
Business idea consultation online. Consulting business: Business consulting service. Downloading and installing the program

Dmitry Dementy

Ideas are much more difficult to implement than to generate. Instead of spending years thinking about what kind of business to start, it is better to spend time on a business plan and building a workflow. And this article will help you understand what business to take on. Choose a rubric according to your interests and competencies, find ideas and bring them to life!

Just keep in mind: even the best product will not promote itself. To get the maximum result in terms of website traffic, conversions, leads and sales, you need a comprehensive business promotion.


Over the past year, more than 35% of Russians have made purchases online, and these numbers are only growing. Open an online store and sell those products that you are well versed in. You can do this on your website, sell through a landing page, even just through social networks. Or use third-party services - Avito, Ebay, Amazon and others.

  1. Electronics beats all records for sales on the Internet. If you can find a way to compete with the big chains and minimize the risk of your gadgets getting damaged in transit, that's a good option.
  2. Cloth. Many things can be picked up without trying on, and people actively buy them on the Internet - you can minimize costs by selling through social networks and offer good prices. Read in our blog about how to create an online store "VKontakte".
  3. Books. Yes, paper ones. It sounds old-fashioned, but it is on the websites that they now prefer to order, because the prices in offline stores have skyrocketed.

  1. Chinese products. Absolutely any: order clothes, accessories and gadgets in Chinese stores and resell online in your region - you will have an advantage over AliExpress due to faster delivery. It is only important to find a reliable supplier so that the poor quality of the goods does not lead you to losses.
  2. Promoted communities and accounts. First, of course, they will have to be untwisted. Buy bots and sell cheap or honestly recruit live people and sell expensive - it's up to you. For "white" SMM promotion, you can contact us.
  3. Organic food. You can negotiate with local farmers, gardeners and mushroom pickers, find buyers online and arrange delivery.
  4. Antiques. Suitable only if you understand it or want to understand it. Among the population there will always be a layer of connoisseurs of antiquity - the main thing is to reach out to them and offer a relevant product.
  5. Goods for pets. Oddly enough, people can save on themselves, but not on their cats and dogs.
  6. Products for children. Another niche with high margins.
  7. Goods for everyday needs. If you can pack people with detergents, razors, wipes and shampoos once a month with delivery, you will find grateful customers. And for an online store, be sure to choose the right CMS.
  8. affiliate marketing. Sell ​​any products from other companies for a commission. Such a business on partnership terms will require a minimum investment.
  9. Cybersquatting. Register and resell domains.
  10. Goods for hobbies. People who are fond of scrapbooking, embroidery, wood carving, fishing or hunting know exactly what they need - so they are easily and quickly ready to make online purchases.
  11. Cosmetics. It is easy to sell with a small investment, easy and inexpensive to deliver, it has a long shelf life - a convenient product for online commerce. You can open an online store on Instagram.
  12. Used goods. Buy and sell used appliances, clothes and household items in good condition.


If you can not only sell other people's products, but also produce your own, you have a competitive advantage. You can sell on your own resources and on third-party sites. There is a "Fair of Masters" for finding buyers in Russia, there is Etsy, where you can sell your handmade items all over the world.

  1. Individual tailoring. With the decline in quality in the mass market, the demand for clothes made from quality fabrics, tailored to individual measurements, is growing. All you need is a sewing machine and the ability to use it, and buyers can take all the measurements themselves and send them to you on the site.
  2. Accessories and bijouterie. From polymer clay, wood, metal or fabric - maybe you know how to make jewelry, but you just don't know about it.
  3. Household products. It can be textiles, frames, coasters, candlesticks or dishes. But making quality things is not a guarantee of success, because it is very important to find your buyer.
  4. Interior paintings. Usually they are large and abstract, and can be made to order for the needs of a particular buyer. The main thing is to find this buyer.

  1. Furniture. For ease of delivery, it is better to have a small-sized or disassembled into parts - as in IKEA. You can try to negotiate cooperation with interior design studios.
  2. Personalization of common items. You can engrave to order or give a second life to old things of customers.
  3. Confectionery. Cakes and pastries can be made to order and sent to your region, gingerbread and candies can last a long time and be delivered throughout the country. Choose the right content for the online store - then it will be convenient and interesting for users to work with your site, and you can increase sales.

