
Upgrading courses. Free educational programs and courses on the Internet for learning

Aerography courses

Cost: from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles

Traditional fine arts classes are crowded with "advanced" drawing lessons. And first of all we are talking about airbrushing courses. For many, it is associated with images on cars, but in fact, you can apply a drawing with an airbrush on a snowboard, a motorcycle helmet, a wall in a room, a kitchen stool or your favorite T-shirt. It is generally accepted that the American jeweler Abner Peeler was the creator of airbrushing. In 1878 he designed the airbrush for spraying paint. The name "airbrush" stuck behind Peeler's invention, and the first thing taught in most airbrush courses today is how to use it properly. In addition, the classes show how to mix paints, model future drawings in Photoshop and create stencils necessary for the final transfer of the image. As a rule, many airbrush schools offer a choice of several curricula. The duration of the basic course usually does not exceed 10 hours, and the advanced course lasts about 60 hours. But both include both theoretical and workshops culminating in the thesis.

Bath courses

Cost: 8000 rubles

“Every year on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse!” - every Russian knows this quote from the main New Year's film. As for the bathhouse, according to the FOM survey, 46% of the country's residents regularly visit it. True, not every lover of a steam bath knows all the subtleties of bathing art. A visit to the bath, which the Slavs called soap, move and vlazny, was already popular in the 5th-6th centuries and over time acquired many rules and rituals. You can learn at least some of them by taking a bathing course "Russian bath - why, why and how." His program was formed from answers to the most frequently asked questions by "bathhouse" beginners. Upon completion of the course, participants will learn how to choose and steam a bath broom, will be able to arrange aromatherapy sessions without leaving the heated steam room, and will also find out the answer to one of the key questions of inveterate bath attendants: what drinks can and cannot be consumed in the bath. The duration of the course is 8 academic hours, which are divided into 2 classes, which can be listened to in the morning, afternoon or evening groups.

Pottery courses

Cost: 7000 rubles

Pottery is one of the most indulgent occupations for beginners. Unlike painting, where you need to have a sense of color and spatial thinking, or music, where you cannot do without hearing, modeling does not require innate talents. Perhaps due to this, the popularity of pottery courses in Lately is growing. In most classes, you can learn how to sculpt clay in two ways: by hand or using a potter's wheel. The pottery course in the workshop of the Union of Artists is designed for 5 lessons, each of which lasts 3 academic hours. Already at the first stage, students try to mold a bowl from a shapeless piece of clay, at the second they move on to more complex forms and mold a mug with a handle, at the third they add a pot with a lid to the existing cutlery, and at the fourth - a teapot. The fifth and final lesson is devoted to preparing products for firing, as well as working with glazes and enamels. After completing a pottery course, the house will become not only more crowded with self-made ceramic dishes, but also much calmer - after all, modeling, according to doctors, has a psychotherapeutic effect.

Azulejo courses

Cost: 6400 rubles

The Portuguese word "azulejo" (from the Arabic az-zulaij - pebble) refers to fired and glazed ceramic tiles. Signs made in this technique with house numbers and street names in Portugal can be seen everywhere. Among the masters of azulejos, which flourished at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century, there were almost no foreigners, but today anyone can learn how to make multi-colored tiles. True, there are apparently not very many of them: the number of azulejo courses in Moscow can be counted on the fingers of one hand. First of all, the participants of the classes learn to work with clay, alabaster and gypsum, from which future tiles are made. The second part of the course is devoted to the traditional techniques of decorating tiles: painting with paints, gilding, decoupage and even creating three-dimensional relief drawings. The final stage of working with tiles is their firing, after which the azulejos acquire a glossy sheen. Decorative tiles made during the classes will be an excellent interior decoration or a hand-made gift.

Fumelier courses

Cost: 3000 rubles

Treating an interlocutor with tobacco is an ancient habit and a sign of respect. Even the Indians, among other gifts, presented Columbus with tobacco. But how to understand the variety of its varieties, the characteristics of cigars from different regions, their proper storage and combination with alcohol? Fumelier courses will help with this. The term for a specialist in both cigars and wine is a derivative of the French noun "sommelier" and the Spanish verb "fumo" - "to smoke". For amateur beginners, fumelier courses will first of all give an idea of ​​the culture of smoking, because not everyone knows that there is a special cigar serving and tobacco etiquette. In addition to theoretical knowledge about the structure of cigars and their shape, the classification of cigarettes and the device of a hookah, students of fumelier courses will have the opportunity to enrich themselves with practical skills. For example, practice lighting a pipe, rolling cigars, and using tasting to determine the optimal combination of tobacco and alcohol. The fumelier course at the Bartending Association of Russia is designed for one lesson lasting 5 hours, and all consumable smoking and alcoholic “materials” are included in its price.

