
How to force close a file. How to close a window using the keyboard. First, let's analyze the ways out of the situation on OS Windows

How do I close a program if it doesn't close?

Currently the most common operating system- Windows. And a huge amount has been written for her various programs... The trouble is that the vast majority of software from independent developers is not tested very thoroughly, so problems with software freezing, and the computer itself as a whole, are not rare.

But what can I say - even software from professional developers and major brands, at times, also presents the same unpleasant surprises. What to do in such cases and how to close the program if it does not close? There are several proven ways, among which you can certainly find the best one for your individual case.

How to close a program if it does not close - proven and working ways

So, let's list the most common, proven and working ways to close a frozen program in the operating room. Windows system... Some of them are quite lightweight and do not require any special knowledge. Others assume average PC ownership. Some methods make it possible to continue working in the operating system without rebooting, with a second attempt to start the frozen program. Others leave no choice but to restart the computer:

1. The first method is the most common, but only relevant in those cases when you have free time. This way is just waiting. After the program has frozen, it is enough to wait from 5-10 seconds to 5-10 minutes. Most often, a frozen application either closes itself or continues its work in the usual normal mode. Games, software for PC maintenance, work programs - all this often requires serious resources and if the computer does not instantly cope with the increased load, you can observe such freezes. You can wait a bit and the software will continue its work;

2. The second method is also quite common. If you cannot close a frozen program with a cross at the top of its window, you can select its window by left-clicking on its upper border and briefly hold down the ALT + F5 key combination on the keyboard (sometimes ALT + F4 is still advised, but this method is far from working always). With a 70% probability, the program will stop working and the processes of the operating system will function again as before. After that, you can try to run again the desired program by waiting a couple of minutes before trying (so that its process in the system finally dies);

3. The third method is quite simple. You can hover the mouse over the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, find the display there work program, move the mouse pointer over this display, right-click and select “Close application / program” from the drop-down menu. Often this method works and the software forcibly terminates its work;

4. The fourth method is more difficult, but any person can handle it. If the program hangs and the previous advice did not give anything, then you need to close it through the "Task Manager" - it is in any Windows operating system and can be launched in various ways. For example, by right-clicking on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen and selecting the appropriate menu item, or by pressing the CTRL + SHIFT + ESC key combination.

So, in the "Task Manager" you will see a list of all running applications... It will contain your frozen program as well. Click on it with the right mouse button and in the menu that appears, select the item "End process". In 85% of cases, this helps and the program immediately closes. If this did not help, then in the same "Task Manager" select our frozen program, click on it with the right mouse button and click on the item "Go to the process". Several processes will open to you, which were launched by the frozen program. You can turn them off one by one, achieving a complete stop of the application and its final closing;

5. The fifth method is even more complicated, but everyone can do it. It is useful in case there is no program in the Task Manager list. This also happens, so don't be surprised - this is normal. In the "Dispatcher", go from the "Programs" tab to the "Processes" tab and among the list that appears, we look for a hung application by its name. It also shows the load of the computer's processor by the current processes and other data - it is easy to determine from them what generally hangs and what slows down the computer. The process is closed in exactly the same way as described in the paragraph above - right-click on the process, in the menu, select the option upon its completion - that's it;

6. The sixth method will require the installation of an additional software... There are many third-party programs from independent developers that control and monitor the processes on the computer, allowing them a little control. We will not list them here, since there are really a lot of them, starting with Total commander and ending with various little-known applications.

Perhaps you can stop at the wonderful CCleaner program, which allows you to manage the startup of applications, their removal and cleaning the registry from left entries. It is not uncommon for a frozen application to be a virus or just a crookedly assembled program. It is sometimes possible to complete its process only by removing and cleaning the computer from all the tails that this software could have left in it.

How to close a program if it doesn't close - a radical method

The most radical method for closing a program that does not close is to uninstall it with a complete reboot of the computer. Quite often, users unknowingly or accidentally install some kind of application on their computer, which entails the installation of a whole package of incomprehensible programs (for example, Chinese ones, which are written to startup and are very difficult to remove, especially if they do not know what it is). For example, Baidu. I wrote about it in detail in this article:

CCleaner allows you to not only remove unnecessary applications, but also to clear them from the entries in the registry of the operating system. Also, with its help, you can remove programs from startup, which is very useful in situations when the computer turns on, incomprehensible applications are automatically launched immediately, which cannot be closed by conventional means.

How to use CCleaner? You can find out from this article:

Closing programs, if they do not close themselves, can be done by a radical method, especially if it is left-hand software (although if it is possible to reinstall the desired program, then this can also be done). First, we try to remove the process through the "Task Manager" and if it is not there or it is not removed for some reason, launch CCleaner, find it in the list installed programs problematic and delete it. Most likely, a notification will pop up that the program is running and cannot be removed.

