
How is the working day of an SEO optimizer? Search Engine Specialist, SEO-optimizer May 28, SEO Day

I look through specialized forums and blogs. A colleague shared a case of promoting a taxi website from St. Petersburg - he added it to bookmarks, I will study it later. I go to the office at about 10:30 - flexible hours allow to shift the working day.

The first thing I do is check my mail.

We receive daily notifications about changes in robots.txt files of clients' sites. Starting work with a new customer, we form this file so as to close unnecessary pages for indexing, for example, "Search Results", and open the necessary ones, for example, "Category" or "Delivery Information".

With the help of notifications, I find out when a customer accidentally made changes to a file. Today it happened with a car dealer website. Checking the file, it turned out that the changes appeared due to a change in the CMS system. I write to the client and duplicate the recommended robots.txt.

I watch notifications for monitoring the content of promoted pages. To begin with, I check the report for compliance of the titles Title and H1 with the reference values ​​for each of the projects. Standards are uploaded to the internal system, which daily checks these values ​​with real ones. If something changes on the site, it is displayed in the table that comes to the mail and I can quickly react. Today reports have been sent to the websites of the dental clinic and the university, but the webmasters have not yet had time to enter the recommended headings on them, so everything is in order.

The following critical checks are associated with a server response other than "200 OK" on the pages being promoted. Checking helps to react quickly if links to some pages have been removed or are inaccessible. Today we received reports about pages that have already been added to the system, but have not yet been posted by webmasters on the sites.

If there was an update to the search base, notifications about the results of visibility for projects are also sent to the mail, but there was no update yesterday.

I continue my morning ritual and look at notifications in the Yandex.Webmaster panel for each client. Recently I ran into a problem that I managed to solve promptly thanks to a daily check. A client who is engaged in the delivery of sushi in Russia has put the Clickjacking code on the site. The mechanism places invisible elements on the site, which, for example, automatically subscribe to emails of site visitors, without their knowledge.

Immediately I saw a notification that the site had fallen under the filter and the positions for most queries fell sharply. I promptly wrote to the client, and he, in turn, quickly removed the code. After three weeks, the site's positions were restored. Today, fortunately, I did not find any problems with all clients.

I'm going to check traffic data in Yandex.Metrica

The position of the sushi delivery company decreased slightly in the middle of the week. A common story for clients in this category is that traffic grows by the weekend. But for another client - car pawnshop - the drop in indicators on Wednesday is not typical. I study the slice by traffic sources, the reason is that regional pages are closed from indexing for Krasnoyarsk users. Recently, they were hidden because they were not related to the promotion of the site for his requests. In general, the problem is not critical: as soon as we figure out the keywords, we will open the pages and the traffic will be restored.

The next step is to check the tasks completed by webmasters. In the evening, a colleague sent a modified layout of the pages of the catalog of the manufacturer of thermal insulation materials. I check the correctness of the names of the goods in the listing of the catalog, the correctness of filling in the Alt ... attributes of the images and the description of the products. Everything has been done perfectly, I am sending it to the client for approval.

Another webmaster was reworking the structure of the site of the dental clinic, you need to check it for compliance with the terms of reference (TOR). A colleague moved some of the pages to new addresses, deleted the "blank" pages, updated the main and additional menus, but missed part of the 301 redirects. I indicate which pages he forgot and send the task for revision.

Now you need to prepare a technical specification for copywriters for writing texts for the regional subdomain of the car pawnshop

I distribute key queries across pages using the internal tool "Cluster" and manual processing... Using the Text Analyzer service, I scan the top 10 results for keywords of each group and get a list of phrases that need to be used in texts.

The tool suggests what should be approximately on each page of the site: the number of keywords themselves, their combinations, recommended subheadings and the amount of text. I manually check the correctness of the recommendations, add a few phrases, and additionally study the texts on sites in the top of the search results. At the same time, I analyze the anchor core of competitors for the main key phrases.