Flaming courses

Cost: from 4900 rubles

The English word "flaring", consisting of the parts "flare" - flying and "ring" - a circle, is well known to bartenders all over the world. After all, this is what they call the preparation of cocktails free style, accompanied by juggling bottles and other tricky tricks. Flairing has been around for over 150 years, and is considered the father of American mixology, Jerry Thomas. During his lifetime, Thomas was called "Professor", but today most bartenders simply refer to him as "Dad". By its complexity, flairing is compared with martial arts, but this does not mean that it cannot be learned: today flairing courses can also be found in Moscow. As a rule, training is built on the principle of "ladder". At first, the simplest tricks are mastered, for example, tossing a piece of ice that needs to be caught in a glass. Separately, the most accurate pouring of drinks is practiced without the use of measuring utensils. You can learn to juggle two or even three objects on basic course flaring, but you will have to master such complex technical elements as balances or throws over your head on a professional course.

Lace courses

Cost: one level - 3500 rubles

Lace is back in fashion. At the royal wedding last year, Kate Middleton appeared before the altar in a dress with delicate lace sleeves, and in February this year at the Italian Fashion Week, a number of designers brought models to the catwalk, completely dressed in delicate lace fabrics. Throughout its history, only representatives of the upper classes could afford to wear lace. In the 17th-18th centuries, lace was sold for carats, like diamonds, and during the Great Patriotic War, Vologda openwork fabrics were exchanged for weapons and products. Today, lace is still in price, but you can learn how to weave it yourself. At a few metropolitan needlework courses, they teach how to make lace fabric using two techniques. The first is bobbin weaving, the so-called hardwood sticks. The courses teach how to properly sort out the bobbins, thereby creating a lace pattern. The second popular weaving method is called tatting. It is considered simpler and is performed using a special shuttle. A few tatting lessons will be enough to make a lace napkin, collar or brooch.

feng shui courses

Cost: from 5500 rubles

Feng Shui is a 5,000 year old Taoist space exploration practice. True, at first it was most often used to calculate the location of the tombs. And today, with the help of Feng Shui, you can choose the best place to build a house, harmoniously furnish an apartment, and even “competently” arrange trees on a personal plot. How? This can be learned by mastering the Feng Shui course. In the East, they believe that every house is a living organism in which objects and their location are of particular importance. In Feng Shui courses, they tell why it is better to place the kitchen in the southern part of the house, than the cluttered corners of the rooms threaten, and why there must be flowers in the apartment. And this is only a small part of the secrets so respected and honored in the East. By the way, residents of Asian countries like to tell that the house itself can give signs to the owner. So, if lamps often burn out, electrical appliances turn off or floorboards creak, it means that the harmony of the internal space is broken. And you can fix it with the help of Feng Shui. Today, this practice is becoming a fashionable hobby for many, which, however, psychologists advise not to get carried away too much.

Literary cuisine courses

Cost: 2000 rubles

Survey data show that the demand for cooking courses in Moscow has increased by 20% in recent years. Despite the rather high cost of classes, which reached several thousand rubles per visit, residents of the capital mastered the methods of cooking fish and meat, salads and snacks, and learned how to bake pies and cakes. And today, for those who want to learn how to cook not only delicious, but also original dishes, courses in "literary cuisine" are held in Moscow. Their main difference is that they teach to cook according to recipes not from cookbooks, but found in the works of Russian and world literature. Some of the most delicious descriptions of food are found in Gogol, so in the classes of "literary cuisine" participants will try to cook at least a small part of the dishes that Korobochka treated Chichikov. They will also bake pancakes according to Chekhov's recipe, cook the famous Madeleine cookies, sung by Proust, or cook Swiss cheese soup with croutons, the smell of which comes from the pages of Mikhail Shishkin's prose. By the way, the cooking process takes place not only under the sounds of knocking knives and boiling oil, but also under the reading of literary texts.

Calligraphy courses

Cost: from 15,000 rubles

Printing rather than writing a letter or text is a common thing for everyone who can no longer imagine life without a computer. Many people forget how to write by hand, and what can we say about the art of calligraphy, which is becoming a relic of the past. And once the skill beautiful writing was valued no less than the ability to paint in oils or watercolors. Today, calligraphy classes are usually held for students of art universities, and it is not so easy for a “free listener” to find calligraphy courses in Moscow. One of the places where you can learn how to write beautifully is courses at the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy. They consist of three levels, each of which is designed for two and a half months. At first, the participants of the classes learn to “write out” the lowercase and uppercase letters of the Russian alphabet, work out the connecting and decorative elements. At the second level, work begins with various fonts, and at the third level, students pick up a pointed pen and comprehend the basics of knitting and poster graphics. By the way, before you go to calligraphy courses, you can read Dan Brown's novel "Angels and Demons", in which the worldwide conspiracy is built on the features of the Gothic font.

