
The ip phone does not work. IP-telephony connection options. What is VoIP and IP telephony

Long-distance and international calls on "traditional" telephone lines are a real luxury for the majority of the inhabitants of our country. The high price and low quality of communication are forcing more and more users to refuse to communicate with relatives and friends from other regions. Moreover, the vulnerability of the telephone line makes it an easy target for intruders - with the proper skill to connect to it and talk at your expense, everyone can.

If you do not want to expose yourself to the risk of being robbed, but still cannot refuse "international communication", you should think about connecting IP telephony. What are Internet calls, what are the advantages of the system and how to set up a connection - we will try to figure it out.

Digital calls

IP telephony is a combination of old habits and modern technologies... It is a set of communication protocols and methods that enable traditional dialing and two-way communication over the Internet and any other IP network.

Unlike ordinary ones, landline telephones, in which the voice of the interlocutor is transmitted analog signal, in IP telephony, audio is encrypted in binary code and compressed. This improves the quality of the connection and reduces the load on the network. Other advantages of IP telephony calls are:

  1. Low cost of international and long distance calls.
  2. Independence from telephone lines.
  3. Making calls anywhere.

The last advantage is the ability to block unwanted incoming calls at your expense by disabling the "eight". It is profitable and convenient to use IP-telephony, but, like everything new, you have to get used to it.

Types of IP telephony

Internet calls can be made from a regular landline phone, from special IP equipment, and even from a computer.

According to the type of device through which communication is carried out, there is a division of IP telephony for the home into types:

  1. "Computer-computer"... To communicate, subscribers need a PC with installed software and an Internet connection. In this case, a call is similar to a Skype conversation. This type of connection is the least common.
  2. Communication via the card. To make a call, you need a regular landline telephone with tone dialing and an access card from your provider. To contact a friend, you first call the operator's number, enter your ID and PIN in tone mode, and then the number of the called subscriber.
  3. Communication via IP-phone. A dedicated IP phone is already configured to communicate. All you need is an Internet connection. When making a call, the phone automatically connects you with the provider, connects to the proxy server and calls the subscriber.

Many people probably have a question: what is an IP phone? It is an ordinary device with a handset and a keyboard, it works independently of the computer and can receive a call at any time.

Foreign operators in Russia

Choosing a provider is the first step towards communicating via IP telephony. The cost of calls will depend on the choice made, so choose a service company, considering all the pros and cons. The largest representatives of IP telephony in our country are Sipnet and Comtube.

Sipnet is one of the first foreign companies to set up a representative office in Russia. Its services are ideal for making calls within the network, that is, for communicating with local numbers - calls are completely free. For other destinations, the tariffs for IP-telephony are as follows:

  • international calls - from 1.5 to 6 rubles / min;
  • intercity communication - up to 1 rub / min.

The reviews about the operator are positive. Some are confused by what is conducted in English.

Comtube is one of the youngest and most promising providers. It provides its clients with two sets of services - "Starter" and "Premium". The first set will provide customers with basic capabilities, and the second, among other things, a range of additional services... The cost of calls depends on the terms of the contract.

It is impossible to give reliable reviews about this operator - too few users are familiar with it. Some are happy with the quality of communication and a fairly wide range of options in the "Start" package, others complain that all the service is focused on VIP-persons.

Domestic providers

Zebra Telecom is one of the most promising providers in Russia. Provides customers with the ability to make calls using an access card, as well as through a PC and IP-phone. Calls from Zebra to Zebra are absolutely free. Long-distance calls cost from 50 kop / min, international - from 1.5 rubles - it all depends on the country of the subscriber.

Among positive qualities it is worth noting the Russian-language localization software... According to customer reviews, this is one of the many advantages of a domestic provider.

IP telephony from Rostelecom will become a profitable solution for those who need constant communication with subscribers from other countries. Unlike other operators who have per-minute tariffication for calls, with Rostelecom you pay for packages of minutes once a month or as you use up your traffic.

