
Generator of affiliate programs. Directory of partner programs. Cashback service Letyshops

More and more readers of our blog are interested in the opportunity to earn money on affiliate programs ah, not having a website. This question is very relevant, since he is of interest to many people who want to start working on the Internet.

We have already talked about where to find. Today we will tell you about 6 proven promotion methods used by many Internet entrepreneurs to make money on affiliate programs.

1. Social media - the first step to the first results

Social networks are visited by thousands of people every day, which makes it possible to promote various affiliate programs and regularly earn money on this. We will describe 4 proven methods used specifically on social media.

1.1 Postings in open groups.

This is perhaps the most common way to promote your referral link without attachments. The principle of operation is very simple:

  1. write several versions of the selling and catchy text in advance;
  2. insert your affiliate link into each of them;
  3. find groups on social networks where the wall or discussion is open to everyone;
  4. insert your text with an affiliate program.

Beware of account blocking, working through vk.com, use fake pages for postings.

There are plenty of open groups on Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook and other social networks, so the front of work is quite voluminous. However, doing these manually can take too much of your time. Come to the rescue automatic programs performing all these actions for you. In our course on making money on social networks, we talked about the many methods of automatic and manual promotion. Each of them has been tested and will help you achieve the desired result.

1.2 Selling through your group.

Creating your own group will only take a couple of minutes. Your main task is to constantly attract new subscribers and supply them useful information... When the number of live participants reaches at least 1000 people, you can already post your links and recommend partner goods or services to everyone. Developing a group is much easier than developing a website, so you shouldn't have any special difficulties here.

1.3 Direct sales.

You will be surprised, but direct sales through correspondence without communication by phone or skype can pay off well. One of our team members at the very beginning of his activity using this method earned 20-50 dollars a day! Agree that this is quite a good intermediate result for a beginner.

How do direct sales through correspondence on the Internet happen?

You start or buy yourself new page... The page must be FEMALE! As practice shows, beautiful girls are answered much more often. Potential customers pay attention to such pages and perceive such requests better, which makes it possible to make a sale faster and more profitably. Be sure to add as many photos as possible, join thematic communities and start looking for potential buyers in them.

For example, if you sell services of the "Look Freedom" team for the promotion or creation of sites, then your target audience here is commercial groups. These are online stores selling clothes, shoes, accessories, household appliances, computers, etc. You just contact the administrator and gently offer to use your services. It may seem too banal or simple to you, but many have managed to create a good business in this way.

An example from life.

For example, let's tell a story about a freelancer. One of our acquaintances, having hardly learned the basics of site building, decided to try his hand at practice. On remote work sites, he was looking for an opportunity to prove himself for a very long time, but he could not find a suitable project. Later he followed our advice and started looking for customers directly through social networks.

The operating principle was very simple. He created a page on behalf of an attractive girl and started browsing commercial groups. He did not immediately offer his services. First, I asked questions, found out on which sites the advertisement of this company is placed, how the delivery takes place, payment, and so on. And when the conversation at least partially touched the site, he wrote that he had a very good friend who could perfectly help with development.

Because he communicated on behalf of a beautiful and attractive girl, the administrators believed him and asked to leave the programmer's contacts. In response to this, he reset his real page and continued communication already as a performer.

The best part is that this method can be used to sell just about any product or service.

There are many similar examples. The main thing is to understand that in 30 minutes spent on Vkontakte, you will not immediately receive mountains of gold. It is necessary to regularly devote time to such a technique, and then the first results will not be long in coming.

1.4 Social media advertising.

Unlike the options described above, you will have to invest money here. The most correct decision in this situation would be to advertise your group, because it is more profitable to try to promote several affiliate programs at once than to spend your time and money on just one. Fill it with useful content, photos and videos and you can start creating an advertising campaign.

There are two quickest ways to get promoted on social media:

  • contextual advertising;
  • advertising in thematic publics.

This is a very effective way to attract targeted traffic, because people see your ad all the time, which increases the chance of clicking on it. In the future, we will tell you about the main principles of such a promotion, but for now let's move on to the next point.

Advertising in thematic groups is most often placed on the community wall. The customer pays for the placement of one or more posts for a certain period of time. This method is also very effective, but there are some rules to follow to ensure that your ad budget is not wasted:

  • check how active this group is... See how often news or new information is posted in it, how often it is shared with friends or commented on. The more active the group is, the more likely it is to attract high-quality traffic;
  • find out the number of "dead participants" via a dedicated app. This will help to identify the percentage of blocked or deleted users who do not take any part in the life of the community;
  • find out prices in other thematic publics and form an approximate ad budget for your topic. By analyzing the market, you can find not only a better offer, but also a more effective one.

2. Postings on thematic forums and blogs.

Immediately, we note that you should not take our advice for a call to SPAM. Accurate and competent work on forums or thematic blogs will also attract target audience... You should not immediately post your referral links or flashy text with a call to go to the site. Such methods are outdated for a long time, they annoy users and attract a lot of attention of moderators. Share your impressions of the product or service you are promoting, ask the opinion of other visitors, etc.

How much time do you spend on the forums? Your ranking is your key to success. Users are much more likely to trust more high-profile consultants than beginners. Non-intrusive advertising will create more trust and people will reach out to you.

