
Electronic gadgets - what are they? Gadgets - what are they What are gadgets

? What are gadgets? V modern world we often hear these concepts sometimes use them and not always in the correct form. Now everything will fall into place and we will figure out what devices and gadgets are.

How is the correct device or device

Using English words in Russian colloquial speech, we often make mistakes in pronunciation, not to mention the spelling of words. The word "device" is no exception, it is pronounced and written in different ways by device and device, how is it correct?

In order to understand how to pronounce and write correctly, you need to check the transcription of the word device | dɪˈvaɪs | reads like a device. I think we figured it out, we can move on.

Devices what is it

On the Internet, you can find different definitions and meanings of the word device, but they all agree on one thing.

Device,-a; m (noun) [eng. device - device, device] is a device, a device that is used in many areas, designed to perform a private, special task. An independent device that does not require additional connections to other devices.

V English language this word is used much wider than in Russian, but we have historically developed that only devices such as computers, laptops, smartphones belong to devices, Appliances and other smart cars.

A gadget and a device, most are used to considering these words synonymous, but alas, this is not entirely true. Indeed, both can be called a device helping a person, but not every device is a gadget and not every gadget is a device. Let's take a look at the definition of a gadget.

Gadget(eng. gadget - contraption, adaptation, device, bauble) - small device, created for auxiliary purposes, in order to facilitate a person's life. Gadgets include smart bracelets, fitness trackers, electronic patches, glasses virtual reality, players.

If the word gadget is used in the slang of programmers and Internet users, then gadgets can mean small applications (weather, informers, news announcements).

Devices and gadgets what is the difference

When to use the word gadget for a device or device, and when a device. Let's take another look at what a device is, but in simple words.

Device- an independent, multifunctional device powered by a battery or mains. The device does not require any auxiliary devices to operate.

Gadget- an auxiliary device performing one or several primitive functions, for the operation of which additional devices may be required.

The reason for raising this issue is largely due to the crossfire of some devices. How to call them devices or gadgets. Such devices include:

  • Computers;
  • laptops;
  • tablets;
  • smartphones;
  • smart watch;

These and similar devices can lead a person to contradictory conclusions and make them use words incorrectly.

How to determine what is a device and what is a gadget

What I’ll offer you now will help you not to get into awkward situations. As there is a rule in the Russian language "what to do or what to do", so similar can be used in our case only a little differently.

If electronic device performs one or two functions this is a gadget, it is a multifunctional device.

Ask a question:

  1. "What can a computer, tablet, laptop do?" The list of answers can be very long. This is the first and main feature of the device.
  2. “What can they do Digital Watch? " If your watch shows the date and time, perhaps a compass or a stopwatch and they are modern, then this is a gadget. If they still have access to the Internet, have a GPS or tell you about your heart rate and heartbeat, then this already applies to devices.

The devices do not require other devices to work, we have already found out. But flash drives, USB gadgets, headphones cannot work on their own, they need devices.

Conclusion. In conclusion, I would like to say that the concept of a gadget and a device is so intertwined and so intertwined in the minds of "indigo children" that I would not advise you to argue with anyone about what is a device or what is a gadget. Not everyone and not always can and should prove something. The main thing is that you know the difference! Moreover, the one who will argue, most likely, did not look for information on this matter, or his sources are not competent enough.

A question for thought, how would you call this device a device or gadget?)

The word "gadget" has become a part of our modern lexicon. Sometimes we don't even think about what it means, and we call any device with many functions with this word. In this article, we will take a closer look at the most popular gadgets, what they are.

Word meanings

First, let's find out all the meanings of this word:

  • translated from French "gagée" - small instrument, accessory;
  • translated from Scottish "gadge" is a form of a measuring instrument;
  • in the vocabulary of sailors, translated from French "gâchette" - a part of the shooting mechanism;
  • translated from English "gadget" - a device, a device.

The last option is perhaps the closest to us. So, gadgets, what are they? These are non-standard technical devices that allow performing several non-trivial functions at the same time.

What are the characteristics of gadgets?

