
How to distinguish an iPhone 6y original from a fake. Fake iphone - how to distinguish an original iphone from a fake

The smartphone from the company from Cupertino iPhone 5 is one of the most famous and beloved mobile phones in the world. At the same time, its popularity plays into the hands of Chinese manufacturers of counterfeit copies of smartphones. Quite a long time ago it became customary to produce fake phones of popular brands.

The iPhone smartphones are no exception, and with each appearance of a new model, clandestine manufacturers immediately release their copies of the novelty. In the wake of popularity, dishonest sellers mobile devices do not make bad money selling fakes to inexperienced users.

The counterfeit from the original is of very low quality, the phones themselves are not certified, and numerous violations of the rules for licensing products and trademarks have led to a ban on the sale of non-original devices.

Buying such a fake harms both the user and the manufacturing company. The buyer forms the wrong opinion about the smartphone, as a result, he may decide not to purchase the products of this company anymore.
To avoid such deceptions when buying an iPhone 5, we will describe how to distinguish an original smartphone from a copy.

Differences in connectors and interfaces

It is very easy to distinguish a genuine device by visual verification of the presence or absence of certain connectors in the phone. Here are the interface options that are encountered that expose a fake:

  • The original iPhone lacks any kind of TV tuner. Therefore, if you notice an antenna on the phone, it is a fake. In a real iPhone 5, you can watch TV using certain programs;
  • An original mobile phone cannot have a stylus;
  • It is easy to distinguish a fake from a real phone by the presence of a USB connector. The original iPhone 5 is equipped with its own unique Lightning connector, which is almost impossible to confuse with USB;
  • A counterfeit often has a built-in slot for reading memory cards. The original phone does not have such an interface;
  • Real iPhone only supports one SIM card. Therefore, if you are offered a phone with support for 2 or more SIM cards, then it will not be a real iPhone 5.


Fake copies can also be distinguished by the inscriptions on the body of the device. First of all, it is worth checking the name of the phone itself - iPhone. Often it is distorted or replaced by a consonant word. Also, instead of the amount of memory in a fake, there may be an inscription Wi-Fi, 3G and more.

Secondly, inspect the logo on the back of the smartphone. The original symbol must be there Apple- an apple bitten on the right side. In fakes, the logo can be changed or it will be absent altogether.

Among the rest of the inscriptions and markings on the back cover of the original iPhone should be present:

  • under the iPhone inscription in a small rectangle, the total amount of phone memory;
  • further - the standard inscription for all models of Apple smartphones - "Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China";
  • under the previous label - an identification number FCC ID and serial number of the smartphone;
  • at the very bottom of the lid are various certification markings and the FOXCONN logo.

Design differences

The fake can be distinguished from the original by a higher weight, which is quite easy to feel if you hold the device in your hand. The original body is made of aluminum, while the Chinese copy- made of cheap plastic. The back cover of the present iPhone smartphone it will not be possible to remove it, since it is rigidly fixed. Sometimes the diagonal size of the screen may differ slightly (usually upwards).

The thickness of the case may also vary slightly. The original iPhone 5 is 7mm. The color of the back cover of the phone can also distinguish a fake, since the original can only have 2 colors - white and black.

Software features

Any iPhone model released with the iOS operating system installed. It is impossible to install such a system into a fake, therefore, at best, with copy of iPhone the user will not get the fastest Android OS.

At any iOS version a large number of useful and unique applications from Apple are preinstalled, but the most important way to distinguish a fake is that it does not have an AppStore, which a fake cannot have. You can also pay attention to the names and signatures of applications..

Demand creates supply. Chinese manufacturers have long established the production of well-known brands. Apple devices are no exception. I was prompted to write the article a couple of cases when, faced with a fake, I could not unequivocally determine authenticity iPhone... You twist the phone in your hands, and everything seems to be in place, but something is not right. Let's try to determine what you should immediately pay attention to when buying a hand-held phone. It makes no sense to analyze in detail the difference between the original iPhone and its Chinese counterparts. There are quite a few similar "left" manufacturers, and each is trying in his own way. In addition, counterfeits are found in all previously produced and released generations of smartphones. And it will probably be the same in the future. Just want to warn against unnecessary fears. There is a notation on the back of the iPhone "Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in China." This is absolutely true, and you shouldn't be intimidated by it. All original iPhones are assembled in China at special Apple factories. Non-original iPhones are also assembled in the same country.

