
How to get a WebMoney certificate: step by step instructions. Types of WebMoney passports and how to get them. Personal passport What does the passport mean below the initial

WebMoney is an electronic wallet that allows you to perform various transactions with electronic money. Many people compare it to a bank card. And this analogy makes sense. After all, WebMoney is easy to use, and electronic money can also be used to pay for goods and services without leaving your home. True, simple registration in the system is not enough - having a pseudonym certificate, a person has no right to withdraw cash and pay for certain categories of services. That is why many citizens are interested in how to get a personal webmoney passport.

If you earn money at home and get paid in WebMoney, then having a wallet becomes a necessity. As soon as you register and install the program from the official website of the company, you need to get a personal certificate. It's easy to do, but you need your passport details.

Alias ​​Passport and Formal Passport

As soon as registration has taken place, your identity will be assigned a WMID. This is a kind of account number, like in a bank. It consists of 12 digits. Next, you need to create a wallet of any currency with which you will pay. Various currencies are available, including ruble, dollar, euro. Each currency has its own personal letter code (WMR, WMZ, WME).

After you create a wallet, you must receive a formal passport. It's totally free. It's easy to do: just enter your personal data and fill in your personal information and passport data. All currency wallets can be replenished through terminals and some bank ATMs. It is necessary to indicate the wallet number, starting with the letter of the currency. As soon as the funds are credited to the account, you can dispose of them.

With a formal passport, you can pay for the phone, cable TV, Products & Services. In addition, there is the possibility of cash withdrawals. But there are limitations here. Formal passport allows withdrawal only in some ways, which are not so cheap. Also, you have the right to transfer money to other participants.

Instructions for obtaining a personal passport

So why do you need a personal passport? It allows you to automate the process of receiving and transferring funds. This is a very beneficial feature for merchants who get paid for their services or blogs. Apart from this, it is also beneficial for regular customers. After all, payment for the service takes place almost in one click. With such a certificate, you have the right to participate in a credit exchange, be a member of an affiliate program and earn money on this, receive a debit card for instant withdrawal of funds from an electronic wallet.

The receipt of the certificate takes place in five calendar days. So how do you do it?

  1. You need to go to your personal account on the official website.
  2. Then you should pay for the application for receipt. The cost of such a procedure is $ 9 or rubles with conversion at the internal rate.
  3. Click to get a certificate.
  4. Choose a registrar who has the right to issue this type of certificate. There is one nuance here: you must meet with him in person. But if there is none in your city, then you need to choose the one who will receive the documents by mail.
  5. Next, you need to go to the tab "attestation documents and rules" and view them, print.
  6. Then fill out this form. All items are required and not difficult for an ordinary person. In the VM ID field, you must enter 12 digits.
  7. Go to the nearest notary to verify the correctness of the data. You need to have a passport and money to pay for the service. The cost of the procedure is 200 rubles.
  8. After receiving the notary stamp, scan your passport.
  9. Then you need to go to the Russian post office, buy an envelope with first class shipping, attach a notary's business card, a scan of passport data and an application there.
  10. Wait for notification by mail or in personal account.

Is it possible to get a passport for free

If you want to get a personal passport without investing your hard-earned money, you need to transfer funds to the ruble wallet through a Webmoney partner: Uniastrum, Contact, Anelik through perevod.webmoney.ru. Or make it from the same site to a dollar wallet. In this case, you will still spend money, but much less than with the standard approach.

Nuances upon receipt

  1. There are various situations when a personal passport cannot be issued. First of all, this concerns incorrect data. Perhaps you yourself did not change this data in your personal account or specially entered non-existent information. Also, this can be influenced by the human factor, namely the employees of the Russian Post.
  2. The term for consideration of an application for obtaining a personal passport may drag on for 10 or more days. This depends on the registrar's free time and other system-related factors.
  3. From the side of the registrar, a call to the number you specified is possible. Most often it is a ringing mobile operator... But there are also situations when they are interested in intended purpose certificate, activities of a citizen, the full cost of payment for obtaining a certificate, how the data of the place of residence were confirmed.

