
Where are the Internet Explorer browser settings. Optimizing Internet Explorer. Clearing cookies and clearing browser cache

The internet explorer browser is one of the oldest. Despite the huge number of analogs at the present time, it is still popular among users.

The creator of the internet explorer browser is Microsoft, so it is installed by default along with the operating Windows system... However, in order for IE to work stably, it must be configured, and also be sure to monitor the updates of the plugins used and new versions of the software.

Knowing how to set up your internet explorer browser will help you get rid of the problems that arise after viruses, such as automatically turning on offline mode or blocking activex elements, on your own.

Basic browser settings

In order to enter the internet explorer browser settings, you need to click on the gear in the left upper corner screen or use the key combination "ALT + X".

In the window that appears, select the "Browser options" item. Many people confuse this section of the menu with "Configure add-ons". However, add-ons are browser-pluggable features and plugins, and this section is also worth checking out.

Common parameters

The general settings tab allows you to select the pages from which you want to start working. In addition, it is possible to select the display of individual tabs and the parameters of their behavior.

Can change appearance browser internet explorer beyond recognition by setting the style characteristics convenient for you. To do this, you can choose:

You should be careful with the appearance settings, as each web page has its own style, and it may not suit you or display incorrectly.

It is important to remember that “ General settings»Allows you to delete temporary and offline files, and clean up log entries. You can often hear from the service technical support or system administrator the words: "try to clear the cookies." This operation is performed from here.

Security options

Few are involved in configuring browser security. And in vain. The setting is quite flexible, and since most applications use internet explorer to open pages, it can protect your computer from virus infection.

If you do not want to delve into full customization, which can be accessed by clicking the "Other" button, you can enable one of the security levels that are crammed into the system and have their own settings: low, medium and high.

By controlling the parameters that are in the security settings, you can control many of the criteria for displaying pages that are important to the user, such as:

  • blocking pop-ups;
  • authentication on the page and saving authorization data;
  • management of all kinds of activex elements;
  • display of video, animation and requests of a certain type.

If you are unsure about enabling a particular setting, be careful. Disabling some activex options can cause display problems with page elements or block them altogether. Pay particular attention to:

  • permission to run and download unsigned items;
  • automatic launch of controls and recording permissions for them;
  • enable offline mode.

Privacy tab

Internet explorer privacy settings allow you to control how websites access your data and how requests are processed. It is possible to turn on one of the levels or set the settings manually, controlling every smallest detail of the tolerance, as well as block it altogether. In the advanced settings, you can control the processing of cookies.

In site management, you can prioritize the display of items and assign access levels to each resource. In addition, there is convenient setting allowing you to block or allow pop-up ads, which are sometimes simply impossible to get rid of in any other way. Change the privacy settings carefully, otherwise you may accidentally disable the exchange of data with the site completely and get offline.

Connection parameters

This setting allows you to:

  • enable and configure automatic connection when you open the internet explorer browser;
  • edit the list of network connections;
  • create a tunnel VPN connection;
  • run the "Network Settings Wizard";
  • configure a proxy server or auto-configuration script.

If you suspect that a virus has got to your computer, or when you open any page you see a message about an error processing by the proxy server, this is where you go to the Network Settings tab (an incorrectly entered port or address of the proxy server can block access to any sites).

A tunnel connection is created to securely transfer data between two points. Also, this type of connection is used by some providers to provide Internet access using PPTP and L2TP protocols.

Configuring the display of site content by criterion keywords set in Family Safety. A convenient enough function for setting up parental controls to block unwanted resources.

In addition, the content includes displaying RSS feeds, configuring and connecting certificates, and enabling the autocomplete feature.

Program tab

It is used to select an html editor, a client for working with mail, for opening sites, as well as the previously mentioned "Manage add-ons".

In this window, you can edit startup extensions, applications, spell checkers, and accelerators. Managing add-ons is very important, because it is with their help that you can turn the browser into a great tool for a web designer or optimizer and analyst.

At the same time, this most often includes viral programs that completely or partially block work in global network... Malicious code caught here can disable activex elements, enable redirection to other pages or offline mode, and block access to social networks.

