
Automotive work program. Educational program of the circle "Automotive business" Educational programs of the circle of autobusiness

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

Municipal educational institution of additional education "House of Schoolchildren" of the Alkeevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan


At the teachers' council protocol No.


Director of the gymnasium ________ F.G. Yarullin


additional education associations


Association leader:


Explanatory note

Car business - subject special cycle for students. Relevancethis subjectdriven by securityon the road Accurateknowledge and rulestrafficdriver and pedestriana condition for the safety of people, and sometimes the preservation of life

The program focuses on driving safety, driving ethics, mutual assistance on the roads, traffic rules,

The exemplary program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Laws "On Road Safety", "On Education".

An exemplary program includes requirements for the results of its development, the structure and approximate content of training, as well as the conditions for its implementation.

Requirements for the results of developmentSample programformed on the basis of the qualification requirements for the driver of vehicles of category "B". The requirements for the results of mastering the exemplary program describe the requirements for the skills acquired in the course of mastering the exemplary program, indicate the acquired knowledge, on the basis of which skills are formed and practical experience in driving a vehicle is acquired.

Structure and content of the Model Programare represented by an exemplary curriculum, exemplary thematic plans for academic subjects, exemplary programs for academic subjects.

The exemplary curriculum contains a list of subjects with an indication of the amount of time allotted for the development of subjects, including the amount of time allotted for theoretical and practical training.

In an exemplary thematic plan for a subject, the recommended sequence for studying sections and topics is revealed, the distribution of teaching hours by sections and topics is indicated.

The exemplary curriculum of the subject provides the content of the subject, taking into account the requirements for the results of mastering the overall program for training drivers of vehicles of category "B".

Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the Model Programpresented by the requirements for the organization of the educational process, educational, methodological and staffing, as well as the rights and obligations of organizations that train drivers.

Requirements for the organization of the educational process:

Training groups for the training of drivers are created with up to 30 people.

Accounting for class attendance, academic performance and topics covered is maintained by teachers and masters of industrial training in the relevant accounting documentation.

The duration of the academic hour of theoretical and practical classes -1 academic hour(45 minutes) , while learning to drive– 1 astronomical hour (60 minutes), including time for debriefing, paperwork.

Theoretical and practical training is carried out in equipped classrooms using educational and methodological and visual aids in accordance with the List of training materials for driver training (Appendix).

In the course of practical training on the subject "Fundamentals of Medical Assistance", students should be able to perform first aid (self-help) techniques for victims on the roads.

Driving training is carried out outside the grid of training time by the master of industrial training individually with each trainee in accordance with the schedule of the order of driving training (on a simulator and a training vehicle). At the same time, the master can train up to four trainees simultaneously on the simulator (according to the number of training places), and one trainee on the training vehicle. Driving instruction consists of initial driving instruction and practical driving instruction on training routes in real traffic conditions.

Initial driving instruction must be conducted in closed areas or racetracks.

Persons who have initial driving skills, who have submitted a medical certificate of the established form and who know the requirements of the Rules of the Road are allowed to learn practical driving on training routes.

At a driving lesson, the master of industrial training must have with him: a certificate for the right to drive a vehicle of the corresponding category, a document for the right to teach driving a vehicle of this category.

Training in practical driving is carried out on a training vehicle equipped in the prescribed manner and having identification marks "Training vehicle", simulators (if any), a training autodrome (field for training driving) and on training routes approved by the organization that trains drivers, and agreed with the traffic police.

Driving training is given 50 astronomical hours for each student. When practicing driving exercises, it is envisaged to carry out work on the control inspection of a training vehicle.

Each task of the driving training program is divided into separate exercises, which are developed by the organization that provides driver training and approved by its leader.

To test the skills of driving a vehicle, a control lesson is provided.

The control lesson is held on the site for training driving. During the lesson, the quality of the acquired driving skills is checked by performing appropriate exercises.

Persons who received an unsatisfactory grade at the end of the control lesson are not allowed to perform subsequent tasks.

In the subjects "Device and maintenance of vehicles" and "Provision of medical care" is carried out offset.

Upon completion of the training, a final certification is carried out. The composition of the certification commission is determined and approved by the head of the organization that trains drivers of vehicles

The main types of certification tests are: a comprehensive exam and a practical exam in driving a vehicle.

A comprehensive exam is conducted in the subjects "Fundamentals of legislation in the field of traffic" and "Fundamentals of safe driving."

Examination and tests are conducted using examination tickets developed in an organization that trains drivers of vehicles on the basis of this Program and approved by the head of this organization.

The examination takes 2 academic hours. When conducting exams using automated systems, the time allotted for the exam is reduced to the actual time spent.

A practical driving test is conductedin two stages. The first stage is carried out on closed area or autodrome, the second stage - oncontrol route in real traffic conditions.

The results of the final certification are documented in a protocol.

Based on the results of the final certification, a certificate of completion of training of the current sample is issued.

When learning to drive on a vehicle equipped with an automatic transmission, a corresponding entry is made in the certificate of completion of training.

The issuance of a driver's license for the right to drive a vehicle is carried out by the traffic police after passing the qualification exams.

Requirements to educational and methodological support of the educational process:

The list of training materials for the training of drivers of a category "B" vehicle is contained in the annex to the Model Program.

Requirements to staffing of the educational process:

Teachers of the subject "Design and maintenance of vehicles" must have a higher or secondary vocational education in a technical profile.

Teachers of the subjects "Fundamentals of legislation in the field of traffic" and "Fundamentals of safe driving" must have a higher or secondary vocational education, as well as a driver's license for the right to drive a vehicle of the appropriate category.

Classes on the subject "Providing medical care" are conducted by a medical worker with a higher or secondary vocational education medical profile.

Masters of industrial training must have an education not lower than secondary (complete) general, continuous experience in driving a vehicle of the corresponding category for at least three years, and a document for the right to learn to drive a vehicle of this category.

Teachers and masters of industrial training must undergo advanced training at least once every 5 years.

Rights and obligations of organizations providing training for drivers of vehicles.

Driver training organizations are required to:

  1. in the work programs for driver training, to provide for the implementation of the content of the Exemplary training program for drivers of vehicles of category "B".

Driver training organizations have the right to:

  1. change the sequence of studying sections and topics of the subject subject to the implementation of the program of the subject;
  2. increase the number of hours devoted to both the study of academic subjects and the teaching of initial and practical driving, introducing additional topics and exercises that take into account regional characteristics;
  3. organize, on the basis of contractual relations, training in the subject "Providing medical care" in educational institutions of a medical profile that have a license for educational activities.

requirements for the results of mastering an exemplary program

should be able to:

  1. safely drive a vehicle in various road and meteorological conditions, comply with the rules of the road;
  2. manage their emotional state, respect the rights of other road users, constructively resolve interpersonal conflicts that have arisen between road users;
  3. perform a control inspection of the vehicle before leaving and during the trip;
  4. refuel the vehicle with fuels and lubricants and special liquids in compliance with modern environmental requirements;
  5. ensure the safe boarding and disembarkation of passengers, their transportation, or the reception, placement and transportation of goods;
  6. act confidently in emergency situations;
  7. accept possible measures to provide first aid to victims of road traffic accidents, to comply with the requirements for their transportation;
  8. eliminate minor malfunctions that have arisen during the operation of the vehicle, which do not require disassembly of components and assemblies, in compliance with safety requirements;
  9. promptly contact specialists for the elimination of identified technical malfunctions;
  10. improve your driving skills.

Category B driver must know:

  1. purpose, location, principle of operation of the main mechanisms and devices of the vehicle;
  2. Rules of the road, fundamentals of legislation in the field of traffic;
  3. types of liability for violation of the Rules of the Road, rules for the operation of vehicles and environmental protection standards in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  4. basics of safe driving;
  5. about the influence of alcohol, medicines and narcotic substances, as well as the state of health and fatigue on the safe driving of a vehicle;
  6. a list of malfunctions and conditions under which the operation of vehicles or their further movement is prohibited;
  7. techniques and sequence of actions in the provision of first aid in case of road traffic accidents;
  8. the procedure for performing a control inspection of the vehicle before the trip and work on its maintenance;
  9. safety rules for testing technical condition vehicle, troubleshooting and maintenance work, rules for handling operating materials.



