
How to add a page description to facebook. Artist, band or public figure. Geodata Pages for personnel

Hello dear readers, today in the article we will talk about social network Facebook. In particular, about the ways of setting up an account (profile). We have collected useful information on how to set up Facebook, and I believe you can achieve good results by putting it into practice. Let's start.

The basic benefits of social networking are: open communication, the ability to share information at a phenomenal speed, and get immediate instant feedback. Therefore, you should take your publications seriously and devote some time to their content. And in order for this to be meaningful, you must initially set up your personal page correctly.

The question of setting up a Facebook account worries many users of this popular and constantly developing social network. To tell your story on Facebook is not enough to master the word, you also need to know how the tools work in the hands of the master. If you suddenly want to become one, I suggest that you first study the settings of your personal profile.

And why configure it? The answer is simple: a huge amount useful functions hidden from the majority in this well-thought-out system, after studying which, in a short period of time you will acquire useful acquaintances and connections, learn to conduct a dialogue with target audience or create your own store, which is also possible here.

However, Facebook does not announce too loudly on the Internet about news and changes, the appearance of new functions and options. Rather, he prefers to state this unobtrusively, probably because these changes occur quite often. Facebook is systematically refined and improved.

We are closely monitoring its updates, analyzing the experience of numerous users, experimenting with pages, advertising campaigns and profiles.

In the last article, we are with you. Today we are ready to tell you about the main points of general setting up your account (profile). So, you already have a personal page, let's move on to the main stages of setting up a profile for yourself, consistently answering the questions posed.

Basic setup steps

To go to setting up your account, you need to click on the arrow image in the top menu of your personal profile and select the option Settings.

By clicking on the tab General, you have the option to fill in the following fields.

In line Username you can create a beautiful address for your personal page.

Changing the short URL is only possible once, this is Facebook's policy.

Therefore, if you are in doubt about the chosen name, it is better to postpone it. After all, you can return to this setting later at any time. And the most decisive can introduce variants of the name in Latin letters. Facebook, in turn, will prompt whether it is busy or not. Push Save changes and we see an excellent result - the short address of your personal page will appear in the search bar of the browser.

In the tab Communities it is possible to specify your main community, which will appear next to your name when you open the page.

Filling a tab Security for novice users, you can leave it unattended for now and go straight to the section Confidentiality... This is a very important stage, where you can independently determine the criteria for the visibility of all your posts on Facebook.

Chronicle is information about you, photos and various publications on your page. Other users can add tags to photos. In chapter Chronicle and tags you can manage the tag settings: you can enable or disable tagging you in the photo.

Next tab Block designed to block users, pages, messages, applications.

Customize language seems possible in a separate tab. Facebook has the ability to create multilingual publications. Make publications in several languages, set the translation language for the news feed. This is one of the key qualitative differences between Facebook and other social networks.

Easy to change notification settings. You can turn on a sound notification on the site (for example, when someone leaves a comment under your post or sends a message in a messenger), receive email notifications, push notifications for a computer, or mobile device, SMS-informing.

In the next tab Mob. devices you can specify the phone number to send text messages, as well as the time you receive them.

V Public publications you can allow people to subscribe to your posts, even if they are not friends with you. To do this, select the option - Available to all.

Next, we are shown the used Applications who have access to your friends list and the information that you decide to make available to everyone. They appear there after you enter any site with your account on Facebook.

A feature of setting up advertising on Facebook is its clear segmentation, that is, knowing the approaches and tools, you will define your audience as accurately as possible, divide it into groups of target users and work with each one separately. This is a key advantage of Facebook. You can read more about how to set up Facebook ads in the following articles (the link will come later).

Payments- all payments you make, payment history, advertising invoices.

In Inbox from support, it is quite obvious that the history of your calls to it is stored.

You can also adjust the viewing quality Video and showing subtitles.

Putting things in order in the feed

The content of the news feed is up to you. What information do you want to see more often? From whom? Think about it, and then feel free to proceed by clicking on the arrow in the top menu and selecting the item News Feed Settings.

