
How much is 3 million views on youtube. How is the income of the Youtube channel formed from views, subscribers and comments: in what case is their influence on the rating important; and how to use it to increase the income of the channel. Incomes of famous bloggers

There are some key points that determine how much they pay for watching videos on YouTube:

  • plot theme;
  • number of impressions per month;
  • the popularity of the videos;
  • user activity and other indicators.

Basically, the amount of money earned depends on the subject of the video and the number of views. But with a huge number of impressions, the topic of the video does not matter. The YouTube site is a source of various information and a great place where you should make money on advertising. Today, more than 100 million channels are open on this video hosting, moreover, more than a billion impressions are registered on the site every day. And he is ready to pay money for good and popular videos. If you wondered how much 1000 user views on YouTube cost, then we will give small numbers as an example.

For a thousand impressions of a YouTube video, on average, you can earn $ 2 - $ 5. The amount of payment, as mentioned earlier, depends directly on the subject and the number of impressions. In general, this is a small figure, but at the same time, if the channel has 100 thousand subscribers or more, the amount of earnings per month will be very decent.

How much can you earn from YouTube per million impressions?

Reasoning logically and knowing how much YouTube actually pays (about $ 2 for every 1000 views), we can calculate that $ 2000 is paid for a million. In fact, everything is not so and the exact amount for 1 million impressions cannot be calculated.

Advertising activity, certain topics and the presence of subscribers - this is not the whole list of parameters that YouTube pays for. Even considering this situation, when showing a video about a million times, you can earn about $ 1,000. And this figure is also approximate.

There are many services on the network with which you can see how to earn a certain channel. One of the leaders similar services is SocialBlade. With it, you can get information of interest from any channel.

You can go to the service and see how much some popular foreign blogger earns. His earnings range from $250 to $4,000. With all this, the audience of the channel and their demand for a particular product are very important.

In order to receive money on views, you need to connect to an affiliate program. Each New user can activate the monetization of their personal channel and earn money for every 1000 directly through YouTube.

For a 1000x video request and a 25x click on a $0.2 ad, YouTube pays $5, but sometimes a click costs less. It all depends on the customers and their financial policy.

  • this and the number of subscribers:
  • channel popularity:
  • and daily relevance.

But it is worth noting that if there are a large number of views on various videos of a channel, then, in principle, the main income will be from this.

An interesting fact is that YouTube videos are viewed several billion times a day. Therefore, the YouTube server is turning into a world center of information, which is always ready to pay for informational and useful content.

On views, you can earn from Instream advertising. Before each video showing (you probably noticed) ads constantly appear, which can be skipped after 5 seconds. If this is done, then the owner will not earn anything. After fully viewing the ads, the channel can earn a small amount from this.

How much is a thousand clicks on YouTube worth?

It is impossible to say unequivocally how much a thousand clicks cost. The point is that different advertisers charge different amounts. It can be from half a cent to one dollar, and sometimes even more. Here, the amount will already depend directly on the subject of the channel.

  • the amount of earnings for 1000 views depends on the subject of the channel. The advertiser will definitely look for potential customers, that is, target audience;
  • The amount of earnings depends on the number of views of your videos. If your channel is not popular, then the income will not be very large;
  • the amount of earnings depends on the number of subscribers on the channel, as well as on their activity;
  • advertisers will pay a lot only for the views of those channels where their target audience is located. If this nuance is not taken into account, then the payment for clicks on advertising and views will be very small.

It is also worth considering the fact that you will not receive the entire cost for advertising, since YouTube itself will take part of the income for itself, in particular 68%.

For example, entertainment channels receive very little for views, but due to the large number of views, at the end of the month, a good amount is obtained.

How much can you earn per 1000 views on average?

Still, after a long analysis of information on the Internet regarding the average earnings on YouTube, I calculated the real average cost per 1000 views.

It varies between 1-1.5 dollars per 1000 views.

One nuance! This does not apply to entertainment channels, for them this amount will be much less.

Therefore, before you start making money on the YouTube channel, decide for yourself what topic you want to shoot a video on. Better yet, shoot what you really like.

Take my word for it, you will definitely earn.

Perhaps at the beginning and small amounts. Do not be afraid of this, be sure to start your YouTube channels, promote them and earn.

The opportunity to earn always comes down to advertisers. You can interest them and involve them in cooperation if your video channel has regular subscribers and regularly gains, if not the largest number of views on YouTube, but at least necessary for cooperation. Videos should be useful, interesting and original.

  • finance and economics;
  • humorous channels;
  • cars;
  • sports and much more.

How do you earn on YouTube for views?

To get started, you will need to create your Google account, under which you then need to log in to the aforementioned resource. Now you need to enable channel monetization. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. In the right upper corner click on your avatar and select "Creator Studio" from the list that opens.
  2. In the menu on the left, under Channel, select Status & Features.
  3. In the "Monetization" section, enable this feature.
  4. After you read it, accept the terms of the Youtube affiliate program.

Now you need to link your channel to your AdSense account. All information on how to do this is detailed on Youtube. You can get acquainted with it in the process of connecting all these functions. Create adsense account you need on the YouTube website, otherwise you will not be able to link two accounts.

Go to www.youtube.com/account_monetization and follow the instructions. After you are redirected to the Adsense site, check if the address matches Email with the address of your account with which your channel is associated. After confirming the linking of one account to another, enter your contact details and send a request.

After that, you will be notified that the connection has been established.


Foreign advertisers, in particular European or American ones, pay much more for the information posted about them than Russian ones. Important point: Only clicks or clicks on ads are monetized. The more popular the video or the channel as a whole, the more chances you will have to conclude an agreement with reputable partners. For example, YouTube's record for views will certainly not go unnoticed by advertisers. Hence the difference in cost. Among the people who talk about how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views, some earn 300 euros for 400,000, while others earn 100 euros for 1,000,000.

  • Monetize all videos on the channel.
  • Choose the appropriate ad format and save the settings.

Similar projects

In addition to AdSense, there are others partnership programs. For example, such as Air. This media network actively promotes your videos in Related Videos and really helps a lot. The difference between this analogue and AdSense is that a percentage will be charged from the user for services.

By the way, it is easier to make money on this platform if you additionally have your own website and develop it. You just need to leave a link to it under each video or insert an excerpt with its address into the video.

The media network QuizzGroup, for example, will take 20 to 30% of your ad revenue. Other affiliate programs work, as a rule, at the same rate and under the same conditions.

Pros and cons of media networks

Media networks have their positive aspects:

  • in case of disputes with YouTube, they will always be on your side and provide all kinds of support;
  • track those who plagiarize (in simple terms, copy your videos) and block stolen videos;
  • withdraw earned money starting from $5, while Youtube makes payments only when you reach 100 conventional units on your balance.

The downsides are that third party programs they take a part of your profits and one of the conditions of the contract that you enter into with them is an annual cooperation. That is, within 12 months you will not be able to terminate the contract with them.

How much does YouTube pay for 1,000,000 views?

To answer this question, you need to understand some of the features that form your earnings.

For example, depending on the age of the audience of your subscribers and on the type of their activity, the channel may bring $10 per thousand views (ads!), or maybe $1. Bloggers covering the world economy and the like, of course, win in this sense. Even though their videos obviously don't have the most views on YouTube. Entertainment and music channels have a hard time competing with them in terms of interest rates per click on ads.

On the other hand, channels targeted at children and youth audiences often get thousands of times more views than the ones mentioned above. Here you can already make a choice using simple arithmetic.

It turns out that in one case you will receive $ 1,000 per million views on YouTube, and in the other - $ 10,000.

Keep your finger on the pulse

One way or another, it is necessary to make an interesting and high-quality product in order to succeed in this direction. It will take time and, possibly, financial investments to promote and develop the channel.

YouTube videos are constantly updated. Some videos become outdated and begin to lose the average number of views, while others are gaining momentum. Therefore, it is important to regularly add something new and original. There are many ways to promote your Youtube channel. There is a lot of video material about this on the platform itself. Familiarize yourself with it, analyze it, be patient and act.

New record

In 2017, the YouTube record for the views of the video for the song of the Korean artist Gangnam style was broken, with 2,894,479 views. This time the victors were Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth with the song See you again. The video clip for their song was seen by 2,895,552 viewers. The current leaders have overtaken the previous one in terms of the number of likes placed under the video. At the moment, this particular video is the absolute winner on the platform.


In the past few years, blogging has become popular all over the world, including in Russia. People who run their own channel dedicated to a certain topic regularly shoot new releases. In them, bloggers talk about certain events, news that are of interest to niche subscribers. Today, a blogger is a full-fledged profession, since many devote all their time to this and have no other income, except from the channel. Someone shoots stories about travel from different parts of the globe, some prefer to delve into politics, which is already enough on television, others make stories about sports, acquainting viewers with the latest results or forecasts. In fact, you just need to choose something that you are really good at, and you can try yourself in this genre. The main condition here is that you should also be interested in it. The question of how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views, in this case, fades into the background.

Returning to television, it is worth noting that in Lately it significantly loses ground. Youtube has played a leading role in this, according to many, and continues to strengthen its position, little by little displacing television channels from the position of the main media.

There are a number of rules according to which funds are charged for viewing ads:

  • videos should be watched only by registered users;
  • if the video is not watched to the end, then the money will not be credited;
  • the viewer needs to go to the site to which the advertising link leads and stay there for a while (usually 3 seconds, but sometimes up to several minutes).

At first glance, it may seem that making money in this way would be unrealistic.

This is not true!

In reality, many make transitions to sites, and thereby help you earn.

If your page already has more than 10,000 viewers, then you can showcase different brands and products during the video itself.

Moreover, in this way you can earn much more, because you do not need to give part of the profits to YouTube, and the payment will be higher.

How much does YouTube pay per view (1000)?

As mentioned above, YouTube pays not for how many times your video has been watched, but for advertising in it. But if there are no views (read - activity), no one will want to promote their products or services on your channel.

