
How to make direct3d acceleration. What is Directx? What is DirectX

All of us, using a computer, want to “squeeze” the maximum speed out of it. This is done by overclocking the central and graphics processors, RAM, etc. Many users feel that this is not enough and are looking for ways to improve their gaming performance through software tweaks.

In modern operating systems, such as Windows 7 - 10, there is no way to configure the DirectX components themselves, since they are no longer separate software, unlike XP. You can improve the performance of the video card in some games (if required) by adjusting the settings in special software that comes with the drivers. For the "greens" this is the NVIDIA Control Panel, and for AMD it is the Catalyst Control Center.

For the old Piggy (Win XP), Microsoft has developed an auxiliary program that can also work as a Control Panel applet. The software is called "Microsoft DirectX Control Panel 9.0c". Since official support for XP has ended, this DirectX settings panel on the official website is quite problematic to find. Fortunately, there are third-party sites where you can still download it. To search, simply type in Yandex or Google the name that is given above.


After reading this article, you should understand the following: DirectX, as a component of the operating system, has no changeable parameters (in Windows 7 - 10), since it does not need to be configured. If you need to improve performance in games, then use the video driver settings. In the event that the result does not suit you, then the most correct decision would be to purchase a new, more powerful video card.

What is called DirectX: Direct X, Direction X, Director X, Directory X…

What is the diagnostic tool for? DirectX

DirectX Diagnostic Tool displays information about the components and application programming interface ( API) Microsoft DirectX. It allows you to get detailed information about the installed components and DirectX, allows you to check operation, detect problems, and tune your system for best performance.

How to start DirectX Diagnostic Tool(Windows XP)

Click Start –> Run…;

- in the window Program launch into the text field Open enter dxdiag, click OK;

- will start DirectX Diagnostic Tool.

On the tab System provides general information about the system.

On the tab DirectX files provides information about the components installed in the system DirectX.

On the tab Display you can check DirectDraw And Direct3D, as well as enable (or disable if problems occur) acceleration DirectDraw, Direct3D, texture acceleration AGP.

On the tab Sound you can check DirectSound, and set the hardware acceleration level ( without accelerationbase accelerationstandardcomplete).

On the tab Music you can check DirectMusic.

On the tab Input you can check if there are any problems with input devices.

On the tab Net you can check direct play And DirectPlay Voice Options.

On the tab If nothing helps, you can:

- run diagnostics DirectX from the help system Windows by pressing the button Troubleshooting…;

– run diagnostics of sound devices from the help system Windows by pressing the button Sound…;

– launch the system information output tool by clicking the button Launch MSInfo…;

- change screen refresh rate DirectDraw(for advanced users only) by pressing the button Frequency

DirectX Diagnostic Tool allows you to test the system and identify the following causes of malfunctions or incorrect operation of multimedia applications:

– incorrect component versions DirectX(if they are indicated on the tab DirectX files, needs to be updated DirectX, cm. );

- lack of hardware acceleration (some programs run very slowly or not at all in the absence of hardware acceleration DirectDraw or Direct3D);

– incorrect installation of devices (if the joystick or other input device does not respond, it may have been installed incorrectly. Make sure that the device is presented on the page Input"Diagnostic tools DirectX". Otherwise, add the device with Control panels);

– unsigned (unsigned has not been verified by Microsoft to be fully compatible with the latest version DirectX).

How to check direct play

On the page Net press the button Check DirectPlay. In the window Check DirectPlay enter a name and select . Choose an option Create a new session and press the button OK. If modem connection is selected, press the button Answer in the window Modem connection to put the modem into auto answer mode.

After that run DirectX Diagnostic Tool on another , able to establish the selected connection with the first . Click the button Check DirectPlay, enter another name , select the same supplier, set the radio button Connect to an existing session and press the button OK.

Some connection types may require you to enter additional information, such as a phone number. To connect TCP/IP via local network, the field can be left blank.


1. Some information, such as the amount of memory on the video card or clock speed, may be determined by the diagnostic tool approximately.

Greetings to all.

