
What is a detailed blog review. How can a blogger make money using the Blogun service without leaving home. Exchange of guards "Blogun"

I will start this blog with a description of the site "Blogun", who at one time became a "breadwinner" for me and thanks to which, without much difficulty, I earned an average monthly salary in my region (Chelyabinsk region).

The Blogun site gives owners of social accounts. networks the opportunity to earn on the sites "VKontakte", "Twitter", "Facebook" and "Google+". The requirements for accounts are that they have at least 100 friends and 100 personal records.

But you need to understand that the more friends you have, the better, because the advertiser is interested in getting as many people as possible to read about him. For example, if you have more than 2000 friends on Facebook, then the price for 1 advertising review can range from 50 to 1000 rubles (I didn’t write one review for 1000, but I know for sure that advertisers pay so much to "cool" accounts, my most expensive post cost 250 rubles for 500 characters). And if, for example, your site is really popular, you can set a higher price for each review yourself.

Another plus of the "Blogun * a" service that you can use
as many accounts as you like in the same social network, there are no restrictions, the more the better, the main thing is that the sites meet the minimum requirements. And if you have your own blog or website, then that's great! The advertiser will definitely be interested in you, and there are thousands of them (advertisers) on Blogun.

Let's now see what you have to write - There are 3 types of content on Blogun, these are:

Guard - 1-2 sentences with a link of no more than 200 characters, as a rule, they are asked to publish on Twitter, but it happens less often on Facebook - payment of 15-30 rubles for a guard (depends on the number of your readers).

Short review- this is a text of one or two paragraphs with the number of characters about 500, but not more than 1500 and with the placement of 1-2 links, the average price is 30-60 rubles.

Detailed overview - text of about 1500 characters. The text describes the advertising product in detail, contains 1, 2 or 3 links to the advertiser's website, the price is from 100 rubles and more.

By the way, yes! Where to get information about what exactly to write? Of course (I forgot to clarify right away) the advertiser provides you with advertising links, you go to his website, read about the product, service or product and write about it in absolutely free form. And now do the math - for example, you have from 1 to 3 advanced accounts, you wrote 10 reviews per day for 100 rubles apiece, that's $ 1,000 per month (at the rate for 2011-12 of course :))
I will not mislead you to make money like this right after registering on Blogun, this is a rare case, but this quite achievable.

The only negative that I see is the high minimum amount for withdrawal (1000 rubles) and a rather long period for withdrawal (up to 7 working days), but when you are busy working on the service every day, you can ignore this.

The year is coming to an end - rich, intense, fruitful - different. Thank you for choosing our company to promote and develop your Internet projects in the past year. We have achieved a lot together, and much remains to be done. Let the trust between us not fade away, and cooperation in 2018 will be productive and successful.

There are only a few days left before the upcoming holidays. We heartily congratulate all our advertisers, bloggers, partners and friends on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!

Thank you for choosing Blogun to develop your brands. We tried to please you with innovations so that the use of the service is as convenient as possible for you.

For example, in 2016 you got the opportunity to create advertising campaigns on Instagram, choose only high-quality sites, and even evaluate the work of our specialists technical support. All this undoubtedly affected the quality of our joint work!

In the coming year, we will try to exceed your wildest expectations and make a breakthrough. After all, our friendly team works for you with maximum efficiency for the sake of your success. May 2017 be a year of great success and accomplishment for all of us!

How do we work on holidays?

During the New Year holidays (from December 31 to January 09), the Blogun service team will work according to the holiday schedule: all applications and questions will be processed from January 09. Urgent issues can be resolved by e-mail - [email protected] website.

We remind you that replenishing your account with electronic money works around the clock without days off and holidays.