On the resource, which was in the top of the search results, I find that, in addition to the main links on the pawnshop topic, the publishers put links with the anchors "Selling gophers", "Selling potatoes", "Selling pigs" and "Selling ostriches". I am sending my colleagues a link with the comment "This is how to promote car pawnshops :)". I add a brief from the client and send the task to the "Office of the copywriter".

Time to have lunch

Together with the account and another optimizer, we usually go to local cafes and walk a little after lunch.

I return to work, and the mail is waiting for a letter from men's bags: the client is worried that there were no calls yesterday. I go into the call tracking system and find out that there were calls, but for some reason they did not reach the call center. I recommend that the client contact the telephone provider.

Now we need to analyze the external link mass of an online clothing store. I analyze the top 10 competitors: I estimate the total number of domains, links, the dynamics of their growth, the anchor core for the distribution of links by branded, "targeted", commercial and diluted anchors. As a result, I understand that the link mass is insufficient, so I set the task “Solve the problem in the week”.

I go to the website of a company engaged in cargo transportation

Recently, together with a client, we decided to transfer the rigging service to a separate site. The main resource ranked well for the keywords: "Rigging", "Rigging works", "Rigging works in Moscow", "Order rigging". I decided to transfer some of the content (texts, headers, images) from the old site to the new one. I gave recommendations on the technical part at the development stage, and now it is necessary to check the structure, the correctness of the content transfer and filling the pages with headers and meta tags. The web developers did everything right, so I open the resource for indexing and set up 301 page redirects on the old site.

I analyze the loading speed of mobile and desktop pages. WITH using google Page Speed ​​Insights determine that home page loading slowly due to unoptimized images. I set a task for the webmaster to correct the situation.

The next task is to carry out the initial optimization of the site of the Moscow Region holiday home. I evaluate the general indicators of the site, the correctness of the assigned regions in the panels for webmasters, the correctness of the site indexing settings, the compilation of a robots.txt file and an XML sitemap. It turned out that duplicate pages are not closed from indexing. I correct the situation and form the final file.

And then the webmaster writes that he has solved the problem with loading the site by. I check - the speed is 87 points. I compare it with the main competitors in the top of the search results for the main queries: they have 32, 34, 71, 50, 29 points. Competitors clearly did not optimize the loading speed, so we can count on a small plus in relation to our site from both users and search engines.

Back to the site of the holiday home

I check the settings of the main mirror of the site and the processing of non-existent pages by the server - with this we are all right. To search for duplicates, I use the tools for unloading indexed pages, a parser for headers and meta tags. As a result, I find 163 full duplicates, for which I recommend setting up 301 redirects.

By brand query, I find two more similar sites. An internal service check for affiliation showed that the resources are not yet affiliated with Yandex. I am writing a letter to a client with a request to comment on who owns the sites and for what purpose they were created. This is necessary for the further development of an optimization strategy.

The last task for today is the analysis of competitors of the manufacturer of thermal insulation materials

Recently we decided to attract additional traffic by posting thematic articles on the site. In order to compete with information sites for construction and repair, it is necessary to prepare quality materials with interesting media content.

I analyze competitors in the top 10 results for each group of requests. Based on the analysis for each page, I draw up article plans and prepare a list of additional questions for the client. An example for queries from the "Home insulation" group:

I am sending a letter to the client and going home, where my wife and three children are waiting for me.

The word "google" (‘google it’ in English) has entered everyday life, as have the search engines themselves. Yandex, Google, Yahoo, Baidu (Chinese search engine) and hundreds of other search engines every day help Internet users to find the goods, services and information they need. Gone are the days when housewives wrote down recipes in a notebook (God forbid forgetting), and magical secrets of gardening were passed from neighbor to neighbor. Now the main means of obtaining new information has become a search engine.

