
Can be sent by email. How to send files by email and how convenient it is. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Cloud Storage

Email is still one of the main ways of communicating on the Internet. E-mail is especially often used to send text documents, which are rarely large.

But, sometimes it becomes necessary to send a video, music or other large file by mail. In such situations, users usually face the limitations of the mail service. In most cases, the file exceeds maximum size and is not sent.

If you also encountered a similar problem, then our article should help you. Here's how to send a large file by mail.

Method number 1. Divide the file into parts.

If you need to send a large file via e-mail, then you can split it into parts and send each part in a separate letter. This way, you can bypass the maximum file size limit.

In order to split a file into parts, you need any archiver. For example, you can download and install the free 7-zip archiver. After installing the archiver, right-click on the file that you want to send by mail and select "7zip - Add to archive".

After that, you will see a window with archiving settings. There is no need to be intimidated by such a large window with a bunch of settings. Everything is quite simple here. In order for the resulting archive to be able to open without problems on any computer, you need to select "Archive format - zip". In addition, you need to indicate what size parts you want to split the resulting archive. To do this, you need to specify the required file size under the line "Split into volumes". The file size must be specified in bytes. In this case, you can specify "10M", this will mean that you want to split the archive into parts of 10 megabytes in size.

After zipping, you will receive several files with the size you specified earlier. Now each of these files can be sent by mail in a separate letter. And in order to unpack this archive and get the original file again, the recipient only needs to download all parts of the archive to his computer and open the file with the number 001.

Method number 2. Upload the file to the cloud storage.

Another way to send large files by mail is cloud file storage. Cloud file storage is online services that allow the user to store their files online. Files uploaded to such storage become available from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet.

The most popular cloud file storage services at the moment are DropBox, Google Disk, OneDrive, and Yandex.Disk. In this article, using the DropBox service as an example, we will demonstrate how you can use cloud storage to send large files by email.

In the modern electronic world, where letters on paper and parcels in cardboard boxes are out of fashion, the question of how to send large files by mail remains relevant. Even though computer technology advances very quickly, transferring large volumes is sometimes difficult. Although email has some disadvantages, it transfers data much faster.

Modern restrictions on the size of the transferred materials do not make it possible to send more than 25 MB of information in one file. Therefore, before sending large files by mail, read some of the nuances that will help you simplify this process.

First way: you can send files in parts. For this, the necessary data should be archived. However, this method may seem too long. For archiving, you can use any standard program (WinRAR, WinZip). In the process of splitting a file, you will have to specify certain settings: the size of the parts, where they are saved.

Before sending large files by mail, you need to know how to split the archive into parts. The best way to do this is with a program. Total commander... Subsequently, the sent data on another computer is collected again into one file. First, select the folder in which the split archive will be stored. Now on the top panel, look for the word "File", and then "Split files ...". By clicking on this command, you will see how the process of splitting the archive will begin in the window.

Can send a file big size and in another way. To do this, the data must be uploaded to any service or file hosting service and a link to them must be obtained. First you need to find a site where you could upload information and get access to it. Moreover, on such services it is not necessary to pay for the downloaded data. At the same time, you do not need to register on the exchanger. After downloading, you will receive a link to your file, which you can send by mail.

However, the second transmission method also has its drawbacks. For example, on a file hosting service, you need to wait a while and enter a captcha in order to download a file. Moreover, on these sites you can always find a huge amount of already annoying advertising, and it is not always of decent content.

Before the size, it is advisable to learn about other services on which you can store your data. These are the so-called "cloud storage". The most popular and frequently used service is Google Drive. They work on the same principle as file sharing, only they are more convenient to use, and their interface is much more pleasant. Moreover, there is no advertising here. The only drawback of such a system is that it requires registration.

Now you know how to send large files by mail. The presented methods are very simple, straightforward and convenient. So now you can easily transfer any amount of data from the comfort of your home. Good luck to you!

You can send documents, photos and images, audio and video files, web pages, and other types of files in an email. At any time when writing a letter, you can attach up to 100 files to the letter, the size of each of which is up to 2 GB.

Attach a file from your computer

  1. Click "Attach File".
  2. Select the file that you want to attach to the letter.
  3. Click "Open".

To select multiple files for upload at once, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on the files.

To delete

Attach file from mailbox

In addition to files from your computer, you can attach to the letter those files that are already in your mailbox. For this:

  1. Click "From Mail".
  2. Click "Attach".

To delete an attached file, click the icon.

It is forbidden to send files with the * .scr extension.These files may contain malicious code that damages your mail and computer.

Attach a file from the Cloud

You can attach any file stored in your Cloud to an email. For this:

  1. Click "From the Cloud".
  2. Select files by highlighting them with checkmarks.
  3. Click "Attach".

To delete an attached file, click the icon.