On November 21, 2016 it became known of start in Instagram new feature live video broadcasts of the Stories section - Instagram Live, which is beginning to change the entire landscape of Instagram marketing and, according to experts, will soon completely kill Periscope. Damir Khalilov (one of the most competent specialists of Runet in social media promotion) prepared a detailed infographic, where he clearly explained what it is and how to live with it ( click to open infographic in full size):

Text transcript infographic

Everything you need to know about INSTAGRAM LIVE

  1. variation Instagram Stories in live video format
  2. Maximum duration - 1 hour
  3. The recording is not saved, disappears immediately after the end of the broadcast
  4. Users can like and comment
  5. You can open or close the ability to comment
  6. You can open the broadcast for all friends, or only for selected ones.

How to start?

  1. Swipe the feed from left to right on the camera screen
  2. Select Start Live Video

Where is it displayed?

  • In the Stories line
  • In the section "Interesting"
  • In the "Top Live" section

Subscribers receive broadcast notifications

What to use?

  • Prompt communication with the audience
  • Reporting from the scene
  • "Unobtrusive" reviews of products and services
  • Broadcasts from behind the scenes

P.S. A bit more useful information related to our blog:

What global changes in SMM took place in 2016? According to Damir Khalilov, one of the most competent Runet specialists in social media promotion, “everything that could change on Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram and even Odnoklassniki has changed.”
For information on what has changed in social networks in the past year, see the infographic ( click on each of the five pictures to open in full size).

1. About the exchange of postmen "Blogun";
2. How to make money in social networks using the Blogun exchange;
- What to write about on the stock exchange.
- How to register your advertising platform (blog or social network account).
3. Make money on your blog;
4. Affiliate program of the "Blogun" system;
5. How to launch your advertising on the Internet on the Blogun service;
6. Reviews and shortcomings of the exchange "Blogun";
7. Blogun in numbers;
8. A detailed video on how to get started with the "Blogun" system.

Exchange of guards "Blogun"

Hello dear blog readers. Today's article will be from the category of "make money on the Internet", "advertising on the Internet", "blogosphere" and " social media", that is, it will be interesting for those who are just starting to be interested in making money on the Internet and would like to do it either on their blog or on social networks, and for those who already know something, but want to increase earnings or promote their services, goods , sites. And I will tell about exchange of posts and reviews "Blogun" - the largest service for organizing advertising campaigns on the Internet and a service that provides an opportunity to earn money on your accounts in social networks, and of course bloggers on their blogs. There are many websites, blogs and profiles in social networks of all kinds of topics and trust registered here. Many advertisers conduct their advertising campaigns on Blogun and their number is constantly growing. Anyway, whatever one may say, this system has been and remains one of the most popular and largest of its kind.

In other words, Blogun (blogun) is an Internet service whose main task is to organize joint work of bloggers and owners of accounts in social networks who are interested in placing paid advertising on their sites, as well as advertisers who need to present and promote their own services, goods, sites , information products and the like.
The whole process takes place by placing special advertising publications on social platforms:
- Sentry - a short advertising text containing one or two sentences of no more than 250 characters and with one special link (but not necessary), which is often added at the end of the text.
- A short review is a unique text consisting of one or two paragraphs and with a total of about 700 characters, but not more than 1500, and with up to 2 links in the text.
- Detailed review - also a unique text containing from 1500 characters. The text consists of detailed description advertised product, product or something else. It can contain up to three external links to the advertiser's site.

