
Training courses for work. Coursera educational platform. National open university "intuit"

Airbrushing courses

Cost: from 5,000 to 20,000 rubles

Traditional art classes are crowded with "advanced" drawing lessons. And first of all, we are talking about airbrushing courses. Many associate it with images on cars, but in fact, you can apply a drawing with an airbrush on a snowboard, motorcycle helmet, wall in a room, kitchen stool or your favorite T-shirt. It is believed that the American jeweler Abner Peeler was the creator of airbrushing. In 1878 he designed an airbrush for spraying paint. The name "airbrush" stuck behind Peeler's invention, and the first thing that is taught today in most airbrushing courses is its correct use. In addition, the class will show you how to mix paints, model future drawings in Photoshop, and create the stencils needed for the final transfer of the image. Typically, many airbrushing schools offer a choice of several curricula... The basic course usually lasts no more than 10 hours, and the advanced course lasts about 60 hours. But both include both theoretical and practical lessons ending with the delivery of the thesis.

It was on October 26, from 9 am to 5 pm. Find out about the possibilities of your company. You can connect all your branches and clients from all over Brazil and abroad at the same time in an excellent online course with a professor. Marins for a lower cost than a local face-to-face lecture.

As a result of a partnership with the Ministry of Health through the National Human Health Coordination, Integral Attention to Human Health training aims to qualify professionals to advance health action that improves the quality of life of the male population, reduces preventable mortality and an increase in the life expectancy of this population.

Bathing courses

Cost: 8000 rubles

"Every year on December 31, my friends and I go to the bathhouse!" - every Russian knows this quote from the main New Year's film. As for the bathhouse, as shown by the FOM survey, 46% of the country's residents regularly visit it. True, not every steam lover knows all the subtleties of the art of bathing. A visit to the bath, which the Slavs called soap, movable and vlaznyi, was popular already in the 5th-6th centuries and over time was overgrown with many rules and rituals. You can find out at least some of them by completing the course of bathing business "Russian bath - why, why and how." His program was formed from the answers to the most frequently asked questions "bath" newbies. After completing the course, participants will learn how to choose and steam a bath broom, be able to arrange aromatherapy sessions without leaving the heated steam room, and also learn the answer to one of the key questions of avid bath attendants: what drinks can and cannot be consumed in the bath. The duration of the course is 8 academic hours, which are divided into 2 lessons, which can be listened to in morning, afternoon or evening groups.

Entries can be made by May 30th on the website. Brazilian men live on average 7.4 years less than women. Causes of premature death include violence and road traffic accidents, as well as cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. The latter, along with statistics showing that men usually enter Unified system health care specialized care services - of medium and high complexity, indicate the need to increase the regular search for primary prevention measures.

In his guidelines, he also believes that social perceptions of prevailing masculinity jeopardize access to comprehensive assistance and have a decisive influence on the vulnerability of this population to situations of violence and health risks. For a long time, the basic units of health were considered maternal and child spaces.

Pottery courses

Cost: 7000 rubles

Pottery is one of the most indulgent classes for beginners. Unlike painting, where you need to have a sense of color and spatial thinking, or music, where you cannot do without hearing, sculpting does not require innate talents. Perhaps due to this, the popularity of pottery courses in recent times growing. In most classes, you can learn to sculpt from clay in two ways: by hand or using a potter's wheel. The course of pottery in the workshop of the Union of Artists is designed for 5 lessons, each of which lasts 3 academic hours. Already at the first stage, students try to sculpt a bowl from a shapeless piece of clay, at the second they move on to more complex forms and sculpt a mug with a handle, at the third they add a pot with a lid to the already existing cutlery, and at the fourth - a teapot. The fifth and final lesson is devoted to preparing products for firing, as well as working with glazes and enamels. After completing a course in pottery, the house will become not only cramped by hand-made ceramic dishes, but also much calmer - after all, modeling, according to doctors, has a psychotherapeutic effect.