So, the cost of a package of 100 "international" minutes will be about 250-300 rubles. It doesn't matter which country you call. But for some clients it will be more prudent to use per-minute billing, especially if you talk to foreign countries for less than 50 minutes a month.

Necessary equipment

The set of equipment necessary for communication does not depend on the chosen telecom operator, but on the preferred type of IP-telephony. So, for calls "computer-to-computer" you need an access point to the Internet - fiber optic cable, USB-modem and equipment for comfortable communication: microphone, headphones, for video calls - a webcam.

To call IP telephony numbers from a landline phone, you need a SIP adapter and a computer or router with a built-in IP gateway. If you are using a hardware IP phone, then you will not need anything other than itself.

Configuring communication via adapter

When choosing an operator, ask what kind of equipment is needed to connect to a dedicated line, whether it is easy to buy and whether it is expensive.

Some providers offer their customers already fully configured adapters for communicating with other subscribers. In this case, the entire setup process is reduced to the sequential execution of several steps:

  1. Using the instructions, connect the adapter to the network.
  2. Connect a landline telephone to the LINE1 slot using an ordinary
  3. Turn on the adapter by plugging the power supply into the socket, wait for the download to finish (2-3 minutes).
  4. Pick up the phone, wait for a dial tone.

As soon as you hear a tone signal on the other side of the line, then know that you figured out what IP telephony is and were able to connect the equipment correctly. Now there are no barriers to communication.

Customizing some softphones

Setting up IP phones has some special features. In particular, you will need to program your device and enter information about yourself in its database. This is not as difficult as it seems.

Before proceeding with the setup, make sure you have an ID (identifier) ​​and a passphrase or PIN. Here is an example of the data that most phones require when connecting to a Sipnet operator.

Other operators should have a similar procedure for setting up IP telephony. Customer reviews report that it is easy to deal with. In addition, in case of problems, you can contact the operator. It is their responsibility to help you with the setup.

Disadvantages of IP telephony

Now that you have studied the basic principles of connection, the advantages and technology of Internet telephony, you are ready to learn about some of the disadvantages of this method of communication. Such information will help you decide whether you need IP telephony or not.

The first and one of the most significant disadvantages is the dependence on the power grid. If for communication you will use a PC or a landline phone, then “without light” it will be impossible to reach you, as well as make calls to you yourself. The exception is IP hardware phones.

When making a call for the first time, the other person most likely does not recognize you. It's all about the caller ID - the number of the gateway to which you are connected, and not your own, will be determined on the display of the called subscriber.

The last and one of the most important disadvantages is the high price of the equipment. Many customers are at a loss that such an IP-phone can cost up to 3-4 thousand rubles, and this is without a monthly fee. However, having installed it in your apartment, you can no longer think about prices when communicating with subscribers from other countries.

If you are thinking about connecting IP telephony, you may have many questions about how to do it correctly. In this article we will try to answer the most popular questions and give you general idea when and how internet telephony is used. We hope that this will help you make an informed and correct choice.

The technical side of the issue

IP telephony (or VoIP) is a general name for a group of protocols designed to transmit voice over the Internet and providing the corresponding functionality. In most cases, IP telephony means the organization of communication through the SIP protocol. However, this is not the only option. For example, there are also protocols IAX2, H.323 and others. The average telephony user does not need to understand the intricacies of protocols. The main thing is to understand a few basic points: there are many protocols, they all work a little differently, most often SIP is used. This information is quite enough.

Favorable rates for IP-telephony

How IP telephony works: connection diagrams

At that moment, when you wanted to connect IP telephony, it is important to understand what tasks you want to solve with its help. The answer to this question will greatly depend on what technical solutions need to be applied. Below we will look at a few typical examples of using IP telephony.