Sending heavy files

When you send files larger than 25 MB, they are uploaded to the cloud and sent to the recipient as a link. Such files are marked with the icon and have a certain storage period - 180 days from the date of placement.

When you attach several files to an email, Mail calculates their weight. Some files with a total size of up to 25 MB are attached to the message itself - they are stored in Mail while the message is stored. The rest of the files that are not included in this limit are uploaded to the cloud, marked with an icon and come in the form of a link. They have a limited shelf life of 180 days.

After 180 days, the file will be permanently deleted from our servers. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to restore it even with the help of the support service.

If you want to prevent heavy files from being deleted after 180 days, and ... Files are stored in the Cloud until you delete them yourself.

Do you remember how in the good old song you sing "A letter in an envelope wait a minute - don't tear ..."? Many in response will immediately say: “So this is when it was? Now, after all, the mail is e-mail! " Of course it is. Actually, it is impossible to "break" or perform any other physical actions on a virtual message. But these are just nuances. E-mail, like its older brother, Postal office, regularly delivers “news” to addressees to all parts of the world - funny, sad, thoughtful, interesting and, of course, romantic.

Still, it's a sin not to use such technology, you must agree! Only, of course, if there is no manic obsession with writing the addressee of the letter exclusively ballpoint pen and certainly a small handwriting. Although nowadays there are only a few of them.

So, dear reader, this article will help you send an e-mail on popular services on the Web - Gmail, Yandex and Mail.ru.Also, you will learn from it how you can send an anonymous letter and send a document directly to text editor Word.

How to send a letter correctly?

To send e-mail, regardless of the selected service, you need to perform almost the same set of actions. Yes, and don't forget! You must have a registered account on the mail site. If not, check out our website for tutorials on how to create an e-mail. This procedure is easy and simple.



1. On the profile page, on the left upper corner, click the red Write button.

2. On the first line of the form, type the recipient's mailbox address. Also you can select a user from address book(list of saved addresses) by clicking the word "To".

3. On the second line, sign the letter: enter your name or initials so that the recipient will immediately understand who the online message came from.

If you want to attach a statement or any document stored on Google to the text. Drive, click its icon in the bottom panel, go to the repository and select the required file. But if, for example, you need to upload scanned text to PDF format from the computer, then click the "paper clip".

You can also edit the text of the message, give it beautiful view(An important point! Especially if you are sending a commercial offer with a link or an archive!). To perform this procedure, press the "A" button (the very first in the panel, on the left). And then in the additional block select the required function - "bold, italic", "font setting", "create a list", etc.

to write an answer

When a letter, archive, application or any other document is received and you urgently need to send a response to the addressee, click once with the left button under the text of the message in the field "Click here ..." and fill out the form as described above.

You can also send electronic "news" to Gmail with Checker Plus for Gmail - an add-on designed to monitor incoming mail. This is done like this:

1. Click the checker icon in the browser.

2. In the panel that opens, click the "pencil" button.

3. Fill in the fields of the opened form for sending.



1. In the Yandex.Mail profile, in the row of buttons above the list of messages, click "Write".

2. In the "To" line, type the recipient's e-mail; in the "Subject" line, you can create a letter header.

3. Type the text and, if necessary, edit it using the functional panel above the field (font, color, alignment, emoticons).

Advice! If you make a typing mistake, click the left arrow button to cancel the operation.

4. To send an archive, video or audio file stored on your PC with a letter, click the "Attach" button and download the required content. To download data from Yandex.Disk storage, click the Flying Saucer icon next to the same button.

5. When everything is ready, click "Submit" (you can click any of the buttons - at the top and bottom of the form).

to write an answer

Click the field under the received message, and the display will immediately open a form with the specified addressee (the author of the letter).

The Yandex browser extension for reading letters has exactly the same "Write" button as in the profile on the site. Click it and enter all the necessary data: recipient's address, message and, if necessary, upload files. And if you have a question "Why is the message not being sent?"



1. Go to the "Mail" section.

2. Click "Write a letter" (the button located above the correspondence sections).

3. Fill in the "To" (recipient's e-mail) and "Subject" (message header) fields.

4. Type the letter, edit it using the function panel located above the field.

To send a file (for example, a scanned report), click the "Attach" option to download data from a PC or the "Cloud" icon to provide a link to documents located in remote storage Mail.ru.

5. Click Submit.

to write an answer

To quickly send a response to a received message, click the "Reply" button above its text. Then fill out the form as described above.

Click the Mail.ru addon icon. In the list, click the letter to which you want to respond. In the tab that opens, use the "Send" option.

How to send a text document in Word editor?