3. Contextual advertising in Yandex and Google.

Not the cheapest, but one of the most effective ways to drive targeted traffic straight from search engines... For each click, money will be withdrawn from your account, so it is worth considering some peculiarities when using this method:

  • conversion of an affiliate site. When choosing a product or service, be sure to find out about its conversion, i.e. what is the ratio of purchases made to visits... How to count it and what will it mean? Everything is very simple. For example, 250 people followed your link per day, and there are only 9 closed deals. Then the conversion will be 3.6%: (9/250) * 100% = 3.6%. In many directories of affiliate programs, the conversion of the site is indicated, because this is the most important of the indicators characterizing the effectiveness of its work. A satisfactory value of a good conversion is 10%, including when setting up contextual advertising. However, with various methods of promotion (for example, with mass mailing of letters), you can earn good money even with 3-7%. It is from this point that the calculation of the relevance of setting up contextual advertising and investing money in its budget is taken;
  • payback, i.e. how much 1 deal pays for the budget spent on it. For example, to make a sale, your site must be visited 50 times. 1 transition (1 click) costs 10 cents. 50 clicks - $ 5, and the cost of an information product or service will cost $ 10-50. In this case, you can recoup the advertising budget several times;
  • correct setting. A well-tuned ad campaign lowers cost per click and helps increase conversions.

The budget here can also be taken for the number of impressions, however this way ineffective in promoting affiliate programs.

If you do not know how to customize contextual advertising, then contact a specialist of our team for help or you can try to do it yourself. The information on our website and a large number of lessons on the Internet will help you figure everything out.

Vasily Blinov is in touch. In this article I will tell you everything about affiliate programs, as well as give my list of affiliate programs, on which I already earn from 20 thousand rubles a month.

On my blog you can find a lot of useful material on various affiliate programs, how to work with them and earn money. Also you can take part in.

Now I can say with confidence that affiliate programs are one of the best ways to monetize your projects on the Internet and just make money without much investment. It is enough to properly maintain accounts on your social networks and you can already make money on the recommendations of partner products.

What is an affiliate program

Affiliate program (abbreviated as "affiliate program") Is a form of cooperation between you and the creators of a product or service. That is, you become an intermediary between the seller and the buyer, receiving a certain commission from each product ordered through you.

This form of cooperation was created in order to make it easier for the creators of the product to distribute it. You, as a partner, get the opportunity to sell their finished products for free without investing in production. You just take ready-made products, find buyers, attract them through special affiliate links and get good money for this in the form of percentages from sales.

Commissions are usually paid to various internet wallets such as Yandex Money, Web Money, etc. With some projects, it is possible to conclude an agreement on the payment of commissions directly to the current account ( bank card).

  • How affiliate programs work

After registering in the affiliate program, you will receive affiliate links that you will need to use for work. Your affiliate identifier is embedded in the links, with the help of which the person who followed the link is assigned to you using cookies.

Cookies are a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored in a browser on a user's computer. That is, the browser remembers the transition from the link to the site with your identifier. If a person makes a purchase within a certain time after clicking on the link, then you will be charged a commission.

  • Types of affiliate programs

There are 2 types of level partners - single-level and multi-level. Sibling Is when you only get commission on personal sales. They brought in a client and received the money. A multilevel- this is when, in addition to personal sales, you receive commissions from the sales of partners you attracted.

That is, in multi-level affiliate programs, you can not only sell a product, but also attract partners like you using your links and make a profit from their sales of products. This type of affiliate program resembles an MLM structure, when you earn money by building a network of your partners.

I recommend that you pay close attention to the choice of partner products, many companies began to build their earnings only on their partners. I use one-tier and two-tier affiliate programs. There are a few exceptions where a good quality product uses a 4-tier affiliate program.

I can also divide affiliate products into 2 types: a one-time payment product and a subscription fee product. That is, in the first case, you receive affiliate commissions only once from the attracted client and his purchase of goods, and in the second case, from the attracted client, you can receive commissions as much as he will use it and pay monthly subscription fees for the product or service.

List of the best affiliate programs of 2018

A little later, there will be a list of links to articles with a detailed description of each affiliate program that I use.

The rest are in the catalog of affiliate programs 2.0, which I am currently working on, at the moment I have collected more than 1,000 partners in a draft, which I am slowly studying and add the best ones to this catalog, breaking them down by categories and topics, so that everyone is comfortable using ...

If you also make money on affiliate programs and your affiliate topic is not information business, business on the Internet, earnings on the Internet, then you can write to me for cooperation and post a review article with your affiliate program on my blog.

Friends, write in the comments on what topics you are interested in affiliate programs. We will find quality projects for you.

We recently wrote how to make money on affiliate programs, we analyzed the technology and traffic channels, and today we will figure out how to choose an affiliate program to make money on the Internet, as well as I will give my list of affiliate programs that pay and with which I work myself.

The problem that newcomers “unexpectedly” face is that the advertising promises in the affiliate program do not correspond to what it gives and sometimes aggressive advertising can speak of the low quality of the affiliate program and a burnt out offer.