Advanced tab

Settings that are not included in any of the main parameters, but are of the same importance, are located in the "Advanced" tab. Also, from here you can do full reset internet explorer, returning to the default settings when installing the program. However, resetting does not always help to disable offline mode and restore functionality to the browser.

Offline mode and other problems

One of the problematic parameters is activex. Thanks to this element, most applications and scripts on web pages are launched. Therefore, if you have filtering turned on or acceptance of this item turned off, you may run into display problems.

If your internet explorer version is lower than 11, you may encounter a problem with working offline. In order to disable offline mode, you need to go to the file menu and uncheck the box.

If you are using the modern version, then you will not find enabling or disabling this option. If you have a question about disabling it, then most likely your computer is infected with viruses. In this case, it is necessary to treat it, and then delete the entry in the registry using the link indicated in the figure or change its value to zero. After that, the offline mode will be disabled and the sites are available again.

Offline problems arise because it is designed to be viewed offline. And include its viruses and malware.

According to statistics, internet explorer is one of the most popular browsers. The popularity of the Internet browser is due to the fact that it is installed in Windows by default, and the user does not need to download the program additionally. Despite the fact that some webmasters sometimes complain about this application, it still continues to occupy a leading position. As of today, the latest version is, ships on devices with Windows 8, although it is available for other operating systems from Microsoft. Actually, let's talk in more detail about what should be the setting for the internet explorer browser.

First launch of internet explorer

The first time you launch your browser, a welcome window will open. If we are talking about how to configure internet explorer 8, then here will be a proposal to speed up the program using add-ons. After you click Next, you will be presented with a window in which you can configure the settings for the recommended websites. When you activate the Featured Sites feature, your browser will offer you a list of resources based on which pages you have visited most frequently.

The next window that opens is the parameter selection. You can leave them as default or change any settings of your choice. If you choose special options, then the user gets the opportunity to customize the browser as it suits him.

Next, a window will open in your Internet browser in which you can select a search provider. In other words, these are search engines that can be accessed in the program itself. After installing the provider, in order to use its services, you will not need to go directly to the website. Its designation appears on the browser toolbar. In order to select a resource, put a check mark next to the inscription, which means that after installation, show a page for selecting a search provider. If you leave this setting at the default, you will still go to search engines, which takes time. Therefore, I advise you to mark google, yandex or another resource here. How to make Yandex home page you will learn in more detail.

If we talk about whether it is necessary to search for updates for search services, then it should still be noted that the browser searches for them automatically. The Internet browser is equipped with various additional tools. So, we can note accelerators that will help you get instant access to the most frequently visited pages. Browser Settings Wizard will prompt you to enable or disable this function... Some users note that it can slow down the work of the Internet browser, so they prefer to deactivate it. Actually, you can always change the settings, but first I advise you to study accelerators, perhaps you will like them.

SmartScreen Filters provide protection against malware and phishing programs. Turning them on or off is everyone's business. However, given that in recent times Infections of computers have become more frequent, increasing security when connecting to the Internet will not hurt. In versions 8 and higher, there is such a parameter as viewing in security mode, speaking about how to configure the internet explorer browser, you cannot forget about it. It is required when visiting web resources optimized for earlier versions of the browser. About how much this mode convenient and useful, everyone can evaluate for themselves by turning on the function. Do not forget that you can always turn it off in your browser settings.

Completing the initial setup

After the internet explorer customizer exits, if you did everything as indicated above, three windows will appear in front of the user. First, this is the browser home page. In addition, windows with a list of accelerators and search services will open. The latter can be initially added to bookmarks, since in the future they may be useful, for example, for changing these parameters and installing updates.

You can select several search services, and then click the Finish button. You can find them in the upper right part of the browser. We do the same with accelerators, mark those that you need, and confirm our actions. When might accelerators be needed? For example, if you have chosen a translator as an add-on, then by opening any page in the browser, you will need to select the text of interest. Next to it you will see a blue arrow, after clicking on which you will see a list of accelerators. Choose a translator and get a ready-made translation of the text almost instantly.

