
A torrent script error has occurred on this page. Internet Explorer script error. What to do if a script error occurs on this page in Internet Explorer

Avira- one of the best products among free antivirus, but, alas, it is not without flaws. Running it in a Windows environment may cause a script error. What is this error and how to fix it? Avira sometimes receives an incorrect update, after which users are faced with Windows notification about a script error. And this notification indicates the path to the working data of the antivirus in system folder "ProgramData" .

Moreover, both the system itself and its separate applications stop responding to mouse control in some particular part of the screen, while in another part everything functions perfectly. The right or left keys, wheel when scrolling, moving the cursor may not work.

The situation can be urgently resolved by restarting in Windows or rebooting, but with a new start, this problem appears again. How to get rid of it?

You must remove the data that is causing the script error.

To delete this data, press Win + R, enter:

C: \ ProgramData \ Avira \ Antivirus \ IPM

We press Enter.

In the opened explorer delete all contents of the folder "IPM" .

We log out of the system.

And we enter again.

If the script error will be repeated, it is desirable then reinstall Avira.

Browsers are essential intermediaries when working with the Internet, but various problems can occur with them. Crashes can occur when logging into a specific website, in which case a common problem is the message "A script error has occurred on this page."

Why and how the script fails

A website is a complex combination of different platforms in the form of scripts, text, pictures, etc. But HTML, JavaScript, VBScript are just a few main components... In their well-established work, failures are possible.

Insofar as given error is only informative in nature, intervention in preinstalled browser Internet Explorer... Usually it is he who is called by 1C programs (when updating or working), Hamachi and others, thereby causing a script error in Windows 7, 8, 10.

Error in Internet Explorer

The browser from Microsoft often generates a script error warning. Try simply reload web page by clicking on the arrow in the circle or a combination CTRL+ F5 ... This will fix the problem when the network fails, the method is the simplest.

If the problem persists, switch to a different browser. For example, Mozilla Firefox, Google chrome, Opera. Can be used export bookmarks to save the pages you want.

If there is no possibility or desire to change the browser, go to optionsExplorer... But first, in the pop-up message, click " No»To stop any action with the script. Instructions:

Typically, the script error should disappear after doing this. But not always. In this connection, you need to check the security system of the connections:

Fixing a bug in Windows and games

Sometimes a similar malfunction can occur in programs and games. To remove the script error in Windows in this case, you should:

Run.vbs script error

If at startup operating system Windows user sees a black screen with a notification from Windows Script Host and the error "Unable to find the script file C: \ Windows \ run.vbs", it means that the anti-virus or other protection program was removed threat, but this neutralization operation was performed incorrectly.

More details on how to fix this and other script errors can be found at.

Every user at least once in his life has encountered a script error that occurs in a browser page. A script is a small program that is written in a programming language or VBScript for a specific task that a browser must perform. There can be many reasons for the "A script error occurred on this page" error. The culprit could be the browser itself, its outdated version, the website you opened, or the Windows operating system.

Script error on browser page

How to fix a script error in Internet Explorer

If you use Internet Explorer below version 8, then here you need to advise only to change it and install any other browser from the official website. Old versions of Microsoft browsers are known for their flaws to every experienced user. Due to the fact that Windows developers tried to impose their standards on Internet users, their browsers often worked incorrectly on many resources and the page script error message could be encountered very often.

If for some reason you cannot replace Internet Explorer with another, then follow these steps in your browser to resolve the error:

These steps will help you in most cases to resolve the script error that occurred if you are an Internet Explorer user. These settings are usually set by default, but they could be reconfigured as a result of prolonged operation or disruptions of the navigator.

Fixing a script error on Windows

When using various programs and games in the operating room Windows system, you may also encounter the error "A script error has occurred on this page." This happens for a number of reasons that appear due to software malfunction, under the influence of antivirus software on other programs and under the influence of viruses on the OS. The following error recovery method will help in many cases.

Follow these steps:

After the above steps, the error should disappear.