Number of hours





Device and maintenance of vehicles

Provision of medical care


Final examination:

Comprehensive exam in subjects

Fundamentals of legislation in the field of traffic

Fundamentals of safe driving



Name of sections and topics

Number of hours





Section 1. Rules of the road

General provisions. Basic concepts and terms. Responsibilities of Drivers, Pedestrians and Passengers

Road signs

Road markings and their characteristics

Traffic order, stopping and parking of vehicles

Traffic regulation


Passage of pedestrian crossings, stops of route vehicles and railway crossings

Special driving conditions

Transportation of people and goods

Technical condition and equipment of vehicles

State registration plates, identification marks, warning labels and designations

Test on topics 1-11

Section total

Section 2. Regulatory documents regulating relations in the field of road traffic

Administrative law

Criminal law

Civil law

Legal framework for environmental protection


Section total

Total (by introduction and sections)



Introduction. Review of legislative acts

Law on Road Safety, Rules of the Road, Code of Administrative Offenses, Criminal Code, Civil Code, Law on Environmental Protection, Law on Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance (OSAGO).


Topic 1. General provisions. Basic concepts and terms. Responsibilities of Drivers, Pedestrians and Passengers

The value of the Rules in ensuring order and traffic safety. General structure of the Rules. Basic concepts and terms contained in the Rules.

Responsibilities of road users The procedure for introducing traffic restrictions.

Documents that the driver of a mechanical vehicle must carry with him and pass on to police officers for verification.

The procedure for providing vehicles to officials.

Rights and obligations of drivers of vehicles moving with a blue flashing light and a special sound signal. Responsibilities of other drivers to ensure the safety of the movement of special vehicles.

Responsibilities of drivers involved in a traffic accident. Obligations of pedestrians and passengers to ensure road safety.

Topic 2. Road signs

The meaning of road signs in common system traffic organization. Classification of road signs. Signage requirements. Duplicate, repeated and temporary signs.

Warning signs. Appointment. General warning sign. Rules for the installation of warning signs. The name and purpose of each sign. The actions of the driver when approaching a dangerous section of the road, marked with the corresponding warning sign.

Priority signs. Appointment. The name and location of each sign. Actions of drivers in accordance with the requirements of priority signs.

Prohibition signs. Appointment. General sign of prohibition. Name, purpose and location of each sign. Actions of drivers in accordance with the requirements of prohibition signs. Exceptions. Rights of drivers with disabilities and drivers carrying such persons. Area of ​​prohibition signs.

Prescriptive signs. Appointment. General indication of prescription. Name, purpose and location of each sign. The actions of drivers in accordance with the requirements of prescriptive signs. Exceptions.

Signs of special orders. Purpose, general features. Name, purpose and location of each sign.

Information signs. Appointment. General signs of signs. Name, purpose and location of each sign. The actions of drivers in accordance with the requirements of signs that introduce certain modes of movement.

Service signs. Appointment. Name and installation location.

Signs of additional information (plates). Appointment. Name and placement of each sign.

Topic 3. Road markings and its characteristics

Markup value in common organization traffic, marking classification.

Horizontal marking. Appointment. Color and conditions for applying each type of horizontal marking. Actions of drivers in accordance with the requirements of horizontal markings.

Vertical layout. Appointment. Color and conditions for applying each type of vertical marking.

Practical lesson on topics 1-3

Solution of complex problems. Analysis of typical traffic situations using technical means training, layouts, stands, etc. Formation of skills to be guided by road signs and markings.

Topic 4. Traffic order, stopping and parking of vehicles

Warning signals. Types and purpose of signals. Rules for signaling by light direction indicators and hand. Use of warning signals when overtaking. Dangerous consequences of non-compliance with the rules for issuing warning signals.

Start of movement, maneuvering. Duties of drivers before starting to move, changing lanes and maneuvering. How to make a turn at an intersection. Turn left and turn outside the intersection. Actions of the driver in the presence of an acceleration (deceleration) lane. Places where U-turn is prohibited.

Reverse order. Places where reversing is prohibited.

Dangerous consequences of non-observance of the rules of maneuvering.

Location of vehicles on the road. Requirements for the location of vehicles on the carriageway, depending on the number of lanes for traffic, types of vehicles, speed of movement.

Cases when traffic is allowed on tram tracks. Turns on the road with reverse movement.

Dangerous consequences of non-compliance with the rules for the location of vehicles on the roadway.

Movement speed. Factors affecting the choice of speed. Speed ​​limits in urban areas. Speed ​​limits outside built-up areas, on highways for various categories of vehicles. Prohibitions when choosing a speed mode. Choice of distance and intervals. Special requirements for drivers of slow and heavy vehicles.

Dangerous consequences of non-observance of safe speed and distance.

Overtaking and oncoming traffic. Obligations of the driver before overtaking. Actions of drivers when overtaking. Places where overtaking is prohibited.

Oncoming traffic on narrow sections of roads. Oncoming driving on ups and downs. Dangerous consequences of non-observance of the rules of overtaking and oncoming passing.

Stop and parking. Stopping and parking order. How to park vehicles. Long-term parking outside settlements. Precautions when parking a vehicle. Places where stopping and parking are prohibited.

Dangerous consequences of non-compliance with the rules of stopping and parking.

Topic 5. Traffic regulation

Means of traffic control. The meanings of traffic lights and the actions of drivers in accordance with these signals. Reversible traffic lights. Traffic lights to regulate the movement of trams, as well as other route vehicles moving along the lane allocated for them.

Significance of traffic controller signals for trams, pedestrians and trackless vehicles. The procedure for stopping at traffic lights or a traffic controller that prohibits movement.

The actions of drivers and pedestrians in cases where the instructions of the traffic controller contradict traffic signals, road signs and markings.

Practical session on topics 4-5

Solving complex problems, analyzing typical traffic situations using technical training aids, mock-ups, stands, etc.

Develop hand warning skills. Formation of skills to correctly be guided by regulation signals, navigate, assess the situation and predict its development.

Topic 6

General rules for crossing intersections. Cases where tram drivers have advantages.

Adjustable crossroads. Interaction of traffic signals and priority signs. The order and sequence of movement at a regulated intersection.

Unregulated intersections. The order of movement at the intersections of equivalent roads. The order of movement at the intersections of unequal roads.

The order in which an intersection passes when the main road changes direction.

The actions of the driver in case he cannot determine the presence of coverage on the road (dark hours, mud, snow, etc.) and in the absence of priority signs.

Topic 7. Passage of pedestrian crossings, stops of route vehicles and railway crossings

Pedestrian crossings and stops of route vehicles. Responsibilities of a driver approaching an unregulated pedestrian crossing, a stop of route vehicles or a vehicle bearing the "Children's Carriage" identification mark.

Railway crossings. Types of railroad crossings. The device and features of the operation of modern railway signaling at crossings. The order of movement of vehicles.

Rules for stopping vehicles before moving. Responsibilities of the driver in the event of a forced stop at the crossing.

Prohibitions in force at the railway crossing.

Cases requiring coordination of traffic conditions through the crossing with the head of the distance of the railway track.

Dangerous consequences of violation of the rules for the passage of pedestrian crossings, stops of route vehicles and railway crossings.

Practical session on topics 6-7

Solution of complex problems. Analysis of typical traffic situations using technical training aids, models, stands, etc.

Topic 8. Special traffic conditions

Highway traffic. Prohibitions on highways. Obligations of drivers in case of forced stop on the carriageway of the motorway and on the side of the road.

Movement in residential areas.

Shuttle vehicle priority. Tramway crossing outside the intersection.

The order of movement on the road with a dedicated lane for route vehicles. Rules for the behavior of drivers in cases where a trolleybus or bus starts moving from a designated stop.

Rules for the use of external lighting devices and sound signals.