How to make money with your social media account

The Blogun website provides an opportunity owners of accounts in social networks to earn money on their sites. Supported social networks such as "VKontakte", "Twitter", "Facebook", "Google+". The requirement for personal pages is to have a minimum of 100 friends (followers) and 100 personal posts. But the more friends, the better, because every advertiser is interested in spreading their advertising campaigns as much as possible. For example, for verification, using an account on the VKontakte social network with a thousand friends, the monthly income was 290 rubles, but this is only on the placement of those guards that advertisers provided on their own initiative and with a minimum value per post. That is, it did not require any extra actions on the part of the blogger. And if you yourself look for some kind of advertising company already registered by the advertiser in the system and offer your services, then, in case of positive approvals, earnings will increase significantly. For this, of course, the number of your friends and the quality of the site itself (real people in friends) are important. With the increase in the popularity of the account in the social network itself, the importance of the site on Blogun will also grow - more and more advertisers will both offer themselves and agree to your offers to place their ads on their page. And we can already talk not only about the most sentry, but also about advertising reviews, the price of which ranges from 30/100 to a thousand rubles per review. Also, if your site is really popular, you can set a higher minimum price for each post.
Another significant plus of the service "Blogun" providing an opportunity to earn money in social networks- this is that, if available, you can combine many sites and register, for example, two accounts with VKontakte, one with Facebook, three with Twitter and one with Google. That is, there are no restrictions, and the more, the better. And if you also have your own blog (website), then it’s generally great! Sometimes an advertiser, for some reason, does not see the point in promoting a PR company on one of your sites, but an offer to do it on several at the same time may seriously interest him.

What and how to write on the Blogun exchange?!
Well, everything is quite simple here. The advertiser will provide you with all the necessary links where you can view a description of what you are going to promote and describe some of your writing requirements, if any. You just have to add, change a few words in places and add something of your own - creativity is only welcome. That's it, send it for review.
By the way, when registering sites, it is important that they are publicly available for viewing on the Internet. You can check whether this function is enabled in the privacy settings of your profiles in the social network itself, or somewhere approximately there =))

How to register your advertising platform on Blogun?
When you go to the internet Blogun, on the start page register as a new user (I think you yourself know how to do this). After registration, at the top under the big inscription "Blogger", you can find two sections: "I am an advertiser / blogger". If we decide to make money, then click on the blogger and move on. On the page that opens, just below the previous inscriptions, there will be more sections: =My sites=; =Offers=; =Applications=; =Quests=; =Payments=; =Messages=; =Partners=:
- To add your accounts, click on "=My Sites=" and see the big green "+Add Site" button. By clicking on it we will get to the registration page and choose what we want to add. If we add a blog, then we simply fill in the address of the site, subject, description and keywords. If we register our page on a social network, then click "Login through ...", and after that we already fill in all the necessary sections. We fill them in as white as possible in detail and click add. Next, among the activation methods, check the box next to "post with affiliate link"- as a result, you are provided with a special activation link that you publish on your wall in a social network and save the url-address of this publication (to do this, click on the publication date of this news and in the address bar of your browser you can see the direct link you need/ url address). Paste it into the field "Link to the page with the activation code" and click activate. After that, your site will be checked by a moderator and, if everything goes well, he will confirm its activation.

to activate your advertising platform on the VKontakte social network, you need to click on the news where you posted the link to Blogun, after that, this news will open in a pop-up window and now you need to click on the publication date itself again, after which it will fully open on the new page and now just copy the direct url of this news located in the address bar of your browser. This address must be inserted into the "Link to the page with the activation code". Same thing on Facebook! ......>>>

In "=Offers=" you will be able to choose advertising companies suitable for you, which are already being promoted by advertisers.
- In "=Applications=" you will find tasks that advertisers themselves will provide you with for placement.
- "=Tasks=" contains all the information on agreed tasks: unfinished, ready, pending, in revision, in need of correction, not counted.
- In "=Payments=" payments =)) well, that is, everything related to the input and output of money.
- In "=Messages=" incoming and outgoing correspondence within the site.
- In "=Affiliates=" statistics on the affiliate system and all advertising materials/referral links.

