
Planning the "foundations of the student's information culture". Fundamentals of information culture of schoolchildren - library program Reading is the basis of information culture of high school students


on the basics information culture

for 6th grade (1 hour per week)

The program is developed based onexemplary curriculum on the basics of information culture for grade 6 (basic level)

Teacher Zhurina S.A.

Educational-methodical kit:

Curriculum for the course "Fundamentals of Personal Information Culture" for 6th grade students. Comp .: Dr. ped. Sciences, Professor Gendina N.I.,
Cand. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor G.A. Starodubova, Art. teacher Ulenko Yu.V. M. - 2012

Ryazan 2017


This working programm compiled on the basis of:

  • Law "On Education" of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2012 No. 273-FZ
  • Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 1897;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2015 No. 1577 "On Amendments to the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education"
  • Approximate basic educational program educational institutions. Author-compiler: N.I. Gendina. - Email ed. - M.: Education. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012 .-- 108 p. : ill .;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions. Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN Approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of March 31, 2014 N 253 "On the approval of federal lists of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in educational process in educational institutions implementing educational programs of general education and having state accreditation ”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 26, 2016 N 38 "On amendments to the federal list of textbooks recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing educational programs of general education and having state accreditation" dated March 31, 2014 N 253
  • Gendina N.I., Kolkova N.I., Starodubova G.A., Ulenko Yu.V. School library as a center for the formation of personal information culture [Text] / N.I. Gendina, N.I. Kolkova, G.A. Starodubova, Yu.V. Ulenko. - M .: Russian School Library Association, 2012 .-- 352 p. - (Professional library of a school librarian. Series 1);
  • O the main educational program of the NOO MBOU "School number 33".

Purpose of the program:

To provide students with knowledge, skills and informational self-sufficiency in their learning activities.

Objectives of the program:

  • Mastering rational techniques and methods of independent search for information in accordance with the tasks arising in the course of training.
  • Mastering the methods of analytical and synthetic information processing.
  • Study and practical use of the technology for the preparation and registration of the results of independent educational and cognitive work (preparation of essays, presentations, reviews, etc.).

General characteristics of the subject

The key idea of ​​the programis a systematized body of knowledge, skills and abilities that ensures the optimal implementation of an individual information activities, aimed at meeting the information needs of students, in the course of educational, scientific and educational and other types of activities.

Mastering of this course, focused on teaching the search, analysis and synthesis of information, independent preparation of information products based on the active use of new information technologies, opens up opportunities for satisfying the diverse interests, self-expression and self-affirmation of young adolescents when working with information.

Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum

In accordance with the school curriculum for the 2017-2018 academic year, 1 hour / week is allocated to study the course on the basics of information culture in 6th grade, which is 34 academic hours per year.

The results of mastering the basic educational program

Personal educational outcomes

  • the formation of a personal need for mastering the basics of information literacy;
  • the formation of ideas about information retrieval activity as vital in the modern information society;
  • possession of the primary skills of analysis and critical assessment of the information received;
  • responsible attitude to information, taking into account the legal and ethical aspects of its dissemination;
  • developing a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of the surrounding information environment;
  • formation of skills to search for information in various sources (books, mass media, Internet resources, etc.)
  • for deaf, hard of hearing, late-deaf students: the ability for social adaptation and integration in society, including the implementation of communication opportunities based on verbal speech (including oral communication), as well as, if desired, communication based on sign speech with persons with hearing impairments;
  • for students with musculoskeletal disorders:
  • possession of skills in spatial and social orientation;
  • the ability to comprehend and differentiate the picture of the world, its temporal-spatial organization;
  • the ability to comprehend the social environment, their place in it, the acceptance of age-appropriate values ​​and social roles;
  • for students with autism spectrum disorders:
  • the formation of the ability to follow a well-established system of rules of behavior and interaction in familiar everyday, educational and social situations, to keep the boundaries of interaction;
  • knowledge of their preferences (limitations) in the everyday sphere and in the sphere of interests.

Metasubject educational outcomes

  • the ability to interact with the information environment, to simulate their own information behavior, paving the way from the unknown to the known;
  • mastering concepts that reflect the existence of a connection between objects and processes;
  • mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activity, search for the means of its existence;
  • active use of speech and information and communication technologies for solving communication and cognitive tasks;
  • mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

For students with disabilities:

  • the formation of information culture; formation of an idea of ​​a computer as a universal information processing device; development of basic skills and abilities to use computer devices;
  • formation of an idea of ​​the main studied concepts: information, sources of information, information carriers - and their properties;
  • algorithmic structures - linear, conditional and cyclic;
  • the formation of skills in formalizing and structuring information, the ability to choose a way of presenting data in accordance with the task - tables, charts, graphs, diagrams, using the appropriate software tools data processing;
  • formation of skills and abilities of safe and appropriate behavior when working with computer programs and on the Internet, the ability to comply with the norms of information ethics and law.

Subject educational outcomes

  • ability to work with electronic libraries and information sites;
  • formation of the skill of searching for information on media sites;
  • the ability to defend against negative information on social networks;
  • understanding the need to ensure information security;
  • ability to use media resources.

Forms of organization of the educational process

Forms of current control of knowledge, abilities, skills; intermediate and final certification of students. Current control is carried out with the help of practical work (performing a search for information in various

The unit of the educational process is a lesson. In the first part of the lesson, an explanation of the new material is carried out, and a workshop is planned at the end of the lesson. Work of pupils at the computer in 5 classes for 10-15 minutes.

In grade 5, special attention should be paid to the organization of students' independent work on a computer and with text on paper. The formation of user skills for the introduction of a computer into educational activities should be supported by independent creative work that is personally significant for the student.

Technologies used, methods and forms of work:

When organizing classes for schoolchildren on the basics of information culture, it is necessary to use various methods and means of teaching in order, on the one hand, to reduce the work at the PC to a regulated norm; on the other hand, to achieve the greatest pedagogical effect.

In the lessons, general and specific methods related to the use of ICT tools are used in parallel:

  • verbal teaching methods (story, explanation, conversation, work with text);
  • visual methods (observation, illustration, demonstration of visual aids, presentations);
  • practical methods (exercises on working with text, practical work on a PC);
  • problem learning;
  • method of projects;
  • role-based method.

The main types of lessons:

  • a lesson in learning new material;
  • generalizing lesson;
  • combined lesson.

Section 1. History of the emergence of information resources (8 hours)

The concept of personal information culture. Modern technologies as a way to form information culture. Stages of informatization of society. Indicators of informatization of society.

Information revolutions. Storing information before the invention of writing. Information storage methods.

Books, works of art, periodicals and online resources as carriers of information. Pre-paper, paper and electronic media.

Section 2. Methods of working with various information resources (13 hours)

Methods for working with the book. Literature genres

Paper and e-books. Legal aspects of using e-books. Electronic libraries. E-book formats. Online reading.

Information resources on the Internet. Types of network resources. File archives. Educational media resources.

Methods for working with search engines. Rules for the formation of search queries. Finding information on keywords... Features of information search on various search engines... Ordering and sorting of search query results.

Electronic museums and observatories.

Electronic educational resources and methods of working with them. Features of distance learning.

Methods of independent work with the book. Analysis of fiction, scientific and journalistic texts.

Periodic Internet publications. Media sites and search for information on them. Age categories of periodicals. Subject periodicals.

TV channels and radio stations on the Internet. Features of working with digital media resources.

Newspapers and magazines for children. Features of the children's press. Children's television and radio. Developmental functions of children's periodicals.

The concept of information security and the relevance of this concept in our time. Legal aspects of posting information on the Internet. Responsibility of citizens of the Russian Federation for posting information on the Internet.

Protection of personal data posted on social media pages.

Various ways to protect against harmful information. Types of internet filters and their functions.

Age restrictions for information and media resources.


Students must:

  • understand the meaning of terms defined by the program;
  • have an idea about the search image of the document and the search image of the request;
  • be able to independently find information in reference books, build a search algorithm;
  • be able to independently search for information on the Internet, in electronic catalogs provided by the national and public libraries of the country on the Internet;
  • navigate the book and information environment;
  • critically evaluate the information found in any sources;
  • to have an idea of ​​the secondary nature of information: what is a bibliographic description and a bibliographic record for a source of information; basic rules for the bibliographic description of documents;
  • be able to correctly formulate the results of independent educational and creative work (abstracts, reports, reviews, etc.).