It is worth noting that checking the authenticity of the phone by the IMEI number through the SNDeepInfo service may not lead to anything. I met a fake iphone, where the real IMEM and the current firmware version were registered in the paragraph about this device. This data was consistent with a real Apple phone.

Let's try to identify the main differences, at first external.

A person who has never held his own iPhone in his hands will find it difficult to determine the originality of the device. Moreover, even an experienced user of Apple products will not easily understand what the catch is. At first sight fake iPhone looks quite plausible. The difference is in the little things. In general, the ideal way is to have the original iPhone with you for comparison. 1. In all existing iPhones up to now no memory card slot, no pop-up antenna... These improvements from Chinese manufacturers have never been applied in native devices.

2. The SIM card slot for iPhone5, iPhone 4 (4S) is located on the side. They are designed for nano-sim for iPhone 5 or micro-sim for iPhone 4 (4S), respectively. First generation devices and 3G, 3GS have it on the top. Phones only have one SIM! 3. Back cover a real iPhone is not removable, there is no access to the smartphone battery. No removable covers!

But the main differences are determined in the work. You need to turn on the device.

The native iPhone works under the control of the iOS operating system. The counterfeit iPhone uses different firmware. In this regard, programs from the store App Store cannot be installed on this device. 4. Open the application "Settings" - "General". Pay attention to the Russian menu. The Russian language is one of the most difficult and it is not an easy job to translate the menu correctly. If there is something wrong with cases or abbreviations like "Return", then this is not an iPhone. The menu items here are different from the original. Usually in fakes there is no "Software Update" and "Siri". 5. Click on the App Store icon. See what the content store has to offer you. All programs on iPhone are installed from this store. If clicking on the App Store icon takes you to Google play it means you don't have an original phone. 6. If possible, connect the device to your computer. At connecting iPhone to your computer, iTunes will recognize it. Fake phone won't sync with iTunes in any way... If you are convinced of the originality of the smartphone, then in this article you can find out in more detail how

It is incredibly popular not only among mobile users, but also among numerous Chinese manufacturers. Copies of the "apple" gadget (often extremely low quality) are widespread in Russia - you can be sure that if the seller offers an iPhone for a pittance, the original is out of the question.

Better to buy an iPhone on the networks cellular communication or large electronics stores - in this case, deception is excluded. However, if you think that giving 50 thousand rubles for a gadget in the salon is too much, and you prefer the option of buying "hand-held", remember that you are taking a risk. With such a transaction, special attention should be paid to the inspection and verification of the iPhone.

Visual inspection is not always effective, because the "Chinese masters" have already got used to designing forgeries that are outwardly identical to the original. However, it is not necessary to neglect the inspection - the check will save you from acquiring the lowest-quality "fake" and it will not take much time.

Signs Chinese iPhone- this is:

The presence of two or three slots for SIM-cards

Genuine iPhone supports only one "SIM", which is placed in a special tray, removed from the device with a needle.

Removable battery

This feature overlaps with the previous one. If you see the seller remove the iPhone battery in order to deliver under her SIM cards, wind up the deal immediately.

Screen diagonal inappropriate to the original

Remember these characteristics:

It is not worth approaching the measurement of the diagonal too pedantically: the same iPhone 5 has a diagonal, to be precise, is not 4 inches, but 4.065. Being overly nit-picking can lead you to miss out on a good deal.


Sellers present the antenna as an advantage - supposedly it will be possible to listen to the radio without connecting a headset. In fact, the presence of a retractable antenna is a sign of a "fierce" counterfeit.