(Video tutorial) How to choose an affiliate program and what to look for

Watch the video to learn what to look for when choosing an affiliate program:

Checklist - 7 questions to ask the owner of the affiliate program before starting work

For adoption quick solution and entering the test, we ask the organizer of the affiliate program for specific numbers and ask 7 simple questions:

  1. Average profit per click, RUB - EPC
  2. Income per 1000 visitors, rubles - CPM of your advertising materials
  3. Examples of creatives and partner sites who are already making good money with you, plus your recommendations for placement and ad formats on the site
  4. Affiliate tag (cookie) lifetime
  5. What model do they use
    • fixed payment for clicks (lead generation)
    • fixed payment for registration
    • flat fee for approved registrations
    • percentage of sales
    • other
  6. Additional conditions for payments, if any (minimum threshold for payments, hold period, limited set of withdrawal methods, etc.)
  7. Banned advertising channels(spam in mailings, brand advertising, etc.)
  8. (desirable) What kind keywords give the maximum CPM (income per 1000 visitors)

Algorithm - how to find a super profitable affiliate program

In fact, even knowing the numbers does not guarantee income for you, much depends on the creatives, advertising channels, and your advertising budget. Your task is to find a profitable bundle - advertising channel + creative + affiliate program... And each of the components is important.

We use the following algorithm to work with all affiliate programs:

  1. All ideas and addresses of new affiliate programs are collected in a separate list - Backlog
  2. Collecting information on our checklist for affiliate programs for which we want to test
  3. We regularly launch 1-2 new affiliate programs for the test, as a result of which the first money comes - we have a passing bar for the affiliate program - from 20,000 rubles per test for 1000 clicks or more.
  4. At the same time, we control that there are no more than 4 partners on the test at the same time (one of the principles of the Kanban system)
  5. As a result of the test, good affiliate programs go to the following stage - warming up and the connection of massive paid traffic channels, and the bad ones go to the black list.
  6. An affiliate program that has surpassed the minimum level of income (we have 100,000 per month) goes into the “superstar” category and is working closely with it on all advertising channels (articles are written, traffic is purchased from contractors, new sites are created, a personal manager is allocated, which monitors traffic)

Where to get free and cheap traffic for an affiliate program test

My task is not to save money, but to see the real conversion figures as quickly as possible and either switch to another offer or continue with the current one.

Sometimes it is useful for beginners to test an affiliate program using the minimum of their money at the start. Conversion from free channels may be lower, but this will not prevent you from earning your first money.

An example of accounting for affiliate programs in podio with ROI and EPC data

When there are a lot of affiliate programs, The best way to understand which of them give money is to keep records of ROI and EPC for them. It is immediately clear where to put effort and time.

An example of a phased Kanban-view of a board with affiliate programs that move through the stages

Kanban system, great for working with affiliate programs, if you have not yet started using this ideology in typical tasks - try it, you will be very surprised at the appearance of order and understanding of what to do in the first place, and what is not worth spending your energy on

Frequent rakes that have to be systematically monitored

  1. Affiliate program moved to SCAM- ceases to pay commissions. It is easy to track, you should choose stable affiliate programs, at least stable organizers with a reputation (which may have several affiliate programs) One-day affiliates are not uncommon, but most of them merge already at the stage of collecting numbers or the first small test.
  2. Affiliate shave (shaves your income) - writes off some of the commissions in your favor, explaining this for various reasons - violation of the rules of the affiliate program, the use of prohibited channels, the organizer's birthday, etc. You can put up with this, but in fact, the EPC and ROI figures are important for you (how much money do you get for each ruble invested, if there is no profit - next
  3. The partner stops converting- the most common reason - technical failures, problems with the delivery of mailings in information partners, change of product or trainer. The solution is to constantly monitor income indicators - EPC and promptly request payments from the affiliate.

TDS - Systems of distribution (distribution) of traffic by offers

In the latter case, when the conversion subsides, TDS systems like Keitaro help well, which solve several problems at once and pay off almost in the first days of use:

5 reasons to use Keitaro type TDS traffic distribution systems:

  1. Show information on sales, expenses, ROI, EPC in one interface for all affiliate programs with which you work.
  2. Allows you to analyze traffic by many parameters, even if the affiliate program itself does not have such an opportunity
  3. Go through moderation in Direct and VKontakte- bind an unlocked domain, disguise the main page of the affiliate program, which moderators do not miss
  4. Test several offers at the same time, distributing traffic evenly over several typical offers in different affiliate networks. This will allow you to choose the best offer for work and further warm-up.
  5. Will switch to automatic mode to another offer if suddenly the page became unavailable and gives a 404 error

For more options and use cases, see in the official TDS help... I recommend the same register, go to the demo room and feel everything yourself.

Accrued vs paid (anti-case on affiliate program)

In one of the “promising” affiliate programs, we leaked paid traffic (about 2,000 clicks, about 20 thousand rubles) and got sales worth about 50,000 rubles. In general, the numbers are excellent - 25 rubles per click makes it possible to understand that you can buy paid advertising in bulk in Yandex.Direct and other channels and make money on the difference.

But! for half a year, we have not been able to receive the accrued commission from the affiliate program, and the payments on it. It happens too, SCAM!

My main condition when choosing an affiliate program

The project must be official, "white" and honest in relation to users... Do not mess with affiliate programs that mislead people, pull money through deception and paid subscriptions... Work white and make the world a better place.

