
What to do if macbook freezes. Turn on, turn off and restart your MacBook Force restart mac

Fair, not too high or too low. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without "asterisks", clear and detailed, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% percent of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs take much less time. The site indicates the approximate duration of any repair.

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A warranty should be given for any repair. Everything is described on the site and in the documents. A guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and enough. It is needed to check the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that you will be helped.

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This is very important and has already become a rule of good form for the service center. Diagnosis is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you should not pay a dime for it, even if you do not repair the device after it.

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A good service values ​​your time, so it offers free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of the service center: it can be done correctly and according to technology only at a prepared place.

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If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient in order to be in time before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service is known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years, and it has managed to establish itself as an expert, they turn to it, write about it, recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the SC are restored.
We are trusted and passed on complex cases to other service centers.

How many masters in the directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of immediately.
2. You give Macbook repair to an expert specifically in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist must answer it as accurately as possible.
To give you an idea of ​​what you need.
Will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description, you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

Agree that it is quite tiring when the MacOS operating system or MacOS X starts to slow down and freezes tightly. Although, we all have to agree here, for a MacBook, such phenomena are quite rare, for which we thank the developers.

This article will present five tips on how to fix freezes on Mac. As already mentioned, freezing the entire Mac is an event so rare that sometimes you forget that it can do this at all. When a Mac freezes, it is natural that no applications, and even more so the operating system, will not respond to actions on your part.

If you learn to deal with such a hung friend, then working for a Mac will become even more pleasant. Well, let's look at what can be done in cases of freezing of the MacBook and its macOS operating system.

How to fix freezes on Mac: is the problem in the application or in the whole system?

First of all, you need to determine the following: only one application is frozen, or the entire operating system is frozen as a whole. MacOS is a pretty smart, modern OS that can manage the memory used by applications.

In most cases, if one single application is the problem (it got into a "loop" and started consuming too much memory), then you can easily figure it out. You should receive a notification (a box with a yellow exclamation point) informing you that the application was abruptly closed. If your Macbook freezes without any notifications, then the problem is most likely in the MacOS operating system.

We'll deal with the last scenario a little later, but for now, let's take a closer look at the problem with the application. In the notification or message that appears, you will have two choices: “OK” (simply closes the notification window) and “Reopen” (the system will try to start the hung utility again, and also send a report about what happened to Apple).

How to Fix Mac Freezes: Stop Sending Reports to Apple

By default, MacOS sends a bug report straight to Apple when something goes wrong with an app. This is done so that MacOS developers can improve the operating system further.

However, if you don't want to send any reports to Apple, you can disable automatic submission in System Preferences:

  • Open System Preferences.
  • Click on Security and Safety.
  • Next, click on the Lock icon in the lower left corner and enter your Administrator password (you know it, don't you?)
  • Select Privacy - Diagnostics and Usage.
  • Disable the item that will relate to sending diagnostic and usage data to Apple.
  • Click the Lock icon again and close System Preferences.

Now, when you receive a message about closing the application, you will receive both the "Reopen" button and the "Submit report" button. That is, the "Reopen" button now simply reopens the application and nothing else.

How to fix freezes on Mac: what to do if an application freezes

Simply closing and restarting the application is the best way for macOS to get through the crash. But sometimes it also happens that the application hangs deafly and does not respond to the user's actions in any way, no matter how much he tries to interact with the program. In doing so, you will see a spinning rainbow circle, which is also called a volleyball. In the English-speaking Internet, such a sign is called "spinning pizza of death" (spinning pizza of death) or "SPOD".

  • Switch to a different site in MacOS. Click on the window of another application, or switch to another desktop. You can also switch to another application using a special command.
  • You can end the hung utility using another pre-installed program called System Monitor. Find the hung program in the list of open processes, select it, click the cross in the interface and click on "Force Quit".
  • It is also possible to end the application using a special command - Command + Option + Shift + Escape. This method is one of the easiest ways to close a stuck application. Just hold this key combination for three seconds and the application should close.
  • On MacOS, you can use a special menu that forces open programs to close. Actually, the menu is called so - Forced termination of programs. To open this utility, press the Command + Option + Escape key combination. Then select the desired program from the list and click "Force Quit".
  • Force quitting an app is also possible through the Apple menu. Simply click on the apple icon in the top bar and click on "Force Quit".