Probably, many, especially computer game lovers, have heard about such a mysterious program as DirectX. By the way, it often comes bundled with games, and after installing the game itself, it offers to update the version of DirectX.

In this article I would like to dwell in more detail on the most common questions regarding DirectX.

So, let's begin…

1. DirectX - what is it and why?

DirectX is a large set of features that are used when developing in the Microsoft Windows environment. Most often, these functions are used in the development of various games.

Accordingly, if the game was developed for a certain version of DirectX, then the same version (or newer) must be installed on the computer on which it will run. Usually, game developers always include the right version of DirectX with the game. Sometimes, however, there are overlays, and users have to “manually” look for the necessary versions and install them.

As a rule, a newer version of DirectX provides a better and better picture* (provided that the game and video card support this version). Those. if the game was developed for version 9 of DirectX, and you update the 9th version of DirectX to the 10th version on your computer, you will not see the difference!

2. What version of DirectX is installed on the system?

A certain version of Directx is already built into Windows by default. For example:

Windows XP SP2 - DirectX 9.0c;
- Windows 7 - DirectX 10
- Windows 8 - DirectX 11.

To find out exactly what version installed in the system, press the "Win+R"* buttons (the buttons are valid for Windows 7, 8). Then, in the "Run" window, enter the command "dxdiag" (without quotes).

In the window that opens, pay attention to the very bottom line. In my case it is DirectX 11.

To find out more accurate information, you can use special utilities to determine the characteristics of your computer (). For example, I usually use Everest or Aida 64. In the article, at the link above, you can find other utilities.

To find out the version of DirectX in Aida 64, just go to the DirectX / DirectX - video section. See screenshot below.

3. Versions of DirectX to download and update

Usually it is enough to install the latest version of DirectX for this or that game to work. Therefore, according to the idea, you need to provide only one link to the 11th DirectX. However, it also happens that the game refuses to start and requires the installation of a specific version ... In this case, you need to remove DirectX from the system, and then install the version that comes with the game* (see the next chapter of this article).

Here are the most popular versions of DirectX:

1) DirectX 9.0c - support Windows XP, Server 2003. (Microsoft site link: download)

2) DirectX 10.1 - includes DirectX 9.0c components. This version is supported by OS: Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. (download).

3) DirectX 11 - includes DirectX 9.0c and DirectX 10.1. This version is supported by a fairly large number of operating systems: Windows 7/Vista SP2 and Windows Server 2008 SP2/R2 with x32 and x64 systems. (download).

Best of all download the web installer from the Microsoft website - http://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=35 . It will automatically check Windows and update DirectX to the right version.

4. How to uninstall DirectX (uninstaller)

To be honest, I myself have never come across that in order to update DirectX, you need to remove something, or with a newer version of DirectX, a game designed for an older one would refuse to work. Usually everything is updated automatically, the user is only required to run the web installer (link).

According to Microsoft itself, it is impossible to completely remove DirectX from the system. To be honest, I did not try to remove it myself, but there are several utilities on the network.

The DirectX Eradicator utility is used to safely remove the DirectX kernel from Windows. The program has the following features:

  • Supports work with DirectX versions from 4.0 to 9.0c.
  • Complete removal of the corresponding files and folders from the system.
  • Cleaning system registry entries.

DirectX Killer

This program is designed to remove the DirectX tool from your computer. DirectX Killer runs on operating systems:
- Windows 2003;
- Windows XP;
- Windows 2000;

DirectX Happy Uninstall

Supported OS versions: Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win8.1, including x64 bit systems.

DirectX Happy Uninstall is a utility for the complete and safe removal of any version of DirectX, including DX10, from operating systems of the Windows family. The program has a function to return the API to a previous state, so that if necessary, you can always restore the deleted DirectX.

On your site two days ago I asked you a question,how to update directx on windows 7, I got an error when starting any game -The program cannot be started because d3dx9 43.dll is missing from the computer. Try reinstalling the program.