Virtual number for receiving calls
This is one of the simplest use cases for Internet telephony. Let's say you have a business in a certain city, but there is no physical office in it. At the same time, you would like customers to call the city number of their city - this inspires confidence in the company and is cheaper for the client if he calls from the city number. To accomplish this task, you need to connect a virtual number and set up call forwarding to wherever it is convenient for you. For example, on a mobile phone. Or to your landline number in another region where you are actually located.

To accomplish this task, in the simplest case, no equipment is needed at all. Only a mobile or landline phone to which forwarding will be made.

Installation of telephones in the office
Typically, for telephoning an office, several IP phones are used, connected to one multichannel city number. Basic necessary functions - transfer and interception of a call, conditional forwarding to another employee, if they do not pick up the phone for a long time. If necessary, you can use call forwarding to your personal phone outside of working hours. Sometimes an IVR menu or a voice greeting is used.

Consolidation of branches or regional branches into a single network
Such a task often confronts large companies with several branches in one city, or regional offices in different cities. Usually, each branch or branch has its own city number. At the same time, employees can transfer calls to colleagues from another department. In some cases, this is very convenient. In addition, employees can communicate with each other for free. This can significantly reduce communication costs.

Typically, IP phones are used for this setup and an Internet connection is required.

Hot line
Organization hotline implies that incoming calls are distributed among several employees connected to a single number (usually 8800 or, but it may well be a regular city number). If all employees are busy, the "waiting" function is used, after that, the call is transferred to the first released employee. If, on the contrary, several people can receive the call, you can set up conditional forwarding according to various criteria. For example, transfer a call to the least busy or the most qualified employee, etc.

Typically, a headset connected to a computer is used as a phone in this case. At the same time, employees do not need to be physically in the same room. They can receive calls from anywhere, as long as everyone has access to the Internet.

Sales department
Unlike the hotline, the sales department is focused on outgoing calls. One of the key functions used in this case is CRM integration. This significantly increases productivity: calls are made with one click from CRM without dialing a number, basic information about a call is automatically recorded in CRM, making a call, an employee sees all necessary information about the client.

Choosing a provider

After you have decided on the necessary functionality and have a clear idea of ​​how telephony will be used, you can proceed to choosing a provider. Highlights to watch out for:

Does the provider have all the functions you need?

How are these functions implemented, is it convenient for you to use them. Most providers provide a trial period - use it. Rate your personal account - is it convenient for you personally? Are you satisfied with the communication quality?

Are you satisfied with the tariffs? We told you more about how to navigate the tariffs of sip providers

When ordering the "IP-telephony for an enterprise or office" service, many chiefs and heads of technical departments should know what opportunities it provides, understand the basic concepts and differences from analog telephony. Effective implementation of such a service requires close communication between the customer and the contractor, therefore it is necessary that they speak “the same” language.

Why do you need IP telephony?

IP telephony Is the technical implementation of the telephone network based on the use of standard network equipment: servers and cables, workstations and telephones, gateways, automatic telephone exchanges and much more.

IP telephony servers act as virtual digital automatic telephone exchanges. Both ordinary computers and special telephones (stationary or connected to a PC) can be used as communication tools. Signal transmission is performed by fiber-optic or ordinary network wire, amplification and distribution of the signal - gateways and routers.


  • super-powerful and fast transfer of media content;
  • use of network and wireless equipment;
  • there is practically no distortion and interference in the carrier signal;
  • no fees for calls within the network;
  • minimum cost for international and intercity connection;
  • excellent synchronization of the operation of various types of communication equipment;
  • a huge number of additional and auxiliary communication services.


  • probability of failure of voip-gateways;
  • mechanical damage to network equipment;
  • drop or lack of voltage in the power supply.

According to the last point, many computer service technicians recommend using stand-alone stand-alone power stations to solve the problem.

Below is a short FAQ, basic terms and concepts used when connecting IP telephony.