Follow the setup instructions:

  1. Choose from the list of friends whose posts you do not want to miss.
  2. Determine whose posts you no longer want to see in your news feed.
  3. Return in the publication the news from which you once unsubscribed, if any.
  4. Experiment! Subscribe to new pages.
  5. In advanced settings, you can see applications hidden from the feed.

Useful options:

  • Popular news: Popular news from friends, groups and pages is shown at the top of your news feed.
  • Newest: news are shown in the order in which they were published.

  • To hide the news in the feed, you need to click on the checkbox at the top of the publication on the right and choose from the options: Hide post and Unsubscribe updates... You can also complain about the publication if it violates the rules of the site.

  • To see the posts you want, you need to systematically organize your friends lists.


Summing up the article, we note that setting up a Facebook account does not take much time and, in general, is quite simple. The main thing is to carefully approach the filling out of the forms, there is nothing difficult in this, you just need a little patience and everything will work out.

Thank you for reading the article to the end. Leave comments on the article and subscribe to blog news.

No matter what they say about people, most of them like to communicate with their own kind. Unfortunately, the modern rhythm and lifestyle does not always allow us to allocate time to meet with family and friends. But the need for communication has not disappeared. This problem was solved. Social networks have appeared on the Internet.

How to register with Facebook

Before registering on a social network (in any, not just Facebook), you must clearly realize a simple truth - absolutely everything that you upload to your profile, everything written, will forever remain on the network. Even when you completely delete the account, the special services, if necessary, will be able to receive a printout. Believe it or not, there have already been precedents in the United States.

A lot of people waste their free time on social media. This time can be devoted to family people, self-study, creating your own business. If the above did not scare you, then go to Facebook and click on the registration button, or simply follow the following link:

You will be taken to the registration page:

Rice. 1. To register on Facebook, fill in fields 1-6
  • Surname (number 2 in Fig. 1),
  • Name (1 in Fig. 1),
  • Number mobile phone or email address: e-mail (3),
  • Password (4),
  • date of birth (5),
  • Floor (6 in Fig. 1).

If you are going to “be friends” with foreigners, then the name and surname can be written in English letters. If you don't like it, you can always change it.

Having filled in the fields 1-6, press the green button "Create an account" (7 in Fig. 1).

After that, the system will offer to take a number of steps: bring friends, add a place of residence, educational institutions where you studied, upload a photo, etc. You can skip all this, fill in later.

To the one you specified during registration mailbox a letter will come in which you need to follow the link, that is, confirm your mail. If everything is done correctly, you can open Facebook, enter your username and password (number 8 in Fig. 1). After that you will be logged into your account.

It is enough to register on Facebook once, and then you can enter by entering your username and password in the right upper corner on the site (8 in Fig. 1).

How to sign out of Facebook

Please do not confuse logging out of your Facebook account with - these are two different things.

To log out of Facebook, click on the lock in the upper right corner (1 in Fig. 2). A menu will appear, in which we click the "Exit" option - this is a competent end of the work. Then an outsider who somehow ended up at your computer or tablet will not gain access to your account.

Rice. 2. How to log out of Facebook

If to exit Facebook simply click on the cross in the upper right corner of the browser, then anyone who opens the browser on your device will have access to your personal information on Facebook. He will be able to send any messages on your behalf or act at his own discretion on your behalf.

Consider the interface of a social Facebook networks... In fact, it changes, and a lot depends on the settings of your personal account, as well as on how actively you use Facebook. Below are the relatively standard interface parameters.

Facebook profile, news feed, messages, search

In the upper left corner there is a thumbnail of your Facebook profile photo, if you have uploaded it (1 in Fig. 3):

Rice. 3. Facebook profile, news feed, messages, search

1 in fig. 3 - If you click on the photo or on your last name, you will be taken to your personal Facebook page.

2 in Fig. 3 - News feed (Events), which displays events related to you: friends who have confirmed friendship requests, comments under your posts, ratings of your comments, etc.

3 in Fig. 3 - Messages, where you can view all messages received from other users and sent by you,

4 in Fig. 3 - Search (search string at the very top of the page), designed to find people, community or group. To find what you want, start typing letters, and Facebook will provide you with hints,

Friends on Facebook

On the right, there are menus for “Find Friends” and “People You May Know” - here you can look at the people who might be. Be sure to look there if you want to immediately fill your contact list.

