
What is meant by information and communication technologies. Information and communication technologies in the educational process of the preschool educational institution. Development of information and communication technologies

Materials for the methodological seminar

Ivanova I.N.

Information and communication technologies ineducation

The role of information and communication technologies in the general educational process is defined in the documents of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, related to the strategy of modernization of education.
Information and communication competenceone of the main priorities for the purposes of general education, and this is connected not only with intra-educational reasons. The whole nature of life is changing, the role of information activity is increasing unusually, and within it -active, independent processing of information by a person,making fundamentally new decisions by him in unforeseen situations using technological means.

A systematic, effective formation of information and communication competence for the bulk of students today is possible only if ICT is used. This means that successthe transformations outlined in the school largely depend on their application.In other words, informatization is the most important area of ​​modernization of the education system.
Computer training technologies - a set of methods, techniques, methods, means of creating pedagogical conditions on the basis of computer technology, telecommunication means and an interactive software product that simulate part of the teacher's functions for presenting, transferring and collecting information, organizing control and management of cognitive activity.

The use of computer learning technologies allows you to modify the entire teaching process, implement a model of student-centered learning, intensify classes, and most importantly, improve the self-training of students. Of course, a modern computer and interactive software and methodological support require a change in the form of communication between the teacher and the student, turning training into business cooperation, and thisenhances learning motivation , leads to the need to search for new models of classes, conduct final control (reports, reports, public defense of group design work), increases the individuality and intensity of training.

Computer technologies of teaching provide great opportunities in the development of creativity, both for teachers and students.
Multimedia technology - preparation method electronic documents, including visual and audio effects, multiprogramming of various situations. The use of multimedia technologies opens up a promising direction for the development of modern computer learning technologies. How to use these tools in the development of complexes of teaching materials? Where and in what ratio is it possible to include various multimedia effects in comparison with ordinary text? Where is the limit of applicability of multimedia inserts into a document? Serious studies of this issue are needed, since a violation of harmony, measures of the appropriateness of the use of bright inserts and effects can lead to a decrease in working capacity, an increase in student fatigue, and a decrease in work efficiency. These are serious questions, the answers to which will make it possible to avoid fireworks in teaching, to make the teaching material not only effective, but effective.
Modern information and communication technologies of education - a set of modern computer technology, telecommunication means, software tools that provide interactive software and methodological support modern technologies learning.
The main task of modern information technology trainingare the development of interactive environments for managing the process of cognitive activity, access to modern information and educational resources (multimedia textbooks, various databases, training sites and other sources).
Information technologies most often used in the educational process can be divided into two groups:

1) network technologies using local area networks and the global Internet (electronic version of guidelines, manuals, distance learning servers that provide interactive communicationwith students via the Internet , including in real time),

2) technologies focused on local computers (training programs, computer models real processes, demonstration programs, electronic problem books, control programs, didactic materials).

In mathematics lessons, a computer can be used with a variety of functions and, therefore, purposes: as a way to diagnose the learning capabilities of students, a teaching tool, a source of information, a training device, or a means of monitoring and assessing the quality of teaching. The capabilities of a modern computer are enormous, which determines its place in the educational process. It can be connected at any stage of the lesson, to the solution of many didactic problems, both collectively and individually.

At present, with the help of a multimedia projector, it is possible to use a computer even for frontal work, for example, when organizing oral counting, or when checking independent work. The use of teaching aids-presentations created in the Power Point program made it possible to abandon almost all TCO of the old generation, to raise the visibility to more high level(use sound, slide show "in motion")

You can enter computer components inlessons of any subjects . The whole point lies in expediency, availability of appropriate high-quality programs, conditions of use.

Creation and development of the information society(IO) involves the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education, which is determined by a number of factors.

At first , the introduction of ICT in education significantly accelerates the transfer of knowledge and accumulated technological and social experience of mankind, not only from generation to generation, but also from one person to another.

Secondly , modern ICT, improving the quality of training and education, allow a person to more successfully and quickly adapt to the environment and the ongoing social changes. This gives each person the opportunity to receive the necessary knowledge both today and in the future post-industrial society.

Thirdly , active and effective implementation of these technologies in education is an important factor in creating an education system that meets the requirements of IO and the process of reforming the traditional education system in the light of the requirements of a modern industrial society.

The importance and necessity of introducing ICT into the learning process are noted by international experts in the "World Report on Communication and Information 1999 - 2000", prepared by UNESCO and published at the end of the last millennium by the agency "Business Press". In the introduction to the report General manager UNESCO Federico Mayor writes that new technologies shouldcontribute "Creating a better world, in which every person will benefit from the achievements of education, science, culture and communication. " ICTs affect all of these areas, but perhaps the most positive impact they have on education, as they "open up the possibility of completely new methods of teaching and learning." More details about the relevance and need for ICT implementation in education are discussed in the second chapter of the same report - "New Directions in Education", written by Craig Blairton, Adjunct Professor at the University of Hong Kong, and in Chapter VII "Information Services, Libraries, Archives", the author of which - Professor of the Royal College of Librarianship in Copenhagen, Ole Garbo.

In addition, the same report summarizes and analyzes the global processes of convergence of the media, electronics industry and telecommunications and their impact on the development of the information society, as well as the planetary problems of using ICT in education.

The use of ICT contributes to a change in the goals, content of training, including control, which entails the emergence of new methods, means and organizational forms of training and control.

Implementation of information technology ineducation provides the ability to create systems for automated control of students' knowledge in various disciplines, including information technology.

The potential of ICT as a tool for human activity and a fundamentally new means of teaching leads to the emergence of new methods, means, organizational forms of control and their more intensive implementation in the educational process.

The advantages of computer technology are considered in works on the intensification and activation of training (I.V. Alekhina, G.V. Rubina), individualization (V.F.Gorbenko, N.V. Karchevskaya) and humanization of the educational process (T.V. Gabai, M.E. Kalashnikov, L.F. Pleukhova, V.K. Tsoneva), the implementation of a creative, developing nature of education (V.A.Andreev, V.G. Afanasyev, G.M. Kleiman, T.A. etc.).
Stages of ICT implementation on the way v informational society

The global introduction of computer technologies in all spheres of activity, the formation of new communications and a highly automated information environment have become not only the beginning of the transformation of the traditional education system, but also the first step towards the formation of an information society.

The main factor determining the importance and expediency of reforming the existing education system, including the Russian one, is the need to respond to the main challenges that the 21st century has made to humanity:

  • the need for society to transition to a new development strategy based on knowledge and highly effective information and telecommunication technologies;

  • the fundamental dependence of our civilization on those abilities and qualities of the individual that are formed by education;

  • the possibility of successful development of society only on the basis of genuine education and effective use of ICT;

  • the closest connection between the level of the nation's well-being, the national security of the state and the state of education, the use of ICT.

As shown in a number of works, the main directions of the formation of a promising education system, which are of fundamental importance for Russia, which is at the stage of complex economic transformations, are the following:

  • improving the quality of education through its fundamentalization, informing the student about the modern achievements of science in a larger volume and at a faster rate;

  • ensuring the focus of training on new technologies of IO and, in
    first of all , on ICT;

  • ensuring greater accessibility of education for all groups of the population;

  • enhancing creativity in education.

The use of computers in education has led to the emergence of a new generation of information educational technologies that have made it possible to improve the quality of education, create new means of educational influence, and more effectively interact with computers for teachers and students. In the opinion of many experts, new information educational technologies based on computer means can increase the efficiency of classes by 20-30%. The introduction of the computer into the field of education was the beginning of a revolutionary transformation of traditional teaching methods and technologies and the entire education sector. Communication technologies played an important role at this stage: telephone means of communication, television, space communications, which were mainly used in the management of the learning process and in systems of additional education.

