
Brief summary of the story and I help the nose. Nikolay Nosov “And I help. Other books on similar topics

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There lived a little girl named Ninochka. She was only five years old. She had a father, mother and an old grandmother, whom Ninochka called granny.

Ninochka's mother went to work every day, and Ninochka's grandmother stayed with her. She taught Ninochka how to dress, and wash, and fasten buttons on her bra, and lace up shoes, and braid braids, and even write letters.

Ninochka spent the whole day with her grandmother, and only morning and evening with her mother. But Ninochka saw her father very rarely, since he worked in the distant Arctic. He was a polar pilot and came home only when he was on vacation.

Once a week, and sometimes more often, a letter came from Ninotchka's dad. When mother returned from work, she read the letter aloud, while Ninochka and grandma listened. And then they all wrote back to dad together. The next day, my mother went to work, and my grandmother and Ninochka took the letter to the post office.

Once, grandma and Ninochka went to the post office to send a letter to dad. The weather was good and sunny. Ninochka was wearing a beautiful blue dress and a white apron with a red bunny embroidered on it. Returning from the post office, grandma went with Ninochka through the yards through the wasteland. Previously, there were small wooden houses there, but now all the residents have been moved to a new large stone house, and in this place they decided to plant trees and make a park. Now there was still no park, and in the corner of the wasteland lay a pile of iron rubbish that had been forgotten to be taken away: pieces of old iron pipes, fragments of a steam heating radiator, tangled iron wire.

Granny even stopped near this heap of iron and said:

“The pioneers don’t know where there is scrap iron. Should have told them.

- And why do the pioneers scrap? Ninochka asked.

- Well, they always run around the yards, collect scrap iron and hand it over to the state.

Why the state?

- And the state will send to the plant. At the factory, iron will be melted down and made into new things.

- And who forces the pioneers to collect scrap? Ninochka asked.

- No one is forcing you. They themselves. Children should also help adults.

- Did my dad help adults when he was little?

- Helped.

- And I, grandma, why don't I help adults?

“Well, you will help when you grow up a little.” the old woman laughed.

A few days passed, and Grandma forgot about the whole conversation. But Ninochka didn't forget anything. One day she was playing in the yard. Grandma let her go out alone. The guys had not yet returned from school, there was no one in the yard, and Ninochka was bored alone.

Suddenly she saw that two unfamiliar boys ran into the gate. One of them was in long trousers and a blue sailor jacket, the other was in a brown suit with short trousers. The shoes on his feet were not black, but some kind of red, because he always forgot to clean them.

Both boys paid no attention to Ninochka. They began to run all over the yard, looking into all the corners, as if they were looking for something. Finally they stopped in the middle of the yard, and the one who was wearing long trousers said:

- You see! There is nothing.

And the one who was in red boots sniffed, pushed his cap to the back of his head and said:

- Let's look in other yards, Valerik. We'll find it somewhere.

- Find it here! Valerik grumbled with annoyance.

They went back to the gate.

- Boys! Ninochka shouted after them.

The boys stopped at the gate.

- What do you need?

- What are you looking for?

– What about you?

Are you looking for iron?

Well, at least iron. What about you?

- I know where there is a lot of iron.

- How do you know?

- I know.

- You know nothing!

- No, I know.

- Well, show me where it is, your iron.

- It's not here. It is necessary to go down the street, then turn over there, then turn there again, then through the entrance courtyard, then ... then ...

Nikolay N Nosov (stories for children)

Nosov's story: And I help

There lived a little girl named Ninochka. She was only five years old. She had a father, mother and an old grandmother, whom Ninochka called granny.

Ninochka's mother went to work every day, and Ninochka's grandmother stayed with her. She taught Ninochka how to dress, and wash, and fasten buttons on her bra, and lace up shoes, and braid braids, and even write letters.

Ninochka spent the whole day with her grandmother, and only morning and evening with her mother. But Ninochka saw her father very rarely, since he worked in the distant Arctic. He was a polar pilot and came home only when he was on vacation.

Once a week, and sometimes more often, a letter came from Ninotchka's dad. When mother returned from work, she read the letter aloud, while Ninochka and grandma listened. And then they all wrote back to dad together. The next day, my mother went to work, and my grandmother and Ninochka took the letter to the post office.

Once, grandma and Ninochka went to the post office to send a letter to dad. The weather was good and sunny. Ninochka was wearing a beautiful blue dress and a white apron with a red bunny embroidered on it. Returning from the post office, grandma went with Ninochka through the yards through the wasteland. Previously, there were small wooden houses there, but now all the residents have been moved to a new large stone house, and in this place they decided to plant trees and make a park. Now there was still no park, and in the corner of the wasteland lay a pile of iron rubbish that had been forgotten to be taken away: pieces of old iron pipes, fragments of a steam heating radiator, tangled iron wire.

Granny even stopped near this heap of iron and said:

“The pioneers don’t know where there is scrap iron. Should have told them.

- And why do the pioneers scrap? Ninochka asked.

- Well, they always run around the yards, collect scrap iron and hand it over to the state.

Why the state?

- And the state will send to the plant. At the factory, iron will be melted down and made into new things.

— And who forces the pioneers to collect scrap? Ninochka asked.

- No one is forcing you. They themselves. Children should also help adults.

- Did my dad help adults when he was little?

- Helped.

“And I, grandma, why don’t I help adults?”

“Well, you will help when you grow up a little,” the old woman laughed.

A few days passed, and Grandma forgot about the whole conversation. But Ninochka didn't forget anything. One day she was playing in the yard. Grandma let her go out alone. The guys had not yet returned from school, there was no one in the yard, and Ninochka was bored alone.

Suddenly she saw that two unfamiliar boys ran into the gate. One of them was in long trousers and a blue sailor jacket, the other was in a brown suit with short trousers. The shoes on his feet were not black, but some kind of red, because he always forgot to clean them.

Both boys paid no attention to Ninochka. They began to run all over the yard, looking into all the corners, as if they were looking for something. Finally they stopped in the middle of the yard, and the one who was wearing long trousers said:

- You see! There is nothing.

And the one who was in red boots sniffed, pushed his cap to the back of his head and said:

— Let's look in other yards, Valerik. We'll find it somewhere.

"You'll find it here!" Valerik grumbled with annoyance. They went back to the gate.

"Boys!" Ninochka shouted after them. The boys stopped at the gate.

- What do you need?

- What are you looking for?

- What about you?

Are you looking for iron?

Well, at least iron. What about you?

— I know where there is a lot of iron.

- How do you know?

- I know.

- You know nothing!

— No, I know.

- Well, show me where it is, your iron.

It's not here. It is necessary to go down the street, then turn over there, then turn there again, then through the entrance courtyard, then ... then ...

"You're lying, you see," said Valerik.

- I'm not lying at all! Follow me," Ninochka answered, and walked resolutely down the street.

The guys looked at each other.