Integrus specialists are also always ready to give detailed consultations and explanations on all issues related to connecting and setting up Internet telephony, advise a reliable telecom operator and the necessary equipment to use telephony most efficiently and not overpay for unnecessary options

1. What is VoIP?
Voice over IP is a technology for transporting "voice" messages using network protocol data transmission over IP networks.

2. FXO / FXS - what is it?
These symbols indicate the names of the ports to which analog telephone devices are connected: FXS - device connection port, FXO - connection port, for example, a telephone set.

3. Why do you need a VoIP gateway?
VoIP gateways (FXO / FXS) are network devices that connect telephones and analog PBXs to an IP network for the subsequent forwarding of audio traffic.

4. What do you need to connect IP-telephony?
The customer needs a high-speed communication channel. As well as the IP server, VoIP router and the devices themselves.

5.A regular phone will it fit?
Oh sure. But in the telephony architecture, special connection adapters or a VoIP gateway with an FXS port must be provided.

6. Are Skype and SIP the same?
No. These are closed and open, respectively, protocols for transferring messages between subscribers. They (protocols) apply audio / video / text / image imposition on the transport signal.

7. What codecs are used for IP telephony?
Naturally, coding technology is used to translate an analog message into a digital signal. For encoding / decoding, so-called “codecs” are used. The most common are the following: GSM, iLBC, ITU G series, LPC10, DoD CELP, etc.

8. IP phones - what are they?
An IP phone is a special telephone set with a wide range of functions, which is used for VoIP technology. There are different types of phones:
- usual program (SIP / VOIP phone) for PC;
- USB phone, connects via USB interface;
- landline SIP / VOIP phone, which is connected to network equipment via the RJ-45 connector.

9. What is Asterisk?
This is a set of server software that meets all modern requirements and is the basis of the digital architecture of IP telephony.

Modern society is increasingly refusing the services of telephone companies, because this type of communication is distinguished by the high cost of calls, especially long-distance calls. The adherents of traditional telephone communication remained only in areas not spoiled by civilization. With the development of Internet services, telephone lines have lost their relevance, and they have been replaced by more practical methods of communication and data exchange. You can make calls regardless of your location if your device has a built-in Wi-Fi receiver. You just need to find and make a call. The ability to use communication via the Internet without additional costs is provided to any owner of a suitable device.

IP-telephony is a relatively young type of communication, the rapidly growing popularity of which is due to comfort along with cheapness. Even if there is no IP telephony provider in your city, you have the opportunity to connect an IP phone and use the Internet connection. In this case, you need access to the network in any way, be it a local connection, using a modem or a Wi-Fi router, and no additional telephone wire connections are needed anymore.

An IP phone can be software or hardware. In any of the options chosen, it does not matter how the connection to the network itself is made.

  • An IP softphone is an application installed on a computer, such as the well-known Skype. To make calls, you must have a headset, Internet access, and the computer and the program must be running.
  • The hardware IP-phone is similar in appearance to the usual one, equipped with a handset. If you purchased a phone with a built-in Wi-Fi receiver, then you do not need to turn on the computer to use the connection. The PC will only be needed to set up the IP phone. Some models can be configured even without a computer.

Connecting to IP telephony

You can choose any of the connection methods based on your financial capabilities and the requirements for such a means of communication. A minimum cost will be required to use a software connection, since the purchase of a special device is not required if there are already devices that support this communication format.

Software connection with a headset

In case of connection programmatically you simply download and install the application of your choice that supports IP communication on your computer or other device. For the most part, such programs are free and freely available, and setting them up does not take much time. You need to create an account for the selected application, enter the necessary data, during installation, the parameters necessary for work are set by default, in the future you can make your own adjustments to the settings. To make calls and video calls, you need a headset, either external or built into the device. In addition to computers and laptops, you can also use tablets or mobile phones. Modern devices that have a Wi-Fi receiver have the ability to use such programs for calls.