Item basics of information culture Class 6 B Teacher Zhurina S.A.

Number of hours per week 1 Total hours 34

Program Gendin N.I.

Names of sections and topics of the course

Section 1. History of the emergence of information resources

Informatization of society and information culture

History of the emergence of information resources

Information storage methods

Storage media before the invention of paper

Paper media

Electronic storage media

Total for the section

Section 2. Methods of working with various information resources i

Electronic Libraries

Methods of working with information resources on the Internet

Search for information by keywords. Rules for the formation of search queries


Electronic educational resources


Self-study methods

Total for the section

Section 3. Methods of working with media resources

Finding information on media sites

Newspapers and magazines for children

Total for the section

Section 4. Information security when using the Internet

Information security concept

Filters as a way to protect against harmful information

Age restrictions for information and media resources

Total for the section



Document's name BASICS OF INFORMATION CULTURE KOLNIKA program for students in grades 5-6.doc

Department of Education of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region
Education Department of the City Administration
Municipal educational institution
"Secondary school number 37"


Program for students in grades 5-6

program writer:
Elena Alekseevna
library manager
secondary school number 37

year 2000


Taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren in grades 5-6, several main objectives of the course should be highlighted:

    Provide insight to students about modern information technology.

    Teach students to independently search for the information they need in various types of publications: (books, periodicals, encyclopedias, etc.), both inside the school library and outside it.

    Introduce students to scientific, fiction, reference and encyclopedic literature, and develop their skills of independent work with it.

    Strengthen interest in knowledge of the world around, in academic subjects.

A special place in the program of the course "Information culture of a schoolchild" is taken by diagnostics of the level of information culture of students, introductory, current and final testing is used.

The 5th grade program is designed for 36 hours, including 27 hours of informational and 9 practical sessions. The beginning and end of the course is accompanied by testing.

The 6th grade program is designed for 36 hours, including 27 hours of informational and 9 practical sessions. The beginning and end of the course is accompanied by testing.

The author expresses gratitude to the creative team of FIT teachers. GAKI - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N.I. Gendina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor G.A. Starodubova. The results of their long-term research activities (Information culture of the individual: diagnostics, technology, formation: Educational-methodological manual. Parts 1, 2) formed the basis for this version of the author's program.

Grade 5

Topic name


training sessions



Basic concepts of the course.

5. Methods of working with the book.

Final lesson

"Fundamentals of student information culture"
Grade 5

Introduction (1 h)

First acquaintance with the concept of "information culture". The value of information in human life.

    Information culture of the student. Basic concepts (3 hours).

Initial concepts (information, user, document, information resources of society, information centers). Methods for converting information (numbers, alphabet).

    The history of the emergence of information resources of society.

Information storage methods (past, present, future). (9 h)

Practical lessons.

    Information resources of modern society. (3 hours).

The value of secondary sources of information.

    The library is the school's information center. Resource opportunities of the school library (8 hours).

Practical lessons.

    Methods for working with a book (9 hours).

Practical exercises on information retrieval on a given topic (reference books, encyclopedias).

    The simplest forms of information processing (4 hours)

Registration rules.

Final lesson (1 hour).
The last lesson is carried out in the form of an intellectual game.

The knowledge gained in the course of classes is revealed.

"Fundamentals of student information culture"
6th grade

Topic name


training sessions



Final lesson

"Fundamentals of student information culture"
6th grade

Introduction (1 h).
Repetition of students' knowledge on the basics of information culture. Expanding educational opportunities (informatization).

    Information culture is the way to the subsequent self-educational work of a student (6 hours).

The main objectives of the course.

Information coding (history and modernity).

    The information environment of the school library. (9 hours).

Practical lessons.

    Formation of the information needs of schoolchildren. (7 hours).

Practical lessons.

    Independent work of a student (user) when searching for information and its processing (5 hours).

Practical lessons.

    Rational methods of intellectual work of information users. (7 hours).

Practical lessons.

Final lesson (1 hour)

Modern information technologies. Internet.


    Andreev O.Kh., Khromov L.N. Learn to Read More: A Book for High School Students. - M: Education, 1991 .-- 160 p.

    Library and Young Reader: A Practical Guide. - M: Book Chamber, 1987 .-- 256 p.

    Gein A.G., Zhitomirsky V.G., Linetskiy E.V. Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering: a trial textbook for educational institutions. - M: Education, 1996 .-- 158 p.

    Gendina N.I., Kolkova N.I., Starodubova G.A. Information culture of the individual: diagnostics, technology of formation: teaching aid. Ch. 1, 2. - Kemerovo: Kemerovo state. Academy of Culture and Arts, 1999.

    Getsov G.G. Rational tricks with a book. - M: Kniga, 1975 .-- 109 p.

    Granin P.P., Bondarenko S.M., Kantsevaya N.A. How to teach schoolchildren to work with a textbook. - M: Knowledge, 1987 .-- 92 p.

    Information culture: Coding information. Information models: Textbook for 10-11 grades of educational institutions / Kushnirenko A.G. and others - M: Bustard, 1996 .-- 136 p.

    Leser F. Rational reading. - M: Pedagogy, 1980 .-- 156 p.

    Nikolaeva A.P. Learn to be a reader: For a high school student about the culture of working with a scientific and popular science book. - 2nd ed. - M: Education, 1982 .-- 191 p.

    Novokshonov Yu., Solomatin A. Raising information culture // Public education. - 1988. - No. 6. - p. 41-47.

    Rybina E.F., Tomasheva E.N. Bibliography literature for children: Textbook for cultural institutions and ped. universities. - M: Kniga, 1984 .-- 256 p.

    Formation of the foundations of library and bibliographic literacy in order to develop the skills and abilities of mental work: Methodological recommendations to help the teacher and school librarian. - M, 1987 .-- 145 p.

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  • Computer science


Explanatory note

The dynamism of the process of informatization of society, the new paradigm of education actualize the importance of special information training for the younger generation and necessitate the improvement of the activities of information, library and educational institutions.
“A modern general education school faces an important task - to teach a young citizen to navigate in the massifs of information, using it for his own benefit, to prepare him for life and work in conditions information society... The course "Fundamentals of Information Culture" (NI Gendina) is called upon to play a significant role in this.
The most important part of the system information education is an integrated course "Fundamentals of information culture of a schoolchild."
It introduces students to the world of knowledge, skills and abilities, allowing them to independently identify and use information in order to meet the needs of general scientific, educational and practical importance.
Taking into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren in grades 5-6, several main objectives of the course should be highlighted:

  1. To give an idea to students about modern information technology.
  2. To teach students to independently search for the information they need in various types of publications: (books, periodicals, encyclopedias, etc.), both inside the school library and outside it.
  3. Introduce students to scientific, fiction, reference and encyclopedic literature, and develop their skills of independent work with it.
  4. Strengthen interest in knowledge of the world around, in academic subjects.

The course "Fundamentals of schoolchildren's information culture" allows you to more fully reveal the educational and developmental potential of knowledge, creates more favorable conditions for the continuation of information education in subsequent grades.
In working with students, it is planned to use various methodological techniques: reviews, practical exercises, excursions, messages, independent work, tests.
A special place in the program of the course "Information culture of a schoolchild" is taken by diagnostics of the level of information culture of students, introductory, current and final testing is used.

The 5th grade program is designed for 36 hours, including 27 hours of informational and 9 practical sessions. The beginning and end of the course is accompanied by testing.

The 6th grade program is designed for 36 hours, including 27 hours of informational and 9 practical sessions. The beginning and end of the course is accompanied by testing.

The author expresses gratitude to the creative team of FIT teachers. GAKI - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N.I. Gendina, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor G.A. Starodubova. The results of their long-term research activities (Information culture of the individual: diagnostics, technology, formation: Educational-methodological manual. Parts 1, 2) formed the basis for this version of the author's program.

