
An application for tracking a child's phone. How to track where the child is on the phone. Best App: ESET NOD32 Parental Control

Every parent wants to know what their child is doing, where and with whom he spends his time. Today on the Internet you can find a large number of various programs and applications designed specifically for surveillance. What are the numerous spyware. But how do you keep track of your child so that your parental control does not look like surveillance. After all, you just need to know where your child is in order to come to his aid in time.

GPS surveillance

Let's try to compare several methods of parental control. It is worth talking about the GPS system that everyone is endowed with modern smartphones. This system will allow parents to monitor their child's location online. Using the GPS system, you can keep track of whether your child has reached school and whether he has come back home. In this case, problems may only arise when the device is underground or in a building where the device's access to satellites is difficult.

Surveillance with a mobile operator

There are other tracking options, for example, using mobile operator. The Beeline service - "follow the child" will help parents determine the location of their child using his smartphone. How does this happen?
You must register your child's cell phone with a mobile operator. It is worth noting that it is not necessary that the phone supports GPS. The SIM card of the phone will be registered in the coverage area of ​​a specific base station. This information will only be available to the child's parents. In the Beeline network, you can monitor your child by activating this service. To do this, simply send a request to a special number. But this method also has disadvantages. What if the SIM card on the device changes? Well, it is worth noting that the definition of base stations can not always give an accurate result.


Consider another option for tracking a child - spyware.

So called mobile programs spies are chosen by most parents. Why? First, the app is easy to use. The child will not be able to notice the app on their phone. Secondly, you will receive a report not only about the location of the child, but you will also have the opportunity to read his SMS messages, listen to calls, and view photos. And all this information in a detailed report will be sent to your email. Mail, you can check through a computer or your mobile phone. To do this, you just need to install a spy program on your child's phone.

Which method of tracking your child to use is up to you. But whichever method you choose, remember that it is primarily for the safety of the child, and not to satisfy your curiosity. More about parental control can be read in this article.

Children grow extraordinarily fast. The time of walking by the hand is quickly replaced by fun games with friends in the yard. At the same time, parents remain in conjectures and constant doubts, because after playing too much, children can run away from their native playground, and even worse, follow a stranger. This is where a GPS bracelet for a child comes to the rescue.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unobtrusive babysitting is important at any age, but, you see, every growing person at some point was fed up with numerous calls from their parents, especially if a cheerful company gathered nearby. Of course, you can understand the child in this case, because children are trying hard to grow up ahead of time. However, one can also share the opinion of parents, because the loss and loss of a child is not uncommon today. The ability to track the location of your child is the main advantage of a GPS bracelet for children.

For a better understanding, the concept of GPS should be defined. This is the name given to a satellite navigation system that provides distance and time measurements, as well as location in a coordinate system.

The advantages of bracelets equipped with this system:

  • the ability to connect the bracelet to Android and iPhone;
  • warning about the distance of the child;
  • the ability to search for a location;
  • the presence of an emergency button;
  • a signal about immersion in water or about a long stay in water for older children.

The disadvantages for each person in this device are subjective. So, for some, the price of a bracelet, which varies from 1 to 20 thousand rubles, becomes a stumbling point. On the other hand, the peace of mind of the parents and the safety of the child is priceless.

Also among the shortcomings stands out and the psychological factor. A child of 3 years old, most likely, will be happy to wear this device and enjoy the cute little thing on the handle. Another situation is observed with a teenager, because he wants freedom, and bracelets are forced to be under constant control. The way out of this situation can be found in long conversations, trust in the child and confidence that the accessory is designed not to track every step, but only to protect from possible dangers.


Bracelets for protecting and searching for a child are divided into several types. Some of them are not related to GPS system, however, their work and differences also attract the attention of parents.


The lighthouse is a well-known and well-known system for finding people and finding objects. Until recently, it was used exclusively in intelligence, but today it is also used to search for children. The essence of the work is to use a radio wave that transmits an alarm signal to both device carriers. It is worth saying that the designs do not depend on phones, the beacon device is separate. For children, the lighthouse is presented in the form of bracelets.

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to use without a phone;
  • installation of a "home zone" up to 100 meters;
  • the presence of an alarm;
  • the ability to determine the direction of the search on specific models;
  • low price segment starting from 1000 rubles.

