
Courses circle photography. Free photography course for kids and teens at Nikon School

You can learn about photography, learn to photograph not only people or nature, but also take pictures of objects visible only under a microscope in photography schools. Among the numerous schools of photography, "Letidor" and the "City for Children" project have chosen some of the most interesting ones.

There is no need to lure children into such a school. They go there themselves. Still would! After all, stopping a moment is a trick like magic. And although photography schools for children are a relatively new phenomenon, there are more than enough people who want to become a photographer.

How can you explain such zeal? First, being a photographer is fashionable. Feel yourself on the crest of a wave, decorate your album with your masterpieces in social networks or to make a photo session for friends ... Isn't there a reason to reinforce your interest with the knowledge necessary for a photographer? Secondly, photography is a sure way to make yourself known. The photography school will help you shape your vision, learn not only technical wisdom, but also the ability to put meaning and idea into each picture. In a word, to feel like not only a performer, but also a creator with a capital letter. And, finally, the ability to photograph is the first income, and, possibly, the first steps of your child on the path to his favorite profession.

To help future paparazzi, the City for Children project offers an overview of circles and photography schools where they know firsthand how to freeze a moment ... In our review you will find all necessary information: age of students, training programs and approximate prices (check the actual cost of the course directly in photo schools).


Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia. A. Rodchenko

Photo: www.mdfschool.ru

School named after Rodchenko is one of the subdivisions of the state "Multimedia complex of contemporary arts". This starry place can without exaggeration be called the alma mater of the capital's photo artists. Everyone here knows about photography: from history to skills in working with modern photographic equipment. Such a school is a good start for those who are serious about their work. Everything is real here: a stylish photo studio, a photo laboratory with equipment and reagents, computer and editing classes.

Children course photography is intended for young talents from 12 to 15 years old. During the lessons, young art connoisseurs will be able to try on the role of a 19th century photographer, study the processes of obtaining a print, learn what a photogram or white balance is - in a word, actually understand what photography is. The course consists of 20 lessons, which take place once a week.

Cost of education: RUB 17,000, not counting the cost of visiting key photo exhibitions in Moscow. Payment for the course before the start of classes. The presence of a camera (any) is required.

Photo school "Photostart"

After these courses, the pictures of your child will cause genuine pride among parents and "white" envy among friends. The photo school for young paparazzi works on the basis of the Children's Corporation agency. This is very convenient because after completing the course, young photographers will be able to undergo an internship here, forming their own portfolio. The photo course itself is intended for schoolchildren 10-16 years old.

Cost of education: from 9000 rub. The duration of the course is 10 lessons, each one is 3 hours. A camera with any lens, including a "soap dish", is suitable for photo experiments.

School of photography "LumiFoto"

LumiFoto is rightfully considered one of the leading photography schools in the capital. The leading masters of the Moscow photoolimp create here. The pupils here are closely involved: they not only teach the art of photography, but also advise on photo projects, provide support in participating in photo contests and organizing exhibitions.

Classes at school for children (10-16 years old) involve a maximum of creativity and a minimum of boring theory. Under the guidance of experienced mentors, children master photography using manual settings, amazing others with all the new photo masterpieces. There are two programs for young reporters at once: teenage photomimum and photomaximum.

In the first case, we are talking about 8 lessons. After completing the course "Fotominimum", the child will learn to feel the frame, gain experience in reportage and genre photography, and at the final lesson will be able to implement an individual creative project. Training involves not only classes in the classroom, but also photo walks around Moscow.

"Fotomaximum" is a more complex program, designed for six months. During this time, the children will learn about the history of photography, master compositional techniques, get acquainted with photographic genres and get an unforgettable experience of studio shooting - in a word, they will receive such a volume of knowledge that is equivalent to a program for adult students. In addition to fascinating theory, photographers will have 100 hours of practical training in the open air and in the studio, as well as creative homework.

Course cost: teenage photomimum - 7100 (16 hours), teenage photo maximum - 44400 (96 hours). A pleasant moment - in the absence of a camera, the camera is provided free of charge during classes in the photography school.

Ruslan Orlov's photography school, has been teaching photography since 2008.

The first photography courses for teenagers were organized and conducted in 2009.
Today, teaching the photography of children is one of the priority areas of the photography school.

When developing photography courses, we took into account the peculiarities of the perception of information by a teenager. All our courses are based on the method of fully involving the teenager in the learning process. New information is presented in a metered fashion using visual material and is sure to be fixed with interesting practical tasks that teenagers take in courses and on their own in their free time.

To support the child's interest in learning photography, in addition, we use play and competitive moments ...

In our photo school for teenagers, a child can undergo multilevel training. Most photography courses are held on weekends and during the summer on weekdays.

Weekend group: 10 lessons of 4 academic hours (once a week).
Summer course: 10 lessons of 4 academic hours (5 times a week).

In this photography course, a teenager will master working with his camera and will receive primary practical skills in building a composition in a frame.

This photography course takes place on weekends, once a week, and in the summer in an extended version, 5 times a week on weekdays.