"Fundamentals of student information culture"
Grade 5

Topic name


training sessions



1. Information culture of the student.
Basic concepts of the course.
2. The history of the emergence of information resources of society. Information storage methods (past, present, future).
3. Information resources of modern society
4. Library - information center of the school. Resource opportunities of the school library.
5. Methods of working with the book.
6. The simplest ways of processing information.

Final lesson

"Fundamentals of student information culture"
Grade 5

Introduction (1 h)

First acquaintance with the concept of "information culture". The value of information in human life.

  1. Information culture of the student. Basic concepts (3 hours).

    The role of information in the modern development of society. The main objectives of the course.
    Initial concepts (information, user, document, information resources of society, information centers). Methods for converting information (numbers, alphabet).

  2. The history of the emergence of information resources of society.

    Information storage methods (past, present, future). (9 h)

    The history of the appearance of the main sources of information (cuneiform, papyrus, parchment, books, cassettes, magnetic disks).
    Basic knowledge of the book (structure).
    Basic knowledge of other media.
    Major information centers.
    The culture of design and storage of the main sources of information (books, audiovisual, machine-readable).
    Practical lessons.

    Information resources of modern society. (3 hours).

    General views about the variety of information flows.
    Documentary sources of information.
    Acquaintance with the concepts: primary and secondary documents.
    Variety of primary sources of information. Appointment. a brief description of(educational, popular science and reference literature).
    The value of secondary sources of information.

    The library is the school's information center. Resource opportunities of the school library (8 hours).

    Acquaintance with the school library, as with the information center of the school. Expansion of ideas about the library (subscription, reading room, storage department). Media library.
    Basic concepts about the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library (catalogs, bibliographic description of the document).
    Availability of using the library resources for students and teachers.
    Features of serving children and adults. Excursion to the children's library.
    Practical lessons.

    Methods for working with a book (9 hours).

    A variety of sources of information (form, content, design).
    Acquaintance with individual reference and encyclopedic publications addressed to schoolchildren (characteristics of the publication, structure of construction, working out the skills of use).
    Practical exercises on information retrieval on a given topic (reference books, encyclopedias).

    The simplest forms of information processing (4 hours)

    The culture of mental work. Text as a speech work.
    Rational methods of working with a book, periodicals.
    The simplest ways of writing (review of the book, reading diaries, extracts, quotes).
    Registration rules.

    Final lesson (1 hour).
    The last lesson is carried out in the form of an intellectual game.

    The knowledge gained in the course of classes is revealed.

"Fundamentals of student information culture"
6th grade

Topic name


training sessions



1. Information culture is the path to the subsequent self-educational work of the student.
2. Information environment of the school library.
3. Informational needs of the student in the course of educational and scientific-cognitive activities.
4. Independent work of a student (user) when searching for a document and its processing.
5. Rational methods of intellectual work of the information user.

Final lesson

"Fundamentals of student information culture"
6th grade

Introduction (1 h).
Repetition of students' knowledge on the basics of information culture. Expanding educational opportunities (informatization).

Information culture is the way to the subsequent self-educational work of a student (6 hours).

The main objectives of the course.
Expansion of knowledge about the basic concepts of the course (information need, information request, types of documents).
Information coding (history and modernity).

The information environment of the school library. (9 hours).

The possibilities of the school library as an information center. Acquaintance with the concept of "bibliography", "bibliographic information". Practical use bibliographic information (bibliographic manuals). Expansion of ideas about secondary documents.
Reference and search apparatus of the school library (reference publications, alphabetical and systematic catalogs, card indexes).
Visit to the children's library (acquaintance with catalogs and card indexes).
Practical lessons.

Formation of the information needs of schoolchildren. (7 hours).

Reading activity of adolescents in the context of sociological research.
Information needs of sixth graders. The influence of educational, cognitive activity on the content of information needs. Using various sources of information to acquire and expand knowledge on the subject (educational, popular science, reference literature). The value of the reference apparatus of the book, the development of skills of use (structure of construction; the meaning of the preface, afterword, comments, appendix).
Practical lessons.

Independent work of a student (user) when searching for information and its processing (5 hours).

Learning to independently search for a document, the development of cognitive interest and logical thinking.
The correctness of the formation of the information request. Formation of information search skills (address, factual and thematic queries). The sequence of the search. Using the results information retrieval in the educational and scientific-cognitive activities of schoolchildren.
Practical lessons.

Rational methods of intellectual work of information users. (7 hours).

Culture of thinking. Organization of rational reading. Acquaintance with the types of reading. The role and importance of periodicals (periodicals for schoolchildren). The culture of reading periodicals. Modern carriers of information (variety of types and forms), the possibility of their use by students.
Practical lessons.

Final lesson (1 hour)

Modern information technologies. Internet.


    Andreev O.Kh., Khromov L.N. Learn to Read More: A Book for High School Students. - M: Education, 1991 .-- 160 p.

    Library and Young Reader: A Practical Guide. - M: Book Chamber, 1987 .-- 256 p.

    Gein A.G., Zhitomirsky V.G., Linetskiy E.V. Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering: a trial textbook for educational institutions. - M: Education, 1996 .-- 158 p.

    Gendina N.I., Kolkova N.I., Starodubova G.A. Information culture of the individual: diagnostics, technology of formation: teaching aid. Ch. 1, 2. - Kemerovo: Kemerovo state. Academy of Culture and Arts, 1999.

    Getsov G.G. Rational tricks with a book. - M: Kniga, 1975 .-- 109 p.

    Granin P.P., Bondarenko S.M., Kantsevaya N.A. How to teach schoolchildren to work with a textbook. - M: Knowledge, 1987 .-- 92 p.

    Information culture: Coding information. Information models: Textbook for grades 10-11 of educational institutions / Kushnirenko A.G. and others - M: Bustard, 1996 .-- 136 p.

    Leser F. Rational reading. - M: Pedagogy, 1980 .-- 156 p.

    Nikolaeva A.P. Learn to be a reader: For a high school student about the culture of working with a scientific and popular science book. - 2nd ed. - M: Education, 1982 .-- 191 p.

    Novokshonov Yu., Solomatin A. Raising information culture // Public education. - 1988. - No. 6. - p. 41-47.

    Rybina E.F., Tomasheva E.N. Bibliography literature for children: Textbook for cultural institutions and ped. universities. - M: Kniga, 1984 .-- 256 p.

    Formation of the foundations of library and bibliographic literacy in order to develop the skills and abilities of mental work: Methodological recommendations to help the teacher and school librarian. - M, 1987 .-- 145 p.

Creation Over the course of many years, classes on library and bibliographic culture were held with students of school 37 in Leninsk-Kuznetsky. The new course “Fundamentals of information culture for schoolchildren allowed to reveal in a new way the themes of traditional library studies. In working with students, various methodological techniques are used: reviews, excursions, practical exercises, messages, independent work, tests.

MAIN OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE 1. To give an idea to students about modern information technologies. 2. Teach students to independently search for the information they need in various types of publications: (books, periodicals, encyclopedias, etc.), both inside the school library and outside it. 3. Introduce students to scientific, artistic, reference and encyclopedic literature, and develop their skills of independent work with it. 4. Strengthen interest in the knowledge of the world around, in academic subjects.

1. Information culture of the student. Basic concepts The role of information in the modern development of society. The main objectives of the course. Initial concepts (information, user, document, information resources of society, information centers). Methods for converting information (numbers, alphabet).

3. Information resources of modern society General ideas about the diversity of information flows. Documentary sources of information. Acquaintance with the concepts: primary and secondary documents. Variety of primary sources of information. Appointment. Brief description (educational, popular science and reference literature). The value of secondary sources of information.

4. Library - information center of the school Acquaintance with the school library, as with the information center of the school. Expansion of ideas about the library (subscription, reading room, storage department). Media library. Basic concepts about the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library (catalogs, bibliographic description of the document). Availability of using the library resources for students and teachers. Features of serving children and adults. Excursion to the children's library. Practical lessons.

5. Methods of working with the book A variety of sources of information (form, content, design). Acquaintance with individual reference and encyclopedic publications addressed to schoolchildren (characteristics of the publication, structure of construction, working out the skills of use). Practical exercises on information retrieval on a given topic (reference books, encyclopedias).

