
Why the extension on google chrome is not downloaded. Problem installing extensions in Google Chrome. We fix the problem with installing Google Chrome add-ons

Manufacturer software Google is constantly offering users new experiences for its browser through extensions downloaded from the Chrome Web Store.

However, sometimes problems arise when installing such plugins. One of the most common is the "Network failed" error that occurs during download and warns of an allegedly missing network connection.

To fix it and get the opportunity to use the extensions again, it is worth finding out the reason for the message.

Causes of the problem

  • Termination of some extensions. You can determine what exactly this reason caused the problem by successfully downloading another plugin;
  • Outdated version Google browser Chrome;
  • Remote Downloads folder;
  • Changing the system hosts file.

The first variant of the reason does not require any action on the part of the user. For the second, you need to update Google Chrome to the latest version. The deleted directory should be restored. And the hosts file is returned to its original state.

Browser Refresh

The first steps to take to fix the problem should be to try to update Chrome to the latest version. After all, if you leave the outdated version of the browser, the problem will be not only in the impossibility to download plugins, but also in the appearance of other problems. For example, incorrect display of sites or a media file that does not start. In most cases, the update occurs automatically, but if this did not happen, you will have to perform the necessary steps manually.

You can enable browser updates from Google using the registry editor. To do this, perform the following actions:

After clicking the "OK" button, the changes in the registry will be saved. Restarting the browser will ensure that the new auto-update settings are applied and the problem message will no longer appear. Although the registry editor may not be the desired item at all. This means that the issue will have to be resolved in other ways.

Modifying the hosts file

The next way to get rid of the error in Google chrome- restore the hosts file to a state that will allow the launch of plugins. In this case, it is advisable to make a copy of it - if something goes wrong, the changes can be canceled. To fix the file, you must first find it. One of the ways to search (if there is no desire to conduct it in system folders) - call the "Run" window and enter the command notepad% SystemRoot% \ system32 \ drivers \ etc \ hosts. The second is to enter any in the address bar open folder addresses C: \ Windows \ System32 \ drivers \ etc.

Now you need to make changes to the file:

If the browser has been updated and the hosts file has been restored, but the extensions are still not installed, it is worth trying another way to solve the problem. It occurs due to the remote Downloads folder located in the My Documents directory. By returning the folder back, naming it with the same name and choosing it as the download location, you can restore the path for moving data from the network to your computer. Sometimes it also helps to enter google account and installing plugins on behalf of an already authorized user.

By using all the options for fixing the error with the network in the browser, you can restore the work of the plugins and continue to improve the functionality of Chrome with their help. If these actions did not help, the program is not just updated, but removed and reinstalled (by downloading latest version from the official website of the developer). Then the browser can work in normal mode again. And the message stops appearing when trying to load the plugin.

If extensions are not installed in Google Chrome, you need to check several options at once. The problem may lie in one or another part of the system or in the browser itself.

We'll go over a few of the most common problems and their solutions. Surely, some of this will help you.

1. Problems with the date

This is the most simple problem on our list, but it can cause a variety of errors such as "network_failed", "download interrupted" and others. And in some cases, the download simply won't start, no matter what you do.

Be that as it may, you need to do the following:

  • Click on the date in the lower right corner or where the taskbar is (but the date will always be on the right).
  • In the window that opens, click on the inscription "Options ...".
  • Then put the switch in the "On" position. on the item "Set time automatically" and select your time zone. You can also try putting the switch to the "On" position. at the point " Automatic installation time zone ". Then the computer will determine all the necessary parameters using the geolocation and Internet connection.

  • Reboot your computer.

If this does not help, you should look for the problem in the browser itself.

2. Accumulated garbage

As you know, any browser, including Google Chrome, accumulates a cache, cookies and much more. So, all this can interfere with his normal work. This can also be the reason why extensions are not installed. Therefore, just in case, try to "unload" your browser.

This is done as follows:

  • Open your browser. Click on the three sticks (or dots) in the right upper corner, this is the function menu. There, hover over the "History" item and in the submenu that appears on the left, click "History" again.