Other ways to troubleshoot a script error

Use programs that can help resolve the script error in both the operating system and your browser. These are the programs Glary Utilities, CCleaner, Advanced SystemCare Free and others. They will eliminate various problems with the computer at different levels - cleaning trash from the trash, history, cache, system trash. And also the restoration of registry files, which are the causes of many troubles associated with your computer. Install one of them and clean up the file system.

After that, defragment your hard disk files

  1. To do this, in Windows 10, open Explorer (WIN + E), select "This computer" on the left in the block and right-click on it.
  2. Then select the "Service" tab and click "Optimize".
  3. In Windows 7, you can use the method described above.
  4. But there is also another way to invoke the defragmentation utility. Press WIN + R, in the line enter the following command "defrag.exe".
  5. Disk defragmentation, as well as cleaning, is an excellent preventive measure for your PC so that a script error does not occur on the page, in programs or games in the future.

A home computer is a truly multifunctional device that can be used to solve a fairly wide range of tasks. Today it is both a source of information and a means of entertainment and a gaming center. All the more annoying for users to encounter problems with this important device... For example, when launching games, you may sometimes see a pop-up window that says "A script error has occurred on this page." The reasons for its occurrence and the necessary corrective measures will be discussed further.

Script error window

What is the essence and possible causes of the error "A script error has occurred on this page"

For simple user it is far from obvious that the stable operation of a computer is the result of the simultaneous interaction of dozens, and sometimes hundreds of different programs, scripts and utilities. A simple launch of an operating system is associated with the need for a huge amount of computation, not to mention the installation of complex and resource-intensive applications like 3D games.

It should be borne in mind that software developers try to minimize possible inconsistencies program code his brainchild, which will ensure its smooth operation on any version of the operating system. Unfortunately, this is not always possible and in some cases problems occur. This is exactly what happens when the system displays the message "A script error has occurred on this page." At the same time, the leaders in terms of non-docking are online games with their own clients to access the network, and.

Client error window

An example is the unsuccessful attempt to launch the famous World games of Tanks. However, there is a possibility that the same will happen during simple browser use.

Ways to troubleshoot script error

When considering how to fix page script errors, it should be noted that the procedure will depend on the specific circumstances of the problem.

Internet Explorer Browser

If the problem in question "A script error has occurred on this page" occurs while the page is being loaded by a browser from Microsoft, then first of all, you should refresh the page. This is done by clicking on the round arrow, which is located near the search line.

Reload the page

If this does not help, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to the settings section (small gear in the upper right corner);
  2. Select "Browser options";
  3. Select the "Additional" menu section;
  4. Track the marks of the items "Disable script debugging";
  5. Reload your browser.

Browser settings

In most cases, this will fix page loading issues.

Third party apps and games

If a script error occurs during an attempt to start some work program, antivirus or an online game client, then the problem should be looked for in the system resources. It is worth noting that if you are not sure that the actions below can be carried out independently, then it is better to refuse to perform them. Usually, if the problem really lies in the conflict between the application code and the operating system, then the developers will fix the shortcomings in the next patch. Such a solution to the problem in some cases may be the most appropriate option, but it involves waiting.

If you have basic PC skills, then you can solve everything yourself. And first you need to open command line... Depending on the version of the operating system, its location may differ slightly. For example, in Windows 7, you need to open the start menu, and in Windows 8, you should right-click on this icon, since the standard action opens the modified menu.

  1. So, on the command line, you must enter the command " regedit", Then press the button" enter».
  2. In the window that opens, select the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" folder, and then right-click on it.
  3. In the context menu that appears, click on the "Permissions" item.

Eliminating a script error

Another context menu will open, where you need to select the "All" item and provide full access by setting the appropriate checkboxes.

Change permissions
Change permissions

Then you need to go to "General Permissions" and check the box on " General access". This is followed by saving the changes and restarting the PC.

The final action will be to write "regsvr32 msxml.dll" to the command line and confirm with the "Enter" key. If everything was done correctly, then the page script error will be eliminated.


Running applications and launching games is a complex process that requires precise matching of many parameters, so the likelihood of errors is quite high. However, subject to basic PC skills, all the necessary actions to eliminate them can be performed independently.