The income on the channel depends on the following parameters:

  1. How many subscribers are on the channel?
  2. What is their activity?
  3. Number of plays per month?

How much do you get paid per view on YouTube (1,000,000)?

According to rough estimates, at least 30 people out of a thousand will definitely see an ad or go to the site via a link. This is how they make money for you.

Is it possible to earn on likes?

Some believe that for likes (thumbs up - the analogue of "I like" in this social network) is also charged. Unfortunately, YouTube only pays for ad views.

This begs the question, why then do many tearfully ask for a “thumbs up”?

Likes are needed in order for the clip to get into the top list. With this, you can increase the number of subscribers and the number of views. And we already know that the more people see the clip, the greater the amount of the fee.

How to earn money from your Youtube channel?

Above, we described what and how much they pay on YouTube. Now it’s worth figuring out where to start in order to earn this money.

First of all, obviously, you need to create your own channel (you received the instructions at the beginning of the text). Before that, think carefully about the thematic direction. It should be interesting for everyone.

Viewers should be looking forward to your new videos.

You can shoot videos on any device, but the quality must be high. It was 10 years ago that we all looked at blurry footage and didn't mind. Now the requirements have increased.

Tip: before you start shooting, read articles or even books about the frame, composition, plot, idea and themes of video / films.

Books will help:

Title and author of the book Summary
Cinema without a budget. How to Conquer Hollywood at 23 With $7,000 in Your Pocket Robert Rodriguez. This book is written by an American director, cameraman and screenwriter.
On its pages, he shares his experience in Hollywood, reveals the secrets of how to make a good movie.
How to make a great video that the pros will envy by Steve Stockman. The author of this book believes that video can change history and save society.
According to him, a brilliant movie can be made even on the phone.
“How to become the first on YouTube: Secrets of explosive promotion”, authors: Andrey Parabellum, Nikolay Mrochkovsky, Timur Tazhetdinov. This step-by-step instruction how to become a famous blogger.

The first month will take you to fill your channel.

To start active promotion activities, you need to have at least a few interesting videos on it. It is desirable that they are united by a common theme. Then it will be easier for you to increase the number of viewers.

The next step is promotion.

To increase the number of viewers, repost your videos in in social networks. At first, your friends and acquaintances will “make views”.

But if the video is really worthwhile, people will share it, the videos will be displayed to other users in the recommended ones, and the number of views will quickly grow up.

What influences how much YouTube pays?

In addition to how much they pay for YouTube views, you need to know the requirements of the affiliate program to conclude a contract.

You will be paid if the channel meets the following requirements:

  1. In order to make a deal with you, you must have at least 3,500 views per month. This can be either the number of views of one video or the total statistics for all videos. If you haven't reached that amount yet, the server will refuse to cooperate.
  2. The number of subscribers must be more than 100.
  3. All videos must be of high quality and interesting for the public.
  4. The conclusion of the contract is permissible only after the channel has at least 10 videos.
  5. The last but not least requirement is age. The blogger must be at least 14 years old. Otherwise, parental consent is required.

The requirements are simple and justified. After all, if the affiliate program is available to anyone, advertisers may lose interest in it - there will be no effect from such promotion.

If you have a really interesting idea, then you can take a chance. At least you won't lose anything.

5 Ways to Increase Your Earnings on Youtube

The desire to earn more is natural. How much YouTube pays, we already understood. It remains to find out how you can increase this profit.

You can increase your income in the following ways:

    Try to get as many subscribers as possible.

    These should be people who are really interested in the subject of the channel. Then the advertising, which is selected “in the subject”, will also be of interest to them.

    You will get: "viewing a video - interest in advertising - clicking on a link - income."

    With hundreds of thousands of subscribers, you have a chance to earn up to $200 from just one video!

    Update fullness every week.

    It is best to plan the recording of new videos in advance and announce them to subscribers.

    Videos lasting 15-30 minutes will help you earn more.

    It's hard to fit a lot of ads into short films.

  1. It is best to connect a variety of types of advertising(this can be found in the "Monetization" section of your channel). Each customer pays differently + variety is always good.
  2. After each pause pressed, an advertisement will appear on the screen. Of course, it shouldn't be too much.

    Where and when it is better to put it will help you understand video viewing schedules (look in the settings).

How can I "wind up" the views counter?

Today, there are many ways to wind up statistics. But of course, the administration of the resource is not stupid either. No one will pay for deceit and, perhaps, you will even lose the channel.

There are 2 ways to wrap:

  • natural,
  • artificial.

The natural method involves accompanying the video with a small text.

The trick is that the "cover letter" should be written taking into account the rules of seo-optimization, that is, contain keywords, which users can type into the search bar.

The number of characters should not exceed 2,000. Remember that YouTube is a video hosting service, not a readers' forum.

If you make a description on the topic of the video, then such a "cheat" will not entail punishment from the administration.

Also, the list of allowed methods includes the fact that we can watch our video ourselves, as well as ask friends and relatives for help.

After replenishing the balance, you will receive views.

  • http://addmefast.com
  • http://nakrutka-youtube.com
  • http://like-social.net

According to statistics, about 10 or 20 people out of 1000 click on advertising links from site to site and unknowingly fulfill the conditions necessary for you to receive money. Thus, in order to earn on advertising, simply expand your subscriber base.

The second method of making money on advertising is for major channels, which have over 10,000 subscribers and release 3-4 videos per month. Such channels can easily advertise brands and companies during the broadcast. To do this, it will not be necessary to create a separate promotional video material and ask viewers to watch it to the end. It is enough just to put on a T-shirt, make a background or drink a drink that advertises the brand.

Note: for such advertising, you will receive much more funds than for the previously described option. Firstly, such advertising does not provide that YouTube takes a part of the profits. Secondly, the cost of such advertising is much higher.

So, with the fact that YouTube pays not for views, but for advertising, we have decided with you. Now let's talk about how much companies pay for advertising, and calculate how much money they receive on YouTube for 1000 video views. For starters, the ads that YouTube inserts into your videos are pretty cheap. Do you want to know how much 1 view or like on YouTube costs in rubles? Assume that a one-time viewing of promotional video material will bring you no more than 0.3-0.5 dollars (very rarely 1 dollar). 0.3 dollars is about 19 rubles.

At the same time, we take into account that after each viewing or transition of the user to advertising, YouTube keeps part of the money for itself. The percentage of money left can reach the mark of 30-40%. Many will think that this is a lot, but it is worth considering the fact that you yourself receive a miserable amount from watching each commercial. Taking 30% of 3-4 cents, YouTube in fact takes only 1 cent, since it is simply impossible to take less. So, don't be angry.

1 million views is a huge number. At a minimum, this means that your video is popular, and there is a high probability that more people will click on ads. It really is. According to statistics, videos with 1 or more million views bring the author 12-18 thousand dollars a month. This means that approximately 20-30 people out of a thousand will click on advertising and earn you money.

Having figured out how much YouTube views cost, and having calculated the approximate earnings, let's look at what you need in order to start making money on your own videos. So, the first thing you need is your own YouTube channel, on which you will post your own video material. You can create such a channel for free. All you need to create is an email address. After creating a channel, you need to wait a month before entering into a partnership with YouTube.

Note: each video should carry a certain kind of idea, have a plot (if possible) and correspond to the theme of your channel. The combination of these factors will help to make the promotion of the channel the most effective.

Now let's find out how many subscribers you need to make money on YouTube. The audience also affects your earnings: it is it that reflects the popularity of your channel. In order to sign a partnership with YouTube, you must have at least 100 subscribers. "affiliate programs"

Thus, if there is high-quality content on the channel, it will be easy to promote it, as interesting and relevant materials will find their target audience on their own. You do not have to wind up subscribers - they will come by themselves, so the process of channel promotion will occur naturally. Remember the mass of interesting and unpretentious videos that are extremely popular - they can be a great source of new ideas and creativity, which will later bring you good income.

Let's make it clear right away to make money on you tube, in fact, there are only 2 ways.
1. Advertising in Google AdSense (clicks and views of ads).
2. Affiliate programs (you will be paid a certain% of purchases)

Yes, there are many more ways to make money on your YouTube channel, for example, you may be offered to make a video where you will talk about a product or service, but for this your channel must be popular, have a large number of views, or you have a narrow topic, Let's say you're a fisherman, making a video about fishing, you may be offered, say, to advertise spinning.

Most often, the video is monetized (earnings on it) using google ads adsense.
What is the essence of this income?
An ad from Google is inserted into the video (at the beginning or at the end of the video) or a banner, usually at the bottom, on the right side of the video.
You will be paid for clicking on a banner, but only if the visitor clicks on the link and spends some time on the site, otherwise the transition will not be counted.

In addition, the subject of your channel is important, for example, porn will collect hundreds of thousands, or even millions of views, but this does not mean that you will be allowed to earn money on such a channel.

The subject of business is in great demand, the price of a click (click) on advertising is very decent.
True, it will be troublesome to bring such a channel to a decent number of views.
Where better go entertainment topics, say jokes or a review of video or online games.

Guys, you will be surprised). everything sucks

How much do bloggers earn on YouTube, top earnings on average

In general, the price of a click depends very much on the subject of the channel - it can be 1 cent, 10 cents or 1 dollar per 1 ad view.
In addition, it affects how many people watch ads on your channel.
For instance.
You have 100 thousand views and 1000 clicks on ads, and someone else has 50 thousand views and 2000 ad views.
I must say, I noticed that recently the earnings of bloggers on YouTube have fallen very much.
What is it connected with?
There are many reasons.
Competition, crisis in the country (affects the solvency of advertisers and the amount of advertising).
In addition, the cost per click on advertising in different countries will be different. In Russia, the cost of switching to advertising is not high enough.
Which countries are in the top by cost per click for YouTube ads?
USA, UK, as well as many non-rich countries.

Now many even top bloggers cannot reach a decent income.
Behind the young promoted channels are experienced producers.
It is very troublesome to get into the top now.
In order for the video channel to reach the top for key queries, you need to shoot videos daily.