6. The simplest forms of information processing. The culture of mental work. Text as a speech work. Rational methods of working with a book, periodicals. The simplest ways of writing (review of the book, reading diaries, extracts, quotes). Registration rules.

Test questions TEST 1 on the topic: "The history of the emergence of information resources of society" 5. The library of King Ashurbanipal in Assyria consisted of: a) papyrus scrolls; b) parchment books; c) clay tablets. 6. The most famous library of antiquity was located: a) Alexandria, Egypt; b) Pergamum, Asia Minor; c) the city of Nineveh, Assyria. Key to the test: 1. A, B, C. 2. A. 3. C. 4. B. 5. C. 6. A. 7. B. 8. B. 9. C. 10 B. 11.B

The lesson program "Fundamentals of information culture of schoolchildren" MBOU "Ust-Byurskaya secondary school" is based on the programs: T. M. Kashurnikova "Fundamentals of information and bibliographic literacy of students", "Program of library - bibliographic and informational knowledge for schoolchildren" School Library, 2001 , No. 1,



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Ust-Byursk secondary school"

Approved Agreed Reviewed at

Director of the Deputy Director of the MO meeting

MBOU "Ust-Byurskaya secondary school" for water resources management

_________________________ ___________________ ______________________

"____" ____________ 201 "____" ____________ 201 "____" ____________ 201

Work program of the librarian - teacher

Kuklina Svetlana Konstantinovna


1-11 grade

S. Ust-Byur, 2015


In modern society, the ideas of the humanization of education and the priority of the interests of the individual have determined the new content of the goals of education, which simulates such qualities of the individual that affect his self-development, ensure the use of spiritual potential, the possibility of productive activity in various spheres of life.

The school is facing a very difficult task - to purposefully form students' knowledge and skills in the search, processing and practical use of information coming from various sources. But the formation of a culture of working with information cannot be limited to teaching computer literacy in computer science lessons. This understanding of the problem is faced with a serious obstacle - the low level of the reading culture of students. This entails the emergence of difficulties in mastering the basic subjects of the school curriculum and the spiritual immaturity of students.

The book was and remains not only the main source of information for the implementation of successful educational activities, but also a powerful tool for the spiritual and intellectual development of students. Reading and the book permeate the entire education system, without learning how to work with the text, you cannot get an education. The reading culture forms the basic knowledge and skills in the field of information retrieval and processing. Library - bibliographic knowledge is an integral part of the reading culture. Such knowledge makes it possible for students to master the methods of independent search and processing of information, create the opportunity to go beyond the framework of the textbook, expand their information space through the use of other types of printed materials.

The lesson program "Fundamentals of the information culture of schoolchildren" makes it possible to study not only in a theoretical aspect, but also in a practical one, since it involves a model of joint activities of the school and the library in the direction of developing the information culture of children.

The lesson program "Fundamentals of information culture of schoolchildren" MBOU "Ust-Byurskaya secondary school" is based on the programs: T. M. Kashurnikova "Fundamentals of information and bibliographic literacy of students", "Program of library - bibliographic and informational knowledge for schoolchildren" School Library, 2001 , №1, "Program for the 4th grade" Library at school, 2004, №13, "Program for students in grades 5-6" School library, 2002, №2.

The course "Fundamentals of Information Culture for Schoolchildren" is intended for students in grades 1-11.

When drawing up the program, the fact was taken into account that part of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities students acquire in the lessons of computer science, literature and others, as well as when visiting public events of the library and information center.


The purpose of the proposed course is to educate the children. the need to refer to the book not only as a source of information, but also as a source of spiritual values, without which the formation of a modern educated person is impossible

The topics of the lesson accompany the educational process in the Russian language, the history of Russia, the Ancient World, the Middle Ages, the history of world and artistic culture.

Each topic includes a theoretical part, tasks for students, a list of references.

Most of the classes involve hands-on activities that can be done in the classroom, in the library and information room, or at home, individually, in pairs or groups of 3-4.

The lessons are interesting, emotionally structured, accessible in content and involve the active participation of the children themselves.


· To give general information about the history of books, book business, focusing the attention of students on the role of books in the history of human civilization as the main source of information;

· To reveal the significance of the book in the formation of a person's spiritual culture;

· To give an idea of ​​the book as an artistic and historical monument in the context of world culture, culture of Russia;

· To form the foundations of a culture of work with information through the ability to independently search and process information, using various types of printed publications;

· Develop the communicative culture of students through the ability to convey information in writing and orally;

· Instill a love for the book.

Requirements for the level of training of students:

The mastering by children of the program "Fundamentals of information culture of a schoolchild" is aimed at achieving a set of results in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.



Know the main stages in the development of the book business, the historical process of formation appearance books and their structures;

· Understand the meaning of special book and library terms defined by the program;

· Be able to independently search for information, using knowledge about the structure and reference apparatus of the book;

· To conduct an informational dialogue through the ability to read;

· Be able to independently find information in reference books, build a search algorithm;

· To navigate in the book and information environment of the children's and school libraries.



Relationship to information;

Personal need for mastering the basics of information culture;

Ability to independently search for information;

Eliminate information deficit;

The ability to interact with the information environment, to model one's own informational behavior, paving the way from the unknown to the known;

Ability to create and use personal search engines;

The ability to perceive and evaluate information, the ability to evaluate information in terms of completeness, reliability, solidity of the source;

Striving for bibliographic communication, understanding the importance of communication for the exchange of information and the ability to maintain business contacts.

In working with students, it is planned to use various methodological techniques: reviews, practical exercises, excursions, messages, independent work, tests. The course is designed for 34 hours. Certain topics in the program are repeated, this is justified by the complication of the material and forms of work, taking into account age characteristics

Thematic plan

Section, topic

Form of conducting

Total hours




Primary School.

1 class

Excursion to the library "Knizhkin House"

Excursion lesson

Rules and ability to handle the book.


Making a baby book, bookmarks, illustrated cover.

Creative lesson

Book elements: cover, title page, illustration.

Library lesson

Loud readings

2nd grade

The book is a great miracle.

Lesson presentation

Selection of books in the library.

Loud readings

Children's periodicals

Library lesson


Grade 3

The structure of the book.

Library lesson. Test


Exhibition-competition of drawings "Writers and Artists in One Person". Creation

E.I. Charushin, V.I. Suteeva.


Be healthy, book!

"Knizhkina Hospital"

Loud readings

4th grade

Be healthy, book!

Library lesson

History of writing.

Library lesson

Library lesson

The role of information in the modern world. Basic concepts: information resources, culture, document, Internet.

Conversation, workshop, Internet

Primary school

Grade 5

Library lesson

The history of the book.

Lesson presentation

6th grade

Library lesson

Bibliographic game

7th grade

Reference literature. Industry dictionaries and encyclopedias

Library lesson

Dictionary-universe alphabetically

Bibliographic game

8th grade

Library lesson

Library lesson

Grade 9

Critical Literature.

Library lesson

The use of bibliographic aids in the search and selection of literature.

Library lesson

high school

Grade 10

Library lesson

Library lesson

Grade 11

Library lesson

Search for information on the Internet.

Library lesson


Topic content: Knizhkin's house Acquaintance with the school library, the formation of interest in the book.Guided tour of the school library... The terms "library", "subscription", "reading room", "reader", "librarian". Acquaintance with book exhibitions, thematic shelves, card indexes, periodicals. Basic rules for using the library.First visit to the library. Acquaintance with the library.The concepts of "reader", "librarian". Basic rules for using the library.

Book handling rules... Formation of respect for the book in children. Book exhibitions "The book thanks", "The book complains".

Making a baby book, bookmarks- practical lessons.

A book in a person's life... Design elements. Illustrators. To deepen the knowledge of the book, to help students see the connection between the illustration and the text. Determine the content of an unfamiliar book by illustration.

Be healthy book!The simplest book repair operations: glue the cover, glue the fallen sheet. Book exhibition "These books, we treat ourselves." Workshop.

Selection of books in the library.

Children's periodicals. Introduce Choosing books in the library

Review of the book read. Reading diary.Recommendations for the book you have read. Diary form, illustrations. Lesson-workshop.

The structure of the book.