The emergence of modern telecommunication networks and their convergence with information technologies, that is, the emergence of ICT, has become a new stage in the global technologization of advanced countries. They became the basis for the creation of the infosphere, since the association computer systems and global telecommunication networks made it possible to create and develop a planetary infrastructure that connects all of humanity.

An example of the successful implementation of ICT was the emergence of the Internet - a global computer network with its almost unlimited possibilities for collecting and storing information, transmitting it individually to each user.
Complexity of implementationmodern ICT is also determined by the fact that the traditional practice of their development and implementation is based on the ideology of creating and using information and telecommunication systems in completely different areas: communications, the military-industrial complex, aviation and astronautics. The adaptation of ICT to a specific field of application is carried out here by specialists from design bureaus and research institutes who have extensive experience in the development of such technology and, therefore, have a good understanding of the purpose of systems and their operating conditions. Vmodern education such there are no specialized research structures, they are just beginning to be created. For this reason, there is a "gap" between the possibilities of educational technologies and their real application. An example is the still existing practice of using a computer only as a typewriter. This gap is often exacerbated by the fact that the bulk of school teachers and teachers of humanitarian universities do not have the modern knowledge necessary for the effective use of ICT. The situation is complicated by the fact that information technologies are rapidly updating: new, more efficient and complex technologies based on artificial intelligence, virtual reality, multilingual interface, geographic information systems, etc. appear. The way out of the created contradiction can be the integration of technologies, that is, such a combination of them that will allow the teacher to use in lessons and lectures, certified and adapted to the learning process, technical means that he understands. The integration of ICT and educational technologies should become a new stage in their more effective implementation into the Russian education system.

In the implementation of ICT in education in can be distinguished three stages:

  • elementary associated with the individual use of computers, mainly for the organization of the education system, its administration and storage of information about the management process;

  • modern, associated with the creation of computer systems, the Internet and the convergence of information and telecommunication technologies;

  • future, based on the integration of new ICTs with educational technologies (OT).

The process of developing new education technologies based on the integration of ICT and OT is already underway in a number of firms that are active in the educational services market.

The relevance and importance of the development of a set of appropriate educational tools based on the integration of ICT and OT for the creation of an information society education system makes it necessaryconducting a comprehensive study of this process and its consideration from a systemic standpoint.

3.System basics integration of ICT and OT

A systematic approach to the integration of ICT and TO is based on the identification of all the essential factors that establish a connection between the elements and form the integral properties of a system that performs an agreed set of actions united by a common concept and a single goal.

The choice of rational and optimal solutions when integrating information and educational technologies from a systemic standpoint is primarily based on the analysis of the effectiveness of training or education based on a new integrated technology, i.e. based on an assessment of the effectiveness of interaction between a teacher and students. A feature of this interaction is the creative activity of the teacher and students both in the learning process and in the process of education, which largely depends not only on the professionalism of the teacher and the knowledge of the students, but also on the emotional mood created in the learning process, as well as on the availability of appropriate incentives. , on the conditions of employment and many other factors. All this complicates the formalized description of the learning process and makes it difficult to quantify the effectiveness.

In fact, integrated learning technologies based on ICT are intelligent man-machine systems and therefore one of the directions for the formation of indicators of their effectiveness can be the methodology used in simulator training of pilots, astronauts, operators in nuclear power. It consists inuse of integrated indicators, the components of which are specific assessments of technical efficiency, cost, training time, as well as data from biomedical research, subjective opinions of teachers and students.

Therefore, the first and fundamentally important task of integrating ICT and OT (in the future, for brevity, the abbreviation ITO adopted by a number of authors will be used) is to clearly identify the goals of their creation and develop a system of indicators of their effectiveness. Formalization of the goals of educational technologies is a rather complex problem that remains unresolved until now and is actively discussed both in monographs, articles, and at seminars and conferences. At the same time, experience in assessing goals in the form of specific indicators has already been accumulated in solving learning problems, controlling knowledge and managing the educational process. As an example, consider the scoring system. This, of course, does not exclude the use of other indicators for assessing the effectiveness of AID.

Based on a systematic approach, it is necessary to build a model or scheme of an operation, which includes the following main elements: OT, ICT, teachers, trainees, specialists and administration.

Educational technologies or, in other words, educational technologies (TO) are one of the main elements of the education system, since they are directly aimed at achieving its main goals: teaching and upbringing. TO is understood as the implementation of curricula and curricula and the transfer of knowledge systems to the trainee, as well as methods and means for creating, collecting, transferring, storing and processing information in a specific area. Science has accumulated vast experience in the transfer of knowledge from teacher to student, the creation of education and training technologies, as well as in the construction of their models.

ICTs have an active influence on the process of training and education of the student, as they change the scheme of knowledge transfer and teaching methods. Togetherin order to integrate ICT into the system education not only influences educational technologies, but also introduces new ones into the education process. They are associated with the use of computers and telecommunications, special equipment, software and hardware, information processing systems. They are also associated with the creation of new means of teaching and storing knowledge, which include electronic textbooks and multimedia; electronic libraries and archives, global and local educational networks; information retrieval and information systems, etc. ICT models are currently being developed, and some of them are successfully applied in the study of education systems.

Considering the elements of a complex ITO system, it should be noted that in education an important conditionsuccessful technology integration is the professional training of teachersand specialists operating the systems and tools of the new integrated learning technology. Each participant in ITO-based training, including the administration of educational institutions, must have the necessary information literacy and understanding of the technologies used. In some countries, it is even necessary to have a corresponding certificate for this. For example, such a requirement exists in the UK. The introduction of certificates for participants in the learning process makes it possible to simplify the implementation of IT and improve the adequacy of assessments of the effectiveness of technologies.

When introducing IT, it is necessary to understand that this is a complex and costly process.

As the experience of ITE implementation in the world and in Russia shows, a specific type of educational institution (school or university, educational center or virtual college, etc.) and the form and type of education (full-time or part-time, distance learning, etc.) or stationary, basic or additional), etc.

A program that ensures the active introduction of ICT ineducational industry , is complex and involves the solution of a number of important problems in the development of education:

  • development of the regulatory framework;

  • creation of new organizational-methodological and scientific-methodological support in the field of educational systems and technologies;

  • creation of a material base of ICT;

  • creation of a system of training and retraining of educational personnel.

A new direction for increasing the efficiency of ICT implementation isintegration of information and communication technologies and learning technologies.As the first and necessary steps to facilitate the accelerated introduction of this process into the education system, we can recommend:

  • organization of seminars and training courses for administration and staff of universities, teachers of schools and training centers on the use of new ITO in teaching;

  • creation of conditions for stimulating the development of Internet services associated with the use of new ITO;

  • intensification of work on the creation of a thematic system "ITO" within the framework of the international information network on IT;

  • preparation of an appropriate set of measures for their inclusion in the "Program of Moscow's Movement in the Information Society";

  • development of methodological and methodological foundations of system analysis and synthesis of ITE, methods for assessing training and education based on them;

  • development of proposals for financing the introduction of integrated information and communication technologies in education at the expense of the international community.

Improving the quality of professional training of specialists, including future teachers, in the system of higher pedagogical education, a significant role belongs to control, which is considered extremely important by modern pedagogical theory and practice.

Currently, the use of the capabilities of modern information technologies to ensure the conduct of the didactic process is one of the urgent problems. The role of new information and communication technologies (ICT) intraining practice is determined by E .WITH. Polat as "a necessary condition for the intellectual, creative and moral development of students" [3].

