
The irobot vacuum cleaner gives error 5 right. Error codes and solutions for Roomba models. Voice guidance language

Roomba will report errors with a “woo” sound followed by a number of beeps or a voice message. Possible problems and solutions are listed in the table.

Errors in the cleaning process:

Light indication

Possible problem


Flashes once every 2 seconds

Roomba is stuck or one wheel is not touching the floor.

Move Roomba, make sure all wheels are on the floor, and restart the robot in a different location.

The main brushes cannot rotate.

Remove and clean the robot brushes

One or both drive wheels are stuck or not touching the floor.

Remove hair and dirt from the wheels. Move them to make sure they rotate freely. Turn on the robot elsewhere.

Height difference sensors are dirty, or the robot is partially located in the place of height difference.

Wipe the sensors with a dry cloth and turn Roomba back on in an empty area.

The front wheel is stuck or the robot is stuck.

Remove hair and dirt from the front wheels of the robot. Click on them, make sure they rotate freely. Power on Roomba in an empty space

The bumper is jammed or the bumper sensor is dirty

Pat the bumper vigorously several times to shake out any debris stuck underneath.

The side wheel is stuck or the bumper is not fixing obstacles.

If Roomba is spinning in place, clean the side wheels. click on them and make sure they rotate freely. If the robot does not rotate in place, it may be in a very large room.

The battery is dead.

Charge Roomba using the Charging Cradle or AC power.

Charge errors

Light indication

Control panel lettering

Possible problem


1 time


The robot has no contact with the battery

Make sure the protective tape on the battery has been removed. Remove the bottom panel of the robot, remove the battery and reinsert it into the robot.

2 times


Charge error

Allow the battery to cool down for at least 1 hour and then try charging again.

3 times


Charge error

Five times


Charge error

Reboot software... Press and hold the SPOT and DOCK buttons for 10 seconds. Try charging again.

6 times


Charge error

Let the battery cool down, then charge it.

7 times


The battery does not cool down

Let the battery cool down, then charge it

Robot vacuum cleaners are a complex product, in order to better use your Roomba robot vacuum cleaner, this section has been created.

Your robot's battery may be drained. In this case, it will take longer than 6 hours to charge. If you have fully charged the battery (the Clean light on the robot is lit with a constant green light) and it took less than 20 minutes to charge, and the robot was running for a very short time (less than 20 minutes), do the following: 1. Reset charging system Dirt Dog - remove the battery from the robot and hold the CLEAN button for at least 5 seconds, then reinstall the battery. 2. Plug the charger into the Dit Dog (do not use the charger base) ...

If your robot is not cleaning as well as it did before, you may need to clean or replace its brushes. We recommend that you clean your Dirt Dog brushes after every cleaning (or every time you empty the dust bin). Here are a few things to check (make sure the robot is powered off and empty beforehand) 1. Turn the robot over and place it upside down on a flat surface. Rotate the hard cleaning brush by hand and see if the smaller brush rotates. If it does not rotate or is difficult to rotate, clean the brushes and make sure the yellow plugs are ...

Improved design Improved performance, reliability and durability Leveraging new technologies in robotics Next generation home robots How it works The vacuum sucks in debris and places it in a large, easy-to-clean trash bin with an improved filtering system for dust, pollen and other allergens. Roomba transitions confidently from floor to carpet and carpet to floor, automatically adjusting to any type of surface. With anti-obfuscation technology, the Roomba 500 Series does not get stuck in ...

Roomba will notify you if something is wrong with a two-tone "woo" sound followed by by voice message... Refer to the table below to determine the type of problem and solve it. If the problem cannot be solved by yourself, please contact technical support. ...

Before using Roomba for the first time, you must remove the battery protection and charge the robot overnight or until the CLEAN light turns green. Under normal conditions, Roomba will charge as follows:. The light on the power source should be solid green when the power source is plugged in and charging the robot. ... The power light on the charging base (if you are using the charging base) should glow green when it is plugged into the power source and is charging the robot. ...

Charge more often;) In addition: We recommend restarting the robot by holding the "Clean" button for a long time, as well as by holding the "Spot" and "Dock" buttons twice to completely discharge the battery and put it on charge. Your robot may need to replace the battery due to improper operation. ...

The virtual wall with LightHouse technology (wall-lighthouse) automatically turns on / off when you turn on / off the Roomba. Virtual walls can operate in two modes - "Lighthouse" (lighthouse) and "Virtual Wall" (virtual wall). Use the switch to set the desired operating mode. When operating in "Virtual Wall" mode, virtual walls block the robot from accessing restricted areas of your home. An invisible, safe infrared barrier is created that can be used ...

Roomba now speaks most European languages, and of course Russian 1. Power off Roomba. 2. Press and hold the CLEAN button 3. Release the CLEAN button 4. Select the desired language with a short press. 5. To store the desired language in memory, press and hold the CLEAN button until the robot turns off. 6. The selected language is recorded. ...

Important Safety Instructions To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not remove the robot panel, battery or rechargeable battery, or internal parts that are not intended for user use. Charge the robot using the standard one for your region electrical network... Always use caution when operating your Roomba. To reduce the risk of damage or breakdown, keep the following safety guidelines in mind when you install or use the equipment. General ...

This means that the side brush module is working in anti-entanglement mode. The side brush can be rotated slowly or quickly in the opposite direction to free the robot from carpet fringes or wires. If the brush operates in this mode with the robot on a hard floor or no fringe or wires, try cleaning the brush: 1. Remove the screw on the side brush. 2. Remove the side brush 3. Remove any hair that may have been wrapped around the brush shaft and clean the brush itself. Then install about ...