So all the same, how much does 1000 views on youtube ads cost?
On average, this is 20 cents, at the current rate of 66 rubles a dollar = 13 rubles.
How much is 1,000,000 YouTube ad views worth?
200 dollars = 13 thousand rubles.
Accordingly, in order to earn 30 thousand rubles a month, your channel must be viewed by more than 2 million people per month.
Here are the numbers.)

Earnings on YouTube is possible, though there are pitfalls, in particular.
YouTube will keep half of the money you earn.
Advertising is ordered only on promoted videos, with a large number views or on a channel with a large number of subscribers.
How much do popular YouTubers in Russia earn?
On average, about 100 thousand rubles.

There is an opinion on the net that for 1000 views the famous video hosting service slobbers one dollar. That is, if you make some simple calculations, you can get $ 1,000 per million views. Not bad huh? And ten million is already ten thousand dollars. Just a dream!

I don’t know if it’s because of this, or because of something else, but there was a sharp jump in shit content in the domestic YouTube (I apologize for the expression). Everyone imagines himself to be a powerful and original YouTuber who will create a channel, subscribers will fall on him and he will live “in chocolate”. Therefore, we have so many low-quality videos, but I would like to talk about this in another article, since the topic is really global.

But in the end, even when these people scored 1,000 or 10,000 views, it turned out that there was no question of any dollar or 10 bucks. Someone received 20 cents, someone 6 cents, someone half a buck, but the rumored results were not there.

And now, for the sake of interest, let's look at the rating of YouTube channels (now I take Russian, not world ones into account) and look at the total number of views for some channels in the top. For example, take the same +100500. It currently has 1.5 billion views. Divide this number by a thousand and get one and a half million dollars in earnings.

Let this indicator be for the entire time of existence, but do you really think that this is possible? Previously, a couple of years ago, this was quite possible, but the crisis played its role. Advertising prices are falling, which greatly reduces the income of YouTubers and webmasters.


In reality, no one will ever tell you the exact figure, because everything depends on many indicators:

  • Subject
  • Ad impression cost
  • Ad click cost
  • Number of clicks on ads
  • Video duration
  • Choosing a partner through which you will register.
  • The presence of ad blockers (Adblock). Yes, if not for this thing, then bloggers and YouTubers could earn much more on the context. But since the adblock suppresses contextual advertising codes, they naturally do not count.

By the way, you also need to remember that greedy YouTube takes 30% of your earnings. Such a tax) But when working with affiliate programs, you will also be charged taxes, so don't worry.

As a result, it turns out that in reality, for one million views, on average, people earn only 100-150 dollars. Sometimes it's more, sometimes a little less. But you are unlikely to get a thousand bucks for this amount.

Many will think, they say, how is it, for such a number of views it is only 100 bucks. Well, don't despair. After all, you can make money on YouTube not only with the help of contextual advertising, but also with the help of direct advertising. That is, they ask you to advertise some other channel, product or service in your next video, and in return they will give you tasty money. In addition, you may be paid money even if you click like on their video.

Russian traffic VS Foreign traffic

As you probably already understood, a lot depends on the country from which the views come and in which the advertisement is broadcast. In the Russian segment, as well as in the CIS countries, the price of advertising is very low, so you have to work hard and hard to get a lot of subscribers who will give you millions of views.

Another thing is if you are from the USA, Canada, Germany, England, etc. In these countries, 1 million views can easily cost both 1000 and 2000 dollars. But there prices for advertising are different. Just recently, a person from the USA came to my social project, clicked on an ad, and I immediately got 6 dollars. Just a person clicked the mouse once and I got 6 dollars. And in our country, even 100 clicks will not give 6 dollars.

Therefore, if you want such earnings, which are heard about in myths and legends, then go to America or Europe. There they pay real money for viewing on YouTube Well, in other cases, you will have to sweat a lot). But still, I repeat that there is no specific figure, and you can earn this thousand bucks. But it will be in very rare cases.

It must be said right away that no one will pay just for viewing the material posted on your channel. The opportunity to earn always comes down to advertisers.

You can interest them and involve them in cooperation if your video channel has regular subscribers and regularly gains, if not the largest number of views on YouTube, but at least necessary for cooperation. Videos should be useful, interesting and original.

Topics are designed for different segments and groups of the population:

  • finance and economics;
  • children's entertainment programs;
  • humorous channels;
  • cars;
  • films and reviews of novelties of cinematography;
  • sports and much more.

The most popular views on YouTube are usually humorous and musical videos, but this does not mean that they are the most profitable.

Do not forget about the legislation regulating the scope of copyright protection. Please read it carefully before you start creating a channel.
And so, before you go any further, you should remember that YouTube does not pay for VIEWS but for clicks on ads inside your video and watching the commercial before the video or at the end.

Since this is a fairly common way to make money on the Internet, there are now a lot of ways how to make money on youtube from selling products to simple monetization with Adsense.

In 2014, according to Forbes magazine, the most popular channel on Youtube, PewDiePie, earned $4 million, or about $11,000 a day, playing video games. So if you love games, here is an example of how you can grow and how to make money on youtube if this is not enough for you, then see the latest data on his account

as you can see, the video blogger earns $600,000 a month, that is, he almost doubled his earnings in two years, and this is not only data from VSP. The news that PewDiePie has earned more than $7 million in the last year can be found all over the Internet.

But in RuNet everything is much sadder, here you can get $ 0.3 per thousand views, so I can’t tell you the exact numbers of how much your channel will bring you.

How much YouTube pays for video views - how to make money on affiliate programs and channel monetization

Almost everyone at least once visited the most visited site of the network - YouTube. This video hosting allows you to share videos with the whole world, run your own channel or just watch videos of other users in unlimited quantities. In addition, you can make good money on YouTube if you know how to do it right.

Now many people want to find additional income on the Internet and they are doing it very successfully: numerous social networks are really pushing the boundaries and paying their users interest for clicking through advertising subscribers. If you are interested in learning how to make money on YouTube, then the following information will be useful to you. Owners of popular channels with a lot of subscribers will easily earn money. So, how much can you earn on YouTube?

By creating another video and posting it on the YouTube website, you can receive a small percentage of advertising, which in total can turn into a real number of your extra income. Only your video should collect not 10 or even 100 runs, but about several tens of thousands, and even better - millions. So how much do you get paid for 1000 YouTube views?

To monetize your channel, start earning even a little money at first, you need to register in an affiliate program.

This will help you earn income, as well as quickly learn about all the updates and let your Internet business develop.

The YouTube partner program is relevant for 60 countries around the world, and the authors of only those channels that fully meet all the requirements become participants. Those who can receive a “second salary” from a video channel:

  • live in one of the countries from the list;
  • post only high-quality and original content;
  • agree to all the terms of the monetization program and are familiar with copyright law.

If you have started a channel, then do not rush to earn money on it. First, you should promote it, gain more subscribers who will regularly view your videos. If there are only 30-40 video runs per day, then this is still not enough. Be patient. When the number increases to several hundred, then you can start earning in order to understand for yourself how much they pay on YouTube for views.

Calculating how much 1 YouTube view costs is almost impossible, because each advertiser pays a different amount for their ads. In some cases, the price can be equal to 0.1 dollars, and sometimes the fee reaches as much as 2 (about 125 rubles at the current exchange rate).

In addition, it is not a fact that a person will be interested in a commercial and will not miss it - in this case, the money will not get into your wallet.

So it is really possible to make money on your channel only with a huge flow of subscribers who will follow the advertiser's link.

In the most successful scenario, out of 1000 runs of the video, 10-15 people will follow the link to the advertiser's website, and only for them you will receive your long-awaited payment. So, how much does 1000 views on YouTube cost (approximate calculation):

  • $0.5 - approximate cost of one link click;
  • 10*0.5=$5 is your earnings, which you will receive for 1000 runs of the video by your subscribers.
  • $0.5 is the approximate cost of one link click.
  • If every 10th follow the link to the advertiser's site, then with a millionth run, this number will be 1000.
  • 1000 * 0.5 = $500 - your earnings, which you will receive for 1,000,000 runs of the video.
  • Now you know how to roughly calculate how much YouTube pays for views, and you can start acting!

Imagine my surprise when for the first thousand views in the account of my affiliate program, as many as 40 cents were displayed ... And then I began to figure out how YouTube actually calculates income.

In general, I don’t understand what drives bloggers when they post false information, because it only harms their reputation.

How much does youtube pay per view


What did I find out? Firstly, YouTube takes 45% of earnings for itself. Secondly, the affiliate program also takes 30% of the balance (in my case, the AIR affiliate program).

Also, not all YouTube views pay money! Only commercial views are paid (more on that below).

What is the result? In principle, it just turns out to be $ 1 per thousand views, but from which approximately 30-40% of the total earnings reach the user.

Let's take a look at specific example my channel for 03/23/2016. Here is the total income, from which YouTube takes 50%: Here is the estimated income, that is, our income, taking into account the write-off of 50%: As you can see, the estimated income is $ 3.30. Subtract 30% (affiliate percentage) and get $2.31. This is our net income. In general, the total earnings on YouTube are displayed as an estimated income:

YouTube pays us if the view is commercial. What is commercial viewing? Commercial viewing is the display of any advertisement in your video. That is, if YouTube did not show ads while the viewer was watching our video, nothing is charged for such a video. According to statistics, approximately 60% of video views are commercial.

  • The country
  • Audience retention
  • Video theme
  • Type and cost of an advertising click (each topic has different advertisers)
  • Number of commercial views
  • And many other factors that YouTube does not disclose to avoid abuse and cheating

YouTube earnings formula

Formula.(X - 45%) - 30% = Y. Where X is the amount in efficiency for the selected reporting period, 45% YouTube income, 30% affiliate income, and Y is our earnings.

Example.($1 - 45%) - 30% = $0.38. Where 1$ is the average cost of 1000 commercial views, 45% of YouTube income, 30% of affiliate income, and 0.38$ is our net income.

Here is a real picture of earnings on video views.