Turning on low beam headlights during daylight hours. Actions of the driver at blinding. The procedure for using fog lights, searchlights, searchlights and rear fog lights, a road train sign.

Cases Permitting Use sound signals.

Towing of mechanical vehicles. Conditions and procedure for towing motor vehicles on a flexible hitch, a rigid hitch and a partial loading method.

Cases where towing is prohibited.

Transportation of people in towed and towed vehicles. Dangerous consequences of non-compliance with the rules for towing motor vehicles.

Training ride. Conditions under which practice driving is permitted. Requirements for a training, trainable and training motor vehicle.

Requirements for the movement of cyclists, mopeds, horse-drawn carts, as well as the passage of animals (prohibitions and age limit from which driving is allowed).

Topic 9. Transportation of people and goods

Requirement for the transportation of people in a truck. Responsibilities of the driver before the start of the movement. The speed of movement when transporting people. Additional requirements for the transportation of children. Cases where the transportation of people is prohibited.

Rules for placing and securing cargo on a vehicle. Transportation of goods that exceed the dimensions of the vehicle.

Designation of the transported cargo. Cases requiring coordination of the conditions for the movement of vehicles with the traffic police.

Dangerous consequences of non-compliance with the rules for the transport of people and goods.

Topic 10. Technical condition and equipment of vehicles

General requirements. Conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited.

Malfunctions in the event of which the driver must take measures to eliminate them, and if this is not possible, proceed to the place of parking or repair, observing the necessary precautions.

Malfunctions in which further movement is prohibited.

Dangerous consequences of operating a vehicle with malfunctions that threaten road safety.

Topic 11. State registration marks, identification marks, warning labels and designations

Requirements for the equipment of vehicles with state registration marks and designations.


Topic 12. Administrative law

Administrative offense (APN) and administrative responsibility.

Administrative penalties: warning, administrative fine, deprivation of a special right, administrative arrest and confiscation of the instrument or subject of the APN. Bodies imposing administrative penalties, the procedure for their execution. Measures taken by authorized persons in order to ensure the proceedings on the APN case (withdrawal of a driver's license, detention of a vehicle, etc.).

Topic 13. Criminal law

The concept of criminal responsibility.

Corpus delicti. Types of punishments.

Crimes against traffic safety and transport operation. Crimes against life and health (leaving in danger)

Conditions for criminal liability.

Topic 14. Civil law

The concept of civil liability. Grounds for civil liability. Concepts: harm, guilt, illegal action. Liability for damage caused in an accident. Compensation for material damage.

The concept of liability for damage caused. Conditions and types of liability, limited and full liability.

The right of ownership, subjects of the right of ownership. Ownership and possession of a vehicle.

Vehicle owner tax.

Topic 15. Legal framework for environmental protection

The concept and meaning of nature conservation. Legislation on the protection of nature. Purposes, forms and methods of nature conservation.

Objects of nature subject to legal protection: land, subsoil, water, flora, atmospheric air, protected natural objects.

The system of bodies regulating relations for the legal protection of nature, their competences, rights and obligations.

Responsibility for violation of legislation on nature protection.

Topic 16

Federal Law "On Compulsory Civil Liability Insurance". Insurance procedure. The procedure for concluding an insurance contract. Insurance case. Grounds and procedure for payment of the sum insured.

Practical session on topic 16

Fill out an accident report form.


Name of sections and topics

Number of hours of theoretical training

Section 1. Device of vehicles

General device of the vehicle

General arrangement and operation of the engine

Sources and consumers of electricity

General arrangement and purpose of the transmission

Body and running gear

Brake system


Active and passive safety systems

Section total

Section 2 Maintenance

Types and frequency of maintenance

Safety and Environment

Typical malfunctions and methods for their elimination


Total by sections




Topic 1. General arrangement of the vehicle

Purpose and classification. General device. Purpose, location and interaction of the main units, components, mechanisms and systems. Brief technical characteristics of vehicles. Governing bodies. Means of information support for the driver. Control automation systems. Systems for providing comfortable conditions in the cabin.

Topic 2. General arrangement and operation of engines

Types, purpose and principle of operation of engines and their mechanisms.

Purpose and types of cooling systems. circuit diagram operation of cooling systems. Coolants and requirements for them. Thermal mode of the engine. Purpose and location of devices of cooling systems.

The purpose of the lubrication system. Schematic diagram of the system. Methods for supplying oil to rubbing surfaces of parts. Used oils, their main properties and marking. Oil pressure control. Oil cleaning and cooling.

Power system diagrams. Appointment, general device, the operation of fuel and air supply and purification devices and their location on the vehicle.

Topic 3. Sources and consumers of electricityTypes batteries, their purpose. Main characteristics, properties and marking. Electrolyte and precautions for its handling.

Battery maintenance.

Purpose, device and operation of the generator.

Purpose, device and operation of the starter.

Ignition systems.

The purpose and operation of external lighting devices and sound signals, instrumentation, windshield wipers, windshield washers, heating and air conditioning systems.

Topic 4. General arrangement and purpose of the transmission

Transmission schemes with various drives. Lubrication of units, components and transmission parts. Gear oils and greases, their application, main properties and marking.

Clutch, its types, purpose, general device. Clutch drive adjustment.

Purpose and general arrangement of the gearbox. Types of gearboxes.

Operation features various types gearboxes (manual, automatic transmission, variator and robotic).

Purpose, arrangement and operation of cardan and main gears, differential, axle shafts and drive wheels.

Topic 5. Body and running gear.

body types. body device. Passive safety systems.

Types of pendants. Purpose, arrangement and operation of the front and rear suspensions.

The device of automobile wheels and tires. Wheel fastening. Tire and rim markings.

Topic 6. Brake system

Purpose and types of brake systems.

Scheme and principles of operation of brake systems. Anti-lock braking system.

Brake fluids, their properties, marking. Signs of brake system problems.

Topic 7. Steering.

Purpose, location, general arrangement and operation of the steering: steering gear, power steering, steering wheel drive.

Basic requirements for steering.

Steering malfunctions, their signs and causes.

Topic 8. Active and passive safety systems

Types of active safety systems: anti-lock braking system (ABS), traction control (ASC), system voice control Functions (IAF), Brake Assist (BAS, BA), Hill Descent Assist, Brake Force Distribution (EBD), Self-Leveling Suspension (SLC), Parktronic (PDS), electronic program dynamic stabilization (or system of exchange rate stability) (ESP). Their purpose and use in motion.

Types of passive safety systems: seat belts, passive safety system (or airbags) (SRS), seat belt pretensioners, child seats. Their purpose, functions performed when the vehicle gets into an accident.


Topic 9. Types and frequency of vehicle maintenance

Types, frequency and order of basic maintenance work in accordance with the service book and operating instructions.

Checking the technical condition before leaving.

Topic 10. Safety and environmental protection

General safety requirements for the operation of vehicles. Risk of poisoning from exhaust gases and operating fluids.

Safety rules for the use of electrical appliances. Occupational safety during minor repairs and maintenance.

Fire safety measures, fire extinguishing rules.

The main measures to reduce the harmful effects on the environment during operation and repair.

Topic 11. Typical malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

Checking and adjusting the pressure in the tires of the wheels.

Wheel replacement.

Replacing the fuse.

Checking the condition of the battery.

Replacement of defective electric lamps.

Checking the condition of the parking brake actuator.

Replacing wiper blades.

Level control of operating fluids.


Topic names

Number of hours

theoretical training

Section 1. Psychological foundations for safe driving

Psychological foundations of the driver's activity

Fundamentals of self-regulation of mental states in the process of driving a vehicle

Basics of conflict-free interaction of road users

Section total

Section 2. Fundamentals of driving a vehicle and traffic safety

Planning a trip depending on the goals and traffic conditions

Assessing the danger of perceived information, organizing supervision in the process of driving a vehicle

Evaluation of braking and stopping distances. Formation of a safe space around the vehicle in various driving conditions

Vehicle driving technique

Driver actions while driving

Driver actions in emergency situations

Section total

Total by sections





Topic 1. Psychological foundations of the driver's activity

Sight, hearing and touch are the most important channels of perception of information. The concept of mental processes (attention, memory, thinking, psychomotor, sensation and perception) and their role in driving. Attention, its properties (stability (concentration), switching, volume, etc.). The main signs of loss of attention.

