
How to create a new room in hamachi. Learning to use the Hamachi program. What is Hamachi

Hamachi is a great tool for creating virtual networks. Quite often it is used by gamers who want to create a separate server for playing with friends. Even beginners will be able to understand this software, but this will take a little effort. As part of this article, we would like to talk about working in Hamachi by presenting supporting guides.

First of all, new Hamachi users are faced with the registration procedure. Almost always, it happens without problems, and even a novice user can figure out how to fill in personal information. However, sometimes unexpected problems occur during authorization. You can find out all the information about registration and solving difficulties in our other article by clicking on the link below.

Setting up for online play

After successfully logging into the profile, it is still not so easy to join the required network, because the program itself and the operating system are still not configured correctly. In Windows, you will need to change the adapter parameters, through "Network and Sharing Center", and in Hamachi, encryption and proxy servers are exhibited. All this has already been described in detail by our other author in the material below.


After successfully launching and logging into your own profile, you can connect to an existing network. To do this, click on "Connect to an existing network", enter "Identifier"(network name) and password (if it is not there, then leave the field blank). Often large gaming communities have their own networks, and ordinary players also share networks in communities or forums, inviting people to this or that game.

In the game, it is enough to find the item of the network game ( "Multiplayer", "Online", "Connect to IP" and so on) and just specify your IP, which is displayed at the top of the program. Each game has its own characteristics, but in general, the connection process is identical. If you are immediately knocked out of the server, then either it is full or the program is being blocked by your firewall, antivirus or firewall. Run the software you are using and add Hamachi to the exceptions.

Create your own network

One of the main tasks of Hamachi is to emulate a local network, which makes it possible not only to exchange data directly, but also to connect to one local server in any game. The client network is created literally in a couple of clicks, the user is only required to specify a name and set a password. After all the information received is transmitted to other users and they connect to the created server. The owner has all the necessary parameters - changing the configuration and managing the connected computers.

Creation of a computer game server

As mentioned earlier, many owners of the software in question use it as a local server for playing with friends. Then, in addition to your own network, you will need to create the server itself, taking into account the characteristics of the required game. Before starting, the corresponding package with the server files must be loaded, where the configuration file is changed later. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with this procedure using the example of Counter-Strike in the article below.

Increase available network slots

Unfortunately, Hamachi has a limit on the number of slots available on the network. In the free version, only five people can be connected at the same time, however, when purchasing a certain version of the subscription, their number changes to 32 or 256. Of course, not everyone needs such an extension, so the developers give the right to choose - use the software for free, but with five slots, or purchase additional places in the right amount.

Removing a program

Sometimes the need to use the application in question no longer remains, so many decide to completely remove Hamachi from the computer. This is done according to the same principle as with other software, but with its own characteristics, because this software adds keys to the registry and installs the driver. All this will also need to be cleaned in order to completely get rid of traces in the system.

Solving common problems

During the work, users may encounter various kinds of troubles. There are a number of problems that appear more often than others, and for each of them there is a solution. Please refer to the materials below for a list of errors. Perhaps one of the instructions provided will be helpful in your situation.

Above, we have detailed the use of Hamachi. It remains only to independently perform all these steps in order to consolidate knowledge about this software.

Online games have become a great way to spend their free time for millions of people. After work or on weekends, when there is nothing to do, a person can relax, immersed in a completely new gaming atmosphere. You can go through a real adventure of this or that genre by downloading this or that "toy".

The only problem is that there is a category of games that people are used to playing without an Internet connection. These are "good old" toys that can find a second life if users can play them over the network. This opportunity is provided by the Hamachi program. With it, you can create a virtual network connection with any player and thus start playing anything online. We will tell you how to use Hamachi in this article.

How does Hamachi work?

So, the "Gamachi" program is an online client that allows you to create a virtual network between players who cannot in any way belong to the same Internet network. Simply put, a local network is created, with which you can download multiplayer modes of popular games. For example, if you are used to playing alone, the instructions on how to use Hamachi will allow you to experience new sensations when you play with your friends. Trust me, this is a completely different gaming experience!

The application interface is very compact and intuitive. It collapses into the tray, and everything is controlled in fact by a couple of buttons. There are two modes available in the program: "server" and "client" - this is the user who creates the network for the game, as well as those who connect to this network. Of course, such a connection can be protected with a password from unauthorized users, you can rename it in your own way. In general, each network that is created in this way has its own ip-address, which will be the game one.

You will understand how to use Hamachi in a matter of minutes. You can start the client with the large power button located in the upper left corner of the window. Next, you will see a field with available networks, as well as navigation keys for searching and creating networks. You will work with them.

What does the "server" need to know?

The "server" is the player who creates the network for the further game. He chooses a playroom in the "toy" itself and is the "host" to which other players connect. He needs to know how to use Logmein Hamachi as it is his responsibility to create a play group. The "server" can name the group whatever it likes and protect it with a key. Next, this player must tell others his ip-address so that everyone can connect to it.