Your Roomba may need board repair. Due to moisture ingress. This defect manifests itself in 2 cases: Failure of the side brush motor, or breakdown of the gearbox. The second option is the most likely. Perhaps your robot ran into some kind of puddle, spilled liquid, etc. ...

Roomba returns to its charging base at the end of a cleaning cycle and when the battery is low. To return to base, Roomba must look for an infrared signal from the base. Always keep the base plugged in. When Roomba is in the charging base, the base lights should be solid to indicate that the robot is connected to the base. When Roomba is charging, the CLEAN button on the robot will flash amber. Location of the charging base: You must place the charging base on a solid surface, within reach ...

To keep your Roomba performing at its best, we recommend that you clean the front wheel regularly. 1. Pull the front wheel out of the robot. 2. Remove debris trapped in the wheel cavity. 3. Remove the wheel from its mount. 4. Pull on the wheel axle to completely remove it from the wheel. 5. Remove any hair that might be wrapped around the wheel axle and wipe it with a dry cloth. 6. Wipe the wheel thoroughly. 7. Insert the axle into the wheel, the wheel into the mount ...

It is necessary to empty the dust container and clean the brushes every 2-3 cleaning cycles, depending on the amount of hair, wool and debris in the room to be cleaned. If you notice that the robot is picking up less debris, empty its dust container and clean the brushes ...

A "woo" sound followed by a single beep means that the robot's wheel is below the robot itself. This can happen if the robot was started up on an uneven surface or got stuck on an obstacle during a cleaning cycle. Lift the robot off the floor and move it to the center of the room. Then restart the cleaning cycle. Use Virtual Walls to protect your robot from getting into problem areas. If such an error occurs while the robot is on a flat surface, then follow these steps: 1. Check if you have ...

Roomba automatically detects and avoids falls. A “woo” sound followed by twelve beeps means that Roomba 500 Series sensors are continuously reporting that the robot is in the area where it was dropped. This can happen if the robot was started up on an uneven surface or got stuck on an obstacle during a cleaning cycle. A very dark floor surface can also cause this kind of error. If this error occurs while the robot is on a level, light surface, it means Roomba's sensors may be clogged or react when nearby ...

A “woo” sound followed by five beeps means that one or both wheels of the robot are not rotating. This can happen if the robot was started up on an uneven surface or got stuck on an obstacle during a cleaning cycle. Lift the robot off the floor and move it to the center of the room. Then restart the cleaning cycle. Use Virtual Walls to protect your robot from getting into problem areas. If this error occurs when the robot is on a flat surface, then follow these steps: 1. Check if you have stumbled upon ...

Roomba automatically detects and avoids falls. A “woo” sound followed by six beeps indicates that Roomba 500 series sensors are continuously reporting that the robot is in the area where it was dropped. This can happen if the robot was started up on an uneven surface or got stuck on an obstacle during a cleaning cycle. A very dark floor surface can also cause this kind of error. If this error occurs while the robot is on a level, bright surface, Roomba's sensors may become clogged or react to a nearby obstacle. What ...

A "woo" sound followed by seven beeps means that the robot's drive wheel is not rotating. This can happen if the robot was started up on an uneven surface or got stuck on an obstacle during a cleaning cycle. Lift the robot off the floor and move it to the center of the room. Then restart the cleaning cycle. Use Virtual Walls to protect your robot from getting into problem areas. If this error occurs while the robot is on a flat surface, then follow these steps: 1. Check if you have stumbled upon ...

Yes, you can hand wash the filter with water and a little soap. Make sure the filter is completely dry before use. However, this does not mean that your filter does not need to be changed. Over time, the micropores of the filter element become clogged. ...

No, Roomba cannot fall down stairs or steps. Roomba uses an intelligent fall sensing system that detects and reports falls to the robot. However, under some conditions, such a system may be less effective. Here are some examples: 1. Rounded step edges 2. Slippery surfaces 3. Heavily soiled drop sensors If Roomba does not detect the edges of surfaces and falls, please check to see if they are dirty ...

As a rule, this means that one or several bumper sensors are out of order and you will have to contact service center... However, before making a similar conclusion, turn the wheels of the robot, tap the bumper from different sides with light movements. Consult a specialist toll-free number: 8 800 2000 255. ...

Roomba has a different cleaning technology than most people use to clean floors. Roomba uses a specially designed intelligent system to determine the best path for a room and to clean all areas of the floor. As it cleans, Roomba calculates the optimal path and determines which type of cleaning is best: Spiral: Roomba uses a spiral motion to clean confined areas. Along Walls: Roomba uses this technique to clean the entire perimeter of a room and move between furniture and obstacles ...

Roomba uses Light Touch technology to locate walls and other obstacles, allowing the robot to slow down, lightly and gently touch the bumper to the obstacle, and change direction. If Roomba slows down while there are no obstacles near it, it is possible that the bumper sensors behind the black bumper window are dirty. Most effective method to clean them is to use compressed air. 1. Turn Roomba over and place it upside down on the floor. 2. Direct compressed air between the window ...

If your Roomba stops during a cleaning cycle and the Emergency Light blinks, a performance error has occurred. In this case, your robot will inform you that something is wrong by means of two-tone sounds "ooh", a series of beeps, and in some cases by means of a voice signal. Press the bumper of the robot or the CLEAN button to listen to the message again, then refer to the following table: ...

If this happens, try the following 1. Turn off the robot 2. Pull out and empty the dust container, then turn the robot upside down and place it on a hard surface 3. Check if the drop sensors are dirty 4. Press down on the front bumper and make sure it “springs” back. ...

Problems with Lighthouses Problem: Suppose Customer receives new robot Roomba (Models 535 and up) and older Beacons stop working as expected. Solution: Have the client remove the batteries from the Beacons and reinsert them (erase the Beacon memory). Background: The first time a customer uses a new Roomba, all new Beacons within RF range will turn on. Then, when Roomba cleans up for the first time, when the robot hits the infrared beam of the Beacon, it will assign the Beacon an ID ...