January 28"14, Tuesday

As they say, learning is light, but new knowledge usually does not come free of charge. But there are pleasant exceptions, so let's look at what you can learn in Moscow for free.

Free courses or open lessons are a great way to establish yourself as a commercial or public organization. And despite the fact that such a gift is both attractive and alarming, such events are always a success for those who manage to believe that not everything in this world has to be paid for.

Naturally, the professional secrets of culinary specialists, hairdressers or florists are not revealed in such classes, you can still learn something useful, how to make new friends and like-minded people. It remains only to choose a suitable free course or an open lesson.

Free cooking classes and courses

The most common sources of culinary training programs are a variety of restaurants.

For example, Italian restaurant Da Pino hosts free cooking classes every Saturday for kids aged 4 to 13. Adults are also not deprived of attention and can join the appropriate groups of novice cooks.

Participation in the master class requires pre-registration. Details can be found on the official website of the restaurant.

Seminars on manicure and nail extension in Moscow are held in MASURA training center. Participation in the seminar - by appointment. The schedule of seminars can be seen on the website.

Free creative workshops: knitting, sewing, embroidery

Free courses and workshops related to applied arts are more of a seasonal phenomenon. However, you can inquire about the availability of such in the nearest House of Culture or creativity center and it is likely that you will find a suitable option.

If we talk about specially held master classes, then you can visit them by going to the annual exhibition "Formula of Needlework". The 25 master classes announced at the exhibition are mostly free of charge, only a few may require pre-registration. Entrance to the exhibition - 200-250 rubles. Details are on the website.

Regardless of which free course or master class you like, do not forget that it is never too late to gain new knowledge. So make the most of this opportunity!

The most profitable human investment in the 21st century is personal education.

Education plays one of critical roles In human life. Today, without constant self-education, it is difficult to achieve success in work, career, and get a decent quality of life.

Modern knowledge will allow you to apply for a higher position and salary or have advantages in applying for a vacancy in a prestigious company.
With regular training, almost any talent or skill can be developed.

This review has collected for you the best free educational resources of the Internet for self-study.

Today we will talk about a wide range of resources where you can find courses:
- in various academic disciplines: from computer science to psychology;
- for teaching professional skills and abilities;
- to develop personal effectiveness and growth;
— advanced training and retraining;
- and many other courses.

Internet resources for online education (distance learning)

EduMarket.Ru (EduMarket LLC company)

Aggregator of training programs and educational institutions.
Portal No. 1 in the market of additional vocational education. Unique services for those who want to learn and improve their professional level. More than 20,000 relevant events from 5,700 training companies.
There are currently more than 1200 free courses.

A short list of areas where you can find free courses:
- Management, management, business education;
- Accounting, economics, finance, audit;
- Personal competencies, growth and career;
- Personnel, personnel management, HR;
- Marketing, advertising, PR;
- Small business management, entrepreneurship;
- Foreign languages;
- Sales, distribution, marketing;
- Education, coaching, trainer skills;
- Young professionals and youth;
- Construction and architecture;
- Jurisprudence, law;
- Psychology;
- IT: For programmers and IT specialists;
- IT: Information Systems: ERP, CRM,1C;
- IT: Application programs for various specialists;
- Working qualifications;
- Banks, lending, investments;
- Consulting and development of business processes.

Coursera educational platform

Format: courses, webinars
Level: from beginner to advanced
Course topics: science, business, hobby, personal effectiveness.
Price: is free

Coursera is educational platform, offering free online courses for everyone who wants to gain additional knowledge. The partners of the project are world-famous universities (Stanford, Wharton, Princeton and other eminent ones), they post free training courses on various topics, from the humanities and exact sciences to business and personal effectiveness.
Coursera launched in April 2012 and has already passed the 1 million student mark. Now includes more than 1400 courses from 136 universities around the world.
It is possible to obtain international certificates and certificates from these universities on the completion of the course.

Here is a short list of upcoming programs:

On November 14, the Highly Effective Business Writing course starts at the University of California, Irvine.

UC San Diego's "Learn to Learn: Powerful Mental Tools to Help You Master Tough Subjects" launches November 30, 2015.

Coming soon courses on programming from the University of Michigan.


Format: courses, video lectures
Level: from basic to advanced
Course topics:
Price: is free
"Universarium" - open system e-education, providing free educational programs from the best universities and teachers in the country.

Project mission:
To provide an opportunity to receive quality education from the best Russian teachers and leading universities for millions of Russian citizens.