Rice. 4. Facebook: find friends and friend requests

How to block users on Facebook

There is a lock in the upper right corner (1 in Fig. 5). Click on it, a menu will open in which we click "Settings" (2 in Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Facebook settings

In the "Settings" you can select the "Block" option, which allows you to block certain users, hide your actions, prohibit certain persons from contacting yourself, as well as block messages:

Rice. 6. Block users and messages on Facebook

Facebook chat

At the bottom right is a chat with your friends:

Rice. 7. Facebook chat

Every friend who is currently online will have a green circle in the right column of Facebook. To start an exchange of personal messages in a chat with a friend who is online, click on the desired name and surname.

If there are a lot of friends, then most often there are messages from those friends whom you actively comment on or rate.

To configure your chat, you can click on the gear icon (Fig. 7).

How to change your personal information

To do this, click on the thumbnail of your profile photo (1 in Fig. 8). The "Edit Profile" button will appear (2 in Fig. 8). By clicking on it, you will be taken to a menu with the basic data of your account, having the opportunity to edit all its fields. It is enough to click on the pencil icon for each field and enter the required data.

Rice. 8. Your profile photo and information can also be changed at any time.

Safety is important

By registering an account and uploading personal information there, you should understand that hackers may also be interested in it. Be sure to choose a strong password containing letters, signs, and numbers.

It is undesirable to use Facebook on other people's, work computers. Because these machines can be infected with viruses that steal personal data.

Do not forget to log out of your account at the end of the work through the "Log out" option (Fig. 2).

Be careful with your notes. There were precedents when screenshots of messages were taken and sued for libel.

It is undesirable to post your own too, as a last resort, restrict access to them (only for friends), as well as write about all your movements in your account. Burglary thieves have long mastered new technologies. If they see that the owner of the apartment is resting in some southern resort, they will not miss the opportunity to visit his home and take out all the valuables from there.

Yet important point- also actively use social networks to collect more information about potential borrowers. If they see that a person who wants to take out a loan is, for example, in numerous communities of bookmakers and casinos, they will clearly not consider him trustworthy. Try to maintain a positive image.

Who called from an unknown number and sniffed into the receiver? Who is "Lena of Mordor" that appeared in the phone book after Saturday's party? Enter the last 10 digits of your phone into the search bar on Facebook, and most likely you will find out the answers. By default, the ability to find a person by phone number enabled for all users.

If you don't want this trick to go with you, change your privacy settings.

2. Disable the "Viewed" status in messages

This feature destroys relationships and lives! Of course, who is pleased when personally selected funny pictures and important news are openly ignored.

If you are not one of those who can leave unanswered messages of acquaintances in cold blood, use a browser extension. It disables the "Viewed / Not Viewed" status of messages in the desktop version of Facebook. For the Chrome browser, this is Facebook Unseen. For Firefox and Explorer - Chat Undetected. But there is also a negative point: with these extensions, you will also not be able to see the read status.

3. Hide your online status from pesky friends

If you are completely tired of a friend, then turn off the chat with him. Click on the gear in the right column with the list of friends and select "Advanced settings".

Messages from a disabled chat will be stored in the "Inbox" folder, but, unlike the previous point, you will not be able to read them unnoticed.

4. Look in the news feed only posts from friends and communities to which you subscribed

Facebook wants to drag everyone into their quagmires as deeply as possible. That is why it shows users the posts that have been liked and commented on by friends. But there is a way to leave in your feed only the entries of friends and communities to which you are subscribed.

Install the friends feed extension in Chrome. With him, extraneous posts will either hide, or become covered with gray drag - select in the settings.

5. Read hidden messages

Who knows, maybe your life is not as boring as it seems. Perhaps you were invited to a dream job, secret admirers confessed their love and their fans threatened to kill. But you didn't know anything about this, because Facebook posts messages from unauthorized users to hidden folder and does not notify you about them in any way. Click on the "Other" tab (many have recently called it "Correspondence Request") next to the main messages and see everything that was hidden!