Virtual Walls create an invisible infrared barrier that Roomba cannot cross. This barrier can be used to keep a robot in a specific room or area of ​​a room to prevent it from accessing electrical and computer wiring. Virtual Walls can block an area up to three meters in diameter. With an increase in the length of the infrared beam, its width also increases. Virtual Walls also create a barrier around them to prevent the robot from getting too close to them. For best results, place the Virtual Walls in the door ...

Roomba 500 series robots have three cleaning modes and will clean depending on which mode you choose. Cleaning Mode (Clean Mode) - for all models. Roomba automatically calculates the size of the room and sets the cleaning time accordingly. Spot Mode - for all models. Roomba will work by focusing on cleaning areas up to 1 meter in diameter. The robot spirally moves and removes the localized area, and then returns to its original position. Use for thorough ...

If your robot is spinning or rotating in one place, then this may be a signal of a problem. Here are some examples of this behavior and solutions to such a problem:. The robot spins in a circle. Solution: Unplug the robot, turn it over and place it upside down on a flat surface. Try to turn the wheels by applying equal force to both wheels. If the wheels do not offer the same resistance, please contact Technical Support. ... The robot quickly returns to the same place and rotates in a circle until ...

Roomba automatically detects and avoids falls. If the robot says “Please check and clean the drop sensors,” it means Roomba 500 series sensors are constantly reporting that the robot is in the fall. This can happen if the robot was started up on an uneven surface or got stuck on an obstacle during a cleaning cycle. A very dark floor surface can also cause this kind of error. If this error occurs while the robot is on a level, light surface, Roomba's sensors may become clogged or become damaged.

No iRobot model remembers room configuration in any way longer than a cleaning cycle. The robot is guided by the approximate perimeter of the room, the average mileage without collision, the frequency of detection of dirt by the detector. All this affects the duration of the cleaning, but not the quality of the cleaning. The quality is always excellent. Reset simply resets the battery registers, as a result, the robot thinks that it has a new uncharged battery and charges it for 16 hours. ...

Language Select Mode Roomba can provide troubleshooting messages in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese. Setting the Language The default language is English. To change the default setting, follow the steps below. 1. Turn on Roomba by pressing the CLEAN button. 2. Press and hold the DOCK button (connect to base) until .........

The Wireless Contact Center gives you more control over Roomba, and you can use it to turn the robot on and off, set a cleaning schedule, and control the robot in the room without following it. Use the same buttons to set the cleaning schedule on the Wireless Contact Center as you did on the robot itself. ... Before using your wireless ...

The robot will start a 16-hour battery charge cycle only if it senses that the battery is significantly discharged. This can happen if Roomba long time did not have access to the charging base (or charger). If your new Roomba doesn't start a 16-hour battery charge cycle, it just means it doesn't need it. If this charging cycle has been initiated, the "CLEAN" lamp on your robot will flash rapidly. DO NOT INTERRUPT THIS CHARGING CYCLE. The 16-hour charging cycle cannot be set manually, it is set by the robot automatically only ...

If Roomba tries to dock to the charging cradle and instead just bumps into it, follow the instructions below. For the charging base for 500 series robots 1. Wipe the charging contacts on the robot and the base with a clean dry cloth. 2. Plug the power supply into a power outlet and check that the power light is green. 3. Plug the power supply directly into Roomba and check that the POWER / CLEAN lights are blinking. 4. Plug the power supply into ...

A virtual wall with LightHouse technology (lighthouse) helps Roomba to move around your home. When operating in Lighthouse mode, virtual walls help the robot navigate the room, locate the floor charging cradle, and keep Roomba from going into new room until the current room is completely cleaned up. When operating in "Virtual Wall" mode, virtual walls block the robot from accessing restricted areas in your home. Use the switch to ...

If Roomba 500 series displays a “Check and Clean Robot Wheels” message, the robot's side wheels are stuck. This can happen if the robot was started up on an uneven surface or got stuck on an obstacle during a cleaning cycle. Lift the robot off the floor and move it to the center of the room. Then restart the cleaning cycle. Use Virtual Walls to protect your robot from getting into problem areas. If this error occurs while the robot is on a flat surface, then follow these steps: ...

You have become the owner of the most modern equipment - the iRobot Roomba robot vacuum cleaner. More than five million people around the world use robots at home. Sometimes robots literally become family members - people give them names.

For over two decades, iRobot has a history of designing and building robots.

Please read this manual carefully before you begin the fun process of getting your robot into operation. This will allow you to properly approach the process of operating the robot, spend a minimum of time learning and get the most out of the iRobot Roomba.

Thank you for choosing an iRobot robot!

Maintenance of the robot vacuum cleaner

In order for the iRobot Roomba to perform well over a long period of time, the following requirements must be met:

  • the robot should be used periodically, or specially prepared for storage if the need for it does not arise for a long time. This approach will maximize the battery life of the iRobot Roomba.
  • Robot brushes will work extremely efficiently if you can take the time to clean them. In addition, the mechanisms that operate these brushes need regular maintenance and cleaning of debris and dirt.
  • the electronic modules and electrical circuits of the iRobot Roomba will become unusable from active contact with water. The robot must not be immersed or doused in water, allowed to operate, or stored in damp conditions. The robot should be cared for with dry cloth.

Remember safety

When preparing the robot for work, you should carefully read the safety rules that are given in this manual.

The preparation of the robot vacuum cleaner should be started by removing the packing protection from the battery contacts. To do this, after turning the robot over, remove the battery tab, which is yellow. The battery of the robot cleaner will then need to go through a full cycle of the charging procedure. The first battery charge must not be interrupted! The robot will inform about the end of battery charging with a green light indication on the CLEAN button.