Objective of the project:
1. Creation of a network inter-university platform that provides free encyclopedic pre-professional training and targeted specialized training for end users of educational services.
2. Ensuring the dominance of leading Russian universities in the electronic part of the Russian educational space in order to form and retain thinking and interested personnel for the Russian industry and economy.
3. Training is based on the sequential passage of course modules lasting 7–10 weeks, depending on the complexity of the program. Each module consists of a video lecture, independent work, homework, additional literature and testing. It is noteworthy that homework is checked not only by teachers, but also by other students, thereby honing their knowledge. No one is expelled for failing the test - it's just a self-test.

The subjects of the courses are extensive: the humanities, electronics, programming, marketing, management, and so on. You can sign up for several.

Lectorium. educational project

Format: courses, video lectures
Level: from introductory to advanced
Course topics: in basic disciplines studied in Russian universities
Price: is free

New generation educational courses (Massive Open Online Course), prepared by leading Russian universities specifically for online education. MOOCs are characterized short videos, interesting tasks and, of course, lively communication between teachers and students.

An academic educational project that has collected video lectures from the best lecturers in Russia and publishes massive open online courses. The difference between the first and the second, first of all, is in timing. Lectorium has more than 20 partners, they create online courses for leading Russian universities.
More than 4,000 hours of video materials are available on the site. There are courses for schoolchildren and applicants, for students, as well as for specialists who want to improve their skills. Access to online courses, unlike face-to-face programs, is free. At the end of each week of training, as well as at the end of the entire course, tests are usually expected.

"National Open Education Platform"

Level: base
Course topics: in basic disciplines studied in Russian universities
Price: is free

Open Education is a modern educational platform offering online courses in basic disciplines studied at Russian universities. The platform was created by the Association "National Platform open education”, established by leading universities — Moscow State University, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg State University, NUST MISIS, NRU HSE, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Ural Federal University and ITMO.

All courses posted on the Platform are available free of charge and without formal requirements for the basic level of education. For those wishing to credit the completed online course when mastering the educational program of a bachelor's or specialist's degree at a university, there is a unique opportunity for Russia to receive confirmed certificates. Obtaining a certificate is possible subject to passing the control measures of the online course with the identification of the student and control of the conditions for their passage.

Higher education for everyone, everywhere
Availability of high-quality higher education for all citizens of the Russian Federation without formal (passing the USE), territorial and financial restrictions. The opportunity to master the content of undergraduate programs, and in the future - master's programs, for everyone.

Opportunity to enroll in a course at your university
A new element of the Russian education system - open online courses - can be re-credited by any university. We make it a real practice, expanding the boundaries of education for each student.

A complete set of courses from leading universities
We are systematically working to create courses for the basic part of all areas of training, providing a convenient and profitable integration of the course into their own for any university. educational programs.

Free educational project Yandex.ru: Yandex Academy.

Format: courses, webinars
Level: from beginner to advanced
Course topics: Internet technologies
Price: is free

We recommend everyone who is interested in modern Internet technologies to study at the Yandex Academy. Here courses on web programming, web design, SEO promotion, Internet marketing, Internet project management, information technology for system administrators and many others.

School of Yandex Managers
A school for students, graduate students and recent graduates of universities who want to become Internet project managers, but have not yet gained enough experience.

School of webmasters.
At the school of webmasters, experts from various areas of the Internet industry will share their experience and talk about the main stages of creating and developing and promoting a site.

Yandex Programming School.
School students study programming algorithms (Python, C ++), learn to develop highly loaded services and work with databases.

School of Internet Marketing
The school is designed for Internet marketers and brand managers.

And many other courses for high school students, students and young professionals. FROM complete list educational projects can be found on the website academy.yandex.ru


Format: courses, presentations, video lectures
Level: from basic to advanced
Course topics:
Price: free, paid, subscription

"Netology" is an educational project created by Internet marketing practitioners with the aim of transferring knowledge and developing the skills necessary for working in advertising and promotion on the Web to a wide range of professionals mastering the Internet space.

Netology seminars and trainings are intended for business owners, marketers, brand managers, product managers, PR employees and other professionals whose direct responsibility is to ensure an effective brand presence on the Internet.

Now the Library has 138 courses on marketing, management, social networks, copywriting, web design, web analytics, SEO, etc. (total 19 directions) of different levels of difficulty - from basic to advanced.

Teachers are well-known people in Runet, professionals in their field. The range of study areas of "Netology" is quite extensive. Including from time to time there are courses for those who learn to make websites.

There are especially many courses on marketing and management, e-commerce, social networks, web design on Netology. Many courses are paid, but for those who are hungry for knowledge there is a subscription system. At the end of the course, you can receive a diploma confirming its completion.

