
Courier service ECP-Logistic. International company OTX Logistics Logistics parcel tracking

Qwintry Logistic is a reliable service provider that has found its niche in the express delivery industry. Qwintry Logistic tracking by number is a new service that will allow you to always be aware of the location of the parcel. The company offers logistics and warehousing services and understands the importance of expanding business and entering new markets. The company has been in international business for 6 years, providing its customers with high quality service. Qwintry Logistic does everything to leave a positive impression of its work. About 98.5% of the company's customers rated its activities with 5 stars.

The company has developed its own service, which is similar to those used by banks and payment systems. Fraudsters pose a great danger to online trading, especially abroad. Almost every seller has experienced this problem and lost money. Qwintry Logistic takes care of the legal aspects and works only with reputable stores and suppliers. Every day, the Internet resource serves thousands of customers and protects partners from online fraud. Qwintry Logistic has extensive experience in the development and implementation of IT solutions for international business. Tracking a Qwintry Logistic parcel by number will help you avoid the hassles associated with the loss or damage to the parcel.

No problem

Over the past 6 years, the company has delivered hundreds of thousands of packages - from expensive gadgets to musical instruments. Rich experience allows the company to provide reliable transportation. The company has created a convenient website, thanks to which you can check the tracking of Qwintry Logistic postal items by identifier. To check the location of the cargo, you do not need special qualifications - you only need a postal identifier. This is the identification number that is assigned to the parcel when placing an order. You can get a track number from online sellers of online stores or copy it from the product page on the website.

With the postal identifier, you can track the location of the parcel at any time - from the moment you place an order until you reach your final destination. To track Qwintry Logistic, you need to take several steps. Enter the tracking number in a special field, confirming the operation. After simple actions, you will be provided with detailed information about the location of the cargo. Tracking Qwintry Logistic by postal ID number becomes convenient after creating an account. The track number required to check the status is indicated in the personal account in the generated order or in the information about the outgoing parcel.


Registering a personal account will take a couple of minutes - you need to come up with a username and password that meets the requirements of the system. Qwintry Logistic package tracking by number is absolutely free. For comfortable operation, the company has provided many additional features. Connecting automatic alerts will allow you to always be aware of the location of your shipment. Thanks to this feature, you no longer need to check the tracking of Qwintry Logistic mail items by track number yourself. For ease of use, data on all shipments that are tracked by the user is stored in the personal account on the site.

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Continuing the theme of tracking packages from China, this time we are considering another free delivery method from. It should be noted right away that this type of shipment is quite popular and they are sent to them almost every second parcel lately, but large Chinese stores try to send any parcel with full tracking, up to the moment of delivery. This delivery method can be called differently in your personal aliexpress profile, so many people have difficulty tracking OTX Logistics PAKTRAC parcels. By the way, if you often buy in China, do not forget to look into and return part of what you spent back.

OTX Logistics is one of the divisions of On Time Group, one of the largest logistics companies originating in Hong Kong. At the moment, the company has more than 50 offices in 16 countries around the world. The main activity of the company is the provision of logistics services. Sea routes, land and air delivery are used as transportation methods, in a word, a full range of services. However, in our case, we are primarily interested in one thing, PAKTRAC parcel tracking, how it works and where such a parcel can be tracked.

Most often, sellers from AliExpress sending parcels using OTX Logistics can indicate -, or PAKTRAC as the postal service. In fact, this is all the same, each of these logistics companies takes part in the delivery of OTX Logistics parcels, except for PAKTRAC, since it is not a logistics company, it is just another parcel tracking service.

In order to track an OTX Logistics PAKTRAC package, you first need to figure out the format of the track code that you received from the seller. The vast majority of PAKTRAC parcels have the following format.

  • LP00051546707316

We immediately see that this track code has nothing to do with the UPU format, therefore, it will be tracked only by the service that sent such a package. At the beginning of the PAKTRAC track code, always two letters LP, how much time has already passed, but they do not change, after which there is a set of 14 digits, which ensures the uniqueness of the departure.