In the conditions of the information society, the volume and content of knowledge, skills and abilities that a modern specialist must possess is sharply and constantly increasing. The integration of computer technology and the educational process contributes to its intensification, modernization of the training system for a future specialist, improving the quality of training, developing the ability to independently acquire new knowledge, and implementing the idea of ​​developing and continuous education. Computer technologies contribute to the disclosure, preservation and development of the personal qualities of trainees, the use of which in the educational process will be effective only if future specialists have a correct idea of ​​the place and role of these technologies in the educational process.

For future specialistsit is necessary to have adequate training in the knowledge and application of information and communication technologies in the rapidly changing conditions of the information society; possess the basics of the necessary knowledge and gain personal experience in the practical use of computer technology in your professional activity... Besides, inconditions for the emergence of remote education, it is necessary to own modern computer teaching aids, including control.

As noted in the materials of the international conference held in November in Moscow on the problems of introducing information technologies into education, a lesson with the use of a computer will be more effective for the teacher who

  • · Retains human learning priorities.

  • Has a kind, trusting attitude towards the machine and its pedagogical capabilities

  • Knows how to carefully and at the same time boldly handle a personal computer

  • Intellectually developed, erudite, able to assess the pedagogical capabilities of computer programs

  • Methodically flexible

  • · Disciplined, accurate, owns an ordered, logical thinking.

Thus, without professional growth inassimilation of information communication technology is indispensable.

The first step that a teacher takes, turning to computer technology of teaching, is to study pedagogical software in his subject and assess their advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, we have not yet come across a single multimedia textbook in mathematics that would fully correspond to the school curriculum: atypical terminology is used, others. Different from the school, axiom systems, or a cumbersome system for entering information (a very "twisted" formula editor, which does not speed up, but, on the contrary, slows down the solution process). Therefore, it remains to agree with N. Rozov, Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University, who in one of his speeches noted: “We all perfectly understand how far from the ideal so far e-learning products are. than the computer component of the educational process will become an equal partner for the textbook. "

It is advisable to start acquaintance with software products by studying the means that create the so-called. computer environment. These programs include program instructions, tips, recommendations on a wide range of issues. With them, the teacher can conduct both classroom and extracurricular activities, freeing himself from repeated repetition to students of the same common truths, from a touch of subjectivity in assessing the educational success of students, helping them to master the technology of self-study.

The computer environment is also created by reference and information materials. Their purpose is to provide greater clarity and evidence in the lesson, to use these programs for making various kinds of inquiries and for self-testing, to provide a sample for performing a task on a specific subject material.

Reference and information materials are designed to make it easier for many children to master the school curriculum, they are supportive and accompanying, often motivating.

That. the computer, as it were, combines a number of traditional TCOs, which have always been used mainly to enhance clarity. This activates the cognitive process in students, develops thinking (visual-effective, visual-figurative), increases the effectiveness of the educational process. The use of ICT makes it possible to realize such developmental learning goals as the development of thinking (spatial, algorithmic, intuitive, creative, theoretical), the formation of the ability to make an optimal decision from possible options, the development of skills to carry out experimental research activities (for example, through the implementation of the capabilities of computer modeling), the formation information culture, the ability to carry out information processing. itleads to an accelerated learning pace , frees up time, therefore, intensifies the learning process.

One of the requirements dictated by the social order of society to modern education and presented today to university students - future specialists - is the ability to use modern ICT tools in the teacher's professional activities, exactly, the rapidly developing means of distance educational technologies both in the educational process and and in its integral component, the control system.
ICT in the control system
The use of computer technologies in the educational process is a completely natural phenomenon in the era of informatization of society. However, the effectiveness of their use in training depends on a clear understanding of the place that they should occupy in the most complex set of interrelationships that arise in
teacher interaction system - student.

The role of control in the learning process is of primary importance, therefore, all of the above about the implementation of information and communication technologies in the learning process also contributes to the penetration of ICT into the control process, as an important and integral element of the learning process.

Control tasks implemented with the help of ICT can be aimed at identifying the following knowledge:

Knowledge of definitions, fundamental concepts of the course, section, topic (module), ideas about the volume and content of concepts;

Knowledge about the applied (practical) application of definitions;

Knowledge of rules, algorithms, laws, formulas;

Knowledge related to solving problems on the topic;

Knowledge of facts, fundamentals, principles, practical applications.

Controlling tasks implemented with the help of ICT can be of various levels of complexity:

Simple recognition tasks;

Reproduction tasks;

Tasks performed according to a formula, algorithm, rule, sample;

Tasks of a problematic nature (the algorithm for solving the problem is unknown in advance).
Let's highlight the advantages of using ICT in the process of knowledge control:

High degree of clarity withmonitoring , which contributes to an increase in interest in the very subject of study, control, assessment;

Automation of conducting, evaluating the results, summing up the results of control procedures;

The ability to perform multiple control tasks for the purpose of interiorization (assimilation) of knowledge;
- the ability to conduct self-control of students at any time convenient for the student without the participation of the teacher.


  1. World UNESCO Report on Communication and Information 1999-2000 - M. - 2000.

  2. Kurdyukov, G.I. On the question of the role of information and communication technologies in the knowledge control system of students of pedagogical universities in information disciplines / G.I. Kurdyukov / access address:http://www.rusedu.info/Article915.html

  3. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Textbook. manual for stud. ped. universities and systems of raising. qualif. ped. frames / E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkin and others; Ed. E.S. Polat. - 2nd ed., Erased. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2005. - 272 p .; P. 3

  4. Education and XXI century: Information and communication technologies. - M .: Nauka, 1999.

  5. Open education - an objective paradigm of the XXI century / Ed. ed. V.P. Tikhonov. - M .: MESI, 2000.

  6. Project Computerization programs for Moscow education (prepared by MIPKRO, the Center for Information Technologies and Educational Equipment under the leadership of A.L. Semenov). - M .: MIPKRO, - 2000 .-- 21 p.

  7. Yakovlev, A.I ... Information and communication technologies in education / A.I. Yakovlev / Information society... - 2001. - Issue. 2. - S. 32-37.

Olga Gracheva
The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

One of the priorities of modern education is the use of information and communication technologies(ICT) v educational process... This is largely due to the fact that a computer enters a child's life from an early age, exerting both a positive and a negative impact on the formation of his personality.

Use of information and communication technologies in kindergarten is an urgent problem of modern preschool education.

The child's brain perceives knowledge in the form of entertainment programs on television, it will be much easier to perceive what is proposed in the lesson information with the help of media.

It should be understood that ICT is not only and not so much computers and their software. This implies using a computer, The Internet, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication.

The computer can be used at all stages: both in preparation for the lesson and in learning process: when explaining (administered) new material, consolidation, repetition, control of knowledge, abilities, skills.

Usage ICT for the education and development of preschool children can be conditionally divided into direct and indirect.

Mediated learning and development - usage a teacher of ICT tools for maintaining documentation, in preparation for conducting GCD, etc.

The computer can provide an invaluable service to educators and "advanced" parents in drawing up all kinds of action plans with the help of organizer programs, keeping an individual diary of the child, recording various data about him, the results of diagnosing the child's development. The opportunities provided by online electronic resources allow solving a number of problems that are relevant for specialists working in the preschool system. education... Sites like


http: //games-for-kids.ru lessons

Games, puzzles, magic tricks http://doshkolnik.ru/

We play http://www.igraemsa.ru/ There are puzzles and coloring books, but most of all - all kinds of educational games: cognitive, logic and thinking, attention and memory, mathematical. Children's games online http://igraem.pro/ Educational games are grouped into several sections: “We play and learn”, “Putting together a picture”, “Coloring pages and drawings”, “Developing attention and memory”, “Games for kids”. Holopuz http://golopuz.org/ Educational online games for the little ones holopubbies: puzzles, finding differences and the like. Smart child http://www.smart-kiddy.ru/ For very little ones - nursery rhymes, finger games, lovers and the like, for older children - poems, riddles, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, coloring books. Miracle girl: games online http://chudesenka.ru/ Developing games. Starring pink ponies, smurfs and other baby scum. Internet gnome http://www.i-gnom.ru/ Educational games for preschool children will help in teaching counting and comparison skills, introduce children to geometric concepts, and help them learn the alphabet.