Now let's look directly at the browser interface. At the top of the screen, you will see several panels, they contain a variety of tools to help the user on how to set up internet explorer 10 or another version of the browser. The command line contains the same buttons as in the browser menu, however, it is intended for quick access to them. Usually, each button has its name written, which can be changed by going to Settings and choosing to display as icons.

Browser settings are located in Tools - Internet Options. Before configuring internet explorer 11 or earlier, you should carefully study what is proposed by the developers. So, here you can change the home page. To do this, you need to go to the General tab. If you want to load a blank page, click on the button of the same name. In the address field, you can enter the address of the tab from which you want to boot.

The listed settings are far from all that are offered in internet explorer. And the developers have endowed the latest versions of the browser with additional features that make the work with the Internet browser more comfortable. You should not be afraid to experiment and change the parameters, because if you want, whenever you want, you can always, if something does not suit you.

I will not cover all 25 browsers in this article (today, this is exactly how many can work with operating system Windows), I'll tell you about the most common ones. Mistakenly, many users think that choosing a browser is a simple task and that they are all the same, that they are displayed the same on all pages of sites. In addition to such understandable differences as the appearance of the user interface and the program control system, there are also hidden differences in security, speed of loading and displaying pages, and the presence of additional auxiliary functions. If we take a combination of the above factors, then the differences can be serious.

"Configure Google Chrome Browser"

Along the way, the browser settings "Internet Mail.ru", "Comodo Dragon", "Yandex", "Nichrome" also get here. All of these browsers are powered by the Chromium engine. The settings and interfaces of these browsers are almost the same.

Click on the "Settings and Management" button (wrench in the upper right corner).

We see a context menu with which you can view history, downloads, etc., but today we will focus on the settings. Click on the "Settings" line.

In the settings window that opens, select "Basic".

Now, in the tab that opens, we will see that we are asked to choose which page we will see when the browser (browser) starts. I checked the "Home Page" box.

In the line of the window that opens, enter the page that we want to see when starting the browser - google, mail.ru, yandex.ru, webalta, etc. which will display the sites you visit most often.

By clicking on the line "Managing search engines" we can select a search that suits us, from the list of proposed ones. We decided to do Google chrome default browser, then click on the button "Assign Google Chrome browser default".

By clicking the "Offer to save passwords" button, the browser will offer you to save the password when filling out the password field on the sites, when you re-enter this site, the browser will fill in the password itself.

In additional settings, you can configure spelling check, translation of pages. You can also specify the path to save the downloaded files - either by default, or in a folder you created, or on the desktop, etc. Google chrome before that, you were using another browser in which you had bookmarks or favorites. You can import bookmarks and settings from another browser into Google Chrome by clicking the corresponding button in the settings.

"Configure Internet Explorer browser (at least IE 9, at least IE 10)"

Click on the "Settings" button (gear in the upper right corner).

We click on the line "Internet Options" in IE 9, or "Internet Options" in IE 10.

We see the "Properties" window that opens, on the "General" tab you can enter the address of the page (pages) that you want to assign home.

On the "Security" tab, set the security level that will be used when visiting sites - "Medium", "Above average", "High". High level do not bet, otherwise it will block everything in a row, put "Above Average".

In the process of internet explorer work, you can create a shortcut to the site you like and place it on your desktop. Windows table... To do this, right-click on the site page and select the "Create shortcut" tab.

On the privacy tab, you can also adjust the settings that suit you by setting the slider to the desired position. Then "Apply", "OK".

On the Programs tab, you can set IE as your default browser. Install add-ons. Assign programs to work with e-mail.

By going to the "Manage add-ons" tab, you can enable or disable plugins and toolbars launched with the browser. The more enabled, the longer it takes to launch the browser. Therefore, leave only the most necessary for you.

V command line on the "Security" tab, you can turn on the "SmartSreen" filter to safely open Internet pages. You can turn on Tracking Protection and clear your browser history.

By right-clicking on an empty space at the very top of the browser, you can enable or disable the add-ons you need. I was joking about Webalta! Just the other day with one program I caught it on the computer. I cleaned it up everywhere, read how to remove toolbars in this article. I didn’t know that I have it until I began to remove the "screenshots" for the article.