The model is not very popular today, because it has some drawbacks. So, weather conditions significantly affect radio waves, which reduces the visibility of the object. In addition, parents will have to constantly carry a gadget with them.


A GPS tracker is an opportunity to find a child, even if he is already at the age when finding him may be far from home. His work is similar to mobile phone. The tracker, as a rule, has not only GPS modules, but also a SIM card, a microphone and a panic button. In this case, parents can be as calm as possible, because you can call the tracker and hear what is happening, and the application will show the exact location of the child at the right time. Also, when setting the settings, you can receive SMS notifications about the location of the child every 15 minutes and set a “comfort zone”.

GPS device cannot work without battery j. The most simple accumulators, however best solution will become powerful batteries with the possibility of recharging. Monitoring the performance of the device is an important task for parents.

Needless to say, the tracker is really similar to mobile phones and parents often wonder why they need to buy it if they have a second one. The answer here lies in security when attacked by attackers who deliberately try to get rid of in the first place. cell phones by which the child can be found. In this case, the children's bracelet is less noticeable, which means that in case of danger, the child will have time to press the panic button.


For kids from three years old, manufacturers have developed a bracelet in the form of a watch. Its design was based on the well-known and loved by kids cartoon "Fixies". Its essence is simple. An alarm signal is immediately sent to the parent's phone when the bracelet is removed from the arm. Next, the device acts as a tracker, determining and sending location data.

Which to choose

good device today it is not difficult to find a monitor for monitoring a child, but it is important to understand what functions it will be useful at a particular age.

So, for a kid from three years old, who is on walks and at home surrounded by parents, the most suitable simple design. In this case, select a beacon or tracker with the minimum amount functions. Its cost is not too high, and the result fully pays for the costs.

For older guys, the Fixies tracker will be a good solution. He looks really stylish and fashionable, without causing unnecessary questions from his peers. For children of preschool and primary school age, you should not buy expensive and multifunctional devices, because even considering from the position of the “for the future” model, the kid can simply lose his bracelet, without having time to use a lot of useful, but completely unnecessary functions for this age.

'On their own' teens need a powerful GPS tracker, even if they don't realize it themselves. The device must include a panic button, a microphone and a SIM card. The information must be accurate. It will not be superfluous to have a monitoring function throughout the entire journey of the child. This is very important in cases where a teenager gets lost on unfamiliar streets.

It should be noted that GPS bracelets can be successfully used not only for children, but also for the disabled and the elderly. On the back side, the design should have a large red alarm button. It’s good if the device is of sufficient size, because small buttons will confuse an already excited person.


Bracelets for searching and monitoring a child are becoming more and more relevant. Women who have ever lost their baby out of sight unanimously say that there has never been a worse moment in their life. After that, most of them decide to buy trackers in the form of bracelets. However, just caring parents try to prevent the loss of their beloved child in advance.

The first thing that the owners of the accessory notice is the stylish appearance. The case is mostly made of velvet plastic, which is pleasant to touch and contemplate on the baby's hands. Bright colors and prints bring joy to wear even for children. However, there are downsides to this framework. So, users note the rapid contamination of the surface and a significant change in color.

But you must admit, the color is not the best important point in this device. The owners of geolocation are vigorously discussing. According to users, the error can be up to 1 kilometer. And this is really possible, especially if there are few cell towers, for example, in a remote area, in a country house or in a village. In large cities, however, parents do not notice such a problem, rejoicing at the accuracy to the house number.

Child tracking software for android phone is an application that allows you to be aware of:

  • where was the child during the day ( GPS tracking);
  • what pages on the Internet you viewed (screenshot of the phone screen);
  • who corresponded with Whatsapp reading , Viber reading , Reading vk.com and other);
  • which sent and received photos ( Photo interception);
  • who and when called him and what they talked about ( Call recording);
  • interception of video and audio files ( Media tab And Recording audio recordings);
  • and much more (cf. Possibilities).

What is GPS Baby Tracker?

Tracking children via GPS, installed on their phone is to receive information about where and when your child was, where he went and how long he stayed there.