How to fix freezes on Mac: what to do if the operating system itself freezes

If you can't close a frozen application, or the system itself has stopped responding to your actions, then try the following steps:

  • Select the Apple menu and click on Restart.
  • If you can't even enter the interaction with this menu, then press the key combination "Control-Command-media eject key". After its execution, your Mac should start to reboot and close all programs.
  • It is possible that your Mac will not respond to the previous point. If this happens, then hold down the Power button on the computer to turn it off. Then press it again to turn on the device.

After restarting your Mac, you may find that some of the files you were working on might be corrupted. You should try to recover everything you can from the damaged file and transfer it to a new file, and then delete the damaged one.

How to fix freezes on Mac: look for the source of the problem

You should definitely find the source of the problem that causes application freezes and the operating system as a whole. If you encounter the problem of freezes very often, then do the following:

  • Check if you have enough disk space. When there is not enough free space, hang-ups are common.
  • Make sure your operating system has all the latest updates with it.
  • Update apps manually, outside the Appstore. Each application usually has the function of searching for and installing updates with it.
  • Disable plugins. If your applications use plugins, then you should try disabling them. It is possible that they are the source of the problem.
  • If you are experiencing frequent crashes or freezes, then try updating first and then disconnecting all peripherals from your MacBook. Then connect them to the laptop one by one to see which one causes problems for the operating system.
  • Use Secure Boot by holding down the Shift key while starting up your Mac. This download of MacOS will take place without additional processes and services, i.e. the system will load everything only the most necessary.
  • Use Disk Utility to check and fix various problems with your disk.
  • Run a test to check the hardware of your device. This special utility from Apple can detect various problems with your Mac.
  • The problem with freezes can also be virus attacks, malware, Mac memory overload.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

Many users, having acquired a Mac computer, ask the simplest question: “How does the Mac turn off and on?” To start the Mac, you must activate the start button. For example, Mac laptops start up as soon as you open the lid or turn it on. However, to turn off your Mac, you need to press the "On" function, which is located in the main menu.

Trigger the main power button. Typically, on a 15-inch or 13-inch MacBook Pro, the power button can be found near the Touch Bar, where it connected to the touchpad sensor. Therefore, just click on Touch ID to start the Mac computer.

The rest of the Mac laptops are activated from the rounded power button located at the top left. For stationary computers, the activation button is located on the back of the PC panel.

For example, later 2016 and 2017 MacBook Pro and 12-inch MacBooks start up immediately when you open it, or when it's empty, you plug it into electricity. When the Mac turns on, the programs in it are activated and a welcome message appears.

How to turn off Macbook?

The most natural way is to exit through the Computer Menu, which is located in the left corner. For it to appear, you need to click on the located menu icon. Wherein n There is no need to hurry, because the computer does not turn off quickly: open work is completed, windows and running programs are closed, and the user account is exited.

When for some reason the laptop does not turn off, and all the shutdown actions were unsuccessful, in an exceptional case, it is possible to shut it down non-standardly: none other than to force it to turn off. To do this, hold down the power button until the Mac does not go out completely. Do not use the forced method often or as a rule, as all unsaved documents, bookmarks and other information will be deleted.

Some Features of Mac Sleep Mode Enabled

When the Mac is in sleep mode, you can exit it if you lightly press the power button once. In a similar way, you can put your Mac into sleep mode.

Sleep mode will not play a special wake-up sound if you have VoiceOver turned on.

Why is my Mac computer frozen?

Firstly, don't be scared, nothing terrible happened, we'll tell you how easy it is to solve this problem without unpleasant consequences and how to turn off your MacBook.