Well, the opposite criterion, it is not worth looking for ways to manipulate traffic and deceive the organizer of the affiliate program for the sake of quick profit If there are explicit prohibitions on the use of any advertising channels or creatives, do not violate them, build long-term trusting relationships with partners.

Unfortunately, many affiliate marketers ignore this criterion and heartily “teach” advertisers if they suddenly forgot to indicate something in the terms of payments. This results in a loss of money. If you are planning to use a gray scheme, it is better to check with the organizer how he relates to this than to be offended by the fact that you are being shaved (see the list of questions to your partner above).

2 examples of affiliate offers - good and bad

We placed a well-known affiliate program on one of our sites and transmitted 866 clicks on it in two weeks. Profit from one click was only 2 rubles... This is much less than income from Adsense and other affiliate programs, and the main conclusion is that such an affiliate program goes into the archive, and it will also become an anti-case for making money on one of our projects.

And here is an example of a good affiliate program that is practically with the same number of clicks gives from 25 to 42 rubles for a clicks:

Count two metrics - EPC and CPM

  • EPC - average income per click on an affiliate link(a fairly simple value for calculating), if the owner of the affiliate program does not know it yet, then it is too early for him to recruit new partners.
  • CPM - income in rubles per 1000 impressions (for example, from banners, from posts in public pages) - it is useful to count for ad units on the site as it is immediately clear what is more profitable to place at the end of articles, what is in the middle, and what is in the sidebar (affiliate programs do not always work better than ad units from Direct or Adsense)

Even if there is no calculated profit from each click, it is worth finding out the amount of conversion and income from each application / sale - this is how you can calculate your EPC and understand the cost of a click to buy advertising.

In other words, you need to estimate how much money you will earn if you bring 1000 visitors to your referral link and just bring them.

Spill at least 1000, optimally 2000 - 3000 clicks for the test, with lower traffic volumes you will not be able to decide whether to work with an affiliate or not.

How much can you earn on affiliate programs

For your best affiliate programs, try to reach daily volumes of 100 to 500 clicks per day, then your income will be tangible.

List of affiliate programs that pay

We have selected for you several affiliate programs with which we work ourselves on our sites, which have an envelope and which is important affiliate program is paid every day:

  • « How to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies"- top affiliate program. Pays 25-30% from each sale, and we give the most active partners valuable prizes: 1 BITKOIN (about 150,000 rubles), iPhone 7 32 GB, etc. income. This affiliate program compares favorably with competitors in all key indicators:
    • excellent conversion at the level of 16-20%
    • low competition, which means cheap traffic
    • excellent commission at the level of 25-30% on the sale of expensive goods and 10% on each sale of the partner you have attracted the very next day of the project
    • a series of pressurizing letters has been set up + the call-center calls all clients - the user is remembered that this is “your” client.

An ideal option to start making money on affiliate programs. The unusually generous offer was made possible by the boom in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

  • Affiliate program "How to buy a house without money and earn 137,000 per month on it" is the most profitable affiliate program that is perfect for a start. Target audience - people looking for business ideas related to real estate and rental business. It has been working for many years, pays stable, sales every week at webinars. Plus, immediately after subscribing, there is an inexpensive product that pays off some of the traffic and allows you to quickly evaluate a new advertising channel.
  • Affiliate program "Fast-growing business on sublease"- the course allows you to earn even with a minimum investment at the start of up to 100,000 rubles and at the same time it is easy to reach an income level of 100,000 per month on sublease of apartments. The author himself owns a network of 50 apartments. Sales every week on webinars
  • Money Management Affiliate Program- a free book for a wide (!) audience on the topic - secrets of the rich that are not written about in books... Lots of cheap traffic. After the subscription, a long series of letters was built with the sale of a paid information product
  • Affiliate program " Stable income on message boards»- Affiliate program of the course, which is sold on our website. An excellent strat scheme for those new to the internet. Allows you to quickly make money on the Internet from scratch.

Where to get training on making money on affiliate programs

If you have any questions about making money on affiliate programs, ask our expert on affiliate programs in a personal message on VKontakte (add to friends).

Here's an example frequently asked questions(you can use), which it replies to regularly:

free marathon

A marathon in which 🔥 you will create passive income in live from scratch and learn specific strategies for investing in apartments, houses, garages, cars and even profitable sites

To begin

Evgeny Malyar


# Business on affiliate programs

The best affiliate programs for making money

Which affiliate pays $ 100 for 500 leads? Find out from the rating of the best affiliate programs of the Russian Internet.

Navigating the article

  • Overall rating
  • What are good affiliate programs for a newbie webmaster?
  • Dr.Cash
  • Bintrader
  • Vsemayki.ru
  • EPN
  • Top 10 affiliate programs with a large number of offers
  • Information products affiliate programs catalog
  • How to reduce the cost of promoting affiliate links
  • conclusions

Tops of the best affiliates are compiled annually, and every time this task is not easy. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of each direction, the most important general evaluation criteria, the opinion of the community and other factors indicating more or less success. In a long series, you need to find programs that have the least negative reviews and the most positive ones.

