
Typical project for the plant. The main decisions made in the project are poor. Workstation configuration module

1 General

1.1 Review of regulations

When developing the project, the requirements of the following regulatory documents were taken into account:

  • GOST R 51241-98;
  • R 78.36.005-99;
  • SNiP 3.05.06-85;
  • SNiP 12.1.30-81;
  • SNiP 111-4-80;
  • GOST 12.2.013-87;

All technical measures are developed in accordance with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire safety and other standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation and ensuring safe operation of the complex system for human life and health, subject to the measures provided for in the working documents.

The initial data for the design were: technical design assignment issued by the Customer, space-planning drawings.

1.2 Characteristics of the protected object

The object is an administrative building with a protected area, located at the address: Moscow.

Entry to the territory of the object is carried out through 4 checkpoints, with installed automatic gates equipped with an access control system. The entrance to the building is through 4 turnstiles, also equipped with an access control system. In the building, 150 service and technological premises are subject to ACS protection.

2 The main technical solutions adopted in the project

2.1 general characteristics systems

2.1.1 The adopted technical solutions are based on an integrated approach to the protection of the facility, taking into account the requirements for the equipment installed at the facility.

To ensure the protection of the facility, and to meet all the requirements of regulatory documents, the project provides for the use of the following control equipment:

  • ACS-102-CE-B - RusGuard ACS controller;
  • TTR-04.1 - "Perco" turnstile;
  • RDR-102-EH - access card reader;
  • PR-EH05 - vandal-proof access card reader;
  • CAME ATI 5000 - linear self-locking gate operator;
  • CAME ZF1N - drive control unit.

2.1.2 The ACS-102-CE-B controllers are installed in the security room (turnstile control) and at the checkpoint (gate control). Readers are connected to the controller, as well as control circuits for actuators (turnstile, gates).

The controllers are combined into a bus via the CAN-HS interface and via the Ethernet port of one of the controllers are connected to the existing local network of the facility.

2.1.3 The gates at the checkpoint are equipped with automatic drives with a control unit. The gate is controlled from the checkpoint or from the access control system. Anti-vandal RFID readers are installed on the entry and exit sides.

2.1.4 Passage through the turnstiles is allowed by a security guard from the turnstile control panel, or from the ACS system when the user is identified using the attached card.

2.2 Description of the main characteristics of the RusGuard ACS

2.2.1 Basics

The RusGuard access control and management system is the latest development based on the latest advances in microprocessor technology and software technology. RusGuard is a registered trademark, and the equipment has all the necessary certificates of conformity.

RusGuard ACS compares favorably with other products on the market by the versatility of both hardware and software parts.

RusGuard ACS controllers support all types of access points:

  • a door,
  • two doors,
  • turnstile with card collector,
  • gate / barrier with card capture reader with traffic lights control.

The versatility of the hardware greatly simplifies the maintenance of the system, since there is no need to purchase spare parts different types controllers. The reliability of the equipment guarantees its trouble-free operation throughout its entire service life.

ACS controllers operate autonomously or as part of network system together with RusGuard Soft software. Communication interface of the controller with the server:

  • CAN-HS - High Speed ​​Control Area Network(two-wire data bus).
  • Ethernet 10/100 BASE-T.

Due to the presence of several interfaces at once, the controllers easily fit into the existing SCS of the object, allowing you to create different models equipment connection: each controller to the Ethernet network, connection via the CAN bus, connection of controllers in the CAN-Ethernet converter mode.

2.2.2 Distinctive features of the equipment

The use of CAN and Ethernet buses by the controllers as a communication interface with the server, as well as the use of a specially developed upper-level protocol, made it possible to implement a number of unique functions directly related to the features of the CAN and Ethernet interface, namely:

  • Implementation of the “Master-Master” network architecture and refusal from constant polling of devices from the server side. In the structure of the system, there is no Master device (console, server, etc.) that constantly polls all components of the system and sends commands to them. All devices both on the CAN bus and in Ethernet networks, are peers, and each can initiate a connection to a server or other device on the bus to transfer information.
  • High speed and the absence of delays in the transmission of information to the server. In connection with the implementation of the “Master-Master” architecture, the system does not have static delays in the transmission of information due to the need for constant cyclic polling of all devices in the system. Information exchange is carried out in real time. The high speed is due to the characteristics of the interfaces used (CAN - up to 1 Mbit / s, Ethernet - up to 100 Mbit / s).
  • Implementation of the function of the global (in a network of several controllers) "AntipassBack" without the participation of the server. The controllers allow implementing up to 255 AntipassBack zones, including nested ones.
  • Implementation of the function of the global (in a network of several controllers) “Prohibition of double passage” without the participation of the server. The function of tightening the “AntipassBack” rule, which allows you to instantly block the user's card in devices on the bus, after it has been read by one of them, but before the user makes a pass (ie, before the global “AntipasBack” algorithm takes effect).
  • Execution by any ACS controller of algorithms for global reactions (transmission of commands to other devices in the network) without the participation of the Master device (console, server, etc.). For example, to implement the “Emergency unblocking” function, there is no need to combine the unblocking circuits of each Controller, it is enough to connect the circuit of one Controller, which in turn will transmit the Emergency unblocking command to other devices on the bus.

2.2.3 Distinctive features of RusGuard Soft software

Technologies underlying RusGuard software together with technical features equipment, allow you to build a single combined system, including an unlimited number of equipment servers, local database servers, etc., with the organization of both local monitoring centers and centralized ones, allowing you to control the entire system as a whole.

Main features of RusGuard software:

  • Unlimited number of controllers, users, remote workplaces in the system.
  • Unlimited scalability and system expansion at no additional cost.
  • Full protection of information in the system based on the mechanisms of SSL and TLS certificates (it is possible to use corporate certificates).
  • Built-in module for automatic document recognition.
  • Wide integration capabilities with third-party systems (ISO Orion (NVP Bolid), 1c, ITV, VisitorControl, Ivideon, etc.).
  • Report server web interface.
  • Ability to edit and create custom templates for the reports module.

2.3 Description of the main characteristics of the ACS-102-CE-B controllers

2.3.1 Purpose

The controller works autonomously or under the control of the server software RusGuard Soft, JSC RusGard.

Autonomous mode - controller operation mode with granting or denying access by a key entered in the controller's non-volatile memory, depending on the access rights of this key, the controller's operating mode, etc. The events that occur are saved with a time stamp in the controller's non-volatile memory.

The operation of the controller under the control of the server software is similar with the difference that the events occurring in the system are read by the server software, where the information received from the controller is visualized, stored and transmitted to the connected remote workstations.

The controller is designed for installation inside the facility and is designed for round-the-clock operation.

2.3.2 Main characteristics The controller is powered from the built-in modular DC power supply. The main power supply is carried out from an alternating current network with a voltage of 220 V 50 Hz.

The type of modular power supply is switched-mode.

The rated output current is 4000 mA.

Power consumed from the 220 V 50 Hz network - no more than 80 W. The ACS-102-CE-B controller supports the backup power supply function. If the main power supply is lost (~ 220 V 50 Hz), a transition to a backup source is carried out (battery - 7 A ∙ h). The functions of automatic battery charging, shutdown of loads in case of deep battery discharge with the issuance of relevant information are supported. The maximum current consumed by the controller from the DC power supply is no more than 150 mA. The number of independent load supply channels - 4 (+ 12V-1, + 12V-2, + 12V-3, + 12V-4). Characteristics of overload protection along the load supply channels:

  • + 12V-1, + 12V-2 - 500 mA.
  • + 12V-3, + 12V-4 - 1500 mA.

Each channel has an individual self-healing electronic circuit overcurrent protection. If the set current limits are exceeded, the corresponding channel is disconnected. When the cause of the overload is removed, the power is automatically restored. The number of executive relays for controlling external devices - 8.

Relay type - electronic, with an individual circuit of thermal protection and overcurrent protection.

The maximum switching voltage of the EK1-EK4 relay is 42 V.

The maximum switching current of the EK1-EK4 relay is 1500 mA (up to 3000 mA in pulse mode).

The maximum switching voltage of the EK5-EK8 relay is 17 V.

The maximum switching current of the EK5-EK8 relay is 50 mA. The number of simultaneously connected readers - 3.

Reader interface - Wiegand26, Touch Memory (1-Wire, μ-LAN).

The polarity of the indication control is configurable. The controller analyzes the case tamper circuit for opening with the issuance of relevant information. The controller has an input for Emergency opening of the access point by an external signal. The type of control circuit contacts is customizable. Interface of communication between the controller and the server:

  • CAN-HS - High Speed ​​Control Area Network.
  • Ethernet 10/100 BASE-T. The controllers provide simultaneous performance of the functions of the CAN - Ethernet converter. Supported types of access points:

  • Door.
  • Two doors.
  • Turnstile with card collector.
  • Gate \ barrier with card capture reader + traffic light control.