This operation can be performed only if your computer has mail client(e.g. Thunderbird, eM Client, Windows Live Mail, etc.)

Method number 1: fast dispatch

  1. Click on Word document right button.
  2. In the context menu, select: Send → Destination.
  3. In the client, specify the recipient and activate the sending of a text file.

Method number 2: choosing a format

1. Open the prepared document in Word.

3. Select a format:

  • "Send as Attachments" - a full copy of the document as an attachment;
  • "... as PDF" - Text Document sent in PDF format;
  • "... like XPS" - attachment in XPS format with preservation of formatting settings.

How to send a message anonymously to the addressee?

If you want to hide your e-mail, use a special online service. On the Web, you can find a huge number of sites that provide this service, but we will consider the most popular ones in this article.

Each message is sent from a different e-mail (automatically generates addresses). But it still gives the user the opportunity to specify their "coordinates".

To make an anonymous mailing on this service, you must register and indicate your real e-mail (it will not be displayed in the message).

The site provides the user with a temporary e-mail for a period of 1 hour. In it you can send and read messages. You can delete a mailbox at any time.

A convenient and safe stay for you online! About, .

With the development of technology, many people on our planet have forgotten about pens and sheets of paper and use a monitor and keyboard. Netizens not only want to communicate, but often wonder how to send files via email, such as text or video / audio. We will try to help them in this.

What is the advantage of the virtual world?

The Internet provides many opportunities for obtaining various information and knowledge. Besides, this technology allows you to quickly exchange information with relatives or friends living far away. Now, instead of long job searches and many nerve-wracking interviews, you can simply send your resume to your employer using your computer.

Making money at home and working remotely is also about email. Correspondence in this case is similar to the traditional one, except that it has been transferred to the electronic plane. We're digressing a bit, though, let's take a look at how to send a file by mail. After all, this issue worries many people, and in particular beginners. First, let's define the most common e-mails.

More about the Ukr.net service

In this mail service, the maximum outgoing size is or is equal to 18 megabytes. It is impossible to say in one word how to send a file via Ukr.net mail. The fact is that one letter can be accompanied by only one file. If you need to send large amounts of information through Ukr.net, you can use the e-Disk service. Thanks to it, you can send archives, the size of which reaches 1.5 gigabytes.

Another disadvantage is that large materials can only be sent to @ ukr.net. The e-Disk server stores files for a maximum of a week, and if you do not go to your own mailbox, then within 90 days it blocks all incoming letters.

How to send files by email using Mail.ru

In this mail service, the base size is 10 gigabytes. The maximum letter size is indicated at around 30 megabytes, but practice shows that only 22 megabytes can be sent. The main disadvantage of Mail.Ru is the short life of a single mailbox. If the owner does not go to the mail for more than 3 months, it can be deleted or blocked.

A separate inconvenience lies in the fact that when sending a letter to the Mail.Ru service, it will certainly "catch" some kind of advertisement. It should also be said that this service has a weak anti-spam filter.

Why is Gmail good?

As you probably already guessed, further we will talk about mail from Google. Here the maximum size of one letter is 25 MB. Gmail has good anti-spam protection, but sometimes it does not respond correctly to messages sent through the server of a regular ISP or hoster. The interface is intuitive, and it will tell you how to send files by email, such as your favorite photos.

Gmail has a very convenient function that saves the user's time - viewing of sent documents is carried out directly in the browser. This decision incredibly convenient, especially with a slow connection.

How to attach a file in Yandex mail

According to many users, it is currently the most convenient to use Yandex mail. Mailbox can work with the largest possible file size that can be sent (we are talking about 30 megabytes in one letter). In addition, there is a special service called "Disk" - with the help of it you can transfer large files, the size of which reaches 5 gigabytes.

Yandex got a convenient interface for downloading files. Additional features of his mail include high-quality antispam and quick search for letters. The server can also let you view the received files directly in the browser.

We send!

Are you still wondering how to send files by email? Then let's get down to the main thing. We go into the mail, create a new letter, click on the "attach file" button. A browser window opens. In it we find the required document, press the "Open" button, after which this document is inserted into our letter. Next, select the recipient and click the "Send" button.

We emphasize that the file type in most cases does not matter. You can, for example, send regular documents or videos. One more important point: some electronic block files that have the extensions: reg, bat or exe. However, you can send them by compressing them into ZIP format beforehand.

Benefits of email

Today there are a large number of services that allow you to exchange files. We are talking about file sharing and programs with the help of which thousands of people keep in touch: Skype, ICQ. The problem of file sharing is that in order to get the maximum transfer speed, you need to deposit a certain amount of money. And ICQ and Skype are not as widespread as e-mail, so it can still be called the leader among the means of exchanging information.

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