System of money circulation in the network

Many citizens working online are forced to register here. All exchanges work directly with this wallet, due to its stability and automatism. But it has many essential features:

  1. Over the entire period of its operation, the service had problems with the Central Bank, which is still ongoing. Some functions overlap, such as withdrawals to cards and transfers through partner services.
  2. Loss of access is a laborious recovery process. It is necessary to write an application, call. This takes several hours. The recovery itself can take over a week.
  3. A beginner to understand the site.
  4. Scatter of functions for certificates. Also an awkward feature. To understand which service is needed for which certificate, you need to read a lot of information. And it still needs to be found in the vastness of an incomprehensible interface.

Whether you need a personal certificate or not is the choice of every person.


Read more about all the stages up to obtaining a personal passport in the following video:

More detailed instructions on registration of a personal passport, filling out the documents below:


The very first passport in the WebMoney system is a pseudonym passport. It is issued automatically upon creation, after filling in all the necessary registration data - name, address, e-mail,. Thus, all participants in the system are automatically certified, but you cannot vouch for the veracity of the data - all information is entered by the user and is not verified. The alias certificate is issued.

The next step is a formal certificate. In addition to the information specified during registration, the user also fills in his passport data (passport number, issued by whom, date of birth, etc.) on the WebMoney Passport website. Such a certificate also causes little confidence, since the information is not verified and the user can deliberately fill out the data form. By itself, this certificate is needed in order to authorize the user to perform financial transactions - deposit and withdrawal of money, as well as exchange. By specifying the correct passport data, the user will be able to use the services of guarantors and cash pick-up points, while without a formal passport, he will only be able to replenish the wallet through cards and pay for services. The formal passport is issued free of charge.

The next step is the initial passport. Unlike the previous options, your personal information is verified. You can get it in two ways: personally meet with an authorized "Personalizer" or upload a scan of your passport to the website. In the first case, you need to make a payment ($ 1) and choose a personalizer convenient for you from the list. You will have to meet with him in person and present your passport. If there is no personalizer in your area or you do not have time for a personal meeting, then you can use the second option. To do this, you need to go to the WebMoney money transfer section and select one of three money transfer systems: Unistream, Contact and Anelik. Then upload a scan of your passport, then accept the agreement to receive an initial passport.

If you are in business related to using WebMoney- you get paid for goods / services, etc., then you just need a personal certificate. It provides access to almost all system functions, as well as simplifies the procedure for recovering WMID in case of loss and protects against unreasonable claims and blocking. To obtain a personal passport, you need to come to the registrar's office for a personal conversation. You will be asked various questions, for example, how did you withdraw money, which bank you worked with, etc. Then your documents will be scanned, and you will pay the cost of the service - on average $ 10-15 (depending on the registrar you choose). In a couple of days, you will be assigned a personal passport. In the event that there is no registrar office in your area, then you can send by registered mail notarized copies of documents.

All electronic payment systems have limits on financial transactions for anonymous users... Such restrictions are not a whim of payment systems, they are provided for by the law "On the National Payment System". The law is followed by all settlement systems operating in Russia, including WebMoney. To fully use the capabilities of this service, you must identify yourself, that is, confirm your identity. In WebMoney, the identification procedure involves obtaining a special certificate for users. Several types of passports are available for system participants, which differ in the methods of confirming personal data and limits on operations... By default, immediately after registering in the system, the user receives a WebMoney passport with maximum financial restrictions (Alias ​​Certificate).

Each member of the system independently determines which certificate he needs. If you decide for small financial transactions, then you do not need to disclose your anonymity. In other cases, identification is mandatory. Before getting a WebMoney passport, you should familiarize yourself with all types of passports and their characteristic limits. You can find this and other information regarding identification of a WM purse in this article.