Workplace preparation for the robot vacuum cleaner

The intelligent control system of the robot vacuum cleaner allows it to move in the space of the cleaned rooms completely independently. But obstacles such as wires lying on the floor or running along the plinth, with the help of which other household devices are powered, can become an insoluble problem for the robot and require your intervention.

Roomba effectively removes different types debris and dirt. But it cannot be used in rooms with high humidity or on wet or damp floor coverings.

First of all, you need to determine the location in which the Home Base ™ - the charger of the robot vacuum cleaner will be located and install it there. Next, you need to plan which areas of the room will be cleaned and delineated using Virtual Walls or the Virtual Wall® Lighthouse ™ used on 780 and older models. Based on their signals, the robot vacuum cleaner will be able to work, moving from site to site.

Beginning of work

If you have purchased a device for controlling a robot vacuum cleaner or a remote control, they must first be set up to control the robot. Otherwise, turn on the robot vacuum cleaner by pressing the CLEAN button on the robot body.

The robot vacuum cleaner will inform you about turning on with a special sound and a light indicator on the CLEAN button. The next press of CLEAN will signal the robot to start cleaning the room.

A pause in the cleaning process and return to the active cleaning phase is also carried out with the CLEAN button.

To turn off the robot vacuum cleaner, the CLEAN button must remain pressed until the light indication on it turns off.

Cleaning programs and models

The Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner is controlled by the intelligent iAdapt ™ system, which constantly receives information about the surrounding world and decides on how to react to it during operation. In the memory of the robot vacuum cleaner there are forty basic methods of reactions to various external conditions and three basic models of work. The intelligent system constantly decides which reaction and which model will be the most optimal in the current conditions.

Roomba (700 Series) is programmed to use the following cleaning programs:

  • Clean Mode. The intelligent system collects information about the size and configuration of the room intended for cleaning and builds a time-optimal model of work.
  • Spot Mode. This mode cleaning is applied by the intelligent control system of the robot vacuum cleaner when the task of cleaning a small area appears. The robot begins to move along the section along a trajectory that resembles a spiral with a radius of about half a meter, returning to the starting point at the end of cleaning.
  • Scheduled Cleaning Mode. When using this mode, the intelligent system of the robot vacuum cleaner turns on at a predetermined time, cleans the planned areas and returns to the charger.

Floor coverings

The robot successfully copes with any floor coverings and knows how to protect itself from emergencies due to falls and slipping. An intelligent control system identifies places on the floor where there is a change in its height. However, sometimes the robot vacuum cleaner may need help. This happens when cleaning around rounded corners or on floors that tend to be very slippery. The robot vacuum cleaner cannot be used outdoors.

Liberation from obfuscation

The brushes of the robot vacuum cleaner can become entangled in electrical wires that are freely lying on the floor, which provide power to other household devices. In this case, the intelligent control system of the robot stops the current cleaning work and tries to release the brushes, changing the direction of their rotation. The unraveling process is accompanied by a characteristic sound similar to clicks.

Home Base

The charging device for the Home Base of the robot vacuum cleaner should be located near the wall, on the floor, no closer than one and a half meters of free empty space from the places where the floor level changes in height. After cleaning, or - when the batteries reach a certain level of discharge, the robot vacuum cleaner goes to the charger. After the robot vacuum cleaner is installed on the base, the Home Base signals success with a green indicator light. The signal that the robot has started charging its batteries will be a yellow blinking indicator on the robot body.

The robotic vacuum cleaner has successfully completed the charging procedure for its batteries and is ready for use, when its indicator lights up green.

Virtual Wall electronic barrier is compatible with all Roomba range

The electronic barrier Virtual Wall is designed to forcefully limit the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bwork of the robot vacuum cleaner. It can be used to prohibit the robot from leaving a specific room or to protect the robot from contact with fragile objects.

The electronic barrier is powered by 2 C-size batteries. Batteries are not included in the delivery set, they must be purchased separately.

The electronic barrier creates a kind of "obstacle" for the robot in the form of a cone, up to two meters wide, which it cannot overcome.

The electronic barrier is designed to block door openings. The best place to install it is on the outside of the opening.

The Virtual Wall electronic barrier operates in two modes:

  • Manual. The barrier must be switched on together with the robot vacuum cleaner. It will automatically turn off after a little over two hours after being turned on.
  • Auto. The barrier turns on when you turn on the vacuum cleaner.

The indicator on the body of the electronic barrier signalizes the selected mode and the state of the battery. A flashing green light indicates that the batteries are low and need to be replaced. To conserve batteries, turn off the Virtual Wall electronic barrier during periods when the Robot Vacuum Cleaner will not be used for a long time and turn it on only when the Robot Vacuum Cleaner is to be used regularly. The rest of the time, the Virtual Wall electronic barrier must be turned off.

Virtual Wall Lighthouse

For Roomba models 780 and up, the Virtual Wall Lighthouse ™ electronic barrier is available with an optional Lighthouse mode. In this mode, the device works as a navigator for the robot vacuum cleaner and helps it navigate in the space of the premises.

The selection of the mode is made in advance, using the switch on the device, and the transition to the active mode or shutdown of the Virtual Wall Lighthouse ™ occurs automatically, together with the iRobot Roomba.

The Virtual Wall Lighthouse ™ is powered by 2 x C-size batteries. Batteries are not included and must be purchased separately.

The indicator on the body of the electronic barrier signalizes the selected mode and the state of the battery. A flashing green light indicates that the batteries are low and need to be replaced.

