
iPhone mute switch not working. Backlash of the volume and power buttons on the iPhone - marriage or not? iPhone mute button not working

If the volume button on the iPhone does not work for you (for example, it sticks), do not rush to give the phone to a service center. Before you find out the cost of repairs and pay for the replacement of buttons (switching to silent mode or volume control), clarify the cause of the malfunction and try to fix it yourself.

Main causes of malfunctions

Primary diagnostics of the device can be done at home. If the volume button on the iPhone does not work - you do not hear a characteristic click, you feel that the mechanism is loosened - most likely, the cause is mechanical damage. Shocks and drops easily damage cables, screen, system board and other buttons (volume, lock, turn iPhone on and off, switch to silent mode). Often, the smartphone not only does not go into silent mode, but generally stops turning on after a strong mechanical impact.

Often problems with the iPhone occur due to liquid flooding. The penetration of moisture into the housing leads to serious consequences. It is important to dry the phone in time, clean the contacts and tracks, prevent corrosion, otherwise the problems may be not only with the sound.

Buttons "Volume" (decrease and increase the volume), "Power" (on and off) and "Mute" (mute, switch to silent mode) do not always break. In some cases, they stop working due to software glitches. For example, when you install unlicensed software on your iPhone or the firmware does not work correctly.

Symptoms of malfunctions:

  • the button is broken, does not respond
  • volume control (decrease, increase) does not work
  • button sticks, works irregularly

If you are sure that the buttons do not work due to a factory defect, immediately contact your Apple reseller, an authorized service center. In another situation, try fixing the problem with the iPhone yourself.

Troubleshoot software and adjust settings

In the process of diagnosing the device, you should pay attention to the iPhone settings - the phone may be working in silent mode. There is also a chance that a recently installed application is causing the blockage. Then it's worth doing a hard reboot:

  • simultaneously press "Power" and "Home" (for the iPhone 7, the on and off and volume buttons work this way, if the latter is not broken)
  • hold them until the phone turns off and the Apple logo appears

As a last resort, go through the iOS restore procedure through iTunes.

Where to go for repairs

Immediately contact the specialists if the software is working properly, and the adjustment mechanism or turning on the silent mode has stopped working due to mechanical damage or flooding. When the warranty periods are violated, it is not necessary to waste time on a trip to the service center - it is much more convenient to call the master at home.

Hello! What does a person do immediately after buying an iPhone? That's right, he begins to study it closely. Scratches? Cracks? gaps? All this is sought with enviable, sometimes even some kind of manic-paranoid persistence. Is it strange? I don't think so. After all, buying a fairly expensive device, we have the right to expect that everything will be perfect in it.

And at the time of such research, you can easily find the fact that the mechanical power buttons (volume) are not installed tightly and are shaking a little. On the one hand, it's frustrating. On the other hand, maybe everyone is like that? Let's figure out if the backlash of the Power buttons and increase (decrease) the volume is a marriage or is it a common design feature of the iPhone?

One two Three. Let's go! :)

Personal experience or do the buttons on the author's iPhone stagger?

They wobble, but not much. Moreover, I paid attention to this right from the moment I bought my first iPhone 5S. I was very worried about this and even wanted to. But all this desire lasted only the first few weeks. Then, as they say, "scored" and now this device has been serving me for the 4th year in a row.

The most interesting thing is that after all this time, the Power button is shaking almost the same as it was from the very beginning of use. Although, small improvements are still present - at the end of the article there are observations about what this may be due to.

In general, if you think logically, then the buttons will always have a small backlash - after all, they must be pressed, and therefore there will be a small gap.

Before writing this article, I walked through friends, acquaintances, relatives and “felt” their iPhone for loose volume and power buttons. To be honest, I didn’t see the most perfect landing in anyone - there is a small move in 100% of cases. Although, on a couple of iPhone SE, the backlash was quite strong (as for me), but the owners simply do not pay attention to this and use the phone for their own pleasure.

