
How to use Evernote: overview, usage, alternatives. Evernote is your assistant in online business and in life Evernote do you need this program

There were a lot of questions in Silicon Valley about how exactly you can use Evernote (some wrote that they have a calendar, contacts and notes perfectly enough to store all sorts of data, so nothing else is needed), well, they asked for details, as well as Why do I personally use this program? So I thought that it would be more practical purely practical to talk about why and how I use Evernote, well, in this note I will also include various information that I received at the Evernote conference. About what Evernote is in general and why it is used, I wrote in the corresponding article for "Likbez". Here we will talk about the purely practical application of this useful program, especially since, as it turned out, some features of its use are not obvious to many users. So. Evernote is a system for storing (and, accordingly, subsequent use of) various text notes, documents, images, media files. Evernote is cloud service , that is, your data can be stored on the project website, and in addition, the corresponding application exists for all major operating systems, including, of course, mobile ones.

Platforms (and browsers) that Evernote exists for

That is, wherever you take your notes - on a computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet - you can always have access to them on your other devices, as well as from any computer (smartphone, tablet) that has Internet access. Notes are divided into so-called notebooks, which also have one level of nesting, that is, one top-level notebook can contain a certain number of nested notebooks. (By the way, in some cases I would like to have a third level of nesting.) A note can be just text, text with formatting, you can also attach some files to it - generally speaking, any, but they differ separately image files, documents and audio files. (The maximum size of a file attached to a note is 50 megabytes for a premium account, 25 for a free account.)

Text note

The image attached to the note is stored as a zoomable preview, it can be opened in the viewer or graphics editor installed in the operating system by default. The image can also be saved to a computer.

Note with attached image

All attached images are recognized on the Evernote server and the results are included in the search index. That is, you can further search for text in images, which opens up very interesting opportunities applications. For example, you can take photos with your phone and save business cards to Evernote, and then search for the corresponding person. It works very well, I use it all the time - here's an example.

Recognized text from a business card is found by search

Similarly, the text of handwritten notes and any photographs are recognized - for example, photographs of the working hours of an institution. (But here we must understand that not any text in the image lends itself to high-quality recognition.)

handwritten note

The audio attached to the note has a special play icon, and this track can be played directly from the note.

Playing an attached track

Audio can be recorded directly to the note itself: from a computer, phone, tablet. In this case, Evernote is used as a voice recorder, and the recorded track is automatically included in the created recording. Then, of course, it can be saved as a separate file and used as you like. I often use this opportunity for all sorts of journalistic purposes, when you need to record someone's speech or interview, so that you can listen to it again if necessary.

In one note - recording is in progress, a video file and a picture are attached

PDF documents attached to a note are stored in a form that allows you to conveniently view these documents right in the note - without opening it with some kind of PDF reader.

PDF document attached to note

When notes are written on a tablet phone, Evernote can save to it your location data(if you allow it, of course), you can also manually specify the coordinates when writing a note on a computer. Based on the location data, it is then very convenient to select notes from the series: "Hey, what did I write there when I was in Ibiza?"

General Map

Notes in Spain and Ibiza

Tags- when creating or editing a note, you can enter tags in a special field to facilitate further search and selection. (However, even if you do not enter them, Evernote will analyze the text and select the appropriate tags - when copying pages with a web clipper.)

Tags in my Evernote

web clipper - special program available under various browsers. With the help of a web clipper, you can save a web page, an article from a web page (without unnecessary decoration) and just a URL as a note.

Web Clipper Options

Saving an article

Shared notebooks- any notebook can be made public, that is, give access to it to anyone or a limited circle of people.