6. Hide your friends list from prying eyes

Let's not even speculate why you might be ashamed of your Facebook friends. Just go to the "Friends" tab on your personal page, click on the pencil and indicate who can see the circle of your friends on Facebook.

7. Disable video autoplay

In one fell swoop, you can bring some peace of mind to your feed and save money mobile traffic... To do this, turn off automatic video playback. V native application On Facebook, go to your account settings> Videos & Photos> Autoplay> select the desired setting.

8. Share GIFs on Facebook

Do you love GIFs the way you do? If the answer is yes, we will tell you how to share them on Facebook. Insert the link to the gif into the status field (yes, you won't be able to download it directly from your computer). After it is loaded, the link can be deleted. Publish.

9. Change the status of the relationship without unnecessary drama

It can take a long time between the internal decision to end the relationship and announcing it to the other party. And you want to start looking for new romantic adventures on Facebook right away. By default, a notification about a change in personal life appears in the feed of all friends. So be sure to select the Just Me setting in Information> Family & Relationships.

10. Save interesting posts to bookmarks to read them later

Thousands of posts appear on your Facebook feed every day, everything is impossible to read, even if you completely abandon the idea of ​​working. Fortunately, the social network has a built-in bookmarking service. To save the post for future use, click the arrow in the upper right corner.

Social network developers strive to create the most comfortable conditions for users. However, the concept of "comfort" is different for each person, and it is rather difficult to do something universal. That is why the management of the Zuckerberg social network invites users to independently change the Facebook settings and adjust it for themselves. With the cards in hand, you can control security, privacy and appearance your page.

What can be customized?

So, you recently registered on Facebook or are already actively using it, but for some reason you have not yet understood the available functions. You need to start with trivial knowledge where all the settings available to ordinary users are located. And they are concentrated in a separate section, which you can go to from any page by clicking the button in the right corner of the header and selecting the appropriate item.

General settings

In the updated window, you will see a list of all categories available for adjustment. The first thing to see is “ General settings". In this tab, you can change your password, your name and the web address of the page, as well as choose an e-mail for communication and even create a copy of your profile data. With the first functions, everything is more or less clear. You just need to enter the updated data by clicking "Edit". The last function - data copy - allows you to add your messages and photos, publications and contacts to a separate archive.

Account security

If you are concerned about account security, be sure to go to the appropriate settings tab. Here you can strengthen the protection of your personal data, for example, use a code generator or set alerts and login confirmations. A very important function is the selection of trusted contacts. It is convenient to use it in case of blocking on Facebook.

Users of your choice will be able to verify your identity and return the page to work. previous regime... Many users immediately identify the so-called Guardian - a person who will control the activities of your Page in case you can no longer do this. Also, in the "Security" tab, you can close or deactivate your account if something on the social network no longer suits you.


Separate tab - "Confidentiality". In this section, you can define the circle of people who can see and comment on your posts, send requests to be added to the Friends list and find you on Facebook. "Continuation" of this tab is the "Chronicle and Tags" section. Choose which of the users can publish posts in your Chronicle, be able to mark you on their publications, and who can view the tags.

Locking functions

Another useful feature is the blocking function. You can create a kind of blacklists, blocking users, applications, and even pages. This is done with one goal - to provide the account owner with comfortable conditions for using the social network and cut off all unnecessary contacts.

You can change the language of your Facebook account in the appropriate section. And in the tabs for notifications and Push notifications, you can set which devices and addresses will receive notifications about new messages, requests to Friends, comments, likes, etc.

The "Subscribers" section allows you to change the settings related to subscribers to your page. Here you can set the function of subscribing to updates for profile visitors without adding to Friends and edit the parameters associated with it. In addition, in this tab you can link your Twitter account to your Facebook profile or use the "Subscriptions" plugin that is installed on third-party sites.

Configuring Applications

On Facebook, you can also edit the apps you use, ad settings and internal payments.

Thus, users are able to edit their pages, establishing control over security and privacy.

Setting up a fan page ("group") on Facebook is the next step, which we recommend to complete immediately after its graphic design (uploading the cover and avatar). To do everything right, to help a beginner - the current article of our site.