- Let's go, Andryukha? Valerik asked his friend.

“Well, let’s go,” Andryukha chuckled.

The guys caught up with Ninochka and walked behind. They pretended not to go with her, but separately, on their own. They had a mocking look on their faces.

“Look, she walks as if she were an adult,” said Valerik.

“She’ll still get lost,” Andryukha answered. “Then mess with her.” Will have to take it back home.

Ninochka reached the corner of the street and turned left. The boys dutifully followed her. At the next corner she stopped, hesitated, then walked boldly across the road. The guys, as if on cue, followed her.

“Listen,” Valerik called to Ninochka, “is there a lot of iron there?” Maybe there is one old broken poker?

"There's a lot there," Ninochka replied. "You two can't even carry it away."

- Tales! - answered Valerik. - Together we will carry as much as you want. We are strong.

Here Ninochka came up to one house and stopped near the gate. She carefully examined the gate and went into the courtyard. The guys followed her. They reached the end of the yard, then turned back to the gate and went out into the street again.

- What are you? Valerik asked in bewilderment.

This is not the right yard,” said Ninochka, embarrassed. “I was mistaken. We need a checkpoint, but this is not a checkpoint. Probably nearby.

They went to the neighboring yard, but it also turned out to be impassable. In the next court they suffered the same failure.

- Well, are we going to drag around all the yards? Andryukha said grumpily.

Finally, the fourth courtyard turned out to be a walk-through. The guys went through it into a narrow alley, then turned onto a wide street and walked along it. After walking a whole block, Ninochka stopped and said that they seemed to have gone in the wrong direction.

- Well, let's go in the other direction, if not in that one. Why stand here, - grumbled Andrei.

They turned and went the other way; passed the alley, passed the block again.

- Well, now where: to the right or to the left? Valerik asked.

“To the right,” Ninochka answered. “Or to the left…”

- I'm sorry, what? Andryukha said sternly.

Ninotchka cried.

- I'm lost! - she said.

- Oh you! - Valerik said reproachfully. - Well, let's go, we'll take you home, otherwise you'll say that we brought you in and left you in the middle of the street.

Valerik took Ninochka by the hand. All three went back. Andryukha walked behind and grumbled to himself:

“So much time has been wasted because of that little chick. Without it, iron would have been found somewhere long ago!

They returned to the entrance yard again. Valerik was about to turn into the gate, but then Ninochka stopped and said:

- Stop, stop! I seem to remember. We need to go there.

- Where is this "over there"? Andrey asked in an unhappy tone.

- There. Through this passage yard, which is opposite. I now remembered. My grandmother and I walked through two passage yards. First through that one, and post through this one.

- Aren't you lying? Valerik asked.

No, I don't think I'm lying.

- Look, if there is no iron, we will show you where the crayfish hibernate.

- Where do they winter?

“Then you will know. Let's go to!

The guys crossed to the other side of the alley, passed through the entrance courtyard and found themselves in a wasteland.

“Here it is, iron!” Here it is! Ninochka screamed.

Andrey and Valerik rushed with all their might to the heap of scrap iron. Ninochka ran after them hopping and happily repeated:

- You see! I told you. Did I speak the truth?

- Youth! Valerik praised her. “You were telling the truth. What is your name?

- Ninochka. And you?

- I'm Valerik, but his - Andryukha.

“You don’t have to say Andryukha, you have to say Andryusha,” Ninochka corrected.

"Nothing, he's not offended," Valerik waved his hand.

The guys began to disassemble the rusty pipes and debris from the radiator. The iron was half covered with earth, and it was not so easy to pull it out.

- And there really is a lot of iron here, - said Valerik. - How will we get it?

- Nothing. We will tie two pipes with wire, and we will get a stretcher, - Andrey came up with.

The guys began to make stretchers. Andrew worked diligently. He sniffed all the time and ran his fist over it.

“And you shouldn’t do that with your nose, Andryusha,” Ninochka said admonishingly.

- Look you! And this is why?

“Grandma doesn’t say.

- She understands a lot, your grandmother!

Grandmother understands everything, because she is the oldest. Here's a handkerchief for you.

Ninochka took out of her pocket a neatly folded handkerchief, white as a snowflake. Andryukha took it, looked at it for a while in silence, then handed it back:

“Take it, otherwise I’ll smear it with my nose.”

He took a handkerchief out of his pocket—albeit not as snow-white as Ninochka's—and blew his nose.

- You see how good it is! Ninochka said.

"What's even better," answered Andriukha, and made such a face that Ninochka could not help laughing.

When the stretcher was ready, the guys loaded iron on it, and only one thick curved pipe did not fit.

“Nothing, it will be possible to seize it later, if the opportunity arises,” said Valerik.

— Why then? - Ninochka answered. - I will help you.

- And that's true! - Andryukha picked it up. - Let's go to school with us, it's not far away. And then we'll take you home.

The guys took a stretcher and dragged the iron to the school, and Ninochka put a crooked pipe on her shoulder and walked after them.

A whole hour has passed since Grandma let Ninochka go for a walk.

- Something my dragonfly took a walk today, - said the granny, when she remembered that Ninochka had been walking for a long time. - How would she not run somewhere without me.

The old woman threw a scarf over her shoulders and went out into the yard. There were many children in the yard. They played "fifteen".

- Guys, have you seen Ninochka? Grandma asked.

But the guys played so much that they did not hear her question.

At this time, the boy Vasya ran past. He was all red from running around; the hair on his head was tousled.

- Have you seen Ninochka, Vasya?

"But she's not here," said Vasya.

- How - no? - Grandma was surprised. - She has already gone into the yard for an hour.

- No, grandmother, we have been playing here for a long time, but we haven’t seen her, - said the girl Svetlana. - Guys! she cried. "Ninochka is lost!"

Everyone immediately left the game and crowded around the old woman.

Maybe she went outside? Vasya said.

Several guys rushed out into the street and immediately returned back.

"She's not there," they said.

- Probably, she went to one of the neighbors, - someone said. - You, grandmother, ask the neighbors.

The guys left the game and crowded around the old woman.

Grandma went to the neighboring apartments, and the guys followed her tail. Then they began to run around all the sheds, climb up the attics. They even went down to the basement. Ninotchka was nowhere to be found. Granny followed them and said:

- Oh, Ninochka, Ninochka! Well, get me! I'll show you how to scare your grandmother!

- Or maybe she ran into someone else's yard somewhere? - the guys said. - Come on, let's run around the yards! Don't go, Grandma. We'll let you know as soon as we find it. Go home, rest.

- What a rest!

The old woman sighed sadly and returned home. A neighbor immediately looked up to her:

- Ninochka was not found?

- You should go to the police. Suddenly, she is there.

— Oh, right! And right! - said the grandmother. - And I, stupid, am sitting here ...

She left the house. The guys met her at the gate.