On which models is the defect most common?

Judging by the reviews on the Internet, in most cases, users are unhappy with the iPhone 5S and SE.

What is logical:

  • These are one of the most popular and common iPhones on the market. The more devices, the more likely it is that someone will be upset.
  • The body of the devices is exactly the same. Apple, having released the iPhone SE, did not change anything in the design, which means that the problem with backlash buttons smoothly flowed into the new model.

And although you can also hear complaints from the owners of the iPhone 6 and 7 about the dangling power and volume keys, they are still much less.

Loose iPhone buttons - marriage or not?

We turn to the most interesting - is such a disadvantage a marriage? What will be the result of contacting the service center - will they repair (exchange) or say that “this is the norm”?

In fact, it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Each person has his own idea of ​​quality - what for some seems to be a normal move and "landing" of buttons, in the eyes of another it will be a terrible backlash.

And this applies to both the user and the employee of the service center. There are no clear criteria like “the power key must have a gap of 1 mm and go to the sides by 0.5 mm” in any instruction.

In addition, this deficiency can manifest itself in different ways:

  1. There is a backlash, but it does not affect anything.
  2. Wobbly buttons interfere with the normal functioning of the device - for example, their rattling is heard when recording a video, or they are pressed “somehow wrong” and sink, or there is some other good reason to recognize this defect as a marriage.

Accordingly, in the first case, the service center will call it a “technical backlash”, a common situation, design features - and it will be, in general, right. But in the second one, you can already emphasize that the rattling prevents you from using the device normally, which means it’s a marriage and.

How to fix button play yourself?

On some forums, it is advised to disassemble the device and put something under the Power button - they say, after that the key will become like a glove and stop hanging out. In my opinion, this is a rather dubious event, because:

  • Assembly and disassembly must be done very carefully, and the warranty will be lost (if any).
  • Stuffing some foreign objects inside the iPhone (even if this action has a good purpose) is also undesirable.

There are much easier ways to eliminate backlash:

  1. Use a tight (for example, silicone) case.
  2. Wait until dust gets into the hole of the button (during normal and everyday use).

I agree that there aren't many options. The second point is so ridiculous. But!

Some users really note the fact that after some time the Power backlash decreases and associate this phenomenon precisely with the clogging of the hole with fine dust. I don’t know how true these messages are, but I definitely wouldn’t intentionally pollute the iPhone :)

P.S. If the buttons on your iPhone are wobbly, be sure to tell your story in the comments! Does this annoy you and will you contact (or have already contacted) a service center?

The Silent Mode button is a very useful feature when you are at an important event or meeting. When you call, your iPhone 6 smartphone will not distract everyone present with a loud melody, but will notify you with vibration. If the mode switch starts to stick when pressed, the volume control does not work, you feel that the mechanism is loose, it's time to replace the Mute button.

Why doesn't the mute button work on iPhone 6?

  • As a result of blows and falls, the loops of the volume buttons and switching to silent mode, as well as the vibration motor, were damaged.
  • Contact with water provokes corrosion of internal elements, which disrupts their performance.
  • Long and intensive operation of the part.
  • Installing pirated software. Crashes in the iOS system.
  • Manufacturing defects.

What to do if the iPhone 6 mute button does not work?

  • Pay attention to the gadget settings, which mode is currently enabled.
  • Reboot the device if the switch is being interfered with by an installed application.
  • As a last resort, use iOS recovery through iTunes.

If the functionality of the key has not returned, contact the Re:store workshop network to diagnose the nature of the breakdown and resume the operation of the iPhone 6.

Why choose us?

