
Removing protection from a word file. Protecting a document with a password. Video: How to remove protection in a word document

As in PDF-files, Office Word documents can also use content modification protection. Such documents can be viewed, but text cannot be edited or copied from them. This type of protection is called owner... Any major obstacle to "Hacking" it does not constitute, it is more likely that the user who has received the protected document does not want to fool himself once again, removing the protection from it.

However, what a hassle here can be? Remove restrictions on editing and copying in files DOC , DOCX and RTF as easy as shelling pears, and this can be done using the same Microsoft Word ... This is how it all looks.

Launch the editor and press Ctrl + N to create a new blank document. We will transfer the text from the protected file into it.
Switch to tab

Find the block in the ribbon menu "Text", and in it is the instrument. In the attached screenshot, it is surrounded by a red oval.

Click on the impromptu arrow next to the tool and in the menu that appears, select the option "Text from file".
In the Explorer window, specify the path to the protected document and click the button. Copying will take from a fraction of a second to several seconds, depending on the size of the document.

Save the new document in any format you like.

Note: unfortunately, this method cannot guarantee correct extraction of images and multimedia objects from a protected document. Fonts, styles and document structure are transferred without problems, provided that the document was created in the same version Word in which the extraction operation is performed.

The second way to bypass protection more troublesome, but more effective, since it allows you to remove the password from the most protected document, and therefore gain full access to interactive content.

Open uneditable Word-document and save it as Html.
Open the resulting HTML file in Notepad or Notepad ++ and look for the tags and . The text between these tags will be thus owner -password that we need.

Sometimes .doc or .docx text files created with Microsoft programs Word, it is impossible to edit or copy information from them. The reason for this is the included protection against such operations, backed up by a password. This article will tell you how to remove this type of protection from a document in Word.

What are the ways?

To overcome the limitations when working with a document, 4 simple and free ways:

  • Inserting text into a new document as an object.
  • Removing the protection parameter using the WinRAR archiver.
  • Removing the limitation by saving the document to HTML format.
  • Conversion to one of the related formats: .doc or .docx.

Each of these ways to understand how to remove the protection of a Word document from editing works in any version of the editor, starting in 2003.

Method number 1: pasting protected text into another document

This method has one drawback: when inserted into a new document, only the text and its formatting are added, but pictures, graphics and other multimedia elements are not.

The sequence of actions for this technique is as follows:

  • Create a new document - Ctrl + N.
  • Microsoft Word 2003 - go to the "Insert" menu and click on the "File" item. Specify the path to the protected document and click "Insert".

  • Microsoft Word 2007 - 2016 - switch to the "Insert" tab and in the "Text" block click on the inverted triangle near the inscription "Object". In the menu that opens, click on the line "Text from file". Using the "Explorer" window that appears, open a file that is protected from editing.

After this operation, the text will become editable.

Note. To use this technique in Microsoft Word 2003, the protected file format must be DOC (.doc).

Method number 2: editing file settings using the archiver

To use this method, you need archiver program WinRAR or 7Zip and enabled display of file extensions. To make extensions visible, you need:

  • Go to the "Control Panel".
  • Switch the view to "Large / small icons" in Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10. In Windows XP you do not need to do anything.
  • Find the icon "File and folder properties" or "Folder options" for XP and others Windows versions respectively, and double-click on it with the left mouse button.
  • In the new dialog box, switch to the second tab and find the line "Hide extensions for registered file types", uncheck the box next to it.

After preparation, you can remove protection from the file. This is done as follows:

  • Right-click on the required document and select the "Rename" sub-item in the context menu, or select it and press F2.
  • Move the cursor to the end of the name and delete the last 3 or 4 letters, and write zip instead. Press Enter.

  • Extract the resulting archive to any folder.
  • Among the unzipped files, find a document called settings.xml. It is located in the Word folder.
  • Right-click on it and select "Open with" and "Notepad" from the context menu.

  • In the Notepad window, press Ctrl + F and enter the Protection value in the text box (without quotes).
  • After finding this inscription in the text, you need to remove the following values: w: documentProtection and w: edit = "readOnly".

  • Save changes in the document by pressing the key combination Ctrl + S.
  • Open the archive, go to the Word folder and drag the edited file into it.
  • Run the archiving procedure with the option to replace files with the same names.