You can track OTX Logistics parcels in different ways, as already noted, at least 3 different postal services are involved in the delivery. In order for you to clearly understand how your shipment through the OTX Logistics logistics company is going, we will analyze all the stages step by step.

The mistake that many people who don’t order on AliExpress so often make is trying to track their package immediately after issuing the track code. In this case, you most often will not see a single status of the movement of your package.

As has already been said a million times - the issuance of a track code very rarely speaks of the actual shipment of the goods. The first statuses of the movement of your parcel appear within approximately 2-3 days from the moment of actual dispatch, which may take the seller up to 7 business days. In a word, to make it clearer to you, if within 7 working days from the date of issue of the track code no statuses appear on the track code, then clarify for what reason it is delaying the mandrel. But, we will assume that you came across a conscientious seller who sent the parcel literally the next day from the moment the track code was issued.

All OTX Logistics parcels, as it turned out, are first processed by the local YANWEN office, for reference, this is one of the local logistics companies in China, it can be seen that OTX Logistics has a partnership agreement with them. Therefore, after your parcel arrives at their office, you can already see the status of its acceptance on the YANWEN website. We previously analyzed in detail, but do not rush, this is just one of the stages of moving your package, which proves that the seller really sent the package.

After processing, YANWEN sends the parcel to Finland by airmail, where it enters the processing of the next sorting point and is redirected to the country of destination. As soon as the parcel is exported from Helsinki, the status of the track code on the Finnish Post website will be updated.

In order not to run around different tracking sites, not really knowing which particular logistics or postal service your parcel was sent to, we recommend using, which was specially developed for this. All that is required of you in order to track the OTX Logistics PAKTRAC package, enter the track code number and click search, the service will automatically determine how the package was sent and where it is currently located.

As you can see, the parcel left Finland and was sent to the country of destination. Now, a very important point, after being exported from Helsinki, OTX Logistics parcels are no longer tracked. Therefore, you don’t have to sit and wait in bewilderment for a new status about moving your track code, but why is this happening?

OTX Logistics delivery time or how much PAKTRAC parcels arrive

We will count from the moment you paid for the goods, after a day or two the seller issued a track code and changed the status of the order to “Sent”. After about 2-3 days, the parcel was actually handed over to the YANWEN courier in China, he delivered it to the sorting shop, which, having processed it, sent it to Shanghai, from where it was successfully exported. In a word, OTX Logistics parcels are exported from China in about 7-14 days.

After about a week, the parcel will be marked in Finland and, unfortunately, this will be the last status about its movement. In our case, we are analyzing an example of tracking OTX Logistics parcels to Russia and having already received more than one hundred of these, we can say that they reach Russia from Finland quite quickly, usually no more than 1-2 weeks, which you yourself will see from the stamps on the parcel, when you receive it, but the Russian Post after receiving it can deliver such a parcel within a month, so the delivery time can reach 60 days.

But in fact, not everything is so bad, the bulk of OTX Logistics parcels arrive in the interval of 20-35 days. From practice, we can note that small packages reach faster, delivery of larger packages takes a little longer.

If the package fits in your mailbox in terms of dimensions, then it will be dropped right there, not everywhere, but in most cases this is the case. If the parcel is a little larger, then a notice will be delivered, filling in which you can go to receive the parcel.

If about 50 days have passed since the sending of the parcel, we recommend that, as practice shows, the chances of receiving such a parcel in the future are rapidly moving to zero. In this case, you should not blame the seller or the logistics company to which the parcel was sent, especially if it was tracked until the moment of export from Finland, here you need to look for the reason much closer, we think you understand that we are talking about who received the parcel after importing it to Russia.

We hope that all your parcels will arrive on time and without any mechanical damage, and if you often order goods for aliexpress, then do not forget to use and return part of what you spent back.

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NEW SERVICE Door-to-door delivery to the regions of Russia and the Moscow region outside our service area through our partner SDEK - quickly and inexpensively. See below for details.