Earn money on your blog using the service "Blogun"

For bloggers who are just starting to grasp the possibilities making money on the Internet using your blog, the Blogun exchange will do better than anything. It is clear that if your blog is sufficiently promoted and has some "puzomerki" (Tits, PR), then the opportunity to earn will be much greater - the number of offers and the price for execution will grow, offers to buy links from your site will also come. But what should a young blog do, in which Google Page Rank and Yandex (Tits) are minimal, and there is only a small amount of traffic? Here in this is advantage of the site "Blogun" for beginner bloggers. For many advertisers, they are interested not only in buying / selling links to increase site performance, but also in unique reviews (descriptions) of their products, sites and services, as well as potential visitors (buyers).
By the way, if the indicators of your blog (Visitors, Regular Readers, Titz, PR) grow or are already significant at the time of adding to Blogun, then you can set your minimum price for which you will agree to complete this or that task and will not delay yourself consideration of other proposals. It is also possible to bargain and increase the price for the task, unless of course the advertiser agrees to such an offer.

Exchange affiliate program Blogun

Blogun offers to earn not only on advertising, but also on his own. That is, to receive remuneration for each financial transaction made by bloggers or advertisers attracted by you. You will receive income automatically to the affiliate account of the account. And then, at the beginning of the next month, this money will go to the main account. 25% - that's how much it pays affiliate program for each replenishment of the account of the advertiser you brought or for the funds earned by the blogger.

Create an advertising campaign on the Blogun service

With the help of the exchange Blogun effective organizations can be carried out:
  • advertising companies;
  • viral culture;
  • PR companies;
  • SEO promotion.
To begin with, after registration, you should replenish your financial account and create a new advertising company. After ... in other words, I will not rant and stint a little on words, but I'd better show you a video where everything is clear and intelligibly told:

Basically, the use of all advertising formats leaves quite positive results not only for the growth of the site's positions in search engines, but also to increase targeted visitors to those placed ads directly to your site, if the blog on which the link is located is quite popular and visited. When you choose the right sites, your links and advertising posts are quickly indexed by search engines and the position of the resource will rise, because the links look very natural because they are in the thematic content area, which means they have more weight. But you should definitely remember that, as in any other system, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the chosen site.

Today we will consider Blogun reviews and real earnings On him. This is really a working way to make money online. With the help of this service, you can not only make money on the Web, but also attract regular visitors to your website (blog) and other resources on the Internet.

Service Blogun, what is it

Hello, friends! As far as you know, you can make money on the Internet different ways. Now, such a sphere of earnings on the Web as the blogosphere is developing. People keep their blogs on social networks, or have their own websites for this cause.

But, creativity and profit play a big role in this activity. There is a great service called Blogun. He has helped many bloggers and advertisers to promote their resources on the Web and make money through the Internet. What it is? Let's give a precise definition.

Blogun is an advertising service that allows you to place various types of advertisements on various resources on the Internet. These can be resources such as social networks, blogs, websites, portals, and the media. How does he work? How do bloggers and advertisers make money with it? We will talk about this today. After all, if you type in the search engine the query “Blogger reviews and real earnings”, you can see that users are satisfied with this service, and it has accumulated a lot positive feedback including active members.

So, before talking about making money on the Blogun service, let's register on it. The registration process on the site is simple. Click on the official website of the service (blogun.ru) the button in the right corner "create an account" and indicate in the role of whom you want to participate. Advertiser, partner or site owner (i.e. website, social media page, blog) (Figure 1).

When you choose the type of account, you can already start creating a source of income. But in order for you to earn money, you need to indicate the "site owner". Important condition! Specify only your real data, and do not forget the passwords to enter your Personal Area. Also, don't forget to confirm your email address.

The essence of earning on this service is to complete tasks from advertisers. You add a promoted platform to the service - a website, social page, vlogs. Then, wait until you receive tasks from advertisers. You can track tasks in the "missions" section. After you complete the work, money will be credited to your balance in the system. The withdrawal of funds from this project is carried out on the well-known payment system– WebMoney. In this part of the article, we looked at a frequent search query - "Blogger reviews and real earnings" and found out how it works. Next, will be shown better ways earnings on this service.

Earn money through blogs

So, how can a blogger make money on the Blogun service? Everything is very simple. Log in to your account, click on "my sites" then "add site" (Figure 2).