Without unnecessary introductory words, we are starting to practice right now, and the first thing we will find out: where are the settings, and how to enter them?

Where can I find the business page settings on the FB?

Go to your page. This can be done in 3 ways:

  1. In the menu on the left, in the "Quick Links" section, click on the name;
  2. All the same, in the left column, use the "Pages" item, where you can select your community;
  3. On the right, if you have not hidden the "Your Page" panel, click on its name or avatar.

Once on the page of the community you have created, to specify or change the settings, in the administration panel of the page (above the cover), find the item of the same name - "Settings".

On the left side of the screen there are tabs (groups / sections of settings). Behind each of the tabs there are a lot of options available for editing (p.s., however, in practice, there are not so many of them as it seems).

Each option, each setting element is accompanied by comments. With these tips, it will not be difficult to understand the settings, even for a beginner. However, we will also provide our explanations where necessary.

General settings

Page status

After creation, the page has the status "published" by default (if not, check this box). So it will be available for searching and viewing by users of the social network. Unpublish if you have not yet "put things in order" in your community (have not configured it, did not arrange, etc.), or in case of any other need.

Visitor posts

Only you (administrators and editors) can post content on your page or, if you want, in addition to the administration, any user who is a "fan" of your community (your subscriber).

P.S. Do not rush to prohibit the posting of materials from subscribers. As a last resort, the FB provides for the possibility of pre-moderation of posts from other users, that is, posts from other users will appear only after approval by the administration of the page. This can be useful for several reasons at once.

  • More trust / loyalty to the community from the audience;
  • More interest in the community from subscribers;
  • Free content source!

Optimizing your audience for publications

Just check this item - it does not ask for food, but it can come in handy. When creating a post, this will allow you to set tags and conditions in order to show the post only to a certain audience of your subscribers ("filtered" by interests, gender, age, country of residence, etc.)


Everything is simple here. Your fans can send private messages to the address of your page (ask questions, share thoughts, suggest ideas, etc.), or they cannot - depending on your choice. Of course, we recommend that you enable LAN.


When the "tags" option is active, visitors will be able to tag themselves and other users in a photo or video published on behalf of your business page. This does not promise anything bad, it is not a sin to "allow". However, at your discretion.

Other people are checking this Page

Yes, allow. Otherwise, Facebook users will not be able not only to mark your page on their photo or video, but also will not be able to even mention it in their post, or in their comments on social media. networks.

Geodata Pages for personnel

Besides you, other users will be able to assign geodata to frames (create frames). Our position on this point is to leave unchanged (permitted).

Country Restrictions

Allows you to either list only those countries in which your page will be available for viewing, or, on the contrary, specify the countries for which your community will be hidden. If you have no reason to set country restrictions - leave this field blank.

Age restrictions

A separate item is communities related to alcohol; intimate topics, or any other that requires age restrictions (for example, dedicated computer game with elements of cruelty or a horror movie). If the content of your page suggests this, be sure to indicate the minimum age.

Page moderation

Here Facebook allows you to write "stop words". That is, publications and comments containing words, phrases and expressions from this list will be blocked. We will not explain why this can be useful: you will probably understand what to write in this field if you really need this tool. Far-fetched, however, as an example:

“You represent Yandex and hate Google - you are allergic to just mentioning a competitor. Indicate that and you will never see 'Google' again ... at least in the posts and comments of your Facebook page. "

Obscene language filter

You cannot specify them. This can be done one point above. Here - just select one of the options: disable, medium, high (level of protection against mate).

P.S. Thus, in the comments on your page, all criticism, malicious indignation, indignation and other fierce negativity towards your company will look as if cultural / civilized people are writing to you 😉

When this option is selected (the default is active), the following occurs:

  • On your page in FB, users will be shown a block of similar communities. This is a disadvantage, because competitors' business pages can also be displayed.
  • On the pages of other communities where activated this function your fan page will be displayed, among others. And this is already a plus, since it can attract new subscribers.