We ignore it and continue the uninstall process. After that, we go to the "Registry" tab and clean it, removing all references to the problematic program from it. Through this software, you can also find the path where the program is installed and manually delete the folder with its files.

This guarantees that after restarting the computer, the problematic software will not be launched and will not freeze along with the entire system. After doing these operations, do not forget to remove all the tails from the problematic program by running the registry cleaner again.

How do I close the program?

Very often, PC users are faced with a freezing situation of the program, that is, when it does not work normally, and does not close. If you encounter this problem, see the information on how to force quit a frozen program.

Closing the window

Before resorting to more serious methods, you can try to simply close the window of the program that has stopped responding. For this:

  1. Make sure the application you want to quit is active and press Alt + F4.
  2. Try right-clicking on the hung application tab and select "Close program".
  3. Finally, if the situation is not too critical, you can right-click on the application icon in the upper right corner and select “Close” from the drop-down list.

Task Manager

Task Manager - computer program which lists running processes... Any process can be terminated with the help of the dispatcher.

To call the Task Manager, you need to use the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keyboard shortcut. After that, a menu will appear in which you can start the task manager.

There is a way to do it faster by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keyboard shortcut. In this case, the dispatcher will start immediately (without opening the menu).

To close the program, you need to select the hung application in the "Applications" tab (marked as "Not responding" in the far right column) and click the "End task" button. Or you can right-click on the application and select the same item from the drop-down list.

There are situations in which even this method does not help. In this case, you need to go to the "Processes" tab and find in it the process that you intend to complete. The search will be somewhat complicated by the fact that this tab lists all applications running at the moment, including background ones. In addition, the name may differ significantly from the one specified in the "Applications" tab, since the "Processes" displays the name of the executable file, not the program.

So, having found the frozen application, you can close it by highlighting and clicking on the "End Process" button. Alternative option is to click on the application with the right mouse button and select from the drop-down list of the same item. If you intend not only to close the program, but also to terminate all processes associated with it, select “End Process Tree” from the list. This function will close all processes directly or indirectly related to the hung program.

Third Party Applications

Meet malware that cannot be "killed" with standard tools Windows. To manage such applications, you need to use third party programs... For example, Process Hacker or Microsoft's Process Explorer.

Since such programs have a more complex interface, they are used by more experienced users. But they can also be used by beginners. You just need to run the program and find the process you need. After that, complete it by selecting the appropriate item (kill, complete or close).


There is a tricky way to update all running tasks - restart File Explorer. Doing so may stop the unresponsive applications from freezing. To close Explorer in Task Manager, open the Processes tab and stop explorer.exe. After that, in the "Applications" tab of the dispatcher, you must click on the " New challenge"And enter" explorer "in the field of the dialog box that appears. Explorer will start again, and the hung application may be updated.

Create shortcut

An alternative way to close the program is to create a shortcut, the launch of which will lead to the termination of all hanging processes.

To use this method, you will need:

  1. Right-click on the desktop and select "Create shortcut" from the list.
  2. In the field under the line "Specify the location of the object" insert "taskkill.exe / f / fi" status eq not responding "".
  3. Name the shortcut to be created.
  4. Assign a keyboard shortcut to be able to quickly invoke a process. To do this, right-click on the shortcut, select "Properties" in the context menu, in the "Shortcut" tab, write the combination in the "Shortcut" field.
  5. Assign run as administrator.

Now, as soon as any program freezes, press the assigned combination and it will close.

Additional ways

To exit to the desktop while a full screen application is freezing, try:

  1. Press the "Windows" button on the keyboard.
  2. Use one of the function keys F1-F12.
  3. Press the Esc key on the keyboard.
  4. Use the keyboard shortcut Win + Tab or Alt + Tab and select the desktop.

If none of the options worked, read the article for additional guidance.

What not to do

  1. Do not restart the computer in emergency mode with the Reset button on the case system unit... This is an extreme measure.
  2. Do not try to run the unresponsive process again. Thus, you load the machine's RAM even more.
  3. Do not run other programs.

Our article is devoted to situations when computer games for PCs or smartphones freeze. Surely each of our readers faced a similar unpleasant situation and it was far from always possible to close a frozen game without rebooting. Let's take a look at ways to solve such problems!

How do you know if the game is frozen?

It's actually quite simple, as computer games often freeze. They do this at the moment of start, at the moment of loading the main menu, at the moment of loading the game world, and during the game process too - the screen darkens, the sound in the game disappears or loops, it simply does not respond to pressing or your other actions. Let's see how to get out of this situation.

How to close the game if it is frozen?

For starters two simple rules about what not to do. Firstly, you should not immediately press the "reset" button or turn off the power supply of the PC - more on that below. Secondly, you do not need to launch this game again or launch other programs - this will only worsen the situation.