Causes of distraction (fastening the seat belt or adjusting the mirror after starting to drive; adjusting the radio or navigation system while driving; lighting a cigarette or eating; reading a road map or driving directions while driving; talking on the phone or having a discussion in the vehicle, etc. ).

Properties of the nervous system and temperament. The influence of emotions and will on driving.

Psychological qualities of a person (impulsiveness, risk-taking, aggressiveness, etc.) and their role in the occurrence of dangerous situations in the process of driving.

Processing information perceived by the driver. Forecast of the development of the situation as a necessary factor in ensuring traffic safety. Sense of danger and speed. Risk and decision making in the process of driving a vehicle.

Qualities that an ideal driver should have. The values ​​and goals of the driver that ensure safe driving. Motivation for safe driving. Motivation of power and its role in accidents.

Topic 2. Fundamentals of self-regulation of mental states in the process of driving a vehicle

Mental states affecting driving: fatigue, monotony, emotional stress. Working capacity. Driver stress. Emergencies as a stress factor. Techniques and ways of managing emotions. Controlling emotions through self-knowledge.

Fatigue prevention. Ways to maintain a stable physical condition while driving. The impact of illness and handicap, alcohol, drugs and medications on road safety. Techniques and ways to improve performance. Normalization of mental states during stress.

Topic 3. Basics of conflict-free interaction of road users

General human culture as a basis for safe behavior on the roads. Ethical qualities of a person. Ethics of the driver as the most important element of his active safety.

The concept of conflict. Sources and causes of conflicts.The dynamics of the development of the conflict situation. Prevention of conflicts. Ways to regulate and constructively end conflicts. Opportunities to reduce aggression in conflict.



Topic 4. Planning a trip depending on the goals and traffic conditions

Influence of the purpose of the trip on the safety of driving. Assessment of the need to travel in the prevailing road traffic conditions: in the daytime or at night, in conditions of insufficient visibility, different traffic intensity, in different conditions of the road surface, etc. Route selection and travel time estimation. Examples of typical motives for risky behavior when planning trips. Arguments in favor of risk management.

Influence of road conditions on traffic safety. Types and classification of highways. Road construction. The main elements of road safety. The concept of the coefficient of adhesion of tires to the road. Variation of the friction coefficient depending on the state of the road, weather and meteorological conditions.

The concept of a traffic accident. Types of traffic accidents. Causes and conditions of occurrence of traffic accidents. Distribution of accidents by seasons, days of the week, time of day, road categories, types of vehicles and other factors.

Topic 5. Assessment of the level of danger of perceived information, organization of observation in the process of driving a vehicle

Three main road viewing zones ahead: far (30-120 seconds), medium (12-15 seconds) and near (4-6 seconds). The use of the far viewing zone to obtain preliminary information about the peculiarities of the situation on the road, the medium one to determine the degree of danger of the object and the near one to proceed to protective actions. Features of monitoring the situation in settlements and when driving on country roads. Skills for inspecting the road behind when driving forward and in reverse, when braking, before turning, changing lanes and overtaking. Controlling the situation from the side through the side rear-view mirrors and turning the head. Advantages of side mirrors of a panoramic type. A method of developing the skill of inspecting instrumentation. Algorithm for inspection of adjacent roads when passing through intersections.

Examples of making a forecast (forecasting) of the development of a regular and emergency situation. Situational analysis of the road situation.

Topic 6. Evaluation of braking and stopping distances. Formation of a safe

The spaces around the vehicle different speeds movements

Driver reaction time. Response time of the brake actuator. Safe distance in seconds and meters. Ways to control a safe distance. Levels of acceptable risk when choosing a distance. The time and space required to brake and stop at various speeds and driving conditions. Safe lateral spacing. Formation of a safe space around the vehicle in various traffic conditions (in terms of intensity, flow speed, road conditions and meteorological conditions) and when stopped. Ways to minimize and share the danger. Making compromise decisions in difficult traffic situations.

Topic 7

The driver's seat behind the wheel. Use seat adjustments and controls to achieve optimal working posture.

Monitoring compliance with safety in the transportation of passengers, including children and animals.

Appointment of controls, instruments and indicators. Actions of the driver on application: light and sound signals; the inclusion of systems for cleaning, blowing and heating glass; headlight cleaning; activation of alarms, regulation of comfort systems. Actions in case of emergency indications of instruments.

Methods of action by the governing bodies. steering technique.

Engine start. Engine warming up.

Start of movement and acceleration with sequential gear shifting. Selecting the optimal gear for different speeds. Engine braking.

Brake pedal actions that ensure smooth deceleration in normal situations and the implementation of maximum braking force in abnormal braking modes, including on slippery roads.

Getting started on steep descents and ascents, on difficult and slippery road sections. Starting off on a slippery road without wheel slip.

Features of driving a vehicle with ABS.

The specifics of driving a vehicle with automatic transmission. Methods of action by automatic transmission controls. Selection of the automatic transmission operating mode when driving on steep slopes and ascents, on difficult and slippery road sections.

Topic 8. Actions of the driver when driving a vehicle

Forces acting on the vehicle. Road grip. The clutch force reserve is a condition for traffic safety.

Driving a vehicle in a confined space, at intersections and pedestrian crossings, in traffic and in conditions of limited visibility, on sharp turns, uphill and downhill, while towing. Driving a vehicle in difficult road conditions and in conditions of insufficient visibility.

Ways to park and park a vehicle.

The choice of speed and trajectory of movement in turns, during turns and in limited passages, depending on design features vehicle. The choice of speed in urban traffic, outside the settlement and on motorways.

Overtaking and oncoming traffic.

Passage of railway crossings.

Overcoming dangerous sections of roads: narrowing of the carriageway, freshly laid road surface, bituminous and gravel coatings, long descent and ascent, approaches to bridges, railway crossings and other dangerous areas. Precautions when driving on repaired sections of roads, fences used in this case, warning and light signals.

Features of driving at night, in fog and on mountain roads.

Topic 9. Actions of the driver in emergency situations

Conditions for loss of vehicle stability during acceleration, braking and turning. Rollover resistance. Vehicle stability reserves.

Road use in autumn and spring. Use of winter roads (winter roads). Movement on ice crossings. Actions of the driver in the event of skidding, skidding and drifting. Actions of the driver in the event of a collision in front and behind.

Actions of the driver in case of failure of the service brake, tire rupture in motion, in case of failure of the power steering, separation of the longitudinal or transverse steering rods of the steering drive.

Actions of the driver in case of fire and the fall of the vehicle into the water.


Name of topics

Number of hours





Road traffic injuries (general characteristics). Legal aspects of providing medical care to victims of road accidents

Fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology

terminal states. Shock, acute respiratory failure, asphyxia, unconsciousness syndrome

Performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Bleeding and how to stop it

First aid for injuries. Wounds and their primary treatment

Rules for imposing transport immobilization

Types of bandages and rules for applying them

First aid for victims with acute illness and in a state of inadequacy

Features of transportation of the victim in an accident to a medical institution

Rules for using a first aid kit




Topic 1. Road traffic injuries ( general characteristics). Legal aspects of providing medical care to victims of road accidents

Characteristics of injuries depending on the type of incident. Vehicle safety equipment. Responsibilities of the driver, medical worker, administrative services in case of accidents with human casualties.

Topic 2. Fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology

Basic ideas about the structure and functions of the human body. Cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Topic 3. Terminal states. Shock, acute respiratory failure, asphyxia, unconsciousness syndrome

Definition and characterization of terminal states. Signs of life and death, resuscitation in the presence of signs of life. Signs and symptoms of shock. Complex of anti-shock measures. Causes of acute respiratory failure and asphyxia, a set of first aid measures and criteria for its effectiveness. Characteristics of the syndrome of loss of consciousness, coma, fainting, causes and first aid.