Online education and information products

Modern man studies all his life. And more and more often he chooses education online, so as not to waste time on the road, not to adjust his schedule to the courses and be able to learn from professionals from anywhere in the world.

  1. Language teaching. You can create an online school with your own chips. In comprehension of foreign languages, people are picky, lazy and constantly looking for new methods - therefore, it is quite possible to find ways to compete with giants like Skyeng.
  2. Training in practical skills. Any of yours will do. professional activity in which you are well versed: you can teach people targeting, design, photography, programming, SEO promotion, management. If you don’t know how yet, it’s okay - come to TexTerra internet marketing courses.
  3. Training for self-development. These are financial literacy, time management, oratory and much more. You can attract not only young people, but also older people who have a lot of free time and who are interested in learning new things. By the way, in our blog there is material about promoting courses for an audience of 50+.
  4. Teaching highly specialized subjects. Perhaps you can teach programmers a new language or designers how to work with a new program.
  5. General education courses. Monetize the human thirst for knowledge: courses in modern art, religious history or English literature also attract a lot of people if you make them entertaining and interactive.
  6. Expert books. Write them and sell if you are deeply versed in some area. Create a serious product and think over every little thing: content, promotion, presentation. You can get inspired by our book "100+ Hacks for Internet Marketers".
  7. Teaching aids. If you are not deep enough, compose electronic manuals based on less convenient or foreign publications - and sell them.
  8. Video lessons. You can teach people something specific by showing them by example. You can teach what you yourself know how - from cooking to photo retouching.
  9. Author's courses. Develop study materials for lessons and sell them - just like a textbook, without any online consultations and verification of work.
  10. Tutoring for children. Any school subject can be taught via video link.

  1. Additional education for children. Open an online school for programming, journalism or any other subject - teach schoolchildren what may be useful to them in later life.
  2. Courses for parents. IN Lately they are gaining popularity.


Leisure people also often spend on the Internet - use it.

  1. Dating service. It seems that everything has already been invented, but you can do it with your own chip. For example, there is Haters, an app that matches people based on what people hate. Come up with your chip and implement, study target audience. And we will help to understand how men and women behave on the Internet.
  2. Social network. Of course, you don't need to compete with VK. You need to focus on a narrower audience with similar interests.
  3. Online Games. It can be a large-scale project with virtual and augmented reality technologies. Or easy games mobile applications. How to make money on this, we already wrote.
  4. Content project. Make a website, write articles and shoot videos on interesting topics - about travel, human stories, sci-fi or curious facts.

  1. Event aggregator in different cities of Russia. Not all events are published in Kudago, and not all regions are represented on the site. You can cover more interesting things, it is convenient to systematize it and take money for posting announcements.
  2. Event planning. If you are naturally creative, develop and sell holiday scenarios according to the wishes of customers.
  3. Organization of events. This can also be done online - you can select venues, presenters, photographers, decorators, animators for events and coordinate their work.


One of the most popular types of modern Internet business: you develop an Instagram account, a YouTube channel or a blog with articles - you charge money for advertising.

  1. Blogs with photos. If you travel a lot or just see the world from an unusual angle, you can keep subscribers with beautiful pictures and witty captions. Learn how to professionally use Photoshop to take your content to the next level.
  2. Blogs with longreads. You can implement it on the social network, on your website, Zen or Medium. Write about something that may be interesting or useful to a wide range of readers. And we will suggest 7 win-win topics for any blog.

  1. Product testing. Choose an area and tell your subscribers about your experience with different brands of cosmetics, fishing tackle, equipment, and any other products.
  2. Interviews with experts and interesting personalities. If you can vlog and find interesting guests, you will never run out of ideas for content - you will earn on the stories of your heroes. You can repeat Dud's experience and keep an entertaining blog, or choose a field and lead discussions for specialists.

Useful Services

On the Internet, any information is in public access, but the resource on which it can be conveniently systematized and presented to users will be successful. And also, in addition to information services, you can coordinate the work of some offline services using websites and applications.