To buy a new kettle, the user writes in the search box "buy kettle" and checks several sites that the search engine will show him. Usually, the user does not look further than the first page of the search results. It is unlikely that he will look at the 21st and 38th sites in a row. Therefore, companies whose sites are located in the top ten of search results have a higher flow of customers and more profit than those whose sites are located further away.

For your site to rise in the search results, it must be interesting to users and inspire "trust" in the search engine - to comply with its algorithms for selecting the most reliable and high-quality sites. It is engaged in setting up the interaction of the site and search engines, that is, on search engine optimization.

What an SEO specialist does
SEO optimization by the nature of the tasks refers to and. Although the SEOs themselves jokingly say that their work is similar to "shamanism". Algorithms for ranking information within search engines can change several times a day, so SEO specialists are forced, relying on their experience and knowledge, to predict the "mood" of each search engine at the moment.
To promote the site in search, they:

    ✔ Analyze competing companies and their presence on the Internet.
    ✔ Form the semantic core - keywords and search queries by which users will find the site.
    ✔ Reveal and fix all technical errors of the site that were made during its launch: incorrect html-code, wrong settings page display, absence / duplication of meta-tags, absence of H1 headers or entire pages, site page loading speed, etc.
    ✔ Create new content for posting on the site (or on other resources with a link to the site). Each article should be not only interesting and easy to read by the user, but also "transparent" in structure for a search engine.
    ✔ Improve site navigation.
    ✔ Increase the speed of opening pages on the site.
    ✔ Register the site on external resources to increase the "trust" of search engines.
    ✔ Prepare reports on the results of the promotion.
    ✔ Monitor the work of the site.
    ✔ Keep track of relevant SEO information.

average salary
✔ 60,000 - 200,000 rubles per month

Where to study as a future SEO specialist
As for some of the newest, which are on the border of IT and other areas (,), for in Russia there are no ready educational programs not in universities or colleges. Employers value work experience and a portfolio of successful projects, not a diploma. To master the basics of SEO, you can take short educational courses or study on your own using books and instructional videos. The most famous SEO courses today are offered by Netology, Mail.ru, SeoPult, CyberMarketing, Yandex, Ashmanov & Partners, GeekBrains. However, if you are looking to build a career or your own SEO business, an IT or math education is advisable.

What universal competencies do SEOs need in their work?
work in IT departments of companies, in Internet marketing companies, and more often as freelancers. Therefore, in addition to the necessary technical skills, it is important for them social competences, competent speech and ability to find mutual language with customers. The most important SEO skills include:

    ✎ Learnability
    ✎ Constant self-development
    ✎ Systems thinking
    ✎ Communication skills
    ✎ Literate Russian and English
    ✎ Attention to detail
    ✎ Analytical mindset
    ✎ Ability to see and solve a problem
    ✎ Patience
    ✎ Methodical
    ✎ Curiosity
How to develop in SEO now
If you have a desire to try yourself in SEO, start by creating and promoting your own website... On it you can study target audience, technical features SEO, hone the quality of HTML-code and copywriting skills, and set up "painless" experiments to test search algorithms. And when your site takes a high place in search engines, it will become the first item of your future portfolio.

What else can you do to master your SEO skills:

    ✔ Watch online free video courses on search engine optimization in Russian and English.
    ✔ Read literature on SEO, internet marketing and online business.
    ✔ Attend free offline and online SEO and internet marketing conferences.
    ✔ The "Professionals of the Future" camp will help you to try your hand at IT, in particular, in internet marketing and SEO. In the camp, you can chat with the pros and ask the most pressing questions about the profession.
    ✔ Take a summer internship at an internet marketing company: SEO specialists often need an assistant for routine work - collecting the semantic core, monitoring new information, finding competitors. During the internship, you will be able to quickly learn all the tools and "tricks" of real SEOs.