Installed GPS tracking on the child's phone for free and our VkurSe program will work without a time limit - this is a free function.

Our VkurSe program will allow you to create special Zones on the map that are of the greatest interest to you. Zones can be either individual buildings or any size plot on the map.

Many parents set zones in those places where they should (sections, circles, etc.) or vice versa, a child should NOT (unwanted friend, beer stall, etc.) go. How to install Zones can be found in Zone contribution .

In our VkurSe GPS program, tracking a child by phone takes place around the clock (regardless of whether the phone is connected to the Internet or not).

The Internet is only needed to send you collected information about the location of the child (detailed routing).

What other features do baby tracker phone apps have?

Tracking a child through a phone using our Vkurse program is not limited to tracking via GPS, intercepting messages, video and audio files, or recording calls - the Vkurse program allows remotely control a child's phone :

  • turn the microphone on and off (surround recording);
  • turn the camera on and off;
  • put a block on the Internet access, for example, during school hours;
  • be aware when the child has changed the SIM card;
  • and others (cf. Possibilities).

Is the child tracking program through the Android phone hidden?

Our baby tracking app website is a hidden spy that is almost impossible to detect on a phone.

Compared to other similar tracking apps:

  • our android baby tracking software is installed in system folder;
  • child tracking Android does not have an icon and is not displayed either in the Menu, or in Applications, or in Uninstall programs;
  • our application does not burden the work of the phone and does not drain its battery;
  • during installation, you can give the program any name that will not arouse suspicion;
  • the Vkurse program is not detected by antivirus programs and is not mistaken for software.

We are well aware that tracking a child should be secretive, and installed program carefully disguised and so that her work does not show itself in any way.

How to install a tracking system on a child's phone?

First you need to download the child tracking program website through the tab or Application installation. Then quietly take the child's phone (literally for 15 minutes) and install our application on it. Customize it to your preferences and restart your phone.

From the moment of installation, the android baby tracker app will start its spying activities.

For the first 7 days you will baby monitor for free, i.e. all functions will function. After a week, you will need pay application operation. However, you can track your child for free by phone via GPS without time limit.

If you have a question “How to install a tracking program on a child’s phone?” and remained misunderstood, go to Management or look Video, it clearly shows how to install and configure tracking on a child's phone.

Even if you do not imagine a child wandering alone through the forest, anyway, the loss of contact with him in a modern metropolis is unpleasant. However, despite all the dangers, parents are forced to let their children go. To avoid unnecessary hassle, there are several ways, the easiest and cheapest of which is to install on a smartphone special application. With the help of satellite networks and the method of reverse geodesic sectioning (LBS), that is, by turning to geolocation technologies. Everything else - including the way to find the phone by IMEI - is just additional tracking tools.

Child surveillance

Most people today know what geolocation. This is the determination of the exact location of an object using various technologies, such as satellite networks(GPS or GLONASS), as well as LBS(Location Based Service) - determining the location of a mobile phone by signals base stations, using the resection method. When we talk about applications for tracking a child on the phone, we talk mainly about him.
The main advantage of this method of geolocation is the lack of binding to satellite systems, however, there is a drawback: it is not possible to accurately determine the location of the desired device. It depends on the type of network, and a certain coordinate point may be erroneous, and error here not 200 meters, but several kilometers. Although, you might get lucky. Of course, the more base stations around, the more accurately the system can recognize where your child is.

However, this is precisely why volunteers looking for children who have gone for a walk in the forest near the dacha have to comb the bushes with lanterns and dogs: there are not many base stations around and they cover too much territory.

Of course, he can determine the location of the phone by the number himself as accurately as possible. telecommunications operator, however, he will do this only at the request of the police, and this body, unfortunately, is even looking for children slowly.

Programs for tracking the location of the child: on the phone and tablet

It must be admitted that there is a lot of such software. We will describe only the most best programs.


The first of the applications we have chosen allows you to create a certain group (for example, children), whose members can see where everyone else is, as well as the history of their messages and calls.

Where are my kids: locator for phone and gps watch

By installing this application on your smartphone, and on the child's smartphone - the "Chat with Parent" program, you you will always be aware of where your offspring is.

In addition to the GPS locator, the application includes sound transmission around the child, the ability to send a loud signal if the phone is in silent mode, as well as family chat.