“We, grandma, searched all the yards on this side of the street!” they shouted. “Now let’s go to the other side.” Don't worry, we'll find it.

“Look, look, darlings!” Thank you! Thank you! Oh, I'm stupid, old! I overlooked! Ah! .. I will not punish her. I won’t say anything at all, if only I could find it!

“Where are you going, grandma?”

— I'm going to the police, kids, to the police.

She walked down the street and kept looking around. Finally got to the police station and found a children's room. There was a police officer on duty.

- Son, do you have my girl here? My granddaughter is lost,” said the grandmother.

“Today we haven’t found any of the children yet,” the policeman answered. “But you, citizen, don’t worry. Your girl will be found.

He seated the old woman on a chair and opened a large thick notebook that lay on the table.

- How old is your girl? he asked, and began to write down. "What's your name, where does he live?"

He wrote down everything: both the first name and the surname, and that Ninochka was wearing a blue dress and a white apron with a red bunny. This is to make it easier to search. Then he asked if there was a telephone at home and wrote down the number.

“So, grandmother,” he said at last, “now go home and don’t worry. Maybe your Ninochka is already waiting for you at home, but not - so we will quickly find her for you.

The old woman calmed down a little and went back on her way. But the closer she got to home, the more her anxiety grew. She stopped at the gate of the house. Vasya ran up to her. The hair on his head was even more disheveled, and beads of sweat glistened on his face.

"Ninochka's mother has come," he announced with a frightened air.

- And Ninochka?

She hasn't been found yet.

Grandmother leaned against the gate. Her legs became weak. She did not know how she would tell Ninochka's mother that Ninochka was lost. She wanted to ask Vasya something else, but suddenly she saw two boys on the sidewalk. They walked quickly down the street, and a little girl trotted between them. Both boys held her hands, and every now and then she tucked her legs under her and, hanging on the hands of the guys, squealed with pleasure. The boys laughed along with her. Now they had already come close, and the grandmother saw on the girl's blue dress a white apron with a red bunny.

- Why, it's Ninochka! - Grandmother was delighted. - That's happiness!

- Granny! Ninochka screamed and rushed to her.

Grandmother grabbed Ninochka in her arms and began to kiss her. And Andrey and Valerik stopped nearby and looked at them.

- Thank you boys. Where did you find it? the old woman asked.

- Whom? Valerik asked in bewilderment.

- Yes, here it is, Ninochka.

- Oh, Ninotchka! Listen, Aydryukha, do you remember where we found Ninochka?

Andriukha habitually sniffed, looked around and said:

- Where? .. Yes, right here, in this very yard. This is where we found it. And from here we went for iron.

- Thank you, kids! Thank you! Grandma said.

She lowered Ninochka to the ground and, holding tightly by the hand, led her home. Nina's mother met them in the corridor. She put on her hat as she went. Her face was worried.

- What's going on here? she asked. “The police just called. They asked if Ninochka had returned. Where did she go?

“Nothing, nothing,” her grandmother reassured her. “Ninochka was lost, but now she has been found.”

“No, grandma, I didn’t get lost at all,” said Ninochka. “I went with the boys to show where the iron was.

- What kind of iron?

Ninochka began to tell about her adventures. Grandmother just gasped, listening to her story.

“Look what they can’t invent!” she said. “They needed iron for some reason.

“Well, granny, you yourself said that children should help adults. Dad also helped when he was little. Here I am helping.

“You did a good job of helping the pioneers,” mother said to Ninochka. “But first you should have asked your grandmother. Grandma was worried.

“You don’t feel sorry for your grandmother at all!” The old woman nodded her head.

“I pity you, grandma!” Now I will always ask. And you and I will find iron somewhere else. Lots of iron! Truth?

On that day, there was only talk about this iron. And in the evening everyone was sitting at the table again. Grandma and mom wrote a letter to dad. And Ninochka drew a picture. She drew a small, snow-covered arctic village: just a few houses on the banks of a frozen river. Residents of the village gathered on a hillock and are waiting for the plane. And the plane is already visible in the sky. He brings people the things they need: sugar for someone, flour for someone, medicine for someone, and toys for children. At the bottom, Ninochka drew herself with a thick iron pipe in her hands and signed in large block letters: "And I'm helping."

— That's wonderful! - Grandma was delighted. - We will send this picture in a letter to dad, and dad will know what a good daughter he has.

You read the story of Nikolai Nosov: And I help: text.
You can read all the stories of N Nosov for children, according to the content on the right.

Classics of children's literature (funny stories) by writers for children and schools: ..................

There lived a little girl named Ninochka.

She was only five years old. She had a father, mother and an old grandmother, whom Ninochka called granny.

Ninochka's mother went to work every day, and Ninochka's grandmother stayed with her. She taught Ninochka how to dress, and wash, and fasten buttons on her bra, and lace up shoes, and braid braids, and even write letters.

Ninochka spent the whole day with her grandmother, and only morning and evening with her mother.

But Ninochka saw her father very rarely, since he worked in the distant Arctic. He was a polar pilot and came home only when he was on vacation.

Once a week, and sometimes more often, a letter came from Ninotchka's dad. When mother returned from work, she read the letter aloud, while Ninochka and grandma listened. And then they all wrote back to dad together. The next day, my mother went to work, and my grandmother and Ninochka took the letter to the post office.

Once, grandma and Ninochka went to the post office to send a letter to dad. The weather was good and sunny. Ninochka was wearing a beautiful blue dress and a white apron with a red bunny embroidered on it. Returning from the post office, grandma went with Ninochka through the yards through the wasteland. Previously, there were small wooden houses there, but now all the residents have been moved to a new large stone house, and in this place they decided to plant trees and make a park. Now there was still no park, and in the corner of the wasteland lay a pile of iron rubbish that had been forgotten to be taken away: pieces of old iron pipes, fragments of a steam heating radiator, tangled iron wire.

Granny even stopped near this heap of iron and said:

Here the pioneers do not know where the iron scrap is. Should have told them.

Why scrap pioneers? - asked Ninochka.

Well, they always run around the yards, collect scrap iron and hand it over to the state.

Why the state?

And the state will send to the plant. At the factory, iron will be melted down and made into new things.

And who forces the pioneers to collect scrap? - asked Ninochka.

Nobody forces. They themselves. Children should also help adults.

Did my dad help adults when he was little?


And I, grandma, why don't I help adults?

Well, you will help when you grow up a little, - the old woman laughed.

A few days passed, and Grandma forgot about the whole conversation. But Ninochka didn't forget anything. One day she was playing in the yard. Grandma let her go out alone. The guys had not yet returned from school, there was no one in the yard, and Ninochka was bored alone.

Suddenly she saw that two unfamiliar boys ran into the gate. One of them was in long trousers and a blue sailor jacket, the other was in a brown suit with short trousers. The shoes on his feet were not black, but some kind of red, because he always forgot to clean them.