Any sites and search engines you can drag from "Favorites" to "Favorites bar". I have dragged and dropped the search engines I use more often.

By clicking on the triangle in the address bar, you will see the addresses of the last sites you visited, the journal and favorites. You can go directly there by clicking on the desired line.

I use Mozilla Firefox 19 and IE 10. Firefox takes much longer to load than IE on startup, but it works steadily when loaded, very rarely crashes, and IE crashes. I love Firefox for the huge number of add-ons and extensions, no other browser has that much. The settings are very simple. My friends, if you use Windows OS, then I do not recommend that you assign any default browser, except Internet Explorer... And even more so, God forbid, remove him. I wrote this for those who want to use all the functions of a PC. Too many things in Windows are connected with IE, you may not use it, but don't you dare eliminate it! IE 10 settings are simple, almost no different from IE 9. Now, in addition to Win 7, I also have Win 8 on my computer, IE 10 was immediately integrated into Windows 8.

"Configure Mozilla Firefox Browser"

Mozilla Firefox 15, 16, (17 did not forget but did not see the version in Russian), 18, 19 is several times faster previous versions... With faster startup speeds, faster page load times, improved web application performance, and hardware acceleration graphics, Firefox is optimal for complex interactive websites.

To open the settings, click on this triangle.

The home page is easily customizable, in the same window you can specify the path for saving files. It is convenient for me to download to the desktop.

You can always see the download speed of files.

Firefox Sync: access your magazine, bookmarks, open tabs, passwords, smart address bar and form data from multiple computers. Flexibility in customization. Of particular note in the browser is the concept of extensions and add-ons.

The essence of the idea is that the browser itself in its "pure form" provides only the basis - the address bar, tabs, the program menu. Nothing special, nothing superfluous. If the user is satisfied with this, you can not bother with all sorts of additions. But I think it will suit you only until the moment when you try to install the first add-on.

New Add-ons Manager: Choose from over 200,000 add-ons to help you customize the features, functionality and appearance of Firefox. Mozilla Firefox is the most extensible and highly customizable browser on the planet. You can customize toolbars, install additional plugins and skins.

Like a telescopic fishing rod, Mozilla Firefox can transform from a small, compact browser to an amazing multifunctional tool for traveling on the worldwide network. You can also learn more about what Firefox extensions can do by watching the videos. Privacy and security.

Privacy and security in the browser. Tracking Ban: Firefox is leading the way to implement a universal standard for Tracking Tracking, allowing users to tell sites that they don't want sites to track their behavior and use it to serve ads. Firefox puts privacy first, fixing flaws in some web standards, thereby eliminating the ability of others to access your browser history.

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS): Automatically establishes a secure connection to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks and eavesdropping on sensitive data during the login process. Content Protection Policy (CSP): Prevents cross-site scripting attacks by allowing sites to tell the browser what content is legitimate.

With Firefox, you are free from various spyware as well as from ActiveX controls. You can independently control your privacy, flexibly manage personal data. The browser allows you to instantly remove traces of your online presence. The JavaScript engine makes pages load faster and improves the performance of games and web applications.

Firefox includes hardware acceleration, high definition video (WebM), 3D graphics, offline data storage, professional typography, Mozilla's audio API to help create from sound visual effects and much more. Firefox includes a built-in webpage error notification console and a web developer console. Additional extensions like Firebug make it easy to develop and debug web pages.

Firefox keeps working even if it crashes Adobe plugins Flash, Apple QuickTime, or Microsoft Silverlight. If one of these plugins crashes or freezes, it won't affect the rest of Firefox. Just refresh the page to reload the plugin.

Adding sites to bookmarks, thanks to the asterisk in the address bar, is now possible with one click. Management of the journal and bookmarks is unified and carried out within a single dialog box. The selection of the necessary links has become more convenient, due to the presence of special groups of recently added bookmarks and the most frequently visited sites. Smart address entry line As soon as you start entering an address, a prompt window appears, where all matches are shown in bold.

Smart line for entering the address. The window contains a list of previously visited sites. The string responds not only to site addresses, but also to their headers, which greatly simplifies and speeds up input. They are displayed in a window with the history of previously opened sites. Even if you don't remember the exact address, the name of the resource will tell you the right way.