The choice of the operating mode of the controller is carried out by setting from the configurator. Maximum amount keys / events - 32 000/60 000 (static memory allocation).

2.4 Description of the main characteristics of the RusGuard Soft software

2.4.1 Supported OS

Supported OS (both 32 and 64 bit):

  • Windows XP (only remote workstations);
  • Windows 7 (Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate);
  • Windows 8 (all editions)
  • Windows 2008 Server R2 (all editions)
  • Windows 2012 Server (all editions).

2.4.2 Description of modules included in RusGuard Soft software:

Hardware configuration module

Allows you to integrate various equipment into the system and configure it:

  • RusGuard ACS controllers;
  • Equipment ISO "Orion" (NVP Bolid);
  • USB GSM modems for use in the Reactions module;
  • Email accounts for use in the Reactions module;
  • Ivideon video servers (work with any IP video cameras);
  • Personal accounts Ivideon (creation of distributed IP video surveillance systems);

The number of connected equipment is unlimited.

Database configuration module

Provides functionality for working with employees:

  • Creation of a list of positions;
  • Creation of a tree of employee groups;
  • Creation of schedules;
  • Creation of lists of holidays and transfers;
  • Creation of a list of access levels;

The number of groups of employees, employees, access levels is unlimited.

The module allows you to work with any USB scanners and WEB-cameras to receive and save employee photos.

When editing the properties of an employee, it is possible to use the document recognition functionality (passport, foreign passport, driver's license), which allows you to quickly fill in all the fields of the employee's card by scanning through any USB scanner and automatically recognizing it.

Workstation configuration module

Allows you to create custom AWPs with a certain set of system modules, configure the modes of operation and display of various modules, configure the parameters of the display screen of modules, etc.

For each AWP and its modules, it is possible to set unique display settings for various elements, as well as allow the operator to change them during operation.

The number of user jobs created is unlimited. An arbitrary set of system modules can be included in each AWP. Operator access to certain workplaces is configured in the system control module.

System configuration module

The purpose of the module: management of system operators, creation of operator groups, roles, access rights to the created workplaces, differentiation of access rights to system functions.

The number of groups and system operators is unlimited. Each operator group is assigned access rights to a specific set of created custom workstations.

Also, this module is used to configure server reactions. When creating reactions, time schedules of reactions are set, filters for devices, employees, etc.

Available actions for reactions:

  • sending SMS. Messages are sent to a separate list of numbers and / or to the list of numbers of the user who caused this reaction.
  • sending Email. Messages are sent to a separate list of numbers and / or to the list of numbers of the user who caused this reaction.
  • video recording from integrated IP cameras. Pre-event recording time and post-event recording time can be set. Video clips are accessed from event logs in the Reports module.
  • launching an external application / script. The launch parameters pass event data for use in various scripts.

Module plans

Allows you to work with graphic plans. The number and nesting of plans is unlimited. The plans are marked with icons of devices included in the system (controllers, video cameras, zones, sections, etc.) that display current state and allow you to manage them.

When IP cameras are added to the system, it is possible to view live video from these cameras.

Photo-identification (video verification) module

Allows you to display photos of employees passing through selected access points, as well as live video from integrated cameras.

Screen configuration (creating zones for displaying photo or video content), the number of displayed photos and other parameters are user-configurable.

With the appropriate settings of the equipment, it allows you to control the access point in the "Pass by operator" mode.

Report module

Allows you to build reports based on available templates. Templates can be edited, customized, as well as independently create new ones and add to the system.

Existing templates allow you to build reports:

  • By system events
  • Coming-out
  • Latecomers
  • Gone before
  • Employees in the office
  • Absent employees
  • Work time
  • Working hours, taking into account absences
  • and etc.

Created reports can be exported to Word, Excel, PDF, CSV, XML.

The report server allows you to configure automatic (scheduled) generation of reports, save or send them by Email (when using the MS edition SQL Server Standard or higher).

Report Server Web Service

The report server has a WEB interface, the use of which will allow you to quickly access the functionality of the Report Module without the need to install the RusGuard AWP.

3 Cable network

3.1 Laying the cable network

Connect the ACS-102-CE controllers, as well as all related circuits, with a UTP 4 × 2 × 0.52 wire. If necessary, to connect individual devices and blocks, the UTP 4 × 2 × 0.52 wire can be replaced with KSPV 2 × 0.5, KSPV 4 × 0.5, KSPV 8 × 0.5, KPSVEV 2 × 2 × 0.5.