When installing the Virtual Wall Lighthouse ™ in Lighthouse mode, it should be positioned in the doorway with the logo portion of the cabinet facing forward. The Virtual Wall Lighthouse ™ will act as a beacon for the robot vacuum cleaner to help it move around, cleaning one room after another.

The operating time of the equipment will depend on the size of the premises intended for cleaning. After the Robot Vacuum Cleaner is finished, the Virtual Wall Lighthouse ™ guides it to the Home Base ™ charger.

If you plan to use several Lighthouse and Virtual Wall devices at the same time, then remember that they should not be placed next to each other, the charger of the Home Base robot vacuum cleaner, or behind large interior items that do not pass the signals emitted by the listed devices for mutual communication. If you ignore these requirements, the Robot Vacuum Cleaner will not detect the Lighthouse or Virtual Wall or will not be able to route to the Home Base charger.

The Virtual Wall Lighthouse equipment with the mode switch set to the Virtual Wall position creates an electronic barrier that forcibly limits the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe robot vacuum cleaner. This mode prohibits the robot from leaving a specific room or protects it from possible contact with dangerous objects. In Virtual Wall mode, the device will automatically stop emitting a signal two hours and fifteen minutes after being turned on.

Virtual Wall Lighthouse, operating in Virtual Wall mode, is installed in the area of ​​the doorway. The signal strength, and therefore the distance at which the Robot Vacuum Cleaner can detect the Virtual Wall Lighthouse, can be adjusted. It can range from two to six meters, depending on the configuration of a particular room. The greater the distance, the higher the power consumption of the Virtual Wall Lighthouse.

Handling batteries

The iRobot Roomba is powered by rechargeable batteries. The very first battery charging cycle is carried out in preparation for the first operation of the robot and takes a time interval of nine hours.

Check the state of charge of the batteries in the Robot Vacuum Cleaner before each cleaning.

In order for the batteries to work as long and efficiently as possible, the Home Base charger of the robot vacuum cleaner must be permanently connected to the power supply, and the robot itself, in the intervals between cleanings, must be located on the base of the charger. The fact that the charger is functioning and the procedure for charging the batteries of the robot is in normal mode is indicated by the indicator light on the charger body.

If the robot vacuum cleaner has been without the possibility of recharging the batteries for a long time, after connecting it to the charger, the battery recovery mode can be automatically activated. The activation of this mode will be signaled by a blinking light indicator. The battery recovery time will take significantly longer compared to the procedure normal charging rechargeable batteries. It is impossible to interrupt the work of such a mode before its completion.

Removing the batteries

If it is known in advance that the assistance of the robot vacuum cleaner will not be required for a long time, after fully charging the battery, it should be removed from the case and stored at room temperature and low air humidity.

You should always remove the battery when you know that the robot vacuum cleaner will not need help for a long time. To remove the battery, you need to open the compartment on the bottom side of the robot body after removing the screws.

Sign Signal
The brushes of the iRobot Roomba may have become entangled in the wires on the floor.
The intelligent control system of the robot vacuum cleaner has activated the appropriate mode and the robot is trying to free itself.
The robot has detected a place of accumulation of debris, which is indicated by the Dirt Detect indicator light
There is a problem, the intelligent control system of the robot vacuum cleaner is trying to diagnose and fix possible problems.
It is necessary to empty the trash bin in the robot cleaner body because it has reached its full capacity.
Information about the state of charge of the battery.
Red indicator light, steady light - the rechargeable battery of the robot vacuum cleaner has run out of charge.
Yellow indicator light, blinking light - the rechargeable batteries of the Robot Vacuum Cleaner are in the process of being charged from the mains power supply.
Green indicator light, steady light - the battery of the robot vacuum cleaner has 100% charge.
Yellow indicator light, short blinking - battery recovery mode is on

A device for controlling a robot vacuum cleaner from a distance

The process of using the device to control a robot vacuum cleaner from a distance is very similar to that of another. household appliances using the remote control remote control... Using the buttons of the device, which is preliminarily directed in the direction where the robot is currently located, it is launched, controlled and individual functions are activated.

The robot vacuum cleaner remote control device is powered by two AA batteries.

Do not use the remote control when you are within a short distance of the Home Base charger or the Virtual Wall electronic barrier, as signal overlaps may occur and, as a result, Roomba will misinterpret the signals.

Dedicated robot vacuum cleaner control device

For robotic vacuum cleaners iRobot Roomba from model 780 and older, a special control device has been created with which you can plan complex robot work schedules with setting time intervals and selecting the required work model. Being in fact the center from which the robot is controlled, this device allows you to remotely access control of the robot during operation.

When drawing up a schedule, its owner sets the start time of work. The robot vacuum cleaner will start cleaning on schedule without additional commands. The schedule can be drawn up a week in advance by assigning a one-time task to the robot for the day.

For the successful implementation of the schedule, it is necessary to accurately set the current time in the control system of the iRobot Roomba robot vacuum cleaner. To do this, after turning off the robot by pressing the CLEAN button, press the CLOCK button and select the values ​​for the DAY, HOUR and MINUTE positions. Then, the result is saved by clicking on OK. Pressing the CLEAN button will exit the time and date setting mode and allow you to return to the setting mode later.

Time format setting

iRobot Roomba supports eight hour and twelve hour time formats. To select a convenient format, press the CLOCK button without releasing it until the format selection mode is displayed on the screen. Pressing CLOCK will switch the system to a format convenient for you, pressing OK will fix the result.

If the rechargeable battery of the Robot Vacuum Cleaner reaches a charge level below the minimum charge level or is removed from the Robot Vacuum Cleaner body, the time format will reset to twelve o'clock again.

Robot Vacuum Cleaner Job Schedule

The robot vacuum cleaner can be scheduled a week in advance with a one-time task per day. Before scheduling, set the time on the robot cleaner's clock.