Through prevention, promotion and care in primary health care, we will reduce hospitalizations and morbidity due to chronic diseases, ensuring that person's longevity and quality of life. For a nurse and course corrector, Carolina Carvalho Bolsoni, a man's medical care should be as important as what is already suggested for the health of a woman and a child, for example. As part of this course, we strive to raise the awareness of health care providers about health care for men, especially the need to bring them to health facilities so that health promotion and disease prevention activities can be carried out, explains.

Azulejo courses

Price: 6400 rubles

The Portuguese word "azuleju" (from the Arabic az-zulaij - pebble) means fired and glazed ceramic tiles. Plates made in this technique with house numbers and street names in Portugal can be seen everywhere. There were almost no foreigners among the masters of azulejo, which flourished in the late 17th - early 18th centuries, but today anyone can learn how to make multi-colored tiles. True, there are apparently not very many of them: the number of azuleju courses in Moscow can be counted on the fingers of one hand. First of all, the participants learn to work with clay, alabaster and gypsum, from which future tiles are made. The second part of the course is devoted to traditional techniques for decorating tiles: painting with paints, gilding, decoupage and even creating volumetric relief drawings. The final stage of working with tiles is their firing, after which the azulejos acquire a glossy shine. Decorative tiles made during the course will be an excellent interior decoration or a hand-made gift.

Thus, the methodology of the course is mainly reflected in the dynamic relationship between theory and practice, in the assignment and discussion of issues related to men's health. According to Bolsoni, various educational resources are used during the training, such as electronic books, videos, discussion forums and success stories to facilitate the learning process. This is a very well structured course with fluent reading and interactive material. For example, forums can be used to share with other colleagues how they deal with human health and thereby improve their concern for this community, he says.

Fumelier courses

Price: 3000 rubles

Treating your interlocutor with tobacco is an ancient habit and a sign of respect. The Indians, among other gifts, presented tobacco to Columbus. But how to understand the diversity of its varieties, the peculiarities of cigars from different regions, their correct storage and combination with alcohol? Fumelier courses will help you with this. The term denoting a specialist in both cigars and wine is derived from the French noun "sommelier" and the Spanish verb "fumo" - "to smoke." For beginners-amateurs, fumelier courses will first of all give an idea of ​​the culture of tobacco smoking, because not everyone knows that there is a special cigar serving and tobacco etiquette. In addition to theoretical knowledge about the structure of cigars and their shape, the classification of cigarettes and the device of the hookah, students of fumelier courses will have the opportunity to enrich themselves with practical skills. For example, practice lighting a pipe, rolling cigars, and using tasting to determine the optimal combination of tobacco and alcohol. The fumelier course at the Russian Barmen's Association is designed for one lesson lasting 5 hours, and its cost includes all consumable smoking and alcoholic "materials".

The course is divided into four modules, two of which are compulsory and the other two are at the discretion of the student, who can choose between the following topics: Prevention and care of preventive diseases in men; Morbimulant for external causes in the field of human health; Attention to human mental health; Human sexual and reproductive health; Fatherhood and Care; Men and health at work.

They are paid government money, but no one checks it: training cadres for the unemployed who do not help find work. Regions accredit and fund courses designed to help find a job that does not have them, but with a few exceptions, they do not assess whether the unemployed were enrolled, paid with funds from Europe and the Italian state, and then find a job through these courses, and they don't even have to do it.

Flaring courses

Cost: from 4900 rubles

The English word "flaring", consisting of the parts "flare" - flying and "ring" - a circle, is well known to bartenders all over the world. After all, this is what they call free-style cocktail making, accompanied by juggling of bottles and other cunning tricks. Flaring has existed for over 150 years, and Jerry Thomas, the father of American mixology, is considered its founder. During his lifetime, Thomas was called "the professor", and today most bartenders call him simply "dad." In terms of its complexity, flaring is compared to martial arts, but this does not mean that it cannot be learned: today, flaring courses can be found in Moscow as well. As a rule, training is based on the “ladder” principle. First, the simplest tricks are mastered, for example, tossing a piece of ice to be caught in a glass. Separately, the most accurate pouring of drinks is being worked out without the use of measuring utensils. You can learn to juggle two or even three objects on basic course flaring, but you will have to master such complex technical elements as balances or throws over the head already in a professional course.