Your first encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books... The concept of an encyclopedia, dictionaries, reference books. Encyclopedia "What is, who is?. Encyclopedic dictionaries. Their structure: Alphabetical arrangement of the material.

Modern book: structure of the book, reference apparatus of the book.

History of writing.

Search for information in reference books.

The role of information in the modern world. Basic concepts: information resources, culture, document, Internet. Lesson-workshop

What kind of reader I am. My library... ... Questioning.

The history of the book.

Reference literature. Industry dictionaries and encyclopedias.

Dictionary-universe in alphabetical order.

Library fund and its structural divisionsAcquaintance with the concept of reference literature, with explanatory and spelling dictionaries of the Russian language and with the universal Children's encyclopedia, branch encyclopedias of the series "I know the world", "New encyclopedia", "Explore the world", etc.

Abstract preparation technology... Reader's creative work. Abstract and rules for its preparation

Critical literature. Reader's creative work. Abstract and rules for its preparationTheme content. Design rules. Workshop.

Bibliography and its importance in the life of society... Library as an information retrieval system(lesson-consultation).

Creation of secondary documents... Basic techniques for folding information. Preparation of reviews, reviews for the book... Internet as a source of information.


Individual consultations on bibliographic research and methods of working with literature;
- group consultations, conversations;

Lectures on information system and the rules for its use;
- excursions to the school library;

Conducting practical exercises on the use of traditional and electronic information resources, including the Internet;
- library lessons on teaching independent work with information carriers;
- game activities, such as a library competition game dedicated to a specific topic, revealing the level of library and bibliographic literacy of participants, their knowledge, skills and abilities to use the library's reference and bibliographic apparatus, reference literature, bibliographic indexes, etc.

Creative lessons, loud readings, presentation lesson, etc.


· Testing;

· Questioning;

· search work;

· independent work;

· Written works (abstract, review, keeping a diary, review);

Drawing up a plan, abstracts, lists of letters

Calendar-thematic plan

1-11 grade

1 hour per week

Hours per year

p / p



The elements

(basic concepts of the lesson)



Form of conducting





A miracle whose name is a book

Knizhkin house

Basic rules for using the library.

Know about the basic rules of using the library. Know the concepts of "user", "document", "sources", "information".

Excursion lesson

Exhibition by topic"The book thanks"

Rules for handling the book.

Basic rules for handling the book.

Have an idea about basic rules for handling the book


Exhibition by topic"The book is complaining."

Making a baby book, bookmarks,

Basic manufacturing rulesbaby books, bookmarks

Have an idea O

About baby book and bookmark

Creative lesson


Book elements: cover, title page, illustrations

Design elements. Illustrators. To deepen knowledge about the book, help students to see the connection between the illustration and the text. Determine the content of an unfamiliar book by illustration.

Have an idea O Elements of the book: cover, title page, illustrations

Library lesson


dual dispenser


Have an ideaabout children's works

Loud reading

Book exhibition "Favorite books"

2nd grade

The book is a great miracle.Basic knowledge of the history of the book (stone, papyrus, parchment).

The history of the emergence of the main sources of information(cuneiform, papyrus, parchment, books, cassettes, magnetic disks). The history of the creation of the main sources of information in the past. Test # 1.

Have an idea ofcuneiform, papyrus, parchment, book, cassette, magnetic disks

Lesson presentation

Multimedia presentation

Selection of books in the library.

To acquaint with the arrangement of books in the library (from left to right, spine outward, alphabetically, what a separator is, reference, encyclopedic literature, dictionaries).

Have an idea O

selection of books in the library

Library lesson, workshop lesson

Have an ideaabout children's works

Loud readings

Exhibition by topic

Children's periodicals

Children's periodicals. IntroduceChoosing books in the library"Kolobok", "Misha". Cover, subject matter, illustrations. Lesson-workshop.

Have an idea O

children's periodicals


new lesson


dual dispenser


Review of the book read. Reading diary

Review of the book read. Reading diary. Recommendations for the book you have read. Diary form, illustrations. Lesson-workshop.

Know the content read books.


Book exhibition "Golden Shelf"

Grade 3

The structure of the book.

The structure of the book. Elements of the book. To consolidate knowledge about the structure of the book (cover, title page, content, table of contents). Test number 2 "The structure of the book."

Have an idea about the elements of the book


lesson. Test


dual dispenser


Your first encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books.

Children's encyclopedia of discoveries. What? Who it? Appointment. The structure of encyclopedias. Lesson-workshop.

Have an idea O structure of encyclopedias



dual dispenser


Exhibition-competition of drawings "Writers and Artists in One Person".

The work of E.I. Charushin, V.I. Suteeva.

Have an idea of

writers and artists rolled into one


Book exhibition

"Children's writers E.I.Charushin and V.I.Suteev"

Be healthy, book!

Be healthy book! The simplest book repair operations: glue the cover, glue the fallen sheet.

Have an idea

"Knizhkina Hospital"

Book exhibition "These books, we treat ourselves."

Have an ideaabout children's works

Loud readings

Book exhibition on the topic

4th grade

Be healthy, book!

The simplest book repair operations: glue the cover, glue the fallen sheet. Lesson-workshop.

Have an idea

performance about the simplest book repair operations

Work in the "Knizhkina hospital"

Book exhibition "These books, we treat ourselves."

Modern book: structure of the book, reference apparatus of the book.

A book in a person's life. Design elements. Illustrators. To deepen the knowledge of the book, to help students see the connection between the illustration and the text. Determine the content of an unfamiliar book by illustration.

Have an idea O

the structure of the book, the reference apparatus of the book.

Library lesson

Individual handout

History of writing.

History of writing. To acquaint with the history of writing in Russia. Presentation.

Have an idea O history of writing.

Library lesson

History of writing in Russia

Finding information in reference books

Reference editions: encyclopedia, reference book, dictionaries, their purpose.

Know about reference publications.

Library lesson

The role of information in the modern world.

The role of information in the modern world. Basic concepts: information resources, culture, document, Internet. Lesson-workshop.

Have an idea of

information resources, culture, document, Internet

Conversation, workshop, Internet

Information resources, culture, document, Internet

Grade 5

What kind of reader I am. My library

Excursion to the school library... Questioning.

Know concepts reader, library

Library lesson

Electronic presentation,

book exhibition

The history of the book.

Handwritten books. Typography in Russia.To expand knowledge about the history of the creation of the main sources of information in the Middle Ages (woodcut, handwritten and printed books).

Give an idea of ​​the invention of typography. Test number 3.

Have an idea of

knowledge about the history of the creation of the main sources of information.

Lesson presentation

Electronic presentation

6th grade

Reference literature. Industry dictionaries and encyclopedias

Acquaintance with the concept of the history of the creation of the main sources, with explanatory and spelling dictionaries of the Russian language and with the universal Children's encyclopedia, branch encyclopedias of the series "I know the world", "New encyclopedia", "Explore the world", etc.


Library lesson

Book exhibition

"Reference books."

Dictionary-universe alphabetically

Knowledge about the history of the creation of the main sources

Know the history of the creation of the main sources

Bibliographic game

Electronic presentation

7th grade

Reference literature. Industry dictionaries and encyclopedias

Acquaintance with the concept of the history of the creation of the main sources, with explanatory and spelling dictionaries of the Russian language and with the universal Children's encyclopedia, branch encyclopedias of the series "I know the world", "New encyclopedia", "Explore the world", etc.

Know the concept of reference literature

Library lesson

Electronic presentation

Dictionary-universe alphabetically

Knowledge about the history of the creation of the main sources

Know the history of the creation of the main sources

Bibliographic game

Book exhibition "Word about dictionaries"

8th grade

Library fund and its structural divisions

The school library as a school information center.Acquaintance with the school library, as with the information center of the school. Expansion of ideas about the library (subscription, reading room, storage department). Mediathek

Know concepts of subscription, reading room, storage department. Mediathek

Library lesson

Electronic presentation

Abstract preparation technology.

Reader's creative work. Abstract and rules for its preparationTheme content. Design rules. Workshop.

Know rules for preparing an abstract.

Library lesson

Electronic presentation

Grade 9

Critical Literature.Reader's creative work. Abstract and rules for its preparation

Know rules for preparing an abstract.


new lesson

Electronic presentation

The use of bibliographic aids in the search and selection of literature.