  • A high proportion of remuneration in the selling price. According to this criterion, the leading positions are occupied by affiliate networks specializing in the promotion of information products, since there is no product in the physical sense as such, and there are no fewer programs, games, video courses and applications, no matter how many of them you sell;
  • Good program support. The better, the more correct and the more cultured it works Feedback, the more attractive the program is for its participants;
  • The advantages of the training system. Inexperienced people often want to make money through affiliate promotion, and at first they spend a lot of time and effort mastering knowledge and skills. If the program helps in this process, then it usually wins;
  • Keeping track of the latest trends and constant software updates;
  • Comfortable ergonomic interface;
  • The richness and effectiveness of auxiliary tools;
  • Transparency, comprehensibility and fairness of the accrual system;
  • Convenience of withdrawing earned funds;
  • High-quality and frequently updated offers (prepared commercial offers containing affiliate links);
  • Decent landing pages (advertising platforms).

There are probably other advantages that are highly valued by users, but most often the choice of one or another partner service is determined by the ability to make good money with a minimum number of distractions and factors that hinder the work process. In the programs themselves, there is also an awareness of the importance of these goals, as well as the desire to achieve them. In the course of continuous improvement, there are leaders.

Overall rating

Affiliate programRewardAttendance (per month), millionMinimum payout amount, rub.Number of offers
21 300 1087
Fixed payout per lead1,85 2000 2000
% of sales and fixed payments for a lead5 15 45
25% of the exchange commission2,3 100 1
50-60% of the broker's profit1,5 650 1
% of sales and fixed payments for a lead0,9 1000 153
% of sales and fixed payments for a lead0,12 2000 1130
% of sales and fixed payments for a lead0,25 650 1
% of sales and fixed payments for a lead0,07 5 305
20% of the exchange commission9 500 1
15% of sales5,5 3250 1
Fixed payout per lead1 1000 803
20% of bookmaker's profit3,6 100 1
30% of sales0,1 0 42
% of sales and fixed payments for a lead0.38 1500 267

What are good affiliate programs for a newbie webmaster?

Perhaps those who start their journey in teaser-banner promotion of goods and services on the Internet would rather be interested in the list of the most profitable affiliate programs for making money without a website.

This section will consider programs that are most attractive not only for the creators and owners of their own resources, but also for partners without a website. The main source of income in this case is traffic arbitrage. Webmasters are capable of earning very serious money, provided they make a good choice of affiliate programs. The recognized as the most profitable ones are listed below.

Arbitrazh is provided with effective tools in the form of a wide selection of updated offers. This is important because advertising an outdated product or using the same promotional materials can quickly degrade campaign performance. Relevance, including seasonal relevance, is of particular importance. In addition, working with CPAseti guarantees good and timely payments for placed offers plus bonuses (additional income is never superfluous). The reviews about the technical support of this program are the most laudatory.

Go to cpaseti.com


The affiliate program offers exclusive offers on the topic of health and beauty. Suitable for both beginners and experienced affiliates - products in this category are always in high demand.

Benefits of working with an affiliate program:

  • copyright offers that are absent in other CPA networks;
  • instant payments (2 times a day);
  • high approval rate (30–40%);
  • all comers are provided with creative landing pages with offers worth 1 RUB free of charge;
  • on the site and in the VK group cases published, with the help of which affiliates have already earned more than 3.5 million rubles.

You can work with Russian and foreign traffic. There are three ways to withdraw money, the support service is round the clock. It is also worth noting the approval guarantee provided by the affiliate program for its new offers.

Go to dr.cash


The affiliate specializes in the promotion of binary options. It can be difficult for novice webmasters to work with the financial market, especially for those who do not have special knowledge, but the conditions offered by Bintrader stimulate the desire to understand and get it. The program is simple, and most importantly, profitable.

For every first deposit over $ 300, the webmaster is paid $ 200. He also gets 30% of the profit of the clients he attracted, and for subsequent top-ups for more than $ 150 another hundred. There are other very attractive conditions: technical support at the level, payments are made without delay. Bintrader is considered to be an unusual and amazing affiliate program.

Go to bintrader.com

In this affiliate program, the main emphasis is on cashback as applied to merchandise e-commerce with an emphasis on social networks. For each lead (referred client, from English to lead) 15 rubles plus 75% of the profit of the cashback service are supposed. Payouts are stable, technical support is hassle-free.

Go to letyshops.com


The program focused on the promotion of online stores offering printing images on T-shirts was included in the category of the best. Conditions for a webmaster are good - for each copy decorated with an original design drawing, a quarter of the selling price is due. However, the artists who create these masterpieces can set their own prices, choosing their own sales strategy - on turnover or cost.

The affiliate program belongs to the category of narrowly focused, but this gives rise to no less opportunities for earning: participants have many effective tools at their disposal. The site Vsemayki.ru gained its place in the top thanks to its impeccable reputation. It is loyal to all aspects of the business - webmasters and designers can earn money on it, and buyers are satisfied with the designer T-shirts purchased at a reasonable price.

Go to vsemayki.ru


Specializes in working with AliExpress. Due to the dominance of the source of goods in the Russian market, the partnership with this program is very attractive. What and whoever buys on "Ali" after clicking on the link, the participant will receive his 7-15% of the paid money. Cashback is widely used.