To set the schedule, use the CLEAN button to turn off the robot vacuum cleaner. Pressing SCHEDULE enters the cleaning scheduling mode. When scheduling, you should set the appropriate values ​​for the positions DAY, HOUR and MINUTE, according to your task plan for the robot vacuum cleaner. The created schedule is confirmed by clicking on the OK button. Pressing the CLEAN button will exit the time and date setting mode and allow you to return to the setting mode later.

Viewing the cleaning plan

In order to see which cleaning plan is currently set for the robot vacuum cleaner, you should, after turning it off by pressing CLEAN, press SCHEDULE. Once in the job schedule, pressing DAY will display the programmed job schedule for the robot vacuum cleaner. By pressing the OK button, you can confirm the current operating schedule of the robot vacuum cleaner. Pressing the CLEAN button will exit the time and date setting mode and allow you to return to the setting mode later.

Deleting a cleaning plan

In order to delete the previously programmed work schedule of the robot vacuum cleaner, you should first turn it off by pressing CLEAN and press SCHEDULE. Once in the job schedule, pressing DAY will display the programmed job schedule for the robot vacuum cleaner. After selecting the position in the chart that you want to delete, use HOUR to remove the entry. By pressing the OK button, you can confirm the changes in the operating schedule of the robot vacuum cleaner. Pressing the DAY button for five seconds will cause the deletion of all previously programmed work schedules of the robot vacuum cleaner.

Changing the cleaning plan

In order to change the previously programmed work schedule of the robot vacuum cleaner, you should first turn it off by pressing CLEAN and press SCHEDULE. Once in the job schedule, pressing DAY will display the programmed job schedule for the robot vacuum cleaner. After selecting a position in the chart that needs correction, use HOUR and MINUTE to correct the entry. By pressing the OK button, you can confirm the changes in the operating schedule of the robot vacuum cleaner. Pressing the CLEAN button will exit the time and date setting mode and allow you to return to the setting mode later.

Ongoing maintenance

A small, regular amount of work aimed at maintaining good technical condition robot vacuum cleaner iRobot Roomba, will significantly extend the life of the equipment and improve the quality of its work. The parts of the robot vacuum cleaner, which need to be cleaned from debris adhered to them, are made in yellow. They should be regularly detached from the robot body and cleaned. If possible, you should regularly empty the debris from a special container in the body of the vacuum cleaner. Wool, hair and threads are wound around the brush knots of the robot vacuum cleaner. This can, over time, damage the quality of cleaning and lead to equipment failure. Clean the robot's brush assemblies regularly.

Simple regular maintenance operations

Cleaning the container for the collected waste. A special container in the body of the vacuum cleaner should be regularly emptied of debris by taking it out and reinserting it after cleaning. In the absence of a container, or - if it is not correct installation, the robot vacuum cleaner will not work.

Cleaning the filter system. The filters of the robot vacuum cleaner should be regularly cleaned of debris and dust. If you have been using the robot vacuum cleaner for two months, you should replace the filters.

Maintenance of the units of the robot vacuum cleaner's brush mechanism.

To care for the components of the brush mechanism of the robot vacuum cleaner, you should:

1. Detach the safety frame from the robot cleaner body. This can be done by pressing on the two yellow tabs.

2. Remove the two brushes, remove the yellow bearings from the shafts and carefully remove any debris and dirt from them.

3. To remove wool, threads and long fibers of dirt from bearings and shafts, you need to use the device for cleaning them from the robot vacuum cleaner kit.

4. In order to clean the mechanism of the side attachment brush, it must be detached from the body of the robot vacuum cleaner, after removing the screw securing it. After the cleaning procedure, the brush mechanism should be returned back, secured with a screw.

To care for the front wheel of the Robot Vacuum Cleaner:

  1. Remove the wheel by pulling its mount out of the robot cleaner body.
  2. Clean the place where the wheel is attached in the housing.
  3. Clean debris, fibers and dirt from the parts of the wheel and the mechanism of attachment to the body.
  4. Install all parts in place. There is a clicking sound when the wheel is properly installed in the housing.

To care for the sensors for controlling the fullness of the garbage container (relevant for model 770 and older), you should:

  1. Remove the waste container from the robot cleaner body.
  2. Clean the sensors carefully with a dry, clean cloth.

To care for sensors that control floor level differences in height, you should:

Carefully clean the six sensors with a dry, clean cloth.

Detection of malfunctions.

For early detection of possible malfunctions, Roomba is equipped with a diagnostic system, identification and elimination of emerging problems. The system will promptly inform you about the failure of individual components of the robot vacuum cleaner using indicator light... You can call up the error message again using the CLEAN button.

For more information on Roomba, please contact complete guide from the website www.irobot.com

