
Download mobile word. Description for Microsoft Word: document editing and sharing. How to create a Word document on Android

Modern tablets in most cases replace laptops and netbooks for their owners, therefore, functionality is required not only for entertainment. One of the first apps that tablet owners are looking for is Word. If at the initial stage of development of a new segment portable devices there were difficulties with the selection of a good program due to the lack of high-quality office suites, but now difficulties arise due to the wide assortment in the Play Market.

Word on Android is not a problem

To Work with Microsoft files Word on Android is not a problem now. You just need to decide on the purpose of the program - read only or and. And then you can choose the application that will be convenient for you. We have chosen the best office readers and editors to make life easier for owners of tablets based on operating system Android.

If you are looking for how to open Word on Android without thinking about Power Point and Excel, chances are you will go with Kingsoft Office. But with the capabilities of the other two sections of the program, everything is not so good.

Docs to Go

The Docs to Go app is also one of the oldest office programs on Android. Unfortunately, the interface has long lagged behind modern trends and is outdated. Nevertheless, the great advantage of the application is its capabilities.

Docs to Go will do its job perfectly, even when working with large files with complex formatting. But from here and another drawback - the application is rather slow.

Word reader for tablet

In case you do not plan to edit files in the office format Word, but you have in stock fiction or technical literature that is difficult to find in another form (or convert), then one of the popular reading combines will be the best choice. Such applications are most often used in fb, epud, txt, rb and others formats. As you understand, these applications for Android reading Word is one of the standard features.

Video on how to view Word files on Android tablet:

Cool Reader and ZXReader are great at displaying various formatting styles, tables and images. There are and, which have only one of the functions. But these two have won the trust of users. However, any file can always be saved in PDF format, which will make reading more convenient.

Which Android program for reading Word is the best is hard to say, since each user has their own requirements for editing functionality, interface, support cloud services etc. In our opinion, the best option for viewing and editing Word files on tablets is the Kingsoft Office application. But the competition is so fierce that after a few updates the situation may change.

The version of the program for working with text documents, which combines all the necessary set of functions and the usual appearance with intuitive touch controls.

Microsoft Word for Android lets you create and edit documents on the go. Using it, you can be sure that the formatting and design of your documents will remain unchanged on any mobile devices and computers.

The application interface and its functionality practically does not differ from the computer version of Word, which allows you to quickly start working with documents. At the same time, all familiar program components such as images, charts, footers, formulas and tables will always be at your fingertips.

For ease of use on smartphones or tablets, the controls Word located at the bottom of the screen, with the expectation of one-handed operation, without the use of a mouse or keyboard.

Create documents with Word, add text boxes, charts and other objects to them with just one click on the screen. Also, the program contains a large number of convenient templates for all types of documents.

Thanks to the special reading mode, you can read documents in the same way as e-books: by swiping your finger across the screen.

Recent files can be viewed on any of your devices. At the same time, you can continue to work from the place where you left off, even using another mobile device or computer.

Microsoft Word has cloud storage support. This will allow you to quickly access the files you need, as well as instantly share documents with colleagues.

In addition to this, Microsoft Word has the ability to collaborate on documents. You will be able to see all the changes made by your colleagues to the document, as well as exchange comments to make the edits understandable for other users.

Please note that the program only works on devices with Android version 4.4.X or higher, and requires at least 1 GB of RAM.

You can download Microsoft Word for Android from our website absolutely free of charge, without registration and SMS.


Working with text documents is one of the main tasks modern devices... How often does it happen that we need to view or edit a document, write or read text or fill out an electronic form far from the computer. All these actions became possible thanks to the most famous text editor Microsoft Word on Android, which is now available on mobile devices. This program for reading documents has become the perfect answer to the question "how to open doc" for all owners of smartphones and tablets who do not recognize other editors. You can download Word for Android for free on our web portal using a direct link.

Application features

The interface and functionality of the Word on Android is no different from the standard version of the Word application. As in the version for PC, the program for tablet and phone is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • opening and viewing documents;
  • creation and editing doc files on Android;
  • application of matrix and tabular algorithms in a simple form.

Microsoft Word for Android in Russian is a real find for business people who spend a lot of time on the road and often have to work with electronic documents... The interface of the application almost completely copies the computer version, so you don't have to search for how to open a document and get used to the location of basic functions and tools. The mobile version of the application is in no way inferior in quality to the PC version; you can create and save text files in various formats on any devices. Also available for users cloud storage documents. Files are sent by email when there is an Internet connection.

The basic version of the famous text editor is available on Android for free. From the basic requirements - Android 4.4 OS and device screen diagonal up to 10.1 inches. To access all the features of the application, you must download Microsoft Word Office 365 paid version... How do I install the program? Usually, the installation will start automatically immediately after downloading. If you can't install Word, download Word for Android apk and open through the file manager.