A team of experienced engineers is ready to assist in the most unforeseen situations. If your vibro switch key is out of order, the Re: store service center masters will carefully diagnose the device for the degree and nature of the damage. After all, the problem can be both in the breakdown of the loop, and in the malfunction of the vibration motor. To restore capacity, specialists will completely disassemble the device and make the necessary replacement of the upper loop or vibration motor. Competent employees will be happy to provide information on the quality of components (original or copy), cost and terms of repair work. The use of the latest professional equipment and instruments guarantees an efficient and reliable repair result. Before being issued to the owner, the device must be tested for correct functionality. Also, we provide a warranty card for the work performed and the replacement of parts for up to 180 days. Remember, do not try to fix the problem on your own without proper knowledge and skills. It is better to entrust this business to true professionals in their field!

Timing: from 20 minutes.

Equipment: a set of professional screwdrivers, tweezers, a plastic spatula or a pick.

materials: original parts, quality copies.


A specialized service center for the repair of Apple Service-labs equipment is pleased to offer you its services for the repair and maintenance of mobile equipment in Moscow.

We will absolutely free of charge, within a few minutes, we will diagnose your device and say what exactly needs to be changed and whether it is necessary.

Our workshops are equipped with all the necessary equipment to replace any buttons on your iPhone. The buttons themselves are always in stock, which allows us to repair your iPhone as quickly as possible. This procedure usually takes 10 to 30 minutes, during which you can observe the repair or wait in a comfortable waiting room.

We always give guarantees to our customers for the spare parts installed by us and for buttons they are usually 6 months.

You can learn more about our services, prices and warranties for your model on the iPhone repair page.

The excellent touchscreen glass on the iPhone made it possible to abandon the keyboard, which took up a lot of space on phones, but it is still impossible to completely abandon all the buttons. Those few buttons that remained with the device tend to break sometimes and below we will consider the main causes of these breakdowns.

Why don't iPhone buttons work?

As a rule, the reasons that the iPhone buttons do not work are purely mechanical, i.e. over time, they simply wear out and need to be replaced. In addition to mechanical wear, there are other reasons why iPhone button replacement is necessary. Often this is the ingress of moisture, which leads to the formation of corrosion on the button cable and, as a result, its failure. If with the problem of some buttons you can generally use the device normally, then with some it is very difficult to use the device and your iphone needs a button replacement.

Many people want to reduce the cost of iPhone button repair and not change it, but repair their old one. Unfortunately, in our experience, such button repairs are very short-lived and not always possible, and we have completely abandoned them. In addition, the price for such work is not much lower than the replacement of the button itself, for which we can give a full guarantee.
Many confuse and come to our service center with a request to replace the iPhone button, due to the fact that the pushers of the buttons you press have fallen off or rubbed. Button pushers are different parts, and if the button itself does not work, then only it is replaced, and the pusher remains the same. Conversely, if the pusher changes, then the button itself remains the same.

For all iphone models, button repair is not an easy procedure that requires a tool, skill and high-quality spare parts. Do not try to do it yourself, we often come across cases where the desire to save money only leads to additional expenses. In our service center you can quickly and inexpensively replace any button and get a guarantee. For an iPhone, replacing a button takes from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the model of the device and the button, but in any case, everything will be done quickly and in front of you.

iPhone power button not working

The Power button is one of the most frequently used and pressed iPhone buttons, and its failure makes the device very inconvenient to use. If the power button on your iphone does not work, you cannot lock the screen, you cannot restart the device, and it becomes inconvenient to turn it on. This problem, along with the fact that when the iPhone home button does not work, it becomes extremely inconvenient to use.

The main reasons that the power button does not work on the iPhone are mechanical damage and moisture ingress, but it also happens that the cable simply disconnects, for example, as a result of the device falling. Replacing the iphone power button in such cases is not necessary at all, you just need to reconnect the cable and the button will work.
Unfortunately, there is no way to protect yourself from mechanical damage. Neither various covers and covers nor bumpers will help here. Indeed, over time, the mechanical parts of the button itself wear out and the only way out is to replace the iPhone power button. But from the ingress of moisture, we can just advise you to purchase cases and covers, they will be able to hold back the ingress of moisture a little and possibly save your iPhone.

