
Distribution of material in the Internet information war. Dissemination of material in the Internet information war How can information be disseminated

There are several types of information dissemination on the Internet:?

Internet newspapers and information portals. ?

Internet radio stations and TV channels. ?

Regular sites. ?

Free sites. ?

Guest books. ?

Email. ?

News servers, etc. 158

The scheme for working with Internet publications is much similar to paper publications. Find the contact details of their editor and launch a press release (one of the above types). Very often online publications duplicate news published on paper. By studying the dissemination of news on the Internet, it is possible to monitor the media after RI campaigns.

Internet radio stations and TV channels have practically the same features as ordinary ones, but they are, as a rule, more democratic and sometimes take news that ordinary TV channels refuse. And if you have a piece of music and you cannot post it on a regular radio station, you have enough chances to successfully post it on the network.

These channels have a wider audience, as they can be watched in any part of the world, but in general, this audience is smaller than that of conventional media.

All organizations and individuals can successfully create and popularize their own Internet resource. It is important to make it well-known and well-visited: if you succeed, the resource starts working.

If you need anonymity and relative independence of the resource, place it on free hosting. In general, when it comes to black intelligence, posting information on free hosting is an effective move. For at least a week, you are insured against any censorship and can write whatever you want. However, if free hosting is located

in Russia, you have a chance to lose your site. For example, you host a site on a free hosting narod.ru. Your competitor finds this site and is dissatisfied with its content. He can send a fax to Yandex and ask them to remove your site. The site will be closed. Of course, almost any site that contradicts the law can be closed on demand. Take advantage of this when you come across a site that spreads negative information about you.

Free hosting provides almost complete anonymity (in any case, you are very difficult to figure out), and for black RI this is a significant advantage.

Other places where you can distribute any information are forums and message boards. The most popular and visited forums, as a rule, are moderated, that is, their content is constantly being edited. For the successful dissemination of information, you need to find specialized forums where your topic will not contradict the focus of the forum.

Here you will find an interested audience and supporters of your idea, and also will not be deleted by the moderator.

After posting a topic, constantly support it by adding more and more new information. Answer questions and engage in dialogues. Then you will get a popular topic that works effectively and is in the forum topic for a long time. Popular forums are visited by up to 30,000 people a day, which is comparable to the audiences of a major media outlet. 160

Email is a great PR tool, especially when it comes to any specific target audience. This carrier of information worked well when the campaign against anti-personnel mines was carried out. A small group of people were able to email find many influential and well-known supporters and practically achieved a ban on antipersonnel mines. They started by sending targeted letters to public figures and public organizations. Then they had their first supporters. Then the usual, non-Internet-related actions against mines began. Then they were joined by famous artists and other people. As a result, a congress was called, where the use of anti-personnel mines was discussed, and restrictions on their use were introduced.

Try to send emails in a targeted manner. However, if you need to distribute information that the censorship may not miss, then you can resort to spamming. But forget the myth about the effectiveness of spam. Spam is the most disgusting and unworthy advertisement for a professional. Its effectiveness is measured in hundredths of a percent and is extremely small. In addition, spam causes an inherently negative attitude towards your information.

ICQ and IRC provide users with online chat rooms. Naturally, through them you can easily find new supporters of the idea and just acquaintances. PR information disseminated in this way is usually read (unless the text is too long). But again,

more effectively target your efforts to a well-defined audience.

There are also news servers. They are completely similar to forums, but they are read and filled special programs and do not require a person to visit any site. Each such news forum has its own topic, and you need to match it in order to be successful.

In general, the Internet has very high opportunities for the dissemination of information. There is virtually no censorship or restrictions, everything is determined by your talent and technical knowledge.

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The basis for the development of any business is attracting new customers. The task is solved primarily by the dissemination of information about a new offer or service. For these purposes, advertising technologies use all famous channels communications. From placement in major media (TV, Internet, print) and street advertising, to viral marketing. It all depends on the budget of the advertising campaign. Most effective method to get a huge audience for little money, and sometimes for free, the Internet offers.

Just follow this simple step by step tips and you will be on the right track.

Brief step by step guide
So, let's get down to action, tuned in to the result.

Step - 1
To get started, develop an advertising proposal in accordance with the laws of marketing. It should be interesting (memorable), informative and useful. Try to compress your information into such a format, and you can quickly convey it to the addressee. Having done this, proceed to the next steps.

Step - 2
Define your target audience- those who will really be interested in your proposal. Find where your consumer "lives", what resources he uses, in what social networks he communicates, what he is looking for on the Internet. This specification will make advertising effective. Otherwise, "sparrow shooting" will turn out. Having done this, proceed to the next steps.