Examples of the most popular gadgets

They are interesting, these gadgets (what they are, we discussed earlier). Easily fit in your pocket and can sometimes be replaced full-fledged computer... Among the most popular:

Computer term

In the operating system, gadgets are elements that perform specific functions. They can be seen in Windows Vista (located in a special sidebar, which is located on the right side of the screen by default), Seven (you can set the location of the gadgets yourself). Similar elements can be found only in the OS installed on PCs and laptops, but also on phones, smartphones, communicators.

Another meaning

As a child, many of us have seen or heard about the cartoon "Inspector Gadget"... This is the name of the main character - a resourceful detective who had the right devices for any occasion in his life.


Often there is a confusion of this term with another English word "device". If you look into the dictionary, then it means a device created for a specific purpose, that is, it does not have multifunctionality, but is sharpened for certain actions. However, in practice, one and the same item is called both a "gadget" and a "device". So, in fact, there is no difference in these words, and they can be considered synonyms. In this article, we examined what gadgets are, what they are, what characteristics they have.

In the 21st century, the smartphone has become an integral part of every person's daily life. Therefore, the developers are trying to equip their new products with the most unusual and unique features. Our review presents the 10 best mobile devices that will be indispensable helpers for their owner in everyday life.

1. Thanko Inflatable Smartphone Holder

Japanese company Thanko presented its new concept of inflatable smartphone holder. The novelty is perfect for those who like to take a bath with a smartphone, but are afraid of getting it wet or dropping it into the water. The length and density of the holder can be adjusted as needed. The model is presented in three colors: white, pink and gray, and its dimensions are 460x220x90 millimeters and weighs only 740 grams. You can buy such a device for about $ 20.

2. Fashionable and Practical Bracelet - Bead Bracelet Lightning Cable

New original USB cable in the form of a bracelet for Apple iphone... The device allows you to connect your smartphone to a computer or laptop to transfer information. This accessory is available in several colors: white, red and pink. Price Bead Bracelet Lightning cable is only $ 13.

3. Pplkpr application that understands the emotions of its owner

Developers Lauren McCarthy and Kyle McDonald have created a new app Pplkpr that can understand how its owner feels when communicating with different people. It can be downloaded and installed absolutely free of charge on your smartphone. The mobile application works in conjunction with a tracker that allows you to track the pulse and heart rate. The novelty also supports Bluetooth wireless technology for synchronization with the owner's mobile gadget.

4. Functional Case for Apple Iphone - Moment Case

In today's world, many people use their smartphones as a camera. That is why the company Moment developed a new concept for Apple Iphone - Moment Case. This model is one of best covers for mobile photography... There is a shutter button on the body that allows you to take autofocus and then take a picture. You can also mount an interchangeable lens on it, and the bayonet mount will provide quick and reliable fixation. The cost of such an accessory is $ 49.

5. Virtual reality helmet from Apple Iphone

Swedish engineers have expanded the possibilities iPhone and developed a unique device Moggles thanks to which all owners Apple smartphones can turn their mobile gadgets into a virtual reality helmet. The manufacturer said that the novelty is ideal for video games. A game controller is supplied with the device, with which the owner will be able to control the Moggles. The cost of such a device is $ 130.

6. New Equil Smartmarker - Technological Innovation for Data Reading

New smart gadget Equil Smartmarker can read information from various surfaces. Thanks to this device, any board up to 4.9 x 1.5 meters in size can become an electronic panel. It works in autonomous mode from the built-in full charge battery, which will last for eight hours of continuous operation. Using a special mobile application, the device can be synchronized with your smartphone or tablet to transfer the read data. The cost of the novelty is $ 700.

7. Unique device TactPuck from Tactonics

Company Tactonics has developed a device that is capable of transmitting emotions at a distance using tactile sensations. This device will allow you to send messages in the form of physical sensations. To use the novelty, it must be synchronized with your smartphone wirelessly. bluetooth technology... The developers are confident that the remote transmission of sensations will make communication at a distance more personal and, if desired, intimate.

8. Phone-constructor from Google

Company developers Google introduced a smartphone Ara... The novelty is available in three sizes, but which ones have not been specified yet. The standard set of the phone-constructor costs 50 US dollars, it consists of a case, a display and Wi-Fi module... It is also worth noting that Paul Eremenko announced an award of 100 thousand US dollars for the development of a unique module for the novelty.