  • Change the extension of the resulting file to the original one.

Then you can open the document and edit it.

Method # 3: remove HTML protection

This technique is roughly equal in complexity to the previous one, but it does not require any third-party software. The algorithm is as follows:

  • Open a document protected from editing.
  • Press F12, select a location to save the new file and select "Web page (* .html)" in the "File type" drop-down list.

  • To the context menu of the created document, sequentially select the items "Open with" and "Notepad".
  • In a new window, in the "Edit" menu, click on "Find" or use hotkey Ctrl + F.
  • In the window that appears, enter the Protection value in the search bar and click "Find Next".

  • Find the line in the document: ReadOnlyand remove it.
  • Save changes.
  • Open the edited file using Microsoft Word and re-save it in the .doc or .docx format.

Note. When using this technique, some text formatting is lost.

This completes the description of the third method that allows you to remove protection from a document for editing in Word.

Method number 4: converting to DOC or DOCX format

To remove the ban on editing by this method, you need:

  • Go to the website of the multifunctional online converter Online-convert.com and change the language to Russian using the drop-down list in the right upper corner pages.
  • On home page in the "Document converter" block select "in DOC format\ DOCX ".

  • On the next web page, click on the "Select files" button. In the "Explorer" window that opens, specify all the documents that need to be converted.
  • Click on the inscription "Start converting". Upon completion, it will start automatic loading archive with converted files.

This is the way to understand how to remove protection from a document in Word in the online converter.

Note. Not every Internet service for converting one format to another is capable of removing protection. One of them is zamzar.com. It converts successfully, but the new file cannot be changed.

Ways to remove protection from a Word document are quick and easy enough to be free to use regular user this editor.

User question

Good afternoon.

Tell me, with one question. I bought a new PC and transferred all my documents to it. Everything was fine for a while, but then I found that some of the Word documents were not editable ...

How can I now remove the protection from editing these "Word" documents if I don't have access to my old computer? I don't want to manually rewrite dozens of pages ...

Good time!

The fact that the documents are intact and they open is already very good! Usually, they are protected from editing in order not to accidentally delete the necessary data from the document (especially if it is used on local resources). Perhaps, on your old PC, Word was automatically configured somehow to include "default" protection ...

Be that as it may, in this article I will give several options for solving a similar problem. I think one of them will solve your problem.

What can be done with a document for which there is no permission

Option 1

Create a new document and make a copy of the text from the protected document

Option # 2

Try to "nullify" the password protecting editing

If the first method did not suit you for some reason, you can try Alternative option... True, when implementing it, the markup of the document may suffer (but is it better than manually re-filling it?).

Option # 3

Re-"overtake" the document into screens, and then into text using Fine Reader

This method is the most "dreary" on the one hand, on the other - it allows you to solve such problems even in the most difficult cases, when everything else is powerless ...

Good evening, site users. In today's tutorial, we will talk about how you can remove a password from a MS Word document.

To protect documents from editing and making any changes, they are often password protected. For example, companies password-protect various contracts or agreements to prevent the customer from making changes to it.

This lesson is shown using an example of the program MS Word 2010... In version 2007 years to remove the password, you need to follow the same steps.

Step 1. Save the document in .docx format

Step 2. Change the extension

Now you need to change the extension of the saved file from .docx on .zip... You can also change it to .rar(no difference). To do this, open any file manager and find the document you need there:

Right click on the file and select Rename.

Remove the extension .docx and write .zip... Next press Enter or click on the file left mouse button.

Now our file will have the extension .zip and will have an archive icon:

Step 3. Open the archive

Now we find the resulting archive and open it. Find the folder in the archive Word and click on it:

Step 4. The settings.xml file

In the folder we find a file called settings.xml(extension .xml).

We open it with any editor, used in the example. After opening the file, you will see many lines of code. We need one called w: documentProtection... You need to completely remove this tag, i.e. from until it closes /> :

After removing the tag, save the document ( Ctrl + S).

Step 5. Save the file with replacement

After saving the file, go to the archive. There will be a window with the message:

Need to press a button OK.

Step 6. Change the extension to .docx

Now go back to the file manager and change the file extension to .docx (Rename):

Step 7. Final result

Now open a Word document and enjoy the result. The password will be removed and you can edit the document.