Teremok - http://www.teremoc.ru and many others allow you to download games or use them as samples to create your own games. There are sites containing information about writers and poets, collected works designed to be viewed electronically. With the help of various libraries, you can quickly find the necessary book (http: // detskiy - mir.net and many others).

Direct learning - usage in joint activities with children of educational programs and multimedia presentations.

Usage such programs allow not only to enrich knowledge, use a computer for a more complete acquaintance with objects and phenomena that are beyond the child's own experience, but also to increase the child's creativity; the ability to operate with symbols on the monitor screen helps to optimize the transition from visual figurative to abstract thinking; usage creative and directing games creates additional motivation in the formation educational activities; individual work with a computer increases the number of situations that a child can solve independently.

There are several directions use of ICT... One of them is the social - personal, patriotic education of preschoolers. This task in today's complex world is one of the main ones. We must teach pupils to be kind, tolerant, sympathetic, loving all people. To do this, you need to start small - to teach preschoolers to love and respect their parents, loved ones, and the Motherland. Information technology helps us, teachers, in solving these problems. Pupils of senior preschool age can be offered social and moral work on the computer. This is your own courtyard, a portrait of your family, and your favorite street in your hometown. The children continue to draw or build these drawings with a teacher in a group or at home with their mother. Such work can be done on different topics. The main thing is that they teach good and keep children clean. Then information Technology will not be associated with aggressive games among preschoolers.

ICT plays an important role in the development of artistic, aesthetic and creative abilities of preschoolers. Special computer programs allow you to create amazing creative drawings, projects, plots. But the most important thing is that the pupils continue to create everything conceived and implemented on the computer with their own hands in their own activities. This approach opens up wide opportunities for preschoolers in computer and practical, productive creativity.

V modern conditions with widespread introduction of new information technologies the problem of the development of the speech of a preschool child remains relevant. After all, the further mastery of knowledge and full development depends on the level of development of his speech abilities. Many will agree that modern parents read little and reluctantly to their children, do not encourage them to speak in dialogue, therefore, the speech of preschoolers is not particularly expressive, they are limited to monosyllabic answers. Due to the underdevelopment of speech, the poverty of the vocabulary, the pupils often lose interest in the classes for the development of speech, there is no educational motivation. In such conditions, comes to our aid use of computer technology as one of the sources of motivation. The possibilities of the computer are inexhaustible here. It allows you to immerse preschoolers in a certain game situation, do directly educational activities that are more meaningful, interesting, attractive and truly modern. ICT can use such directions:

Development of coherent speech (retelling of the text based on a series of plot pictures);

Literacy training (formation of skills in phonemic analysis);

Work on sound pronunciation (articulatory gymnastics, sound automation, differentiation of sounds and letters);

Formation of lexical and grammatical categories (word formation, inflection);

Correctional and health-improving direction (games for the development of general and fine motor skills).

Another possibility of using ICT in educational the activity of a preschool teacher, which is more widely used by us, is an electronic type of materials for preparing assignments for independent work of preschoolers. Often, printed notebooks, so beloved by children, parents and teachers, contain errors, sometimes quite gross. Usage the usual scanner and printer, as well as basic skills in any graphics editor allows you to solve these problems. The teacher can choose exactly those tasks that correspond to the topic and tasks of the lesson, arrange them in the desired sequence, correct something in their content, design, correct errors, print in the required quantity and save in electronic form in order to return to them if necessary.

The scanner helps pupils to become full-fledged participants in the creation of a slideshow for demonstration in process preliminary work with the introduction of a new role-playing game for the children. Children always willingly bring their favorite books from home (so that the teacher reads them in the group, drawings, toys. Therefore, they will willingly bring pictures on a given topic. Then, together with the teacher, the picture is scanned and inserted into a slide show. When showing the finished material, everyone the child recognizes his picture, which, of course, causes a storm of emotions.So, involving children directly in the creation of various kinds of multimedia resources, we turn them from an object of our pedagogical efforts into a subject educational activities, this is especially true for older preschool children who can almost independently (with the help of parents) create your presentation.

Parents of pupils are active participants in educational educational process at preschool educational institution... Cooperation with the child's family in matters using ICT at home, especially the computer and computer games, is an important area of ​​work. In accordance with this direction, the teaching staff can conduct consultations for the parents of pupils, master classes, actively use visual information, conduct themed parenting meetings on the issue: "A child in the world information technologies» where, in a casual conversation, teachers can show certain computer games, demonstrate how they affect the development of logical thinking, orientation in space, etc. Thanks to the capabilities of multimedia equipment, teachers can show videos of lessons. Parents have the opportunity to see how their child is managed with modern technique and what results he achieved. Be sure to emphasize that parents are not outside observers, but active assistants of teachers and allies of children. On meetings, during individual conversations, consultations, the success of children is discussed, specific recommendations are offered.

Thanks to use of ICT, you can organize new form interaction with the parents of the group - "Parental Email" considered in the network information and educational space as a means of remote communication.

With the help of e-mails with attached sound files, you can actively prepare for cultural and leisure activities: children memorizing poems, songs, listening to music, singing songs to phonograms that the parent receives to his email address from the teachers of the preschool educational institution. this work especially proved itself in conditions when, for a number of reasons, pupils did not attend kindergarten (chickenpox epidemic, severe frosts, and there is little time left to prepare for matinees. E-mail creates an opportunity for parents to communicate with teachers, advise on education and speech correction of preschoolers This is especially in demand by parents who, for a number of reasons, do not have the opportunity to meet with teachers in person.

So, the use of information technology allows you to make the process education and development of an early child is quite simple and effective, frees the teacher from routine manual work, opens up new opportunities for early education.

The practical part.

Demonstration of the creation of games for the development of speech, according to FEMP. Demonstration of downloaded games and their use on different types of GCD... Invite educators to create a game on an interactive whiteboard themselves.

Questioning. The objectives of this survey are to defining:

Ways for educators to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills

The level of ICT skills among educators of different age categories

Fields of ICT application in professional activity

Conditions under which usage ICT would be optimally organized for all teachers

Methodological support opportunities ECE information process.

Dear teacher, please answer the proposed questions

1. How many years have you worked in preschool education?

From 3 to 5 years old

5 to 10 years old

10 to 15 years old

15 to 20 years old

Over 20 years

2. Your education

Higher pedagogical (preschool)

Higher pedagogical

Secondary pedagogical (preschool)

Secondary vocational

Other ___

3. Do you own information and communication technologies?

Advanced user

Confident user

Simple user

I do not own

Other ___

4. What technical do you own the funds?


Record player (CD-player)

Video recorder

DVD player

Video camera


A computer


Multimedia projector

a printer



interactive board

Flash card (memory cards)

5. How are you use information and communication technologies?

On one's own

With the help of colleagues

With the help of relatives, friends

Text editor Microsoft Word (1 2 3 4)

Spreadsheets Microsoft Excel (1 2 3 4)

Microsoft PowerPoint Electronic Presentations (1 2 3 4)

Graphic editor Paint (1 2 3 4)

Multifunctional graphics editor Photoshop (1 2 3 4)

Internet browsers (Explorer, Mozilla, FireFox, Google Chrome)

(1 2 3 4)

1- Yes; 2 - no; 3 - not fully; 4 - would like to learn

7. In what types of your professional activities are you use computer technology?

Working with children's lists

Drafting family information

Preparation of the necessary didactic aids, handouts, subject and plot pictures, masks, paraphernalia for outdoor games, theatrical activities and much more.