  1. Online Libraries. There are already Litres and others in RuNet, but there are not so many of them yet.
  2. Library of application forms to various authorities. You can create a resource where people can quickly find and download any form.
  3. Discount aggregators. To reduce competition, you can choose a narrow specialization in certain products. The structure of such a site can be quite complex: take care to draw up a competent TOR for developers.
  4. Bulletin board. Make a convenient service for placing any ads: sale, purchase, exchange, service offers and job search.

  1. Online flea market. It is convenient to implement this through the application, but with a small budget, you can even get by with social networks.
  2. Real estate sale and purchase service. Less and less people are turning to realtors and are increasingly looking for housing via the Internet. To be taken seriously in the real estate market, take care of the little things that build trust in the site.
  3. Buying tickets and tours online. Travel agencies modern man will also prefer a convenient site, and you can take a percentage of the amount.
  4. Photobank. Nice photos everyone needs it - designers, SMM-managers, business owners, and sometimes even individuals. And they are willing to pay for them.
  5. Food delivery service. And you don’t need to keep your restaurant at all - the main thing is to organize the work of couriers, make a convenient website and succeed in promotion. And learn how to write tasty texts about food that will attract customers.
  6. Delivery service. Delivery of anything is now done over the Internet.
  7. Service Exchange. You can make a resource for a wide range of services, like YouDo, or create a specialized exchange for freelancers in a particular field. For example, an exchange of copywriters, programmers, designers. Study your competitors: we published an overview of popular freelance exchanges.
  8. Platform for tutors and students. Like Preply or Upstudy.
  9. Photo editing service. There are many of them on the Internet, but it is difficult to navigate them, and not everyone has Photoshop. An editor tailored for specific needs, for example, specifically for SMM or retouching, may be in demand.

Consulting for individuals

Individual consultations on a variety of issues are gaining popularity on the Internet.

  1. Psychological help. If suddenly you are a certified psychologist or you can hire psychologists to work, online consultations will be a good business project.

  1. Career guidance for children and adults. Now everyone wants to find a calling and a job they love - some will definitely need help.
  2. Employment advice. Finding your dream job is no easy task, and worthy competitor HeadHunter is not visible. If you can track job offers all over the internet and submit them to candidates, you can make money off of it.
  3. Family relationship counseling. And in any relationship. Such services can be sold in private messages.
  4. Nutrition advice. At the same time, you can negotiate with brands whose products you will recommend.
  5. Fashion. Since shopping is moving to the Internet, the services of a virtual stylist may also be required here.
  6. Legal advice for individuals. Of course, you cannot work as a lawyer online, but you can answer people's questions and suggest legal solutions to their problems for money. You can promote services with the help of useful content - the TexTerra blog has material on how to write good legal texts.
  7. Consultations on education abroad. It is always relevant, because many want to leave, but it is difficult to understand the intricacies on your own.
  8. Computer help. Some cannot reboot the router or install the browser on their own and are willing to pay for help.

B2B services

A large and separate layer of ideas is various services for business. Outsourcing is gaining popularity: if a specialist is needed for a few hours a month, he will not be kept on staff.

  1. Legal assistance. You can solve any business issues: from copyright protection to settling disputes with partners.
  2. Exchange of secret buyers. Usually such employees are not kept in the state, they are needed for a short period of time. You can create a site for easy search of artists and monetize it.
  3. Accounting services. More and more small businesses are choosing outsourced accountants.
  4. Internet audit. Analyze the performance of websites, communities and social media accounts.
  5. Remote call center. You will need employees from anywhere in the country who will receive calls for several organizations.
  6. System administration. Usually, the full-time presence of a system administrator in the office is needed only when problems arise.
  7. Trainings. Large and even medium-sized companies are ready to pay for employee training: from upgrading specialized skills to negotiating techniques, management and other soft skills. Such courses can be successfully promoted through social networks.
  1. Software development. Business programs require a lot and all sorts of different ones.
  2. Remote technical support. You can help employees work with programs or fix errors on websites.
  3. recruitment agency. It seems that with the Internet, the job market has become more open, but it is not. Company representatives don't want to go through a bunch of resumes themselves looking for the right people - you can help them with this. Even the first interviews are now often conducted online.
  4. Marketing agency. Why not.
  5. Printing house with an order on the site. Businesses always need flyers, posters, merch and more. And with the current low-cost delivery, the scheme will work quite well: the client ordered on the site, you printed it and sent it by courier to the address.
  6. Creation of websites, landing pages and applications. New businesses are opening every day, and everyone needs websites. IN e-book TexTerra you can read how to make a website yourself if you are a humanist.