Step - 3
Register in thematic communities, social networks, forums where it makes sense to post your message. Communicate, be interested in the life of project participants and you will find a response from interested people.
Create a free website, blog, with the ability to host complete information about the offer, promote them, making them visible to search engines. Submit your information on message boards and thematic portals with free posting.

We recommend that you pay attention to the following tips:
Remember that the easiest way to distribute information - mass mailing - cannot be used for your purposes. It is not only illegal but ineffective. Most of your potential customers will just send annoying spam messages.

We hope that the answer to the question - How to disseminate information - contained useful information for you. Good luck! To find the answer to your question, use the form -


Register in thematic communities, social networks, forums where it makes sense to post your message. Communicate, be interested in the life of project participants and you will find a response from interested people.
Create a free website, blog, with the ability to post full information about the offer, promote them, making them visible to search engines. Submit your information on message boards and thematic portals with free posting.

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Remember that the easiest way to distribute information - mass mailing - cannot be used for your purposes. It is not only illegal but ineffective. Most of your potential customers will just send annoying spam messages.

Anyone can become a victim of a crime. There is no specific gender, age, intelligence or social status that make you immune to aggression or fraud. But to perceive such a development of events as inevitable is wrong, right - to realize your own vulnerability and to protect yourself as much as possible.


Choose your social circle carefully. According to statistics, it is very often those people whom you know well that become rapists, robbers and even murderers, and not someone mysterious from the outside. If you close your eyes to the unseemly actions of acquaintances in relation to others, there is no guarantee that this will protect you from such behavior in relation to you.

You should not bring into the house, acquaint with your way of life people about whom you do not know anything. If you are employing wage earners, use a reputable agency to find them. If you want to hire a housekeeper, nanny, au pair on the recommendations of friends, carefully check documents, make copies of your passport, ask the phone numbers of those people whose staff worked before joining your friends, do not hesitate to make inquiries. Don't let your kids or friends bring people they don't know very well. Meeting at a nightclub is not yet a reason to call someone into the house.

Avoid your daily routine. A predictable person is the perfect victim. If they are watching you and know that you repeat the same rituals day after day, it is easier for them to plan their actions. If the criminals, watching you, that you are not very predictable, they can look for an easier victim.

Do not keep large sums of money, serious valuables at home. Even very wealthy people living in mansions and apartments equipped with various security systems prefer to put their jewelry in safe deposit boxes. Before investing in antiques, make sure you are able to spend on a decent burglar alarm.

Choose safe areas to live in. Let your house there be smaller in size and more expensive in value, but in a good area people with criminal intentions stand out too much and therefore petty robbers and hooligans try to avoid such places.

If you go on vacation, ask your neighbors to pick up your mail, leave the radio on, draw the curtains, and keep the night light on. Your home should not give the unambiguous impression of being abandoned. long time.

To feel safe on the streets, plan your route in advance. Know where you are going and why. Tourists are robbed so often, not because they do not know the city, but because they are confused and have no idea where to go next. If you are a visitor to the city, use the maps, hire a guide, or ask the locals you know to be your Chicherone. If you need to ask for directions, talk to shop assistants, doormen at restaurant and hotel doors, law enforcement officials, but not bystanders.

Do not wear too flashy and noticeable expensive things for a walk - jewelry with large stones, watches with massive bracelets, equipment in bright cases with logos of famous brands. A bulky wallet also draws the attention of unwanted individuals to its owner. Try not to pay with cash from thick bundles, some criminals spend their time in stores to look at those who have a lot of banknotes.

In bars, restaurants, nightclubs, do not leave your food and, especially, drinks unattended. Do not accept drinks as a gift from casual acquaintances, know your "dose" and control it.

When you come to the door of a house or car, get your keys out in advance and have them ready. Before you get behind the wheel, do not forget to take a look at the back seat - there may be a burglar lurking there.

Remember that aggressors choose victims for more than appearance, but also in demeanor. A person who listens to loud music or speaks on the phone while walking is a preferred target, as they are clearly not in control of the situation and are focused on something else. Drunk people are more vulnerable than sober people. Those who look down, hunch over, cringe and show their insecurity in every possible way are an easy target for those looking for a submissive and passive victim.

Robbery, robbery, rape - danger lurks at every step, and no one is immune from it. How to protect your health and property from criminals? How to avoid becoming a victim of an attack?

Hello dear reader!

This option for solving the problem of countering the spread of negative information is similar to the methods of a bad doctor. Imagine, dear reader, how a person comes to the doctor with a headache and asks for help. The doctor, after listening carefully, prescribes treatment, prescribing expensive medications. Does this, by any chance, remind you of the work of a marketer who reports to management about what customers were unhappy with, and then about proposals for improving the situation and the budgets that are needed to implement the proposals? Agree, dear reader, that there are commonalities in the work of a bad doctor and a marketer. Let's think about it and try to figure out what this work will lead to.