What you need to do is try to close the frozen game and keep the computer working in order to save possible data from other programs and safely restart the computer. Modern Windows operating systems have already learned to recognize a game freeze and can close it on their own, displaying the following message:

However, sometimes it does not float on top of the "crashed" application, so you have to switch to it with the Alt + Tab combination. In other cases, you will have to close the game yourself

In most situations, the tips below will allow you to safely close any game. In some cases, the hang is so strong that the mouse and / or keyboard work with a long delay. In this case, you will have to consider the reaction time of the system and act patiently.

If they do not work at all and you cannot "reach" the computer in any way, you will have to act tough - the very last method that can be used only in cases where the computer does not respond at all to your commands.

This method will allow you to close the frozen game - you need to click on the "Restart" button of the system unit of your computer, or turn off the power, and then turn it on again. Restarting your computer this hard can harm your hardware, operating system stability, and other programs, but you may not always be able to close the game using the methods described below.

How to close the game using the keyboard and keyboard shortcuts

If you have determined that the keyboard is working, then there are several possible options closing the game. First, try to do this using the Alt + F4 key combination. In a number of old games (up to 2005 release) the Ctrl + Break combination will help.

You can try switching to the desktop using the Win + D combination (minimize all windows) or switch to another application using Alt + Tab. Now you need to see if the taskbar is located at the bottom of the screen (or where the "Start" button is) and try to close the application by right-clicking on the corresponding icon in the taskbar and selecting "Close window".

This method allows you to close the game without the "Task Manager", but it only works in only 30% of cases. If this does not help, you will have to call the "Task Manager". In Windows XP, the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Delete is intended for this, in newer versions of Windows, such as Windows 7 / 8.1 or 10, you must use the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

How to close the game using the task manager

The Task Manager window that appears will usually offer the Applications menu first. A frozen game can be removed in this menu, but it is better to immediately remove the process through the next menu "Processes". In some cases, the mouse will not work, so use Tab switching in order to select a line of work menus (the current active menu will be highlighted with a square), and then use the arrows to go first to the desired menu, and then select the desired process.

Now you need to press the Delete button, or select the desired process with the right mouse button and click "End Process". After these actions, it will take from 1 to 10 seconds, after which the system should remove the frozen application or game.

Occasionally, you may need to activate the Show Processes All Users menu to get a list of all involved processes.

Similar actions can be carried out using an alternative program of the regular "Task Manager", which is called Process Explorer. We'll have to follow similar steps.

How to close a game on Steam

This problem is faced by fans of online games launched through specialized launchers and distributed through Steam. The situation can be paradoxical - Steam shows that you are still in the game, while you left it long ago and have already forgotten to think. Because of this, it is impossible to close Steam or launch another game. How to be?

First you need to see if the launcher of this game is closed, and you need to check not only in the "Taskbar", but also in the "Task Manager". Look to see if the process of the game or its launcher is hanging, if you find something, close it right away.

In addition, this problem occurs due to the fault of the Steam client itself, for example, it may arise after the next update. Try to wait for the next update - they come out almost weekly. Check to see if the "overlay" mode (SteamOverlay.exe) is enabled, which may also be responsible for the occurrence of such a failure.

If all else fails, you will have to "kill" the Steam.exe process in the "Task Manager".

How to close the game in Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10

The last Windows versions focused on the sensory capabilities of new computers. Therefore, Windows 8 owners often cannot figure out how to close an application.

To do this, you need to "hook" the mouse on its upper part and drag it to the lower part of the screen. This action can be done with your finger, "dragging" the application down, and it will first decrease in size, and if you continue to move your finger to the bottom of the screen, then it will close.

In addition to the standard and described above options, there is one more. It is necessary to call the application bar, which opens in Windows 8 from the left top corner moving the mouse down. You must right-click on the application you want and select the "Close" menu item.

How to close a game in multitasking

This problem is faced by the owners latest smartphones from Apple. The iPhone 5S and the iOS 7 operating system introduced full-fledged multitasking, which allows the smartphone to keep more than one application in memory without stopping those applications that are in the background. However, with this innovation, Apple device users found that iPhone battery discharges quickly due to the large load of the smartphone, since the OS does not seek to free up memory and processor.

Despite the "swipe up" gesture, which should close unnecessary applications or games, these may remain running in the background. Therefore, for owners of "jailbroken" iPhones, updated to new version, several different unofficial applications have been released for cleaning RAM and closing games in multitasking mode. These applications include Clear Background Apps, SwitchSpring, Slide2kill, KillApp7 and others.

Apple developers declare that the iOS operating system independently monitors spending random access memory and closes inactive applications and games as needed for these resources for other applications and games, so use the applications we specify at your own risk!