  1. Services of translators. You can deal with the translation of documents, correspondence with foreign companies or the search for simultaneous interpreters for events. However, there is a lot of competition in the field of translations.
  2. Warehousing. If you have an empty room, you can organize a storage service via the Internet - this will be relevant for many stores.
  3. Fundraising. Unfortunately or fortunately, you can also earn money by raising money for charitable organizations.
  4. Equipment rent. Through your website, you can rent equipment for any field of activity.
  5. Design services. Promotional products are needed by every business on a regular basis, and each time is different.
  6. Administrative Services. Help businessmen with financial planning and paperwork.
  7. sociological research. Conduct online surveys so businesses can improve their marketing and sales.

Crazy menu ideas

If you are adventurous and do not like template solutions, you can consider more creative ideas. Among the advantages is low competition.

  1. Surprise service. The customer pays the money, names the addressee, you buy a surprise gift of your choice and send it. Beautiful content on Instagram will help promote an unusual business.
  2. Raffle service. The customer pays money, names the addressee, you play him. Perhaps the drawing can also come up with a virtual one.
  3. Making things according to children's drawings. The client sends you a drawing, and you bring it to life - for example, you make a toy or a household item.
  4. Service for pet lovers and owners. On such a dating site, the owner of the dog, who has no time to walk with her in the morning, will be able to meet a neighbor who wants to walk in the morning with the dog.
  5. Goods for singles. More and more people live alone, but food packages in stores are often designed for families. If the idea is presented correctly, singles will be happy to get rid of overpayments - and you will be able to sell small portions of food with delivery through the website and social networks.
  6. Virtual friend for an hour. Since you can buy a real friend for an hour, there are also people who are willing to pay for lunch with a virtual interlocutor. It is important to correctly identify the target audience for such a project.
  7. Paid newsletter with useful reminders. Apps are already emerging that remind users to get up at 8 am, do 100 sit-ups, or finally get down to business. It is easier for people to engage in self-development when they are motivated - even if it is virtually.
  8. An online store where you can buy a surprise for yourself. The buyer pays a certain amount, and they deliver a product that is commensurate in cost, the more unexpected, the better.
  9. Rent of different status things: jewelry, dresses, huge bouquets for photos and people to accompany at events.
  10. Delivery of any goods from stores abroad. Not everywhere there is delivery around the world. Therefore, services that organize this are now relevant: you just need to find performers abroad who are ready to send the goods your customers need.

  1. Organizing breakups. It's hard for people to announce the end of a relationship to their loved ones, and this weakness can be monetized: hire a psychologist who will tell you sad news over the phone for money. Such a service can be promoted through social networks - learn how to choose the right pictures for posts Rate the material:
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launch online business in 2019, is considered a fairly profitable and competent idea. As statistics show, it was 2018 that became a turning point for online entrepreneurs in terms of the amount of income they received. People began to open their business projects online much more often than offline - this is not surprising, because you have an audience of 150 million people + CIS. Someone wants to do business on the Internet in standard, proven ways for years, others intend to create their own unique ideas and implement them in the Internet environment - almost everyone has the opportunity to make good money.

Our experience and analysis of the network business market suggests that, for a beginner, all business on the Internet is carried out in several highly profitable areas:

  • Providing various freelance services with an approximate income of up to 500,000 rubles per month.
  • Selling goods through your own and or partner sites - the level of income in this direction has practically no restrictions and no ceiling.
  • Sphere of information business.
  • Web development is the creation and development of your own and partner information projects.
  • Affiliate Marketing. Today, with an average income of 350,000 rubles per month, it occupies a dominant position in this area.

Choosing an idea for a successful business on the Internet should be determined by two main questions.

  1. What would you like to dedicate your life to?
  2. Where do you see yourself in 3 years?

Don't rush to answer! The real challenge is to figure out which features are right for your area of ​​expertise and desires.