  • Important
  • WebMoney passport is electronic document identifying the client of the WM Taransfer system, which contains his personal information: full name, passport data and address of residence.

Types of WebMoney passports

The higher the type of your passport, the more trust in your WMID. Immediately after registering in the system, the user receives a pseudonym certificate. This type of passport does not provide for the need to go through wallet identification. True, there are maximum financial restrictions for this certificate. For example, a pseudonym passport does not allow you to keep more than 45,000 rubles on your wallet and perform operations worth more than 90,000 rubles. There are also daily and weekly restrictions. See below for details on limits. If you need more, check out other types of passports and get a suitable one.

Types of WebMoney passports:

  • Alias ​​Certificate;
  • Formal Certificate;
  • Initial Certificate;
  • Personal Certificate;
  • The seller;
  • Capitaller certificate;
  • Payment machine;
  • Developer certificate;
  • Registrar.

In addition to the listed passports, special passports are available for members of the WebMoney system (service certificate, guarantor's certificate, operator's certificate). In principle, the most common are the main four types. Of course, you should choose a WebMoney passport based on your personal needs. So that you can compare your needs with the capabilities of a particular certificate, you need to familiarize yourself with all types in more detail. Below, we describe separately the capabilities of WM-passports and the procedure for obtaining them. First, let's look at the 5 main types of passports.

The main types of certificates

Of course, there is no WebMoney passport, which is not used at all. The payment system is used by a huge number of individuals and legal entities, so all certificates are in demand. True, some are used much less often. Most often, members of the WebMoney system use 5 types of passports, one of which is required to receive payments. The rest are used individuals and differ in the level of trust on the part of the service and limits on financial transactions.

The following types of WM-passports should be highlighted:

  • Alias ​​Certificate;
  • Formal Certificate;
  • Initial Certificate;
  • Personal Certificate;
  • Seller's certificate.

All these certificates differ not only in limits, but also in the procedure for obtaining them. Below is the detailed description each of the listed certificates.

Alias ​​certificate

This certificate is provided to a member of the system automatically when registering in the system. The pseudonym certificate is free of charge and does not provide for the need to confirm your personal data. In this regard, maximum restrictions apply for users with such a passport. However, it is difficult to call the limits available for this certificate too small. So, you will be able to make up to 45,000 rubles and make transactions for up to 90,000 rubles per month, however, such limits are valid only if the user has passed the verification of the number mobile phone and personal data. Let's consider the limits for a pseudonym passport in more detail.

The alias passport provides the following restrictions:

  • The maximum amount of funds on a WMR wallet is 45,000 rubles;
  • Monthly limit - 90,000 rubles;
  • Weekly limit - 45,000 rubles;
  • The daily limit is 15,000 rubles.

Let's be honest, these limits are more than enough for many users. It is worth noting that WebMoney has the highest limits for anonymous users. For example, Qiwi has completely different limits, so it is almost a mandatory procedure for users of this service. However, many WebMoney members need more substantial limits than the pseudonym certificate provides. If you are one of such users, then you will receive one of the following passports.

Formal WebMoney Passport

Another free passport, to obtain which it is enough to upload a scanned passport. Obtaining this type of certificate does not involve difficulties and takes a minimum of time, but the possibilities within the service increase significantly. It's not just the limits that are increasing. If you have a formal certificate, you can bank card through the exchange exchange WM Exchanger. The number of ways to replenish the wallet is also increasing, including without a commission.

A formal passport has the following restrictions:

  • The maximum amount of funds on a WMR wallet is 200,000 rubles;
  • Monthly limit - 200,000 rubles;
  • Weekly limit - 200,000 rubles;
  • The daily limit is 60,000 rubles.

As you can see, the limits are significantly higher than the pseudonym certificate provides. Please note that the above limits are valid only when connecting WM Keeper WinPro (Classic) or WM Keeper WebPro (Light). What is it you can find out on the website payment system or on our resource in. If you are completely satisfied with the conditions of the formal certificate, use the instructions below.