Creation of various forms of documents (timesheets, announcements, polls, questionnaires)

Parent corners decoration ( scanning technology, creation and graphic image processing, technologies for creating and processing text information)

Search for the necessary professional literature

Creation of all kinds of folders, stands, folders, slides, etc.

Accompanying GCD, leisure and gaming activities with visual materials through presentations, electronic quizzes and video files (including cartoons)

Design and presentation of project activities

Create videos, animated presentations

Creation of animated films

Using your interactive whiteboard

Creation of a personal website for the teacher

Participation in pedagogical Internet contests, projects

Professional subscription electronic internet- editions

Placing your publications on the Internet

Participation in professional Internet communities

Professional development through webinars, distance learning, professional Internet conferences

Communication of the parental community via the Internet (forums, counseling, recommendations, organization of joint leisure activities)

Using email

Formation of your own media library, electronic library of preschool educational institutions

Work and diagnostics of pupils

Information maintenance of the official website of the preschool educational institution

8. Do you think that usage ICT greatly facilitates preparation for classes and allows diversify forms and methods of organizing educational educational process?

I am at a loss to answer

9. Have the preschool educational institutions created conditions for use of computer technology?

I am at a loss to answer

10. What problems arise when use of information and communication technologies?

Insufficient material equipment of preschool educational institutions

Lack of scheduled time for use ICT in preparation for classes, leisure activities.

There is not enough knowledge and skills to use ICT in professional activities

Insufficient methodological support ECE information process

11. What kind of help would you like to receive with the aim of comfortable use ICT in professional activities?

Training in specialized computer courses

Conducting workshops at preschool educational institutions for selected programs

Individual counseling

Distance learning

A.N. Polezhaeva, teacher of informatics, KBOU "School of Distance Education"



In modern society, information processes are one of the most important components of the life of a person and society. The development of the global process of informatization of society leads to the formation of not only a new information environment for people, but also a new, informational way of life and professional activity.

Informatization is the most important mechanism for reforming the educational system aimed at improving the quality, accessibility and efficiency of education.

The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process is an urgent problem of modern school education. Today, almost every teacher in any school discipline can prepare and deliver a lesson using ICT. A lesson using ICT is visual, colorful, informative, interactive, saves time for the teacher and the student, allows the student to work at his own pace, allows the teacher to work with the student in a differentiated and individual way, makes it possible to quickly monitor and evaluate the learning outcomes.

Information technology is usually considered in three aspects:

    as a subject of study;

    as a learning tool;

    as a tool for automating educational activities.

A number of possibilities open up for a teacher when using ICT in the classroom: a computer takes over the function of controlling knowledge, helps to save time in a lesson, richly illustrate material, show difficult moments in dynamics, repeat what caused difficulties, differentiate a lesson in accordance with individual characteristics of each student.

ICT can be applied in the following ways: to prepare handouts; as a multimedia lesson accompaniment; computer testing, etc. Psychologists note that modern children perceive information on the screens of monitors, laptops, projectors, televisions much better than printed book information. Therefore, in the learning process, as a rule, students' interest in lessons using ICTs increases.

When organizing a lesson using ICT, the following factors must be taken into account: the level of preparation of the class, the methodological purpose of the lesson, the type of lesson, the readiness of students for the type of educational activity, sanitary and hygienic requirements that govern the possibility of using computers in the educational process, taking into account the age characteristics of students.

The process of introducing new information technologies into education as a whole gave its positive results: the volume of educational resources on the Internet increased, the activity of teachers and schoolchildren in using the resources and opportunities of the Internet increased.

When using Internet technologies, it becomes possible to:

    develop skills in working with information;

    to acquaint students with a variety of ways of presenting material and visualizing thoughts;

    teach to find information in various sources;

    use automated search systems;

    highlight the main and the secondary in the information; streamline, systematize;

    develop students' critical thinking;

    develop self-education skills;

    create your own informational prototypes and products.

A fairly wide projected range of application of Internet technologies in the educational process is formed:

    work with browsers, search engines;

    using a mail program;

    virtual communication;

    participation in teleconferences, projects, competitions;

    creation Web - sites, Web - portals;

    creation of your own projects and their placement on the Internet.

The computer telecommunications system is a living information environment in which all people have equal opportunities to access vast information resources. The modern school successfully uses the means of the Internet in distance learning for teachers and students.

The following advantages of distance learning via the Internet can be highlighted:

    the opportunity to study at a convenient time for yourself;

    simultaneous appeal of a large number of students to many educational sources, communication through networks with each other and with teachers;

    the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process that contribute to the advancement of a person into the world information space ”;

    social equality (equal opportunities for education for everyone);

    stimulation of independence in learning.

Like any distance learning tool, the Internet has its drawbacks:

    limited technical capabilities and slow modems lead to delays in receiving and transmitting information; learning;

    the success of training partially depends on the skills in computer management, work in the Internet.

But the use of ICT in teaching various subjects of the school course is impossible without a sufficient technical base, appropriate software and Internet connection and sufficient computer skills of the teacher himself.

The role of telecommunications is unusually great in distance learning, with participation in distance competitions, olympiads, in the process of participation in which the productive cognitive activity of children takes place.

The educational process at the present stage should ensure the formation of a creative personality, ready for activity with widespread dissemination and implementation in all spheres of ICT activity. Elements of distance learning (distance olympiads, contests, courses, etc.) are being introduced into the learning process and are increasingly being applied. ICT tools are a tool that not only provides students with various knowledge in computer science, but also means that enhance the student's creative capabilities, the ability to conduct research, and complete assignments - projects. Moreover, the possibility of telecommunication access to the world's information resources quite effectively affects the personal perception of students learning the environment.

The independence of students when working on the Internet (searching for information, completing projects, participating in distance competitions, olympiads) allows us to consider the global computer network for working with the Internet as a tool for cognition and self-development, which, in turn, contributes to the manifestation of the student's social activity.

The general information culture of society is inextricably linked with the effectiveness of the introduction of ICT in the processes of school education. The use of the Internet by a teacher raises a number of problems, the solution of which depends on the effective interaction of a number of subjects of science and practice: the creators of educational portals and training programs, methodologists and teachers for organizing educational activities in the information society.

The use of ICT is a powerful tool for creating optimal working conditions in the classroom, but it must be expedient and methodologically justified. ICT should be used only when this use has an undeniable pedagogical effect and in no case should the use of a computer be considered a tribute to the times or turned into a fashionable hobby.


1. Experience in using ICT in the educational process. -

Compiled by: Gamzaeva Ashura Rabadanovna teacher of technology, MCOU "Pervomayskaya secondary school" of the Kizlyar region, Republic of Dagestan.

Report on the issue:

« Application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in technology lessons . »

The use of information and communication technologies opens up new opportunities for teachers in teaching their subject, allows them to increase the effectiveness of learning, the intellectual level of students, instill self-study skills, self-organization, and facilitate the solution of practical problems. The teacher had the opportunity to increase the visibility in the teaching process. The use of computer technology in the classroom allows you to make each lesson unconventional, bright, rich, easy to remember.

The goals of using information technology in the lesson:

make the lesson modern (in terms of the use of technical means);

to bring the lesson closer to the worldview of a modern child, since he looks and listens more than reads and speaks; prefers to use information obtained with the help of technical means;

establish a relationship of understanding, mutual assistance between teacher and student;

to help the teacher in the opportunity to present material emotionally and figuratively.

Currently, the use of modern educational technologies, including information and communication technologies, providing personal development a child by reducing the share of reproductive activity in the educational process, can be considered as a key condition for improving the quality of education, reducing the workload of students, more efficient use of study time.