9. Functional bracelet Sun Kids for tracking a child on the beach

Company NIVEA designed an original paper bracelet Sun Kids that allows you to follow your child on the beach. In order to get such an accessory, you just need to buy any glossy magazine with advertising from NIVEA and cut Sun Kids right from it. And thanks to the special mobile application supporting IOS and Android platforms, you can track the location of your son or daughter at any time using your smartphone.

10. Practical device - Apple Watch for remote control of Tesla electric car

Ukrainian development team from the company Eleks has developed special application for smart watch Apple Watch, with which you can now remotely control the Tesla electric car. The main goal of this project is to prove the functionality of the novelty presented by Apple... The developers also plan to expand the capabilities of this device, but no specific information is yet available.

Fans of unusual devices will certainly be interested in these

The word "gadget" has become a part of our modern lexicon. Sometimes we don't even think about what it means, and we call any device with many functions with this word. In this article, we will take a closer look at the most popular gadgets, what they are.

Word meanings

First, let's find out all the meanings of this word:

  • translated from French "gagée" - small instrument, accessory;
  • translated from Scottish "gadge" is a form of a measuring instrument;
  • in the vocabulary of sailors, translated from French "gâchette" - a part of the shooting mechanism;
  • translated from English "gadget" - a device, a device.

The last option is perhaps the closest to us. So, gadgets, what are they? These are non-standard technical devices that allow performing several non-trivial functions at the same time.

What are the characteristics of gadgets?

Examples of the most popular gadgets

They are interesting, these gadgets (what they are, we discussed earlier). Easily fit in your pocket and can sometimes replace a full-fledged computer. Among the most popular:

Computer term

In the operating system, gadgets are elements that perform specific functions. They can be seen in Windows Vista (located in a special sidebar, which is located on the right side of the screen by default), Seven (you can set the location of the gadgets yourself). Similar elements can be found only in the OS installed on PCs and laptops, but also on phones, smartphones, communicators.

Another meaning

As a child, many of us have seen or heard about the cartoon "Inspector Gadget"... This is the name of the main character - a resourceful detective who had the right devices for any occasion in his life.


Often there is a confusion of this term with another English word "device". If you look into the dictionary, then it means a device created for a specific purpose, that is, it does not have multifunctionality, but is sharpened for certain actions. However, in practice, one and the same item is called both a "gadget" and a "device". So, in fact, there is no difference in these words, and they can be considered synonyms. In this article, we examined what gadgets are, what they are, what characteristics they have.

Why do we need gadgets, what are they? What devices are gadgets?

Word gadget is of English origin (gadget in Russian means "belonging") and means technical device, a device that can have increased functionality, but at the same time has limited capabilities.

The main attribute this device is portability.

Gadgets are traditionally considered handheld computers(PDA) and Cell Phones equipped with functions such as recognition text input, text and graphic editor, organizer or slide-out keyboard.

The most famous gadgets include fountain pens with a set of electronic services (for example, a ballpoint pen phone, a pen camera, etc.), radios with additional functionality, laptops, e-books and more.

The main purpose of gadgets is to perform certain functions on the computer desktop.

They do not need to be purchased, they are distributed completely free of charge and do not require installation. Some of them may well replace, for example, huge applications that need to be installed in order to implement one any function.

Gadgets are located on the computer desktop, which in turn makes it possible to quickly and easily access information of interest to the user.

The very first gadgets appeared with operating system(OS) Windows-Vista, where they were located in a special panel. Now they can be placed anywhere on the desktop in Windows-7.

There are not so many gadgets in the standard installation package of Windows-7. In order to find more useful and interesting products, you need to right-click on the desktop and in the menu of standard gadgets that opens (bottom right) click the button "Search for gadgets on the Internet". There you can find the most suitable option for yourself.

The following point is worth noting. Each gadget comes with its own settings. It is enough to move the mouse cursor over the gadget and click on the key that appears.

There you can make changes to certain display parameters or functionality. In addition, all gadgets have one useful property, their transparency relative to the OS desktop can be modified.

Gadgets for Windows 7:

Christmas trees

Contains six animated Christmas trees to decorate your desktop for New Year and Christmas.

Nice cute online translator for your desktop. Has a large number of languages. For the gadget to work, you need to install the Microsoft Silverlight package - the first time you start it, a corresponding message will be displayed with a link to download this package from the official Microsoft website.

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