To obtain a formal passport follow these steps:

  1. Follow the link https://passport.webmoney.ru and log in;
  2. In the control panel, select the item "Get a formal passport";
  3. Fill out the personal data form (indicate only reliable information);
  4. In the section "Your documents" upload color photocopies of your passport and TIN.

After completing the above instructions, you need to wait for the payment system employees to check your documents. Verification may take several days. Information about the successful assignment of a formal passport will be sent to you by e-mail.

Initial WebMoney Passport

Members of the WebMoney system with an initial passport have opportunities that significantly exceed those that are typical for holders of formal passports. The initial WebMoney passport has more than high level trust on the part of the service, therefore, to receive it, it is not enough just to send a scanned copy of the passport. To the issue of obtaining of this type we will return later, but for now we will consider the limits on financial transactions characteristic of it.

The initial passport provides the following restrictions:

  • The maximum amount of funds on a WMR wallet is 900,000 rubles;
  • Monthly limit - 1,800,000 rubles;
  • Weekly limit - 900,000 rubles;
  • The daily limit is RUB 300,000.

The limits are very significant and an appropriate approach is required to obtain them. As mentioned earlier, it will not work to get an initial WebMoney passport by providing only one copy of the passport. Previously, obtaining an initial passport was carried out exclusively after a personal meeting with one of the Personalizers, for whose services you had to pay. Recently, it became possible to obtain an initial passport automatically using the gosuslugi.ru portal... With the first method, everything is very clear. It is necessary to contact the participant of the Certification Center program with a passport, fill out the form and pay for the service. The list of addresses of regional Personalizers is presented on the passport.wmtransfer.com website. The cost of the initial passport is 2-5 WMZ.

There is another option, which does not include the need to look for a personalizer. Citizens of Russia can become the owner of an initial certificate free of charge through the gosuslugi.ru portal. Of course, for this you must have a verified account on the portal. public services... If the relevant Account you have, then follow the instructions below.

To automatically receive an initial passport, follow these steps:

That's all. Now wait until the end of processing your application. The initial passport is issued within 3 working days.

Personal WebMoney passport

If you are in business or simply are an advanced user who plans to use the WebMoney settlement system to perform solid financial transactions that cannot be provided with an initial passport, then a personal passport is for you. This type of passport provides access to the entire set of services of the WebMoney Transfer system. In this case, the possibility of automatically obtaining a certificate is excluded. Your documents must be personally verified by the Registrar.

Personal passport provides the following restrictions:

  • The maximum amount of funds on a WMR wallet is 9,000,000 rubles;
  • Monthly limit - 9,000,000 rubles;
  • Weekly limit - 9,000,000 rubles;
  • The daily limit is 3,000,000 rubles.

In addition to the maximum limits, a personal passport provides the user with the opportunity to participate in the work of the credit exchange. A participant can act as a lender or borrower. It also becomes possible to use the WebMoney.Escrow service, create budget machines, participate in affiliate program Certification center, etc. WITH complete list opportunities can be found on the website of the payment system.

As for the procedure for issuing a personal certificate, here you cannot do without a personal meeting with a participant in the partner program of the Certification Center, who has the authority to issue such certificates. First of all, you need to complete and pay for an application for obtaining a certificate through the website of the certification center... You will then be provided with the address of the nearest registrar. Please note that before meeting with the registrar, you need to download the application of the applicant for the certificate from the certification website, print and fill it out. Then, when you meet with the registrar, give him this application and a copy of your passport.

Seller's certificate

In principle, this type of certificate can be classified as a special one. The seller's certificate can be obtained only by those members of the WebMoney system who already have a personal passport. In fact, this is one of the forms of a personal passport, for which similar limits and opportunities apply. As a rule, a merchant's passport is required in order to be able to receive payments from buyers through the Merchant's interface. To obtain a certificate, it is enough to register a website and register wallets for accepting payments in the MegaStock catalog. Read more about the procedure for issuing a seller's certificate on the official website of the payment system.