Land Wings

Format: courses
Level: from introductory to basic
Course topics: business, design, photography, programming, personal effectiveness and development, etc.
Price: free and paid; depends on the course the batch system works;

The LendWings platform is a project of the company " Modern technologies training”, which aims to develop high-quality training courses and programs. The resource offers educational materials in business, design, photography, programming, personal effectiveness and development, and other disciplines.
There is free content, and paid courses can be purchased in packages (several pieces at once within one subject). And looking at the course page, you can not only find out what it is about, but also read what other users think about its usefulness. After completing the course, students are awarded certificates.

Theories and practices of Moscow

Format: courses, video lectures
Level: from introductory to advanced
Course topics:
Price: free and paid

"Theories and Practices" is a knowledge sharing platform. We create an environment for those who seek knowledge and want to share it.
T&P brings people and institutions together through educational events. Thousands of organizers daily add information about their lectures, master classes, courses and conferences in all fields of knowledge.

We want a person to have the opportunity to build their educational trajectory based on needs, curiosity and the desire to learn something new. We create an environment where everyone can teach and learn, and a place where you can and should think.

Now T&P helps to create online communities around inspiring ideas, and allows talents to find opportunities for self-realization - thereby developing the knowledge economy.

A platform for those who seek knowledge and want to share it. Here's how it's done. Event organizers add to the site information about the lectures, master classes, and conferences they supervise. And residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg find interesting events for themselves and attend them. But T&P is also an online community. In the "Video" section you can find recordings of lectures on design, art, business, humanities and technical sciences. All videos are accompanied by an introductory description and are free.

Opportunities on the project: vacancies, volunteer programs, money for projects, competitions, tuition fees, residences, internships.


Format: courses
Level: from basic to advanced
Course topics: business, design, art, science, technology, psychology, etc.
Price: free and paid (the cost depends on the program and university)

An online learning platform that cooperates with leading Russian universities: MGIMO, MSE MSU, IBDA, RANEPA - a total of 10 higher education institutions. The mission of the project is "to increase the competitiveness of Russian education in a dynamically developing and changing world, as well as to objectively respond to employers' market demands."

The emphasis is not on individual video lectures, but on programs. Upon completion, you can either receive a diploma from the organizing university (certificate of retraining, if the program was aimed at improving professional knowledge), or electronic document Uniweb Rating, or both. Currently, 73 training programs are announced on the resource. Prices for them vary depending on the prestige of the university, the duration of study and other factors.


Format: text lectures, tests for assimilation of the material.
Level: from basic to advanced.
Course topics: science, business
Price: is free

The system of distance business education and medium-sized entrepreneurship.

The system of distance business education (RBES) provides an opportunity for free, at any time, in any place where there is Internet access, to improve qualifications in the field of entrepreneurial activity.

RBSS is a joint project of the National Business Partnership "Alliance Media", the International Institute of Management LINK, created in 2000 with the support of the Moscow Government.

RBSS includes 104 modules for courses:
1. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
2. Strategy for business
3. Competitiveness
4. Economy
5. Management
6. Personnel management
7. Entrepreneurial practice
8. Right
9. Marketing
10. Finance
11. Accounting and taxes
12. Security
13. Fundamentals of humanitarian knowledge
14. Fundamentals of mathematics and natural science
15. Information technology

They provide up-to-date knowledge in the field of managing the activities of an enterprise in a market environment, allow you to gain financial analysis skills, learn how to predict business development and adequately respond to changes in the external and internal environment.

The modular principle of organizing training provides an opportunity self-selection required course and set of modules. The tests included in the structure of the module allow for remote certification.

Currently, more than 141,000 users from 3766 cities, 123 countries are registered in RBSS, and their number is growing daily.

Internet project Eduson.tv

Format: courses, presentations, video lectures, case studies
Level: from basic to advanced
Course topics: business, internet technology, internet marketing

Online courses with business cases from leading Russian companies.

EDYUSON offers the following services: online staff training service, business course library, course and test editor, online staff assessment, analytics system.
Now there are more than 1000 videos in the catalog, and all courses are presented in 5 formats: large video courses, mini-courses, business cases, animated presentations and business English lectures.

Each format solves a specific user task.
1046 video courses will teach you how to sell more, pass the secretary during cold calls, build financial models, manage projects, time and people, cut inflated budgets, hire the best and fire the “sloth”.

The manager can choose a ready-made training program for his employees or create an individual one based on current business tasks. Another nice feature: before starting training, you can take a test and get a map of your knowledge and competencies.

Courses by topic: HR, Business English, Leadership, Personal Development, Marketing, Management, Presentations, Sales, Manufacturing, Startups, Project Management, Finance, etc.
There are several types of subscriptions to online courses for corporate users. Demo access is available for 14 days.

Advice: users with the active passage of free courses Eduson can give up to 2000 rubles. for paid courses.

impro. School of Internet Marketing.