After that, you will see a special form that you need to fill out. Enter data such as:

  • site address;
  • indicate the topic;
  • detailed description;
  • your blog keywords;

And only after specifying all the information, click add. All your work on this is done. It remains only to wait for the task from the advertisers, as it was already written above in the article. But, if you do not want to wait for offers, then the site has a filter that helps you look for profitable offers from the advertiser. To do this, click the "earn more" button, which is located next to the balance display. And then set your job search priorities to your advantage (Figure 3).

In this way, not only a top blogger can earn money, but also a novice user.

Earning through social networks

How much do they earn on the Blogun service? On this resource you can earn 5,000-15,000 rubles per month. It all depends on how popular your sites are on the Internet. But, do not forget that it is beneficial for advertisers to cooperate with those bloggers who have a normal reputation and high traffic to their resource.


So, from this article we learned about the Blogun service and real earnings through the Internet with its help. Perhaps you have never come across such a service, and it is considered the newest for you. But, this problem is solved. I hope this article has helped you understand new opportunity earnings through the Internet. Any beginner can make money on Blogun, that's for sure. Use this article as a guide. Good luck and success to you friends!

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The good news is that you can make money on absolutely any blog. If you have set a goal for yourself and are ready to really work on your blog (and not post a note or two according to your mood), then you have every chance to get real profit from it.

How to do this, we will now tell

Your income will depend primarily on the quality and subject matter of publications. It is known that popular blogs - about travel or, for example, about relationships - usually have more readers than specialized blogs (say, about breeding cacti). At the same time, statistics show that the most profitable blog advertising topics are construction and banking. A blogger faces a difficult task: what to choose in order to be able to methodically fill the blog with quality content and remain interesting for both readers and advertisers?

It's actually quite easy to solve this problem.

Choose what you are really interested in, what you can call yourself an expert in and know what is relevant in this area at the moment. By taking on a potentially profitable, but not "igniting" topic, you run the risk of leaving the blog halfway to monetization - getting real money for your work.

"Blogun" helps to monetize blogs of any subject

We offer two ways to earn money that can be used simultaneously:

Let's talk more about each of these two methods.

1. Writing promotional publications

You have a blog with a certain circle of readers. You regularly add new publications on a particular topic. Your blog is a great place to advertise for money.

This is precisely the task of the Blogun system: to establish contact between the blogger and the advertiser. It's simple: you register your site in the system, advertisers give you tasks to write publications. The more readers you have, the more active the audience - the higher your rating in the system, the more advertisers may be interested in your site for their advertising campaign.

Advice: photo reports from events and reviews on the use of products are especially popular with readers. For advertisers, it's much more effective way appeal to the audience than mentioning the site in the article. Let advertisers know that you know how to report or are ready to try the product in action, and you will have a chance for higher-paying publications. If you do not have the skills of a photographer, learn to write articles using pictures from other resources (with the obligatory indication of the source!) And adding useful comments.

2. Affiliate program of the Blogun service

Each blogger registered in the system can participate in the affiliate program. Even if he does not take orders for advertising publications. Just tell your readers about "Blogun" - and get bonuses!

The scheme is simple

If a new blogger (or advertiser) came to us through a link from your blog and registered, then when he starts actively working in the system - replenishing his account or withdrawing money - you will receive an affiliate bonus.

How is the bonus calculated?

"Blogun" receives a commission of 15% of the cost of posting publications. You are charged 25% of this commission, which is brought to us by bloggers and advertisers invited by you. Plus you get 15% of the bonus. And yet - withdraw your money without commission.

Bonuses are awarded automatically - you do not need to contact us with any additional statements.

Advice: to earn more on the affiliate program:

How much can you earn from a blog?

It all depends on your activity. And, shall we say, devotion to your blog. The more you can attract new customers, the more bonuses you will receive under the affiliate program. The more interesting and authoritative your blog is, the more your publications in it will cost. Raise your level by reading our regular column "Tips for Bloggers" - and earn with "Blogun"!

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