USB devices

You can make calls by turning on the IP phone in USB port your computer. Of course, you need to configure it first. Instructions for each model will be different, it is always attached. You can obtain the required network setting data, which you need to enter, from your provider. Like any pluggable external device, the system must detect it. Drivers suitable for your phone will help to synchronize the operation of both devices, they usually come in the kit.

Variants appearance such a USB phone:

  • mobile phone with USB cable;
  • landline phone;
  • wireless radiotelephone.

When connecting such a phone, an application that supports IP communication must be launched on the computer. The program must first be configured correct work... Some software vendors offer customized specific application devices, such as wired Skype handsets, but you can set up synchronization with the program on any phone, then it will not matter whether your computer is on or not to make calls. Landline and cordless telephones can be successfully used at home or in the office. It is very convenient to connect USB-tubes when the user is often on the road and connects to the network via Wi-Fi.

SIP adapter

An inexpensive and practical way of connecting through an adapter is carried out in the presence of a Wi-Fi router, as an independent device, or built directly into the adapter itself. Both a computer and an adapter are connected to the router using USB ports. The network cable must be connected to the router, regardless of whether it is built-in or not. The IP phone must be connected to the adapter, and the tone dialing mode must be configured in the menu. Thus, there is no need to turn on the computer in this connection option. Different SIP adapters can support from one to several accounts at the same time.

SIP devices

This is the most comfortable, but also, accordingly, the most expensive way to connect. Diversity lineup apparatus is very large. The IP phone can be equipped with a Wi-Fi receiver, a screen for video communication, and a built-in router. Some models have the ability to connect to several SIP servers, then you can make and receive calls by choosing the most suitable one. In the case when the IP-phone is already equipped with a router, then network cable connects to it, and the computer to the phone. When you connect the Internet to the phone, neither a PC nor a laptop is needed for it to work.

Setting up IP telephony

So, regardless of which device you have chosen and to which provider you are connected, there is general principle settings, which is applicable for any IP-phone, for more details on setting up the functionality of a particular model, you can find in the instructions that come with the device.

Before purchasing a device, check with your provider which equipment will be most compatible with their network. Perhaps, the operator already has customized adapters or devices on sale, then it will not be difficult to connect the device yourself.

When you connect all the necessary wires directly from the phone to the computer or to the adapter, turn on the device in the power source and wait for the download. Lift the handset and wait for a dial tone. An IP phone equipped with a Wi-Fi handset or router (or if connected directly to it) can work without a computer.

The presence of an IP phone assumes the ability to always be in touch, if necessary, call forwarding can be configured in the menu. The communication protocol used in IP telephony, by transforming the signal, allows you to communicate with different subscribers. You can make calls to mobiles, landlines even to the other end of the world, while the cost of using communication is minimal.


If the computer has sound card and speakers (headphones) are connected, this is the easiest way.

The cost of simple microphones is 50-100 rubles.
They are often made with a flexible stem and a stand.

- If you listen through the speakers, there is no privacy of the conversation.

2 way

HEADSET required

If your computer has a sound card, you can connect headphones and a microphone made in the same design (the so-called "headset") to it.
Headsets cost from 300 rubles and more.

The headset must be connected with one plug to the microphone jack and the other to the headphone output on the sound card.

The connected microphone can be used to record podcasts.
+ Both hands are free.

- During a long conversation, if the headset is heavy, you may feel discomfort.

3 way

Homemade ADAPTER
for an ordinary (or radio) phone working as a headset

If the computer has a sound card, then you can connect to it homemade adapter, to which a regular telephone or radiotelephone is connected as a headset.

The cost of a landline phone is from 350 rubles and more (you can use the old one with a round dialer). However, today it is not a problem to find an old unused phone.

The cost of parts for the adapter is less than 50 rubles, excluding the 9-12 volt power supply.

The adapter must be connected with one plug to the microphone jack, the other to the headphone output in the sound card (not to be confused with speaker output!).