Topic 4. Carrying out cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Indications for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Restoration of the function of external respiration. Carrying out artificial respiration by the method of "mouth to mouth", "mouth to nose". The method of using the air duct. Technique for performing closed heart massage by one or two rescuers. Monitoring the effectiveness of resuscitation measures. Mistakes in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Features of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children and the elderly.

Topic 5. Bleeding and methods to stop it

Types of bleeding. Ways to stop bleeding (finger pressure, applying a pressure bandage, applying a tourniquet or tourniquet-twist). Tourniquet application technique. Features of stopping bleeding from the nose, ears and mouth. First aid for pulmonary bleeding and suspected intra-abdominal bleeding.

Topic 6. First aid for injuries. Wounds and their primary treatment

General characteristics of injuries, features of injuries in road accidents. Classification of wounds and their primary treatment. Traumatic brain injury. Closed soft tissue injuries. Syndrome of prolonged squeezing, features of medical care. Fractures of the bones of the skeleton, characteristic signs of a fracture of the bone. Burns. Cold injury.

Topic 7. Rules for imposing transport immobilization

Indications for transport immobilization and the means used. Features of transport immobilization in various injuries and typical mistakes when it is applied.

Topic 8. Types of bandage dressings and rules for their application

Rules for applying bandages to various parts of the body. Application of an individual dressing package

Topic 9

Features of first aid in acute cardiovascular insufficiency, hypertensive crisis, diabetic coma, bronchial asthma. Signs and symptoms of poisoning, first aid. Symptoms of acute diseases of the abdominal cavity. Mental reactions and states of inadequacy. epileptic fit.

Topic 10. Features of transporting the victim to a medical institution

Rules for carrying the victim on a stretcher. Ways to carry the victim on the hands. Features of transportation in case of various damages. Prevent injury during transport.

Topic 11. Rules for using a first aid kit

Medical kit kit. Use of the contents of the medical kit.

Sample Program Application

Subject "Fundamentals of medical care"



1. Technique for cleaning the oral cavity and restoring the patency of the upper respiratory tract.

2. Artificial ventilation of the lungs: "mouth to mouth", "mouth to nose", the method of using the air duct.

3. Technique for conducting closed heart massage by one or two rescuers.

4. Method for determining the pulse rate on: radial artery, femoral artery, carotid artery.

5. Determination of the state of the pupils and their reaction to light.

6. Methods for stopping bleeding: finger pressure, applying a pressure bandage, maximum flexion of the limb.

7. Method of applying a tourniquet or twisting tourniquet. Most right places their overlays.

8. Temporary stop of bleeding by digital pressing of the arteries (brachial, carotid, subclavian, axillary, femoral) in typical places.

9. Methodology for anterior nasal tamponade.

10. Use of Coletex GEM wipes and Statin powder to stop capillary or venous bleeding.

11. Stages and methods of primary wound treatment.

12. The technique of applying a bandage bandage.

13. Rules for applying typical bandage dressings to various parts of the body: circular, spiral, cruciform, spike-shaped, returning.

14. Deso dressing technique.

15. Method of imposing kerchief bandages on various parts of the body.

16. Applying a sealing bandage for pneumothorax.

17. Technique of applying an individual dressing bag.

18. Technique of applying transport immobilization using improvised means and standard tires for injuries: collarbone, shoulder, forearm, hand, thigh, lower leg, foot.

19. Technique of applying transport immobilization for injuries: spine and pelvic bones, abdominal organs, multiple rib fractures, traumatic brain injury.

20. Technique for placing victims on stretchers and carrying rules with various injuries.

21. Technique for carrying victims using straps.

22. Technique for carrying the victims on the hands of one or two people.

23. Technique for carrying victims using improvised means.

24. The procedure for removing clothes from the victim in an accident.

25. Technique for using a hypothermic package-container.



training materials for driver training

category "B" vehicle

No. p / p

Name of training materials

unit of measurement


Educational visual aids

Educational and visual aid "Diagrams of the device and operation of systems and mechanisms of vehicles"*


Educational and visual aid "Traffic light with additional sections" *


Educational visual aid "Road signs"*


Educational and visual aid "Road markings"*


Educational and visual aid "Signals of the traffic controller"*


Educational and visual aid "Intersection scheme"*


Educational and visual aid "Location of road signs and means of regulation in the settlement"*


Educational and visual aid "Maneuvering vehicles on the roadway"*


Educational and visual aid "Providing medical assistance to victims"*


A set of tools for conducting practical exercises on the provision of medical care**




Driver's first aid kit




Rules of the road of the Russian Federation



Information materials


Information stand containing:

- a copy of the license with the application;

- a book of complaints and suggestions;

- Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights";

- working curriculum and thematic plans for the subjects of the program;

- Timetable of classes;

- driving schedule;

- schemes of training routes agreed with the traffic police.



The list of educational literature is determined by the educational institution

The training vehicle must be equipped with:

1. Additional clutch pedals (except vehicles with automatic transmission) and brakes;

2. Rear view mirror for trainee;

3. Identification mark "Training vehicle".

Note:* The educational visual aid can be presented in the form of a poster, stand, layout, tablet, model, diagram, electronic educational publication, film, video film, filmstrip, etc.

** The set of tools is determined by the subject teacher.

Educational program mug "Autodelo"

The relevance of the subject is due to the need to convey and explain to pupils the importance of knowing and observing the rules of the road, proper behavior on the roads, road safety, as well as the need to have knowledge about the structure and technical features car.

This program is designed for 6 full cycles of classes. During this period, pupils are able to learn the necessary material, as well as in the future to be able to apply it in practice. You can talk with students about their desire to apply their knowledge in work and private life in the future. Given the comprehensibility of children, it is necessary to use visual aids, car models, maps, diagrams, photo and video materials. At each lesson, simulators should be used to develop driving skills.

Training is carried out in a training group (4 people each) according to the curriculum, taking into account the individual characteristics of adolescents.

The specifics of the work are as follows:

The composition of children is absolutely different levels, as well as different ages of students.

Target: Teach the basics of driving, instill responsibility for the life and health of yourself and those around you on the road. Teach pupils the basics of road safety

Learning tasks:

- Get to know the basics of traffic rules

Teach basic knowledge of road safety.

Learn how to drive a treadmill.

Educational tasks:

Education of discipline and responsibility

Understanding and recognizing the danger of traffic violations

The development of the ability to work in a team.

Development tasks:

Development of a scientific approach and analytical skills (the ability to analyze, delve into the essence of the problem and look for a way out of it);

Give information about technical specifications car.


Accounting for the individual characteristics of pupils

Accounting for the age characteristics of pupils

Independent choice by the pupil of activities according to his interests

Methods and means:

Verbal-lecture (conversation, explanation, narration)

Visual (photo and video materials, posters, models)

Practical (classes on the simulator), quiz.

Game (Relay races on the street)

Meeting with traffic police inspectors

The end result of mastering the program:

Mastering the basics of theoretical and practical application knowledge on the subject "Automotive"

The total scope of the program:

34 - hours

1 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: introductory knowledge, the history of the development of motor transport, the classification of modern vehicles, familiarity with the autosimulator, work on the autosimulator.

Tasks: kindle in children an interest in the automotive industry and car business, instill a culture of driving, identify the interests and needs of children.

Lesson form: Free interactive form, with a demonstration of car models, video and photographic materials. Game. (quizzes, outdoor games)

To create and maintain interest among pupils, classes should be conducted in an elevated, narrative form, diluting speech with photo and video material. Given the age of the pupils, it is necessary to conduct classes in an interesting, playful way. This will enable every child to be involved in the learning process. It is important to reveal the lesson plan for the near future, to explain why each topic is needed and why we are discussing it. During individual work on the auto simulator, it is extremely important to pay attention to each child personally, thereby creating a positive microclimate in the team, which is necessary for further work.

2 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: Road signs, names and meanings. The device of the internal combustion engine. Work on the simulator (driving)

Tasks: Acquaintance of children with road signs, the ability to distinguish and recognize them. Teaching teenagers how to shift gears and how to drive an auto simulator.

