
WLAN. What is WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)? WLAN connection error on smartphone What is internet wlan megafon

Technologies of wireless data transmission networks (Wireless LAN or WLAN) is one of the most popular and widely implemented innovative solutions in the field of telecommunications in the world.

WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) - unique system data exchange designed as a complement or alternative to wired LANs inside offices and other buildings. WLAN transmits and receives data over wireless channels at speeds that until now were only available to subscribers in local wired networks.

The new technology will be of interest, first of all, to those users cellular who need access to the resources of the corporate or worldwide network not only from their permanent workplace, but also from the so-called "access points" (hot spots) located in airports, business centers, hotels and other public places. To work, the subscriber must have a laptop, a SIM card, a PCMCIA WLAN adapter and a SIM reader (a device for reading SIM cards in PCMCIA or USB).

At present time is running rapid construction of WLANs in the UK, Finland, Norway, USA and other countries. During business trips, subscribers can be provided with WLAN roaming service. At the same time, work with Internet resources and access to corporate networks will be the same as if the subscriber did not leave his office.

Technically, WLAN roaming, like GPRS roaming, does not require any additional settings of the subscriber equipment and software in the laptop.

The introduction of services based on WLAN technology with SIM-authentication allows you to provide high-speed remote access to Internet resources and corporate networks to a large number of subscribers at the same time, while the information stored in the GSM subscription is used to verify the subscribers.

Wireless networks based on the IEEE802.11b standard are built on the basis of base stations("access points") connected to the operator's transport network. Client devices are usually PCMCIA cards for laptops.
The coverage radius of one access point is about 100 meters and can be scaled by installing additional access points. One access point can simultaneously support several dozen active users and provides information transfer rates for the end user up to 11 Mbit / s.

Cable networks cannot cover all areas where high speed internet is needed or desired. In addition, they are influenced by the topology, the relative complexity of the installation and the limited end users networks. In such circumstances optimal solution is the conduct of WLAN and Wi-Fi.

WLAN, what is it? How is WLAN different? This is an internet hotspot, modern technology transmission of information by means of radio signals, without the presence of cable connections. Vlan stands for Wireless Local Area Network. The presence of special modules in smartphones, tablets, laptops or stationary PCs allows users to receive a stable signal within the coverage, both while stationary and while moving.

You will learn what WLAN is by watching the following video:

Technology advantages

The main advantages of such a technological solution include the following:

  • Convenience. This benefit applies to both network owners and end users. For the former, installing and configuring a WLAN is cheaper than laying a cable. In addition, in some cases, the installation of the cable is simply impractical or impossible due to the features of the relief, the location of buildings and communications. Users get the opportunity to use consistently high data transmission in a certain area of ​​coverage.
  • Increasing the network. The technology is easily expandable by installing additional access points.
  • Mobility. The coating practically ignores obstacles, which makes it possible to use the network equally successfully on the move, on different floors or levels, in different rooms.
  • Ease of installation. Construction is much easier than cabling.
  • High speed and significant coverage. The speed is comparable to the speed at cable connection and reaches 100 Mbps. Confident signal reception is carried out within a radius of 150 m, while the presence of additional access points can expand and more.
  • Simultaneous operation of several subscribers with the same signal level for each.
  • Unification. Vlan is perfectly compatible with numerous devices of the most different manufacturers.

WLAN and smartphone

Where to find the WLAN in the phone, see the picture:

Technologies are currently developing rapidly, which makes the presence of such an access point as a WLAN in modern phone necessity. The mobile is now not just a means of making calls and messages, but a fully functional device for work and play. IOS, mobile version Microsoft, whether Android is installed in the gadget, the WLAN network will certainly be available there.

How do I set up an access point?

Brief step-by-step instructions:

  1. In any browser, enter the address of your modem and log in.
  2. Find the WLAN item in the menu and activate Wireless Lan. Next, we write the name of the network, mark the region. In the Channel column, set the "auto" mode.
  3. In the encryption settings, enter and save the password.
  4. In the Setup Access List item, select the devices that will open the access point.
  5. Activate the Turn Access Control On checkbox.

How to enable WLAN onWindows? Look detailed instructions in the following video:

Do not forget one rule: if you use a free, password-free Wi-Fi, attackers can see which sites you visit and intercept the entered passwords!

Nowadays, there is an increasing need for access to information on the Internet at any time and anywhere in the world. This opportunity is provided by technology wireless connection WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). This technology does not use wired systems to connect and transmit information, but radio frequencies, this allows a huge number of users to be on the Internet at the same time.

Basically, this is normal wireless Internet, which can be used not only from a laptop or tablet, but also from a smartphone.

Today, this convenience is available in most modern models of various manufacturers. You can use the function for free and regardless of whether the device has a SIM card or not. The connection can be made in the "Wireless networks" settings while in the range of the access point. The only drawback of this technology is that in a Lenovo smartphone, like in any other mobile device, during a session like wireless connection the battery runs out quickly.