You told me that I need to download the Microsoft DirectX executable library from the Microsoft website - dxwebsetup.exe, which updates the components of DirectX installed on the system and run it, the program will download and install additional and missing DirectX executable components, after that I can run any game. In the end, everything turned out like that, after running dxwebsetup.exe, my DirectX 11 was updated, the error disappeared and all my games started, thank you.

But the next day, a classmate looked in and said that he has a special DirectX and if you install it, then everything will just fly on the computer, before I had time to say anything, a very suspicious program was installed to me from a flash drive. Immediately after installing his special DirectX, my Windows 7 operating system simply flew into a blue screen and began to fly into it with an enviable frequency of once every 10-15 minutes. To which my friend said that my computer was somehow not like that and the BIOS needed to be flashed, and the Windows were probably not licensed, then he left home, promising me to fix everything the other day for a couple of thousand rubles, leaving me alone with this problem .
Without hesitation, as you sometimes say, I made a knight's move and started the system restore, it ended successfully and Windows 7 stopped falling into a blue screen, but error after restarting computer - ,

and when starting almost any game, an old error began to appear - The program cannot be started because d3dx9 43.dll or d3dx9 41.dll is missing from the computer and that's where it all stops. The rest of the computer works fine.

After searching the Internet for information about the missing dxgi.dll and d3dx9 43.dll, d3dx9 41.dll, I found out that these files are DLL libraries installed with DirectX, apparently these files flew off when my friend's program was installed on my system . I decided to upgrade directx again on Windows 7 and ran the dxwebsetup.exe installer and my DirectX was upgraded again.

Everything would be fine, but when you start the operating system, one error still appears - The program cannot start because dxgi.dll is missing from the computer. Try reinstalling the program. My attempts to update DirectX again end up with the message - . In short, I'm at a dead end and I can't think of anything other than reinstalling the system, because they say that DirectX cannot be deleted and reinstalled. From all these DLLs my head is spinning, maybe you can tell me the way out, I don’t want to reinstall the operating system again. Ilya.

How to update DirectX on Windows 7

Let our friends help our reader solve the problem, as well as consider all sorts of unpleasant situations associated with installing DirectX in the Windows 7 operating system. By the way, everything said below can also be applied to Windows XP.
  • Note: Read our new article on this topic -
  • How to find out which DirectX is installed? Many people ask this question on the site, it’s very easy to do it and we’ll show you how, but friends don’t have to do it at all, since the dxwebsetup.exe executable library from the Microsoft website that updates DirectX automatically detects your Windows operating system and, accordingly, the version of DirectX, then updates its missing components (DLLs).
  • Note: The DirectX update from the official Microsoft website always includes all the latest and previous releases of the DirectX executable libraries, so DirectX components are constantly updated. This is why it is advisable to update DirectX from the official website rather than installing from a game disc, as the DirectX components on the game disc may not be complete.
  • How to update DirectX on Windows 7? Together with you, we will download the Microsoft DirectX executable library for the end user from the official Microsoft website and update the DirectX components of our operating system.
  • What to do if our Windows lacks any DLL libraries and when starting a new game or program, an error message appears - the application failed to start because dxgi.dll or other DLL libraries were not found, and the official DirectX installer refuses to update its components, displaying the message A newer or equivalent version of DirectX is already installed. No installation required.
  • Note: Sometimes the developers of some programs, even those not related to games, use DLLs that they did not create when creating their applications, but forget to add them to the distribution of their program, if you install such a program and run it, you will get the above error. The application failed to start because...dll was not found or such. The program cannot be started because some DLL is missing from the computer. Read on to find out what needs to be done to fix the situation.

What is DirectX for? DirectX technology was primarily invented as a working environment for developing new gaming applications, linking the software and hardware of our computer into a single whole, it turns the Windows operating system into an ideal platform for computer games and multimedia. At the moment, almost all computer devices, as well as applications installed in Windows, use DirectX for their needs in one way or another: mouse, keyboard, joystick, sound, video. As you can see, there are a lot of reasons to update DirectX. DirectX, on the other hand, consists of files with the Dll extension, in other words, dynamic DLLs (a set of tools or resources that any application, such as a game or program, can use).