To help you understand this issue, we bring to your attention a small list of online business ideas. This list reflects concrete examples different business lines suitable for different skills, budgets and desires.

Important: Also, information about new and unusual niches for running an effective business on the Internet has been added to the article. Update January 2019

affiliate marketing

(aka affiliated) - perfect for those people who have the talent to profitably sell. A marketing partner receives commissions from the sale of other people's products. You will definitely have to make an initial investment in order to create an advertising campaign around the product with which the cooperation takes place.

If the sales are successful, the amount of commissions will significantly exceed the amount of invested funds. Some of the most popular affiliate marketing sites are: partnerki-vsem.ru and AffiliateCatalog.ru.

There you can get acquainted with all the offers and conditions of partners, choose a product that, in your opinion, will be able to successfully sell in large volumes.

Creation of an online store / group in social networks

IN online store You can sell any item you want. Free website builders can be found on the following popular resources: ru.wix.com, www.setup.ru, www.ucoz.ru.

Beginners are not advised to get involved in serious, expensive areas like technology, jewelry, etc. It is better to start something simpler, or focus on a narrow range. You can also create a group in in social networks selling unique handmade goods.

This area is gaining popularity especially among the female half of Internet users: jewelry, handmade accessories, soft knitted toys, candy bouquets, embroidery paintings - all this is now fashionable. For men, you can sell car accessories: for example, pillows with a car brand or number, etc. In a word, a promising idea for an online business.

The most popular and well-paid options

  • tutoring;
  • psychological consultations;
  • legal advice;
  • dietology and sports (instruction on proper nutrition, yoga, exercise therapy).

In order to choose a specific specificity, you need to analyze your skills and abilities.. You need to choose what you really understand - then there will definitely be customers.


  • no initial investment required;
  • the possibility of obtaining real income without leaving home;
  • there is no binding to the place (you can even consult Petersburgers while in Thailand);
  • the service market is not limited;
  • can be achieved high level income;
  • no bosses and stuffy offices.

Now let's look at how to organize work using Skype.

What will be required

In addition to knowledge and teaching skills, necessary:

  1. Connect to the Internet (if it is not available);
  2. Download the Skype program.
  3. Equip workplace- a spacious table for a computer or laptop, a comfortable chair.
  4. Buy a webcam and headset ($15).
  5. Register an e-wallet.
  6. Find clients.

Downloading and installing the program

Start with the fact that Skype is a program that allows you to communicate via video with people located anywhere in the world. After launching and connecting to a person, you get the opportunity to see and hear him. Downloading and installing Skype is very simple, for this:

1. We go to the official website https://www.skype.com/ru/. Click the green button "Download Skype" (in the middle of the page).
2. On the next page, click the "Install Skype for Windows" button.
3. We save the file on the computer.
4. Double click on it and you will be taken to the installation window. Always click "Next" and "I agree".
5. After the program is installed, register. To do this, enter your email and phone number, username and password.
6. An SMS message with a code will be sent to your phone. We enter it. It is important to remember your Skype username and password (it is advisable to write it down in a notepad).

Registration of an electronic wallet

On the Internet, it is convenient to pay with electronic money. You can, of course, accept payments bank card but ideally have multiple options.

Therefore, we choose the most popular e-wallet service - Webmoney. There are others (Kiwi, Yandex Money, PayPal), but webmoney gives more options (many withdrawal options, high speed cashing out, a small percentage).

Steps to get a wallet in the WebMoney system

1. We go to the site http://www.webmoney.ru/. Click the "Register" button. Enter your phone number and email address.
2. Fill out the questionnaire ( important provide reliable information: full name, date of birth, country of residence). Click "Continue".
3. A code will come to the phone, which we enter in the window that appears. Information about your WMID and password will be sent to your email. Memorize or write down.
4. Done! Now you have your e-wallet. On the webmoney website, you can find information about withdrawal options (you can attach a bank card, withdraw to cash, exchange for another currency).

Skype consultation process

Earnings on consultations- these are honest, absolutely white, accessible to all business schemes that do not require special technical knowledge or financial investments.