Power the access controllers with a VVGng-LS 3 × 2.5 wire.

Lay the lines behind the suspended ceiling in a flexible corrugated pipe with a diameter of 16 mm, along the open ceiling and walls - in a closed PVC cable channel.

When laying wires and cables, take into account the requirements of the PUE,

SNiP 3.05.06-85 and the corresponding section of SP 5L 3130.2009.

4 Power supply and grounding

4.1 General requirements for power supply and grounding

Power supply of access controllers shall be performed in accordance with the "PUE" from a 220V 50 Hz network.

Elements of electrical equipment of safety systems must meet the requirements of GOST

All metal parts of electrical equipment that are not energized, but which may be under it due to insulation failure, are subject to grounding (neutralization). The resistance of the grounding device should be no more than 4 ohms. Grounding (neutralization) must be performed in accordance with the relevant section "PUE", SNiP 3.05.06-85, the requirements of GOST 12.1.30-81 and the technical documentation of the component manufacturers.

Installation of grounding devices is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.06-85.

5 Occupational health and safety measures

5.1 General requirements for labor safety

Installation work should be carried out by a specialized organization when the building is ready, in strict compliance with the current norms and rules for installation, testing and commissioning of security systems and the requirements of RD 78.145-93.

Begin installation and commissioning work after taking safety measures in accordance with SNiP 111-4-80 and the act of incoming control.

All electrical work, maintenance of installations, frequency and methods of testing protective equipment are carried out in compliance with the "Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers "and" Interindustry rules on labor protection (safety rules) during the operation of electrical installations ".

Persons who have been instructed in safety precautions are allowed to install and maintain the system. The briefing is noted in a safety log, which must be kept by the responsible person at the site.

The equipment is allowed to be installed after the incoming inspection with the drawing up of an act in the prescribed form.

In the course of construction and installation work, the workplaces of installers must be equipped with devices that ensure the safety of the work.

When working with a power tool, it is necessary to ensure that the requirements of GOST 12.2.013-87 are met. Perform electrical work in existing installations only after removing the voltage.

Commissioning works should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.06-85.

6 The professional and qualifications of persons working at the facility for maintenance and operation of the security system

6.1 Requirements for personnel maintaining the security system

For the maintenance of installations and signaling devices, it is recommended to involve specialized organizations licensed to carry out this type of work.

The control room attendants should be trained in the rules for working on the installed equipment.

The main decisions made in the ACS project

ACS is built on the basis of the equipment of the integrated system "Orion" by NVP "Bolid". As technical means systems adopted:

Access controllers "S2000-2" Bolid;
- control panel "S2000M";
- Personal Computer with the Uprog software, "Orion Pro" workstation (included in the CC8 volume);
- electromagnetic locks AL-250uz;
- card readers "S2000-Proxy";
- door closer DORMA TS-68

Access controllers "S2000-2", backup power supplies "RIP-12 isp.01" with rechargeable batteries, are installed on the 4th level in the premises: cash collection, communication, cash desks, security post and on the 1st level in the premises of the fire station protection, liaison. The control panel "S2000-M", a personal computer with software (the computer is taken into account, see the SS-8 set) are installed in the room - Fire protection post (1st level). The control panel is installed at a height of no more than 1800mm from the floor level and no less than 50mm from other devices, both vertically and horizontally.

"S2000-Proxy" card readers, AL-250uz electromagnetic locks are installed at the entrances and exits of controlled access points and at a height of 1500mm from the floor level.

The construction of the system begins with a workstation - a personal computer.

A converter of the RS-232 to RS-485 interface (S2000-PI) is connected to the computer. The devices "S2000-M", "S2000-2" are connected via the RS-485 interface (cable KSPVVng-LS 1x2x0.5). From controllers "S2000-2" to electromagnetic locks and readers, a cable KPSVEV 2x2x0.5 is laid in a cable channel.

The main and backup power supply is carried out from the backup power sources RIP-12 isp.01 (3A) and from the built-in rechargeable batteries 17Ahch. Which, in turn, are powered from an alternating current with a voltage of 220V category 1. When the power supply is cut off, it is possible to operate the system equipment from power sources and built-in batteries for at least 24 hours in standby mode and at least 1 hour in alarm mode. Power supply from power sources to devices is supplied through the KSPV 2x0.8 cable.