If you have a broken top button on your iPhone 3G or 3Gs, this may be for another reason. The button often stops working on these models due to the fact that the metal frame of the case moves away from the plastic back cover, as shown in the picture below. At the same time, the iPhone power button itself can be fully functional, but due to a defect in the case, it is not pressed, because. the button is displaced and the pusher (the metal outer part of the button that you press) simply does not press the button itself.

In such cases, you need to either replace the case or glue it, if possible, but replacing the power button itself will not help the iPhone. Therefore, if the iphone off button does not work for you, do not rush to draw conclusions, but rather bring your device to qualified specialists who will diagnose and give an opinion on what exactly needs to be changed and whether it is necessary.

On all iPhone models, the Power button is replaced along with other elements of the device. So, for example, on 3G and 3Gs this button is located on the so-called top cable and it is replaced only together with the volume buttons, mute and headphone jack. On iPhone 4 and 4s models, this button is also replaced along with proximity and light sensors, and on iPhone 5 with volume and mute buttons. Therefore, if the iPhone shutdown button does not work for you, you need to see if other elements of this loop are working. If not, then the cable itself is most likely disconnected, and if it works, then the problem is in the button itself.

Replacing the iPhone power button is not an easy procedure and requires a serious disassembly of the device, so we recommend that you do not do it yourself, but contact a specialized service center.

iPhone home button not working

One of the most popular repairs is the iPhone home button replacement. This button, like the Power button, is pressed very often, and its mechanical parts wear out.
In addition to mechanical damage, often the reason that home iphone does not work is moisture. We often take the device with us to the bath, talk outside in the rain, or take it with a wet hand, and in all these cases, water can penetrate the iPhone and lead to various malfunctions, and moisture is often to blame for the fact that the iphone home button does not work .

As a rule, the Home button fails gradually. At first, Home is not always pressed (Home is pressed every other time), then it may require stronger pressing, and pressing Home does not respond to the usual force. Well, later, as a rule, an appeal to the service center follows, because. when the home button does not work on the iPhone, it is almost impossible to use it. Of course, we recommend not to wait for this, because. replacement is still inevitable, and it is better to save your nerves and your time.

If it so happened that after a fall, the home button does not work in your iphone, then most likely your cable has simply disconnected. The buttons rarely break due to falls, and if you contact the service center, the cable will be connected back and the problem will be solved.
If the home iPhone does not work, it is better not to try to press and push the button harder. This can lead to the fact that after replacing your old button with a new one, it will not be pressed as clearly and stand a little lower. The fact is that with strong pressure you can push through the seat in the iPhone case and the new button will be a little lower. If this happens, then the masters of our service center will make a small spacer to raise the button, and all the sensations will be like on a new device.

Many of our customers often think that if the home iPhone does not work, then when the button is replaced with a new one, the pusher itself (the button itself that you press) will be replaced. The pusher is a separate part and, as a rule, does not require replacement along with the button, but at your request, the craftsmen will be able to replace it.

Replacing the iPhone home button is done quite quickly and, as a rule, we always have buttons in stock, so we can quickly and efficiently replace Home and will definitely give a guarantee for the repair.

The iPhone volume up and down buttons break much less often than Power or Home. because we usually use them less, but if your iphone's volume button does not work, this can be an unpleasant problem, because at the right time you will not be able to increase or decrease the volume of your device.