That is, the course will be much more visible and therefore funded as the number of its subscribers will be higher, or more tablets will be available to its students. Therefore, it is easy for an educational institution to obtain public funding: simply collect a certain number of unemployed, contact teachers and propose a training project for the Region without having to prove that such a course has produced results in the past or knew at least what companies in this area are doing.

On the Internet, they even sell kits to open standard training courses showing government positions to apply for subsidies. The real problem, says Maurizio Del Conte, head of the new National Employment Agency, is that in most of our regions, course funding is not entirely related to employment outcomes. "Not only that," adds Maurizio Sacconi, chairman of the Senate Operations Committee, "training is also disconnected, especially from the needs of the companies they might use and those same potential employees."

Lace weaving courses

Cost: one level - 3500 rubles

Lace is back in fashion. At the royal wedding last year, Kate Middleton appeared in front of the altar in a dress with sleeves made of delicate lace, and in February of this year at Italian Haute Couture Week, a number of designers brought to the catwalk models entirely dressed in delicate lace fabrics. Throughout its history, only the upper class could afford to wear lace. In the 17th-18th centuries, lace was sold in carats, like diamonds, and during the Great Patriotic War, Vologda openwork fabrics were exchanged for weapons and food. Today lace is still in price, but you can learn how to weave it yourself. At the few courses in the capital, needlework is taught to make lace fabric using two techniques. The first is bobbin weaving, which is the name for hardwood sticks. The courses teach how to sort out bobbins correctly, thereby creating a lace pattern. The second popular weaving method is called tatting. It is considered simpler and is performed using a special shuttle. A few tatting lessons will be enough to make a lace napkin, collar or brooch.

The only way to make it work is through the dual system applied by the province of Bolzano: this means tying courses to apprenticeship contracts, designing them with the companies involved. Positive cases are also found in Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli and Trento. Where there is no listening to the question, this is how a big self-referential business trains, as almost everywhere in Italy.

Free creative workshops: knitting, sewing, embroidery

Forty thousand publicly funded courses in hundreds of educational institutions begin each year for tripartite tuition for students, unemployed and workers. In total, over 9 million hours, for 670 thousand students and about one billion public or institutional resources, between the European Social Fund, co-financed by the Italian state, and interprofessional foundations managed by companies and trade unions. Adding individual user input.

Feng Shui Courses

Cost: from 5500 rubles

Feng Shui is a Taoist practice of conquering space with a history of 5,000 years. True, at first it was most often used to calculate the location of tombs. And today, with the help of feng shui, you can choose the optimal place for building a house, harmoniously furnish an apartment and even "competently" arrange trees on a personal plot. How? You can learn about this by mastering the Feng Shui course. In the East, they believe that every house is a living organism, in which objects and their location have a special meaning. In feng shui courses, they tell why it is better to place the kitchen in the southern part of the house than the cluttered corners of the rooms threaten and why there must be flowers in the apartment. And this is only a small part of the secrets so respected and honored in the East. By the way, residents of Asian countries like to tell that the house itself can give signs to the owner. So, if lamps often burn out, electrical appliances turn off or floorboards creak, then the harmony of the inner space is disturbed. And you can fix it with the help of feng shui. Today, this practice is becoming a fashionable hobby for many, which, however, psychologists advise against being overly carried away.

The most popular are English and computer training courses, which, according to Isfov, are offered at 37.4% of objects, but there are also lectures for theater animators, legal assistants and operators. social networks... But uselessness isn't the only problem. And then there are real scams: in Sicily, over 4 billion training courses organized by the Region over the past ten years, at least 200 million bogus laws and services have been presented.