Screen grain

If you can manage to turn on your iPhone prior to purchase, it will be great. An experienced Apple user will always distinguish an original from a fake one by only one gadget screen - the original has a display created using RETINA technology, which has a very high pixel density.

Poor logo

If the legendary "bitten apple" on the back of the device is a sticker or painted, there can be no two opinions - they are trying to sell you a copy.

Stylus included

No modern manufacturer (including Apple) now produces gadgets with resistive displays. Among the originals, the stylus in the kit can only be found on the Samsung Note series.

"Sticky" sensor

If you have to make an effort to, for example, swipe from right to left to go to another screen, you are dealing with a "fake".

The presence of touch buttons

There is only one button on the front of a real iPhone - “ Home”And she is physical.

Hieroglyphs in large numbers

Even if iPhones are assembled in China, they are still being developed in the United States. You should only meet hieroglyphs once - when, after the first launch, the smartphone greets you in different languages. Interface original device Russified.

Please note: the inscription on the back of the gadget “ Designed by Apple in California, Assembled in China"Shouldn't scare you! Both real iPhones and fakes are assembled in China - the difference is that the originals come from special Apple factories.

How to distinguish an iPhone from a fake: other ways

If outwardly the iPhone does not show any signs of a Chinese counterfeit, use other verification methods:

Check the Settings menu

Follow the path " Settings» — « The main"And try to find the section" Software Update". In original devices, it is located right under the section " About this device».

There is no this section in the settings of Chinese fakes.

Pay attention to the quality of the Russification of the menu. The Russian language is considered one of the most difficult, therefore spelling errors in the titles of sections and paragraphs Chinese iPhones- Not unusual.

Check Siri

Go to AppStore

The iOS operating system is closed source, so third-party developers cannot install it on gadgets. All Chinese counterfeits work on Android or simple handwritten platforms... You can check which OS is on the gadget by visiting the app store. If you are using Android, then clicking on the AppStore icon will take you to Google Play - this is another surefire way to distinguish a “natural” Apple product from a fake.

If the smartphone runs on a self-written "operating system", you will not be able to get into any of the app stores at all.

Connect your gadget to iTunes

This way to distinguish original iPhone from "fake" is the most effective and simple, but it requires a computer or smartphone at hand. When connecting original iPhone via USB cable iTunes will definitely try to recognize and synchronize it. If iTunes remains indifferent, most likely, in front of you is a fake.

Also check Apple smartphone for originality, you can use the serial number and IMEI - read how this is done.

Is it possible to distinguish the original from the copy by the package contents?

The equipment should also be the object of verification when buying an iPhone. Remember: iPhone equipment has never changed... The box should contain:

Envelope, inside which the colored instruction is located. The manual has a high-quality look and two stickers with the Apple logo on the cover. The needle for removing the SIM should also be located in the same envelope.

SZU white weighing about 60 grams, manufactured in factories Foxlink or Flextronix... There is no need to take scales with you to check the iPhone: all the information must be present on the charging itself.

USB cable... The original cable can be distinguished from a fake by the inscription “ Designed By Apple ... "- it is barely visible on the real product, but on the copy it is applied with bold paint. The cable is also white.

Headphones. It is most difficult to distinguish them from a fake - outwardly, a complete copy is likely. "Fake" can be detected by touch - the wire of the original headphones is softer - however, such a check makes sense only when there is something to compare with.

The absence of one of the elements of the kit, as well as the presence of an extra one, is a signal for canceling the deal to buy an iPhone.

Pay attention to such a trifle as the packaging of accessories: all components must be neatly packed in a box and wrapped in transparent film. The absence of a film and "chaos" in the opened box do not always indicate that the iPhone is fake or used - perhaps the sellers simply used accessories for their own purposes, which, however, is also unpleasant for the buyer and unacceptable. If possible, ask for an iPhone from the warehouse in a sealed package.