The main reasons for the failure of the iphone volume buttons can be moisture ingress and mechanical wear, although this is extremely rare. Due to moisture, corrosion forms on the buttons, which subsequently renders the buttons unusable and the only salvation is to replace the iphone volume button.
Replacing the iPhone volume button in our service center is done on average in 20 minutes, so you don’t have to part with your device for a long time.

iPhone mute button not working

The iPhone mute button breaks very rarely, but it happens. Over time, the mute button may no longer be fixed in one position and begin to switch spontaneously (the iPhone mute button dangles, it is not fixed). This, in turn, can cause considerable problems, because. the sound can be disconnected and you miss an important call for you. The reasons for this are usually purely mechanical, over time the button wears out and ceases to be fixed.
Sometimes this happens due to impact, or the button can get caught if you take the iPhone out of your pocket or purse and break with some effort. In any case, if the mute iphone button dangles, it cannot be repaired and must be replaced.
Replacing the mute iphone button is not a long procedure and takes an experienced craftsman from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the model of the device.

iPhone volume button broken

iPhone volume buttons stopped working? Such a problem causes a lot of inconvenience in the process of using the device. The following are the repair processes for the volume keys.

Possible causes of failure

  • Keyboard contamination is a commonplace, but the most common cause. For a long time of using the phone, fine elements, dust, etc. can get into the holes between the keys and the case. Due to contamination, the keys work, but are pressed 2-3 times. To clean the buttons, it is better to use an alcohol solution and a cotton swab;
  • The button may not work correctly after replacing the upper system board cable. This is due to the inaccurate connection of the cable (the closure of the contacts for increasing / decreasing the volume could be formed). In this case, only replacing the keys will help;
  • Virus software that interferes with the operation of certain functions of the operating system;
  • The appearance of a malfunction after an impact or fall of the iPhone - this requires the replacement of the volume increase mechanism;
  • The presence of liquid in the body;
  • Crash after OS update.

The key is pressed, but the sound is not adjusted

If, after pressing the volume control, a ringer window appears on the screen, but there is no volume level indicator below, the problem is not a breakdown of the mechanism, but a failure of the operating system.

First, try to fix the software problem in the simplest way - reboot the phone (soft reset). As a rule, this procedure allows you to eliminate third-party processes that interfere with the work of standard iPhone components. If nothing has changed after the reboot, try pressing both parts of the volume key at the same time. Repeat the action 3-5 times. This may help restore normal operation.

Check available updates. A new assembly of configuration parameters solves the problem in 90% of cases. Also try resetting your phone to factory settings.

While the key mechanism has not been replaced, you can use the Assistive Touch function, with which the desired button will appear on the desktop screen. To enable the option, go to Settings - General - Assistive Touch and move the slider to the "Enabled" position.

Replacing Volume Control Keys

All of the above did not help? In this case, we can say that the iPhone volume button does not work due to a breakdown in the mechanism or as a result of contact closure. Replacing the key is quite simple and you can do it yourself by following the instructions:

  • Prepare tools for disassembling the iPhone (a set of screwdrivers, a plastic spatula, tweezers, a suction cup, a new volume increase mechanism);
  • Open the device. Then, detach the back cover from the display. Remove the Phillips screws indicated in the figure from the battery connector cover. Disconnect the battery cable and remove the battery;

  • Locate the volume control cable and remove its plug by unscrewing the screws indicated in the figure:

  • Detach the top cable bracket from the phone;
  • Unscrew the screws with the bracket contacts;
  • Remove the contact holder;

  • Pry up the volume cable connector with a flat spudger;
  • Remove the following screws:

  • Remove the button switch mechanism with tweezers. At this stage, you can try to clean the component, perhaps it is not broken, but just clogged;
  • To replace the keys, carefully remove them with tweezers. This tool allows you not to damage the button membrane;

Replace components and reassemble the device to original condition.

One of the consequences of a careless attitude to the device is the failure of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus mode switch. Physical damage leads to the need to replace it and its adjacent components. Despite the fact that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are officially non-separable, you can replace the mode switch yourself at home. To do this, you need to purchase a special set of tools and use the proposed instructions.

So how do you replace the mode switch on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus?

1. Unscrew the Pentalobe screws near the Lightining connector:

This procedure can be performed using a specialized set of Pentalobe screwdrivers, which can be ordered online. It is worth noting that all manipulations for disassembling the iPhone and replacing certain of its components should be performed only when the phone is turned off.