Business and information technology

Not to mention the young people who were exploited with free, free and unpaid employment contracts, trained for placement: € 500 a month in compensation, almost always paid late, and then left home after six months and hired a new intern. All this is only a small part of the statistics of our educational activities.

Literary cuisine courses

Cost: 2000 rubles

Survey data show that the demand for cooking courses in Moscow has increased by 20% in recent years. Despite the rather high cost of classes, which reached several thousand rubles per visit, residents of the capital mastered the methods of preparing fish and meat, salads and snacks, learned to bake pies and cakes. And today, for those who want to learn how to cook not only delicious, but also original dishes, courses in "literary cuisine" are held in Moscow. Their main difference is that they teach to cook according to recipes not from cookbooks, but found in the works of Russian and world literature. Some of the most delicious descriptions of food are found in Gogol, therefore, in the "literary cuisine" class, the participants will try to cook at least a small part of the dishes that Korobochka treated Chichikov to. They will also bake pancakes according to Chekhov's recipe, prepare the famous Madeleine cookies praised by Proust, or cook Swiss cheese soup with croutons, the smell of which can be heard from the pages of Mikhail Shishkin's prose. By the way, the cooking process takes place not only to the sounds of knocking knives and boiling butter, but also to the reading of literary texts.

Free cooking classes and courses

The trainings and trainings we offer are practice-oriented and targeted at educators, school principals, accountants, financial and operational managers, and public sector employees. Our main goal is to ensure that each training meets the needs of the participants and enhances the professional competence of each student.

Our teachers are leading experts with rich practical experience and applicants from various higher education institutions. They all adhere to our core training philosophy of keeping theory to a minimum and allowing participants to do more practice, solve case studies and answer questions.

Calligraphy courses

Cost: from 15,000 rubles

Typing, not writing a letter or text, is a common thing for anyone who can no longer imagine life without a computer. Many people forget how to write by hand, and what can we say about the art of calligraphy, which is becoming a relic of the past. And once upon a time mastery beautiful letter the ability to paint in oils or watercolors was valued no less. Today, calligraphy classes are usually held for students of art universities, and it is not so easy for a "free listener" to find calligraphy courses in Moscow. One of the places where you can learn to write beautifully is courses at the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy. They consist of three levels, each of which is designed for two and a half months. At the beginning, the participants of the classes learn to “write out” lowercase and uppercase letters of the Russian alphabet, work out connecting and decorative elements. At the second level, work begins with various fonts, and at the third level, students pick up a pointed pen and comprehend the basics of ligature and poster graphics. By the way, before going to calligraphy courses, you can read Dan Brown's novel "Angels and Demons", in which the worldwide conspiracy is built on the features of the Gothic script.

All of this, in addition to our interactive way of learning, makes us a preferred and reliable partner in this important job for every employer - team training. If you would like to train your teams or join training on a specific topic, check out our offerings and upcoming training dates in the fields of education, tax and accounting, and law and management.

Trust in quality, tradition and experience! Training for teaching teams. Are you looking to educate your team on a specific topic and increase your desire for success? We provide in-home education and training that will increase the efficiency, motivation and competence of your employees. For each training, we create an individual program that suits your requirements and the needs of the team. Contact us for more information.

V modern world- the world of scientific and technological progress - learning on the Internet has become worthy competitor traditional acquisition of knowledge in universities and colleges. And there is nothing surprising in this, because this form of education has many more advantages, one of which is the absence of mandatory payment for the work of teachers. But there are others positive sides free online courses, knowing about which, for sure, you want to try this method of teaching on yourself.

Coursera educational platform

You want to periodically receive information about changes and innovations in your area of ​​work. We offer training and workshops on specific topics and a pre-set schedule. You can familiarize yourself with our current offers on our portals. For those of you who want to receive timely information about upcoming trainings and seminars, we offer.

Our association gives everyone the opportunity to take a hairdressing course in order to receive an accredited diploma and national recognition as a professional hairdresser. This course is a real opportunity because it has a modest cost and can be completed in 10 weeks.