In a special row are clickunder affiliates, that is, programs that use a rather annoying means of promotion in the form of literally forced transfer of the user to the landing site after clicking the mouse anywhere on the screen. Partners, of course, receive up to 1.5 rubles. per click, but the effectiveness of such a "binding" raises some doubts, but the effect of irritation is almost guaranteed.

However, whether to choose such a tool or not is a personal matter for each resource administrator.

Go to epn.bz

Top 10 affiliate programs with a large number of offers

Webmasters and owners of Internet resources do not always become partners. A newcomer to the Internet community is more likely to feel a desire to earn income without investing his own funds and efforts. Based on these aspirations, it makes sense to compile a list of the most profitable partners, that is, those on which the efforts spent, other things being equal, bring the greatest income. The rating of the best programs in this aspect is as follows:

SellAction. The affiliate aggregator is famous for a huge number of offers and convenient internal functionality. A bonus system is provided: 500 leads determine an additional payment of a bonus in the amount of one hundred dollars.

7offers.ru. The almost symbolic lower threshold for withdrawn funds (5 rubles) is captivating. There are many offers and they are good. Offers of goods and information products (mainly games) are combined, which expands the opportunities for earning. An excellent affiliate program for beginners, but many stay on it after getting the first experience. The auxiliary programs are constantly updated. There are mobile offers with motivated traffic.

Mixmarket. The number of offers is under three hundred, they are mainly represented by offers of online stores and services for the sale of goods with postal delivery... The choice is good. Withdrawal from 50 rubles.

Ad1. On this affiliate program (one of the oldest), you can withdraw earnings if it is at least 800 rubles, but in this case it is not this that is important, but the possibility of earning income. The aggregator contains more than a thousand programs, a huge selection of products and other attractive factors. Since there are enough people willing to work with Ad1, there is a rule according to which newbies need permission to add an offer after determining the participant's preparedness. However, failures are extremely rare. There are offers for motivated traffic. More about the affiliate program.

Actionpay. The brand is not well known, but enjoys a good reputation among the partnerships professionals for its loyalty to its members, excellent support, a large number of programs available and high level internal analytics.

Admitad. Perhaps the most famous affiliate network in the CIS. More than 1000 offers, high payouts, prompt support service. The toolkit and functionality of the Admitad website is so large that it is worth familiarizing yourself with it.

M1-shop. An affiliate program is suitable for mobile traffic... Amounts from a thousand rubles are displayed. The program is considered one of the best aggregators for selling Chinese goods. The ability to offer anything on low prices attracts many, since the size of the margin is set by the participants speculatively based on market conditions. Important advantages are objectively considered: own call center, which sells with a high percentage of approval, and a public on the social network VKontakte. Details about the network.

Glopart. It positions itself as a powerful resource in the field of learning the intricacies of online commerce, but the main real advantage of an affiliate network is not this. The service sells well information products, and the size of the deductions is also pleasing. If we add to this the high efficiency of support, then it becomes clear why Glopart takes its place in the top ten.

ApiShops. A pronounced product affiliate network focused on Chinese sources of supply and provided with thousands of positions on a wide variety of topics. For both landing pages and offers, the choice is very large, and editing is possible, which is expedient in the opinion of the participant. There is a rare option for setting goals. Good level analysts.

As for the specific place of each affiliate in the top list, opinions may differ, since the preferences of the participants are based on individual criteria. In any case, nothing is perfect.

Information products affiliate programs catalog

The concept of an information product is quite broad: it includes various computer programs, games, training courses and other objects of intellectual property.

The main feature of this specific market sector is that the sale does not lead to additional expenditure of resources, since the buyer simply buys a license to use this or that intangible asset, for which he pays money.

In this regard, affiliate networks focused on promoting information products have the ability to set rewards in a much wider range than those that specialize in ordinary "physical" goods. For the most part, they are program aggregators, thereby achieving the maximum coverage of the assortment. There are many of them, but among the most famous in Russia, the following are most often mentioned:

  • Aggregator QwertyPAY;
  • Glopart aggregator;
  • Aggregator Peter I;
  • Infobusinessman Evgeny Popov's affiliate program promoting his courses;
  • Info-DVD. Publishing affiliate program.

How to reduce the cost of promoting affiliate links

If you are planning to make money on affiliate programs using contextual advertising, you should pay attention to tools that will help you save on advertising in Google adwords and Yandex Direct. The most profitable service in this regard is the click.ru service. The tool is designed for PPC managers and affiliates who drive traffic from AdSense or YAN to CPA.

Thanks to the work in this system, all users of Google AdWords and Yandex Direct have the opportunity to receive cashback in the amount of up to 8% from the budget of each advertising campaign. To date, no other analogue makes such payments.

Algorithm for calculating cashback:

Click helps advertising agencies, contextologists and affiliates to significantly save the budget of advertising campaigns in two ways:

  • reduce advertising costs by 8, 4 or 1% (depending on turnover);
  • get a refund of part of the money (again, from 1 to 8 percent).

Cashback is credited even for campaigns with a budget of 1000 rubles.

Among the many features of the Click service, one should highlight:

  1. Nice site interface;
  2. Quick withdrawal of money, cashback is charged daily;
  3. The ability to quickly transfer advertising campaigns from Google AdWords to Yandex Direct (and vice versa);
  4. Tools for automating the processes of creating accounts in AdWords and Direct;
  5. Operational technical support service and clear instructions on the site.