2. Lift the front panel of the device using a suction cup and a plastic tool with a sharp edge:

This procedure can be performed using the most ordinary suction cup and the most common pick. Having firmly pressed the suction cup to the front panel of the device, it is necessary to pry it off with a pick and open it like a book cover.

3. Unscrew the five screws that secure the front panel of the device:

4. Remove the protective metal plate:

5. Disconnect all cables from the front panel of the device and remove it:

6. Unscrew the two screws securing the battery cable:

7. Remove the protective metal plate:

The unscrewed plate can be removed with tweezers.

8. Disconnect the battery cable of the device:

9. Disconnect the device's Lightning port cable:

This procedure should be performed as carefully as possible using a plastic tool with a sharp edge.

10. Unscrew the two screws that secure the bracket of the upper part of the motherboard cable of the device:

These screws, manufactured by Phillips, are of a standard design and can be removed with a few standard screwdrivers from a quality tool kit.

11. Remove the bracket for the power and volume buttons:

12. Disconnect the cables for the power and volume buttons:

This procedure should be performed as carefully as possible using a plastic tool with a sharp edge.

13. Unscrew the four screws that secure the contact bracket bracket:

These screws, manufactured by Phillips, are of a standard design and can be removed with a few standard screwdrivers from a quality tool kit.

14. Remove the contact bracket bracket:

15. Unscrew the two screws securing the grounding bracket:

These screws, manufactured by Phillips, are of a standard design and can be removed with a few standard screwdrivers from a quality tool kit.

16. Remove the ground bracket:

The unscrewed bracket can be removed with tweezers.

17. Unscrew the two screws that secure the corner bracket:

These screws, manufactured by Phillips, are of a standard design and can be removed with a few standard screwdrivers from a quality tool kit.

18. Remove the corner bracket:

The unscrewed bracket can be removed with tweezers.

19. Unscrew one screw that secures the antenna cable:

These screws, manufactured by Phillips, are of a standard design and can be removed with a few standard screwdrivers from a quality tool kit.

20. Disconnect the antenna cable and camera cable:

This procedure should be performed as carefully as possible using a plastic tool with a sharp edge.

21. Unscrew the three screws that secure the motherboard:

These screws, manufactured by Phillips, are of a standard design and can be removed with a few standard screwdrivers from a quality tool kit.

22. Remove the motherboard:

23. Peel off the stickers securing the battery:

If there are problems with peeling, it may be necessary to warm up the case of the device from the back. You can do it with a household or industrial hair dryer.

24. Remove the battery:

This procedure should be performed as carefully as possible using a plastic tool with a sharp edge.

25. Remove the film covering the mount of the camera base:

26. Unscrew the two screws that secure the main camera:

These screws, manufactured by Phillips, are of a standard design and can be removed with a few standard screwdrivers from a quality tool kit.

27. Remove the main camera of the device:

This operation can be performed with tweezers.

28. Remove one screw that secures the flash bracket:

These screws, manufactured by Phillips, are of a standard design and can be removed with a few standard screwdrivers from a quality tool kit.

29. Remove the flash bracket of the device:

This operation can be performed with tweezers.

30. Unscrew the two screws that secure the power button bracket:

These screws, manufactured by Phillips, are of a standard design and can be removed with a few standard screwdrivers from a quality tool kit.

31. Remove the cable for the power button, microphone and flash:

This procedure should be performed as carefully as possible using a plastic tool with a sharp edge.

32. Remove the power button:

This operation can be performed with tweezers.

33. Unscrew the three screws that secure the volume button bracket:

These screws, manufactured by Phillips, are of a standard design and can be removed with a few standard screwdrivers from a quality tool kit.

34. Remove the mode switch and related components:

This operation can be performed with tweezers.

35. Replace the mode switch and related components, assemble the device:

To assemble the phone , just follow the above steps in reverse order . The mode switch and related components can be ordered from one of the online stores.