To start this business go to www.liveexpert.ru and register on the site. Spend some time filling out your profile, study the instructions below and go ahead, to money and work.

Remember: as in any Internet business, online consulting will be the hardest to earn the first thousand rubles. But it will be the most joyful and most inspiring money. If you, using only your own knowledge, manage to earn a thousand rubles, then nothing will prevent you from reaching a monthly income level exceeding thirty thousand rubles within two or three months.

But do not expect freebies from this way of earning money: it does not have a magical, trouble-free "Loot" button. But there is a real opportunity to extract money from the network using your own mind. Hundreds of users have been working in the Liveexpert service for a long time - apply perseverance, perseverance and faith in yourself, and you will succeed too!

→ Another earning scheme here —

Tips for completing a service user profilewww.liveexpert.ru

1 . Use only your photo. It must be of high quality. It is desirable that the facial expression is friendly, and the look is open. Showing that you are a responsible, serious and honest person, the photo will help win the favor of customers. Your photo should inspire confidence that you can really help.

2. Fill in the “Specializations” section as detailed and informative as possible. Indicate the area in which you have the most knowledge as the main one. In addition, specify additional areas - as many as possible.

3. Be sure to complete the "Information" section. Information from it may be important for your potential customers during the decision to cooperate with you. This section also contributes to the establishment of new business contacts.

4. Be sure to write a few words about the counseling time. The ideal text looks something like this: “Every day and around the clock! After receiving your message with a description of the problem, I will respond to you as soon as possible in the order of priority. Your potential customers should have the impression that you will quickly respond to their requests, as you are constantly in touch.

5. Be sure to tell us about the cost and duration of your consultation. Appreciate your own time - if you indicated that one hour of your counseling costs a thousand rubles, then try not to deviate from this figure.

6. If in any of the selected areas of counseling you have certificate or diploma, be sure to write about it and confirm it through the administration of the service (you will need to send scans of these documents to the moderators). Once verified, an "Education Verification" badge will appear on your profile. This will add more credibility to your profile.

7. Fill in the empty field as much as possible. Tell us in detail about your education, the list of services, work experience in each (chosen for consultation) area, the cost of services, the procedure for organizing and conducting consultations, etc. In the future, this will greatly simplify your communication with customers.

You need to ensure that a potential customer of services does not have questions after reading the information from this block of your profile and the impression is that you really have expert knowledge in these areas. As an example, you can use the profiles of service leader consultants - do better than theirs.

8. Periodically add a "Promotion" - it attracts attention perfectly. Offer "tasty" conditions, and you will always be provided with a flow of customers. Show your imagination and experiment!

9. Be sure to respond to customer reviews. People love "live" profiles and open, sociable experts.

10. Start a blog on the www.liveexpert.ru service. Regularly publish useful posts in it, advise and recommend anything related to the areas in which you act as a consultant. This will not only increase your rating, but also attract new customers.

Post for promoters

Quick Exit StrategyLiveexpert for a stable income from a thousand rubles a day (from scratch)

Select areas of counseling. Make no mistake, there are bound to be activities in the world that you are great at! Maybe you are a professional psychologist or a doctor, or you are well versed in matters of style and beauty, or you know how to predict the future with the help of maps ... Carefully explore the huge variety of areas of counseling presented on the site. One of them, in which you understand better, indicate as the main one. Other areas in which you also have good knowledge, select as additional.

1. According to the scheme described above, carefully fill in your profile information. In all available places on the Internet (on forums, social networks, message boards, comments on websites, etc.), place a link (or a personal banner) to this profile.

By inviting new users to the service, you will kill two birds with one stone:

  • show your profile to additional potential customers
  • start earning from day one affiliate program service (for each referred user, you will receive a rating increase of 50 points and a reward of up to 500 rubles (read more about this in the rules of the affiliate program))

3. Follow the link http://www.liveexpert.ru/agent to download special program - Consultant's agent. It will allow you to be constantly online, which will attract additional customers (you will be able to receive them even when you are not near the computer).

4. Follow this item along with the recommendation above for filling in the "Consultation time" field. The text should interest the client, demonstrate your expertise, tell about the cost of services. Continue consultation after invoicing.