Benefits of MS Word

The Word version for the tablet has a lot of advantages over similar ones. text editors... According to users, the main advantages of the text viewer application are:

  • mobility - take Office with you and do business anywhere;
  • familiar interface, similar to the computer version;
  • intuitive controls. Possibilities touch screen allow you to easily scale text, highlight a word or a whole sentence thanks to a light touch of the screen;
  • option to automatically save texts to the cloud storage. The program settings allow you to create backup documents on Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox;
  • synchronization of work on multiple devices, which allows using the application in team work;
  • automatic adaptation of documents to the size of the screen of a mobile device.

Where to download MS Word?

If you are looking for how to open a document on your smartphone, then it is worth downloading the basic version of MS Word to your mobile device for free. You can download Word on our website without the need for registration and any additional fee. Thanks to the intuitive interface, you can get started right away, even if you have not previously worked with texts using your phone or tablet. For the convenience of work, all the tools are located below, so you can open the Word, download it on Android from us, and operate it with one hand. Sign in with your Microsoft account and you will have access to all the documents you created earlier, and you can also upload and download files to and from cloud storage. If you have used the application and want to leave a review, or want to supplement the article, write in the comments. It will be useful for you and other readers.

"- a useful and well-known android application that allows you to type and edit text. This program is included in the set of the main tools of any user. Even schoolchildren are taught the basics of using it. The student can not avoid getting acquainted with many functions, because all work is submitted in the appropriate file format, which fully supported Mobile version will help you do some of the work right on your smartphone.

Copywriters will be able to stay on top of their assignments anytime, anywhere.

The interface of the application "" was made functional and convenient, and to access all the features, you will have to go through a simple registration procedure. You can create and edit simple documents on the go. The design does not take much time, because the basics of using the presented functions are almost the same as the full version for a personal computer. At any time, you can view all documents in the corporate cloud storage.

All material can be shared with friends through email and various programs for communication.

The creators have kept the original concept of the old style, where all the smallest details look great together with the solutions for the main design. There was no need for music and various effects. All features and functions have been adapted for mobile version, so there should be no difficulties with compatibility on different devices... You will not see ads, which is very rare now. There is a variety of paid content available.

The well-known company "Microsoft Corporation" worked on the project, so the quality of this product deserves a top score.

The necessary updates are constantly released, opening up new opportunities and correcting shortcomings. Operating system version 4 or higher is supported. Age rating - 3+. We recommend you download for free android app"" on our resource, for this you have to go to the following link.

This article will tell you about "Word" for "Android" and how to install it.

Text editors are essential software almost any modern digital device. Users always need at least simple typing in a notebook, not to mention students or office workers who need more professional editors.

Of course, the program “ Microsoft Word", Known to all computer owners. But perhaps what is less known is that “ Word"Is also available for work on gadgets running" Android". Now you can print and edit the document at any time.

In today's review, we will talk about “ Word"For mobile devices" Android»And learn how to install it on tablets and phones.

"Word" for phones and tablets "Android": description and advantages

Mobile version " Word»Almost completely repeats the version for computers in terms of its functionality and interface. If you worked in " Word»On a computer, you can easily master it on gadgets. Mobile Word" created for:

  • Opening and reading documents
  • Create and edit documents
  • Creation of not only text, but also tables

« Word"For phones and tablets" Android"Will be useful to all business people who often have to travel and work with documents practically on the road. As we have already said, the appearance of the editor completely repeats its version for personal computers you do not have to study the manual for working with it.

Mobile Word"No worse than a computer" Microsoft Word”, Unless you need to work with it on mobile devices. This is the only limitation on the possibilities of using " Word"For phones and tablets" Android».

You will be able to send documents by mail, upload them to cloud storage, print them on an appropriate printer. But there are some nuances worth noting. You can download and install “ Word"For gadgets" Android»Free if you use only the basic version of this editor. To get access to all the possibilities of mobile " Word", You will of course have to fork out a little.

Mobile "Word" for tablets and phones "Android"

Now let's talk about the advantages of mobile " Word»:

  • Of course, the ability to use it almost anywhere you want, if you know how to work on the phone
  • The design of the program is a complete analogy to the computer “ Word»
  • Touch control support. You can freely manipulate text (for example, zoom, highlight sentences, etc.) with the usual swipes of your fingers across the display.
  • The program allows you to automatically save documents to the cloud storage (if you have the Internet), which will allow you to use these documents later from your computer.
  • Synchronized with various devices so you can use the editor in teamwork
  • All documents are automatically adjusted to fit the tablet or phone display

How do I install Word on my Android tablet or phone?

You can download "Word" for tablets and phones "Android".

Install mobile "Word" for tablets and phones "Android"

Follow the link and install the application in the usual way, like any other mobile app... You do not need to immediately pay for the program or register in it, you will purchase a version with basic functions. Buy if necessary full version it will be possible later if you are not satisfied with the free one.

Work with the application " Word»For smartphones, you can immediately after installing it, despite the fact that you have not previously done this on gadgets. True, you must have experience working with the program on computers.

And if you have Account « Microsoft", Then you will be able to immediately access the previously created documents and will be able to upload files to cloud storage. It will also be useful for you to read the video at the end of the article.

Video: Overview of Word on Android

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