What to do if the program freezes in Windows 7 ??? I think many people know that at this moment the Task Manager will come to our aid (it is called by the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keyboard shortcut) In the window of which you can find the Applications tab, select the desired program and click End task. Thus, the interfering program will close. But everything can be done much easier and faster: all you need to do is create a shortcut, clicking on which, you can close all frozen programs. Everything is very simple, you need to follow a few steps:

1. Click on the desktop with the right mouse button, find the item "Create" and select "Shortcut"

2. In the window that opens, we find the line for the location of the object (opposite the button "Browse")
Copy the following code taskkill.exe/ f/ fi"Status eq not responding" to this line

and click "Next"
3. In the next step, we need to come up with a name for the shortcut. (For example, "Close the program" or "End task")

Click "Finish" This is how we created our shortcut.
4. At the next step, click on the shortcut with the right mouse button and select "Properties"

In the "Shortcut" tab we find the line "Shortcut" and enter the keyboard shortcut. (For example, Ctrl + Alt + Z) Thanks to this, we can kill all frozen tasks with just three keys. Only when choosing keys, use free combinations that are not yet used in the system. For example, Ctrl + Alt + some letter.
5. In order to run the command as administrator, click "Advanced" and check the box next to the line "Run as administrator"

That's all we needed to do. But now you will have a quick and convenient way to kill all frozen programs. this way allows you to remove tasks with the "Not responding" status (in other words, frozen programs) And if you still need to remove a working task, then the Task Manager already known to us will help here.

That's all. Good luck with dealing with unresponsive programs. 🙂

Windows programs and games can freeze and slow down your computer, some even very often. There are several ways to close them - you can wait until the program "wakes up" and exit it, or call the task manager and from there forcibly close it.

Sometimes a program or game can severely "freeze" the system, and there is no way to go to the task manager. What to do? How do I close a frozen program? What else are there quick ways closing programs that are not responding?

The easiest way to close the program is to use the ALT + F4 keys. Almost every computer user knows this combination. But it will not help us in the case when the program freezes and the message "Not responding" is displayed when closing.

You can close the program through the Task Manager (press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc), select the frozen application and click on the "End task" button. Sometimes a force-closed program crashes Windows and blocks your computer. A similar situation can arise in the case of closing games - when a full-screen application freezes, the only thing we can see on the screen is a black picture that covers all windows.

Automatically "close" applications that are not responding

The first method is to make changes to the system settings, so that Windows automatically closes applications that are in the "Not responding" status, that is, those that are frozen.

To activate this feature, go to Registry Editor. To do this, press the key combination Windows + R, enter the command regedit in the Run window and confirm its launch with Enter.
In the editor window, go to the following path:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop.

Then right-click on the Desktop entry and select New - String Parameter.

We will name the created parameter as AutoEndTasks, then double-click on it and assign it the value "1" to activate. After that, you should restart the system and you're done - now all applications running under account Windows user will automatically close the moment they hang.

Closing Applications Using ProcessKO

ProcessKO is a program that runs in the background and allows you to quickly close an application using hotkeys. Despite the use of hotkeys, the closing process is different from the familiar ALT + F4 keyboard shortcut. In the case of ProcessKO, the application will be closed immediately, just like when using the Task Manager. The only difference is that the utility does not require calling any window - it is enough to remember the new key combination.

After installing the program, you need to leave it running in the background (you can run it along with the system).

You also need to activate the keyboard shortcut - open the menu in the upper left corner, then go to the "Kill Hotkey" tab and select the first option.
From this moment, when the program does not close (or when we simply want to close it quickly), just press CTRL + ALT + F4. This will quickly close the application without saving any changes.

How to terminate a program via the command line

Sometimes open program or a process running in the background may freeze so much that even a forced shutdown via the Task Manager in Windows 10 does not help. In this case, it will be useful to close the process with command line.

This happens when an application either open window freezes to such an extent that nothing can be done with it. Such situations sometimes occur, and even the Dispatcher Windows tasks there may be a problem with closing the process responsible for this program... In such cases, we use another way to close processes running in the background - using the command line in administrator mode

Go to the Windows 7 Start Menu or to Start Windows screen 8.1 and enter the command in the search box cmd... The Command prompt should appear in the list of found items. Right-click on it and select “Run as administrator.

In Windows 10, right-click on Start and select Command Prompt (Admin).

In the Command Prompt window, enter the command tasklist and confirm its execution with Enter. A table will open listing the processes running on the computer. This is the same list found in the Task Manager window.

Then we look for a hanging or unnecessary program(process). You need to check what its PID number is - it is displayed next to the process name in the second column. We remember the PID number and type the following command on the keyboard to forcibly close it:

taskkill / pid ##

Instead of "##", enter the PID of the process to be closed. That is, if we want to close, for example, the AvastSvc.exe process, which is assigned PID 1496 in the list, then the command would look like this:

taskkill / pid 1496

After confirming with Enter, the specified process will be closed. In the same way, we can forcibly close a program running in the background.

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