What does the "client" need to know?

On the other side is the "client" - the player who logs into the server created by the "server". The client is simply told which game group in Hamachi he needs to connect to, after which he must go into the game itself and select the appropriate room.

In the part of the instruction, which describes how to use the Hamachi program, the following should be noted: it is very important that the versions not only of the "hamachi" itself, but also of the game for which the server is created, are exactly the same. This, again, is very important, because it directly depends on whether you can play with your friends or not. To make sure that the versions of the games are identical, we recommend downloading them from one torrent.

Hamachi and Minecraft

Through the Hamachi client, you can organize a collective game in almost all "toys" in which the online game mode is available. Minecraft is no exception. Imagine how interesting it is to build your own world, to develop everything around with your online friends. This is actually a completely different game, which is even more addictive than the "offline" version we are used to. You can try it, you will surely like it.

Hamachi features

The capabilities of the Hamachi program when it comes to strategies are also very much appreciated. For example, with this client, your favorite strategy, which you have played since childhood, can be “revived” by organizing a tournament with friends. It's so great to communicate on Skype and at the same time conquer each other's lands and resources. So you can happily while away a few hours!

What if nothing works?

If you don't know how to use Hamachi for Minecraft, it will take you a little more time to get used to and learn how the program works. In principle, everything is not so difficult, especially for those who have experience playing Minecraft.

There are no special requirements: as already emphasized, it is only necessary that the versions of the game be identical. If you don't know how to use Hamachi so that the game has similar versions, download them from the same source (as noted above, this can be one common torrent).

If after that nothing came of it, pay attention to the status of your network. Ideally, it should be green when there is a ping (connecting to the server) - blue, and if the virtual network is turned off, its indicator will be gray. These colors will help determine how to use Hamachi. At the same time, we are leaving Minecraft without attention, it is enough to simply deploy the client programs. Also, auxiliary commands are available here, such as "ping the network" (which will tell you if the network is working or not). With their help, you can establish what is the reason for your failure, after which it can be eliminated.

In general, it should be noted that organizing the gameplay over a virtual local network using Hamachi is easy. It is not necessary to know how the program itself works and how it connects computers located in different geographic locations together. The main thing is to understand the logic: one person ("server") creates a network, the rest ("clients") enter it, and then download the game. Well, in fact, they enjoy the process!

In any search engine, type in the line without quotes “Logmein hamachi download” and go to the logmein website using the first link in the search results. Only a free trial version of the product can be downloaded from the official website. Check the box agreeing to the terms of use and click the Download Now button under the Unmanaged Mode item.

Install the program. This process is quite standard and should not cause any problems even for a beginner. At the end, the installation completion window will appear, click the "Finish" button with the "Run Hamachi" checkbox checked. The same process must be done by another user with whom the joint passage of the game is planned.

Creation of a network in "Hamachi" and connection of a second user

In the running program "Hamachi", you must press the blue power button. Then, in the window that appears, enter your nickname. The nickname can be changed later if necessary. The program will do the archiving and assign itself an IP address.

Next, you need to click the "Create a new network ..." button. Enter there the network identifier (any unused word), password and password confirmation and press the “Create” button. The second user must click the “Connect to an existing network ...” button and enter the network ID and password created by the first user.

Hamachi is created and ready to use. It remains only to launch the desired game and select the parameters for playing on the local network.

Hamachi is an application designed to build a VPN connection and emulate a local network. This utility allows you to link machines into a private virtualP2P network via internet connection.

It finds its application when it is impossible to physically create a local connection, for example, when it is required to combine computers of one organization, whose offices are located at different ends of the city. Another use case is teleworking, where employees need to provide access to the materials of their office colleagues.

Another important property is the provision staticIP addresses, which finds its application in the gaming field. This program allows you to deploy a game server on your home machine and thereby bypass the restriction of the provider issuing a dynamic IP.

Setting up a connection on Windows XP

Setting up an application in this OS is pretty simple. The first step is to install the program itself, and then restart your computer. Then you should go to Control Panel and select the item there Network connections... In the pop-up window, select the connection we need - Hamachi, and then go to its properties.

Having selected the TCP / IPv4 item, we will see a window in which we should specify gateway address-, and also set the automatic metric assignment. At this point, the case can be considered completed:

Setting up a connection on Windows 7

In this OS, the process is not much different from the setting in Windows XP. All changes concern only the interface. So, first you need to go to the address: Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network connections... Having selected the Hamachi item, we still go to the settings window.

We check the absence of a tick on the TCP / IPv6 item and its presence in TCP / IPv4. Going into TCP / IPv4, enter the IP address specified in the main window of the utility, and then go to the tab “ Additionally"The gateway address, like last time, we specify, but metric value set it to 10. You're done!