  • Important
  • You can see your limits and statistics on how they are spent in the properties of your wallet.

Special passports WebMoney

The above are the most common types of WM passports, but there are also some that are used much less often. Typically, special passports are a form of personal passport. Let's consider in detail the remaining types of passports.

  1. Capitaller certificate. Issued for users of a budget machine registered in the Capitaller service.
  2. Payment machine certificate. Allows you to automate the process of payment and acceptance of payments from using XML interfaces. Available exclusively for legal entities.
  3. Developer certificate. Awarded to software developers based on WebMoney Transfer technologies.
  4. Registrar's certificate. It is the highest in status. Allows you to participate in the work of the arbitration service as an arbitrator.

All of the above types of passports are available only to owners of a personal passport. There are three more special certificates (service certificate, guarantor's certificate, operator's certificate). We will not consider them in the framework of this review, since they have a narrow specialization and will be of interest only to certain companies. If you are interested in these types of certificates, check them out on the website of the payment system.

Just a few days ago I received a personal certificate and it took me one day. Today I will try to write in detail how to get a personal webmoney passport, and what it is generally needed for.

If you just earn a little money on your website, then, in principle, there is no need to open a personal passport. But if you want, then you will definitely need it, and here's why:

  • Having a personal passport, you can easily get a seller's passport. To do this, you will need to add your online store to the Megastock Catalog. This means that you can automate payment acceptance on your website or blog.
  • You will be able to participate in the Verification Center affiliate program for issuing initial qualifications, which means you will make money.
  • You will be trusted more on the Internet. For example, if you work with, you can always say that you have a personal passport and offer payment only after work. The same applies to the sale of some goods, people have now become smart enough and no one will pay money to anonymous. And if you have a personal passport, then that's another matter.
  • You will be able to participate in the WebMoney Transfer credit exchange.
  • Post news on sites www.webmoney.ru, www.megastock.ru, etc.

Besides this, there are also many other advantages, you can read more about them. As you can see, getting a personal passport is a very profitable business, and if you decide to work on the Internet for a long time and seriously, then I advise you to do it.

Well, now you will find out how to open a personal webmoney passport:
1. First, you need to go to this page and find a person from your city who issues personal certificates. If this is not the case, then you can find a registrar from any other nearby city where it is not difficult for you to go. In my city there was no registrar, but in the city of Lviv there are 3, I chose this one. Since I study at the Lviv military department, it is not so difficult to meet with the registrar after the department.

If the registrar is generally very far from you, and you do not want to go there, then it's okay, later I will write how to proceed in such cases.

2. Find the person's phone number, call him and ask if he is now issuing personal certificates, as well as when and where you can meet with him. I first called one, he said that he would be in Lviv only in 2 weeks. The second did not communicate very well with me on the phone, I did not like the phrase "pay, and then we will say: smile:". As for the third guy, I quickly agreed with him where and when to meet.

3. Fill in carefully all the passport details on the webmoney website. Moreover, it is very important not to make a mistake, otherwise it will be necessary to correct it later. And one more thing, if your Surname, Name and Patronymic is not in Russian, then you need to write here so that you will be corrected. For example, I had it in Ukrainian, I wrote a letter and they corrected it very quickly.

Also, you should understand that you can get a personal passport only when you have a formal passport. And it is issued free of charge, you just need to fill in your passport details.

4. Choose a registrar and pay for the application. To do this, go here, and click on "details" near the registrar that you have chosen:

5. Write down your wmid, take your passport and eat to meet with the person. I was told to take only a wmid and a passport, but in any case, you can, just in case, specify what you need to take with you so as not to go a second time.