Setting up a wireless connection

When purchasing smartphones from Chinese manufacturers, many users do not take into account the existing in almost all mobile devices Wi-Fi technology, which makes it possible to use the Internet through hotspots or access points.

Nowadays, many establishments provide the opportunity to use the Internet for free. But how to activate this function on your phone? The instructions below tell you how to set up in your Lenovo in a couple of minutes wireless communication with the internet.

  1. It is necessary that the smartphone has been configured for GPRS in advance.
  2. Find the Wi-Fi or WLAN icon in the device menu.
  3. Open, and the menu that appears, select "Search for available networks".
  4. Select the icon of an unblocked network.
  5. In the options, check the "Connect" item.

If everything is done correctly, then Lenovo smartphone will connect to a free network and the corresponding icon on the screen will turn green or blue. After such a connection is made, you need to go to the browser and use the Internet.

In the options, you must select a network profile and "Profile mode" click the "User settings" button. Next, you need to select a SIM card through which you will access the Internet, and in the "Java Profile for SIM" press WLAN and OK, then select "Start". This completes the connection, and now you can freely use the Internet.


While talking about all the advantages of free wireless internet access, you shouldn't forget about the disadvantages. The fact is that such use of Wi-Fi in public places implies an unsecured connection, since there is no need to enter a password.

Consequently, other participants local network can see the Internet resources you visit and the data entered, and attackers are able to intercept them for their own purposes. Therefore, it is not advisable to enter passwords in such places and conduct financial transactions.

Hello! I used to use home Wi-Fi without any problems, but when I bought a new smartphone, this became impossible. At first I could connect to the network, then I started to write "WLAN connection error", I rebooted the router, smartphone, nothing changed, then I saw the notification "The current network is not connected to the Internet, tap to fix it", I pressed, put a checkmark, it was everything is fine for a couple of days, then it began to knock out an error.

The notification appeared again three weeks later somewhere, I accidentally removed it, now I don't know what to do at all. I called the provider, told me to return the phone to the factory settings, and that's it. But the catch is that everyone can connect to the network except me. And my phone can connect to networks other than my home one.


Hello. If other devices connect and work to your router without problems, then the problem is not with the router, and even less with the provider.

You first need to try deleting your Wi-Fi network on your smartphone. Click on it, support and delete (or otherwise). For some reason, you didn't even write what kind of smartphone you have. After deleting, you need to connect to your home Wi-Fi networks again by entering the password. The "WLAN connection error" should disappear.

If this does not help, then you need to use the provider's advice - to reset the settings on your smartphone to factory settings.

Nowadays, there is an increasing need for access to information on the Internet at any time and anywhere in the world. This opportunity is provided by the wireless technology WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network). This technology does not use wired systems to connect and transmit information, but radio frequencies, this allows a huge number of users to be on the Internet at the same time.

In principle, this is a regular wireless Internet that can be used not only from a laptop or tablet, but also from a smartphone.

Today, this convenience is available in most modern models of various manufacturers. You can use the function for free and regardless of whether the device has a SIM card or not. The connection can be made in the "Wireless networks" settings while in the range of the access point. The only drawback of this technology is that in a Lenovo smartphone, like in any other mobile device, the battery is quickly discharged during a session of such a wireless connection.

Setting up a wireless connection

When purchasing smartphones from Chinese manufacturers, many users do not take into account the Wi-Fi technology available in almost all mobile devices, which makes it possible to use the Internet through hotspots or access points.

Nowadays, many establishments provide the opportunity to use the Internet for free. But how do you activate this feature on your phone? The instructions below show you how to set up a wireless Internet connection on your Lenovo in a couple of minutes.

  1. It is necessary that the smartphone has been configured for GPRS in advance.
  2. Find the Wi-Fi or WLAN icon in the device menu.
  3. Open, and the menu that appears, select "Search for available networks".
  4. Select the icon of an unblocked network.
  5. In the options, check the "Connect" item.

If everything is done correctly, the Lenovo smartphone will connect to a free network and the corresponding icon on the screen will turn green or blue. After such a connection is made, you need to go to the browser and use the Internet.

In the options, you must select a network profile and "Profile mode" click the "User settings" button. Next, you need to select a SIM card through which you will access the Internet, and in the "Java Profile for SIM" press WLAN and OK, then select "Start". This completes the connection, and now you can freely use the Internet.


While talking about all the advantages of free wireless internet access, you shouldn't forget about the disadvantages. The fact is that such use of Wi-Fi in public places implies an unsecured connection, since there is no need to enter a password.

Consequently, other members of the local network can see the Internet resources you visit and the data entered, and attackers are able to intercept them for their own purposes. Therefore, it is not advisable to enter passwords in such places and conduct financial transactions.

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