Setting up a connection on Windows 8/10

The actions are almost completely identical. Go to the Control Panel - View network connection... Selecting Hamachi, go to the settings window. Unlike Windows 7, you do not need to enter an IP address. But, it is necessary to delete the current gateway, and metric value set to 10:

Program setting

So, after the corresponding changes in the OS have been made, it is necessary to configure the application for further work. This is done quite simply and will take no more than ten minutes.

First you need create a network, which will be the "home" for the machines connecting to it. To do this, go to the Network menu - Create a new network in the main application window. The window that appears requires enter id, or, more simply, her name and password. After that, these data are issued to other users who, by going to the Network - Connect to an existing network, will be able to join you.

When going to the menu System - parameters, the user will see the application settings window. In the window " Status»We can see our own data - ID, name, as well as the connected account, which will allow us to manage the networks and members through the web interface.

Window " Security»Allows you to see the RSA keys of the current users. What is it for? The RSA key is stored on the computer of each client and is a kind of "identity card" that prevents attackers from impersonating a member of the network. If necessary, you can set lock checkbox new members of the network.

The third tab is " Options"Will allow you to configure the type of encryption, traffic compression, and program updates. Paragraph " Additional settings"Allows you to more flexibly customize the work of the program. So, " Interface settings»Allow you to make the work with the program more convenient. "Connecting to the server" will allow you to set the address of the Hamachi server, and if you need to redirect traffic, then specify the address and password of the proxy server.

« Peer-to-peer connections"Is the most important type of setting. Here you can set the type of authentication, encryption and compression of traffic, as well as local TCP and UDP addresses, if required.

Other tabs will allow you to customize the work of the internal chat, the appearance of the program, the path to the configuration and log files.

Hamachi version 1.0 3.0 did not have time to sink into oblivion, as the developers of this program, which opens doors for users to virtual local area networks via the Internet, offered us to install a new release of the utility on our computers. Even more opportunities to create your own resources and access network games in LAN mode. It would be strange to refuse such an offer. The only thing that will have to work a little bit on how to use the updated Hamachi. But this is not at all difficult if you have at hand detailed instructions with fresh illustrations.

Step number 1: Create and connect a personal account

The Hamachi utility v2.2.0.303, unlike previous versions, is not enough to simply install on a Windows computer to access its functionality. To begin with, you will have to do a little bit over the process of registering your program account, thereby receiving the "gift" the opportunity to download and use the updated version of the Hamachi utility, albeit in test mode. Registration takes only a couple of minutes and looks something like this:

After all the data has been entered, you will need to confirm your account using the email specified in the registration form. Next, you need to download and install Hamachi v2.2.0.303 on your computer. Even a schoolboy can cope with this, since the process is no different from downloading and installing a standard program for Windows. In the future, we act in this order:

Step number 2: customize the utility for yourself

It is worth noting that setting up Hamachi v2.2.0.303 for Windows takes a matter of minutes. How do you do it? First, open Hamachi, and then go to the "System" section and click "Options".

The first stage of configuration awaits us immediately in the "Status" tab. Here we find the line "Name" and by pressing the "Change" button we enter a new designation for Windows and our PC:

The next step is to configure Hamachi security. In particular, in the program tab of the same name, you can select by default the blocking of new network members. Whether it is worth doing it - the decision is made by everyone personally. In principle, this moment in setting up Hamachi can be skipped, unlike the next step. Agree, hardly anyone will refuse the opportunity:

  • configure connection parameters (encryption, compression option);
  • set the automatic program update function;
  • configure the Hamachi interface, for example, enable a splash screen at startup, select chat support;
  • set other parameters of the utility.

What is needed for this? Go to the "Parameters" section in the Hamachi program:

In general, the Hamachi interface is so simple that it is a pleasure to make settings and use the program.

Step # 3: Working with local networks

It should be noted that working in Windows with virtual local area networks using Hamachi can be done in 2 ways:

  1. by connecting to previously created ones;
  2. through the creation of your own network.

At the same time, regardless of the chosen method, it is extremely easy to use it. In the first case, on the start page of the utility, just click the "Connect to an existing network" button, and then enter its name and password:

In the second case, you will need to click the "Create a new network ..." button, and then enter the identification parameters for it, namely the name and password (if necessary):

After completing this task, you can safely connect to online games.

Step # 4: Entering Game Mode

Basically the parameter "network play" in the latest version of Hamachi, like the previous release 1.0 3.0. does not exist. How then to use this program to create a game mode? All in the same old proven way.

First, we create a local network (see step 3) and provide potential players with all information about it (name, password). Each of the users then connects to the Hamachi network, enters the same version of the game, and selects a network play option for it (for example, "online play"). And voila - the game begins.

As you can see, anyone can learn to use Hamachi v2.2.0.303! One has only to devote a few minutes of your time to such "training"!

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