It happens that users of home computers or even terminals connected to a local (corporate) network, when visiting some Internet resources, are faced with the fact that a script error pops up on the screen. We will now see how to remove such a message and how to fix the situation.

What is a script error?

Let's start with the fact that modern Internet resources in the form of pages or multi-page sites contain rather complex structural forms in their structure. It is naive to believe that only text, pictures or animation are displayed on the pages. There are many more forms that are created using tools such as VBScript and JavaScript.

It is errors in the codes of such add-ons that can cause conflicts with the opened HTML pages, which leads to the appearance of the corresponding message. Now we will look at the simplest methods to understand how to remove a script error. Today they are distinguished by two. The first is related to the settings of the "native" browser of Windows OS, the second involves more complex actions and consists of two stages.

Script error: how to fix it in Internet Explorer?

Unfortunately, among all those known today, it is most susceptible to the appearance of such errors. Let's say a script error appears in the browser window. How to remove it in the simplest way? It's simple (F5 key). Perhaps the appearance of such a message has nothing to do with the loading page, but simply at a certain moment there was a communication failure.

On the other hand, not using this browser might be the right option. Just install something else for yourself, say, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Browser 360 or the same "Yandex. Browser". You can find a huge number of such programs on the Internet today.

But if you are already determined not to give up Internet Explorer, let's see how to remove the "Script Error" window using the built-in native tools of the browser and the Windows operating system itself. Before starting the action in the message window, you must click the "No" button to stop the continuation of the scripts.

Now in the browser you need to use service menu, where you select the properties parameter (you can also get access through the standard "Control Panel"), and then go to additional options.

We are interested in three fields here. We put check marks in front of the lines containing the disabling of script debugging both for Internet Explorer and for other browsers. Opposite the field for displaying notifications about each error, uncheck the box. It remains to click the "OK" button to save the changes and restart the computer system.

Now let's look at the situation when the script error "takes off" again. How to remove it using additional funds? Very simple. The fact is that conflicts can also be associated with incorrect settings security systems of the browser itself.

Here you will have to use the security tab in the browser properties and set the default level. After carrying out such actions, it is strongly recommended to completely clear the history of visits, delete cookies, temporary Internet files (clear cache). But this is, in general, only additional measure rather than the main way.

How to remove a script error when Windows starts using the system registry

Sometimes errors of this kind can also occur at the start of the operating system. Of course, one cannot say that this is some kind of serious failure. The system will boot anyway sooner or later. But the constant occurrence of such messages, to put it mildly, nerves.

Suppose, indeed, a script error appears when booting the system. How to remove it, you can understand if you use the system registry. To do this, you can use either the command line or the Run menu, where the regedit command is written (by the way, if the system does not boot, the command is entered directly in the boot window after the message is displayed).

Find the permissions section in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch, and select user groups in the context menu. In the new window at the bottom, you need to set full access, and then use the additional parameters button.

Here, for all subjects, the change of permissions is selected and the type "Allow" is set, as well as the checkboxes are put in front of the read and full access lines. Save the changes by pressing the "OK" button. A little difficult. True, and that's not all.

Additional commands

After finishing work with the registry, you need to reboot the system and call the command line again, where you will have to write some commands one by one. In its simplest form, this is regsvr32 msxml.dll. Then, with the unchanged first part of the command (regsvr32), separated by a space msxml2.dll, and then msxml3.dll.

If this does not help, there will be more commands that are entered one by one (with the same unchangeable first part of regsvr32 with a space after it): atl.dll, corpol.dll, dispex.dll, jscript.dll, scrrun.dll, scrobj.dll , vbscript.dll, wshext.dll, msxml.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, ole32.dll and oleaut32.dll. It goes without saying that after each command you enter, the Enter key is pressed.


So we figured out the topic "Script error: how to remove it?" As for the proposed solutions, of course, using is the simplest way, but it has its drawbacks. It may not work if other browsers are used, and even more so if errors appear when loading the system. So, for that matter, you will have to use a more complex technique with editing the system registry and entering specific commands if changes in the registry do not give a positive result.

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