the young man realized that he had killed an alien creature.

Then, turning to the professor for research, the young man gave him the right to dispose of the find.

But the story does not end there, as the life of a young man has changed dramatically after this incident.

He seemed to be going crazy: it seemed to him that he was being watched and peeped through the windows; he could not sleep at night because he was tormented by nightmares.

References in art

  • 2007, experimental theater, Yekaterinburg, play "Alyoshenka - the Kyshtym alien". News, interrogations, archives and testimonies were used for the script.
  • 2007, the film "Extraterrestrial". Presented at the 32nd International Festival "Golden Chest" in Bulgaria. Awarded for directing. Presented at the 41st International Independent Film Festival, Houston. Received the Grand Remi Award.
  • 2008, Theater No. 3, Yekaterinburg. A play based on the story of Alyoshenka.
    Battle of psychics, season 15, episode 9.


The story of the Kyshtym dwarf spread all over the world. Everyone considered it necessary to speak out about the veracity of history. But no matter how many opinions there are, the authenticity of the find is confirmed and recorded: video clips, photographs and witnesses.

Show Genre: paranormal show

Leading: Marat Basharov

Worst Psychic: Nikita Platonov

Best Psychic: Tatyana Larina

9 episode of the 15th season of the "Battle of psychics" from 11/15/2014

Kyshtym dwarf Aleshenka

In 1996, a very strange creature was found in the Chelyabinsk region, which the newspapers dubbed the Kyshtym dwarf. But then it seemed just a fiction, but 10 years later, Moscow journalists became interested in the incident in Kyshtym. The main witness of the miracle was Vladimir Bendlin, a local opera commissioner, as he discovered the "alien" during a search of one of the garages, or rather his mummy. It turned out that the mummy was stolen from the apartment of the mentally ill Tamara Prosvirina, who found this creature in the local cemetery. Tamara Vasilievna kept him at home for two weeks, he was seen more than once by her friends and daughter-in-law. The leader of the test, Alexander Makarov, had not heard anything about this story. Psychics were asked to stand with their backs to the screen and try to feel something. They will only have to answer one question: "What is on this tape?" Will psychics tell who the "Kyshtym dwarf" really was? Where did he come from and where did he go? Will they solve the mystery of the century?

The first to unravel the mystery of the "Kyshtym dwarf" is Arseniy Karadzha. Arseniy was able to quite accurately feel the colors prevailing in the video (red and gray). But he could not tell why, when and by whom the video was filmed. Seeing the video, the psychic felt a very heavy energy. Arseniy Karadzha is sure that if this mummy can be found, then it will definitely need to be isolated from people. According to the sensations of the psychic, it was an unborn child who was betrayed by various forms.

Maia Dzidzishvili was next to interpret the mysterious video. The clairvoyant felt voices, saw that the video was of poor quality. Seeing the video itself, Maya stated that it was an alien creature. In her opinion, he is in the museum, which she disappointed the skeptics.

Katerina Borisova did not really like what was shown behind her back. Baba Katya even started to feel sick because of this video. Seeing the video, the clairvoyant almost word for word repeated the testimony of people who saw Alyoshenka alive.

Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky refused to take the test, as he had an emotional breakdown that day, and therefore he would not be able to use all his abilities to the fullest.

Nikita Platonov felt the energy of the video even before it was shown, which immediately brought smiles to the faces of the people present at the test. Then Nikita began to continue to say things far from the video, and in the end he was mistaken in everything.

Julia Wang appeared on the set in a very unusual way, which immediately struck all the men present at the test. After the launch of the video, Julia began to very accurately describe some of the features of the video, she felt when real people appeared in the frame, what they did. Julia saw the mummified remains being examined in the video. But who was on the video, Julia could not say. She is sure that this is a different form of life, different from animals and people, since he does not have a soul. The observers were very impressed with Julia's abilities.

Tatyana Larina was the last to appear on the set. The clairvoyant had a feeling of unreality, as if she was being shown a fantastic film behind her back. Then Tatyana had some kind of image to draw, she asked for a piece of paper and a pen, the drawing turned out to be quite similar to Alyoshenka's mummy. After seeing the video, the psychic came to the conclusion that the video was a skeleton of an alien.

Tatyana Larina became the best psychic of the week, Nikita Platonov was the worst.

At the jury's advice, they immediately noted the successful performance of Tatyana Larina and Julia Wang, but it was Tatyana who impressed the people present at the test more. Nikita Platonov was chosen as the worst, despite the fact that Julius refused to pass this test at all, skeptics believed him and believe that it is better to remain silent than to speak nonsense.

Today, another worthy representative of the alternative army will be presented: an outstanding film director, philosopher-theologian, you can read about one of his discussions from 2009 in the forum http://www.jwforum.eu/viewtopic.php?f=107&t=12935
You are anti-responding, why is a film director - so he has his own pocketFilm Studio of Leo the Thin name of academician Korolev, as you will see by watching his video.
But first, let's look at Aleshenka's topic (recall if you missed it - the body disappeared without a trace in 1996 - 19 years ago, if, of course, it existed) the version of psychics, for confirmation:

Psychics have revealed the secret of Aleshenka the humanoid

The story of a Kyshtym dwarf named Aleshenka gained popularity with renewed vigor after he was told about in episode 9 of the Battle of Psychics on TNT. Scientists and ufologists have long puzzled over the origin of an unknown creature. Apparently, the participants in the “Battle of Psychics” season 15 put an end to this story.
The story of Aleshenka the alien began 17 years ago in a village in the Urals. Pensioner Tamara Prosvirina found an unknown creature in the cemetery, 20 cm tall, similar to a human embryo. The woman brought him home and named him Alyoshenka, her son. Communication with an unknown creature led to the fact that an elderly woman ended up in a psychiatric hospital.
A few days after her departure, the humanoid Alyoshenka died. His corpse was found by a thief who climbed into Prosvirina's house. Later, the already dry body of a strange creature fell into the hands of scientists who made a shocking statement after the examination: Alyoshenka is not a person. However, it was not possible to find out the exact version of the origin of the humanoid - the corpse of the creature mysteriously disappeared.