Both boys paid no attention to Ninochka. They began to run all over the yard, looking into all the corners, as if they were looking for something. Finally they stopped in the middle of the yard, and the one who was wearing long trousers said:

You see! There is nothing.

And the one who was in red boots sniffed, pushed his cap to the back of his head and said:

Let's look in other yards, Valerik. We'll find it somewhere.

Find it here! Valerik grumbled with annoyance. They went back to the gate.

Boys! Ninochka shouted after them.

The boys stopped at the gate.

What do you need?

What are you looking for?

What about you?

Are you looking for iron?

Well, at least iron. What about you?

I know where there is a lot of iron.

How do you know?

Here I know.

You know nothing!

No, I know.

Well, show me where it is, your iron.

It's not here. It is necessary to go down the street, then turn over there, then turn there again, then through the entrance courtyard, then ... then ...

You're lying, apparently, - said Valerik.

And I'm not lying at all! Follow me, - Ninochka answered and resolutely walked down the street.

The guys looked at each other.

Let's go, Andryukha? Valerik asked his friend.

Well, let's go, - Andryukha grinned.

The guys caught up with Ninochka and walked behind. They pretended not to go with her, but separately, on their own. They had a mocking look on their faces.

Look, she walks as if she were an adult, - said Valerik.

Still get lost, - answered Andryukha. - Go with her then. Will have to take it back home.

Ninochka reached the corner of the street and turned left. The boys dutifully followed her. At the next corner she stopped, hesitated, then walked boldly across the road. The guys, as if on cue, followed her.

Listen, - Valerik called to Ninochka, - is there a lot of iron there? Maybe there is one old broken poker?

A lot, - answered Ninochka. - You two can't carry it.

Tales! - answered Valerik. - We'll take as much as you want. We are strong.

Here Ninochka came up to one house and stopped near the gate. She carefully examined the gate and went into the courtyard. The guys followed her. They reached the end of the yard, then turned back to the gate and went out into the street again.

What are you? Valerik asked in bewilderment.

This is not the right yard,” said Ninochka, embarrassed. - I was wrong. We need a checkpoint, but this is not a checkpoint. Probably nearby.

They went to the neighboring yard, but it also turned out to be impassable. In the next court they suffered the same failure.

Well, are we going to drag around all the yards? Andryukha said grumpily.

Finally, the fourth courtyard turned out to be a walk-through. The guys went through it into a narrow alley, then turned onto a wide street and walked along it. After walking a whole block, Ninochka stopped and said that they seemed to have gone in the wrong direction.

Well, let's go in the other direction, if not in that one. Why stand here, - grumbled Andrei.

They turned and went the other way; passed the alley, passed the block again.

Well now where: to the right or to the left? Valerik asked.

To the right, - answered Ninochka. Or to the left...

I'm sorry, what? Andryukha said sternly. - Well, you are stupid!

Ninotchka cried.

I got lost! - she said.

Oh you! Valerik said reproachfully. - Well, let's go, we'll take you home, otherwise you'll say that we brought you in and left you in the middle of the street.

Valerik took Ninochka by the hand. All three went back. Andryukha walked behind and grumbled to himself:

So much time has been wasted because of this little bastard. Without it, iron would have been found somewhere long ago!

They returned to the entrance yard again. Valerik was about to turn into the gate, but then Ninochka stopped and said:

Stop, stop! I seem to remember. We need to go there.

Where is "over there"? - Andrew asked in an unhappy tone.

There. Through this passage yard, which is opposite. I now remembered. My grandmother and I walked through two passage yards. First through that one, and then through this one.

Are you not cheating? Valerik asked.

No, I don't think I'm lying.

Look, if there is no iron, we will show you where the crayfish hibernate.

Where do they winter?

Then you will know. Let's go to!

The guys crossed to the other side of the alley, passed through the entrance courtyard and found themselves in a wasteland.

Here it is, iron! Here it is! Ninochka screamed. Andrey and Valerik rushed with all their might to the heap of scrap iron.

Ninochka ran after them hopping and happily repeated:

Here you see! I told you. Did I speak the truth?

Well done! Valerik praised her. - You spoke the truth. What is your name?

Ninotchka. And you?

I'm Valerik, and here's his - Andryukha.

No need to say - Andryukha, you need to say - Andryusha, - corrected Ninochka.

Nothing, he is not offended, - Valerik waved his hand. The guys began to disassemble the rusty pipes and debris from the radiator. The iron was half covered with earth, and it was not so easy to pull it out.

And there really is a lot of iron here, - said Valerik. - How do we get him?

Nothing. We will tie two pipes with wire, and we will get a stretcher, - Andrey came up with.

The guys began to make stretchers. Andrew worked diligently. He sniffed all the time and ran his fist over it.

And you don’t have to do that with your nose, Andryusha, - Ninochka said admonishingly.

Look you! And this is why?

Grandma doesn't say.

She understands a lot, your grandmother!

Grandmother understands everything, because she is the oldest. Here's a handkerchief for you.

Ninochka took out of her pocket a neatly folded handkerchief, white as a snowflake. Andryukha took it, looked at it for a while in silence, then handed it back:

Take it, otherwise I'll smear it with my nose.

He took a handkerchief out of his pocket - though not as snow-white as Ninochka's - and blew his nose.

See how good it is!

What's even better! - Andryukha answered and grimaced such a face that Ninochka could not help laughing.

When the stretcher was ready, the guys loaded iron on it, and only one thick curved pipe did not fit.

Nothing, it will be possible to capture it later on occasion, - said Valerik.

Why then? Nina replied. - I will help you.

And that's true! Andryukha picked it up. - Come with us to school, it's not far away. And then we'll take you home.

The guys took a stretcher and dragged the iron to the school, and Ninochka put a crooked pipe on her shoulder and walked after them.

... Since the granny let Ninochka go for a walk, a whole hour has passed.

Something my dragonfly took a walk today, - said the granny, when she remembered that Ninochka had been walking for a long time. - How would she not run somewhere without me.

The old woman threw a scarf over her shoulders and went out into the yard. There were many children in the yard. They played "fifteen".

Guys, have you seen Ninochka? Grandma asked. But the guys played so much that they did not hear her question.

At this time, the boy Vasya ran past. He was all red from running around, the hair on his head was tousled.

Have you seen Ninochka, Vasya?

But she's not here, - said Vasya.

How - no? Grandma was surprised. - She has gone into the yard for an hour already.

No, grandmother, we have been playing here for a long time, but we haven’t seen her, - said the girl Svetlana. - Guys! she screamed. - Ninotchka is lost!

Everyone immediately left the game and crowded around the old woman.

Maybe she went outside? Vasya said. Several guys rushed out into the street and immediately returned back.

She's not there, they said.

She probably went to one of the neighbors, - someone said. - You, grandmother, ask the neighbors.