Setting up sharing

Offline Notebooks- during normal use of Evernote on the mobile devices only headers are downloaded from the cloud, and if you want to get the contents of the note, then your computer (device) must be connected to the Internet. This is not always convenient when traveling, when there may not be access to Wi-Fi or mobile Internet. In this case, it is advisable to download the necessary notes in advance, and offline notebooks are available for premium users: if a particular notebook is declared offline, the system will store all notes, including locally, on all devices where the notebook is offline. Local notepad- any notebook can be declared local, and then its notes will be stored only locally, without synchronization with cloud storage. That's all key features this service. Now let's see how and why I use it purely practically. My personal uses for the Evernote service When some users say that they need to store only the contact database and the calendar, they are at least disingenuous. There is a large amount of the most diverse information that needs to be stored and easily accessed, and if users say that they use only contacts and a calendar, this means that they save other information they need in various programs. Why keep everything you need in various programs when all this can be stored in one, which also provides cloud storage and is there for all platforms? Accordingly, with this, everything that does not apply to the calendar and contacts is stored in Evernote. Namely: 1. Any useful notes and articles- on computer topics, household and so on and so forth. I saw something interesting on the Internet - you copy the article into the note of the desired notebook, and then you can forget about it, because you will always find this note when you need it. By the way, for more convenient operation with online articles there is the Evernote Clearly tool - it allows you to completely clear the article of all unnecessary design, read it on the site and / or save it as an Evernote note.

Article via Clearly

2. Any settings information. For example, my settings home internet(there at least you need to set the appropriate MAC address - I have it long time was stored on a piece of paper in a desk drawer, and how many bitter words I uttered when I had to look for this piece of paper again), some specific router settings (port forwarding), and so on. And they are still stored there. important settings routers and other devices of my friends and relatives - how many times it helped me out when they all flew again.3. business cards the most diverse people. I hate keeping business cards because you will never find anything among them later. Now I don't store them in analog form. I made a note, photographed a business card - and threw it away: Evernote will index the data and then I can find this person even by name, even by last name, even by position, even by company name.4. trips. This is generally the most important thing. I go often - once or three times a month. For each trip, I need to store: electronic tickets, the program of stay (if any), booking hotels, cars, contacts of people I need to meet, and so on. It's all streaming into Evernote, and I've never lost anything. In addition, very often you need to retrieve some data from a previous trip - well, they are all there, arranged in order: I don’t destroy old data, they can always come in handy.5. Purchases. In the process of communicating on the Internet or studying some data on the site, you come to the conclusion that you want to purchase this or that electronic toy. In order not to forget that I am going to purchase, the relevant information is written in a separate notebook - with all the data, links, images, and so on.6. Constant purchases. The house uses five types of light bulbs, two types of printer cartridges, and some other little things. All this is recorded in the corresponding notebook - marking, photographs. Now you will not miss when buying.7. Confidential information. The Evernote system is, of course, more geared towards storing more or less open information and is not seriously protected. However, it also has some built-in protections, such as encryption of certain pieces of text. I have some kind of sensitive data that I may need at some point, and I store it in the form of encrypted notes. The storage system is organized in such a way that even if someone suddenly gains access to my account and at the same time decrypts the notes, he will still not be able to use them, since a rather tricky system is used to remember them. But I can use all of this if necessary. By the way, I know people who even store cards of variable codes for banking in Evernote - despite the fact that the images are not encrypted here. (I talked to the developers about this topic, they promised to think about making this option optional.) These people explain this approach by saying that, firstly, it’s far from always clear from the card which bank it is from (for example, I have there are almost identical cards from the same Russian and Spanish banks), and besides, even if you understand - well, go find out your login and password, plus take possession of my phone, where SMS with confirmation comes. When several types of protection are used, variable code cards can even be stored in this way, although this, of course, is not very secure. 8. Wall plaques. This mainly concerns the opening hours of certain establishments. How does your police passport office work? Take a picture of the plate once, put it in a note with the appropriate name - and that's it, you can always see the time of work.9. Constantly needed data. For example, I need to periodically check the size of title and announcement illustrations on certain projects where I work as editor-in-chief. All this is recorded in the respective project notebooks and is available almost instantly. Also, all the parameters of the car - wheels, tires, filled oil - are stored in the note.10. What films to watch. Movies are recommended from time to time. Previously, I kept a similar list somewhere in Word, and, of course, adding data to it when you are not at the computer was very difficult. This is now maintained in the corresponding note in Evernote - and edited from anywhere.11. Wine. They advised some wine, liked some wine - wrote down the name, photographed the label - threw it into the appropriate note. Then you can always get it in the store, look and search for the right brand.12. Cooking recipes . Write down an interesting recipe from the Web, write down from someone's words, take a picture of the finished dish, and so on. By the way, for advanced eaters and cooks there is even special application Evernote Food. But for this task, it is quite convenient to use the usual Evernote.13. Banking. Accounts of various people to whom, for one reason or another, I can transfer money, secure and encrypted information on some of my cards, data on my accounts, data on some calculations and transfers (so that you can always return to them), and so on and so forth.14. Cellular. It is very convenient to store various special options here when traveling to other cities or abroad. I use this all the time.