Benefits of studying online at a glance

Many people believe that only in person attending classes at school or university can give them real hope for successful employment in the future. This is a widespread belief that today does not find its confirmation. Free distance learning is in no way inferior to going to classes, because after completing a course of virtual lectures, a person can also receive a certificate or diploma, which will indicate what level of knowledge he has been assigned.

During all of these training hours, students will learn sourcing concepts, specific equipment use, learn how to place orders and payment vouchers, learn about programming and customer proofs, but will focus specifically on performing shaving, facial and capillary care, pruning and washing and provision of relevant services in this area.

"National Platform for Open Education"

The course fee can be paid in installments, which is a real advantage and an offer not to be missed. After completing such a hairdressing course, you will be able to work in a salon or professional hairdressing university as a course graduate with an accredited and recognized national diploma.

You can talk a lot about the advantages of learning via the Internet, but the matter requires specifics. The most important advantages of such activities are considered to be:

  • Absolute freedom of choice. Do you study at a school or institute, where you are forced to study a lot of unnecessary, in your opinion, subjects? And your dream is to learn English perfectly and go to live in England? Do not despair! From the list of self-study sites below, you will definitely find one for yourself that will give you what you really need.
  • Unpunished opportunity to make mistakes. By making inaccuracies, or making mistakes, you can be completely sure that no one will take you to the dean or director for this to give a long and boring lecture on how to live. A mistake is your experience, none of the teachers who teach on the Internet will have the right to scold or scold you, and you yourself will learn to avoid certain mistakes in the future, because it was your personal bitter experience.
  • The ability to refuse the services of an online teacher without financial losses... Agree, this is very important, because at the institute, refusing to study, no one will return your money back. On the Internet, everything is much simpler, because while passing online training for free, you have the opportunity to abandon it at any moment without losing money. Situations in life are different, so no one in the virtual world will judge you for your decision.

The last and probably the most important aspect: after completing the free distance courses, you will receive a diploma or certificate, which will indicate your specialty, as well as the level of acquired knowledge. With such a "crust" you can easily get the opportunity to enter a prestigious university, or offer your services to potential employers if you have reached the age of majority. Therefore, before you are skeptical about this method of obtaining additional knowledge, carefully consider its advantages. Perhaps this is exactly what you need.

TOP 15 best sites for self-study

Free courses on the Internet are held on special resources, where highly qualified and qualified specialists work. Do not assume that these people decided to teach online just because they cannot find a job in the real world, or for some reason have already lost it.

General education online courses

Today, many world-famous and well-known institutes conduct distance education for schoolchildren and applicants, and completely free of charge. This is explained, first of all, by their desire to attract streams of talented and capable students, who in the future will further glorify this or that educational institution.

The most popular and demanded Internet resources offering their services in the field of teaching are:

  1. If you want to improve your knowledge of certain subjects from the school curriculum, then you just need to sign up for free and take online courses on the website www. college. ru . Here you will surely find many useful and the information you need, especially if there is no opportunity or desire to hire a tutor. Also, students are often enrolled in such courses by their parents, who want them to keep up with the curriculum even during holidays / quarantine, etc.
  2. Improve possession English language can be on the website www. bellenglish. com . Here you can get a distance education by completing oral or written assignments, as well as conducting listening through recordings made with the participation of native speakers of the foreign language being studied. Even small children can do it - for them there is a huge number of all kinds of games in English or another language, and it's not a secret for anyone that learning in a playful way is much easier.
  3. One of the most famous and popular sites offering free education on the Internet is www. study. ru . With the help of this resource, you can learn different foreign languages ​​without wasting time and money on trips to tutors.
  4. Despite the great desire to learn a foreign language, many people, unfortunately, are not particularly literate in their native language. To fix this, you can take distance learning courses for free on the website www. mylanguage. ru . Such classes will help you quickly master the rules of grammar, spelling and pronunciation of Russian words and phrases. If you have no problems with speech, but you still want to improve the level of your knowledge, then this resource will be an excellent assistant for you in achieving your goal.
  5. Do you want to get a prestigious education abroad, but do not have the financial ability to go outside your home country? You don't need to go anywhere. For curious students a famous professor at Stanford University, as well as competent programmers, a huge learning platform was created called www.7. udacity. com . This resource works closely with the largest Internet companies in the world, and is ready to provide a knowledge base to its students in those areas that are completely closed from ordinary users of the world wide web. This is one of the most popular educational sites today. However, not everything is so simple here. This type of free distance education via the Internet is suitable only for people who already have some knowledge in the field of engineering, Internet technologies or business. It will be very difficult for beginners, so first they should be well prepared.
  6. Online training courses are held absolutely free on the website www. EDX. org . This project does not have a commercial basis, it was created so that people can engage in self-education on the Internet without having to study libraries and various sites in search of information. The professors who developed this free distance education site have collected materials from various branches of science into one huge library. So, you can learn more on topics such as:
    • electronics;
    • Internet technologies;
    • artificial intelligence;
    • chemistry, etc.