Delivery rates in Moscow and the Moscow region (from February 1, 2019):


up to 1 kg 270 rubles 320 rubles 370 rubles
1-3 kg 310 rubles 360 rubles 410rub
3-5 kg 360 rubles 410rub 460rub
5-10 kg 440rub 490rub 540 rubles
10-15 kg 530rub 580 rubles 630 rubles
15-20 kg +20rub/kg +20rub/kg +20rub/kg
20-25 kg +30rub/kg +30rub/kg +30rub/kg
25-30 kg +50rub/kg +50rub/kg +50rub/kg
up to 1 kg 320 rubles 370 rubles 420rub
1-3 kg 350 rubles 410rub 460rub
3-5 kg 400rub 460rub 510 rubles
5-10 kg 480 rubles 540 rubles 590 rubles
10-15 kg 580 rubles 630 rubles 690 rubles
15-20 kg +20rub/kg +20rub/kg +20rub/kg
20-25 kg +30rub/kg +30rub/kg +30rub/kg
25-30 kg +50rub/kg +50rub/kg +50rub/kg

An interactive map and schedule for visiting individual settlements of the Moscow Region can be found

Dimensional markups

FROM 100 TO 150 CM 150 rubles
FROM 150 TO 200 CM 250 rubles
OVER 200 CM not accepted
FROM 150 TO 200 CM 150 rubles
FROM 200 TO 250 CM 250 rubles
OVER 250 CM not accepted

Dimensional markups are summed up when the length of any of the sides exceeds 100 cm and the sum of the measurements of three sides exceeds 150 cm.

Tariffication is made only for the recipient's zone, regardless of the location of the sender, i.e. all parcels are charged as if they were sent from Moscow!

Tariff "Standard"

Delivery terms:

Zone 1 and Zone 2 - up to 2 working days, not counting the day of admission.

Zone 3 - up to 4 working days, not counting the day of receipt.\

Tariff "Urgent"

Delivery terms:

Zone 1 and Zone 2 - 1 working day, not counting the day of admission.

Zone 3 - up to 2 working days, not counting the day of admission.

Courier delivery to the regions of the Russian Federation.

ECP-Logistic carries out express delivery of shipments by the partner company CDEK to more than 300 settlements throughout the Russian Federation.

See our website for rates and delivery times. If you did not find your locality in the list, please contact our operators for the correct billing.

To place orders:

1. Enter your name, full home or work address, and contact phone number on the standard form.

2. In the comments, indicate "SDEK delivery to the door"

Respond to calls and messages of couriers - if it is impossible to contact the recipient within 14 days, the shipment will be returned to us by default.

The tariff includes collection from the Organizer and delivery to the specified address. No hidden markups "for registration", "for packaging", etc.

Tracking is possible on our tracker or on the CDEK tracker using our departure number.

ATTENTION!!! Shipments are accepted only for delivery to the regions of the Russian Federation and settlements of the Moscow region that are outside our service area.

PVZ ECP-Logistic

Dear Organizers and Participants.

ECP-Logistic provides services for the delivery of shipments through the points of issue of orders.

Discussion, questions, suggestions and comments.

Procedure for placing orders for courier delivery

When choosing a method of receipt, the participant must select "ECP-Logistic".

The maximum weight of one shipment for courier delivery is 30kg. If the maximum allowable weight is exceeded, the Organizer is obliged to divide the shipment into 2 (or more) places with the formation of separate address forms for each of them. If the Organizer refuses to divide a shipment weighing more than 30kg into several places, ECP-Logistic reserves the right to refuse delivery of such a shipment.

The maximum dimensions of the shipment for targeted delivery are 50x50x150cm. If the maximum dimensions are exceeded, delivery is carried out according to the availability of suitable vehicles on the route, and therefore the delivery time may be increased.

In order to avoid delays in the delivery of the order, when placing an order in his profile, the participant must indicate the name and surname, as well as the exact contact phone number for sending an SMS message about the courier's departure to the address in the format +7(ххх)ххх-хх-хх or 8хххххххххх.