Grandma went to the neighboring apartments, and the guys followed her tail. Then they began to run around all the sheds, climb up the attics. They even went down to the basement. Ninotchka was nowhere to be found. Granny followed them and said:

Oh, Ninochka, Ninochka! Well, get me! I'll show you how to scare your grandmother!

Or maybe she ran into someone else's yard somewhere? - said the guys. - Come on, let's run around the yards! Don't go, Grandma. We'll let you know as soon as we find it. Go home, rest!

What a vacation!

The old woman sighed sadly and returned home. A neighbor immediately looked up to her:

Didn't find Ninochka? No.

And you would go to the police. Suddenly she is there.

Ah, right! And right! - said the grandmother. - And I'm stupid, I'm sitting here ...

She left the house. The guys met her at the gate.

Grandma, we searched all the yards on this side of the street! they shouted. - Now let's go to the other side. Don't worry, we'll find it.

Search, search, dear! Thank you! Thank you! Oh, I'm stupid, old. I overlooked! Ah! .. I will not punish her. I won’t say anything at all, if only I could find it!

Where are you going, grandma?

I'm with the police, kids, with the police.

She walked down the street and kept looking around. Finally got to the police station and found a children's room. There was a police officer on duty.

Son, do you have my girl here? My granddaughter is lost, - said the grandmother.

Today we have not found any of the children, - the policeman answered. - But you, citizen, do not worry. Your girl will be found.

He seated the old woman on a chair and opened a large, thick notebook that lay on the table.

How old is your girl? he asked and began to write. - What's your name, where does he live?

He wrote down everything: both the first name and the surname, and that Ninochka was wearing a blue dress and a white apron with a red bunny. This is to make it easier to search. Then he asked if there was a telephone at home and wrote down the number.

So, granny," he said at last, "go home now and don't worry. Maybe your Ninochka is already waiting for you at home, but no - so we will quickly find her for you.

The old woman calmed down a little and went back on her way. But the closer she got to home, the more her anxiety grew.

She stopped at the gate of the house. Vasya ran up to her. The hair on his head was even more disheveled, and beads of sweat glistened on his face.

Ninochka's mother has come, - he announced with a frightened look.

And Ninochka?

She hasn't been found yet.

Grandmother leaned against the gate. Her legs became weak. She did not know how she would tell Ninochka's mother that Ninochka was lost. She wanted to ask Vasya something else, but suddenly she saw two boys on the sidewalk. They walked quickly down the street, and a little girl trotted between them. Both boys held her hands, and every now and then she tucked her legs under her and, hanging on the hands of the guys, squealed with pleasure. The boys laughed along with her. Now they had already come close, and the grandmother saw on the girl's blue dress a white apron with a red bunny.

Yes, it's Ninochka! Grandma rejoiced. - That's happiness!

Granny! Ninochka screamed and rushed to her. Grandmother grabbed Ninochka in her arms and began to kiss her.

And Andrey and Valerik stopped nearby and looked at them.

Thank you boys. Where did you find it? - asked the grandmother.

Whom? Valerik asked in bewilderment.

Yes, here it is, Ninochka.

Ah, Ninotchka! Listen, Andryukha, do you remember where we found Ninochka?

Andriukha habitually sniffed, looked around and said:

Where? .. Yes, right here, in this very yard. This is where we found it. And from here we went for iron.

Well thanks kids! Thank you! Grandma said. She lowered Ninochka to the ground and, holding tightly by the hand, led her home. Nina's mother met them in the corridor. She put on her hat as she went. Her face was worried.

What's going on here? she asked. - Just got a call from the police. They asked if Ninochka had returned. Where did she go?

Nothing, nothing, - her grandmother reassured her. - Ninochka was lost, and now she has been found.

No, grandma, I didn’t get lost at all, ”Ninochka said. - I went with the boys to show where the iron is.

What else iron?

Ninochka began to tell about her adventures. Grandmother just gasped, listening to her story.

Look what they can't think of! she said. They needed iron for some reason.

Well, granny, you yourself said that children should help adults. Dad also helped when he was little. Here I am helping.

You did a good job helping the pioneers, - said Ninochka's mother. “But first I had to ask my grandmother. Grandma was worried.

You don't feel sorry for your grandma at all! The old woman nodded her head.

I pity you, grandma! Now I will always ask. And you and I will find iron somewhere else. Lots of iron! Truth?

On that day, there was only talk about this iron. And in the evening everyone was sitting at the table again. Grandma and mom wrote a letter to dad. And Ninochka drew a picture. She drew a small, snow-covered arctic village: just a few houses on the banks of a frozen river. Residents of the village gathered on a hillock and are waiting for the plane. And the plane is already visible in the sky. He brings people the things they need: sugar for someone, flour for someone, medicine for someone, and toys for children. At the bottom, Ninochka drew herself with a thick iron pipe in her hands and signed in large block letters: "And I HELP".

That's wonderful! Grandma rejoiced. - We will send this picture in a letter to dad, and dad will know what a good daughter he has.

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There lived a little girl named Ninochka. She was only five years old. She had a father, mother and an old grandmother, whom Ninochka called granny.
Ninochka's mother went to work every day, and Ninochka's grandmother stayed with her. She taught Ninochka how to dress, and wash, and fasten buttons on her bra, and lace up shoes, and braid braids, and even write letters.
Ninochka spent the whole day with her grandmother, and only morning and evening with her mother. But Ninochka saw her father very rarely, since he worked in the distant Arctic. He was a polar pilot and came home only when he was on vacation.
Once a week, and sometimes more often, a letter came from Ninotchka's dad. When mother returned from work, she read the letter aloud, while Ninochka and grandma listened. And then they all wrote back to dad together. The next day, my mother went to work, and my grandmother and Ninochka took the letter to the post office.
Once, grandma and Ninochka went to the post office to send a letter to dad. The weather was good and sunny. Ninochka was wearing a beautiful blue dress and a white apron with a red bunny embroidered on it. Returning from the post office, grandma went with Ninochka through the yards through the wasteland. Previously, there were small wooden houses there, but now all the residents have been moved to a new large stone house, and in this place they decided to plant trees and make a park. Now there was still no park, and in the corner of the wasteland lay a pile of iron rubbish that had been forgotten to be taken away: pieces of old iron pipes, fragments of a steam heating radiator, tangled iron wire.
Granny even stopped near this heap of iron and said:
“The pioneers don’t know where there is scrap iron. Should have told them.
- And why do the pioneers scrap? Ninochka asked.
- Well, they always run around the yards, collect scrap iron and hand it over to the state.
Why the state?
- And the state will send to the plant. At the factory, iron will be melted down and made into new things.
- And who forces the pioneers to collect scrap? Ninochka asked.
- No one is forcing you. They themselves. Children should also help adults.
- Did my dad help adults when he was little?
- Helped.
- And I, grandma, why don't I help adults?
“Well, you will help when you grow up a little.” the old woman laughed.
A few days passed, and Grandma forgot about the whole conversation. But Ninochka didn't forget anything. One day she was playing in the yard. Grandma let her go out alone. The guys had not yet returned from school, there was no one in the yard, and Ninochka was bored alone.