Learn more


It is difficult to navigate the variety of offered partner networks and programs, but specifying the search criteria greatly simplifies the task. The participant chooses the most suitable resource based on his own ideas about which product (product or service) is preferable for him to promote. The popularity of the affiliate program, its presence in the top list in the required category and long-term operation in the market testifies to its viability and acceptability of the terms of cooperation. It remains only to choose the right one.

Our top 100 "Best Affiliate Programs" rating is designed to make it easier to find the affiliate programs or services you need for your website. Here you will find the most suitable resources for you, which are sorted according to the data on ratings, clicks on links or by the date they were added to our catalog. We hope that our top 100 ranking will help you get the maximum income from your site or earn more without a site by promoting your products and services in advertising networks, or products participating in any affiliate program. I wish you success!

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Google Adsense - earnings on contextual advertising

Google Adsense delivers ads that are either relevant to your site's topic or the interests of users. Those. if a visitor to your site has previously used google search or visited the sites of other Google partners, the system remembers this data and displays the most relevant ads on your site. This approach makes advertising much more effective and allows partners to earn more. You get rewarded for clicks and impressions. CPC prices can vary significantly. It depends on the topic of the site, the prices of advertisers and other factors. AdSense constantly checks the content of the pages with the ads of the system and if a violation of the Adsense rules is found, the site may be disconnected from further participation in the system until the violation is corrected. In case of gross violations, the entire account may be blocked without payment. Payments are made automatically monthly at the end of the current month for the previous one. The minimum payout is $ 100. Using payment system Rapida can be configured to automatically pay out to your WebMoney wallet or to other electronic wallets. You can also withdraw the earned money to a bank account by transferring in dollars via SWIFT.

Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) - Earnings on the site using contextual advertising

The Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) allows site owners to have a good income from advertising. In addition to contextual ads, which depend on the content of the pages of your site, ads based on the interests of the user can also be displayed. Those. the search queries made by the user in the Yandex system are taken into account, as well as the topics of the pages of the sites of other YAN partners, which were previously visited by a visitor to your site. Money is credited for each click on the ad, but the price can vary significantly. It depends on your site's theme, advertiser prices, and other factors. We accept sites with traffic of 500 visitors per day. Every site is rigorously tested. To start working with YAN, you will need to conclude an agreement. The Yandex Advertising Network pays all taxes on its own. Personal income tax - 13 percent is withheld from your profit when paid. The rest of the taxes (to the pension fund, etc.) are paid from the profit of the YAN. The payment is made automatically once a month to your bank account or to the YandexMoney system wallet. The minimum payment amount is 3000 rubles.

Advertur - earnings on the site using RTB advertising

With the Advertur affiliate program, you can earn money on your website by placing RTB ads - banners with pay-per-impressions and clicks. RTB (Real Time Bidding), i.e. real-time bargaining is a relatively new advertising technology, the essence of which is that the banner and the price of its placement are determined in a real-time auction with the participation of many large ad networks. This takes into account all available data about the visitor to your site (time, data on retargeting, etc.). Thus, the system automatically selects the most relevant and expensive advertisements for each user, which provides you with a higher income than when placing advertisements on only one ad network. All the most popular banner formats are available: 728x90, 240x400, 300x250, 468x60 and 160x600, plus InPage video banner, mobile banner, pop-up banner, and image banner. You can also use your own placeholders in case the system does not find a suitable ad for your site. As a stub, you can use either a simple banner or ads from another advertising network, for example, Yandex.Direct or Google AdSense blocks. Earned funds are paid once a month, during the first five working days of the month through the Webmoney system (WMR, WMZ), Yandex.Money, QIWI wallets and ePayService. It is possible to set up an automatic payout order and a minimum withdrawal amount.

Recreativ - a commodity advertising network in teaser format

Recreativ is a merchandise ad network in teaser format. Each ad contains an image, description and price of the product. We accept sites with more than 500 unique visitors per day. We purchase any traffic if the site complies with the rules of the system. The bid per click is determined by the subject of the ad material, the quality of site traffic, country and advertisers' bids. Payment of remuneration is made through the WebMoney (WMZ) system in automatic mode twice a month, usually on the 14th and last day of the month. The minimum withdrawal amount is 20 USD.

Advertise - CPA network of pay-per-action affiliate programs

Advertise is a CPA affiliate program (pay per action). Partners can be both webmasters who place advertisements on their websites, as well as ordinary users who can advertise connected offers through social networks, contextual advertising, teaser and banner networks, as well as using other traffic sources acceptable for a particular advertiser. Partners receive a reward when the users they refer to perform certain actions: registering in the game, filling out a questionnaire, purchasing a product, installing and launching mobile app on iOS or Android and others. Payments are made through the Webmoney system (from 300 rubles or 10 dollars), Yandex.Money (from 100 rubles), PayPal (from 100 rubles or 10 dollars), Rapida (from 100 rubles), QIWI (from 100 rubles), MasterCard / Visa (from 1000 rubles / 100 dollars), as well as via bank transfer (from 1000 rubles). The regularity of payments is configured in personal account and depends on the chosen payment method (daily, weekly, 2 times a month and 1 time a month).