Before that, I deliberately did not mention income from clicks on ads. If you have a promoted and interesting channel, people will click on ads.

If you have less than 1000 subscribers, there will be very few clicks on ads. So, most users at the first stage will have a modest income.

Over time, as the popularity of your channel grows, an interested audience will increase, which will click on ads more and more.

They are sorted by the highest cost per thousand impressions: As you can see, it is most profitable to be a video blogger in Sweden, Japan, Canada, Korea, UK and USA.

In Russia and Ukraine, the cost per thousand impressions is very modest, $1.34 and $1.09 respectively.

These are the realities, in order to make decent money on YouTube, you need to work hard on promoting your channel. But rest assured, it's worth it. There are very few reliable sources of income on the Internet. YouTube is without a doubt one of the most reliable ways to make money, and if you manage to promote the channel and keep it stable high level you can make decent money.

  • while watching a video;
  • below the video;
  • on the right side of the broadcast window.

Earnings on advertising

If your YouTube channel is popular and has a large number of subscribers, you can draw up an "agreement" with this company. After signing such an agreement (by signing it means that you accept the terms of video hosting), promotional videos will begin to appear in your videos.

But do not think that from now on you will receive money for every video in your posts. Money for advertising is charged only if it is viewed by channel subscribers. At the same time, it is not enough just to watch the advertising material for a couple of seconds.

The video must be watched to the end.

Sometimes, in order for you to receive money, the user must not only view the advertisement, but also go to the advertiser's website and stay there for several minutes. For an open and quickly closed site, you will not be paid anything.

Do not think that it is impossible to make money on advertising. According to statistics, about 10 or 20 people out of 1000 click on advertising links from site to site and unknowingly fulfill the conditions necessary for you to receive money. Thus, in order to earn on advertising, simply expand your subscriber base.

It is enough just to put on a T-shirt, make a background or drink a drink that advertises the brand.

Rates per 1000 views

So, with the fact that YouTube pays not for views, but for advertising, we have decided with you. Now let's talk about how much companies pay for advertising, and calculate how much money they receive on YouTube for 1000 video views.

Do you want to know how much 1 view or like on YouTube costs in rubles? Assume that a one-time viewing of promotional video material will bring you no more than 0.3-0.5 dollars (very rarely 1 dollar). 0.3 dollars is about 19 rubles.

Many will think that this is a lot, but it is worth considering the fact that you yourself receive a miserable amount from watching each commercial.

Taking 30% of 3-4 cents, YouTube in fact takes only 1 cent, since it is simply impossible to take less. So, don't be angry.

Now, let's calculate how much you can earn for 1000 views of your video.

As mentioned earlier, about 10-20 people fully fulfill the advertising conditions. That is, for 1000 views you will receive 3-6 dollars. But, given that a video can get several thousand views per month, then your income can increase significantly. And given the current dollar exchange rate, this income in rubles can be quite decent.

How much is 1,000,000 views on YouTube worth?

According to statistics, videos with 1 or more million views bring the author 12-18 thousand dollars a month.

This means that approximately 20-30 people out of a thousand will click on advertising and earn you money.

Now you know how much 1000000 (million) views cost on Youtube. It remains to clearly determine whether YouTube pays for other manipulations.

Do you get paid for likes on YouTube?

The opinion that you pay for likes on YouTube is wrong. This is not true. YouTube only pays for ads.

Then why do so many people ask to like their video? Everything is simple here. Likes are needed in order to promote your video to the top, thereby increasing the number of viewers and subscribers. Then you already understood, more viewers and subscribers - more advertising.

How to start making money from your videos

Having figured out how much YouTube views cost, and having calculated the approximate earnings, let's look at what you need in order to start making money on your own videos.

So, the first thing you need is your own YouTube channel, on which you will post your own video material. You can create such a channel for free. All you need to create is an email address.

After creating a channel, you need to wait a month before entering into a partnership with YouTube.

During this month, you can fill your channel with unique video material, on which, subsequently, you are going to earn. Clips can be shot with a camcorder or other device that supports video recording. In addition, your video material can be shooting your own monitor screen using special programs.

After that, you should promote your channel. The presence of video content is not a guarantee that YouTube will agree to enter into a partnership with you.

For cooperation, you will need to have a certain number:

  • views;
  • subscribers;
  • video.

Factors affecting earnings

To begin with, let's answer the question, how many views on YouTube do you need to get money for them. To start earning, your videos must be watched at least 3500 times a month. It does not matter if it is one video or all together. If the number is less, they will refuse to cooperate with you.

Now let's find out how many subscribers you need to make money on YouTube. The audience also affects your earnings: it is it that reflects the popularity of your channel.

In order to sign a partnership with YouTube, you must have at least 100 subscribers. Another factor to consider"affiliate programs" - availability of high-quality video material.

In order to start earning, your channel must have at least 10 videos.

The last factor YouTube requires is age. To cooperate with video hosting, the owner of the channel must be at least 14 years old. If the blogger is younger, then the consent of his parents will be required. Although, YouTube does not specify how this consent should be expressed.

Thus, if there is high-quality content on the channel, it will be easy to promote it, as interesting and relevant materials will find their target audience on their own.

You do not have to wind up subscribers - they will come by themselves, so the process of channel promotion will occur naturally.

Remember the mass of interesting and unpretentious videos that are extremely popular - they can be a great source of new ideas and creativity, which will later bring you good income.

In this case, you should take into account the main factors that affect the income from YouTube:

  • The topic of the channel - what you post the video about, what thematic ads scroll under the videos.
  • How many monthly views are on your channel.
  • The number of subscribers on the channel and their activity.
  • Type of advertising.

But the most important thing, of course, is the number of views - the more people see your videos, the higher your income will be. But not in direct proportion, unfortunately, because you simply don’t earn money for impressions.

Payment is credited not for the figure under the video, which can be easily cheated using various sites or free programs like Vtope.

Let's look at how YouTube ads are paid in general:

  1. Advertisers order ads from YouTube, because to be shown on advertising spots in commercials.
  2. Ads are placed in your videos, but you pay only for the full display of ads or per click (depending on the type, more on that later). But the owner of the channel does not receive 100% of the cost of advertising, but only 68%, YouTube takes the rest as a commission. In general, this is fair - they need to earn somehow.
  • InStream– ads are played before the video, and after 5 seconds the “skip ads” icon appears. But here's the catch - if viewers click Skip, you don't get paid for them. Here, views of the entire video or more than 30 seconds if the video is long are counted. And how often do you personally inspect ads to the end?
  • overlay- an ad block that is displayed at the bottom of the video. For a simple impression, payment is not charged, they pay only for clicks. Because if the viewer clicked on the ad while watching your video, went to the advertiser's website and spent some time there, only then you will be charged. If the user closes the site immediately after the transition, the transition is not counted.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the cost per click can be from 0.05 to 5 dollars, depending on the subject and the employer himself. Here it should be understood that the more “money theme”, the more people will order ads on such videos and pay you more.

As you can see, it is almost impossible to say how much they pay for 1000 views on YouTube. Too many factors affect it, and it is impossible to name a specific amount, or even an approximate one.

The only thing that can be said is that the average amount of income per 1000 youtube impressions is $2. Someone will receive less, someone more, but these figures can already be guided by.

Do not despair and do not be afraid of such small amounts, because you can get much more than 1000 views per day and increase your income.

how to increase income from youtube

There are many different ways to make money on YouTube, I talked about them in another article (this one). Use more different options to monetize the channel, and then you can increase your income.

And now we increase the revenue per views:

  1. Increase the subscription base, but not by schoolchildren and cheated bots. These should be interested people who are interested in your topic and who come to click on thematic advertising. 100,000 subscribers will watch your new videos on the channel, and now you already have $ 100-200 per video. And that's just for subscribers.
  2. Post new videos regularly. Create a schedule, plan new topics, write down on the calendar when and what to release. At least 1 new video per week should be released so that the channel's performance does not fall.
  3. Post long videos, not 2-3 minutes. Research by popular video bloggers shows that long videos help you get much more than short ones. On average, 30-60 minutes is enough to interest subscribers, give them useful information and give them time to click on the ad. Due to long videos, CPM increases, more advertising options and you can connect high-paying advertising.
  4. Arrange commercial breaks - a very interesting move that is actively used in television programs. Insert them not too often, so as not to scare off the audience. Choose a place according to the Audience Retention charts - see at what point the retention is high or above average, and you can insert ads there.
  5. Connect all possible types of advertising in the Monetization section. Indeed, for some types they pay more, you don’t want to not connect and miss out on possible profits, do you? So connect right now.

This video talks about the above methods in more detail, using real examples from a successful video blogger. Watch and take note

The exact amount paid for 1000 YouTube views depends on the channel. In Russian-language YouTube, on average, 1000 views are paid $ 1 (range from 0.5 to 5), depending on the season, the target audience of the channel, the interest of advertisers and a number of other factors. And of course, the income is not brought to you by the views themselves, but by the ad impressions in the videos.

Thus, only commercial views bring you money, during which ads were shown to viewers.

This video shows in detail what income is generated on YouTube and how much money you really receive on your channel:

Usually, the more solvent the viewers of the channel (business topics, cars, education, films, etc.), the greater the income of the channel author per 1000 views. Conversely, if we are talking about a gaming channel and facts and tops, the income there is low and usually amounts to less than $1 per 1000 views.

The general logic is simple - in rich and economically developed countries, advertising is more expensive and it brings more money to the author of the channel.

Remember that specifying the country in the channel settings will not affect your income. Because it depends on the viewers, their parameters and location, and not on the channel settings.


And there is another important factor: YouTube does not allow for monetization videos that contain violations identified by the Content ID system, as well as violent content, military operations and other conflicts and tin. Such videos will not bring you income.

Yields also fluctuate throughout the year. The minimum income is usually in January, and the maximum in December. This is due to the planning of advertising campaigns by large advertisers. Here is an example of the income of one of the channels during the year by months: /

How much does YouTube (YouTube) pay for views and for what exactly?