The Mac computer, as we described earlier, can simply be forcibly turned off by holding down the power button. However, this is an extreme case. For example, a failure occurred while working with a program or text, and you don’t want to lose the work done at all. Therefore, in this case, you can resort to a simple method: hold down the keys on the computer at the same time: Command and Q. This operation will close the current window for good. However, do not rush to close it immediately, it happens that after 5 minutes, shortly before shutting down, the window will restore itself. This happens often if you pressed the command several times in a row and the processing is frozen.

If the Menu button is functioning at the bottom right of the computer panel, then you can point the arrow with the mouse to the “Restart” laptop action, then the computer will gradually close all windows, shut down and turn off, and after a few seconds it will start up again. Now you can turn on the program in which you worked again, and the typed text can be restored.

How Not to Restore a Mac

Firstly, it is not necessary and even dangerous to simply wait for the laptop to discharge itself and turn off, and then try to turn it on, you may not be able to do this at all, and then you have to go to a service center.

You can not disconnect the battery from the laptop to turn off the computer, this is very dangerous, as a software failure may occur and you will need to reinstall iOS.

No need to knock on the case, turn the computer over or shake it, open and close the lid, press all the buttons at once or hit the touchpad. Equipment, even such as a Mac computer, can react very badly to such treatment and fail. Then you can’t do without opening a warranty laptop by a specialist.

Apple products are some of the best in the world, but even with this factor, MacBooks, like any other technology, are prone to minor malfunctions. Therefore, every user of "apple" products should know how to restart a macbook. System failure can occur as a result of complex programs or due to long-term operation of equipment. Of course, MacBooks are less prone to such problems, but still have their own errors, so each user should be prepared for them and know how to fix them.

Reboot macbook with keyboard

The first way is to reboot using the keyboard. This type of launch is the simplest and fastest, but it has its drawbacks, since a so-called hard reboot is performed. Such a process is not always desirable due to its aggressiveness.

How to restart macbook with keyboard? To perform this action, you need to hold down the power key for at least five seconds, otherwise the system will simply go into sleep mode, after which the device will turn off. As soon as the macbook turns off, you will need to turn on the equipment or start the recovery mode.

Reboot macbook with keys

For those users who wondered how to restart the macbook with the keys, there is the following method, which is also very simple to perform. But it is only suitable for MacBooks equipped with the Touch Bar.

In order to reboot the device, you need to use the Touch ID key. To do this, hold down and hold this key until the equipment restarts. But in the presented method there is one nuance: in order to turn on the computer again, you need to close and open the cover of the device.

Keyboard shortcuts to reboot the device

The best way to reboot the device is a combination of special keys. It allows you to safely and quickly restart the device, and the combinations themselves are not something complicated, and it will not be difficult to remember them. You can restart your Macbook with keyboard shortcuts in one of the following ways:

  1. You must press the Control key and the power button at the same time, and then in the window that appears, three actions will be presented to choose from: shutdown, reboot, sleep mode. Select the desired action with the cursor.
  2. To immediately reboot the device, you need to hold down the following key combination Control-Command-Power (Power or Eject is the top right button on the keyboard). The method is convenient in that the system will not prompt the user for an action, but will immediately reboot.
  3. The keyboard shortcut Command-Option-Control-Power will turn off the device, then use the power button to start the MacBook back. With this method, all programs that were open will automatically close, and when working with text documents, files will be automatically saved. The device will be disconnected without a prompt window.
  4. To reboot the device, as well as find out the cause of the problem, you must use the Command + V combination, after which the device will diagnose and indicate the problem that has arisen in the system.
  5. Command-S - Restarts in single user mode. The team will do the troubleshooting.
  6. There are often cases in which the cause of the MacBook freezing is a running program, and if the user encounters it, then there is no need to rush to restart the MacBook. You can close the problematic program by using the keyboard shortcut Command+Q.
  7. If there are problems with audio or video (this situation is considered the last one, because it is quite rare) or incorrect operation of coolers (if the user hears the active operation of the cooling system with minimal equipment load), it is necessary to reset the PRAM settings. To do this, you need to start the Macbook while holding down the Option + Command + P + R keys, and the device will start the last hardware settings saved in the database.