Format: courses, presentations, video lectures
Level: from basic to advanced
Course topics: internet technologies, internet marketing
Price: free and paid; annual subscription - 790 rubles per month

Courses for marketers, businessmen, heads of Internet projects. He has been working in the field of web development and online business strategies for over 8 years. Areas of study: integrated Internet marketing, seo, smm, e-mail marketing planning of marketing campaigns on the Internet, SEO website promotion, SMM and loyalty tools, contextual and media advertising, website design, content management and information design, web- design and usability.

Business environment

Format: courses, webinars
Level: from basic to advanced
Course topics: business
Price:"Basic" - free of charge, "Premium" tariff - 1,750 rubles

School of Business from Delovaya Sreda is a business training materials prepared by the best Russian and foreign experts and teachers. All materials are presented in the form of online courses that can be taken at any time in a convenient environment.

It is a subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia. The Business Environment online school offers courses for entrepreneurs. “We have selected the most relevant knowledge for starting and developing your business,” the creators say. The lecturers of the platform are Russian and foreign experts in various business areas.

The training materials are grouped into four categories: wholesale business, retail business, service industry and manufacturing.
Completion of a particular course is confirmed by a diploma. So far, over 10,000 have been issued. There are 112 courses available in the basic free plan, while the Premium plan gives you the opportunity to get acquainted with 65 of the best courses.


Format: video lessons
Level: from introductory to advanced
Course topics: general education
Price: free and paid

The portal was created by Multimedia Technologies with the support of the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Innovative Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere. Creators talk about their resource as cloud service with multimedia electronic educational resources.

The site has more than 250 video lessons lasting over 3,500 hours. Some of them are available directly from the browser, others require the installation of a special software. The variety of topics is pleasing: English, German, Chinese, Java, Photoshop, physics, traffic rules, chess, marketing and so on - schoolchildren, students, and long-time workers will find something interesting for themselves.


Format: courses, webinars
Level: from introductory to basic
Course topics: business, health, lifestyle, education
Price: free and paid.

This educational platform provides students with access to Russian-language courses, and private teachers - the opportunity to earn money or simply present their services.
It is also assumed that universities can implement their distance learning programs through this platform.
There are not very many courses yet, but the variety of topics pleases - from fitness to business.
The price tags also vary: there are free courses, there are those that cost a ridiculous 10 rubles, and some cost 10,000 rubles or more.
After completing a particular course and passing the appropriate test, you can get a diploma. This process is not automated - you need to request by email. Also via email you can subscribe to new courses. According to the creators, they appear every month.


Format: courses, video lectures
Level: from introductory to advanced
Course topics: humanities, history, art
Price: is free

Arzamas is a non-profit educational project dedicated to humanitarian knowledge. We are creating for you a kind of university that will bring together the best teachers and will be built right before your eyes.

Arzamas is based on courses, or "humanitarian series", each on its own topic. Once every two weeks, we will open a new "department": on Thursdays, new courses on history, literature, art, anthropology, philosophy - about culture and man will appear on the site.

Our courses are a combination of short video lectures given by scientists and materials prepared by the editors: background notes and long articles, photo galleries and newsreels, quotes from forgotten books and interviews with experts - everything that will help to fully reveal the topic.

The site can be useful not only for people who are far from the exact sciences, but also for techies who want to broaden their horizons and gain knowledge about hitherto unseen things in an accessible form.


Format: courses, master classes, case studies
Level: from basic to advanced
Course topics: business
Price: free and paid (club card for 2015 - 75,000 rubles)

Megaproryv is the center of business development.

“We conduct trainings, courses and webinars, shoot educational videos, collect success and failure stories. We advise small and medium-sized businesses, conduct an audit, set the brains.”

The goal of the project is "to increase the contribution of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia to 35% of GDP." Educational materials, and these are offline trainings and online webinars, are aimed at helping beginners start and "not die", and experienced businessmen - to grow and develop.

If you sign up for an annual subscription, you will get access to trainings and master classes taking place in Moscow, as well as to all additional materials (videos, case studies, lectures, and so on). In addition, the club card allows remote participation in some courses (subject to availability). technical feasibility) and the right to consult resource experts.

National Open University "INTUIT"

Format: courses
Level: from basic to advanced
Course topics: Information Technology.
Price: free and paid

You will have at your disposal several hundred absolutely free online courses providing you with knowledge in the field information technologies. At the end of each of them, you will be able to receive an electronic certificate for free.

You can sign up on the Intuit website educational courses Intel Academy and Microsoft Academy.

YuoTube Education Project

Educational channel on YuoTube video hosting. A sea of ​​educational videos on all sorts of topics.

Attention TV

Format: video
Level: from introductory to advanced
Price: is free

"Attention" is not exactly an educational platform. This is an award given to the best educational video projects. The maximum task is to “set the fashion for self-education”, the minimum task is to make a convenient navigator for video lectures.