Automatic Updates You no longer need to manually download new browser versions as they are released. The update system automatically downloads small patches of several hundred kilobytes, saving you time. I started off with Mozilla Firefox 13, but today I already use Firefox 19, that is, it updated itself to version 19.

Optimal base composition A simple, intuitive browser has everything you need in your daily life. Bookmarks, magazine, full screen mode, text scaling and much more - all this is in Mozilla Firefox. Pop-up Blocker You will no longer be annoyed by pop-ups that open when you visit many sites. You can independently specify from which sites to allow the opening of pop-up windows, and from which not. Read emails without spam Mail client Mozilla Thunderbird is a great add-on for Firefox. With MozBackup you can back up your Firefox profile data or restore data from backup Firefox profile. You can save and restore data such as settings, bookmarks, history, extensions, passwords, cookies, saved forms, download list, certificates and styles.

Applications. Viewing Flash animations, executing Java applets and much more is possible with plugins for Mozilla Firefox. Search plugins from Mozilla.org With the search plugins you can add to Firefox search on popular sites. Search plugins from the Mozilla Russia site With the help of search plugins, you can add searches to popular Russian sites in Firefox. Dictionaries from Mozilla.org Dictionaries to check spelling in Firefox. Dictionaries from the Mozilla Russia website.

"Configure Opera Browser"

If you do not like the default browser setting, then I will describe how to set up Opera, but only the basics. In Opera we have three options for settings: Settings (Ctrl + F12), Quick setup(F12) and decoration (Shift + F12). Remember these keys. The settings are opened by pressing the red "Menu" button in the upper left corner, and then selecting the "Settings - General" items.

It will be useful to fill in some information about yourself on the "Forms" tab. This can be convenient, namely, it allows you to reduce the time it takes to fill out typical forms on some sites.

On the "Search" tab, you can edit the list of used search engines, which are switched in the upper right corner of the browser. Decide to your taste what you need and what not.

You don't really need to change anything on the Web Pages tab. Unless, if you have a slow connection, you can turn on turbo mode and turn off pictures, or show only cached images.

Let's move on to advanced settings. In the subsection "Tabs" we customize everything to our taste. Personally, I just turned off the sketches that were unnecessary, in my opinion.

In the "Notifications" subsection, perhaps it is worth turning off the sound, personally, I unchecked "Show notifications from Opera Unite applications", because I do not use this service.

In the "Navigation" subsection, set the page redrawing "Continuously" and check the box "Show full web address in the address field". The rest, I think, is at your discretion.

Further subsection "History". It is important to decide on the size of the cache, both in memory and on disk. It is needed to quickly display the page that you have already visited (that is, without reloading it from the Internet, by means of a copy saved on disk, in memory). The larger the cache, the more pages it will save. If fast loading of already visited sites is not important for you, then you can safely set zeros for both parameters (Cache in memory and Disk cache, respectively). If this is important to you, then I recommend setting the maximum allowable value (400 Mb) both there and there (in case the RAM is running out, you can rely on the disk cache by disabling the cache random access memory). I set the time for checking for updates on the server "Every hour", although this value could be set even more.

In the "Security" subsection, check the box "Enable protection against fraud and malware", and on the "Security protocols" tab, check all the available items.

On the "Network" tab, in the "Number of connections to the server" and "Total number of connections" items, set 32 ​​and 128, respectively. Owners of weak internet connections may have to go back to the recommended settings (16 and 64).

Useful extensions for the Opera browser. Blocking ads and scripts. With Orera11, as in FF and Google Chrome, there is a list of extensions that can be installed, giving the browser new capabilities. Today I will touch upon two extensions that everyone needs (they are responsible for the safety and comfort of being on the Internet) - NotScripts (analogue of Noscript for Firefox) and Opera Adblock (analogue of Adblocks Plus).


It deals with the fact that prevents the execution of scripts on the page, if you did not allow this yourself with your own handles. The fact is that JavaScript is one of the sources of various infections from the Internet, therefore blocking and monitoring its execution is one of the key elements of security. More details on this on the plugin page.