15. Audio notes. All kinds. Interviews with someone, speeches at conferences, my audio notes, which I take somewhere along the way, when it is much more convenient to say than to write down. Like everything. But I only listed the main directions, and there are all sorts of different side directions, plus somewhere once a month I find Evernote some new area of ​​\u200b\u200buse, like storing some photos, which I would like to have access to in any case and from any platform .Many people also use Evernote as a structured and indexed repository of various documents that they would always like to have at hand - well, also an option, although this is not particularly suitable for me due to the number of these documents and their volume. Well, I must say that Evernote - it's still not a system for storing files. This is a system for storing information - including the attached files. For cloud storage of large volumes of files, it is more convenient to use other systems - for example, the same Dropbox or 4Sync (they immediately give 15 GB, unlike Dropbox). Some data from the Evernote conference Well, and some more data from the Evernote conference, which was announced by Phil Libin - the company's CEO.

Phil Libin speaking

The company now employs 230 people (a year ago there were 88). Registered API developers (and companies) - 15,000 people. At the moment, the system has 38 million users (accounts). A year ago there were 12 million of them. Seven offices of the company were opened around the world. The main one is in Silicon Valley, the second American one is in Austin, Texas, Zurich (Switzerland), Moscow (Russia), China, South Korea and Japan. Phil also spoke in detail about the upcoming release of a completely new product based on Evernote, Evernote Business is a common information storage and processing environment for small and medium businesses.
The following innovations are planned there: Administration
Administrators will have access to a special panel where they can manage user accounts and their rights within the organization in an organized manner.

Data management
Any information added to Evernote Business notebooks is controlled by the company. Everything created and stored in an Evernote user's personal account is controlled by the user.

Easy connection
After a company installs Evernote Business, employees can be connected by simply adding their corporate addresses Email to the list.

Simplified payment system
Easily and conveniently process payments for the entire organization using the corporate bank card or payment by invoice.

All this is planned to be launched by the end of 2012.

There are a number of programs without which it is simply impossible to work effectively. One such program is Evernote for Windows. We will mainly assume that for Windows, although the program will be used on many mobile devices. Cross-platform thing, oh how. But it is advisable to start with a regular computer / laptop, then you can quickly understand why this whole thing is.

What is evernote for?

When some bloggers begin to explain the essence of Evernote, they often confuse themselves, talking about some difficulties, some examples, in order to understand why all this was invented. But there are people who understand the meaning of the program quickly and simply. I consider myself one of those. Why? As a teenager and young adult, I was very inquisitive. Therefore, in addition to books, I had a bunch of notebooks and notebooks where I wrote down various information, breaking it down by topic. After all, it is inconvenient to store a dozen magazines if what is interesting takes up a small part of the notebook. Or you just need to write down an anecdote, a quote, a thought. Or sketch a short plan.

It seems to get rid of the mess, but over time, when a large number of notebooks and notebooks accumulate, it becomes a little problematic to understand them. But still better than piles of magazines, newspapers, sheets and other things.