The participant can indicate the declared value of the shipment when making the address delivery. In this case, 1% of the declared value is added to the issuance fee as insurance.

The Participant can independently track the movement of his order on the tracker www.ecp-tracking.ru using the shipment number received from the Organizer. Posting of shipments in the tracker takes place within a day after they are received from the Organizer.

ECP-Logistic does not provide services for receiving orders at meetings.

The order of courier delivery

The delivery time of the shipment depends on the tariff chosen by the participant.

Delivery of items is carried out on working days from 09:00 to 18:00.

Delivery on weekends is possible only if there are appropriate comments on the address form (issued by the participant in the Maternity Shop system).

Within the Moscow Ring Road, the participant can specify the desired time intervals for receiving the shipment on working days - from 09:00 to 18.00 / from 09:00 to 14:00 / from 14:00 to 18:00. Outside the Moscow Ring Road, delivery is possible from 14:00 to 18:00. The participant can discuss other delivery intervals personally with the ECP-Logistic courier.

Delivery outside the ECP-Logistic service area is carried out in accordance with the terms and schedule of ECP-Logistic agents.

Delivery on weekends is carried out without taking into account time intervals.

For the period of seasonal workload (December), delivery times may be increased, but no more than 3 working days. Delivery within the specified period is carried out during the day, excluding time intervals.

When the courier leaves for delivery, the participant is sent an SMS with the departure number and the phone number / name of the courier, by which the participant can specify the expected time of arrival of the courier.

The courier makes a preliminary call to the participant at least an hour before arrival to clarify the address and time of delivery of the shipment. If it is impossible to contact the participant within 3 working days, information about the shipment is sent to the Organizer for clarification.

Upon delivery of the shipment, the participant must put the date, full name and signature on the copy of the address form, which remains with the courier, in confirmation of receipt of the shipment.

Payment for the delivery of the item and cash on delivery is made in cash or by transfer to a bank card indicated by the courier. The possibility of paying by mobile card terminal is not provided.

The opening of the shipment is carried out if there are obvious signs of damage to the packaging, and it is also recommended upon receipt of a fragile commodity investment. In case of damage, the participant must draw up an autopsy report (in any form) in 2 copies and contact ECP-Logistic for compensation for material damage.

The procedure for transferring items for courier delivery through the pickup point

The organizers and participants of the joint venture can hand over their shipments at the points of issue for door-to-door delivery.

The term for moving items from the pickup point to the door within the Moscow Ring Road is 2-3 days, not counting the day of receipt, outside the Moscow Ring Road - 2-4 days in accordance with the schedule for visiting settlements and the pickup point outside the Moscow Ring Road.

The cost of receiving shipments and issuing address forms at the pickup point for participants is 30 rubles for each shipment.

Reception of shipments for Organizers is free. When delivering shipments to the pickup point, the Organizer must have 3 acceptance certificates with him.

There is no minimum number of shipments for transfer through the pickup point.

Reimbursement procedure

In case of damage to a fully paid item with a declared value, ECP-Logistic reimburses the declared value to the participant in the manner prescribed in the refund conditions on the company's website.

Reimbursement of the declared value in case of damage to fragile items and items requiring special temperature storage/transportation is possible only if the Organizer has ensured proper packaging of the item and warned about its special nature by sticking appropriate stickers.

Consideration of claims for damage to fragile items and items requiring a special temperature regime of storage/transportation is carried out only if the Organizer's original packaging is preserved.

In case of damage to a shipment without a declared value, ECP-Logistic compensates the participant only for the cost of delivery.

If the delivery time is exceeded by more than 3 working days, ECP-Logistic compensates the participant for 100% of the delivery cost in the manner prescribed by the company's reimbursement conditions. ECP-Logistic is not responsible to the participant for compensation for lost profits.

In case of loss of the shipment, the fact of transfer of which is confirmed by the seal of the courier or the pickup point operator, ECP-Logistic compensates the participant for 100% of the purchase price.