Suddenly she saw that two unfamiliar boys ran into the gate. One of them was in long trousers and a blue sailor jacket, the other was in a brown suit with short trousers. The shoes on his feet were not black, but some kind of red, because he always forgot to clean them.

Both boys paid no attention to Ninochka. They began to run around the yard, looking into all corners and as if looking for something. Finally they stopped in the middle of the yard, and the one who was wearing long trousers said:
- You see! There is nothing.
And the one who was in red boots sniffed, pushed his cap to the back of his head and said:
- Let's look in other yards, Valerik. We'll find it somewhere.
- Find it here! Valerik grumbled with annoyance.
They went back to the gate.
- Boys! Ninochka shouted after them.

The boys stopped at the gate.
- What do you need?
- What are you looking for?
– What about you?
Are you looking for iron?
Well, at least iron. What about you?
- I know where there is a lot of iron.
- How do you know?
- I know.
- You know nothing!
- No, I know.
- Well, show me where it is, your iron.
- It's not here. It is necessary to go down the street, then turn over there, then turn there again, then through the entrance courtyard, then ... then ...

“You’re lying, you see,” said Valerik.
- And I'm not lying at all! Follow me,” Ninochka answered and walked resolutely down the street.
The guys looked at each other.
- Let's go, Andryukha? Valerik asked his friend.
“Well, let’s go,” Andryukha chuckled.
The guys caught up with Ninochka and walked behind. They pretended not to go with her, but separately, on their own. They had a mocking look on their faces.
“Look, she walks as if she were an adult,” said Valerik.
“He’ll still get lost,” Andryukha answered. “Go with her then. Will have to take it back home.
Ninochka reached the corner of the street and turned left. The boys dutifully followed her. At the next corner she stopped, hesitated, then walked boldly across the road. The guys, as if on cue, followed her.
“Listen,” Valerik called to Ninochka, “is there a lot of iron there?” Maybe there is one old, broken poker?
“There are many,” Ninochka replied. “You two can’t carry it.
- Tales! Valerik answered. “The two of us will carry as much as you want.” We are strong.
Here Ninochka came up to one house and stopped near the gate. She carefully examined the gate and went into the courtyard. The guys followed her. They reached the end of the yard, then turned back to the gate and went out into the street again.
- What are you? Valerik asked in bewilderment.

“This is not the right yard,” said Ninochka, embarrassed. - I was wrong. We need a checkpoint, but this is not a checkpoint. Probably nearby.
They went to the neighboring yard, but it also turned out to be impassable. In the next court they suffered the same failure.
- Well, are we going to drag around all the yards? Andryukha said grumpily.
Finally, the fourth courtyard turned out to be a walk-through. The guys went through it into a narrow alley, then turned onto a wide street and walked along it. After walking a whole block, Ninochka stopped and said that they seemed to have gone in the wrong direction.
- Well, let's go in the other direction, if not in that one. Why stand here, - Andrei grumbled.
They turned and went the other way; passed the alley, passed the block again.
- Well, now where: to the right or to the left? Valerik asked.
“To the right,” Ninochka answered. Or to the left...
- I'm sorry, what? Andryukha said sternly. - Well, you are stupid!
Ninotchka cried.
- I'm lost! - she said.
- Oh you! Valerik said reproachfully. - Well, let's go, we'll take you home, otherwise you'll say that we brought you in and left you in the middle of the street.
Valerik took Ninochka by the hand. All three went back. Andryukha walked behind and grumbled to himself:
“So much time was wasted because of this little chick. Without it, iron would have been found somewhere long ago!
They returned to the entrance yard again. Valerik was about to turn into the gate, but then Ninochka stopped and said:
- Stop, stop! I seem to remember. We need to go there.
- Where is this "over there"? Andrey asked in an unhappy tone.
- There. Through this passage yard, which is opposite. I now remembered. My grandmother and I walked through two passage yards. First through that one, and then through this one.
- Aren't you lying? Valerik asked.
No, I don't think I'm lying.
- Look, if there is no iron, we will show you where the crayfish hibernate.
- Where do they winter?
“Then you will know. Let's go to!
The guys crossed to the other side of the alley, passed through the entrance courtyard and found themselves in a wasteland.
Here it is, iron! Here it is! Ninochka screamed.

Andrey and Valerik rushed with all their might to the heap of scrap iron. Ninochka ran after them hopping and happily repeated:
- You see! I told you. Did I speak the truth?
- Youth! Valerik praised her. - You were telling the truth. What is your name?
- Ninochka. And you?
- I'm Valerik, but his - Andryukha.
“You don’t have to say Andryukha, you have to say Andryusha,” Ninochka corrected.
- Nothing, he is not offended, - Valerik waved his hand.
The guys began to disassemble the rusty pipes and debris from the radiator. The iron was half covered with earth, and it was not so easy to pull it out.
“And there really is a lot of iron here,” said Valerik. - How do we get him?
- Nothing. We will tie two pipes with wire, and we will get a stretcher, - Andrey came up with.
The guys began to make stretchers. Andrew worked diligently. He sniffed all the time and ran his fist over it.
“And you don’t need to do that with your nose, Andryusha,” Ninochka said admonishingly.
- Look you! And this is why?
“Grandma won’t.
- She understands a lot, your grandmother!
Grandmother understands everything, because she is the oldest. Here's a handkerchief for you.
Ninochka took out of her pocket a neatly folded handkerchief, white as a snowflake. Andryukha took it, looked at it for a while in silence, then handed it back:
“Take it, or I’ll smear it with my nose.”
He took a handkerchief out of his pocket - though not as snow-white as Ninochka's - and blew his nose.
- See how good it is! Ninochka said.
- What's even better then! Andryukha answered and made such a face that Ninochka could not help laughing.

Nikolai Nosov

There lived a little girl named Ninochka. She was only five years old. She had a father, mother and an old grandmother, whom Ninochka called granny.

Ninochka's mother went to work every day, and Ninochka's grandmother stayed with her. She taught Ninochka how to dress, and wash, and fasten buttons on her bra, and lace up shoes, and braid braids, and even write letters.

Ninochka spent the whole day with her grandmother, and only morning and evening with her mother. But Ninochka saw her father very rarely, since he worked in the distant Arctic. He was a polar pilot and came home only when he was on vacation.

Once a week, and sometimes more often, a letter came from Ninotchka's dad. When mother returned from work, she read the letter aloud, while Ninochka and grandma listened. And then they all wrote back to dad together. The next day, my mother went to work, and my grandmother and Ninochka took the letter to the post office.