So, Evernote (Evernote) is primarily a program for creating and organizing notebooks in which notes will be written. Moreover, there are two levels of notebooks - a set of notebooks on a broad topic, and inside there are specific notebooks, inside which, in turn, are thematic notes.

When I installed the program, I very vaguely understood what it was for.

It's just that Evernote was at the peak of popularity on the Internet, everyone wrote about it, described all sorts of possibilities for accumulating and storing information (and I love this business). But there was no clarity on this issue.

No, to say right away that in a simplified form, this is a set of notebooks on various topics and these notebooks can be accessed from any workplace or mobile phone. Everything else is gimmicks.

Evernote sync

The main advantages of Evernote synchronization. All your notes will be synchronized over the Internet and you will have access from any of your devices. You just need to install the application; access can be obtained from online by logging in through evernote.ru; various types of data are supported; very convenient search and selection of notes; secret data can be password protected.

Evernote cons

There are also disadvantages: free version limit on the amount of information. 60 MB per month for synchronization.

that is why I use text notebooks more than any multimedia. You can, of course, use other programs - but it's convenient, damn it!

The price of the paid version is $45 per year. But many new features are added, such as access by several users, increasing the amount of synchronized information up to 1 GB.

Where to download Evernote?

Go to the site and download the client for your computer by clicking the green button “Download Evernote“.

The installation is standard. You can see step by step how to install and how to register in this place. In the same place, how to create the first note, add an image or a piece of a web page with using the Web clipper.

You can download all related apps here. Be sure to install Web Clipper for your browser. Clipper lets you save web pages directly from your browser.

In the applications, you can select and download the necessary mobile client for smartphones running iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows phone 7.

Evernote features.

Notebook set

1. The very first thing to do is to identify key sets of notebooks. Several big destinations. For example, the sets “Offline work”, “Online work”, “Hobby”, “House affairs”. Or “Business”, “Recreation”, “Information”. In short, here you need to think about and choose the main priorities. I did everything myself quickly and did not work out very well. Although you can spend a bit of time and redo it.

2. Then notebooks are created in each of the sets. For example, in the “Work online” set, notebooks are made for each specific blog, notebooks for external and internal optimization, general work on blogs, etc. There are local notepads (that is, they are stored only on your computer) and synchronized (information is posted on the network).

Notes Evernote

3. In specific notebooks, the necessary notes are created. It is advisable to assign short, but informative tags (tags) to each note. Information can then be searched through the hierarchy of notebooks or quickly using a label.

Evernote protection

4. Confidential information can be additionally password protected. I would be careful not to store all the passwords for various services online. But you can save passport data and additionally put a password on them. Paranoia won't hurt. Once again I’m talking about the main thing - in the free version, only 60 MB is synchronized. per month. Therefore, you need to store text information on the network and attach optimized pictures to notes. That is, photos and pictures need to be compressed as much as possible, just like blogging.

Audio notes

6. The rest of the media information is better stored by other methods. The only time when it is convenient to use Evernote is to make your dictaphone recordings in audio notes, best of all in local notebooks, especially if the recordings take up a lot of space.

It is possible to make a handwritten note, record a screenshot from a webcam.

Now, on a computer both at home and at work, you can enter the evernote desktop utility and work with notebooks. In the same way, you can work with these notebooks using your smartphone or from a browser anywhere. This will be the notebook that is advised to carry and write down all your thoughts.

Evernote mailbox

8. Evernote creates you mailbox, kind [email protected] where you can send the necessary mail letters from any of your mailboxes.

9. Evernote has the ability to search for text on images. Take a picture of the schedule, optimize the picture and attach it to the note. After synchronization, you can search for text in the image.