    It is important to note that, according to the people who studied at EDX, this is one of the best educational sites where you can get comprehensive answers to all your questions.

  7. The Internet portal is also popular. www. udemy. com . This resource provides both free and paid online training courses. It all depends on which direction you have chosen. Here you can study almost all school subjects at an advanced level. To take the course, a potential student should be patient, enthusiastic and muster, since no one promises that it will be easy.
  8. Free education can also be obtained on the portal www. arzamas. academy/ courses . This is a relatively new Russian distance learning project, where you can find an innumerable number of interesting and useful lectures on completely different topics.
  9. Another useful site for self-development is www. lektorium. tv . Here you can not only complete interesting tasks, but also watch videos, the total duration of which is almost 4000 hours.
  10. If you are into cars or design, then the most the best option a website for you www. universiality. com . Here you will find many entertaining and useful lectures that will help you gain all the knowledge you need to do what you love.
  11. Do you like to do self-development? Then the portal www. samopoznanie. ru will be a great helper for you. Especially for its visitors, this resource offers a course of webinars and trainings that will help you acquire all the necessary skills.

Business and information technology

  • If you have always dreamed of becoming a private entrepreneur, respectable businessman, owner of your own enterprise, then you have a real chance to fulfill your cherished dream. The site will help you with this. www. businesslearning. ru . Here you will not only receive a good education via the Internet, but you will also be able to determine exactly the direction in which you want to develop. So, for those wishing to study everything related to management, finance, the basics of office work and other areas of business, special free internet courses, after passing which, you will definitely need to pass the test in order to find out your level of preparedness for further engagement in the chosen type of activity. If necessary, you can take a second course of study in order to achieve the desired result and get the required level of education.
  • For people who want to work and earn good money in the field of computer technology, free online training on the site is perfect. www.intuit.ru . The resource contains more than 200 different educational programs aimed at a deep and thorough study of all kinds of modern information technologies... So, you can get all the necessary knowledge in the field of web design, management, historical facts regarding the development of the economy of Russia and other countries of the world, as well as many other interesting and useful information... Upon completion of the training, you will have to take a test, on the basis of which you will learn about the level of your knowledge in your chosen industry. www.intuit.ru - a site offering free online courses with a mandatory certificate. Therefore, the time spent on study will certainly pay off in the future.
  • For lovers of programming and Internet technologies, there is www. topexpert. pro . On this site you can get a good knowledge base in different areas related to internet marketing.
  • For people who are interested in the issue of creating sites and their promotion, it will not be superfluous to visit the portal www. techdays. ru . The information provided on it will help you understand how to act in a given situation so that your business brings not only success, but also good profit.

People who are not used to sitting in one place, like to be active, and also dream of learning something new and interesting, have good opportunity fulfill your dream. Many of the above sites provide their clients with free courses online, guaranteeing the mandatory receipt of a certificate. With its help, you will feel more confident, and self-confidence is one of the main keys to success.

That's all for me. Leave your comments. Tell about online courses that you went through and they were useful to you.

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