The ACS is controlled from the S2000-2 controllers and the S2000-M console. Controlled entry and exit to service premises is carried out using contactless plastic cards. To do this, everyone working in this building is provided with an individual, contactless access card, upon presentation of which the lock controller automatically identifies the presented card, compares it with the list of authorized cards and the time of permitted passage.

If the presented card meets all the conditions, then the electromagnetic lock is automatically opened and all information is entered into the event log. The system operator, through the Orion workstation, manages all system controllers and devices connected to its outputs, has access to view the history of the system events. To transfer data to the SMIS server, a "SCADA" server is installed (see set CC-8).

  • magnetic contact burglar cut-in detector IO-102-5 for blocking doors from unauthorized opening and / or retention;
  • electromagnetic lock Aleko AL-150-12 / 24, intended for locking the doors of entry / exit of premises
  • door closer for doors weighing up to 100 kg DORMA TS-72;
  • readers PR-P05, PR-P09, PR-P16 are designed to read the code of identification cards with the Mifare standard and transmit it to the ACS controllers.
  • readers MA 120 is designed for reading, biometric data (fingerprint) and data transmission to the ACS controller.

The complete composition of the ACS equipment with the amount of consumables and auxiliary materials is given in the equipment specification.

Structural diagram and operating principle of the system

An ACS server connected to an Ethernet network is used as the main control equipment of the access control and management system. The server constantly polls devices connected via the Ethernet local network, receives information about the status of door loops, requests to check access codes and issues commands in accordance with the specified algorithm.

An ACS server connected to an Ethernet network is used as the main control equipment of the access control and management system. The server constantly polls devices connected via the Ethernet local network, receives information about the status of door loops, requests to check access codes and issues commands in accordance with the specified algorithm.

To delimit access to the entrance / exit to the premises, proximity readers are installed next to the door for working with Mifare proximity cards, which are used as means of electronic passes. For prompt registration of passes, the PR-P08 reader is connected to (AWP # 2).

Software description:

The integrated ParsecNET 3 system supports the management of one to several hundred access points. The system uses Proximity cards as keys.

Software PNWin supports, in addition to the standard ones, many necessary additional functions: a database of personnel photos, graphic plans of alarm zones, time attendance and so on.

PNWin also allows you to export generated reports, personnel databases, access points, etc. to CSV files (these are text files, the data in which is separated by certain characters, for example, a semicolon).

PNWin software can run both on one PC, and simultaneously on several, united in local area network... In this case, the hardware can be connected to several PCs at the same time. A protection unit is connected to the server, which stores the general configuration and the list of modules available for operation. The software installed on the server collects and stores information, as well as organizes network communication and data exchange. All functions for managing and administering the system are available both from workstations (when entering the System Administrator password) and from the server.

The maximum number of simultaneously working PCs in the ParsecNET 3 system is determined when ordering the system. The project provides for ordering software for one workstation and one server.

The access control and management system includes emergency exit buttons, which are necessary in critical situations (fire, urgent evacuation). These emergency exit buttons are connected to the ACS system controller in such a way that even if the connection with the ACS system server is lost, people can leave the premises protected by the access system.

Software composition:

  • basic software for 8 access points. Software required for normal work a system that includes both PNWin itself and some modules (ParsecNET 3 plan editor, access group manager, task scheduler, task manager);
  • module for preparation and printing of passes. The module allows you to develop templates for pass cards with saving them in the database, print passes using prepared templates and the database of the system personnel. There are photo quality correction functions;
  • a module for the formation of a monthly timesheet with the output of information in the standard T-13 form, the formation of weekly timesheets, as well as the formation of reports on various kinds of deviations (being late, leaving ahead of time, absenteeism, and so on);

System functions

ACS provides the following main functions:
  • setting the regulations for the functioning of the system in accordance with the requirements of the administrator and the established modes;
  • the ability to differentiate user rights using a personal personal code;
  • issuing "alarm" signals to the duty officer;
  • providing information to the duty officer on the state of each door of the premises;
  • control of the door loop for short circuit, open circuit, detector “norm”, detector “alarm”;
  • confirmation of receipt of the "alarm" signal with the corresponding indication on the workstation of the operational duty officer;
  • maintaining, viewing and printing operational information protocols;
  • detection of unauthorized entry of people into the premises of the facility, when the door is broken;
  • operational training and issuance of contactless card-passes;
  • accounting of employees' working time;
  • automatic and manual control of access controllers;
  • manual unblocking of the access point during emergency evacuation (from the operator's workstation).

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