If the option is disabled, the communities of competitors will not spin on your page, but it goes without saying that yours will not be shown. Which of these two options should you choose? Everything is individual. For business accounts of large companies / brands, of course, it is worth turning off “recommendations”. Conversely, for young communities of an entertainment or “informational” nature, this can help to increase the number of fans, without any harm.

Page Updates

When you make any changes on your page: changing the phone number, address, description (possibly when changing the cover or avatar, but this is not accurate), a post will be automatically created and published. It will look something like this:

Publications in different languages

Allows you to create a kind, several "versions" of the same post (post) - in different languages. An indispensable feature if your audience speaks different languages. In this case, the subscriber will be shown the publication in the language that he indicated in his settings as preferred.

Automatic translation

In addition to the previous point, there is one more opportunity to overcome the language barrier. When the current function is activated, visitors who have specified a different language as the main language in their personal profile settings will be shown a machine translation of the publication text.

Comments rating

The ability to display comments not in chronological order, but in accordance with their rating: posts with a large number of "like" marks will be displayed higher than others.

Distribution of materials

Refers solely to the ability to download videos posted to your business account. Download (available to users by default) can be disabled.

Download page

A tool with which you can create and download to your computer a copy of publications, photos, videos and information of your fan page. Besides:

  • List of people assigned roles on the Page
  • Description of the current Page settings
  • Information Pages from the "Information" section

Merge Pages

A tool to combine 2 or more Facebook Pages into one. Provided: they have similar names and the same theme. It may be needed if, for whatever reason, you have several pages created for the same company, business, website, etc.

Deleting a page

The first item in the "Basic Settings" is to cancel the publication of the page (allows you to hide the community from users of the social network). If this is not enough and the Page needs to be deleted, use the appropriate link. After clicking it, you will have 14 days to change your mind or confirm the deletion permanently.

Messaging settings

A tab with settings for sending messages by fans to the name of your Page. Contains 6 options in 2 subsections.

General settings

Press Return to Send Message is nothing more than sending a message by pressing the Enter key. Change the value to Yes. Leave the following 2 options enabled as well, with their help it will be easier for your subscribers to send a message.

Answer Assistant

For each of the 3 cases, you can enable / disable, as well as set the text of "instant messages". It's kind of like an answering machine. Here you can specify what text will be sent to the subscriber in response to his message to your business page.

In addition, Facebook provides the ability to personalize your message. That is, the user's name (full name) will be automatically substituted for your text.

The second item is an instant message in case you are not online. Among other things, it allows you to specify “ work time". This way, the subscriber will know when to expect a response. The last field is for the "greeting" text for fans in Messenger.

"Edit page"

Below on this page, you can customize the order in which the tabs are displayed individually - just drag and drop while holding the mouse button. Using the "Settings" button opposite each tab, you can enable / disable it.


Configure notification settings for events related to your Facebook Page. On the current page, you can select:

  1. Notifications about what events on your page you want to receive;
  2. How do you prefer to receive notifications (Facebook, email, sms, etc.)

Roles per page

On the current tab, you can manage user roles: assign / remove page administrators, editors, moderators, etc. In the "Assign a new role on the Page" subsection, you can add a new user with certain permissions. In the input field, we indicate the username (he must be a subscriber of the community), to the right - select his role. Read below detailed description"Powers" for a particular "position".

People and other Pages

You won't need this tab for the initial setup of the page, but it will certainly come in handy in the future. A list of all "fans" of your fan page is displayed here. You can quickly find a specific user using the search, followed by blocking the subscriber. Blocked users cannot post, comment or take other actions on your Page.


On behalf of the Page that you are the administrator of, you may like other Facebook fan pages. The list of communities that you have marked "Like" will be displayed in the block below in the sidebar of your business page.

This can be useful if you have multiple FB pages. similar topics... Thus, you can draw the attention of your subscribers to them. What you shouldn't do is like it and display your competitors' pages.

Other settings

Authorship of the publication

Allows you to choose which name (Pages or your personal profile) will be used to subscribe publications and comments in the business page chronicle by default.


This tab can be useful if you have multiple fan pages on Facebook and want the photos or videos you post on the current Page to be automatically published on another / others.

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