Hello everyone! With you yurbol, and in this article we will talk about a frequently asked question on the Internet. How much does YouTube pay for watching videos? Now my statement will surprise many, but I can say with confidence what kind of views youtube video does not pay anything, YouTube pays only for ad impressions, and even then not for everything.

Before writing this article, I climbed well in the search and looked at the sites in the TOP for this query, and I was very surprised. People write really such nonsense. Someone has already compiled a table in which he wrote that YouTube pays $ 3 for 1000 views, and someone writes that YouTube will pay $ 3.5 for 1000 views. In short, there is no reliable information anywhere.

And it will not happen, because no one can say exactly how much YouTube will pay for 1000 ad impressions, even YouTube itself.

In short, guys, now I will write everything down as they say on the fingers, and you will find out exactly how much YouTube pays for ad impressions, and for which impressions. As I said at the very beginning, for video views, YouTube will not pay you a dime. Payment is only for ad impressions and for clicks on it, and even then not in all cases. Read on and find out which ad clicks and impressions are paid for.

Money is credited immediately, taking into account the YouTube commission of 50%.

When YouTube pays to view ads

Views are charged for InStream ads only. If anyone does not know what kind of thing this is, then read the next couple of sentences carefully. InStream is an advertisement that you climb in front of your video in full screen. On the right there is a small button called Skip Ads.

If the user clicks on this button, then the YouTube advertiser will not pay anything for such a view. Accordingly, you will not get anything.

If, however, the user did not click on this button, and watched at least 30 seconds, then in this case the advertiser will pay for the view, and, accordingly, you will get a penny.

If the user clicked on an ad in the Overlay video, went to the advertiser's website and immediately closed it, then there will be no payment. YouTube does not pay for such a click. Payment will be only if the user made a click, went to the advertised site and stayed there, although for a short time.

I won’t tell you the exact time, since no one knows it, except YouTube.

How much does YouTube pay for 1000 views and 1 click

As I said at the very beginning, many have already compiled tables in which payment is written for 1000 views or for 1 click. This is all nonsense and not true. Now I will explain why.

Before the advertiser places ads on YouTube, an agreement is drawn up, which specifies the amount for 1000 views and 1 click. That is, 1 click can cost 50 cents, or maybe $ 3, the same situation with 1000 views.


The conclusion is the following. It is unrealistic to say exactly how much YouTube will pay you for 1000 ad views in a video, since there are some advertising banners for which payment is charged only for clicks, and there are those where they do not pay for impressions if the user clicks the “Skip Ads” button. I think my article helped you, and now it has become clear to you how payment is made and for what exactly.

How much does YouTube pay per million views 2018

Every year more and more people want to make money on their own (often on other people's) videos on the YouTube platform. The competition is getting higher, which reduces the amount of expensive advertising on your channels.

Because of this, respectively, the amount per 1 million or 100,000 views decreases each time.

Now, using the example of my video, I will show and tell you how much YouTube pays on average for 1 million views in 2017.

My channels in Telegram: Ilya Emelyanov and YouTube Promotion

In July of this year, my video gained over a million views in 3 days!

We go to YouTube Analytics to see the statistics of views only for the first three days. They had 1,011,041 views!

Now we move on to the estimated income and we see that for 1 million net views we received 471 dollars! In rubles at the current exchange rate (58 rubles), this is 27,200 rubles!

BUT! A very important point is the following: if this video collected all these views only in Russia or Ukraine, then we would receive not 471 dollars, but approximately 85 dollars. Because advertising in the CIS countries is very cheap.

In this screenshot, you can clearly see which countries brought me the most money (this is the statistics for 1,766,200 views already). The United States alone brought 30,000 rubles. Now you understand why it is profitable to work for a Western audience?

And this is the data for today: September 4, 2017. In less than 2 months, the video gained more than 1.7 million views and earned 47,000 rubles.

Summing up, I will say that these are not the maximum amounts that you can earn for such videos on YouTube. At that time, YouTube had problems with advertisers and ads were not always shown in the video.

Now ad impressions are stable and earnings on such videos will be much higher, but, again, a lot depends on the subject of the video (my video was on a musical theme), the cost of displaying and ad clicks. Also, the role of the media network is not a small one here, because it shows more ads, but then in turn subtracts its 20-30.

Do you want to know how much YouTube pays bloggers per view? We are ready to tell you this.

It's no secret that you can make good money on YouTube, especially if you have a well-promoted channel, a lot of subscribers who regularly watch your videos. But even if the channel is not very promoted, and there are not so many subscribers, you can earn everything on YouTube. And it's easy to do.

Youtube pays bloggers for inline ads. Perhaps you have seen more than once how at the beginning of the video there is a commercial first, or the video sometimes breaks in the middle for an advertisement, or at the beginning of the video below a small ad block pops up on the screen. This is all that YouTube is willing to pay for.

It is very important to understand that Youtube pays for ad views, not for video views. If the commercial before your video was closed without watching it to the end, then viewing the ad does not count. If the viewer has some kind of AdBlock installed and the advertising window does not pop out, then no matter how many times he watches the video, ad views will not be counted.

The subject of advertising only indirectly depends on the subject of the channel, because it is selected for each viewer, and not for the channel. But it is logical to assume that if a person watches a video about marketing or finance, then most likely he is more interested in such ads than lollipop ads.

The geography of the audience is also of great importance. Advertising in the West is more expensive, and since YouTube gives a percentage of its earnings, the more expensive advertising in a niche and region, the more a blogger will receive.

As we have already said, Youtube does not pay for video views, but for viewing commercials. Therefore, in order to more accurately calculate how much YouTube pays for views, you need to take into account that approximately only 40% of all viewers watch ads. The rest either close, overlooking to the end, or they have an ad blocker installed, and they simply do not see it.

How much does YouTube pay for 1,000,000 views?

Unfortunately for many bloggers, YouTube does not charge any high volumes of video views and ads respectively. As we calculated earlier, you can earn about 60 cents on average for 1000 views, so with simple mathematical calculations we will find out how much you can earn by gaining 1 million views. It will be around $600.

Based on all this, we can conclude that you can make quite good money on YouTube, the main thing is to shoot an interesting video that will be watched several thousand or even millions of times. Just business.

The main principle that affects the amount of money from a video is, of course, its views. The more views, the more users saw the ad and the higher income the channel owner will receive. Meanwhile, depending on the subject of the channel, there are different prices. So, the entertainment theme is the most popular and therefore very popular. Videos and channels that fall under this category bring in the least amount of money per thousand views. However, they remain very popular.

Accounting, business and similar topics are highly valued and expensive by advertisers. Accordingly, a channel and videos on such topics will bring much more money per 1000 views, but at the same time, the popularity of such videos will be much lower. So bloggers have to choose between popularity and the number of views, or the price per click. The average declared price for 1000 views on YouTube affiliate program is $2.

What money is charged for With the most approximate amount, we have decided. Now about what YouTube can transfer money for. In general, there are two types of advertising impressions - before the video, and a banner insert during the video. While the first one brings some money just for showing (unless, of course, the user clicked skip), the second one works only when it is clicked on.

At the same time, you still need to stay on the advertiser's website for a few seconds. Advertising, which is shown at the beginning of the video, brings much more money than banner ads. But at the same time, banners are well paid, and make up about 30% of the channel's profit. Also, the longer the video, the more ads you can put in it. And the more the percentage of views for each video will drip. Also, you can get the opportunity to monetize a specific video even without an affiliate program from YouTube.

To do this, you need to talk with the moderator, and after his approval cash advertising will go into the pocket of the channel owner. Everything is simple and transparent. How to roughly calculate your income In order to roughly calculate your income per video, you need to look at the estimated number of views, and multiply it by the average payout. At the same time, you need to make allowances for the fact that the data may not be correct, and subtract about 25% from them.

So, a channel on which videos collect 20,000 views can count on an approximate income of $ 30 per video. At the same time, well-known bloggers, whose videos collect several million views each, receive thousands of dollars from advertising. But there is one small catch here - they prefer not to talk about how much they get for watching each video. They either underestimate the amount or outright exaggerate.

Incomes of famous bloggers But among the general mass of people who like to lie about their income from YouTube, there are those whose money is known from fragments of their phrases. So, for example, one of the most famous rap projects in the CIS, Versus, receives about $500 per million video views. An extremely small amount that forces you to look for additional sources of income. This is due to an interesting topic, for which it is extremely difficult to find advertisers. While Yuri Khovansky, with thousands of entertaining videos, once mentioned that he had already become a millionaire a long time ago. Therefore, Yuri's income from one video amounts to tens of thousands of rubles with a relatively small number of views.

Well, the person who blew up YouTube - Psy received about $ 4 million from an affiliate program for the video "Gangam Style" for a little over 2 billion views. From all the above information, one thing can be gleaned - to remain a popular blogger on YouTube is now very profitable. In addition to fame, you can provide yourself with a good income already from 10 thousand views on a video. The main thing is to work with the channel, the audience, and continue to develop. And money and fame will come with time. Video

Why does the average person need YouTube? To go in, watch an interesting video, laugh, learn something new and interesting. Just a fun or educational pastime.

But for the past five to seven years, there are those who can actively make money on YouTube.

Most of the people who started doing this back in 2009 are now earning several million rubles a year. .

How much does youtube pay for 1000 views

It is impossible to answer the question of how much YouTube will pay for a thousand views. The contract with each channel is concluded individually. But you can roughly understand the principles by which the amount of payments for income per views varies.

The main principle that affects the amount of money from a video is, of course, its views. The more views, the more users saw the ad and the higher income the channel owner will receive.

Meanwhile, depending on the subject of the channel, there are different prices. So, the entertainment theme is the most popular and therefore very popular. Videos and channels that fall under this category bring in the least amount of money per thousand views. However, they remain very popular.

Accounting, business and similar topics are highly valued and expensive by advertisers. Accordingly, the channel videos on such topics will bring much more money per 1000 views, but at the same time, the popularity of such videos will be much lower.