The application is very popular and quite expensive, but the technical support service works off this money.

Life360: be with your family

This is not simple software, but a whole social cross-platform system where you can create user groups and track their location. In addition, the application supports messenger functions, and also allows you to evaluate the battery status on the phone you are interested in.

What is very important for parents is the ability to highlight locations, for example, school, home, work, and so on. When you enter or exit it, the program will give you a signal.

The function of the panic button is also very important. When a user who is in a difficult situation clicks on it, then everyone in his circle receives a corresponding message.

More recently, one could say that there is nothing special in this program, because everything was like everyone else: the SOS button, GPS-search for people by phone number, messenger - however, in the summer of 2016, the developer company accomplished not so much technological what a marketing breakthrough: the program has learned to send relatives data on departures and landings of aircraft, which, of course, is sometimes very important.

Operators offer

Today every operator mobile communications provides a service for finding numbers. Traditionally, these services are provided for a fee, but their cost is not at all high.

Such services are connected using USSD requests, using IVR, via Personal Area on the operator's website or in showrooms. This can be done if you hold the child's phone in your hands for a minute or two, which is usually not a problem. You can see the location data of your child by receiving it on your smartphone in the form of SMS or by installing a special application.

Radar service from MegaFon

To activate the service, you need to send a USSD request *140# from your mobile phone or on the website m.navigator.megafon.ru. You can find out where the desired phone is located in the same place or using the USSD request *140*7xxxxxxxxxx# (where 7xxxxxxxxxx is the phone number of the desired subscriber). The cost of the service is 3 rubles. / day. You can also track subscribers of other networks.

Connecting the Locator service from Beeline

To connect this service, send an empty SMS to 5166 and download the Locator application. The cost of the service is 7 rubles. / day. You can track up to 5 numbers.

Connection of the Locator service from MTS

The service is activated by USSD request *111*788#. To add monitored subscribers, you need to send an SMS to the short number 6677, for example: "DOB Daughter 89167654321". The cost of the service is 100 rubles per month. You can also track Megafon subscribers.

Hi all! In this article, I will describe how to track a child by phone. IN Lately very often small children began to disappear. Some of them go missing, so you should take security measures for your child. In this age of high technology, there are many possibilities for determining the location of a child.

How to track a child by phone - an overview of programs

It is worth noting that it is necessary that your child has a smartphone that has a built-in GPS module. In this article, we will look at five of the most popular and working applications that work on smartphones with Android and IOS operating systems.


This application will not only show where the child is currently, but also determine the percentage of battery charge on his smartphone. You can set the boundaries of safe zones in the application, as soon as the child crosses them, a warning message will be sent to your phone.

If you decide to send the child to friends, relatives or school, you can fix a specific point of arrival and as soon as he reaches the place, a message will be sent to parents. Also in the application there is a button for asking for help, if you click on the phone number recorded in the settings, you will receive a corresponding message with the address.

LIFE 360

This application has all the same functions as the previous one, but the program is endowed with another interesting option. With it, you can track the location of a person who does not use a smartphone, but prefers a regular phone.

This feature is useful for monitoring elderly people who do not know how to use modern gadgets. The application also has a help button and it shows the boundaries of safe zones.


In addition to all the necessary useful features tracking a person's location, there is another unique one. With this program, you can monitor the activity of the child on the Internet. Parents can find out which social media he visits, will allow you to read the messages sent by the child.

The application will show parents all the photos in which the child has been tagged. The program also displays the speed of movement, this will determine whether the child is moving on foot or driving a car.


With this application, you can track each person in your contact list, but they must confirm their consent. Contacts are added to the app using Gmail. The application will track the person's location even when the phone is locked.


This application allows you to monitor children and their activity on the Internet. Every time your child starts using the Internet, a corresponding message will be sent to the parent's phone. With the help of such a program, parents can set a certain amount of Internet traffic for their child. The program also has a button to call for help and a built-in messenger for correspondence within the family.


So, now you know how to track a child on the phone. These applications will help protect the baby and save the nerves of parents. However, it is still not necessary to arrange surveillance of children and read their messages; for normal development, the child needs freedom.

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