Indication of emerging malfunctions

Indicator status and voice guidance Most possible reason Remedy
Error 1. Move Roomba
to a new location then
press CLEAN to restart.
(Error 1. Move Roomba to a different location and press the CLEAN button to restart the unit).
Problem with robot movement. The robot is stuck, the front wheel is hanging in the air. Move the robot to another place where its wheels are firmly on the floor and start it.
Error 2. Open Roomba's brush cage and clean brushes. (Error 2: Open Roomba's brush compartment and clean the brushes). Brush rotation problem Roomba's brush mechanisms need to be cleaned
Error 5. Spin Roomba's side wheels to clean. (Error 5. Roll Roomba's side wheels to clean them).
Error 6. Move Roomba to a new location then press CLEAN to restart. (Error 6. Move Roomba to a different location and press the CLEAN button to restart the unit). Problem with sensors that monitor floor height differences or the robot has fallen It is required to clean six sensors with a dry, clean cloth and start the robot vacuum cleaner
Error 7. Spin Roomba's side wheels to clean. (Error 7. Roll Roomba's side wheels to clean). The problem with the rotation of the wheels that ensure the movement of the robot Cleaning of the mechanism for fastening the parts of the wheels is required. Check the operation of the wheels and start the robot vacuum cleaner.
Error 9. Tap Roomba's bumper to clean. (Error 9. Tap Roomba's bumper to clean them) There is a problem with the reaction of the bumper part of the robot cleaner, under which debris is likely clogged You want to remove debris from under the bumper of the robot vacuum cleaner by lightly tapping on it.
Error 10. Spin Roomba's side wheels to clean. (Error 10. Roll Roomba's side wheels to clean). Check the rotation of the casters. Remove debris from under the bumper of the Robot Vacuum Cleaner by lightly tapping on it. Reduce the size of the area to be cleaned with the Virtual Wall electronic barrier.
Please charge Roomba. (Charge Roomba's battery.) There is a problem with the rotation of the front wheel or with the reaction of the bumper part of the robot cleaner, under which debris is likely clogged It is required to place the robot on charger Home Base

Battery charging signal system

Robot vacuum cleaner indicator light signal Roomba Display Information Voice guidance Most likely reason A way to eliminate the problem
1 blink Err 1 (error 1) Charging error 1 Lack of contact with the battery Check if the packing protection has been removed from the battery contacts. Insert a new battery.
2 flashes Err 2 (error 2) Charging error 2 Turn off the robot vacuum cleaner, leave it to cool for an hour and continue charging the batteries.
5 flashes Err 5 (error 5) Charging error 5 Error in the process of charging the battery Reset the settings of the robot vacuum cleaner control program and continue charging the batteries.
6 flashes Err 6 (error 6) Charging error 6 The battery of the robot cleaner is too hot Turn off the robot vacuum cleaner, leave it to cool for an hour and continue charging the batteries.

Voice guidance language

The main language of the robot is English. To change this setting you need:

  • Pre-turn off the robot by pressing the CLEAN button.
  • Press and hold the DOCK button until the robot cleaner plays the current language in voice guidance.
  • Release the DOCK button.
  • Press the CLEAN button until the robot pronounces the name of the language convenient for you in voice guidance.
  • Press and hold the CLEAN button until the Robot Vacuum Cleaner turns off. The selected language will be fixed in the robot's memory.

Resetting the control program settings

To reset the settings of the control program, you must press and do not release the CLEAN button for 10 seconds.


What is the reason why the robot cleaner's brush starts rotating in the opposite direction?

Changing the direction and speed of rotation is an attempt by an intelligent control system to free the robot from entanglement. Sometimes, this is how the robot reacts to the high pile of the carpeted floor.

If this robot reaction occurs on a flat floor, it is a sign that the brushes need cleaning.

What is the reason the robot makes clicking sounds?

The clicking sound emitted by the robot vacuum cleaner signals an attempt by the intelligent control system to free the robot from entanglement by changing the direction of rotation of the brushes.

If you hear this sound from a robot on a flat floor, it is a sign that the brushes need cleaning.

Why doesn't the robot detect the presence of some obstacles in the path during the movement?

The intelligent control system of the robot vacuum cleaner, receiving information from the sensors located on the body, timely detects the presence of obstacles in the direction of travel, reduces the speed of the robot and touches the obstacles very gently, and then changes the trajectory of movement. Dark colored flooring can reduce the quality of obstruction detection.

Safety requirements




Failure to follow the safety precautions or handle Roomba with care can result in injury or damage.

General Instruction Instructions

Be sure to follow all instructions that come with your robot vacuum cleaner. Be sure to pay attention to the warning labels on the body of the robot vacuum cleaner and other equipment supplied with it.

Leave maintenance work on the Robot Vacuum Cleaner beyond those recommended for the user to qualified service personnel.

Operating instructions

  • The robot vacuum cleaner cannot be used outdoors.
  • The Robot Vacuum Cleaner is not a game or entertainment device and is not designed to transport any objects or roll people. When cleaning with a robotic vacuum cleaner in a room, small children and pets located there must be supervised by adults.
  • Do not operate the robot in rooms with high humidity or on wet or damp floor coverings.
  • The robot should be cleaned with dry and clean wiping material.
  • Do not use the Robot Vacuum Cleaner to clean up burning, smoldering, chemically active debris or liquids.
  • Before you start cleaning the room with a robot vacuum cleaner, you should remove from the floor scattered objects, fragile interior items, hanging on the floor or lying there cords and wires.
  • It is essential that the Robot Vacuum Cleaner is not able to physically enter hazardous areas such as a balcony or staircase.
  • After pre-charging, remove the battery from the robot body if the need for its help does not arise for a long period of time.
  • The robot vacuum cleaner cannot be transferred to the control of people with disabilities, a number of chronic diseases without supervision by adults.
  • The Robot Vacuum Cleaner is not a game or entertainment device.

Completeness and charging of rechargeable batteries

  • Use only the standard electrical supply to charge the batteries in the Robot Vacuum Cleaner. The use of additional conversion devices voids you of the manufacturer's warranty.

Indicator status and voice guidance

Most likely reason


Error 1. Move Roomba
to a new location then
press CLEAN to restart.
(Error 1. Move Roomba to a different location and press the CLEAN button to restart the unit).

Problem with robot movement. The robot is stuck, the front wheel is hanging in the air.

Move the robot to another place where its wheels are firmly on the floor and start it.

Error 2. Open Roomba's brush cage and clean brushes. (Error 2: Open Roomba's brush compartment and clean the brushes).

Brush rotation problem

Roomba's brush mechanisms need to be cleaned

Error 5. Spin Roomba's side wheels to clean. (Error 5. Roll Roomba's side wheels to clean them).