Using Evernote

It is better to consider on the subject of blog promotion and making money online. Although it is impossible not to mention other, vitally useful options: I keep separate notebooks with notes for each blog. Convenient and easy; analysis of paid and free video courses. You look and immediately write down ideas, methods and what needs to be done; webinar analysis. We look and immediately write down the necessary thoughts. When the facilitator says - take a notebook and a pen, then I open Evernote; saving pieces of web pages using a clipper or simply by copying; saving useful thematic links in those notes where necessary; saving passport data, codes, bank details, e-currency wallet numbers, etc.

storage of addresses, telephones, necessary schedules; records of the necessary codes used in creating a blog; I conduct planning, from global plans to their sequence for the week. Daily affairs I write down manually; I save quotes, aphorisms, poems, smart thoughts; I record books worth reading, movies worth watching, music worth listening to, etc. I write down all my ideas and plans.

Such is useful program. At the moment, without it, as without hands, I use it in everyday life almost every day. They say that there are other programs that replace notepads, but I'm already used to Evernote (Evernote) for Windows. And I don't regret it one bit.

In this article, we will talk about the Evernote program, which is very popular on the smartphone and tablet PC market today, namely: the version of the application for operating system Android.

Evernote for Android is a multifunctional application for creating all types of custom notes. The main advantage of this application is that Evernote allows you to synchronize the notes you create on all your devices, thus creating your personal workspace.

Create your own workspace with Evernote

Evernote allows you to save all the most important points Your life in the form of convenient text notes, photos, videos and audio recordings. The application allows you to find necessary information, wherever you are: at home, on the road, business trip or vacation - manage your data quickly and easily!

Keep your work organized and fast with Evernote:

  • create your own notes, to do sheets or even multi-page notes;
  • save interesting information - web pages, photos, documents;
  • find any information you are interested in - quick search from Evernote will make your work faster;
  • show presentations and the results of your work on big screen in order to organize working interaction.

I would like to note that in the Evernote application on Android, you can manage your expenses and credit cards. It is also possible to organize a business trip: booking airline tickets, hotel rooms and storage important information for travel.

How to use Evernote on Android OS?

Let's take a look at how to work with Evernote: create your first note, a notepad of your information. Everything is quite simple, the application is adaptive for user perception, has a user-friendly interface.


In the article, I briefly described all the main features and principles of the Evernote application on Android. I also want to note that the application has paid versions: Evernote Premium and Evernote Plus. In these versions, the user has access to:

  • notepads offline;
  • the ability to edit PDF files;
  • additional data protection and other functions.

If you do not want to use the premium version of the application to use information offline, then you can choose for yourself. There are a lot of these today. For Android OS, these are applications such as Catch Notes, Google Keep, WizNote, Cintanotes and others.

Summing up, I want to say that choosing the Evernote application for organizing your affairs, you get a huge workspace with a lot of useful functionality that every user will appreciate. You can read about the Evernote Web Clipper browser add-on.

Editor's Choice

Getting to know Evernote - what is this program and what is the secret of its popularity?

Surely, many have heard of such software as Evernote, however, not all users know what kind of program it is and how to use it competently to operate with all their notes and records.

In simple words- this software to create, store and synchronize all user notes with multiple devices. The developers of the application position it as the best and most thoughtful replacement for a paper diary. In fact, it is an electronic notepad with excellent visualization of all functions.

Thanks to the data synchronization function, users can transfer not only recordings, but also photos or audio tracks between their gadgets.


The popularity of the electronic notepad

The software includes following components:

  • web service . Suitable for use from any device that has access to global network. Advantage - no need to install additional software;
  • Desktop program . It can be downloaded and installed by Windows, Mac OS, Unix, Linux, ;
  • Mobile applications . Available for on Android based, IOS, . You can download the scheduler for free from the official app store.

The first site for creating and storing notes was launched in 2008. The idea of ​​the project belongs to the entrepreneur and start-up Stepan Pachikov.

For a long time working on intelligent user handwriting recognition systems, he came up with the idea of ​​creating a full-fledged utility that could replace all paper media.