This concludes the lesson. Thank you for the attention!

Which needs to be edited, but they do not succeed for the reason that all fields for editing are locked. Fails and an attempt is made to copy any portion of the document. The reason for this "non-standard" behavior of Word is simple - the creator of this file has set up password protection.

Newcomers, faced with such a problem, become desperate, being convinced that it is impossible to change anything. However, this is not at all the case. There are several ways to remove protection, thereby removing all obstacles to editing. To make all this possible, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of computer gurus on how to unlock a Word document for editing.

You can confirm the assumption that the creator of the document has set restrictions on editing by hovering the mouse cursor over the "File", and in the context menu that opens, go to the line "Information".

There it will be possible to find the "Disable protection" button, but it, unfortunately, will not help to fix the problem, because after pressing it will require a password.

The "Advanced Office Password Recovery" utility does not help to remove protection and provide the possibility of further editing the document, so alternative methods of solving the problem that do not present any difficulty will be the best in this situation, so even a beginner can easily figure out how to remove protection from a Word document.

Saving in html format

One of the simplest ways to easily remove editing restrictions is to save desired file in html format.

To do this, initially open the document, then go to the menu bar in the "File" section, there you need to find the "Save As" line, clicking on which will open a dialog box offering a new file saving. At this point, you can rename it or change the extension. To change the extension, in the "File type" box, select the "Web page" value, it remains to confirm your agreement with the actions taken by clicking on the "OK" button.

Now you should go to the folder in which the file with the html extension was just saved. Finding it, open in a standard way do not follow, you must first hover the mouse cursor over it, then right-click to bring up the context menu, in which the line "Open with" will appear.

To remove protection, you need to expose the web page with Notepad. A notepad will open on the screen, in which an excessive number of tags will be written, in which, quite often, inexperienced users do not understand anything at all. However, it is too early to panic. The next task is only to find the desired tag ... Having found such a tag, it is easy to see the password that was set earlier by the creator of the document. It remains to remember or copy it.

Now it's easy to figure out how to remove Protected View in Word 2010. You need to open the original document, enter the copied password, and then you can immediately start working without experiencing any restrictions.

Saving in zip format

Allows you to eliminate the limitations of the HEX editor. If you open a problem document with it, find the password value and set the following combination 0x00 instead, then when you open it again, all editing restrictions will be easily removed by entering an empty password.

You can use another simple method. The Word document is saved with the docx extension, after that point the mouse cursor over the re-saved version by clicking the right button, call the context menu and go to the "Rename" line. Now you should not change the name of the document, but change the extension by removing docx and adding zip.

After these actions, the user will find a whole folder, which should be opened and found in it settings.xml. It needs to be opened with text editor, then it is important to find the tag that must be deleted. Closing settings.xml, you need to confirm the changes. After all this, restrictions on editing will be removed. It remains to return the docx extension and continue the already comfortable work.

Setting protection

Quite often, the user is faced with the need, on the contrary, to prohibit any changes in the created document. In this case, it is important to read the recommendations on how to protect the Word document from editing.

Password overlay

Setting a password is reasonable when the file contains confidential information. It should be borne in mind that by setting simple passwords, they can be easily removed, so it is advisable to come up with more complex options that will be accompanied by high level reliability.

So, in order to figure out how to prevent editing of a Word file, it is initially important to clarify which version Microsoft Office installed on the PC.

If it is Word 2003, you should sequentially go to the menu bar "Tools", then "Options", "Security", and there it is easy to find a window for setting a password.

In Word 2007, open the main menu of Microsoft Office, then go to "Prepare", then "Encrypt Document". Now it is easy to find the desired window where the invented password is entered.

In Word 2010, they also make several consecutive transitions, initially "File", then "Info", then "Protect Document". After these transitions, a context menu appears, in which the line "Encrypt with a password" is selected. Again, a window appears in front of the user for entering a secure password.

After the protection is installed, the file will be opened only after entering the correct password. For the rest of those wishing to familiarize themselves with protected information, the attempt will be unsuccessful.

So, installing and removing the protection of Word documents does not belong to the category of complex tasks and problems, therefore, having read the recommendations of the guru of office applications, even a novice user can easily carry out such actions.

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