Once, grandma and Ninochka went to the post office to send a letter to dad. The weather was good and sunny. Ninochka was wearing a beautiful blue dress and a white apron with a red bunny embroidered on it. Returning from the post office, grandma went with Ninochka through the yards through the wasteland. Previously, there were small wooden houses there, but now all the residents have been moved to a new large stone house, and in this place they decided to plant trees and make a park. Now there was still no park, and in the corner of the wasteland lay a pile of iron rubbish that had been forgotten to be taken away: pieces of old iron pipes, fragments of a steam heating radiator, tangled iron wire.

Granny even stopped near this heap of iron and said:

“The pioneers don’t know where there is scrap iron. Should have told them.

- And why do the pioneers scrap? Ninochka asked.

- Well, they always run around the yards, collect scrap iron and hand it over to the state.

Why the state?

- And the state will send to the plant. At the factory, iron will be melted down and made into new things.

- And who forces the pioneers to collect scrap? Ninochka asked.

- No one is forcing you. They themselves. Children should also help adults.

- Did my dad help adults when he was little?

- Helped.

- And I, grandma, why don't I help adults?

“Well, you will help when you grow up a little.” the old woman laughed.

A few days passed, and Grandma forgot about the whole conversation. But Ninochka didn't forget anything. One day she was playing in the yard. Grandma let her go out alone. The guys had not yet returned from school, there was no one in the yard, and Ninochka was bored alone.

And I Help (story)

Suddenly she saw that two unfamiliar boys ran into the gate. One of them was in long trousers and a blue sailor jacket, the other was in a brown suit with short trousers. The shoes on his feet were not black, but some kind of red, because he always forgot to clean them.

Both boys paid no attention to Ninochka. They began to run around the yard, looking into all corners and as if looking for something. Finally they stopped in the middle of the yard, and the one who was wearing long trousers said:

- You see! There is nothing.

And the one who was in red boots sniffed, pushed his cap to the back of his head and said:

- Let's look in other yards, Valerik. We'll find it somewhere.

- Find it here! Valerik grumbled with annoyance.

They went back to the gate.

- Boys! Ninochka shouted after them.

And I Help (story)

The boys stopped at the gate.

- What do you need?

- What are you looking for?

– What about you?

Are you looking for iron?

Well, at least iron. What about you?

- I know where there is a lot of iron.

- How do you know?

- I know.

- You know nothing!

- No, I know.

- Well, show me where it is, your iron.

- It's not here. It is necessary to go down the street, then turn over there, then turn there again, then through the entrance courtyard, then ... then ...

And I Help (story)

“You’re lying, you see,” said Valerik.

- And I'm not lying at all! Follow me,” Ninochka answered and walked resolutely down the street.

The guys looked at each other.

- Let's go, Andryukha? Valerik asked his friend.

“Well, let’s go,” Andryukha chuckled.

The guys caught up with Ninochka and walked behind. They pretended not to go with her, but separately, on their own. They had a mocking look on their faces.

“Look, she walks as if she were an adult,” said Valerik.

“He’ll still get lost,” Andryukha answered. “Go with her then. Will have to take it back home.

Ninochka reached the corner of the street and turned left. The boys dutifully followed her. At the next corner she stopped, hesitated, then walked boldly across the road. The guys, as if on cue, followed her.

“Listen,” Valerik called to Ninochka, “is there a lot of iron there?” Maybe there is one old, broken poker?

“There are many,” Ninochka replied. “You two can’t carry it.

- Tales! Valerik answered. “The two of us will carry as much as you want.” We are strong.

Here Ninochka came up to one house and stopped near the gate. She carefully examined the gate and went into the courtyard. The guys followed her. They reached the end of the yard, then turned back to the gate and went out into the street again.

- What are you? Valerik asked in bewilderment.

And I Help (story)

“This is not the right yard,” said Ninochka, embarrassed. - I was wrong. We need a checkpoint, but this is not a checkpoint. Probably nearby.

They went to the neighboring yard, but it also turned out to be impassable. In the next court they suffered the same failure.

- Well, are we going to drag around all the yards? Andryukha said grumpily.

Finally, the fourth courtyard turned out to be a walk-through. The guys went through it into a narrow alley, then turned onto a wide street and walked along it. After walking a whole block, Ninochka stopped and said that they seemed to have gone in the wrong direction.

- Well, let's go in the other direction, if not in that one. Why stand here, - Andrei grumbled.

They turned and went the other way; passed the alley, passed the block again.

- Well, now where: to the right or to the left? Valerik asked.

“To the right,” Ninochka answered. Or to the left...

- I'm sorry, what? Andryukha said sternly. - Well, you are stupid!

Ninotchka cried.

- I'm lost! - she said.

- Oh you! Valerik said reproachfully. - Well, let's go, we'll take you home, otherwise you'll say that we brought you in and left you in the middle of the street.

Valerik took Ninochka by the hand. All three went back. Andryukha walked behind and grumbled to himself:

“So much time was wasted because of this little chick. Without it, iron would have been found somewhere long ago!

They returned to the entrance yard again. Valerik was about to turn into the gate, but then Ninochka stopped and said:

- Stop, stop! I seem to remember. We need to go there.

- Where is this "over there"? Andrey asked in an unhappy tone.

- There. Through this passage yard, which is opposite. I now remembered. My grandmother and I walked through two passage yards. First through that one, and then through this one.

- Aren't you lying? Valerik asked.

No, I don't think I'm lying.

- Look, if there is no iron, we will show you where the crayfish hibernate.

- Where do they winter?

“Then you will know. Let's go to!

The guys crossed to the other side of the alley, passed through the entrance courtyard and found themselves in a wasteland.

Here it is, iron! Here it is! Ninochka screamed.

And I Help (story)

Andrey and Valerik rushed with all their might to the heap of scrap iron. Ninochka ran after them hopping and happily repeated:

- You see! I told you. Did I speak the truth?

- Youth! Valerik praised her. - You were telling the truth. What is your name?

- Ninochka. And you?

- I'm Valerik, but his - Andryukha.

“You don’t have to say Andryukha, you have to say Andryusha,” Ninochka corrected.

- Nothing, he is not offended, - Valerik waved his hand.

The guys began to disassemble the rusty pipes and debris from the radiator. The iron was half covered with earth, and it was not so easy to pull it out.

“And there really is a lot of iron here,” said Valerik. - How do we get him?

- Nothing. We will tie two pipes with wire, and we will get a stretcher, - Andrey came up with.

The guys began to make stretchers. Andrew worked diligently. He sniffed all the time and ran his fist over it.

“And you don’t need to do that with your nose, Andryusha,” Ninochka said admonishingly.

- Look you! And this is why?

“Grandma won’t.

- She understands a lot, your grandmother!

Grandmother understands everything, because she is the oldest. Here's a handkerchief for you.

Ninochka took out of her pocket a neatly folded handkerchief, white as a snowflake. Andryukha took it, looked at it for a while in silence, then handed it back:

“Take it, or I’ll smear it with my nose.”