Photo of Aleshenka the alien
At the "Battle of Psychics" season 15, the participants tried to unravel the secret of Aleshenka. Basic Hope journalists who once informed the world about the discovery fell on the two strongest clairvoyants programs - Julia Wang and Tatyana Larina.
Both participants of the "Battle" said with confidence that Alyoshenka is an unearthly creature, and that his relatives simply left him on our planet by mistake. This version also explains the fact of the mysterious disappearance of the Kyshtym dwarf - they came back and took him away. Is it possible to believe psychics in such a case is a moot point, but given that Tatyana Larina and Julia Wang never made a mistake on a test. programs, their words still inspire confidence.
Now the fate of the Kyshtym dwarf Aleshenka is unknown. All that remains is a video showing his corpse. It is likely that over time, some of the versions about its origin will be confirmed.
________________________________________ _______________
So that even the best psychics of the "Battle" confirm the numerous studies of L. Thin, here he proves the alien essence of the missing object based on the recalculation of the ribs: 5,6,7 ... 12.
Original taken from levhudoi "A video was found where the humanoid Alyoshenka counted 6 pairs of ribs, and the chuluvek should have 12 http://levhudoi.blogspot.ru/2015/04/6-12.html
Journal here levhudoi in my tweets A video was found where the humanoid Aleshenka counted 6 pairs of ribs, and the chuluvek should have 12 http://levhudoi.blogspot.ru/2015/04/6-12.html

A full review of the Aleshenka case is here http://levhudoi.blogspot.co.il/2014/03/blog-post_22.html .

Ridiculous mistakes made by Vadim Chernobrovin the investigation of this story here http://goo.gl/5xWj8E

And now we will consider only one point - about the number of ribs in Alyoshenka.

Alyoshenka had half as many ribs as a human. This is one of the proofs that he is not human. The number of ribs can be seen in the photographs. There are 6 pairs of them:

But, even more accurately, it was possible to calculate not from photographs, but directly on the body itself, when Alyoshenka's body was available for research in 1996. Aleshenka's body was held in his hands and examined by the urologist Igor Uskov, who believes that it was a human miscarriage. To substantiate this conclusion, he referred, among other things, to the coincidence of the number of ribs in Alyoshenka and in humans.

The body was in the hands of the truth-seeking investigator Vladimir Bendlin for the longest time. He also counted the ribs and recorded the process on video. This is the difference from Uskov's unsubstantiated statement. The full video of the inspection has never been released. Only excerpts in various documentaries about this story. In one of them, on the RenTV channel, you can see how someone touches the ribs exactly 6 times. But no sound.

And so, in November 2015, the next issue of the "Battle of Psychics" was released, which shows a fragment of a video recording of an examination with sound, where a person clearly pronounces the phrase "six ribs".

The most interesting thing is that I asked through social networks everyone who saw Alyoshenka's body up close how many ribs he had. Only Vladimir Bendlin answered. And he replied that he did not remember this. But he personally made the video, and, in my opinion, this voice in the frame is his. I was sure that the ribs were accurately counted because it is very easy and very important. The protruding ribs are immediately striking and immediately there is a desire to count them.

In addition to the fact that I proved that there are half as many ribs, another thing is important: those people who deny miracles, and specifically, the physical presence of real aliens on Earth, do not hesitate to condescend to the level of outright bestial lies. Urologist Igor Uskov brazenly "on a blue eye" in an interview with the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" http://gazeta.aif.ru/online/aif/1140/19_01 stated everything exactly the opposite, that there are as many ribs as a person. Copy here http://web.archive.org/web/20090510004433/http://gazeta.aif.ru/online/aif/1140/19_01
Igor Uskov

- ... While I had it, me, don't be a fool, counted the number of bones. Him just like a human , 12 ribs attached to the chest.

Now let's take a closer look here. I especially liked the thug expression "I do not be a fool." Why is this hair dryer bogging? I know this tone from the miracle-hater Vladimir Braginsky. He is also a great scientist, but uses blatant criminal expressions like "beat in the face."

So, about the number of ribs in Aleshenka, the urologist Uskov told the truth. Ribs can count. Because he graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy (CHGMI; Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy), 1979 - , http://my.mail.ru/mail/igor.uskov.60/info
I turned to him through the social network "My World Mail RU" about a year ago with a request to refute my slander and no answer, no hello. Who can somehow contact him, help bring his statement to an open discussion. Let me know how you can contact him.

Although my experience suggests that such people refuse to answer for their words.

Full review of Aleshenka here http://levhudoi.blogspot.ru/2014/03/blog-post_22.html , and here there is only one point - about the number of ribs.

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