Thus, you can replace the mode switch and related components on your iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in just a few minutes. These steps must be performed as carefully as possible so as not to damage the components of the device, which will necessitate additional costly repairs. In order to avoid all possible difficulties, you can seek help from the specialists of the EtoService company.

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Malfunction symptoms

The main symptom of an iPhone 5 volume control not functioning is that when you try to decrease or increase the volume, nothing happens. It often happens that the volume is adjusted either with serious delays, or abruptly. In any of the above cases, it is necessary to contact the repair service in order to make an accurate diagnosis to find out the cause of the problem.

Apple Service Center Addresses

Replacement cost when iPhone 5 volume buttons don't work

Causes of iPhone 5 volume buttons not working

button connector worn out

Under the sound button on the iPhone is a connector. With its help, a signal is sent to the motherboard about the manipulation. The connector itself is connected to a cable through which the signal is received. Pressing often and hard can cause wear and tear, and you'll notice that the iPhone 5's volume buttons don't work. This is due to the fact that the connector is rubbed and sinks. The buttons themselves are sticky. It is possible to solve this problem by putting a new connector on the device.

iPhone cable faulty

As practice shows, most often the iPhone 5 volume buttons do not work precisely because of a broken cable. The buttons are adjacent to a certain part of it, on which the corresponding contact group is located.

In most cases, this is the reason. The cable becomes faulty if the iPhone has fallen and received mechanical damage. After that, the cable can be disconnected. In this case, you just need to insert it into place. Or it broke off, then you need to put a new one.

Contacts are oxidized

Oxidation of contacts occurs due to the ingress of water or any other liquid on the phone. Moisture could penetrate inside the case through the charging connector, headphones, in places where the Power button, as well as the volume buttons. If this happened less than three days ago, then most likely you will only need to replace the buttons. Otherwise, it is likely that corrosion has managed to spread to other parts. Very often, after the phone has been in water, on the glass that protects the display.

Come to us to diagnose the device for problems. After which the scale of the problem will be known, and, if necessary, it will be carried out.

The iPhone is one of the most reliable phones of our time, but even it can break. You may notice that switching to silent mode and back will be done every other time. Or even the Mute switch will move without resistance, with no mode switching at all.

In this case, the normal use of the iPhone will be difficult: when the call sound is turned off, you can miss an important call, and the inability to turn on silent mode can lead to an unpleasant situation due to a loud call during a meeting or other official event.

Why is the mode button not working?

There are several possible failures:

  • button malfunction;
  • loop malfunction;
  • vibration motor malfunction;
  • electronics failure.

The easiest option is a button malfunction. It may fail due to dust or liquid ingress, as well as due to normal mechanical wear. In the first case, it is enough to rinse and clean the button, and in the second, it will need to be replaced.

The loop is harder to deal with. On the one hand, a breakdown can be simple (detached or oxidized contacts), and on the other hand, a break in the conductor inside the loop is possible.

Vibration motor malfunction is rare, but it can also fail due to liquid getting inside or due to impact when falling. The vibration mode will not work in this case. In this case, the vibration motor must be replaced with a new one. But the burnt chip is considered the most difficult. If it is easy to replace a button or a cable, then the microcircuit will have to be soldered.

How can I fix the Mute switch?

In simple cases, you can fix the problem like this: disassemble the iPhone, rinse the contacts of the button and cable, if necessary, order a new spare part and replace it.

But to perform this work, you need to have at least elementary experience with complex equipment, otherwise you can simply break the latches or even order a spare part from another model. There is also a risk of buying a non-original part with a short lifespan. Well, replacing the microcircuit will require the use of a soldering station, so such an operation is not carried out at home.

Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals, such as the employees of our Total Apple service center. We can repair any Apple gadget. At the same time, we use only original spare parts, so we provide a maximum warranty period (3 years) for both parts and labor.

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