You can install the plugin by going to the page with it by clicking the "Install" button. After installation, in the upper right corner, a plugin triangle will appear. Click on it with the mouse and see a small message that you need to do this and this for the plugin to work. Now we click with the mouse on it and see the opened page with settings in front of us.

Ie, if you are currently on sonikelf.ru, then if something does not work, then you allow the sonikelf.ru script, not mail.ru. After that, you carefully look - didn’t it work what you needed? If the answer is yes and everything works as you would like, then you don't touch anything else. If not, then you carefully look at what scripts are still there and choose another one from them, allowing it. And so on until the full performance of what you need. Try to avoid allowing scripts that have names other than this site. Googlecode, yandex, etc. are generally safe scripts.


It is installed in the same way (Install button). After installation, go to "Menu - Extensions - Manage extensions" and in the Adblock line, click on the gear image and, from the drop-down menu, select the "Settings" item.

In the settings, on the "Subscriptions" tab, we need to set two checkboxes "Russian" in the FanBoy and EasyList lists. On the "Button" tab, check the "Display the button in Opera address bar" checkbox.

This will enable the display of the plug-in button next to the address bar. Press Shift + F12, immediately go to the Toolbars tab and check the Show hidden panels when configuring checkbox at the bottom. Now we see all the panels at once.

We proceed as follows: click on the desired panel, and then set the parameters in the sliding fields (at the bottom, top, hide, show, the location of icons, etc.) Next, set up the navigation - it is much easier here: the Buttons panel, on the left of the menu - Browser. Take any button and drag it to the control panel. The most necessary buttons are back, forward, home, update, start, create, passwords (if necessary).

You can also customize Opera by pressing Ctrl + F12. This is where you set up the home page, password management. You can also drag the search form of any system to the desired panel. Here, other parameters are also more finely configured: managing cookies, java script, content, blocking sites (see. parental control), and even voice control. How to disable torrenting in opera.

Or maybe you won't turn it off? I don't use Opera now, BitTorrent had to be installed in a separate program. Don't know how to use Torrent? The administrator of this site told me, in confidence, that he will soon publish an article about Torrent settings. Well, if you don't want to download an opera from a torrent? Instructions for disabling the torrent in the opera, although ... We climb into the configurator: write opera: config in the address bar and press enter.

Opera torrent, used by default. In the Bit Torrent parameter, uncheck the Enable box, click "Save" below. Now "Opera 9" will be silent about the torrent, and Opera 10 and 11 will offer you to choose yourself or use your program, but will not download without demand. But first, just in case, save the settings file C: \ Documents and Settings \ admin \ Application Data \ Opera \ Opera \ profile \ opera6.ini If you are wrong, you can easily put everything back in place.

That seems to be all, I did not describe the settings in detail, but I tried to cover those that will be needed immediately after installing the browser. Good luck to all! See you on the pages of the site.

After installing the Internet Explorer browser, you need to carry out its initial configuration. Thanks to her, you can increase the performance of the program and make it as user-friendly as possible.

General properties

The initial configuration of the Internet Explorer browser is carried out in the section "Service - Browser Options".

In the first tab "General" you can customize the bookmark bar, set which page will be the start page. Various information is also deleted here, for example cookies... According to user preferences, you can customize the look with colors, fonts and designs.


The name of this tab speaks for itself. The level of security of the Internet connection is set here. Moreover, you can distinguish between this level of dangerous and safe sites. The higher the level of protection, the more additional functions can be disabled.


Access is configured here in accordance with the privacy policy. If sites do not meet these requirements, you can prevent them from sending cookies. It also prohibits locating and blocking pop-up windows.


This tab is responsible for setting additional parameters security or reset all settings. You don't need to change anything in this section, the program automatically sets the necessary values. In the event of various errors in the operation of the browser, its settings are reset to the initial ones.


Here we can set Internet Explorer as the default browser and manage add-ons, i.e. additional applications. They can be turned off and on from the new window. Add-ins are removed from the standard wizard.


Here you can connect and configure virtual private networks.