He took a handkerchief out of his pocket - though not as snow-white as Ninochka's - and blew his nose.

- See how good it is! Ninochka said.

- What's even better then! Andryukha answered and made such a face that Ninochka could not help laughing.

When the stretcher was ready, the guys loaded iron on it, and only one thick curved pipe did not fit.

“Nothing, it will be possible to capture it later, if necessary,” said Valerik.

And I Help (story)

- Why then? Nina replied. - I will help you.

- And that's true! Andryukha picked it up. Come with us to school, it's not far away. And then we'll take you home.

The guys took a stretcher and dragged the iron to the school, and Ninochka put a crooked pipe on her shoulder and walked after them.

A whole hour has passed since Grandma let Ninochka go for a walk.

“Something my dragonfly went on a walk today,” Grandma said when she remembered that Ninochka had been walking for a long time. - How would she not run somewhere without me.

The old woman threw a scarf over her shoulders and went out into the yard. There were many children in the yard. They played "fifteen".

- Guys, have you seen Ninochka? Grandma asked.

But the guys played so much that they did not hear her question.

At this time, the boy Vasya ran past. He was all red from running around; the hair on his head was tousled.

“Have you seen Ninochka, Vasya?”

“But she’s not here,” Vasya said.

- How - no? Grandma was surprised. - She has been going into the yard for an hour already.

“No, grandmother, we have been playing here for a long time, but we haven’t seen her,” said the girl Svetlana. - Guys! she screamed. - Ninotchka is lost!

And I Help (story)

Everyone immediately left the game and crowded around the old woman.

Maybe she went outside? Vasya said.

Several guys rushed out into the street and immediately returned back.

“She's not there,” they said.

“Probably went to one of the neighbors,” someone said. - You, grandmother, ask the neighbors.

Grandma went to the neighboring apartments, and the guys followed her tail. Then they began to run around all the sheds, climb up the attics. They even went down to the basement. Ninotchka was nowhere to be found. Granny followed them and said:

- Oh, Ninochka, Ninochka! Well, get me! I'll show you how to scare your grandmother!

- Or maybe she ran into someone else's yard somewhere? the guys said. - Well, let's run around the yards! Don't go, Grandma. We'll let you know as soon as we find it. Go home, rest.

- What a rest!

The old woman sighed sadly and returned home. A neighbor immediately looked in at her:

- Ninochka was not found?

- You should go to the police. Suddenly she is there.

And I Help (story)

- Oh, right! And right! Grandma said. “But I’m stupid, I’m sitting here ...

She left the house. The guys met her at the gate.

“We, grandma, searched all the yards on this side of the street!” they shouted. "Now let's go to the other side." Don't worry, we'll find it.

- Look, look, dear! Thank you! Thank you! Oh, I'm stupid, old! I overlooked! Ah! .. I will not punish her. I won’t say anything at all, if only I could find it!

“Where are you going, grandma?”

“I’m going to the police, kids, to the police.

She walked down the street and kept looking around. Finally got to the police station and found a children's room. There was a police officer on duty.

And I Help (story)

- Son, do you have my girl here? My granddaughter is lost, - said the grandmother.

“Today we haven’t found any of the children yet,” the policeman answered. “But you, citizen, don’t worry. Your girl will be found.

He seated the old woman on a chair and opened a large thick notebook that lay on the table.

- How old is your girl? he asked and began to write. - What's your name, where does it live?

He wrote down everything: both the first name and the surname, and that Ninochka was wearing a blue dress and a white apron with a red bunny. This is to make it easier to search. Then he asked if there was a telephone at home and wrote down the number.

“So, grandmother,” he said at last, “now go home and don’t worry. Maybe your Ninochka is already waiting for you at home, but no - so we will quickly find her for you.

The old woman calmed down a little and went back on her way. But the closer she got to home, the more her anxiety grew. She stopped at the gate of the house. Vasya ran up to her. The hair on his head was even more disheveled, and beads of sweat glistened on his face.

“Ninochka’s mother has come,” he announced with a frightened look.

- And Ninochka?

And I Help (story)

She hasn't been found yet.

Grandmother leaned against the gate. Her legs became weak. She did not know how she would tell Ninochka's mother that Ninochka was lost. She wanted to ask Vasya something else, but suddenly she saw two boys on the sidewalk. They walked quickly down the street, and a little girl trotted between them. Both boys held her hands, and every now and then she tucked her legs under her and, hanging on the hands of the guys, squealed with pleasure. The boys laughed along with her. Now they had already come close, and the grandmother saw on the girl's blue dress a white apron with a red bunny.

- Yes, it's Ninochka! Grandma rejoiced. - Here is happiness!

- Granny! Ninochka screamed and rushed to her.

Grandmother grabbed Ninochka in her arms and began to kiss her. And Andrey and Valerik stopped nearby and looked at them.

- Thank you boys. Where did you find it? the old woman asked.

- Whom? Valerik asked in bewilderment.

- Yes, here it is, Ninochka.

- Oh, Ninotchka! Listen, Andryukha, do you remember where we found Ninochka?

Andriukha habitually sniffed, looked around and said:

- Where? .. Yes, right here, in this very yard. This is where we found it. And from here we went for iron.

- Thank you, kids! Thank you! Grandma said.

She lowered Ninochka to the ground and, holding tightly by the hand, led her home. Nina's mother met them in the corridor. She put on her hat as she went. Her face was worried.

And I Help (story)

- What's going on here? she asked. “Just got a call from the police. They asked if Ninochka had returned. Where did she go?

“Nothing, nothing,” her grandmother soothed. - Ninochka was lost, and now she has been found.

“No, grandma, I didn’t get lost at all,” said Ninochka. - I went with the boys to show where the iron was.

What else is iron?

Ninochka began to tell about her adventures. Grandmother just gasped, listening to her story.

- Look what they just don’t invent! she said. Why do they need iron?

- Well, granny, you yourself said that children should help adults. Dad also helped when he was little. Here I am helping.

“You did a good job helping the pioneers,” mother said to Ninochka. “But first you should have asked your grandmother. Grandma was worried.

“You don’t feel sorry for your grandmother at all!” The old woman nodded her head.

“I pity you, grandma!” Now I will always ask. And you and I will find iron somewhere else. Lots of iron! Truth?

And I Help (story)

On that day, there was only talk about this iron. And in the evening everyone was sitting at the table again. Grandma and mom wrote a letter to dad. And Ninochka drew a picture. She drew a small, snow-covered arctic village: just a few houses on the banks of a frozen river. Residents of the village gathered on a hillock and are waiting for the plane. And the plane is already visible in the sky. He brings people the things they need: sugar for someone, flour for someone, medicine for someone, and toys for children. At the bottom, Ninochka drew herself with a thick iron pipe in her hands and signed in large block letters: "And I'm helping."

- That's wonderful! Grandma rejoiced. - We will send this picture in a letter to dad, and dad will know what a good daughter he has.

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