Lesson form: Free dialogue and game form, setting and solving road problems. Practical work on the simulator.

Methodological recommendations: It is extremely important to draw the attention of children to the importance of knowledge and compliance with traffic rules, the need for knowledge of road signs and the ability to apply knowledge in practice. It is necessary to convey to each child his responsibility, both for his own life and health, and for those around him. It is necessary to conduct classes in a playful way, for better interest of pupils and easier assimilation of the material. When explaining the topic "Road Signs" it is necessary to use posters, photographs and handouts and table games for children.

While working on the simulator, children who will show special zeal and better digestibility can be transferred to the rank of trainee assistants, they can help lagging students, give practical advice for work on a car simulator. The teacher pays attention to children who are most difficult to drive and takes every opportunity to help figure it out.

3 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: Prohibition signs. Gearbox, familiarity with the dashboard, (practical work on the simulator).

Tasks: Explanations of the meanings of prohibition signs. Familiarization of children with the dashboard. Mastering gear shifting by children (explaining the subtleties and interaction of nodes)

Lesson form: Free dialogue and game form. Practical work on the simulator (driving in the "City" mode)

Methodological recommendations: To make it easier and more interesting for children to learn the material on the topic “Forbidding road signs”, it is necessary to demonstrate illustrative material (posters, photos and videos) in the process of explanation, as well as to conduct games and quizzes. It is necessary to give examples of road situations, to analyze game tasks. During practical work on the auto simulator, a differentiated approach to students should be applied and training should be built according to the principle “from simple to complex”. From the very beginning, children learn to drive the auto simulator along the simplest tracks at 1-2 speeds. In the future, more complex tasks, more complex routes will be set. This is necessary for easier assimilation of the program. It is also extremely important to teach children to understand the meanings indicated on dashboard(what is a tachometer, speedometer, etc.)

4 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: Dream car. The main components and mechanisms of the car. Pedals and levers. Work on an auto simulator.

Tasks: Find out what kind of car the guys dream of, how they see it. To consolidate the previously acquired knowledge about the gearbox. Improving driving technique on an auto simulator.

Lesson form: Group, lecture and game forms of work, analysis of road situations, using children's drawings. Drawing "Dream Car". Independent work on the simulator.

Methodological recommendations: To consolidate and develop in children the desire to drive a car, to know traffic rules, to be able to read signs and markings, it is necessary to visualize their desires, namely to draw their own car, the way it should be for everyone individually. Next, predict with each student the place where his car will “live”. It is necessary to simulate a number of automotive tasks, which the pupil himself will have to analyze and reasonably explain the need for certain of his actions.

For a more complete immersion in the process of studying a car, you should use car magazines, books on car business, photos and videos.

5 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: Traffic lights. Road marking. Road service. Car dashboard (reading tachometer and speedometer). Work on an auto simulator.

Tasks: To consolidate the learned knowledge about the values ​​​​of the tachometer and speedometer, as well as other indicators on the dashboard. Familiarize children with traffic lights and traffic controllers.

Lesson form: Free interactive form, with a demonstration of video and photographic materials, a survey of children. game form. Individual work on the simulator.

Methodological recommendations: In order for children to learn and learn to understand the meanings of the dashboard, an individual approach is necessary for each student, namely: Each individual on the simulator demonstrate the operation of the tachometer and speedometer, analyze each value in detail and explain it. Also, to analyze the movements and signals of the traffic controller, to give the opportunity to be, with the help of the game panel, the traffic controller to each student, while using the traffic police baton, models of cars and roads. Visually demonstrate the operation of a traffic light.

6 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: Overview by topic. Test for traffic rules and driving.

Tasks: Checking the knowledge gained and the ability to apply it in practice.

Lesson form: Exam - game. Work on an auto simulator.

Methodological recommendations: The driving test should be held under the strict guidance of a teacher, it will be close to a real test in a driving school. To successfully pass the tests, it is necessary to create a friendly and comfortable environment, which will contribute to psychological calmness, confidence and determination. After passing the exam, it is necessary to work on the most frequently made mistakes in order to eliminate them.

Conditions for the implementation of the program:

For the full implementation of the program, it is necessary to use the material and technical base of the circle, visual aids, posters, magazines, photo and video materials, car models, parts and assemblies in the context, LED stands, auto simulators. And also to hold a number of games, both in the office and on the street.

For the final exam, tickets are used according to the rules of the road.

Elevation classes are held in a specially equipped classroom, on simulators.

As an office decoration, LED stands, engine and gearbox components in the section, as well as a working visual model of the operation of an internal combustion engine.


Rules of the road, 1997

Exam tickets (categories B, C)

Car magazine TOP GEAR

Methods of teaching auto business in high school. M. Enlightenment, 1982

Educational program of the circle "Autodelo"

The relevance of the subject is due to the need to convey and explain to pupils the importance of knowing and observing the rules of the road, proper behavior on the roads, road safety, as well as the need to have knowledge about the structure and technical features of the car.

This program is designed for 6 full cycles of classes. During this period, pupils are able to learn the necessary material, as well as in the future to be able to apply it in practice. You can talk with students about their desire to apply their knowledge in work and private life in the future. Given the comprehensibility of children, it is necessary to use visual aids, car models, maps, diagrams, photo and video materials. At each lesson, simulators should be used to develop driving skills.

Training is carried out in a training group (4 people each) according to the curriculum, taking into account the individual characteristics of adolescents.

The specifics of the work are as follows:

The composition of children is absolutely different levels, as well as different ages of students.

Target: Teach the basics of driving, instill responsibility for the life and health of yourself and those around you on the road. Teach pupils the basics of road safety

Learning tasks:

- Get to know the basics of traffic rules

Teach basic knowledge of road safety.

Learn how to drive a treadmill.

Educational tasks:

Education of discipline and responsibility

Understanding and recognizing the danger of traffic violations

The development of the ability to work in a team.

Development tasks:

Development of a scientific approach and analytical skills (the ability to analyze, delve into the essence of the problem and look for a way out of it);

Give information about the technical characteristics of the car.


Accounting for the individual characteristics of pupils

Accounting for the age characteristics of pupils

Independent choice by the pupil of activities according to his interests

Methods and means:

Verbal-lecture (conversation, explanation, narration)

Visual (photo and video materials, posters, models)

Practical (classes on the simulator), quiz.

Game (Relay races on the street)

Meeting with traffic police inspectors

The end result of mastering the program:

Mastering the basics of theoretical and practical application of knowledge in the subject "Automotive"

The total scope of the program:

34 - hours

1 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: introductory knowledge, the history of the development of motor transport, the classification of modern vehicles, familiarity with the autosimulator, work on the autosimulator.

Tasks: kindle in children an interest in the automotive industry and car business, instill a culture of driving, identify the interests and needs of children.

Lesson form: Free interactive form, with a demonstration of car models, video and photographic materials. Game. (quizzes, outdoor games)

To create and maintain interest among pupils, classes should be conducted in an elevated, narrative form, diluting speech with photo and video material. Given the age of the pupils, it is necessary to conduct classes in an interesting, playful way. This will enable every child to be involved in the learning process. It is important to reveal the lesson plan for the near future, to explain why each topic is needed and why we are discussing it. During individual work on the auto simulator, it is extremely important to pay attention to each child personally, thereby creating a positive microclimate in the team, which is necessary for further work.

2 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: Road signs, names and meanings. The device of the internal combustion engine. Work on the simulator (driving)

Tasks: Acquaintance of children with road signs, the ability to distinguish and recognize them. Teaching teenagers how to shift gears and how to drive an auto simulator.

Lesson form: Free dialogue and game form, setting and solving road problems. Practical work on the simulator.

Methodological recommendations: It is extremely important to draw the attention of children to the importance of knowledge and compliance with traffic rules, the need for knowledge of road signs and the ability to apply knowledge in practice. It is necessary to convey to each child his responsibility, both for his own life and health, and for those around him. It is necessary to conduct classes in a playful way, for better interest of pupils and easier assimilation of the material. When explaining the topic "Road Signs" it is necessary to use posters, photographs and handouts and table games for children.