Family safety is a very handy feature of this section. Here we can adjust the work on the Internet for a specific account... For example, deny access to some sites or, on the contrary, enter a list of allowed.

The list of certificates and publishers is immediately adjusted.

If you enable the autocomplete function, the browser will remember the entered lines and fill them in if the initial characters match.

In principle, the settings of the Internet Explorer browser are quite flexible, but if you wish, you can download additional programs that expand the standard functions. For example Google Toollbar (for searching through Google) and Addblock (for blocking ads).

I haven't written to my blog for a long time, you can't do that. You can't throw a blog, you need to write as often as possible. And, of course, I have some remorse about this. But there were good reasons for that.

I was preparing for the webinar, and since I began to conduct them quite recently, then, of course, I need a lot of time for this. And not only time, you need to tune in to the webinar. After all, you need to speak in front of a large number of people, it takes courage, in the end. Or am I not right?

But my article today is not about that. Yesterday I found a plugin with which you can view all the templates from our blog without activating them.

Why do I need it? The fact is that I decided to put several templates I made for sale. But at this stage, you can download them absolutely free! And so that the topics can be viewed in demo mode, I installed on the blog WordPress plugin Theme Demo Bar. A very interesting plugin, I will also write about it later.

So, I made a demo to my templates and began to look at them in different browsers. And what was my surprise, sad of course My blog looked incorrectly in Intrenet Explorer... Here is a screenshot of this disgrace

Bloggers will understand me. I started by turning off the plugins in turn and looking at my blog in Explorer, I thought that maybe some plugin was preventing the blog from displaying normally in this browser. But no, it didn't help.

And I went to the Internet for an answer. And that's what I read there. The fact is that fewer and fewer people use this browser, and its settings, for some reason, differ from all other popular browsers. And therefore, many sites, even very popular and well-known, are incorrectly reflected in IE.

I even met the inscriptions on the sites before: In the IE browser, the page is displayed incorrectly and please view it in another browser.

But I paid little attention to it until it touched me. To be honest, I do not understand the owners of this browser, because if a large number of sites are displayed incorrectly, then more and more people will switch to other browsers. Can't you change your browser settings? Strange, but true. Most likely, they have their own reasons for this.

But there is still a way out. And when I found him, I just felt funny. It turns out that you just need to go into IE, open the Tools tab and tick the Compatibility View line. Here is a screenshot

As soon as I did that, my favorite blog started to display beautifully in this wonderful browser. But it's only frustrating that not everyone knows about it and therefore mine and others good blogs can be reflected in an indecent form.

By the way, videos delivered from Vimeo video hosting do not start there, but only a black screen is shown. And the video that I put on, once from the VKontakte social network, also does not start. Well, I put an inscription stating that the video is not played in the IE browser, please switch to another browser to view it!

But still I decided to try, do something, and went to the site https://windows.microsoft.com. There I began to read their advice on how to optimize the browser explorer. And I found the Disable Hardware Acceleration feature. As promised, this feature should help display video clips. And she did as it is written:

Select from the browser menu -> Tools -> Browser options -> On the Additional tab, select the Use programmatic rendering instead of GPU-> Click OK, close Internet Explorer and restart the program for the changes to take effect.

Did it, didn’t help! But I still found a way out. You need to click -> Service -> check the ActiveX box. Oh, miracle! The video appeared, but a window popped up:

To view it is necessary Flash Player latest version. I clicked there and downloaded latest version flash player to your computer. Launched as administrator. But the video did not start, and there was a request to download the flash player. I ran to look for an answer on the Internet, but there is no answer. Sorry, visitors, my blog, but I write it as it is.

And yet, when I switched to other articles where videos were downloaded from YouTube hosting videos, now the black window was already in place of these videos! And laughter and sin. What kind of browser is this. I honestly never used it. And I won't, especially after today's misadventures and wasted time.

So a kind request to my readers: Please use other browsers when visiting my blog! For example, I constantly use Google Chrome and will not trade it for anything, even Mazilla Firefox, since it is much slower than Chrome. In Chrome, each window works as a standalone browser, hence the good speed.

What browsers do you use? Personally, I am no longer in IE!

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