Today it is used over 100 million users different platforms and devices. She enjoys popularity not only in the CIS, but throughout the world. Developers regularly release updates that are adapted for users from different countries. The functionality and systems of recognition of the letters of many languages ​​and dialects are being introduced.


As mentioned above, manage your account Evernote users can either use the web version or use desktop or mobile programs.

The account owner can choose one of three subscription options:

    Basic - free profile. To get it, you just need to register in the downloaded utility or on the Evernote.com website. Users of this subscription version can freely use the basic functions of the electronic notepad: creating, storing and sharing data. The download size limit is 60 MB;

    Plus - a paid subscription, which will cost 60 rubles per month of use. With it, you get 1 GB of free space every 30 days and you can sync data between all devices without restrictions. There is the possibility of working with an offline notepad and the function of forwarding letters;

    Premium - subscription, the cost of which is 120 rubles per month. In addition to all the features of the Plus package, Premium supports a quick search in the contents of the document, the demonstration of notes, working with PDF, access to the history of records. Also, users will be able to digitize paper notes and add them.

A detailed description of all the features and differences of each service package shown in the figure below:

Note that the use paid subscriptions is optional. Any user can be the owner of the free service option for an unlimited time.

However, Premium and Business versions will be an excellent and inexpensive solution to the issue of organizing of all affairs for people who are responsible for planning all affairs.

The annual subscription price does not exceed the price of a regular diary from an office store, and in return you get much more features.

web service

Using the Web service, you can access it without first installing software.

Site use– a great opportunity to get acquainted with the interface and basic functions.

Follow the instructions to create an account and get started with web service:

Thematic videos:

AT modern world we are surrounded by a huge number useful information. Remembering everything you need and keeping it in your head, as a rule, is simply impossible, of course, if you do not have a phenomenal memory. Therefore, all business people use notebooks. Ordinary notebooks are a thing of the past, because we live in a digital age, where convenient applications are used.

Evernote - what is this service? This question is of interest today to quite a few people who really value their time. In fact, everything is very simple - having learned how to use this program, you can work much more productively. It is about the "green elephant" that will be discussed further.

Evernote - what is this program?

Evernote is a service for storing various notes. If you are constantly working with large amounts of information and do not want to miss any details, then this program you will appreciate.

Evernote has many features, which you will learn about by reading this article. At first glance, it may seem to you that the service is difficult to use, but in reality it is not. Yes, there are several options for using the program, but everyone customizes Evernote in their own way. Reviews of successful people say that the service contributes to more productive work, with its help you will always keep everything under control.

Why you need Evernote

Previously, you most likely wrote down the necessary information in notebooks or notepads. In the same place you kept email addresses, phone numbers, names of employees and much more. Notebooks ended, and you started new ones. As a result, some of the information could be lost or you had to look for it for a long time.

Today you can put away your notebooks and use the Evernote service, where you will store any notes. Imagine a situation that you are walking down the street and suddenly an interesting idea for a business or, for example, an article came to your mind. You forgot your notebook at home, but you can get it mobile phone, open Evernote and take a quick note. When you come home and turn on your laptop, you can immediately see your recording, because one of the advantages of this service is synchronization between devices.

This is just one example, but in fact there are quite a few such situations in everyday life.

Service features

One of the main advantages of Evernote is the ability to access notes from any device (desktop PC, tablet, mobile phone). Wherever you are, open Evernote and see your to-do list. At the same time, there is Evernote for Android and for other operating systems.

By installing a special extension, you can save entire web pages or individual text fragments. In order for you not to forget what the link in the note is, write an explanation. By the way, synchronization occurs not only between devices, but also between browsers, which is also important.

You can create up to 250 notebooks, each containing many notes. The service has a very powerful search so you can quickly find the information you need. Tags will also help you in your search.

Perhaps the only drawback is that there are only two levels of nesting. That is, in a notebook you can create a notebook, but it will no longer be possible to put another one into it.

Registration on the service and installation of the program

So, you've decided to take advantage of Evernote's features. This is what kind of service and what it is intended for, you already know, so now you need to register on it.