So bloggers have to choose between popularity and the number of views, or the price per click.

What is the money for

With the most approximate amount, we have decided. Now about what YouTube can transfer money for. In general, there are two types of advertising impressions - before the video, and a banner insert during the video.

While the first one brings some money just for showing (unless, of course, the user clicked skip), the second one works only when it is clicked on.

Advertising, which is shown at the beginning of the video, brings much more money than banner ads. But at the same time, banners are well paid, and make up about 30% of the channel's profit. Also, the longer the video, the more ads you can put in it. And the more the percentage of views for each video will drip.

Also, you can get the opportunity to monetize a specific video even without an affiliate program from YouTube. To do this, you need to talk with the moderator, and after his approval, the money from advertising will go into the pocket of the channel owner. Everything is simple and transparent.

How to roughly calculate your income

At the same time, you need to make allowances for the fact that the data may not be correct, and subtract about 25% from them.

So, a channel on which videos collect 20,000 views can count on an approximate income of $ 30 per video.

At the same time, well-known bloggers, whose videos collect several million views each, receive thousands of dollars from advertising. But there is one small catch here - they prefer not to talk about how much they get for watching each video.

Incomes of famous bloggers

But among the general mass of people who like to lie about their income from YouTube, there are those whose money is known from snippets of their phrases. So, for example, one of the most famous rap projects in the CIS, Versus, receives about 500$ per million views on video. An extremely small amount that forces you to look for additional sources of income.

This is due to an interesting topic, for which it is extremely difficult to find advertisers.

While Yuri Khovansky, with thousands of entertaining videos, once mentioned that he had already become a millionaire a long time ago. Therefore, Yuri's income from one video amounts to tens of thousands of rubles with a relatively small number of views.

From all the above information, one thing can be gleaned - to remain a popular blogger on YouTube is now very profitable. In addition to fame, you can provide yourself with a good income already from 10 thousand views on a video. The main thing is to work with the channel, the audience, and continue to develop.

How much does YouTube pay for views: profitable countries and niches

You can make money on YouTube with Google service Adsense is when your videos show ads before, during or after your video and you get paid for it.

This is exactly what will be discussed - how much YouTube pays for viewing ads while showing your videos in different countries and topics.

VoodyGames channel - $0.12 per 1000 impressions

Andrey Pogorely in his training course “Complete YouTube Gaming Course: Attract 500,000 Subs” shows his income in YouTube analytics from his gaming channel VoodyGames with 600,000 subscribers. I calculated that in one of the months he got 0.12 USD per 1000 impressions.

Mike and Lauren Channel - $2.57 CPM

Mike and Lauren also showcased their Google Adsense earnings in their YouTube Masterclass – Your Complete Guide to YouTube on their Mike and Lauren channel about finance, travel and themselves.

As it turned out, in different months the cost of a thousand impressions of advertising on YouTube for the same channel can be completely different. I carefully calculated and it turned out that YouTube paid them 1.57 USD per thousand impressions in one of the months when one of their videos “shot”, i.e.

became viral and was quoted by many leading publications, and 2.57 USD per thousand impressions in another - a standard month with the usual number of video views.

Video School Online Channel - $3 CPM

Phil Ebiner, the creator of the Video School Online channel, which teaches how to create videos and make money on the Internet on YouTube, e-books in other ways, also shared his income on Google Adsense. In one of the months that I counted, YouTube paid him 3 USD per thousand impressions.

How much does YouTube pay per million views?

Simple calculations based on the above data show that

In fact, the income can be less or many times more. And it depends on many factors.

What determines the cost of advertising on YouTube?

Here are the main factors that affect the cost of impressions on YouTube:

  • display geography. Great importance has in which countries the ads are shown, i.e. in which countries your videos are being watched. According to Chris Carroll, owner of the Jumpinthepack channel and author of the tutorial “How to Grow and Create a Successful YouTube Channel”, countries such as the USA, Canada, Germany and the United Kingdom bring in the highest income. There is also a list of countries that pay the least, such as Taiwan. Choose a profitable target audience;
  • viewing time. The length of your video and how long your channel's visitors watch it determines your ad revenue. If you insert three ads in a long video, you will earn more than one ad in a short video. This setting is entirely up to you and the quality of your videos;
  • niche. In some topics, advertising is much cheaper than in others. Choose a profitable niche.

And here is an interesting video about the cost of impressions on YouTube.

Countries with the highest YouTube cost per impression

And although there is data on the cost of clicks in Google search, this information is perfectly suitable for comparing the estimated cost of 1000 impressions on YouTube in different countries.

After all, this data shows the countries with the highest and lowest cost of online advertising. At the top of this list are the countries that generate the highest ad revenue:

  1. United Arab Emirates.
  2. Austria.
  3. Australia.
  4. Brazil.
  5. Great Britain.
  6. New Zealand.
  7. Chile.
  8. Switzerland.
  9. Italy.
  10. Canada.
  11. Germany.
  12. Turkey.
  13. Finland.
  14. Jamaica.

You can see the full list of countries at the link to the study, which I published above. What struck me about this list is that Brazil is in fifth place, although in theory it is a poor country and should not have made it into the top 10.

Russia occupies 82nd place in this list, and the last place went to Serbia.

What conclusion can be drawn? If you want to get the most money from YouTube ads, then shoot videos in English for countries like Australia, USA, UK, Canada, and New Zealand.

Niches with the highest cost of impressions on YouTube

WordStream has published data from its study on the cost of a Google AdWords click in different niches. And although the study was conducted for English-speaking markets and for Google Adwords, it allows you to indirectly estimate the cost of advertising in a particular topic compared to other topics.

In this study, they examined the most expensive search terms. Each of these requests is a separate niche and sales market. From this study, it can be seen that the most expensive topics around the world are insurance and finance.

The most expensive English-language advertising niches

  1. Insurance.
  2. Finance (loans, mortgages, credits).
  3. Legal services (lawyers, attorneys, claims).
  4. Higher education.
  5. Charity.
  6. Hosting.

You can study the full list of topics at the link to the study itself, which I gave above.

And here is a list of the most profitable niches Russian market, which I created based on my 10 years of experience with online advertising:

The most expensive advertising niches in Russia

  1. Insurance.
  2. Finance.
  3. The property.
  4. Electronics.
  5. Building.
  6. Education.
  7. Cloth.
  8. Furniture.
  9. Legal services.

These are the main and most expensive topics in which advertising in Russia is very expensive.

Accordingly, if your YouTube videos are about these topics and automatically show ads for companies from this sector, then you will receive more money from YouTube for impressions compared to other topics.

Conclusion: How to get the most out of ads on your YouTube channel

As I wrote in an article about different ways YouTube channel monetization “How to make money on a YouTube channel: secrets of YouTube stars“, Google Adsense pays very little for impressions, so you need to make money on YouTube in other ways described in this article. And in order to achieve the maximum payment for impressions on YouTube, you need to:

  • choose the most expensive niche for your channel;
  • choose the most expensive country for your channel;
  • make long and very interesting videos;
  • get a lot of followers..

How much does YouTube pay for 1000 views and for 1000000 views?

Every Internet user has heard of such a popular video service as YouTube. Millions of people visit this project every day to watch the videos they are interested in.

Now YouTube is developing exponentially, and it is not difficult to guess that a huge financial stream is turning around there.

Questions arise: “How can I make money on YouTube? How much does YouTube pay for 1000 views? How much does YouTube pay for 1,000,000 views?

The answer is obvious, but an ordinary layman may have a lot of questions about what this type of activity is, how to earn money, what money is paid for, what the amount of earnings depends on, etc.

If we highlight the main aspects of earnings, then there will be two of them:

  1. The topic of your channel;
  2. The number of monthly views.

These are not all important indicators, there are still a huge number of them: popularity, subscribers, activity, etc. But in fact, the amount of earnings is mainly influenced by views and topics. It should be noted that with sufficiently large views, the subject fades into the background.

It is the views that affect earnings from YouTube, but they pay money not for the number of views, but for their quality. It sounds a little unusual, but YouTube pays absolutely nothing for 1000 video views.

In order to understand and understand why this is happening, first of all, you need to catch the earnings system on YouTube itself. The advertiser provides YouTube with its advertising so that, in turn, YouTube places it on videos.

If we are talking about views, then this is only due to advertising " Instream». This is a fairly common ad on YouTube, and every user of this video hosting could watch it.

Before the video, ads start showing in the lower right corner, after 5 seconds of watching the ad, it becomes possible to skip it.

If a person missed it, then the channel did not earn anything, but if he watched it in full, then some insignificant amount goes to the owner of the channel. In addition to this advertisement, there are several other varieties.

Absolutely under every video pops up advertising " overlay". It is a small banner located at the bottom of the video. YouTube does not pay anything to display these ads.

In such an advertisement, payment is made only for clicks on it, but if a user clicks on this advertisement, goes to the advertiser's website, and at the same time immediately closes it, then the channel does not receive payment. Payment occurs only if the user clicked on this advertisement, went to the advertiser's website and stayed there for some time.

The more common the topic, the more advertisers will buy ads, which means the price will increase. Simply put, the broader the channel, the more it will receive from one click.

So how do you calculate how much does youtube pay for 1000 views? It is impossible to get an exact answer to this question, someone earns $ 1 per thousand views, someone more. It all depends on the subject and, of course, on the audience of the channel.

Average revenue per 1000 impressions - 2 dollars. The amount is small, but at the same time, if the channel has an audience of 100,000 subscribers, then the monthly income will be quite significant.

How much does youtube pay for 1000000 views

This amount is also quite conditional. There are many different services that allow you to see the earnings of a particular channel. One of the most popular such services is SocialBlade. It allows you to see the earnings of absolutely any channel.


If you take any popular foreign blogger and go to the service to view statistics, you can clearly see that for one million views he earns from 250 to 4000 dollars, which is generally not bad.