Now let's look at this example, how we managed to neutralize the flow of negative information. With the introduction of the coefficient at the stage of sales planning, the situation when there is a shortage of the most demanded products has been resolved. The customer, getting what he wanted, could no longer say that this company did not have what he needed. On the contrary, the customer could say that he can always buy what is required. The flow of negative information has stopped.

Let's return to our topic - negative information, how to deal with it and how to neutralize it. As an adherent of a systematic approach to solving problems, I can say the following ... Any problem related to the dissemination of information, especially negative information, must be solved systematically! Problems of this type can be solved in three ways. (see fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Ways of solving problems.

As you can see from the diagram in Figure 1, each of the methods works in its own time. This does not mean that if you see a deterioration in the situation, then you have to wait until the consequences come to take action. Solving the problem using method 3 is the most difficult and costly!

The first way. It allows you to significantly minimize losses from negative information, and ideally reduce them to zero. This is a way for those who are used to working proactively, thinking in advance all the possible consequences of their actions, the actions of their subordinates and colleagues. We can say that this is prevention. After all, the disease is easier to prevent and accept preventive measures than to treat or, moreover, to deal with complications after the disease. Thus, at this stage, we try to prevent the formation of situations that can become the reasons for the emergence of negative information.

Second way. Unfortunately, not everything in business can be foreseen. There are circumstances that cannot be predicted. It is quite understandable that some of these circumstances can lead to the emergence of negative information. We were unable to prevent the disease. Now it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible in order to avoid complications. At this stage, we solve two problems at once. First, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the negative information. Secondly, it is necessary to neutralize the negative customers that have already formed.

I will give one more example from my practice. Early in my career, I worked for an IT equipment supply company. In mid-November, one of my clients placed an order for equipment, which I, in turn, had to order abroad. Being, at that time, a person with little experience, I boldly told the client that his equipment would be delivered to him by the end of the year. Alas, I was wrong. I did not take into account that in Europe, according to Catholic canons, Christmas is celebrated at the end of December, and not like we do. Therefore, from December 25, customs terminals in Europe are closed. My client's order was stuck at customs in Europe. At the end of December, I had a very unpleasant conversation in a raised voice with a client who was extremely annoyed that his order was "stuck" at customs in Europe. After lengthy negotiations, we nevertheless came to a common decision. However, it cost me part of the profit - I had to give the client a solid discount. The relationship with the client has returned to normal.

We can say that I have solved the problem facing me in the second way. I lost money on one contract, but saved a client, with whom we had a lot of joint work later.

Third way. The reason for the negative information was not predicted at stage 1 and was not neutralized at stage 2. Customers are so "offended" with you that they reduce the volume of purchases from you and increase the volume of your competitors, telling everyone around what kind of incompetent partner you are and recommend have nothing to do with you. Here they are, the consequences of miscalculations !!!

What to do? First, let's answer another question. Do you really need to do anything at all? You, dear reader, may want to object to me, say: "Let me, if you do nothing, then the company will inevitably come to collapse !!! It is necessary to take urgent measures !!" And, of course, you will be, to some extent, right. But I propose not to discuss this topic, but to understand the essence of the problem. I am sure that any of your actions are aimed at the development of your company, at its prosperity, at its profitability. It is fair to assume that some of the clients will see your decisions as correct, while others will cause sharp rejection, criticism and negativity, especially when these decisions are implemented.

I once watched the implementation of a customer-focused solution. The company's management made a decision to restructure the company's client base. The restructuring was the following process:

  • ABC customer analysis;
  • Clients whose average monthly volume of purchases did not exceed the established minimum limit were offered to become partners of the second level (to make purchases not from the company, but from “larger” clients).

Of course, the "camp" of clients was divided into two groups. Those customers who still had the right to buy directly from the company were satisfied, because the order processing speed increased dramatically (“small” customers no longer wasted time from the company's managers, and this time was devoted to those customers who remained). Those clients who became second-tier partners were extremely unhappy because their purchase prices were higher. This situation is shown schematically in Figure 2.

Rice. 2. Scheme of distribution of clients after restructuring.

The results of the restructuring showed that the company's turnover increased, while the workload of the company's managers decreased.

However, what about the negative information spread by clients who have become second-tier partners? To stop the spread of negative information, the company conducted a series of marketing campaigns aimed at developing second-tier partners. As a result, all the negative was removed, the further dissemination of negative information stopped.