While working on the simulator, children who will show special zeal and better digestibility can be transferred to the rank of trainee assistants, they can help lagging students, give practical advice on working on an auto simulator. The teacher pays attention to children who are most difficult to drive and takes every opportunity to help figure it out.

3 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: Prohibition signs. Gearbox, familiarity with the dashboard, (practical work on the simulator).

Tasks: Explanations of the meanings of prohibition signs. Familiarization of children with the dashboard. Mastering gear shifting by children (explaining the subtleties and interaction of nodes)

Lesson form: Free dialogue and game form. Practical work on the simulator (driving in the "City" mode)

Methodological recommendations: To make it easier and more interesting for children to learn the material on the topic “Forbidding road signs”, it is necessary to demonstrate illustrative material (posters, photos and videos) in the process of explanation, as well as to conduct games and quizzes. It is necessary to give examples of road situations, to analyze game tasks. During practical work on the auto simulator, a differentiated approach to students should be applied and training should be built according to the principle “from simple to complex”. From the very beginning, children learn to drive the auto simulator along the simplest tracks at 1-2 speeds. In the future, more complex tasks, more complex routes will be set. This is necessary for easier assimilation of the program. It is also extremely important to teach children to understand the values ​​​​indicated on the dashboard (what is a tachometer, speedometer, etc.)

4 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: Dream car. The main components and mechanisms of the car. Pedals and levers. Work on an auto simulator.

Tasks: Find out what kind of car the guys dream of, how they see it. To consolidate the previously acquired knowledge about the gearbox. Improving driving technique on an auto simulator.

Lesson form: Group, lecture and game forms of work, analysis of road situations, using children's drawings. Drawing "Dream Car". Independent work on the simulator.

Methodological recommendations: To consolidate and develop in children the desire to drive a car, to know traffic rules, to be able to read signs and markings, it is necessary to visualize their desires, namely to draw their own car, the way it should be for everyone individually. Next, predict with each student the place where his car will “live”. It is necessary to simulate a number of automotive tasks, which the pupil himself will have to analyze and reasonably explain the need for certain of his actions.

For a more complete immersion in the process of studying a car, you should use car magazines, books on car business, photos and videos.

5 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: Traffic lights. Road marking. Road service. Car dashboard (reading tachometer and speedometer). Work on an auto simulator.

Tasks: To consolidate the learned knowledge about the values ​​​​of the tachometer and speedometer, as well as other indicators on the dashboard. Familiarize children with traffic lights and traffic controllers.

Lesson form: Free interactive form, with a demonstration of video and photographic materials, a survey of children. game form. Individual work on the simulator.

Methodological recommendations: In order for children to learn and learn to understand the meanings of the dashboard, an individual approach is necessary for each student, namely: Each individual on the simulator demonstrate the operation of the tachometer and speedometer, analyze each value in detail and explain it. Also, to analyze the movements and signals of the traffic controller, to give the opportunity to be, with the help of the game panel, the traffic controller to each student, while using the traffic police baton, models of cars and roads. Visually demonstrate the operation of a traffic light.

6 cycle of classes.

Lesson topic: Overview by topic. Test for traffic rules and driving.

Tasks: Checking the knowledge gained and the ability to apply it in practice.

Lesson form: Exam - game. Work on an auto simulator.

Methodological recommendations: The driving test should be held under the strict guidance of a teacher, it will be close to a real test in a driving school. To successfully pass the tests, it is necessary to create a friendly and comfortable environment, which will contribute to psychological calmness, confidence and determination. After passing the exam, it is necessary to work on the most frequently made mistakes in order to eliminate them.

Conditions for the implementation of the program:

For the full implementation of the program, it is necessary to use the material and technical base of the circle, visual aids, posters, magazines, photo and video materials, car models, parts and assemblies in the context, LED stands, auto simulators. And also to hold a number of games, both in the office and on the street.

For the final exam, tickets are used according to the rules of the road.

Elevation classes are held in a specially equipped classroom, on simulators.

As an office decoration, LED stands, engine and gearbox components in the section, as well as a working visual model of the operation of an internal combustion engine.


Rules of the road, 1997

Exam tickets (categories B, C)

Car magazine TOP GEAR

Methods of teaching auto business in high school. M. Enlightenment, 1982

Municipal educational state institution Malinovskaya secondary school of Bureysky district of the Amur region

Working programm

Training course "Autodelo"

8-11 grade

for the academic year.

Compiled by:

automaker teacher

MOKU Malinovskaya secondary school

Explanatory Note.

An exemplary training program for drivers of vehicles of categories "B", "C" was developed in accordance with the requirements of federal laws "road safety", "On education".

An example program is

Requirements for the results of its development, the structure and approximate content of training, as well as the conditions for its implementation.


    The acquisition by students of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities, the development of driving techniques. The development of diligence, responsibility, accuracy. Formation in students of a systematic approach, variability, intuition.


    The formation of students' theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of car design, the basics of operation and repair of rolling stock, traffic rules, safety and legal regulation of road traffic. Deepening general education in the field of technical disciplines, the formation of spiritual culture and the comprehensive development of the individual.

Regulatory documents :

Exemplary training programs for drivers of vehicles of various categories approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

The relevance of this manual lies in the fact that it is practical, meets modern requirements for teaching children and shows the process of teacher activity in the system.
In general, the program is focused on the "Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education", adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Determination of the place and role of the training course, subject:
The knowledge and skills acquired by students as a result of studying the auto business help to navigate in a traffic situation, safely drive a vehicle in various traffic situations, and take possible measures to provide first aid.

^ Information on the number of training hours for which the work program is designed:
Calendar-thematic planning of autowork lessons:

in grades 8-9, it is calculated for 2 academic hours per week (taking into account the Federal component of the educational standard for auto business).
Total number of hours -68
1 quarter – 18 hours
2 quarter – 14 hours
3rd quarter -20 hours
4 quarter – 18 hours

Laboratory classes-6

Control works -4

in the 10th grade, it is calculated for 3 academic hours per week (taking into account the Federal component of the educational standard for auto business).

Total number of hours -102

1 quarter – 27 hours
2 quarter – 21 hours
3rd quarter -30 hours
4 quarter – 27 hours

Laboratory classes-53

Driving training is given 50 astronomical hours for each student. When practicing driving exercises, it is envisaged to carry out work on the control inspection of a training vehicle.

Educational and thematic plan Grade 8 (1 year of study)


Number of hours



Traffic Laws

Grade 9 (2nd year of study)


Number of hours



Practical and laboratory work

Traffic Laws

Device and maintenance of vehicles (test) *

Fundamentals of safe driving


Municipal autonomous institution of additional education

"Fyodorovsky Center for Additional Education"

Additional general developmental program

"Auto World"

Age of students: 7 -18 years

Implementation period: 1 year

Khodova Albina Vagizovna

additional education teacher

Fedorovsky, Surgut district



Additional general developmental program "Auto World" has a "Technical" focus.

Relevance of the program: lies in the fact that it is aimed at promoting the professional self-determination of students by acquiring special knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of the Automotive world. The program allows you to carry out tests, assess your needs and opportunities and make an informed choice of future professional activity.

The program is focused on the needs of children and parents.

Distinctive features of the program:

A distinctive feature of the program is the creation of conditions for social and professional self-determination, creative self-realization of the child's personality. Depending on the individual abilities of the pupils, it is possible to quickly adjust the program, taking into account a student-centered approach. Acquaintance with professions: Auto business, auto mechanic.

Educational intent:

Acquaintance with professions: car mechanic. The content of this program involves teaching children the ability to care for cars, give them tuning, the ability to use various tools, and perform some repair work with cars.

Result of practical activity -Students acquire skills and abilities in performing technological work on the use of tools for car repair. I study the brands of cars from different countries, and learn to distinguish between them. They possess the accuracy of movements, the ability to communicate, they can express themselves in creativity, participate in competitions and be able to understand the structure of cars.