The Internet has entered our lives in full swing and millions of people have already learned how to make money on this global web. To date, there are millions of channels, millions of people go to YouTube to watch their favorite blogger or find a video they are interested in.

The exact amount that can be earned on YouTube is impossible to determine. For a decent income, you need to have at least a million views per month. In addition to affiliate programs, YouTube earns in all sorts of other ways, so it’s worth remembering that views are not the main thing you need to strive for. The audience of the channel, purchasing power, etc. is also important.

In order to earn on views, you must be connected to an affiliate program, absolutely every user can enable monetization within their channel on their own and receive commissions directly from YouTube.

If the video was watched by 1000 people, while 25 clicked on an ad that costs $ 0.2, then the channel will receive $ 5 accordingly, but this happens quite rarely, usually a click costs much less. Earning money on YouTube is not only a pleasant hobby, but also an opportunity for a stable income.

Many Internet users are reasonably interested in the question of how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views. After all, this is perhaps the most popular platform on the network, which hosts, according to various sources, from 500 million to 1.5 billion videos. Here you can find material on any topic, from animated films, music videos and ending with various educational programs and social and political talk shows.

I must say that there is also enough fake on this resource, and there is an explanation for this: people earn money on YouTube both for watching their videos, which contain advertising, and for links to goods or services of so-called partners. That is why many unscrupulous users do not hesitate to give their videos posted on their channels intriguing names, although in fact they have nothing to do with them.

Below will be described in detail what the profit is related to.

What channel topic should I choose?

It must be said right away that no one will pay just for viewing the material posted on your channel. The opportunity to earn always comes down to advertisers. You can interest them and involve them in cooperation if your video channel has regular subscribers and regularly gains, if not the largest number of views on YouTube, but at least necessary for cooperation. Videos should be useful, interesting and original.

Topics are designed for different segments and groups of the population:

  • finance and economics;
  • children's entertainment programs;
  • humorous channels;
  • cars;
  • films and reviews of novelties of cinematography;
  • sports and much more.

The most popular views on YouTube are usually humorous and musical videos, but this does not mean that they are the most profitable.

Do not forget about the legislation regulating the scope of copyright protection. Please read it carefully before you start creating a channel.

How do you earn on YouTube for views?

To get started, you will need to create your Google account, under which you then need to log in to the aforementioned resource. Now you need to enable channel monetization. To do this, you will need to do the following:

  1. In the upper right corner, click on your avatar and select "Creator Studio" from the list that opens.
  2. In the menu on the left under "Channel" select "Status and Features".
  3. In the "Monetization" section, enable this feature.
  4. After you read it, accept the terms of the Youtube affiliate program.

Now you need to link your channel to your AdSense account. All information on how to do this is detailed on Youtube. You can get acquainted with it in the process of connecting all these functions. You need to create an AdSense account on the YouTube website, otherwise you will not be able to link the two accounts.

Go to www.youtube.com/account_monetization and follow the instructions. Once you're redirected to the Adsense site, check if the email address matches the account that your channel is associated with. After confirming the linking of one account to another, enter your contact details and send a request.

After that, you will be notified that the connection has been established.


Foreign advertisers, in particular European or American ones, pay much more for the information posted about them than Russian ones. An important point: only clicks or clicks on ads are monetized. The more popular the video or the channel as a whole, the more chances you will have to conclude an agreement with reputable partners. For example, YouTube's record for views will certainly not go unnoticed by advertisers. Hence the difference in cost. Among the people who talk about how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views, some earn 300 euros for 400,000, while others earn 100 euros for 1,000,000.

  • Monetize all videos on the channel.
  • Choose the appropriate ad format and save the settings.

Similar projects

There are other affiliate programs besides AdSense. For example, such as Air. This media network actively promotes your videos in "Related Videos" and really helps a lot. The difference between this analogue and AdSense is that a percentage will be charged from the user for services.

By the way, it is easier to make money on this platform if you additionally have your own website and develop it. You just need to leave a link to it under each video or insert an excerpt with its address into the video.

The media network QuizzGroup, for example, will take 20 to 30% of your ad revenue. Other affiliate programs work, as a rule, at the same rate and under the same conditions.

Pros and cons of media networks

Media networks have their positive aspects:

  • in case of disputes with YouTube, they will always be on your side and provide all kinds of support;
  • track those who plagiarize (in simple terms, copy your videos) and block stolen videos;
  • withdraw earned money starting from $5, while Youtube makes payments only when you reach 100 conventional units on your balance.

The disadvantages are that third-party programs take part of your profits and one of the terms of the contract that you enter into with them is an annual cooperation. That is, within 12 months you will not be able to terminate the contract with them.

How much does YouTube pay for 1,000,000 views?

To answer this question, you need to understand some of the features that form your earnings.

For example, depending on the age of the audience of your subscribers and on the type of their activity, the channel can bring $10 per thousand views (ads!), or maybe $1. Bloggers covering the world economy and the like, of course, win in this sense. Even though their videos obviously don't have the most views on YouTube. Entertainment and music channels have a hard time competing with them in terms of interest rates per click on ads.

On the other hand, channels targeted at children and youth audiences often get thousands of times more views than the ones mentioned above. Here you can already make a choice using simple arithmetic.

It turns out that in one case you will receive $ 1,000 per million views on YouTube, and in the other - $ 10,000.

Keep your finger on the pulse

One way or another, it is necessary to make an interesting and high-quality product in order to succeed in this direction. It will take time and, possibly, financial investments to promote and develop the channel.

YouTube videos are constantly updated. Some videos become outdated and begin to lose the average number of views, while others are gaining momentum. Therefore, it is important to regularly add something new and original. There are many ways to promote your Youtube channel. There is a lot of video material about this on the platform itself. Familiarize yourself with it, analyze it, be patient and act.

New record

In 2017, the YouTube record for the views of the video for the song of the Korean artist Gangnam style was broken, with 2,894,479 views. This time the victors were Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth with the song See you again. The video clip for their song was seen by 2,895,552 viewers. The current leaders have overtaken the previous one in terms of the number of likes placed under the video. At the moment, this particular video is the absolute winner on the platform.


In the past few years, blogging has become popular all over the world, including in Russia. People who run their own channel dedicated to a certain topic regularly shoot new releases. In them, bloggers talk about certain events, news that are of interest to niche subscribers. Today, a blogger is a full-fledged profession, since many devote all their time to this and have no other income, except from the channel. Someone shoots stories about travel from different parts of the globe, some prefer to delve into politics, which is already enough on television, others make stories about sports, acquainting viewers with the latest results or forecasts. In fact, you just need to choose something that you are really good at, and you can try yourself in this genre. The main condition here is that you should also be interested in it. The question of how much YouTube pays for 1,000,000 views, in this case, fades into the background.

Returning to television, it is worth noting that recently it has been significantly losing ground. Youtube has played a leading role in this, according to many, and continues to strengthen its position, little by little displacing television channels from the position of the main media.

If you still have any questions about how much they give for views on YouTube, re-read the article again. Do you want to try your hand at making money like this? Then YouTube is waiting for you!

From the side of the viewer, you can immediately understand several factors that form the rating of a channel on Youtube. Such nuances as “thumbs up”, subscription, comments, and even just a click on the channel and all kinds of influence of viewers on the channel can raise its rating and bring decent bonuses to its owner. Moreover, it doesn’t matter how the viewer reacts: good or negative to a particular video: any attention becomes a tool for monetization. Therefore, in this case, a negative reaction is also welcomed to the indignation of the reacter.

Every day, millions of people consciously and not really visit the service, click on the video and pay attention to the video content that interests them. Viral videos and various entertaining and shocking shots are so popular for a reason: fear and laughter are the main irritants for attracting a large number of views. Therefore, the income of the channel depends on the subject of the content and the number of views per month. Subscriptions, comments and fingers only affect popularity, which in turn forms the channel's rating; due to it, the channel becomes more and more advertised and noticeable for new views, which already directly affect the channel's income.

However, of course, this is not the only source of income for the channel owner. For Youtube itself and for an individual blogger, such a phenomenon as advertising plays the most lucrative role - we can say that most of this content exists for its sake. The advertiser is just as helpful with any kind of popular content.

What does YouTube pay for?

In fact, the income from views is allocated to the channel not by YouTube itself, but by advertisers who pay a certain amount, depending on the number of viewers who saw the advertising banner in the video. When watching a video, you can notice a yellow dash on the scroll bar, when viewed, an advertising banner appears at the bottom of the video window. To be more precise, advertisers pay not just for viewing their banner, but for clicking on it. But the development of an automatic click on the banner at the time of the inclusion of the video made the concepts of watching a video and viewing a banner almost identical.

Channel monetization is the connection of certain functions with the help of which the channel rating correlates with the accrual of payments that come from advertisers.

Thus, a blogger, depending on the content of his channel and the relevance of advertising, can choose any way to monetize the channel. The content itself plays a role here: what is the subject of the video, so is the advertisement. The price of the commercial is not exactly set, as it somehow depends on the type and duration of the advertisement. Basically, YouTube keeps 45% of the revenue from advertisers and gives the rest to the channel owner.

Advertising of goods and services to bloggers themselves is usually offered to established and popular channels. However, this type of advertising is not always positively welcomed by the viewer, but it pays well. Also, in this case, the blogger has such a privilege as free goods that are sent to him for advertising. This type of advertising is well accompanied by various links in the description and explanations by the blogger himself.

The affiliate program helps the channel owner to receive additional passive income. For example, one affiliate program offers payment for 1000 views from $0.8 to $20. This type cooperation is characterized by the fact that income can be passive, but in this case the blogger depends on only one affiliate program, which cannot always send payment in good faith and on time. Funds for views are withdrawn mainly through popular services such as Webmoney or Yandex.

In the affiliate program, withdrawals are made automatically within 45 days of the period.

How to make money on Youtube

It is already becoming clear that in order to make money by making videos for YouTube, you need to use advertising. Then the question arises, how to attract advertisers to yourself, how long and what exactly should be filmed in order to be able to magnetize the channel?