Teaser affiliate program - VisitWeb

VisitWeb is a pay-per-click affiliate program. Ad formats: Teaser ads, Mobile Blind, Lite Blind, ClickUnder, Embed, Messenger, Slider, Direct link. Advertisers create ad campaigns and set cost per click. Webmasters place the code of the blocks and make money on the traffic of their site. Advertisements are selected based on click-through rates and cost per click. Sites of any subject with traffic of at least 50 unique users per day and if there are Liveinternet or Yandex.Metrika statistics on the site are allowed to participate. Payments are made once a day, with the exception of weekends and holidays in the Russian Federation, upon request, at Webmoney wallet(WMR, WMZ), QIWI, epayments or to a bank card. There is no minimum payout amount. The payment can be ordered in your personal account. It is also possible to set up an automatic payment, which will be made 14 days after the last payment and upon reaching a minimum of 100 rubles.

TeaserNet - Teaser Pay Per Click Advertising Network

TeaserNet ad network is a pay-per-click ad. Consistently the best income from 1000 impressions. A wide range of options for editing the appearance of ads. Ability to choose which ads to show. Weekly payments to Webmoney and Yandex.Money

Admitad - Affiliate Program Network (CPA)

Admitad is a network of affiliate programs based on the CPA model, i.e. payment for actions. You will be posting promotional materials on your websites, social networks, advertising services, etc. Users who follow your links to the advertised site are assigned to you. A reward is charged for each targeted action (registration, application, purchase) that the user referred by you will perform. The Admitad catalog contains a huge number of partner programs for online stores, banks, online games and other services. An advanced statistics system and unique analytical tools of the Admitad system will allow you to track effective traffic channels and increase conversion and earnings. Withdrawal of earned funds is carried out by prior request and are made through WebMoney, PayPal or to a bank account. The minimum withdrawal amount is: 300.00 rubles or 20 dollars.

Travelpayouts - monetization of tourist traffic (flights, hotels, etc.)

Travelpayouts is an affiliate program of a service for booking hotels, selling air tickets and other travel services. You will receive from 50 to 70 percent of the income received by the service from agencies and airlines. This income depends on the cost of the ticket and the agency from which the user buys the ticket. On average, you will earn 1.1-1.5 percent of the airfare and 3-4 percent of the cost of your hotel reservation. The service visitor attracted by your affiliate link is remembered for 30 days (Cookie). Payments to partners are made automatically once a month through: Webmoney, Ya.Dengi, Epayments, current account of a Russian legal entity, SWIFT or Paypal. The minimum payment amount is from 500 rubles.

GoGetLinks - Link exchange

A unique system for posting paid reviews with links to quality sites. Reviews are posted on an ongoing basis.

LadyCash - Teaser network for women's websites

The ad network operates in a teaser format and unites only high-quality sites, which allows maintaining a high cost of clicks and ensures advertisers' trust in the network. The main advantages of the system: The minimum cost of the transition is 1 ruble. Convenient ad block builder. High CTR on ad network teasers. Payments in WMR once a week or upon request. The minimum payment amount is 16 rubles. Individual approach and support for webmasters.

Teaser affiliate program AdHub

Teaser Affiliate AdHub - Earn money on your sites by placing Pay-Per-Click (PPC) ads. Cost per click - from 0.40 rubles. and more. Flexible settings for displaying ads - you yourself choose which ad to show and which not. Convenient ad builder that allows you to customize appearance ad units for website design. Detailed statistics online. Payments to WebMoney 2 times a month. The minimum payment amount is 100 rubles.

Playbuy Agency - An ad network with effective ad formats for mobile sites

Profitable monetization of mobile sites with a stable 100% redemption. The main ad format is a banner fixed at the bottom of the browser window with a close button, which meets the requirements of the Coalition for Better Ads. This format is great for mobile versions sites and brings the highest income, while not breaking the rules of the main search engines and browsers with low-quality ad blockers. Automatic weekly payments to a wallet in the Yandex.Money system, as well as WebMoney, ePayments or to a bank card.

Where is Elephant - The Best Commodity Affiliate Network

Affiliate network "Where is the Elephant?" - earnings on affiliate programs of online stores! Hundreds of thousands of products! The ability to upload products via XML feeds allows you to create your own affiliate store or price comparison site. Deep links are a quick way to get an affiliate link to any page of an advertiser's website. Affiliate links can be placed both on your own sites, and you can buy traffic in Google AdWords, Yandex.Direct, Vkontakte, Facebook or some other service. Many online stores also provide ready-made promotional materials, banners and discount coupons. Withdrawal of earned funds from 500 rubles is carried out by application for Webmoney, bank card, Yandex.Money, QIWI or Payoneer cards.

Photoshop-Master - an affiliate network for the sale of video courses

Affiliate program for the sale of video courses on photoshop, photo and video shooting, photo and video processing. Your commission for each order attracted by you ranges from 30 to 45 percent, depending on the number of sales. Payments 2 times a month to Webmoney, PayPal, cashless payments for legal entities RF.

If you have a link to the website of an affiliate program, domain registrar, hosting provider or a link to a website promotion service that is not on our resource, then you can add it to our database using the form for adding new partners.

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