The use of ICT in technology lessons allows you to diversify the forms of work, the activities of students, activate attention, and increase the creative potential of the individual. The construction of diagrams, tables in the presentation allows you to save time, to design the material more aesthetically. Use of illustrations, drawings, etc. foster interest in the lesson; make the lesson interesting. In technology lessons, the use of ICT allows the use of a variety of illustrative, informational material.

With the help of a multimedia project, slides, presentations created in Microsoft program Power Point. The use of this technology allows:

Increase the level of visibility during training;

Revitalize the educational process, add elements of entertainment;

Save a lot of time in the lesson.

Schoolchildren enjoy working with a computer and are happy to get involved in activities. Stimulation of cognitive interests in schoolchildren is caused by the novelty of visual teaching aids.

The use of computers is effective at all stages of the pedagogical process: at the stages of presenting educational information, mastering educational material in the process of interactive interaction with a computer, repetition and consolidation of acquired knowledge and skills, intermediate and final control and self-control of the achieved learning outcomes. This approach allows you to customize the learning process.

Research in recent years has shown that people assimilate 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see and more than 50% of what they saw and heard at the same time. Therefore, the elements of ICT are very important and need to be introduced into the traditional lesson.

Competence of the modern teacheris a complex personal resource that provides an opportunity for effective interaction in the educational space and depends on the professional competencies required for this.

The use of ICT in technology lessons allows you to diversify the forms of work, the activities of students, activate attention, and increase the creative potential of the individual. Construction of diagrams, instructionalkart,tables in the presentation allows you to save time, make the material more aesthetically pleasing. Use of illustrations, drawings, etc. foster interest in the lesson; make the lesson interesting. In technology lessons, the use of ICT allows the use of a variety of illustrative, informational material. It is appropriate to use ICT in the study of individual topics and sections of the program of labor training technologies. This is due to the following factors:

1. This educational area provides, first of all, the formation and improvement of practical skills in the methods of materials processing, modeling and design. Consequently, more time should be devoted to practical activities of students in the lesson.

2. Insufficient number of multimedia discs in the school media library. The available discs have a narrow thematic focus and are not devoid of a number of advantages. Such as the professionalism of the work of programmers, beautiful graphics, they contain good animation, are multifunctional, etc. But most of them do not fit into the outline of this particular lesson of a particular teacher. With their help, it is impossible to achieve all the goals set by the teacher in the lesson.

All the work carried out during the lesson with all the notes and notes made on the board can be saved on a computer for later viewing and analysis, including in the form of a video. A teacher working with an interactive whiteboard can increase the level of perception of the material through a combination of different forms of information transfer - visual and audio. In the course of the lesson, he can use bright, multi-colored schemes and graphics, animation accompanied by sound, interactive elements that respond to the actions of a teacher or student. If necessary, if there are visually impaired students in the group, the teacher can enlarge one or another element depicted on the board. Visibility and interactivity are the main advantages of the interactive whiteboard. Interactive whiteboards correspond to the way of perceiving information, which is different for the new generation of schoolchildren, computers and mobile phones, which have a much higher need for testing, independent work).

Thus, new information technologies, applied methodically competently, increase the cognitive activity of students, which undoubtedly leads to an increase in the effectiveness of teaching.

Use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the educational process contributes to:

Development of students' interest in the subject under study;

Stimulating the activity and independence of students in the preparation of materials, in working with literature, extracurricular work;

Formation of teamwork skills when discussing problems;

Ensuring objective control of knowledge, the quality of the assimilation of material by students.

Computers help to save time and make work more efficient: search for information, solve more problems (and reduce homework), analyze the results, use the graphics capabilities of the computer, help develop students' interest in the subject being studied, stimulate cognitive and creative activity, and independence of students, the formation of communication skills, ensuring objective control of knowledge, the quality of the assimilation of material by students.

ICT has the following advantages:

improves the efficiency of visual clarity;

makes it possible to use visibility, both for frontal work and for individual activities;

the possibilities of visual and auditory perception are expanding (not only still images, but also animation and sound);

the Internet allows you to access additional information and, using it, diversify the types of tasks;

work with an electronic textbook allows you to more clearly organize the development, training and control of the material being studied;

makes it possible to develop the creative abilities of students, diversify their creative activities (creating presentations, projects, abstracts, etc.);

compactness of accumulation and storage of information;


demonstration of hard-to-reach material (virtual laboratories, virtual excursions, etc.);

provides the broadest opportunities for self-testing at all stages of work;

fast processing of results;

promotes an increase in cognitive activity and motivation in the assimilation of knowledge due to a variety of forms of work;

independent work of students becomes controlled and managed;

ICT allows you to easily extend the experience of a teacher, your model of teaching a particular academic discipline to other teachers.

When presenting new material, the presentation becomes my assistant, because the material presented is partially shown on the slides, and I just have to supplement it, make my comments and clarifications to the most difficult moments and images.

The use of multimedia presentations in the educational process allows you to improve the quality of education, save time spent on methodological activities.

Presentations can be used when explaining new material, when repeating the passed material and when organizing the current control of knowledge (presentation-polls). Presentations-polls contain questions-tasks addressed to students, they may include materials that reflect key experiments of the passed topic or demonstrate the studied physical phenomenon. The question for the student is contained in the title of the slide, comments and explanations for the figures are given by the teacher during the presentation. Such presentation-surveys can be designed for a frontal oral survey of students or a frontal individual written survey (control work, written test work, independent work).


The use of multimedia products is relevant to topics; schools, as a rule, lack the necessary set of tables, diagrams, reproductions, illustrations. However, the expected effect can be achieved if certain requirements are met:

recognizability - compliance of the information provided;

dynamics - the demonstration time should be optimal. It is very important not to overdo it with the effects;

well-thought-out video sequence of images ;

optimal size - this applies not only to the minimum, but also maximum sizes that can have a negative impact on the educational process, contribute to faster fatigue of students;

optimal number of displayed images on the screen. You should not get carried away with the number of slides, photos, etc., which distract students and prevent them from focusing on the main thing.


It is indisputable that in a modern school a computer does not solve all problems; it remains only a multifunctional technical means of teaching. Modern pedagogical technologies and innovations in the learning process, which make it possible not only to “invest” in each student a certain stock of knowledge, but, first of all, to create conditions for the manifestation of the cognitive activity of students. But information technologies, in conjunction with correctly selected (or designed) teaching technologies, create the necessary level of quality, variability, differentiation and individualization of teaching and upbringing.


1.Fridman L.N. Visibility and modeling in teaching - M .: Education, 1984.

2.Babansky Yu.K. How to optimize the learning process. -M .: Education, 1998.

3.Matyushkin A.M. Problem situations in thinking and learning. -M .: Education, 1982.

4.Pikasisty P.I. Independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren in learning -M .: Education, 1990.

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Educational information and communication technologies


Information and communication technologies (ICT) every day more and more penetrate into various areas of educational activity. This is facilitated by both external factors associated with the widespread informatization of society and the need for appropriate training of specialists, and internal factors associated with the dissemination of modern computer technology and software in educational institutions, the adoption of state and interstate programs of informatization of education, the emergence of the necessary experience of informatization in all more teachers.

Let us consider what the concept of information and communication technology includes, how it was formed, what opportunities are provided by the use of information and communication technologies in education, the main types of information and communication technologies and software for their implementation.

1. The concept of information and communication technology (ICT)

Before embarking on the study of information and communication technologies, it is necessary to find out the essence of the key concept. For this, we will consider the concepts of information, information technology, communication technology, which are of decisive importance in the formation of the concept of information and communication technology.

Currently, there is no single definition of information as a scientific term. From the point of view of various fields of knowledge, this concept is described by its specific set of features. Consider some of the definitions of information that exist today.