First you need to register an account, if it suddenly does not exist. Then you can start developing your videos. The main question should be: how to shoot in such a way that a large number of people want to watch? The video should be accompanied by a good picture - quality, since this is primarily a visual hosting. The picture should be not darkened, bright and of high quality. To do this, it is desirable to purchase more or less high-quality equipment.

Further work for the host himself, depending on the format and purpose of the video. Content should be interesting, not long, elaborate and original. Since you are only allowed to upload your own video, the entire review should be organized by the author. Music for the video is allowed only by the author or from the music library. As a camera, it is not necessary to use only a camera, you can use a digital camera or a phone with quality camera. Three rules for a successful video: high-quality sound, pleasant review and interesting material.

To start monetization, you need to go to the "Video Manager", then click on "Channel", then on "Status and Features" and then you can start magnetizing. You need to check in advance whether it is possible to monetize the channel, since in some countries this function is not enabled. If there is no such function, then you need to change the country to the United States.

The monetized income itself comes from cooperation with the paying network. There are a lot of them, so you need to familiarize yourself with the conditions of each and choose the most profitable.

The channel must exist for at least one month, it must have more than 3,000 views, more than 100 subscribers and more than 10 videos. You can also monetize the channel only to persons over 14 years old, and at a lower age only with the permission of the guardian.

Of course, for the income of filming, the video should take place, if not constantly, then at least so that the material is enough for a more or less long regularity. The best option for the video embedding period is a period of 2 times a week. In popular and promoted accounts, it is possible less often. But only with frequent regular and high-quality shooting, you can attract monetized income. In addition, each video should be accompanied by links, a description, various keywords. This is necessary in order to search engines could display relevant content for a keyword on the first pages.

So, in order to become a candidate for income from video hosting, you need to follow the following steps:

  • Survive 1 month in active mode.
  • Popularity should progress regularly.
  • Submit 10 or more videos.
  • Don't post plagiarism.
  • Apply for monetization in the appropriate navigation section.

For a more accelerated growth in the number of subscribers, you can start shooting short but regular videos, and when you reach 1000 subscribers, start shooting longer, but less frequently.

How much does Youtube pay

At the moment, becoming a partner is not difficult at all, even if the channel is just starting to exist. Approximate logic for views on YouTube for today, for example:

  • For 1000 views - $0.5;
  • For 10,000 views - $5;
  • For 100,000 views - $50;
  • For 1000000 views - $500.

But often the payout logic is far from structural. It is not known how much they can pay for 100,000, as it depends on many nuances. For a more or less decent income, you need to have at least 1 million views. Therefore, bloggers often resort to additional advertising with cooperation. Earnings depend on views and separately on clicks. For example, if out of 100 views people click 30, then the payment for these 100 views will increase by about $ 6.

The impact of likes and dislikes on income

Individual buttons like "Like" or "thumbs up" don't really pay at all. They affect the rating of the channel, nothing more. The higher your video is when searched on a hosting or in a search engine, the more people can click on it. The more thumbs up, the higher the rating. A negative rating such as "Thumbs Down" is the same rating. Of course, it can affect the reputation, but the number of views is always the same, whether it is a positive or negative rating result. And if a video of a negative nature with a negative reputation gains a large number of views, then this will only further spread it across the network and bring even more dividends to the author.

With a positive reputation, a video can get into the “Recommended” column. Once there, the video will be displayed additionally on the right when viewing any video, in a variety of topics.

Impact of comments on income

Comments also affect the rating of the video and then the output, however, not all people who have watched the video want to describe the comments. Therefore, writing comments has a greater impact on the popularity of the blogger himself and his connection with the audience. Comments help spread the video across various social networks. This is a kind of PR for a blogger. Often, channel owners resort to the so-called "black" PR or dishonest: they pay for fake comments in order to increase their rating in the eyes of other viewers. Such unsubscribes are also called “viral comments”.

Before reaching a certain level of popularity, a blogger first works for comments, then comments work for him. For example, it is not uncommon to see in the comments under the video how other bloggers invite you to go to their channel; or even try to advertise certain products. However, this type of PR is not welcome, it is called spam and is punishable by blocking.

So, the result of the benefits of comments in income is to increase the popularity of the channel and attract additional views. Therefore, through sensational and flashing videos, certain bloggers can be forced to click on the video involuntarily, creating a viral effect and increasing views exponentially.

What famous affiliate programs are used on Youtube

The most popular is the Adsense affiliate program, which is used and trusted by most video hosting users. The terms of this program include the possibility of choosing advertising by the user. Pay-per-views range from $0.01 to $1.

Another way of cooperation is to advertise certain goods or services in a video. The user independently places the place and time where to insert the commercial. But this method depends on the topic of the channel itself and the desire of advertisers to cooperate.

The Adsense affiliate program is not the only one. There are others with different conditions and contracts. For example, AIR is in demand due to its low withdrawal threshold. On it, the withdrawal of funds is carried out from $ 0.5. It also has light functional features, because it is loved for its simplicity. To start cooperation with this program, the channel must have at least 1000 subscribers and at least 3000 views.

It is very important to carefully check the terms of the agreement for inconsistencies with the agreement of another affiliate program.

Another popular affiliate program is YouPartnerWSP. It is in demand due to the possibility of passive income. Also, the withdrawal of funds from this affiliate can be carried out in several ways: web money, Yandex money or payment transfers. A characteristic positive advantage is round-the-clock technical support. This program actively engaged in the development and education of the user in improving the activity of the channel: webinars are held and training materials are printed. To cooperate with this affiliate program, you need to get at least 1000 views and at least 30 subscriptions. The rates for this program range from $0.7 to $20.

First you need to understand that making a video is also a job. No need to rely on various tricks and viral videos. It is best to approach this issue from the side of a hobby and really shoot from a personal desire. Topics are just as important, since, for example, a narrowly focused channel will only be visited by certain users, while entertainment and home channels are available to a larger audience.

For greater efficiency, it is better to upload videos 2-3 times a week. You can do more - at least every day, if time permits. However, it is worth remembering that quality is still better than quantity. Therefore, it is better to shoot 2-3 very high-quality content than daily video waste paper.

Do not be shy to ask and encourage the audience to put a "thumbs up" and comment. Feedback is very important and you need to show that the blogger is not an outrageous and ephemeral representative, but quite a natural and ordinary person. The public loves simplicity and openness.

The video can be shared on other social networks. For example, in the relevant Vkontakte or Facebook groups, you can post a video if it fits the topic. You can also search for relevant networks in different forums. Sometimes you can resort to a little trick and share videos from fake pages.

You also need to come up with a title and description for the video consciously and correctly, using queries. You can drive in a potential name in the corresponding resource and see how many requests were for these words. If there are few requests, then the video displayed in the search will be less effective.

Constantly need to develop the channel innovate. Regularly come up with new topics, headings, contests and other manipulations. Also, do not be afraid to change the subject of the channel. The principle of any entertainment portal is this: do not let the public get bored. A different audience will bring other subscribers, which will increase the ranking.

Video design

Channel design also plays an important role. How to make a video cover, avatar, channel name, blogger nickname, cap - depends, at times, a lot. This is a kind of “calling card” of a blogger. Ideally, you need to pick up everything that is most organically in harmony with each other so that the channel turns into a kind of “brand”. This will make the blogger more memorable. Also, if such a blogger is mentioned, it will be very clear who it is.

When making a cover for a video, you need to take into account its context. For example, in a video about a certain product, this product should be displayed on the cover. Or in a vlog colored with some specific emotions, you can depict the corresponding emoticon. The viewer will react primarily to the visual side of the video, which may cause a visit to the channel.

My last post on this blog is the most popular. But it was written back in 2015. Therefore, I myself even became interested, but what has changed over the past three years?

Next, I will give the layout exactly by country, because I can’t say by my own example how much they pay me for one million views, since my traffic is too mixed, half the USA, and half cheap Asian countries, so the spread is, on average, by hospital, it turns out to be very large and does not display any general picture, except for the statistics of my channel specifically.

Note that the data below shows current (July) revenue per million views. At the same time, at the beginning of the calendar year, it is always less, and at the end - more. Please note that I have children's entertainment traffic. For adult and target pay more, for blurry and all sorts of jokes - less.

USA traffic: 1 373,12$
Traffic India: 157,04$
Brazil traffic: 173,82$
Traffic Vietnam: 81,59$

These are the top countries by views on my channel. I hope it is now clear why I do not want to make general statistics of my experience. Further:

Traffic Mexico: 179,13$
Indonesia traffic: 159,29$
Traffic Thailand: 206,79$
Traffic Argentina: 185,02$

Now let's move on to a very (for us) interesting question - how much do they pay for a million views on YouTube for Russia and Ukraine? Important! For the first one below, the current statistics for 1 million, for the second one, I simply don’t have so much traffic for 2018. Therefore, I entered there the yield for 1 million, which had accumulated all the time until July of this year, and for 100 thousand, which had gathered in 2018, so that you can compare.

Traffic Russia: 215,72$
Traffic Ukraine: 93,74$ / 10,65$

Which countries have the most expensive views?

Naturally, the traffic from the USA is quite worthy, on average it turns out more than $1 per 1,000 views on a ten-minute video. But there are also countries whose views bring much more money than American ones. However, getting such traffic is very difficult.

But maybe these numbers will motivate you a little!

Norway: 287,88$
Denmark: 209,54$
Canada: 207,61$
Australia: 162,30$
Japan: 127,28$
France: 103,45$
Germany: 98,30$

Finally, let's compare the data for this year and. It turns out that three years ago, Russian traffic, on average, cost 20 cents per 1000 views. Now it is 21 cents, therefore - stability. Well, you yourself know what a wonderful country we live in. Ukrainian traffic cost 8 cents per 1000 views. Now it's 10 cents.

In addition to idle interest and everything else, such statistics most objectively show the current economic situation around the world.

Oh yes! Here's something else. If you like, don't forget to go to my humble youtube channel, where videos on our Internet topics are sometimes released.

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