5. For a quick and effective rating set, for the first week, answer not only paid, but also free questions from the section http://www.liveexpert.ru/topic. This must be done regularly.

6. In parallel with the work on the rating try to get more positive feedback about your services and build customer loyalty. Do not be greedy, work for a week or two “for reviews”. Give free high-quality advice and ask to comment on your services. Satisfied clients, as a rule, are happy to "settle" the expert in this way.

7. To income from consultations turned into a full-fledged business, make sure that the online client is always on: experience shows that more often customers turn to experts who are "online". You can answer later, at a convenient time.

8. "Fight" for loyal customers. Improve the quality of consultations, develop a reward system for "returning" clients, improve the service - and your income will grow non-stop.

9. If you do not consider yourself an expert in anything or are not very confident in your own knowledge, choose simpler areas of counseling in which special knowledge is not required (for example, sports, home, beauty).

After receiving a question from a client, you will have time to think about it. If your knowledge is not enough, look for information in search engines. When you're ready, formulate a quality response and send it to the client. In this way, you will not only help him, but also "weight" the personal baggage of knowledge. By working like this, you will become an expert in certain areas very quickly. The amount of time required for this depends only on your perseverance and desire.

10. Feeling like a professional in your chosen areas, start to gradually raise the cost of consultations. Do not be afraid to lose customers: there will always be buyers for the advice and knowledge of expert professionals. If you persist, your skills will increase in value very quickly.

P.S. Develop constantly, do not stop there. Follow the rules of service. Grow your loyal customer base. And then your earnings with Liveexpert will turn into a job, and your job will turn into a business. Happy checks and good luck!

There are many ways to make money on the Internet, but this time we will talk about making money on the Internet, which is based on consultations in the field of medicine.

The main advantage of such earnings is that at the moment, in our country, this type of business is not yet too developed, and therefore, the competition is simply minimal.

Medical consultations on the Internet: the first step

Of course, for starters, you need to register as a private entrepreneur, or as usual in our country, as an individual. Registration is quite simple, but if you do not want to deal with all this paperwork, then one of the many organizations will always come to your aid, ready to register instead of you, for a fee, saving your precious time, especially since you will definitely need it . The fact is that the organization of Internet consultations, despite the simplicity of its kind, is quite time-consuming, because you need to do a lot of work at the stage of preparing a business. For example, one of the main concerns in the preparation of work will be the creation of a website.

Of course, you can contact one of the companies where the masters will create a good site, however, in such companies, sites are created according to a template type, and therefore, you will have to hire a specialist who will spend unlimited time on you in order to create a beautiful, and most importantly, user-friendly design site, because people will come to your site for a specific purpose, and you need them to immediately find what they need.

So, let's say the registration has already been successfully completed, the site has been created, and it's time to earn money. “What to do next? Why charge customers? How to organize everything? - these are questions you will probably ask, so let's try to analyze them in more detail.

Online consultations: work in detail

In fact, despite the importance of all these issues, and despite their complexity, everything is pretty simple. Taking as an example foreign sites that earn in the same way, several factors of this kind of business can be noted:

You will have to hire qualified doctors who can give the actual consultations themselves. In fact, there are really a lot of specialists who are ready to start earning in this way, so there will be no work behind the scenes;

Decide on the type of consultations, topics, and other details, because for each specific area, you will need a specific doctor, although it also happens that a specialist can really advise in many areas of medicine;

Decide on the payment method. In fact, there are two ways to pay for consultations: payment immediately before the consultation with a particular doctor, or buying a subscription for a period of a month or more. So to speak. The subscription option will bring more clients, however, earnings from each of them can be significantly reduced, but on the other hand, who knows how many times a month a person will want to consult.

By and large, there are no more important prefaces in this business. Of course, you are probably worried about the need for Internet consultations, because it is easier to go to the clinic to see a doctor. In fact, it's not like that. The fact is that people tend to be afraid, and before going to the doctor, any person, with knees shaking with fear, tries to find at least some information on the Internet, and once in an online consultation, a person will be absolutely interested. Remember, the main thing is not to despair and be lazy, because only with diligence and zeal for the better, development and good earnings will come.

Profitable business to you, comrades.

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