Information - information transmitted by some people to other people orally, in writing or in some other way [Kuznetsova];

Information is information about objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and condition, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incompleteness of knowledge about them. [Astakhova, p. 4].

In information theory, the concept of information is defined as communication, communication, in the process of which uncertainty is eliminated (Shannon).

In the works of logicians (Carnap, Bar-Hillel) and mathematicians (A.N. Kolmogorov), the concept of information is not associated either with the form or with the content of messages transmitted through communication channels, and is defined as an abstract quantity that does not exist in physical reality, also as there is no imaginary number or non-linear point. That is, these and a number of other experts expressed the opinion that "information" is an abstract concept, and it does not exist in nature.

Information (from Lat. Informatio, explanation, presentation, awareness) - information about something, regardless of the form of their presentation (Wikipedia).

So, most often the concept of information is defined through information, knowledge, messages, signals that have novelty, value for the recipient.

Information technology (IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a wide class of disciplines and areas of activity related to technologies for creating, storing, managing and processing data, including using computer technology. V recent times information technology is most often understood as computer technology. In particular, information technology deals with the use of computers and software for creating, storing, processing, limiting the transmission and reception of information.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information technology is a complex of interrelated scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study the methods of effective organization of the work of people involved in the processing and storage of information; computing technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as related social, economic and cultural problems.

I.G. Zakharova identifies two main approaches to considering the concept of information technology: in some cases, they imply a certain scientific direction, in others, a specific way of working with information. That is, information technology is a body of knowledge about the methods and means of working with information resources, as well as methods and means of collecting, processing and transmitting information to obtain new information about the object under study.

It should be noted that information technologies, in contrast to production technologies, have a number of functions that reflect their informational essence. These properties are reflected in the interpretation given by I.V. Robert: "Information technology is a practical part of the scientific field of informatics, which is a set of means, methods, methods of automated collection, processing, storage, transfer, use, production of information to obtain certain, obviously expected, results" [Robert I.V., P . 25]. As can be seen from the definition given by I.V. Robert, she refers to information technology as "the practical part of the scientific field of computer science."

Another component of our concept is the concept of communication. Communication is understood as the exchange of information between living organisms (communication). In computer science, telecommunication technologies are considered. In international practice, telecommunications means "the transmission of arbitrary information over a distance using technical means (telephone, telegraph, radio, television, etc.)" Jerry Wellington. Education For Employment. The Place of Information Technology. - London, 1989. - P. 19.

In education, speaking of telecommunications, they often mean the transmission, reception, processing and storage of information by computer means (using a modem), either through traditional telephone lines, or using satellite communications.

By combining the key characteristics of the concepts of information, information technology, communication, it is possible to define the concept of information and communication technology (ICT).

Astakhova E.V. uses the term "infocommunication", which is close to ICT in its meaning. By infocommunication she understands information, computer and telecommunication technologies designed to provide organizations and the public with information and communication products and services.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) include three components (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 Components of ICT

E.V. Klokov uses the term "information and communication technology (ICT)". By ICT, he means “a wide range of digital technologies used to create, transmit and distribute information and provide services (computer equipment, software, telephone lines, cellular communications, e-mail, cellular and satellite technologies, wireless and cable networks, multimedia , as well as the Internet) ”[Klokov, p. 100].

Taking into account the considered concepts, information and communication technology can be understood as a set of tools for providing information processes for receiving, processing and transmitting information, which steadily lead to a given result.

2. Objectives of using ICT in education

The goals of using information and communication technologies in education correspond to the needs of society in obtaining high-quality and affordable education.

The use of information and communication technologies in education, according to I.V. Zakharova, traditionally comes down to two main areas. The first is to use the capabilities of these technologies to increase the accessibility of education, which is carried out by including in the education system those persons for whom another method may not be available at all. This is a distance learning form.

The second area involves the use of information technology to change what to teach and how to teach, that is, the content and methods of teaching in the traditional full-time form.

In accordance with this, two main goals of using ICT in education can be formulated:

1) improving the quality of education;

2) increasing the availability of education.

Pointing to the existing contradictions in the simultaneous achievement of the quality and accessibility of education by means of ICT, Zakharova I.V. offers a number of principles to resolve this contradiction.

In a simplified, but, unfortunately, widespread view, it is argued that everything is decided simply by the widespread introduction of information and telecommunication technologies, to which a truly magical power is attributed. And in this case, the society is offered a very simple solution - it is enough to provide educational institutions with computers and telecommunications and education, as if by design. magic wand, will become better quality, more affordable and cheaper. But even the best and most advanced technologies adopted by teachers and trainees, without adequate reorganization of the educational process, have a demoralizing effect and are simply wasteful. In essence, this is the same as bringing an illiterate person to the library and waiting until he learns to read and navigate fluently in books.

3. Types of educational information and communication technologies

Systematic research in the field of information technology application in education has been conducted for over forty years. The education system has always been very open to the introduction into the educational process of information technologies based on software products of the widest use. In educational institutions, various software systems are successfully used - as relatively affordable (text and graphic editor, tools for working with tables and preparing computer presentations) and complex, sometimes highly specialized (programming and database management systems, packages of symbolic mathematics and statistical processing).

At the same time, these software tools have never met all the needs of teachers. Since the 60s, a large number of specialized computer systems have been developed specifically for the needs of education, focused on supporting different sides of the educational process.

We list the main types of educational information and communication technologies allocated abroad today:

This list does not pretend to be classified, since various types of information and communication technologies overlap. To demonstrate this, let's decipher each species.

Computer programmed learning is a technology that provides the implementation of a programmed learning mechanism using appropriate computer programs.

Studying with a computer assumes the student's independent work to study new material using various means, including a computer. The nature of the educational activity is not regulated here; the study can also be carried out with the support of sets of instructions, which is the essence of the programmed teaching method that underlies the CAI technology.

Computer-based learning differs from the previous technology in that if it is possible to use a wide variety of technological tools (including traditional ones - textbooks, audio and video recordings, etc.), then it is supposed to use mainly software tools that provide effective independent work of trainees.

Computer-based learning implies all possible forms of transferring knowledge to the student (with and without the participation of a teacher) and, in essence, overlaps with the above.

Assessment using a computer can also be an independent learning technology, but in practice it is a constituent element of others, since knowledge transfer technologies are also required to have a special system for assessing the quality of knowledge assimilation. Such a system cannot be independent of the content of the discipline being studied and the methods used by the teacher in traditional teaching or implemented in the training program.

Computer communications, providing both the process of transferring knowledge and feedback, are obviously an integral part of all of the above technologies when it comes to using local, regional and other computer networks. Computer communications determine the capabilities of the information educational environment of an individual educational institution, city, region, country.

Astakhova E.V. uses the term "new information technology" in the meaning corresponding to the concept of information and communication technology we have considered - information technology that uses computers and telecommunications. The author distinguishes the following types of new information technologies:

1. Database technology and DBMS.

2. Technology of knowledge bases (accumulation, structuring and storage of knowledge from various fields).

3. Technologies of electronic mail and telecommunication access to information remote from the user or its carrier.

4. Technology of computerized teamwork office.

5. Technologies for using integrated software packages (MathCAD, AutoCAD).

6. Hypertext technologies.

7. Technologies of multimedia and hypermedia.

8. Technology of computer graphics and visualization (3D-Studio, Flash).

4. Software educational information and communication technologies

information communication technology education

Systematic research into the application of information and communication technologies in education has been conducted for over forty years. The education system has always been very open to the introduction into the educational process of information and communication technologies based on software products of the widest use. In educational institutions, various software systems are successfully used - both relatively affordable (text and graphic editors, tools for working with tables and preparing computer presentations), and complex, sometimes highly specialized (programming and database management systems, symbolic mathematics and statistical processing packages) ...