Classes are held in a spacious professional photo studio, within walking distance from the Kurskaya metro station.

Each lesson in the studio includes a visual theoretical part, the main practical part and an analysis of the results obtained. The duration of one lesson is 4 ac. hours, with short breaks for tea with "buns".

In addition to studio classes, field trips are also planned. workshops, which are held within walking distance from the metro, in beautiful historical places in Moscow and in the zoo.

Photography course plan # 1.

1. We study the properties of light and their influence on photography. Mastering Exposure and White Balance Control.
What is shutter speed and how does it affect the image? Learn to create photographs with artistic motion blur effects.
2. What is sharpness and depth of field? Learn to beautifully blur the background and get photos with the maximum depth of field.
Transfer of proportions in the frame: as we see with our eyes, we stretch and shrink the space in the frame.
3. Off-site lesson... Izmailovsky Island (metro station Partizanskaya).
4. Introduction to the basics of photocomposition. The golden ratio. Lines and rhythm in photography.
5.Exit lesson. Patriarshy Bridge (metro station Kropotkinskaya)
6. Photocomposition. Lighting. Color. Texture. Tunnel effect. Irradiation.
7. Exit lesson. Photographing of animals in the Moscow Zoo (metro station Krasnopresnenskaya).
8. Photocomposition. Semantic centers. Equilibrium in photography. Symmetry and asymmetry.
9. Exit lesson. Visit to the photo exhibition in the MDF (metro station Kropotkinskaya).
10. Freezlighting in photography. Summing up, presentation of certificates.


  • classes are held in small groups of 7-9 people, and not 15 - 20, as in some other photography schools, which makes it possible to pay enough attention to each teenager.
  • Also, we do not practice mixed groups, when adults are engaged with children, teenagers are engaged with their peers!

Continue teaching photography , on favorable terms, possible in the following courses:

Photo course No. 2 "Art photography" (10 lessons of 4 academic hours), on this course, teenagers study the peculiarities of photography in various genres of photography, create their own photographic works in the studio in the open air.
Photo course number 3 "Artistic portrait" (10 lessons of 4 academic hours) , in this photography course, teens explore the intricacies of taking photographic portraits in an outdoor studio.
Photo course No. 4 "Photography and Photoshop" (10 lessons of 4 academic hours) . This is a course, training in which, will allow a teenager to learn the basic methods of processing photos in a photo editor, which will allow them to bring their photos to perfection.

For children who, for some reason, cannot attend photography courses, but want to learn how to photograph, we organize and conduct individual photography training on pre-agreed days and hours, with a teacher visiting your home.

If you have any questions, be sure to call!
We will be happy to answer from 11:00 to 21:00 Moscow time!

The cost of training on the course is 18 tr.
To reserve a place, it is enough to make a partial prepayment of 6 thousand rubles.

Included in the price:

  • 10 lessons of 4 academic hours;
  • author's outline of courses;
  • classes in a professional photo studio;
  • tea table during the breaks in the classroom in the studio;
  • visiting classes (zoo, royal estate Izmailovo, Patriarshy Bridge, exhibition at MAMM,);
  • incentive prizes based on the results of competitions and a photography course.
There are no additional fees, all costs are included in the tuition fees for the photography course.

Promotion: ЗBook a place in the group before November 1 and get a discount of 2000 rubles!

For this course, you can order a gift certificate.

If you have any questions, be sure to call or write!

Want to see how the training is going?
Come to us during the days and hours of the photo courses, call us in advance, because we do not only work in the studio, but also go to photographs in different, beautiful places in Moscow!

Recruitment for 2018 is open.

Winter photography courses, 10 lessons, lessons once a week on weekends.
Group No. 1, course No. 1, the beginning of classes on January 20, duration from 11:00 to 14:00, classes on Saturdays.
Group number 2, course number 3, the beginning of classes on January 20, duration from 14:00 to 17:00, classes on Saturdays.
Group number 3, course number 1, the beginning of classes on January 21, duration from 11:00 to 14:00, classes on Sundays.
Group No. 4, course No. 2, the beginning of classes on January 21, duration from 14:00 to 17:00, classes on Sundays.

Spring photography course, 9 lessons, lessons once a week on weekends.
Group number 1, course number 1, the beginning of classes on March 31, duration from 11:00 to 14:00, classes on Saturdays.
Group number 2, course number 3, the beginning of classes on March 31, duration from 14:00 to 17:00, classes on Saturdays.
Group No. 3, course No. 1, the beginning of classes on April 1, duration from 11:00 to 14:00, classes on Sundays.
Group No. 4, course No. 2, the beginning of classes on April 1, duration from 14:00 to 17:00, classes on Sundays.

Summer photography courses, classes 5 times a week (total duration 2 weeks): Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri.

Group No. 1.1, the beginning of classes on June 4, duration from 11:00 to 14:00.
Group No. 1.2, the beginning of classes on June 4, duration from 14:00 to 17:00.