Well, now I invite you, dear reader, to look at the dissemination of negative information and methods of countering its dissemination, as they say, with one glance and summarize:

  • We all live in time. Negative information does not arise by chance, spontaneously. Its occurrence is associated with our actions. Using the method "3 ways of solving problems for the dissemination of information", you can predict the appearance of negative information long before its appearance and take measures to avoid such a development of events. Sometimes it may turn out that negative information and its dissemination will have such small consequences that the need to counter it will be more resource-intensive than eliminating the consequences of dissemination.
  • If mistakes are made at the forecasting stage and the process of disseminating negative information is already in full swing, then, following the principles good doctor, it is necessary to fight the causes of the disease. These can be revisions of the company's plans, and cancellations or adjustments. decisions taken... Many things. It all depends on the situation.
  • If the mistakes made have led to negative consequences, when the company has already begun to suffer losses associated with negative information and its dissemination, then the most important factor is time! The time that was lost before. Any steps to remedy the situation must be clear and consistent. Throwing from side to side will only aggravate the situation. At this stage, there is no longer time to first take steps to neutralize negative information, and then return the departed customers. At this stage, many processes will have to be done in parallel to each other and it is extremely important to track so that the processes do not contradict each other.

As an afterword. History knows many examples when negative information about a company is formed and disseminated by the company itself. Some large companies do this deliberately, using negative information, for example, as a tool to create a competitive advantage or generate additional profit. Dear reader, you have come across such examples, haven't you? So maybe you and I should learn how to use them for the benefit of your company, what do you think?

Now a few words about how to distribute the information itself on the Internet, and not links to it. Remember that we are only looking at the most obvious tricks, and in information war there is a constant search for new effective technologies. The purpose of this action is to familiarize yourself with the disseminated information as much as possible more people - familiarizing people with the promoted point of view. This is the main task. And there are auxiliary ones, which often become the main ones. For example, creating the appearance of a massive discussion of the problem. In other words, when you need to get the impression that THIS is everywhere, that THIS is discussed by everyone. Or when you need to create "information noise" in which hidden information would "drown" and no one would pay attention to it ...


The word "sowing" in the appropriate environment refers to an event for the massive dissemination of targeted information on the Internet. Scattering seeds over a large area, so to speak. The goals are described just above. But it makes sense to discuss technologies separately.

In general, the same techniques are used as when distributing links. The most used is to create a large number of blogs and distribution of the blank by publishing it in these very blogs, in the comments to the blogs. For mass use open blogging hosting.

Also used for "seeding" and comments on articles on portals that allow you to comment on your materials. Forums for "seeding" they are used much more actively, since there is no need to insert links, which means that many of the restrictions of the moderators do not apply. Guest books are also used for distribution, but their effectiveness is lower due to the limited audience of such guest books.

But there are specialized platforms for publishing materials - the so-called publishing services... There are platforms for one-time publications, there are for regular ones. Suitable for "sowing" and spam- e-mail newsletter. The main thing is to remember about the attitude of users to spam and implement it with the "amendment" for this feature.

"Authoritative source"

A special technology for disseminating information is the creation of an "authoritative source". This refers to the creation of a source, information on which is perceived as valuable for users. It is clear that it will not be possible to quickly create such a source. It is necessary to create it in advance and maintain its "authority" until the required moment, or even longer. It depends on the chosen strategy. In fact, this is a multi-step combination of misinformation.

The creation of an "authoritative source" is associated with some peculiarities. The first is anonymity. Most likely, it will not be desirable for you that the very material for the distribution of which the site was created was somehow connected with you. Therefore, it is better to initially make your relationship with such a resource closed from the public. The second is the exclusivity of the material to be posted. The material is needed so that it "hooks" people. It is better if this material is unique. But it may not be unique, but organized so that it is convenient for users to use it. At least it is more convenient than other resources.

In addition, your "authoritative source" needs to be made authoritative among search engines. Moreover, on the topic with which you plan to "work" in the future. To do this, you need to do its SEO optimization. All the same search engine optimization, content optimization and link mass. And also - regular updates - posting new, interesting materials and discussions initiated by "someone" of materials from this source in social networks.

Somewhere in six months (if you actively promote such a source), it will become sufficiently "known" and it will be possible to use it for the main task. True, you will be sorry for your efforts to promote it, but there's nothing you can do about it. But if used correctly in an information war, such a source can be made even more "authoritative" - ​​for example, due to the scandals that it covers, or even in which it participates. Conventional show business technology.

"Communication" of two nicknames

Another actively used information dissemination technology is imitation of human communication. On the forum, in the blog, in the comments ... Two or more accounts are created and communication between them is initiated using the very information that needs to be disseminated. Of course, this is not such a massive action as "sowing". Rather, it is a targeted strike aimed at a very specific group of people. But on the other hand, such technology makes it possible to overcome people's doubts about the disseminated information. The "eavesdropping" effect is triggered. It seems like strangers are communicating, but I "overheard" their communication. They communicate with each other, which means they were not going to deceive me ...

In addition, people tend to trust people more than news agencies, and even more so in official statements. Therefore, if the disseminated information has the form of communication between two people, then it is more likely to be perceived as true.

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