Prompt: To open the history, you can also simultaneously press the "Ctrl" and "H" buttons or enter "chrome: // history /" in the address bar and press "Enter" on the keyboard.

  • On the next page, click "Clear History" (left).

  • In the window that opens at the top, be sure to select "For all time". Check the boxes for "Browsing history", "Download history", "Pictures ..." and " Cookies... ". The rest can be left alone. Click on the "Clear history" button and wait for the browser to do its job.

  • Restart your browser.

3. Compatibility mode problems

Often enabled compatibility mode can make it impossible to install add-ons.

To test this option and, if possible, remove this mode, do the following:

  • On the shortcut from which you start Chrome, right-click. In the menu of options that appears, select "Properties".
  • In the window that opens, go to the "Compatibility" tab.
  • Check if the box "Run this program in compatibility mode ..." is checked. If it is, remove it and click "Apply", then "OK".

4. Incorrect work of the antivirus

It happens that the antivirus for some reason blocks some browser components, especially Google Chrome. Therefore, it is best to turn it off.

This can usually be done as follows:

  • Right-click on the antivirus shortcut in the tray.
  • Choose the option "Exit" or "Disable [for a specific time]".

If the problem was really in it, it is better to just change the antivirus. The fact is that there is no point in adding Chrome to the exceptions, since viruses will crawl through it, especially if this is your main browser.

5. Old browser version

It is likely that the whole point is old version which has some problems with new extensions or extensions in general. It is best to update it to the most current one for today.

This is done very simply - go to the page "chrome: // settings / help" (enter this address in the address bar) and that's it. Then the program will independently check for updates and install them if found.

6. Other problems

If none of the above helped, there is only one thing to do - use a dedicated Chrome cleaning tool. It will automatically check everything possible problems, will remove all the garbage and everything that prevents Chrome from working as usual and installing updates.

You can download it by this link(this is the official site). Just download and run the tool, then follow the instructions.

This option will definitely help solve the problem.

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Modern android phones are more than phones. You get used to typing installed programs, to your call and text message history, photo collection and more. But time is running, and the device that suits you completely begins to slow down, glitch, or simply loses its presentable appearance due to chips on the case or scratches on the screen. The question arises of choosing a new phone and changing android phone... And if we now bypass the question of choice, then "moving" to new phone remains a serious problem - you absolutely do not want to start all the data from scratch. This is what we are going to talk about today.

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If you have thought about how to watch movies on the network from your TV and go online, this article is for you. No, I know that some TVs already have Smart TV functionality, but I have never seen it work properly. Apparently, therefore, recently the Google corporation demonstrated an absolutely stunning device, which immediately became a sensation. We are talking about a Chromecast media streamer (Chromecast), more advanced and available version from last year's disastrous Nexus Q.

The Chromcast Dongle, which is less than 2 inches in size, connects to your TV's HDMI port and lets you enjoy streaming web content. To control the streamer, you can use any device (tablet, PC, smartphone) based on the operating platform iOS, Windows, Android or Mac OS.

This article is devoted to the device of the android system memory, the problems that may arise due to its lack and how to solve them. Not so long ago I myself was faced with the fact that my phone is on android base began to regularly issue messages about the lack of memory when trying to install an application. Which was very strange for me, given that, according to the description on the market, there should have been about 16GB, and I also increased this volume with an additional memory card. However, there was a problem, and I had to tinker a lot before I found the right solution, which did not require root access or a full restoration of the phone to the factory state.

Hello. Please answer this question: why do you turn on your laptop or computer in the morning? I'm sure the answers will be different. Someone for work, someone needs to study, and someone just to play. But all these actions in most cases are related to the Internet. We read in it latest news, looking for information for work and study, transferring files and much more. And I want these processes to take place in a comfortable environment that is pleasing to your eyes.

We have already talked about how. Installed a beautiful theme, customized widgets for yourself. Today we will learn how to install the Google Chrome theme to make it a pleasure to work with. Go.

So, to install the theme, we need to go to the main browser menu.