The telephone conversation takes place in the usual "style".
+ No one will hear the content of the conversation (loved ones, neighbors).
- A 9-12 volt DC power supply is required. Since the consumed current is about 20 mA, the Krona battery will not last for a long time (10-15 hours). Use larger batteries.
- The call and dialer will NOT work with this connection method. The phone is used only as a headset.

Approx. There are programs that allow you to dial subscriber numbers from a push-button telephone! But, such programs cost several tens of dollars. Better to spend this money on a SIP adapter, connect to it push-button telephone, and receive / make calls when the computer is off (connection method # 5).

4 way

USB Phones

Typically, USB phones have a built-in sound card. And even if the computer no sound card, it will not affect the connectivity. If only the computer has a free USB socket.

Unfortunately, these phones often work only as a headset. Ie, dialers do not always work (you have to type with the mouse). SIP programs almost always work well in a "bundle" X-Lite and "driver" XLiteMate... When using these programs, the dialer buttons will also work.

Ringtones are regular audio files in special folder programs XLiteMate... Melodies can be replaced with your own.

Structurally, such USB-phones are made in three versions.:
... As mobile phones with a cord - the cost is from 300 rubles;
... In the form of landline phones - the cost is from 1,500 rubles (for example, Skypemate USB-P4K);
... In the form of wireless radiotelephones - the price is over 2500 rubles.

Obviously, it is better not to use the last two points. It is cheaper and more convenient to use a SIP adapter, connect a push-button telephone to it and receive / make calls when the computer is off (connection method No. 5).

USB handset phones are convenient when traveling. They can be connected to a laptop. Where there is Internet, there is a connection!
+ Cordless phones have no cord ("base" is connected to USB).
+ Desktop devices are familiar in their use.
- When using any USB phone, the computer must be turned on with two running special programs: SIP client and "driver" ( last program usually comes with the device).

This method is convenient for USB handsets connected to netbooks / laptops when traveling and using Wi-Fi in hotels and train stations.

5 way

for a regular (or radio) phone

By connecting a small adapter to the Internet - to which, in turn, you need to connect a regular push-button telephone or a radiotelephone - you can get a full-fledged IP-phone that receives and makes calls. In this case, do not forget to switch the phone to tone dialing mode.

The cost of adapters is from 800 rubles ( Linksys PAP2T on eBay.com with delivery) and above.

<= Адаптер Linksys PAP2T-NA

The telephone conversation takes place in the usual "style"
+ No one will hear the content of the conversation (loved ones, neighbors);
+ Since the computer is not involved in communication, it can be turned off. Or there may be no computer at all;
- If the adapter does not have a built-in router (router), you need to purchase a separate 4-port router. One port will include a computer, the other will include an adapter.

If the adapter has a built-in router, the network cable is plugged into the adapter. The computer connects to the Internet via an adapter.

Using a SIP adapter to a regular push-button telephone (preferably a radiotelephone) is perhaps the most convenient and inexpensive option for connecting to full-fledged IP telephony without using a computer.

When buying an adapter, you should definitely pay attention to how many SIP accounts it supports. This will determine how many servers you can connect to at the same time. The above is the most inexpensive Linksys PAP2T supports two accounts on different SIP servers. However, it also requires two phones to be connected at once. In fact, it contains two independent SIP adapters. One phone (a radiotelephone is convenient) can receive calls, and from the other, a landline, you can make calls. Moreover, in this case, you can choose a less expensive cost of calls to certain destinations for outgoing calls. After all, all SIP servers have their own tariff plans.

6 way

SIP phones

By connecting to the Internet IP-phone, you can receive and make calls. The computer can be switched off or even absent.
Such SIP (and / or Skype) telephony devices are the most complete version of IP telephony development.

Some models allow you to connect to several SIP servers at once. When making calls, you can choose the most suitable server for a certain direction and reduce financial costs.

The cost of IP phones is from 2300 rubles and more.

There are also phones with Wi-Fi handsets.

Phones with screens for video calling cost from 10,000 rubles. and higher.

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