The catalog has more than 20 categories and hundreds of videos: business, foreign languages, sports, photography, health and more. You can spend hours clicking on categories and watching the videos you are interested in, and share your favorite ones with friends through social networks.


Format: courses, cases, practice
Level: from basic to advanced
Course topics: web programming
Price: free and paid.

Learn how to create modern web interfaces, hone your skills, become a true professional.
32 HTML and CSS online courses from 35 mentors. The creators of HTML Academy believe that layout is a useful skill for any IT specialist.
Courses are divided into basic and advanced. Some of them are paid, some are free. In this case, the emphasis is not on theory, but on practice.


Format: courses, cases, practice
Level: from basic to advanced
Course topics: web programming
Price: free and paid.

Learn to code interactively and for free is the motto of this company. The site contains step-by-step online lessons on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Python, Ruby, PHP. There is also a separate section on creating websites. To get new knowledge, you only need the Internet and a browser. If you are new to programming then this is a great option to learn the basics.

School of programming

Format: courses, cases, practice
Level: from basic to advanced
Course topics: web programming, web technologies.
Price: free and paid.

The School of Programming training center was created by graduates of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 2010. The choice of professions is extensive: programming basics, HTML and CSS, Swift, Android, Python, JavaScript and others.

Separately, it is worth noting the course on SEO. At the end of one of the courses, which cost up to 100 thousand rubles, you can get a confirmation certificate. The school also promises graduates two-month internships in specialized companies.

Obviously, online education is now at its peak and more accessible than ever. It is now easy to take courses for self-education, just a desire and a fairly fast Internet are enough.

IN modern world– the world of scientific and technological progress – learning on the Internet has become worthy competitor traditional acquisition of knowledge in universities and colleges. And there is nothing surprising in this, because this form of education has many more advantages, one of which is the absence of mandatory payment for the work of teachers. But there are other positive aspects of free online courses, knowing about which, you will probably want to try this method of learning for yourself.

Briefly about the advantages of studying on the Internet

Many people believe that only attending classes in person at a school or university can give them real hope for successful employment in the future. This is a common belief, which today does not find its confirmation. Free distance learning is in no way inferior to going to classes, because after completing a course of virtual lectures, a person can also receive a certificate or diploma, which will indicate what level of knowledge was assigned to him.

You can talk a lot about the advantages of learning via the Internet, but the matter requires specifics. The most important advantages of such classes are considered to be:

  • Absolute freedom of choice. Do you study at a school or institute, where you are forced to study a lot of unnecessary, in your opinion, subjects? And your dream is to learn English perfectly and go to live in England? Do not despair! From the list of self-education sites below, you are sure to find one that will give you what you really need.
  • Unpunished opportunity to make mistakes. By making inaccuracies, or making mistakes, you can be completely sure that no one will take you to the dean or director for this to give a long and tedious lecture on how to live. The mistake made is your experience, none of the teachers who conduct training on the Internet will have the right to scold or scold you, and you yourself will learn to avoid certain mistakes in the future, because it was your personal bitter experience.
  • Opportunity to opt out of online tutoring services without financial loss. Agree, this is very important, because at the institute, refusing to study, no one will return your money back. On the Internet, everything is much simpler, because taking online training for free, you have the opportunity to refuse it at any moment without losing money. Situations in life are different, so no one in the virtual world will judge you for your decision.

The last and probably the most important aspect: after completing the free online courses, you will receive a diploma or certificate, which will indicate your specialty, as well as the level of knowledge acquired. With such a "crust" you may well get the opportunity to enter a prestigious university, or offer your services to potential employers if you have reached the age of majority. Therefore, before being skeptical about this method of obtaining additional knowledge, carefully consider its advantages. Perhaps this is exactly what you need.

TOP 15 best sites for self-study

Free courses on the Internet are held on special resources, where highly qualified and qualified specialists work. You should not assume that these people decided to teach online only because they cannot find a job in the real world, or for some reason have already lost it.

General education online courses

To date, many institutions with a worldwide reputation and fame conduct distance learning for schoolchildren and applicants, and completely free of charge. This is explained, first of all, by their desire to attract streams of talented and capable students, who in the future will further glorify this or that educational institution.