Compulsory insurance of fragile commodity investments

Shipments containing fragile commodity attachments must be mandatory declared value indicated by the sender in the address form, and labeled "FRAGILE" (stickers, adhesive tape, large inscriptions, etc.), clearly visible on the surface of the package.

For packing fragile items, bubble wrap and/or cartons should be used.

Separate fragile items or parts of one shipment are packed individually and separated from each other by damping materials (thick cardboard, bubble wrap, foam rubber, foam plastic, wrapping paper, etc.) to avoid contact with each other. The voids in the package must be filled.

Bottled liquids are packed only in cardboard boxes and only in a vertical position with the obligatory indication "TOP". Lids and valves are fixed in the closed state with adhesive tape to prevent spontaneous opening.

Packaging for household chemicals and long-term storage food products must ensure complete tightness and the absence of odors from the contents.

If there is a declared value with, 1% of its amount is added to the shipping rate. The minimum amount of declared value is 100 rubles.

In the event that the amount of the declared value is less than the actual cost of the goods for the purchase, only the amount indicated as the declared value is subject to compensation.

Claims for reimbursement of the declared value are accepted only if all the above rules are observed, as well as if damage is detected in the presence of a courier or a pickup point operator.

The procedure for indemnification, as well as exclusions from insured events, are published on our website https://ecp-logistic.ru/vozmieshch past

List of fragile commodity investments subject to compulsory insurance

  • glass (crystal) and products from it (including containers);
  • products made of clay, gypsum, ceramics (porcelain, faience);
  • plastic products (including containers, stationery, toys);
  • perfumes and cosmetics in plastic containers;
  • bottled household chemicals;
  • electronics and small household appliances;
  • fragile interior items (chandeliers, vases, paintings, mirrors);
  • electric lamps;
  • bulk food products (pasta, flour, cereals, animal feed) and household chemicals (powders, cleaning products) in paper and plastic packaging;
  • other brittle or wrinkling goods that cannot be restored after deformation.

To track your package, you need to follow a few simple steps.
1. Go to the main page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track the postal item"
3. Click on the "Track package" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the last status.
6. Estimated delivery period, displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not hard ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text "Group by companies", which is located under the tracking statuses.

If you have any difficulties with the statuses in English, click on the link with the text "Translate to Russian", which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track code information" block, where you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame, with the heading "Pay Attention!", Carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks, you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the country of destination, in this case, tracking parcels becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the country of destination / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived at Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery deadlines calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, and the parcel travels for more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and therefore they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the package is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the package, and the status of the package "the item pre-advised" / "Email notification received" does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by clicking on the link:.

If the status of the mail item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international mail.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new package takes more than a month, this is normal, because. parcels go by different routes, in different ways, they can wait for dispatch by plane for 1 day, or maybe a week.

If the parcel left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who carries a parcel from one city to your home. In order for a new status to appear, the parcel must arrive, unload, be scanned, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Acceptance / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can see the transcript of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you did not understand anything, read this instruction again, and again, until complete enlightenment;)

With the development of e-commerce, a significant number of logistics companies are successfully entering this market. Some of them have been enjoying well-deserved popularity for a long time, others are “widely known in narrow circles”. OTX Logistics is one of the postal operators whose popularity is only gaining momentum. This company was founded in 1998 and today its offices are located in the US, Canada and Europe, and delivery is carried out worldwide.

How to track the parcel on the site site

Like many postal services, OTX Logistic only offers the ability to track its packages within the sending country. When a postal item crosses the border and leaves the territory of the sending country, the assigned tracking number is no longer tracked. However, many buyers are much more comfortable waiting for their package, being sure that the shipment is already on the way.

For tracking, you can use the website resource in Russian or the official website of the company in English.

  • In the express search form on the website, enter the tracking number of the format LP1234567890123, click the "Find shipment" button.
  • If you want to track several parcels, including OTX Logistic, save the tracking numbers in the "My Account" section after a simple registration.

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