Reboot device in recovery mode

This question does not arise often, and yet: how to restart a macbook in recovery mode? If the device is stuck during an update or otherwise, you can use the NetBoot network image to restore the system. To do this, hold down the N key while turning on the device. The method allows you to access the Mac OS boot image, which is located on the server, it will not work if you disconnect the iMac from the Internet.

The next method also requires a network connection. When you reboot the system in recovery mode, you need to start the macbook while holding down the Command + R key combination. This will allow you to start working with the disk (diagnostics and formatting) or reinstall the system.

If the MacBook freezes during the update or the operating system is faulty, you need to identify and fix the problem. To do this, you need to use This loads only the necessary functions of the system. To use safe boot mode, you need to restart your iMac and hold down Shift during boot until the loading indicator appears. If there are several operating systems installed on the macbook, then there is the ability to select a boot disk. To perform this operation, when starting the device, you must hold down the Option key.

Every time a user asks how to reboot a MacBook, it must be understood that rebooting is not turning the device on and off, it is a complex process in which the equipment must save data and perform a safe shutdown. Therefore, it is not recommended to perform a hard shutdown of the device, it is better to wait a bit or try all safe methods, otherwise it may lead to hard drive failure. Also, if the device is completely frozen and does not allow you to open the command window, it is best to use a key combination, which will avoid further problems with the system. Never remove the battery and wait until the macbook is dead!


Most importantly, there is nothing difficult in rebooting the device. Only theoretical knowledge on this issue is needed. The user should not be afraid to solve the problem on their own.

Turning off "buggy" programs

It may happen that your macbook stops responding to any actions. What to do in this case? There are several methods that will help in working with the device. Case one: the program is frozen, but the cursor is still moving. Initially, pay attention to the cursor itself - if it is rainbow and spinning - therefore, the last operations received from the user are being processed. If the cursor looks like a spinning rainbow sphere, you need to wait a while. If the cursor is the same as usual, you should type the key combination: "Command" + "Q". The combination should completely close the hung program.

In the case when none of the above methods helped, you must close the program forcibly. To do this, select “apple” in the top menu, in the drop-down menu “Force Quit” and in the pop-up window select the program with problems. After that, it is recommended to restart your MacBook.

Common Shutdown, Reboot, and Hibernation Methods

In the top menu, click on the Apple logo, and then select "Turn off", "Restart" or "Sleep". However, to speed up the process, you can use hotkeys. Shutdown Mac: The keyboard shortcut "Control+Option+Command+Power" will close all programs and turn off the device almost instantly (the last button in combination is the shutdown button). Reboot Mac: Control+Command+Power (Eject) keys. Putting a Mac to Sleep: Option+Command+Power (Eject)

Forced system shutdown

Sometimes the Mac can freeze so badly that it is simply impossible to press the Restart button or their combination. What needs to be done to solve the problem? Often on the Internet you can see the comments of "advisers" that describe actions that harm the equipment. For example, disassemble the MacBook and remove the battery from its bowels. Well, great advice for people who want to burn a Mac or harm internal systems. Without the appropriate skills, do not try to disassemble it yourself. The second "useful" advice: wait until the battery is dead, and the MacBook will turn itself off. Should not be doing that. Everything can go without consequences, and an unpleasant oversight can happen. Therefore, it is better to just turn off the poppy.

Forced shutdown consists of holding down the "On / Off" button until the screen goes blank. The most important thing is not to release the button ahead of time. This can take 20 seconds or a minute. Be patient and do not listen to the dubious "white knights of the Internet."

Forced shutdown is a very radical method, you should not abuse it. If your computer often freezes completely and requires a forced shutdown, you just need to take it to a specialist, consult and check the poppy for breakdowns, disconnected contacts and other things.

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