Will be relevant and in demand in the near future because search engines remain our main navigator on the Internet, and commercial companies are in dire need of increasing the flow of customers. The only one danger to SEO's specialty is to popularize search engine optimization skills. There are offers on the Internet to become an SEO specialist in 4-6 days, which means that future generations of teenagers will just as easily master the basics of SEO as creating a page in social networks or a site on Wordpress.

Take a job test to find out which field of work you are most inclined towards.

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Russian SEO-specialists are celebrating the Runet Optimizer Day. The young holiday has not yet received official recognition, but has already fallen in love with the professionals of the powerful and popular SEO industry.

A little SEO story

The date of the celebration, paradoxically, was chosen completely by chance. In 2006, at the largest forum Searchengines, SEO specialists decided to make their own "holiday selection" in a derivative manner. The warm spring day, 28 May, was favored by the majority of votes.

A new profession appeared in Russia in the mid-90s and arose from the environment of IT specialists. First, the first search engines appeared: the first system was Yahoo, then the giants - Google and Yandex - entered the network spaces. The ranking of sites has provoked the need for specialists who are able to increase the position of the resource and raise the portals in the search results.

SEO-specialists who know how to deftly "juggle" user queries and arrange site content for them have become worth their weight in gold. The site's top position was directly correlated with the resource's profitability. SEOs began to use a diverse and ever-changing set of tools to raise their rankings, and SEO turned into a powerful industry with fabulous turnover.

SEO wizard functionality

The task of a specialist is to organize a mobile chain of actions and technologies to increase the site's ranking in search results. An SEO optimizer carefully studies the positions of competing websites, their techniques, collects and analyzes statistics, improves content and comes up with new ways to promote.

The success and profitability of the customer's business depends on the accuracy of the manipulations and the correctness of the strategy of the SEO specialist. Violation of promotion algorithms is fraught with a decrease in traffic, loss of positions and lost profits. Optimization can be fair and transparent - "white", illegal - "black" and mixed - "gray".

Holiday traditions

The main mission of the holiday is to increase the prestige of the SEO administrator profession and to express appreciation for intellectual and creative work. On this day, it is customary to hold thematic conferences, specialized seminars, business meetings, refresher courses, presentations. Industry gurus organize open webinars, helpful workshops, master classes, and public testing of new programs.

Best professional wishes on the Runet Optimizer Day - “top positions in the search results”, “high TCI rates” and “off-scale PR”.

AHTUNG! The SEO profession is discredited!

For the last 5-7 years, there has been a real pessimization of SEO services.

SEO specialists are not liked. They don't trust them.

The SEO specialist has turned into a "SEO" - a parasite, a dumb "promoter", a hero of memes and anecdotes.

This is partly to blame dishonest SEOs, who successfully disguise themselves as honest SEO specialists.

To lure the victim into their nets and lull her vigilance, they use tricks:

  • Unrealistically short terms - your site is in the TOP in 30 days;
  • Utterly low price- promotion for 4,500 rubles;
  • Traffic promotion with payment of visitors;
  • All kinds of guarantees.

As a result, the entrepreneur begins to believe that the SEO is the god of search results. He is ready to give 30, 50 and even 70 thousand a month ... and humbly wait for the promised result.

On the other side, entrepreneurs themselves are to blame for the decline in SEO confidence.

Why it happens:

Many people think that SEO is the magic pill. which will not only bring traffic to the site, but also automatically increase sales by 5, 10 ... 100 times!

At the same time, a crooked site, poor performance of the sales department and other nuances are not taken into account.

Entrepreneurs understand nothing about promotion.

They believe that learning SEO to promote one site is like learning to be a car mechanic in order to change your pads and oil in the garage.

As a result, customers do not understand how to assess the qualifications of an SEO specialist and monitor his work. This is used by dishonest SEOs who can easily deceive their client.

Customers frustrated with SEO rush to Internet barricades with shouts "SEO doesn't work!" and begin to carry nonsense from the series "A properly set business doesn't need SEO".

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