And select the item Settings.

Click on the button " Select a topic».

We immediately find ourselves in the Google store, where various themes for our Google Chrome browser are presented.

You will find a wide variety of topics here. They are divided into categories: Nature, Cities, Simple, Animals, and more. In short, everyone will find the theme to their taste. To view all topics of a certain category, you need to follow the link « View all».

In our example, we will install a theme from the Nature category called Good Morning ( Good morning). Click on the theme preview and a preview window for this theme will open in front of us.

The first thing that comes up immediately is the look of the theme itself, how it will look in your browser. On the right is indicated full information about compatibility, theme resolution, as well as additional information: creation date, size, version, language.

If you like this topic, you like it, click on the button " Install».

After a short time, the browser will apply the given theme. To verify this, open a new tab.

How do I uninstall an installed theme?

If you are tired of the selected theme or you just decide to return to the default browser theme, go to Browser Settings and click the " Restore default theme».

The usual default browser theme will return.

That's how easy and simple we decorate our browser. Until then, that's all! To all Have a good mood and good luck. Until next time!

Love can change a person beyond recognition.

Publius Terence Afr

To solve problems when installing extensions to the browser Chrome company Google recommends that you first clear your cache, delete cookies, and, on Windows, also disable any configured compatibility settings in the Chrome shortcut properties. After restarting the computer, in some cases, the problem should supposedly be resolved. If these actions did not give positive results, then you need to understand the antivirus and firewall settings, as well as the Windows security policy settings when using corporate devices. And only after these Google actions advises to pay attention to the content in the Windows environment. If the inability to install extensions in Google Chrome is accompanied by a notification about the "Download interrupted" error, and for the extensions themselves, the process of downloading them begins, but it does not end due to network errors,

the hosts file must be dealt with first. Most likely, a value has been added to this file that blocks access to the Google server (or multiple servers).

Who or what can block access to the google server at the hosts file level?

It can be malware... Chrome extensions are dangerous for viruses, Trojans, spyware, and other malware. After all, the browser store is full of various extensions from the creators of antivirus products. Individual optimization programs can block the Google server at the hosts file level. Thus, the latter can get rid of automatic update Chrome as a process consuming system resources computer. The addresses of Google servers with the value of their blocking can be entered into the hosts file by one of the computer users manually. There are publications on the Internet in which it is written that, they say, this way you can protect yourself from tracking by Google.

How to remove the value of blocking Google servers from the hosts file and, accordingly, make it possible to install extensions in Google Chrome?

Open the hosts file. He is among system files Windows, and the easiest way to open its location path is to write the following value in the "Run" field of the Windows service (called by the Win + R keys):

% systemroot% \ system32 \ drivers \ etc

We register and click "Ok".

Open the hosts file using the context menu: select the "Open with" item, then - "Notepad".

Administrator rights are required to open hosts.

The hosts file in its original form should not contain any values ​​for blocking web resources. The records of the correspondence of IP addresses to domains that exist in it are exemplary records. They come with a pound sign at the beginning of the line, which means they are inactive. Without the hash sign, that is, in our case, only one record of blocking a web resource is active, and this is a record that blocks google server: clients2.google.com

We delete this entry. Then we save the file as a regular text file in any folder, on any partition of the disk, just not inside the Windows system directory.

Next, in the Explorer tab "View" of Windows 8.1 and 10 systems, set the active checkbox of the option "File name extensions", click on the just saved TXT file, press the F2 key and delete (together with a dot) the extension ".txt". We confirm the action with the Enter key.

To perform the same action in Windows system 7, you need to use a different method to display file extensions in the explorer. On the top pane of the explorer, click "Organize", then - "Folder and Search Options". In the parameters window, switch to the "View" tab, and already in it, uncheck the option to hide file extensions.

Now the edited hosts file can be moved to its storage folder inside the Windows system directory, having previously deleted the previous edition of the hosts file from there.

You don't need to restart your computer, just restarting Google Chrome is enough. After restarting the browser, you can try to install the extensions.

Have a great day!

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