The most popular and sought-after online resources offering their services in the field of teaching are:

  1. If you want to improve your knowledge in certain subjects from the school curriculum, then you just need to sign up for free and take online courses on the website www. college. en . Here you will definitely find a lot of useful and necessary information, especially if there is no possibility or desire to hire a tutor. It is also not uncommon for students to be enrolled in such courses by their parents, who want them to keep up with the curriculum even during holidays / quarantine, etc.
  2. Improve Ownership English language you can on the website www. bellenglish. com . Here you can get a remote education by completing oral or written tasks, as well as by auditing through recordings made with the participation of native speakers of the foreign language being studied. Even small children can do it - for them there is a huge number of all kinds of games in English or another language, and it's not a secret for anyone that learning in a playful way is much easier.
  3. One of the most famous and popular sites offering free education on the Internet is www. study. en . With the help of this resource, you can learn different foreign languages ​​without wasting time and money on trips to tutors.
  4. Despite the great desire to learn a foreign language, many people, unfortunately, are not very literate in their native language. To fix this, you can take distance learning courses on the website for free. www. mylanguage. en . Such classes will help you quickly master the rules of grammar, spelling and pronunciation of Russian words and phrases. If you do not have speech problems, but you still want to improve your knowledge, then this resource will be a great help for you in achieving your goal.
  5. Do you want to get a prestigious education abroad, but do not have the financial means to travel outside your native country? You don't have to go anywhere. For inquisitive students, a famous professor at Stanford University, as well as competent programmers, created a huge learning platform called www.7. udacity. com . This resource closely cooperates with the largest Internet companies in the world, and is ready to provide a knowledge base to its students in areas that are completely closed from ordinary users of the World Wide Web. This is one of the most popular educational websites today. However, not everything is so simple here. This type of free distance education via the Internet is only suitable for people who already have some knowledge in the field of engineering, Internet technologies or business. Beginners will have a very difficult time, so first they should be well prepared.
  6. Online training courses are absolutely free on the site www. EDX. org . This project does not have a commercial basis, it was created so that people can engage in self-education on the Internet without having to study libraries and various sites in search of information they need. The professors who developed this site for free distance learning have collected materials from various branches of science into one huge library. So, you can learn more on topics such as:
    • electronics;
    • Internet technologies;
    • artificial intelligence;
    • chemistry, etc.

    It is important to note that, according to people who have been trained on EDX, this is one of the best educational sites where you can get comprehensive answers to all your questions.

  7. No less popular is the Internet portal www. udemy. com . This resource provides both free and paid online training courses. It all depends on which direction you have chosen. Here you can study almost all school subjects at an advanced level. To pass the course, a potential student should be patient, enthusiastic and gather strength, because no one promises that it will be easy.
  8. Free education can also be obtained on the portal www. arzamas. academy/ courses . This is a relatively new Russian distance learning project, where you can find an innumerable number of interesting and useful lectures on completely different topics.
  9. Another useful site for self-development - www. lectorium. tv . Here you can not only complete interesting tasks, but also watch videos, the total duration of which is almost 4000 hours.
  10. If you are into cars or design, then the most the best option website will be for you www. universality. com . Here you will find many entertaining and useful lectures that will help you gain all the necessary knowledge to do what you love.
  11. Do you love self-development? Then the portal www. self-knowledge. en will be a great help to you. Especially for its visitors, this resource offers a course of webinars and trainings that will help you acquire all the necessary skills.

Business and Information Technology

  • If you have always dreamed of becoming a private entrepreneur, a reputable businessman, the owner of your own enterprise, then you have a real chance to fulfill your cherished dream. This site will help you www. business learning. en . Here you will not only get a good education via the Internet, but you will also be able to accurately determine the direction in which you want to develop. So, for those who want to study everything related to management, finance, the basics of office work and other areas of business, special free internet courses, after passing which, you will definitely need to pass a test to find out your level of preparedness for further occupation of the chosen type of activity. If necessary, you can take a second course of study in order to achieve the desired result and obtain the necessary level of education.
  • For people who want to work and make good money in the field of computer technology, free online training on the site is perfect www.intuit.ru . The resource contains more than 200 different training programs aimed at a deep and thorough study of all kinds of modern information technologies. So, you can get all the necessary knowledge in the field of web design, management, historical facts regarding the development of the economy of Russia and other countries of the world, as well as a lot of other interesting and useful information. At the end of the training, you will have to pass a test, on the basis of which you will find out about the level of your knowledge in your chosen field. www.intuit.ru - a site offering free online courses with the mandatory issuance of a certificate. Therefore, the time spent on study will certainly pay off in the future.
  • For lovers of programming and Internet technologies, there is www. topexpert. pro . On this site you can get a good knowledge base in various areas related to Internet marketing.
  • For people who are interested in the issue of creating sites and their promotion, it will not be superfluous to visit the portal www. techdays. en . The information provided on it will help you understand how to act in a given situation so that your business brings not only success, but also good profit.

People who are not used to sitting in one place, like to be active, and also dream of learning something new and interesting, have good opportunity fulfill your dream. Many of the sites listed above provide their customers with free online courses that guarantee a mandatory certification. With it, you will feel more confident, and self-confidence is one of the main keys to success.

That's all for me. Leave your comments. Talk about online courses that you went through and they were useful to you.

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