Zakharova I.V. identifies the following categories of educational information technology training software:

* teaching, control and training systems,

* systems for information search,

* modeling programs,

* microworlds,

* educational tools,

* tools of a universal nature,

* tools for ensuring communications. Tools are understood as programs that provide the ability to create new electronic resources: files of various formats, databases, program modules, individual programs and software systems... Such tools can be subject-oriented, or they can practically not depend on the specifics of specific tasks and areas of application.

Let us consider in more detail those types of software that will be used primarily for the implementation of educational information and communication technologies.

1) Systems for information retrieval. Information retrieval systems, or information retrieval systems, have long been used in various fields of activity. But for education it is still enough the new kind software. At the same time, modern requirements for information competence presuppose a high level of knowledge in the field of searching, structuring and storing information. Teachers can use themselves, as well as offer students various information retrieval systems: reference legal systems ("Guarantor", "Code", "Consultant Plus"), electronic catalogs of libraries, Internet search systems (Yandex, Google, Yahoo), information - search systems of centers of scientific and technical information, etc. Finally, electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias, hypertext and hypermedia systems are also systems for information retrieval, at the same time performing the functions of an automated training system.

2) Tools for ensuring communications. The development of information telecommunication networks gives a new impetus to the informatization of education. The global Internet provides access to gigantic volumes of information stored in various parts of our planet. Many experts view Internet technology as a revolutionary breakthrough that surpasses the advent of the personal computer.

Computer communications tools include several forms: e-mail, electronic conferencing, video conferencing, Internet. These tools allow educators and learners to share information, collaborate on common problems, post ideas or comments, and participate in problem solving and discussion.

Electronic mail (e-mail) is an asynchronous communication environment, which means: to receive a message, you do not need to coordinate the time and place of receipt with the sender, and vice versa. E-mail can be used both for communication between two subscribers and for connecting one to many recipients. It is advisable to use these features of her work to establish feedback between teachers or training programs and one or more students, regardless of their physical location. E-mail is also widely used for coordination and feedback in distance and open education.

It should be noted that the educational capabilities of electronic mail (e-mail) are the most accessible of all information and telecommunication technologies and at the same time the most underestimated. Special email programs are based on similar principles, and, accordingly, the use of e-mail does not require extensive training. E-mail has a very wide range of possibilities for improving the quality of the educational process. It is both a means of additional support for educational and cognitive activities, which gives excellent opportunities for students to communicate with the teacher and with each other (moreover, confidential communication), and a means of managing the course of the educational process.

If possible, it is advisable to embed access to e-mail and into training programs so that the student has the opportunity, if not to receive advice, then at least ask his teacher a question in case of difficulties or express his opinion about the work of the program.

The use of e-mail allows you to increase the efficiency of the work of teachers. In a work with a large flow of trainees, this can be manifested to a greater extent if the discussion of questions sent by e-mail, in virtual seminars or specially organized working groups for this purpose, is organized. Here it is necessary to take into account the fact that not every student will voluntarily engage in this type of educational work and, accordingly, a specific incentive system is required.

In conclusion, we note that of the listed types of resources, it is e-mail that should become a mandatory tool for every teacher. In an educational institution, it can be provided without access to the Internet, within a local network. Its simplicity, "harmlessness" in comparison with other resources, the highest possibilities both for the individualization of work with students and the organization of their collective activities, allow us to call this technology a mandatory ITE for a modern educational institution.

Electronic conferencing is an asynchronous communication environment that, like e-mail, can be used for fruitful cooperation between students and teachers, being a kind of structured forum for users where you can express your opinion in writing, ask a question and read the replies of other participants. Participation in thematic electronic conferences on the Internet is very fruitful for the self-education of teachers and students. Electronic conferences can also be organized within the local network of a separate educational institution for holding seminars, long-term discussions, etc. The asynchronous mode of the student's work contributes to reflection and, accordingly, the thoughtfulness of questions and answers, and the possibility of using files of any type (graphics, sound, animations) make such virtual seminars very effective.

Video conferencing - unlike the previous form, has a synchronous nature, when participants interact in real time. It is possible to communicate like one-to-one (consultation), one-to-many (lecture), many-to-many (teleconference).

This communication technology is currently used mainly in higher education institutions with an extensive network of branches. The main obstacle to widespread use is expensive equipment, which is not always available in local training centers (branches) of the parent educational institution.

Internet technologies. The following Internet technologies are usually referred to as basic ones:

WWW (English World Wide Web - World Wide Web) - technology for working in the network with hypertext;

FTP (English File Transfer Protocol) is a technology for transferring files of any format over a network;

IRC (English Internet Relay Chat - turn-by-turn conversation on the network, chat) is a real-time negotiation technology that makes it possible to talk with other people over the network in direct dialogue;

ICQ (English I seek you - I am looking for you, can be written in the three indicated letters) is a technology of one-on-one negotiations in a synchronous mode.

The specificity of Internet technologies lies in the fact that they provide both learners and teachers with tremendous opportunities to choose the sources of information needed in the educational process:

* basic information posted on Web- and FTP-servers of the network;

* operational information, systematically sent to the customer by e-mail in accordance with the selected mailing list;

* various databases of leading libraries, information, scientific and educational centers, museums;

* information about CDs, video and audio tapes, books and magazines distributed through Internet stores.

Telecommunication facilities, including e-mail, global, regional and local communication and data exchange networks, open up the widest opportunities for trainees and teachers: prompt transfer of information of any volume and type to any distance; interactivity and prompt feedback; access to various sources of information; organization of joint telecommunication projects; request for information on any issue of interest through the system of electronic conferences.

The main requirement that must be observed in software tools oriented to the use in the educational process is the ease and naturalness with which the student can interact with educational materials. The corresponding characteristics and requirements for programs are usually denoted by the abbreviation HCI (English Human - Computer Interface - human - computer interface). This literal translation can be understood as "computer programs, the dialogue with which is human-oriented."

Information and communication technologies make it possible to collect, process, store, distribute, display various kinds of information and, using electronic means of communication, to interact with people geographically distant from each other. For professional interaction of teachers in the network, knowledge, skills and abilities of using ICT in teaching are required. However, the professional training of teaching staff should not be limited to teaching information and communication technologies, but also to teaching modern teaching technologies (student-centered teaching, project method, teaching in small groups, etc.). These technologies complement each other: through modern pedagogical technologies to modern teaching aids - ICT and vice versa.

Questions and tasks

1. What concepts is the concept of information and communication technology based on? What are its key characteristics?

2. What are the main goals of using information and communication technologies in education?

3. Give examples of information and communication technologies used in education. Give brief description every kind.

4. What are the pros and cons of a participant in a virtual seminar compared to a participant in a traditional lesson?

5. What software tools of information and communication technologies are responsible for the "communication" component?

6. Why is it said that e-mail creates an asynchronous learning environment?

7. How can the use of ICTs change the nature of the educational process?

8. How can the use of ICT provide the opportunity for each student to implement an individual educational trajectory?


1. Astakhova, EV Information and communication technologies: a tutorial in 3 hours / EV Astakhova; Alt. state tech. un-t them. I. I. Polzunova. - Barnaul, 2010 .-- Part 1. Information Security... - 82 p.

2. Vladimirova, L.P., Modern information - communication and pedagogical technologies in education,

3. Klokov, E. V., Denisov, A. V. Technology of project training // School. - 2006. - No. 2. - with. 29-36

4. Kuznetsova T.Ya. Descriptor [Electronic resource] // RSL, 2004.-Access mode: http://www.rsl.ru/pub.asp?bib=1&ch=4&n=3.

5. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system / Ed. E. S. Polat. - Moscow, 2010.

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