Details here

First of all, after installing the Windows operating system and then installing drivers, you should always update DirectX.

Installing DirectX from the official Microsoft site always includes all the latest and previous releases of the DirectX executable libraries, as well as bimonthly D3DX, XInput and managed components, it can be said that DirectX components are constantly updated.

  • DirectX is always included in the distribution of the operating system and you do not need to install it separately, but you only need to update it, for example, Windows XP contains DirectX 9, Windows Vista, in turn, DirectX 10, and Windows 7 - DirectX 11.
To find out the version of DirectX installed with us, click Start - Run,

enter dxdiag in the field and click OK.

In this window we see the version of DirectX 11 installed with us.

To update our DirectX, follow the link http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=35 and click Start download, Save,

and here is our installer, run it,

We accept the agreement

if you do not need the Bing bar, then uncheck it,

Initializing DirectX components. The installer analyzed the DirectX executable libraries of our Windows 7 and found it necessary to update them, click Next,

The update process itself takes a few minutes.

Finally, everything ended successfully and click Finish.

At the moment, you must be sure that your computer has a completely new version of the DirectX executable libraries, and if up to this point you have experienced errors when launching game applications, such as starting the program is impossible, because there is no d3dx9 43.dll on the computer, now errors will not and the application or game will definitely start.

Now friends consider this question.

For example, they brought my computer to work for repair, after a system failure or the removal of several viruses from the system, when you start one of the new games, the following error occurs - The program cannot be started because d3dx9 43.dll is missing from the computer.

If we now look into the DLL storage of the operating system, we will actually find the absence of this executable library d3dx9 43.dll there.

  • If you are using 32-bit version of Windows 7, then the folder with DLLs will be located at C:\Windows\System32 .
  • If you are using 64-bit version of Windows 7, then the folder with DLLs will be located at C:\Windows\SysWOW64
In this case, we launch our installer of DirectX executable libraries dxwebsetup.exe , it analyzes all the DirectX components we have installed, and then the DLL libraries are updated, if, for example, one or two components are missing, then the update takes place in seconds.

But what if, after updating DirectX, Windows 7 still lacks the DLL we need and when the game starts, the following message appears - Z The program cannot be started because dxgi.dll is missing from the computer.

When trying to update DirectX, the installer tells us that A newer or equivalent version of DirectX is already installed. Installation is not required.

  • There are several ways out of this situation, the easiest way is to find the missing files of executable DLL libraries on the Internet, on special DLL archives, download them to your computer and then copy them to the C:\Windows\System32 folder if you have Windows 7 32-bit , if you have Windows 7 64-bit installed, then copy to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ folder. Also, missing DLL files can be taken and copied from another computer or extract from windows distribution, in the manner described in our article -.

How to update DirectX on Windows 7 using www.dll-files.com

there, by the way, there is support for the Russian language and there are almost all known DLL libraries, not only related to DirectX. For example, we need a DLL library dxgi.dll , I enter the name dxgi.dll in the search field and press the actual search. And here is the result, our DLL-library dxgi.dll is found

When you press a button Download Fixer for dxgi.dll,

a small application is downloaded to my computer, which antiviruses usually grumble at, but it’s not at all scary, I took it apart for spare parts

run dffsetup-dxgi.exe and the missing DLL dxgi.dll is automatically installed in our system

The advantage here is that the DLL library that is installed in this way is automatically registered in the system. That's all. Our file is in place.

True, along with the DLL library, an additional program DLL-Files.com FIXER is installed in our system, which can search for the missing DLLs we need,

but already for money, as well as scan the registry for errors.

If you do not need it, you can delete it, since the necessary DLLs do not often disappear from you, and if something disappears, you can simply go to the site http://ru.dll-files.com/ again and download what we need need to.

Also, you and I can not install anything into the system and download our DLL-library in the archive. If we click Download ZIP-FILE ,

then we download the dynamic library we need in the archive, after unzipping we can copy the DLL library to the folder of our 32-bit operating system C:\Windows\System32.