Selection of literature on

bibliographic aids

Know the concepts of bibliographic aids

Library lesson

Book Exhibition "Bibliographic Aids"

Grade 10

Bibliography and its importance in the life of society

Know the concept of bibliography

Library lesson

Electronic presentation

Search for information on the Internet.

Know the concept of the Internet


new lesson

Electronic presentation

Grade 11

Creation of secondary documents

Basic techniques for folding information. Preparation of reviews, reviews for the book. Internet as a source of information.

Technology for preparing a report, abstract

Know the concept of secondary documents, review,

book review, internet

Library lesson

Electronic presentation

Search for information on the Internet.

Internet as a source of information.

Technology for preparing a report, abstract

Know the concept of the Internet, report, abstract.


new lesson

Electronic presentation


1. Agapova, I.A., Davydova, M.A. Meetings with the heroes of the books: library lessons, scenarios of events, dramatizations / I.A. Agapova, M.A. Davydov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

2. Antipova, VB Library lessons. Issue 3. Formation of information literacy of students in the school library. Methodical manual / V.B. Antipova. - M .: Publishing house "Globus", 2009.

3. Library lessons. Issue 2. Teaching students the basics of library and bibliographic knowledge. Grades 1-11 / M .: Globus, Volgograd: Panorama, 2007.

4. Visiting children's writers: scenarios of events and holidays / ed. - comp. A.A. Egorova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

5. Yearly circle in the school library: seasonal fun, conversations, holiday programs / ed. - comp. A.A. Egorova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

6. Ildarkina, E.V. Library lessons. Issue 1: teaching schoolchildren the basics of library and bibliographic knowledge. Toolkit. 1-11 class / Comp. E.V. Ildarkin. - 3rd ed., P. - M .: Globus, Volgograd: Panorama, 2008.

7. Ildarkina, E.V. Master classes for school librarians / E.V. Ildarkin, - 2nd ed., Stereotyped. - M .: Globus, Volgograd: Panorama, 2008.

8. Information competencies of primary schoolchildren: library and bibliographic lessons / ed. - comp. M.A. Bagaeva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

9. Kuznetsova, N.I., Meshcheryakova, M.I., Arzamastseva, I.N. Children's writers. A guide for teachers and parents. - M .: "Ballas", "S - Info", 1995.

10. Lavrenova, L.E. Children's parties at school and at home. - SP: "Parity", 2002.

11. Master classes for school librarians. Issue 2. Special courses, methods of work, library events / Avt.-comp. E.V. Ildarkin. - M .: Publishing house "Globus", 2009.

12. Master classes for school librarians. Issue 3: methodological recommendations, activities in the areas of education, library and bibliographic Olympiads / Avt.-comp. E.V. Ildarkin, V.B. Antipova. - M .: Publishing house "Globus", 2010.

13. Fundamentals of information literacy of a student: program, classes with students in grades 5-6 / author-comp. I.B. Gorshkova, L.N. Zakharova, G.V. Ezhkova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

14. Pavlov, I.P. About your book: Popular science / fig. and the layout of B. Burakov. - L .: Det. lit., 1991.

15. A teenager in the library: growing up with the book: discussion video salons, thematic days / author-comp. T.M. The scoundrel. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

16. Festive merry round dance: scenarios of calendar theatrical class hours and games. 1-4 grades / auth. - comp. Yu.A. Vakulenko. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

17. Prokhorenko, I.F. Literary quizzes for younger students / I.F. Prokhorenko. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2009.

18. Travel to Chitai - the city: scenarios of events, library lessons. 1-4 grades / author-comp. PER. Churikova, M.A. Bagaeva, I.A. Khapilina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

19. Sokolova, T.E. Information retrieval skills. Library lessons in primary school: Teaching aid. - 2nd ed. - Samara: Publishing House "Educational Literature": Publishing House "Fedorov", 2008.

20. Reference book of the school librarian / O.R. Starovoitova, S.M. Pleskachevskaya, T. D. Zhukov; Ed. Yu.N. Stolyarov. - M .: Russian School Library Association, 2007.

21. Creative experience of working with a book: library lessons, reading hours, extracurricular activities / comp. T.R. Tsymbalyuk. - 2nd ed. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

22. To the school librarian about family reading. - M .: Russian School Library Association, 2007

Developed on the basis of an exemplary basic educational program. 1book: Primary school. Preschool education. Book 2: Programs of individual subjects, courses for primary school. Scientific editor - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education D.I.Feldshtein. Moscow. Balass, 2011; educational for students of primary school age. Scientific editor Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School Gendina N.I.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Main secondary school number 17"

primary grades

Protocol No. 1

from "" August 2012

Head of the Ministry of Defense


N.G. Antipina


Deputy OIA Director


E.I. Ivleva

I approve.

Head teacher

_______ / M.V. Permyakov /

Pedagogical council minutes


extracurricular activities

"Basics of information and bibliographic literacy"

(general cultural direction)

for the 2012-2013 academic year

Stage of study (class):primary general education 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b cl.

Number of hours: 1 hour per week

Number of hours in the program 1 class - 33

Number of hours according to the 2nd grade program - 34

Compiled by: head of the library of the first qualification category

Elena Vladimirovna Filippova

The program was developed on the basis of:

An approximate basic educational program. In 2 books.

1book: Primary school. Preschool education.

Book 2: Programs of individual subjects, courses for primary school.

Scientific editor - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education D.I.Feldshtein. Moscow. Balass, 2011.

The educational programs for the course "Fundamentals of Personal Information Culture"for students of primary school age.

Scientific editor Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School Gendina N.I.

Polysaevo 2012

Explanatory note


Program "Fundamentals of Information and Bibliographic Literacy"developed on the basisan exemplary basic educational program. 1book: Primary school. Preschool education. Book 2: Programs of individual subjects, courses for primary school. Scientific editor - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education D.I.Feldshtein. Moscow. Balass, 2011; educationalprograms for the course "Fundamentals of Personal Information Culture"for students of primary school age. Scientific editor Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School Gendina N.I.

Deep changes in socio-economic and scientific and technological developmentmodern society has determined the new content of the goals of education, models such personality qualities that affect its self-development, ensure the use of spiritual potential, the possibility of productive activity in various spheres of life.

The most important component of the level of education of a modern person is the acquisition of knowledge and skills that make it possible to rationally fulfill their information needs.

In the education system, the acquisition of this knowledge, skills and abilities associated with the search and processing of information is considered as oversubject skills and educational work of students. Without them, the formation of an information culture is impossible, the formation of which acquires special relevance in the context of the informatization of modern society. The Internet and the computer are becoming typical attributes of the modern schoolchild. But the formation of information culture cannot be limited to teaching computer literacy in computer science lessons.

This understanding of the problem is faced with a serious obstacle - the low level of the reading culture of students. This entails the emergence of difficulties in mastering the basic subjects of the school curriculum and the spiritual immaturity of students.

Reading culture is the foundation of information culture. It forms basic knowledge and skills in the field of information search and processing.

Library and bibliographic knowledge is an integral part of the reading culture of a modern person. They are closely related to information resources and methods of independent work.

Therefore, the formation of the information culture of students is impossible without systematic classes to master the basics of information and bibliographic literacy. It includes not only methods of independent search and processing of information, but also creates an opportunity for students to go beyond the scope of the textbook,

expanding their information space through the use of other types of book products.

The book was and remains not only the main source of information for the implementation of successful educational activities, but also a powerful means of education and mental development of students.

Unfortunately, the role of the book in the life of a modern schoolchild is decreasing; it is being replaced by other mass media. With the transfer of students to primary school, this problem becomes more acute.

The Bibliographic Literacy Foundation program sets its aim to form in students the need to refer to the book not only as a tool for successful study and self-education, but also as a source of spiritual values, without which the formation of a modern educated person is impossible.