The registrar gave me a form to fill out my personal data, and also to answer a few simple questions like “what is webmoney” or “what is webmoney keeper for”. It is not difficult to answer these questions, but personal data must be filled out very carefully, otherwise you will have to rewrite everything from the beginning: smile :.

So that is all. The next day I opened this page and saw that my passport was changed to personal.

Fine! Now you need to add your site to the Megastock catalog in order to get a seller's certificate.

But what about those who live in a city where there is no such good person nearby. You can choose a registrar who issues certificates based on certified documents. Such registrars are located. I would choose “ certification center number 1", Since the cost of opening is only 19 wmz. As you can see, I could even save 11 wmz, but the problem is that I will have to wait until a letter with your notarized documents is sent to them. If you want to quickly get a certificate, then it is better to meet in person.

This concludes this article. I think now it should certainly be clear how to get a personal passport webmoney: smile :. Good luck, friends!

Which is issued automatically and free of charge.

A pseudonym certificate makes it possible to:

A pseudonym passport is suitable for beginners who are exploring the capabilities of the WebMoney Transfer system, however, it is worth remembering that the degree of trust in a participant with a "Pseudonym passport" is minimal.

1 Owners of a pseudonym passport who manage their wallets using WM Keeper WinPro or WM Keeper WebPro cannot make transfers, it is recommended to obtain a formal passport.

There are restrictions for some types of title units. Transfers of WMR, WMU, for members using WM Keeper Standard, are possible only to the owners of personal and higher passports.

Initial passport

Issued to a member of the WebMoney Transfer system who has previously received a formal passport. An initial passport is issued only if the system participant has not yet received an initial (or personal) passport.

The owner of the initial passport gets additional features in the system.

  • transfer title units to other participants in the system with limits that significantly exceed the limits for holders of formal certificates;
  • automate the receipt of funds from buyers using the interfaces of the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service in a limited mode;
  • replenish wallets and withdraw funds from the system with limits that exceed the limits for holders of formal passports;
  • participate in the Capitaller service (access to the operating budget machine);
  • register Internet resources in some sections of the Megastock catalog;
  • publish news on news.wmtransfer.com

Obtaining an initial passport from the Personalizer

The certificate is obtained after a personal meeting with one of the Personalizers - participants in the partner program of the Certification Center. The cost of obtaining a minimum of 1 WMZ (on average 2-5 WMZ) depends on the selected certifier.

Attention! Owners of initial passports obtained by VideoID cannot create WMB wallets.

Personal passport

A personal passport is recommended for business and advanced private users who want to not only spend and transfer funds, but also make money online using the entire set of services of the WebMoney Transfer system. A personal passport provides a high degree of trust on the part of other participants in the system, because your passport data will be checked personally with the provision of originals (or notarized copies) of documents.

Conditions for receiving: Issued for a fee after checking the passport data by the Registrar (participant of the Verification Center partner program)

Personal passport allows you to:

  • replenish wallets and withdraw funds from the system with limits that exceed the limits for holders of initial and formal passports;
  • participate in the work of the credit exchange;
  • automate the receipt of funds from buyers using the interfaces of the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service;
  • participate in the Capitaller service (create budget machines);
  • register Internet resources in any sections of the Megastock catalog;
  • obtain the status of a system consultant;
  • participate in the Partner Program of the Verification Center for the issuance of initial qualifications;
  • post news on various sites of the system (www.webmoney.ru, www.megastock.ru, etc.);
  • create trading platforms using the DigiSeller service;
  • to submit claims to other system participants in arbitration of the system without restrictions;
  • use the WebMoney.Escrow service - a service for ensuring secure transactions between members of the WebMoney Transfer system;
  • participate in the WebMoney.Wiki service - write and edit articles;

Obtaining a Personal Passport for the majority of members of the WebMoney system is the final step, because provides the most important functions - maximum trust from other participants and access to most of the necessary functions when working with wallets.