For 64-bit versions of Windows 7, the DLLs folder will be located at C:\Windows\SysWOW64. All.

Apparently, many users of modern computers have heard of such a thing as "hardware acceleration". But not everyone knows what it is and why it is needed. Even fewer of those who understand how to enable hardware acceleration on Windows 7, for example. The solutions proposed below will allow you to use the settings not only in the seventh version of Windows, but also in any others.

Why you need hardware acceleration (Windows 7)

To begin with, some users mistakenly believe that the use of hardware acceleration refers exclusively to video cards in order to use the capabilities of the GPU, which reduces the load on the central one. Partly so it also is.

If you look at this issue a little more broadly, it is safe to say that all this applies to both the video and audio systems of a computer (for example, the DirectX platform includes support for multichannel audio). In any case, hardware acceleration is a reduction in the load on the CPU and RAM due to the fact that it is partially (or completely) taken over by other "iron" components.

But many do not understand how expedient it is to use it. Judge for yourself, because with an upward redistributed load for graphics or sound chips, they can wear out quite a lot over time and even fail. Therefore, in the question of how to enable hardware acceleration on Windows 7, you should not go to extremes. It is necessary to use balanced parameters with reasonable involvement of all devices and even distribution of the load between them. In the case of setting peak values, no one can give guarantees for the durability of a component.

How to enable hardware acceleration on Windows 7

So, let's start with the simplest. Let's take a look at the graphics first. You can enable hardware acceleration (we take Windows 7 as an example, although this solution can be applied in all other versions) through the graphics chip settings. But first you need to check if user intervention is required.

Through the RMB menu in the free zone of the "Desktop" we go to the screen resolution and use the hyperlink of additional parameters. In the properties window that appears, look at the diagnostics tab. At the top there is a button for changing parameters. If it is grayed out, then hardware acceleration is already enabled.

Otherwise, click on it, after which you are redirected to the graphics adapter settings. There is a special slider, moving which to the right or left, you can change the level of the parameters to be set. The rightmost position corresponds to the maximum applied acceleration.

Note: in Windows 10, there is no diagnostic section in the graphics adapter settings, and hardware acceleration (in fact, like the seventh modification) is enabled by default.

Questions regarding DirectX

Now a few words about how to enable DirectX hardware acceleration. As in the case of the general system settings, it is initially enabled for both the video and sound adapters, so there is no need to change anything. But it doesn't hurt to make sure it's active.

For viewing and diagnostics, the DirectX dialog called by the dxdiag command entered in the Run console is used. Here, on the monitor tab, you need to check the DirectDraw, Direct3D and AGP texture settings (sometimes the ffdshow parameter can be included in the list). By default, each line will be set to "On", and in the box below there will be a message that no problems were found. If for some reason they are found, we proceed to eliminate them.

Possible causes of problems

Most often, the inability to enable hardware acceleration at the system level or in the DirectX platform settings is associated with incorrectly installed, missing or outdated drivers for the above devices.

We check them in the "Task Manager" (devmgmt.msc). If there is a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark next to the sound or video card (or the device is not detected), this is a clear sign that there are problems with the driver. It must be reinstalled using the system's own database, the original disk, or downloaded distributions from the Internet.

But it also happens that everything is in order with the devices. Nevertheless, through the RMB menu, select the property line, and in a new window on the driver tab, look at the release date. If the driver for the current date is very outdated, click the update button and wait for the process to complete (note that Windows cannot update drivers on its own).

However, it is much better to use special search and update utilities like Driver Booster. Firstly, the appeal will be made directly to the website of the equipment manufacturer; secondly, exactly the driver that is most suitable for the operation of the device will be installed; thirdly, it will be installed into the system as correctly as possible. User involvement is minimal.


That, in fact, is all that concerns how to enable hardware acceleration on Windows 7. Whether it is worth it or not is a purely personal matter. But if you approach the issue reasonably, it is better not to use hardware acceleration, as they say, to the fullest. In this case, the service life of the installed equipment can be greatly reduced.

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