The goal can be achieved by solving a number of tasks:

To give general information about the history of books, book business, focusing the attention of students on the role of books in the history of human civilization as the main onesource of information;

Reveal the value of the book in the formation of a person's spiritual culture;

To give an idea of ​​the book as a product created by man in the context of world culture, the culture of Russia;

To form the foundations of the information culture of students through the ability to independently search and process information, using various types of printed publications for the successful development of compulsory subjects of the curriculum;

To develop the communicative culture of students through the ability to convey the information received orally;

Maintenance of the program is carried out on the basis of:

Popular science literature and its publications, including encyclopedias and reference books;

Editions of local history literature;

Fund of fiction school library when usingthe best editions of folklore and works of domestic and foreign authors.

The program "Fundamentals of Information and Bibliographic Literacy" is developed for four years of classes with children of primary school age and is designed for the gradual mastering of the material in the classroom in extracurricular activities.

The program is designed for 135 hours (1 hour per week), 33 hours in grade 1, 34 hours in 2-4 grades.

The program "Fundamentals of information culture of a schoolchild" allows you to more fully reveal the educational and developmental potential of knowledge, creates more favorable conditions for the continuation of information education in subsequent grades.

The main form of work is training sessions. In the classroom, the following forms of organizing educational activities are provided: individual, frontal, collective creativity. Classes include theoretical and practical activities of students. The theoretical part is given in the form of conversations with viewing illustrative material (use of computer technology). In working with students, it is planned to use various methodological techniques: reviews, practical exercises, excursions, independent work, tests.

Expected results

The mastering by children of the program "Fundamentals of information culture of a schoolchild" is aimed at achieving a set of results in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Personal results

Evaluate the actions of people, life situations from the point of view; generally accepted norms and values, evaluate specific actions as good or bad;

Emotionally “live” the text, express your emotions;

Express your attitude towards the characters of the read works.

Regulatory universal training activities

Determine and form the goal of activities in the lesson with the help of a teacher;

Pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson.

Cognitive universal learning activities

Navigate the book (title, content, table of contents), dictionaries;

Transform information from one form to another: retell short texts;

Process information through the ability to make elementary types of records:extracts, plan, review.

Communicative Universal Learning Activities

Formulate your thoughts in oral speech, listen and understand others;

Learn to work in a group, a couple.

Subject results

Perceive a literary text by ear;

Know the main stages in the development of the book business, the historical process of the formation of the appearance of the book and its structure;

Understand the meaning of terms defined by the program;

To navigate in the book and information environment of the library;

Have an understanding of various types of literature.

Assessment of the planned results of the development of the program

The system for tracking and evaluating the learning outcomes of children passes through their participation in exhibitions, competitions, public events, testing. Tests are an effective form of assessing and summarizing the performance of students. Tests help not only to check, but also to consolidate the knowledge gained in the classroom, and also allow you to identify not sufficiently well mastered topics (questions), which will help to further refine and improve the proposed material.

Thematic planning grade 1


Form of conducting

Number of hours

A miracle whose name is a book




First visit to the library. Acquaintance with the library. The concepts of "reader", "librarian". Basic rules for using the library.

Excursion lesson

Rules for handling the book.


Making a baby book, bookmarks, illustrated cover.

Creative lesson

A book in a person's life. Design elements. Illustrators.

Conversation review

Great Russian writers for children.

Lesson overview

Loud readings

Be healthy, book!

"Knizhkina Hospital"

Quiz game

Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales!

Quiz game

History of origin

Information resources

The history of the appearance of the main sources of information (stone books, papyrus, parchment).

Lesson presentation

The history of writing.

Library lesson

From the history of the invention of paper.

Library lesson

Typography in Russia. Handwritten books.

Library lesson

Conversation presentation

Elements of the book: cover, title page, illustrations.

Book methods

Acquaintance with reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries. Rules for the use of reference publications.


Encyclopedia "Everything about everyone" (characteristics, structure of construction).

Lesson-workshop, loud readings


1st class (33 hours)

First visit to the library. Acquaintance with the library.The concepts of "reader", "librarian". Basic rules for using the library.

Rules for handling the book. Formation of respect for the book in children. Book exhibitions "The book thanks", "The book complains".

Making a baby book, bookmarks, illustrated cover - practical lessons.

Fiction, periodicals for children, its purpose. Give an idea of ​​newspapers, magazines, fiction for children. To acquaint with the concepts of "periodicity", "editions", "subscription".

Great Russian writers for children. Acquaintance with the life and work of A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, K.I. Chukovsky.

Through the pages of your favorite fairy tales! Quiz game. Free reading of schoolchildren, to promote speaking skills.

The history of the emergence of the main sources of information(cuneiform, papyrus, parchment, books, cassettes, magnetic disks).The history of the creation of the main sources of information in the past. Test # 1.

The history of writing. To acquaint with the history of creation:picture writing - pictography, nodular letter, alphabetic letter, alphabet. Test number 2.

The history of the invention of paper. Acquaintance with the history of the creation of paper in China, Europe, Egypt.

Handwritten books. Typography in Russia.To expand knowledge about the history of the creation of the main sources of information in the Middle Ages (woodcut, handwritten and printed books). Give an idea of ​​the invention of typography. Test number 3.

The school library as a school information center.Acquaintance with the school library, as with the information center of the school. Expansion of ideas about the library (subscription, reading room, storage department). Media library. Basic concepts about the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library (catalogs, bibliographic description of the document).

Elements of the book: cover, title page, illustrations, preface, table of contents. Lesson-workshop.

Acquaintance with reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries.

Rules for the use of reference publications. Book exhibition “What is? Who it?". Interpretation of the concepts "encyclopedia", "dictionary", "reference book". Alphabetical arrangement of material, distribution of words in volumes and in figures, binding. The game "In which volume we will look for answers to questions ..." will help children quickly navigate the reference literature. Practical lessons.

Encyclopedia "Everything about everyone" (characteristics, structure of construction). Encyclopedia for Young Children. To acquaint with the reference department, illustrations, reproductions. Game "Find the answer to my question?" Practical lessons.

Thematic planning grade 2


Form of conducting

Number of hours

A miracle whose name is a book




Basic rules for using the library. The concepts of "user", "document", "sources", "information".

Excursion lesson

Poems, fairy tales and riddles about animal habits.

Quiz competition

Loud readings

Great writers have come to visit us.

Lesson overview

Fiction, periodicals for children, its purpose.

Conversation, excursion to the city children's library

Be healthy, book!

"Knizhkina Hospital"

Travel to the book city!

Travel game

History of origin

information resources

Lesson presentation

The oldest and medieval libraries (Egyptian, Alexandrian, book collections of Ancient Rus).

Lesson presentation

The structure of the library system. Library rules.

Library lesson

Library - school information center

Library collection system.

Library lesson

Search the information you need in library.

Library lesson, workshop lesson

Library lesson

Search for a document on the shelf.


Types of dictionaries and their purpose.


Book methods

Rules for the use of reference publications.


Review of the book read. Reading diary.


Library lesson

Conversation, workshop.



Grade 2 (34 hours)

Topic: "A miracle whose name is a book"

Basic rules for using the library. To acquaint with the concepts of "user", "document", "sources", "information".

Poems, fairy tales and riddles about animal habits. Quiz game.

Great writers have come to visit us. Acquaintance with the life and work of B. Zakhoder, A. Barto, I. Krylov.

Fiction, periodicals for children, its purpose. Excursion to the city children's library.

Be healthy book! The simplest book repair operations: glue the cover, glue the fallen sheet. Book exhibition "These books, we treat ourselves." Workshop.

Travel to the book city! Travel game. The stations "Whose are these objects", "What fairy tale is this hero from", "Knizhkina hospital". Carries children into the world of books, expands the circle of students' knowledge, increases interest in reading.

Topic: "The history of the emergence of information resources"

Basic knowledge of the history of the book (stone, papyrus, parchment).Familiarity with the history of the main sources of information in the past. Test # 1.

The oldest and medieval libraries (Egyptian, Alexandrian, book collections of Ancient Rus). Acquaintance with the oldest libraries. Test number 2.

The structure of the library system. Library rules. Book exhibition "Reading Together".

Topic: "Library - information center of the school"

Library collection system. To acquaint with the arrangement of books in the library (from left to right, spine outward, alphabetically, what a separator is, reference, encyclopedic literature, dictionaries).

Finding the information you need in the library. To acquaint students with the departments of the library (reading, subscription, reference, fiction).

Reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library (SBA). Alphabetical catalog (AK). To acquaint with the alphabetical catalog, catalog card. Game "Find a book by author?" Lesson workshop.

Search for a document on the shelf. Explain the concept of “document”, why each document has “its own place”.

Types of dictionaries and their purpose. To acquaint with dictionaries: spelling, explanatory, grammatical, foreign words. Book exhibition “According to dictionaries from A to Z”, game “Meaning of a word”. Lesson-workshop.

Topic: "Methods of working with a book"

Rules for the use of reference publications. The concepts of "reading room" and "reference literature" are what they are similar to.

Review of the book read. Reading diary. Recommendations for the book you have read. Diary form, illustrations. Lesson-workshop.

Children's periodicals. To acquaint with periodicals for primary school age: "Kolobok", "Misha". Cover, subject matter, illustrations. Lesson-workshop.

Thematic planning grade 3


Form of conducting

Number of hours

A miracle whose name is a book




Famous writers and poets are our guests.

Lesson overview

Loud readings

Be healthy, book!

"Knizhkina Hospital"

Book presentation.

Creativity lesson

Travel to the country of Chitalia!

Travel lesson

Writers and artists rolled into one. The work of E.I. Charushin, V.I. Suteeva.

Lesson game

Exhibition-competition of drawings "Writers and Artists in One Person". Creation

E.I. Charushin, V.I. Suteeva.


History of origin

information resources

The history of writing (from cuneiform to cassettes and discs)

Lesson presentation

The structure of the book. Elements of the book. Book structure test.

Library lesson. Test.

Library lesson. Excursion.

Library - school information center

Reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library (SBA). Alphabetical catalog (AK).

Library lesson

Library collection system.

Library lesson

The rules and obligations of the reader. Production of memos.

Lesson - creativity

Journey through dictionaries "From A to Z"

Travel lesson

Book methods

Reading rules. Reading hygiene.

Library lesson

The main idea of ​​the text. Text analysis. Text as a speech work.

Library lesson

Children's encyclopedia of discoveries. What? Who it? Appointment. The structure of encyclopedias.


Children's periodicals.




Information culture of a schoolchild

The role of information in the modern world.

Basic concepts: information resources,

culture, document, internet.

Conversation, workshop.



Grade 3 (34 hours)

Topic: "A miracle whose name is a book"

Famous writers and poets are our guests. Acquaintance with the life and work of S. Marshak, P. Ershov, M. Prishvin.

Be healthy book! The simplest book repair operations: glue the cover, glue the fallen sheet. Book exhibition "These books, we treat ourselves." Workshop.

Book presentation. Acquaintance with the concepts of "file" "slide". How to make a presentation for your favorite book. Lesson-workshop.

Travel to the country "Chitalia"! Travel with stops "Land of Imagination", "Riddles", "Glade of Fairy Tales".

Writers and artists rolled into one. The work of E.I. Charushin, V.I. Suteeva. Lesson-workshop.

Exhibition-competition of drawings "Writers and Artists in One Person". The work of E.I. Charushin, V.I. Suteeva.

Topic: "The history of the emergence of information resources"

The history of writing (from cuneiform to cassettes and disks). Test # 1.

The structure of the book. Elements of the book. To consolidate knowledge about the structure of the book (cover, title page, content, table of contents). Test number 2 "The structure of the book."

The structure of the library system. Library rules. Organization of services in the library: excursion to the children's library.

Topic: "Library - information center of the school"

Reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library (SBA). Alphabetical catalog (AK). Consolidate knowledge about AK. Game "Find a book in the library".


Library collection system. Recall the arrangement of books in the library (from left to right, spine outward, alphabetically, what a separator is, reference, encyclopedic literature, dictionaries). Lesson-workshop.

The rules and obligations of the reader. Production of memos. Lesson-workshop.

Travel through dictionaries "From A to Z". The purpose of dictionaries: explanatory, spelling, grammatical, dictionary of synonyms, antonyms. Lesson-workshop.

Topic: "Methods of working with a book"

Reading rules. Reading hygiene. Introduce reading rules: cursory, in-depth. Read while sitting, adequate light, reading according to age.

The main idea of ​​the text. Text analysis. Text as a speech work. Lesson-workshop.

Children's encyclopedia of discoveries. What? Who it? Appointment. The structure of encyclopedias. Lesson-workshop.

Children's periodicals. To acquaint with periodicals for primary school age: "Kolobok", "Misha", "Know-it-all." Cover, subject matter, illustrations. Lesson-workshop.

Topic: "Information culture of a schoolchild"

The role of information in the modern world. Basic concepts: information resources, culture, document, Internet. Lesson-workshop.

Be healthy, book!

Work in the "Knizhkina hospital"

Through the pages of your favorite books!

Quiz game

Loud readings

Visiting the writer.

Lesson overview

Book presentation.

Creativity lesson

The book and its creators. Famous writers, illustrators of children's books.

Lesson overview




History of origin

information resources


History of writing.

Library lesson




Ancient books.

Library lesson




Russian handwritten book.

Library lesson




The invention of printing. Johannes Gutenberg and his books.

Lesson presentation




Typography in Russia. Ivan Fedorov and his books.

Lesson presentation




Library lesson




Library - school information center


The origin of libraries. The first libraries in the world. Libraries of our city.

Conversation, presentation




Library lesson





Search for information in reference books.

Library lesson




Non-traditional media.



Book methods


Methods for shortening the text: retelling, annotation, quotation.





Children's periodicals.





Reference editions: encyclopedia, reference book, dictionaries.




Information culture of a schoolchild


The role of information in the modern world. Basic concepts: information resources, culture, document, Internet.

Conversation, workshop, Internet.







Thematic content of the course

4th grade

Topic: "A miracle whose name is a book"

A book in a person's life. Design elements. Illustrators. To deepen the knowledge of the book, to help students see the connection between the illustration and the text. Determine the content of an unfamiliar book by illustration.

Be healthy book! The simplest book repair operations: glue the cover, glue the fallen sheet. Book exhibition "These books, we treat ourselves." Lesson-workshop.

Through the pages of your favorite books! Quiz game. Remember the heroes of books, favorite works.

Visiting the writer. Acquaintance with the life and work of B. Zakhoder, N. Nosov, P. Bazhov.

Book presentation. Acquaintance with the concepts of "file" "slide". Drawing up a presentation on your favorite book in PowerPoint. Lesson-workshop.

The book and its creators. Famous writers, illustrators of children's books. Deepen your knowledge of the book. To acquaint with the work of S. Marshak not only as a children's writer, but also as an artist of his books.

Topic: "The history of the emergence of information resources"

History of writing. To acquaint with the history of writing in Russia. Presentation.

Ancient books. The most common book in antiquity is the Bible. Presentation.

Russian handwritten book. Code books, handwritten book decoration elements - miniatures. Presentation.

The invention of printing. Johannes Gutenberg his life and his books, printing press. Presentation.

Typography in Russia. The first printer Ivan Fedorov and his first printed book "Apostle". Presentation.

Modern book: structure of the book, reference apparatus of the book.

Topic: "Library - information center of the school"

The origin of libraries. The first libraries in the world. The history of the origin of the first libraries in Europe, in Russia. The ancient library of King Ashurbanipalu. Libraries of our city.

Reference and bibliographic apparatus (SBA) of the library. Directories. File cabinets.

Search for information in reference books. Lesson-workshop.

Non-traditional media. Acquaintance with other storage media: CDs, CD Rs, flash media.

Topic: "Methods of working with a book"

Methods for shortening the text: retelling, annotation, quotation. Drawing up an annotation for your favorite book. Lesson-workshop.

Children's periodicals. Main headings, illustrations.

Reference editions: encyclopedia, reference book, dictionaries, their purpose. Lesson-workshop.

Topic: "Information culture of a schoolchild"

The role of information in the modern world. Basic concepts: information resources, culture, document, Internet. Lesson-workshop.


  1. Andreeva O.V. History of the book: Reader. Part II. - M .: MGAP "World of books", 1997. - 206s.
  2. Bedinskaya E. Fundamentals of student information culture: A program for students in grades 5-6 // School library. - 2002. - No. 3. -p.9.
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