The huge number of Chinese counterfeit iPhones can be easily explained: Apple does not fight plagiarism in the Middle Kingdom. There are two reasons: firstly, many small industries are located in China, and it will still not be possible to sue large sums of money from them, and secondly, to be at enmity with Chinese manufacturers means setting the largest sales market against oneself. Americans themselves do not suffer from Chinese counterfeits: their standard of living allows them to purchase original devices and not seek savings. But for Russians, who traditionally strive for cheap prices, the "Chinese flood" is a problem. To avoid deception, you need to buy smartphones only from well-known dealers, avoid adventurous offers and, when checking, pay attention to those aspects that are described in this article.

The difference starts with the packaging - take the iPhone box in your hands. The original device even has a flawless coated cardboard packaging, corners and seams without flaws. At the bottom of the box, there is always an impeccable-looking sticker with information about the name of the device, the number of gigabytes of memory, imei number, model number (Part No) and serial number(Serial No). 'IPhone' lettering on the side and the Apple logo are embossed. Pay attention to the image of the logo itself - the original has an apple bitten on the right side. The iPhone box is always vacuum sealed in transparent polyethylene. If it is absent, this is a reason to ask questions to the seller. Sometimes in the store, upon delivery of orders, smartphones are selectively checked for inclusion - this is a standard job of the quality control department. In this case, the plastic packaging can be opened, but, firstly, its intact part will remain on the box, and, secondly, the delivery service will notify the customer about the check.

Open the box and take the device in your hands: there must be a factory one on the front panel of the iPhone. protective film with perforated peel-off tab on the bottom edge of the film. The cardboard package always contains an envelope with a short color instruction of printing quality and two stickers of the Apple logo - a bitten apple. Moreover, all this is simply of impeccable quality: the colors are juicy, the edges are clear, the bending angles are sharp.

The organization and completeness of the iPhone delivery has remained unchanged from the very first generation: in the box under the envelope will lie: white headphones, white data cable and white Charger... Copying such things is quite simple, so pay attention to the little things that cannot be copied: all the cables are rolled up impeccably neatly and tied with transparent wide films. The headphone and cable wires are soft and slightly rubberized (all Chinese cables are plastic and hard). There must be no sharp corners, burrs or sagging on the plastic parts of the headphones and connectors.

Pick up your iPhone. The quality of the case, the fit of the panels and the build quality of the original iPhone are always absolutely impeccable - this is a monolithic device created with high-quality materials. IPhone case is not collapsible (back iPhone panel is not removable). At the first turning on the iPhone you will see the Apple logo, and then a prompt to activate the device. Doubt? Just run iTunes (downloadable from Apple's website) on your computer and connect your iPhone: iTunes will detect the iPhone and tell you about it.

The original iPhone display bright, the sound is clear, the photos are crystal clear, the menu is fully Russified. Genuine Apple smartphone has operating system iOS and nothing else. The system is updated via iTunes (see above).

The most frequent "bloopers" by which Chinese fakes are instantly identified:
- there is no iPhone with two SIM cards;
- there is no iPhone with a built-in stylus;
- there is no iPhone with an additional memory card slot;
- there is no iPhone with a retractable antenna for TV signal;
- on the original iPhone, the Home key is always concave inward, on 5s, 6 and 6+ touch id is active;
- the original iPhone is not "thoughtful": the menu has an instant response;

What is not a clear sign of a Chinese counterfeit:
1. Hieroglyphs on the packaging, as well as the inscription "Made in China": such markings can be used by original devices created at Apple factories in China, or intended for the Asian market. Since any original Apple smartphone has a Russian-language localization, regardless of the country where it is sold, such a device will not cause absolutely any trouble to the Russian buyer.

2. iPhone, which, when turned on, does not require an activation procedure: the seller may have activated this unit before selling, so as not to waste time during the transaction. The fact is that you cannot check an unactivated iPhone at the time of purchase - it will not allow you to make a test call until you go through the activation procedure. This procedure takes a minute, but requires an Internet connection, which is not always possible or convenient in terms of order delivery. To eliminate all doubts, simply connect the device to a computer running iTunes and Internet connection: iTunes will detect your iPhone, which will be proof of its originality.

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