To get started, find the Evernote resource on the Internet. Go to the official website of the service and click the "Register" button. Enter your email address and password, then click Create Account.

Now click on the appropriate button to download "Evernote" for Windows. Run the installation file and agree to the terms of use of the service. Click "Install" and wait for the installation to complete.

Open the program and select the option "I already have an account." Enter your E-mail address and password, and then click "Login". If you have not registered for the service, then after installing the program, click "I do not have an Evernote account."

As you can see, you can create an account on the service in two ways - before or after installing the program.


At first, the interface of this service may seem confusing to you, but in reality it will not be difficult to figure it out. Open the program. You will see three areas:

  • On the left - a list of notes, notebooks, tags, as well as a chat for work (in new versions).
  • In the middle part - thumbnails of notes, notebooks, etc. Using a special option, you can change the display (list, fragments, cards).
  • On the right is the note itself, where there are all the usual Word options (fonts, tables). There is also the possibility located on the computer, or create a voice note.

In addition, here you can set a "Reminder", share a note or an entire notebook with friends. If several people use the program, then add users and switch between them in one click.

So, you have installed Evernote, what kind of program is this, you have already learned. Now we need to understand how the notes are arranged here.

Structuring information

In order to easily find the note you need, all of them are placed in notebooks (you can create 250 of them). Also, for each entry, it is possible to assign certain tags (one or more). Shortcuts are provided for quick access to notes.

Create a notepad and name it e.g. "Electronic Wallets". Here you can put a note where all your wallets will be listed - WebMoney, PayPal, "Yandex.Wallet" and others. Now, if you need to indicate the number of anyone on any resource, then simply open the corresponding note, copy the information and paste it into the required field.

Thus, you have the opportunity to create other notebooks (folders) - travel, ideas for projects, to-do list, plans (for a week, a month, a year).

Now you know what Evernote is, how to use this service - figured it out. Therefore, it can be considered a useful addition.

Evernote Web Clipper Extension

If you browse a lot of sites while searching for information, then in order not to lose an interesting article, you can save it to Evernote using the Evernote Web Clipper extension. At the same time, you have the opportunity to add the entire page (including images, links) or a fragment of text to the note.

To download the browser add-on, go to the site, scroll down the page and click on the "Products" link. Find web extension Clipper and click Download. You will be "thrown" to the store, where you need to download the add-on.

Do you have questions about Web Clipper? Watch the tutorial video (page opens). But in reality, there is nothing complicated here.

Paid versions of Evernote

In addition to the basic version, you can take advantage of paid accounts. There are two types of them:

  1. Plus - you get 1 GB (per month) of free space for your notes (in the basic version - 60 MB). On mobile devices, you can block the program. You will also have access to information offline.
  2. Premium - unlimited storage space for notes. In addition, you will have access to all the features of the service, which you can learn about on the official website.

Basically, if you are only working with text information, then you have enough regular version. But in cases where you need to store videos, photos or other large files, it is better to purchase a paid account.

Are you interested in the service and decide to install Evernote for yourself? What kind of program is this - you already know. But before using it, it is recommended to listen to the advice of other people. And they are next.

First, install applications on all devices to have access to information from anywhere in the city, country or world. Believe me, this is very convenient, because you no longer need to carry a notebook with you, which, moreover, you can forget at home.

Secondly, be sure to come up with a complex login password. If you store passwords in the program, for example, from electronic wallets, or other important data, be sure to encrypt them (this option is provided).

Thirdly, of course, there are similar services, for example, an analogue of Evernote - OneDrive. However, if you look at the results of the polls, Evernote remains the clear leader, so it is recommended to use it.


So, after you get an answer to the question: "Evernote - what kind of application is this?", You can conclude whether you need this service or not. It is worth noting that at the initial stage of use, it will seem to you that it is completely useless.

But actually it is not. As the number of notes grows, you will see the usefulness of the program and will use it more and more often.

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