Group No. 2.1, the beginning of classes on June 18, duration from 11:00 to 14:00.
Group No. 2.2, the beginning of classes on June 18, duration from 14:00 to 17:00.

Group No. 3.1, the beginning of classes on July 2, duration from 11:00 to 14:00.
Group No. 3.2, the beginning of classes on July 2, duration from 14:00 to 17:00.


  • Learn to photograph from scratch
  • Find an exciting new hobby
  • Understand your camera settings

Course duration: 10 lessons of 2.5 hours each (25 astronomical hours)

Students age: 12-17 years old

Course cost: 8750 rubles 7875 rubles.

To practice, you need to have a digital camera with manual settings(M mode). The level of knowledge does not matter. The main thing is the desire to learn!

“The first time I took up a camera was when I was six years old. It was a dark brown soap dish, successfully pulled from my mother's dresser, - says the ninth-grader Vika, - I then pressed the shutter button for a long time and many times until I realized that twenty-four frames were over. And three years ago, for the New Year's holiday, I asked my parents for a DSLR camera - now I study at a more professional level, a photo school for children helps with this. "

Probably almost every second teenager who loves to photograph has a similar story. After all, photography is becoming more and more accessible, and there are more opportunities for teaching photography every day.

Children's photography school "Profotik" invites active, creative, ambitious children!


Photo circle for teenagers: everything for comfortable learning

The classrooms have all the necessary equipment and visual materials. Children are taught photography in a cozy atmosphere. The teacher pays attention to everyone. During the course, the students develop good relationships, many of them find new friends in "Profotik".


You will immediately consolidate all the acquired knowledge with practice! You will try to shoot in different conditions: indoors, in a studio, on the street. Practice starts with simple but interesting tasks, and by the end of the course you will be able to solve complex photographic problems.

A gift for you - a workbook

The workbook is the development of our teachers. It contains compactly all the material of the course "Fundamentals of Photography". You do not have to redraw a huge number of diagrams and tables, because they are all in your workbook - you just have to make the necessary notes in the margins.

  • Certificate of completion of the course
  • Discount to the shop "Profotik"
  • Discount card of the store "Bright World"
  • The possibility of renting our photo studio at a special price
  • Discount for all other courses and master classes - 10%


Understand your camera

  • Understand how cameras differ from each other.
  • Correctly adjust and hold the camera while taking pictures
  • Choose the right shooting parameters
  • Achieve good image quality

Use lighting correctly

  • See and understand the basic characteristics of light
  • Use light to convey the volume and texture of the objects being shot
  • Accurately control the brightness of your shots
  • Adjust the correct color rendering
  • Control the light (including in a photo studio)
Consciously position objects in the frame
  • Choose the correct shooting point
  • Determine the angle of view and frame boundaries
  • Place accents and get rid of unnecessary details that distract the viewer
  • Transfer the static or dynamics of objects in the image.
  • Create mood and interest in the viewer
Realize your creativity
  • Look in a new way at familiar things
  • Use original techniques and techniques
  • Process photos in graphic editor leading them to the desired result
  • Understand the genres of photography and understand the peculiarities of shooting in different conditions
  • Objectively evaluate your own and other people's photos


  • Musthave

First, it's just trendy. Do you want to be in the mainstream: make an author's photo album on social networks, arrange an impromptu photo session for your friends, or at least be interested in photography. And if all these points are supported by photographic knowledge and good practice, then you will definitely not lag behind your peers and you will always be “in the subject”. Our photo club for children will help with this.

  • Declare yourself

Secondly, photography is a modern way of expressing oneself. The teacher Vera Kazakova claims that she rarely meets the guys who are interested in the children's school of photography just because it is fashionable. To open up, to prove yourself - this is the goal of the majority.

In addition, according to Vera, teaching for children is much more interesting than for adults. But at the same time it is more complicated. “It is important to help the child open up, find a special approach and make it clear that criticism of photographs is just a desire to improve his skills, to make it so that next time it will be better”, - says the teacher of the children's photo school.

  • First income

And, finally, thirdly, the ability to photograph often brings schoolchildren and their first income. After completing the course, many make studio photo sessions for friends. You can also be a photojournalist: capture a regional table tennis competition or a concert of your beloved musical group... True, in this case, you will need a desire to work hard and agility in finding a part-time job.

So, knowing why it is so important for schoolchildren to be able to photograph, we have tried to make children's photography school interesting and, most importantly, accessible! After all, photography is a multifaceted hobby: it develops both creative and technical skills, fosters a sense of one's own taste, allows you to touch art and express yourself. This is what we teach the guys at Profotik! Our teachers help to understand the physics of the process and reveal the abilities of each student. Moreover, the classes are taught not only by talented photographers, but also by experienced educational psychologists Victoria Nazarova and Vera Kazakova.

Of course, a photo school for children differs from courses for adults also in price. We tried to make the photo circle for children accessible and interesting. In return, from our students, sometimes we receive not only vivid photographs, but also surprises. For example, this summer the guys left us a message, in which they thanked us for the intense classes at Profotik.

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