Seller's certificate
The Merchant's passport allows accepting funds in an automated mode through the Merchant's interface and is issued free of charge to a WebMoney Transfer member who has received a personal passport. To obtain a seller's certificate, you need to register a site where WebMoney will be accepted and register wallets for accepting payments in the MegaStock catalog.

The seller's passport is one of the forms of a personal passport and has all its capabilities without restrictions.

Capitaller certificate

The Capitaller passport is issued free of charge for the WMID of the budget machine registered in the Capitaller service. It is one of the forms of a personal certificate.

Payment machine certificate
A settlement machine certificate is issued to legal entities (companies) only if it is necessary to automate the processes of accepting WM and settlements using WM using XML interfaces. Thus, the company must have a website and an Internet-oriented business. The company solves the issues of integration of its own software and WebMoney services INDEPENDENTLY.

Developer certificate

The developer's certificate is issued free of charge to the owner of the personal passport who creates software based on WebMoney Transfer technologies by order of WebMoney Transfer or together with WebMoney Transfer specialists. ( The use of standard interfaces of the WebMoney Transfer system is not a basis for obtaining a developer's passport).

To obtain a passport, the applicant must contact the technical support service of the WebMoney system at e-mail... The letter must answer the following questions in detail:

  • list of previous developments;
  • detailed description of the project;
  • argumentation of the need to obtain a developer certificate.

The developer's passport is one of the forms of a personal passport and has all its capabilities without restrictions.

Registrar's certificate

The registrar's certificate is the highest in status among the passports issued to members of the WebMoney Transfer system.

Conditions for obtaining a registrar's certificate:

  • age - at least 25 years old
  • at least 3 years from the date of obtaining a personal passport
  • availability of a Business level of at least 100 points
  • the presence of office space (own or rented), which should provide free access to applicants for interviews and the provision of certification documents
  • personal interview with a representative of the certification center in Moscow and the conclusion of the "Delegation Agreement"
  • payment of a guarantee deposit in the amount of 3000 WMZ

The owner of the registrar certificate can participate in the work of the arbitration service as an arbitrator.

Before contacting the certification center, you must carefully read the Contract of Delegation and the Certification Regulations (for all documents see http://passport.wmtransfer.com/asp/documents.asp). If the meaning of these documents in terms of the issuance of personal certificates is clear and does not raise questions, then it is necessary to inform the administrator of the certification center about your desire to receive a certificate of the registrar, the city in which certification activities are planned. Be sure to pre-arrange a meeting with the administrator of the certification center.

WebMoney Transfer as a universal technological business environment.

Guarantor certificate

The guarantors provide input / output of funds to / from the system on behalf of the owners of WM-purses of the corresponding type. In order to obtain the status of the guarantor, the applicant (individual or legal entity) must present financial and legal guarantees to ensure the exchange of the title units issued by him for the declared volume of tangible assets and finance the modernization of the system to take into account the title units of the type being created.

The main requirements of the system to guarantors are 100% reservation of assets subject to accounting with WebMoney title units, as well as exchange of title units for an equal number of assets of this type at the request of the participant. At the same time, specific ways of constructing an input / output mechanism that meets the above requirements may be different, depending on the jurisdiction, the regional banking system, the legal and financial status of the guarantors of the system.

Operator's certificate

The operator is responsible for the organizational and technological integrity of the system, its uninterrupted operation and accounting for all operations carried out in the system. Currently, it is WM Transfer Ltd., which is the developer, owner and administrator of the WebMoney Transfer system. The operator is also engaged in the development, installation and maintenance of the system services, modernization and publication of the WM Keeper software. The operator ensures the registration of new guarantors in the system, organizes their interaction with the participants, maintains the balance of the system with the provision of statistics to the participants on each of the guarantors, as well as on the general activity in the system. The operator is in charge of ensuring the safety and security of all information in the system, technical support participants and providing them with self-government interfaces.

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