Error 6. Move Roomba to a new location then press CLEAN to restart. (Error 6. Move Roomba to a different location and press the CLEAN button to restart the unit).

Problem with sensors that monitor floor height differences or the robot has fallen

It is required to clean six sensors with a dry, clean cloth and start the robot vacuum cleaner

Error 7. Spin Roomba's side wheels to clean. (Error 7. Roll Roomba's side wheels to clean).

The problem with the rotation of the wheels that ensure the movement of the robot

Cleaning of the mechanism for fastening the parts of the wheels is required. Check the operation of the wheels and start the robot vacuum cleaner.

Error 9. Tap Roomba's bumper to clean. (Error 9. Tap Roomba's bumper to clean them)

There is a problem with the reaction of the bumper part of the robot cleaner, under which debris is likely clogged

You want to remove debris from under the bumper of the robot vacuum cleaner by lightly tapping on it.

Error 10. Spin Roomba's side wheels to clean. (Error 10. Roll Roomba's side wheels to clean).

Check the rotation of the casters. Remove debris from under the bumper of the Robot Vacuum Cleaner by lightly tapping on it. Reduce the size of the area to be cleaned with the Virtual Wall electronic barrier.

Please charge Roomba. (Charge Roomba's battery.)

There is a problem with the rotation of the front wheel or with the reaction of the bumper part of the robot cleaner, under which debris is likely clogged

You want to place your robot on the Home Base charger

Battery charging signal system

Robot vacuum cleaner indicator light signal

Roomba Display Information

Voice guidance

Most likely reason

A way to eliminate the problem

1 blink

Err 1 (error 1)

Charging error 1

Lack of contact with the battery

Check if the packing protection has been removed from the battery contacts. Insert a new battery.

2 flashes

Err 2 (error 2)

Charging error 2

Turn off the robot vacuum cleaner, leave it to cool for an hour and continue charging the batteries.

5 flashes

Err 5 (error 5)

Charging error 5

Error in the process of charging the battery

Reset the settings of the robot vacuum cleaner control program and continue charging the batteries.

6 flashes

Err 6 (error 6)

Charging error 6

The battery of the robot cleaner is too hot

Turn off the robot vacuum cleaner, leave it to cool for an hour and continue charging the batteries.

The main language of the robot is English. To change this setting you need:

  • Pre-turn off the robot by pressing the CLEAN button.

  • Press and hold the DOCK button until the robot cleaner plays the current language in voice guidance.

  • Release the DOCK button.

  • Press the CLEAN button until the robot pronounces the name of the language convenient for you in voice guidance.

  • Press and hold the CLEAN button until the Robot Vacuum Cleaner turns off. The selected language will be fixed in the robot's memory.

Resetting the control program settings

To reset the settings of the control program, you must press and do not release the CLEAN button for 10 seconds.


What is the reason why the robot cleaner's brush starts rotating in the opposite direction?

Changing the direction and speed of rotation is an attempt by an intelligent control system to free the robot from entanglement. Sometimes, this is how the robot reacts to the high pile of the carpeted floor.

If this robot reaction occurs on a flat floor, it is a sign that the brushes need cleaning.

What is the reason the robot makes clicking sounds?

The clicking sound emitted by the robot vacuum cleaner signals an attempt by the intelligent control system to free the robot from entanglement by changing the direction of rotation of the brushes.

If you hear this sound from a robot on a flat floor, it is a sign that the brushes need cleaning.

Why doesn't the robot detect the presence of some obstacles in the path during the movement?

The intelligent control system of the robot vacuum cleaner, receiving information from the sensors located on the body, timely detects the presence of obstacles in the direction of travel, reduces the speed of the robot and touches the obstacles very gently, and then changes the trajectory of movement. Dark colored flooring can reduce the quality of obstruction detection.

Safety requirements




Failure to follow the safety precautions or handle Roomba with care can result in injury or damage.

General Instruction Instructions

Be sure to follow all instructions that come with your robot vacuum cleaner. Be sure to pay attention to the warning labels on the body of the robot vacuum cleaner and other equipment supplied with it.

Leave maintenance work on the Robot Vacuum Cleaner beyond those recommended for the user to qualified service personnel.

Operating instructions

  • The robot vacuum cleaner cannot be used outdoors.

  • The Robot Vacuum Cleaner is not a game or entertainment device and is not designed to transport any objects or roll people. When cleaning with a robotic vacuum cleaner in a room, small children and pets located there must be supervised by adults.

  • Do not operate the robot in rooms with high humidity or on wet or damp floor coverings.

  • The robot should be cleaned with dry and clean wiping material.

  • Do not use the Robot Vacuum Cleaner to clean up burning, smoldering, chemically active debris or liquids.

  • Before you start cleaning the room with a robot vacuum cleaner, you should remove from the floor scattered objects, fragile interior items, hanging on the floor or lying there cords and wires.

  • It is essential that the Robot Vacuum Cleaner is not able to physically enter hazardous areas such as a balcony or staircase.

  • After pre-charging, remove the battery from the robot body if the need for its help does not arise for a long period of time.

  • The robot vacuum cleaner cannot be transferred to the control of people with disabilities, a number of chronic diseases without supervision by adults.

  • The Robot Vacuum Cleaner is not a game or entertainment device.

Completeness and charging of rechargeable batteries

  • Use only the standard electrical supply to charge the batteries in the Robot Vacuum Cleaner. The use of additional conversion devices voids you of the manufacturer's warranty.

  • To charge the rechargeable batteries of the Robot Vacuum Cleaner, use the supplied, technically sound and undamaged charger.

  • The batteries are charged exclusively indoors.

  • In case of sudden changes in electrical voltage in the electrical supply network, the robot vacuum cleaner is equipped with a stabilizing device.

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