This program is for children ages 7 to 18. The program allows the teacher to determine a new order for studying the material. In accordance with the academic calendar for the academic year, taking into account the class schedule, the number of hours can slide upwards (the minimum number of academic weeks is 41). In this case, the forms and methods of organizing the educational process are changing towards differentiation and individualization: excursions, extracurricular activities, etc.

Forms of organization

The following forms of classes are used in the learning process: combined, discovery of new knowledge, generalizing, game, practice, lesson-presentation, lesson-project, excursion, assembly of auto parts for a while.

Pedagogical expediency.

In the educational process, theoretical and practical forms of conducting classes are possible, classes are held in groups with a occupancy of 10 people. Most of the time is devoted to individual consultations and individual work with students.

Educational process is based on the following principles:

The principle of systematicity;

The principle of accessibility of educational material;

The principle of visibility;

The principle of consciousness and activity;

The principle of individualization.

Expected Result:

Studying the course helps pupils to acquire practical skills, the ability to communicate, perform various works associated with the car business independently be able to assemble or disassemble auto parts. and use tools correctly for their intended purpose.

Target: The content of the social course of the program is aimed at developing students' professional knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements for the professional training of a car repairman.

Educational tasks:

    The development of the personality of a child capable of creative self-expression through mastering the basics of hairdressing.

    Formation of a personality with a broad aesthetic outlook, education of a common culture.

Development tasks:

    To expand the horizons of students about the modern automotive industry and the automotive world as a whole.

    To develop and promote the disclosure of the creative abilities of pupils.

    Develop communication skills, teamwork skills

Educational tasks:

    Cultivate discipline, bring things to the end, a sense of responsibility, accuracy.

    To support the undertakings of pupils in creative matters (competitions, performances, shows)

Total duration of the original program (number of years)

1 year of study

Age of pupils

7-18 years old

Number of pupils in the group

Number of hours per week

4 hours

Total hours per year

164 hours

The program consists of two modules:

1 module "Automotive construction" 68 hours

Early career guidance is an opportunity to show their strengths and capabilities in the automotive business. Students get acquainted with the basic concepts: professional terminology, Safety when using tools. Get acquainted with the structure of cars and their brands. Gain skill in performing basic types modern cars, motorcycles and quads.

Module 2 "Modern car tuning" 96 hours

Students acquire skills and abilities in performing technological work on the use of car tuning tools. They model cars, which are based on various types of cars and car brands. They possess the accuracy of movements, they can express themselves in the repair of a car, its tuning.

Forms of attestation: testing, presentation, pedagogical observation.

1 module. "Automobile construction" 68 hours

Early career guidance is an opportunity to show your strengths and capabilities in the automotive business. Students are introduced to the technology of various methods of car repair.

Educational objective of the module:

To teach how to use the tools for their intended purpose, mastery of technology. The ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to use the correctness of their purpose.

Development task:

Develop fantasy, imagination, instill interest in various brands of cars.

educational task : to instill respect for their own work and the work of their peers.

1module "Automotive building"


Topic of the lesson

Number of hours



Total hours

"Automotive construction" 68


The internal structure of the car20

1 module

Introductory lesson. The rule of conduct in the workplace. Introduction to related professions

The use of tools for car disassembly in general

Vehicle classification.

General arrangement of internal combustion engines

ICE operation

Gas distribution mechanism

Car brand difference, (emblems)

What is the difference between domestic and foreign cars

Crank mechanism

Which cars are better to build. AND WHY?

Similarities and differences between different brands of cars.



Running gear maintenance

ICE malfunctions

ICE malfunctions

The device of the lifting mechanism for the repair of internal combustion engines

Injection engine power supply system

Adjustments and lubrication system

Adjustments and lubrication system

electrical equipment

electrical equipment


Automatic and manual transmission

Project implementation

Project implementation


Car maintenance 18

Performing wheel maintenance

Lubrication system, practice

Lubrication system, practice

Filter Maintenance

Assembly and installation of the wheel in time

Assembly and disassembly of the engine.

Student project (presentation)

Personal results:

V In the process of learning, an aesthetic taste is formed, respect for one's own work and the work of one's peers is instilled.

Metasubject results:

Carrying out car repair work, children develop an interest, a desire to learn new and unusual things.

Subject Results:

We got acquainted with the main types of modern tuning and structure of cars. Based on the tuning of the domestic car, I can express myself in various works.

Competency results:

Developed fantasy and imagination, mastery of technique and practice,use all tools correctly, skills, use of the necessary tools.

Assessment Forms:

Holding competitions, "assembly and disassembly of various auto parts".

2 module "Modern car tuning" 96 hours

Studying the course helps students acquire practical skills, express themselves in creativity, develop taste, navigate the choice of profession. Practical work: each lesson provides for the inclusion of students in practical activities of a productive, creative nature.

The study of traffic signs, learn how to use them correctly in life, do not violate the rules of the road.

Learning objectives of the module:

Develop imagination, be able to select tuning for cars, know their structure.

Be able to tell what is the difference between the Russian car industry and foreign car manufacturers.

Developing tasks of the module:

To awaken curiosity and interest in creativity, the desire and ability to creatively use the acquired knowledge and skills, to form a steady interest in cars as a means of transportation in general.

Educational tasks of the module: To cultivate a culture of work, communication, mutual assistance, accuracy

Module 2 "Modern car tuning"


Topic of the lesson

Number of hours



Total hours

"Modern car tuning" 80


Fundamentals of technological work 30

2 module

Rules for using tuning tools

Tuning Basics

Tuning Basics

Tuning modern cars

Tuning that is not allowed by law

Tuning Sequences

Tuning cars and other equipment

Pros and cons of car tuning

Fantasy of children, no matter what car they want, drawings.


Traffic rules, signs.


Learning the necessary road signs

Road signs.

Road and its elements

Road markings

Reflectors, what are they for?

What signs are

Draw on a piece of paper what signs students know and see more often.

What role do pedestrians play in modern world

Performing work according to the drawing according to the rules of the road

Carrying out a test of knowledge of car brands

What are the features of cars mazda.kiya, mitsubishi.

What are the pros and cons between toyota and lada

Implementation of the project on car brands

Road signs and their important role In human life

Project implementation

A selection of materials for the project, a selection of paint and tools

Excursion to driving school

Tour of the car wash

Performance practical work for disassembling the Gazelle car engine

Performing assembly and disassembly of a car wheel in practice

Final lesson

Personal results:

By the end of the training, an increasing interest in the profession of a car mechanic should be formed, as well as the creative individuality of the pupil should be manifested.

Metasubject results:

Motor skills, eye, imaginative thinking, artistic taste, accuracy of movements, as well as diligence, patience, and the desire for knowledge on cars are developed.

Subject Results:

Must be proficient in the basic techniques of working with cars and lengths, be able to use tools for car repair for their intended purpose.

Competency results:

The ability to maximize creativity, goodwill, sociability, good fine motor skills. Develop imaginative thinking, fantasy, independence, creativity, distinguish between car brands and their structure.

Assessment Forms:

Analysis of practical activities. Conducting a presentation and the ability to properly handle cars.

Conditions for the implementation of the program:

Material and technical equipment

Equipment: PC-1pc, monitor, printer, speakers, keyboard, board, desks, chairs, PC table, chalk board, bookcase, fire extinguisher, extension cord.

List of literature for the teacher

2013, JIC "Academy".

Vlasov V.M., Zhankaziev S.V.

"Maintenance and repair of cars", 2013,

JIC "Academy".

Puzankov A.G.

    "Cars: Device vehicles", 2013, JIC "Academy".

    2013, JIC "Academy".

Svetlov A.S.

For a novice driver

    Moscow 2006

Law of the Russian Federation "On Road Safety".

Dubrovina I.V.

Age features of the mental development of children


Klebelsberg D.

Transport psychology. M.:

Transport, 1989.

Forshtat M.L

About the methodology of teaching the Rules of the road at school


List of literature for the student


A.L. Rybin

and Learning the rules of the road



Cars and their Brands


Electronic textbook

car tuning

Electronic textbook.

automotive world

Moscow 1999

maccase.ru - Android. Brands. Iron. news