
How to make a table of contents in fb2. How to make fb2 from txt: online services and converters for PC. How to create an FB2 file

IN Lately the author of this article regularly reads books and creates fb files for libraries. Since my way to make the file beautiful and correct is not described anywhere, this article appeared. The author in no way claims that this method is the only true and correct one, on the contrary, some of the functions of the programs are not used (although they could), but the habit and inertia of thinking are characteristic, alas, of all people.

All the basic rules for creating fb2 books are described in the article How to make a book, which I advise you to read.

I use several programs in my work:

  • Microsoft Word, or MW (any version) - for pre-editing the document and making links
  • FictionBookDesigner, or FBD - for beautiful book design, arrangement of titles and nested parts and creating an fb2 file
  • FictionBookInvestigator, or FBI is an integral part of the BD and FBD packages, which can be used separately - to edit the book using unicodes, where necessary.
  • FictionBookEditor , or FBE - for the final editing of the book after proofreading and checking its validity
  • BookDesigner , or BD for making from fb2 file in reader format. Last update
  • MassTextProcessor , or MTP - to correct some inaccuracies that are not allowed in libraries, but are allowed in FBD

Basically, latest program you can omit it, FBD has all the necessary tools, but I love it for its ease of use, small size and no need to install it. In addition, it allows you to work with a large number of files at once, which, however, will not be described here.

To the question - why do I use two programs of the same type (BD and FBD) the answer is simple. There is a big difference between BD and FBD: FBD is completely Unicode, while BD is only partially. Those. if you need to make a book with languages ​​that are incompatible within the same local encoding (for example, Russian and French), then this is only in FBD. In addition, FBD is made specifically for making fb2 files, and BD is omnivorous. It has many formats for both input and output.

Sequence of work

MW, pre-cut

So, the file that comes to me after scanning and recognition from the scanner is in .rtf format ( R ich T ext F ormat) which is recognized and edited by regular MW. Therefore, the first thing we do is enter Word. The main task of this stage is to arrange the links and correct the obvious very "crooked" text.

First of all, in order not to skip paragraph breaks, select all the text and use the right mouse button to call up the menu. Go to paragraph "Paragraph" and select "Indent"->"First Line"->"Indent".

Again we call the menu "Font" -> select the size and type of the font of the entire document. This is done because when recognizing text, often a change in font type or size falls in the middle of a word. In this case, when uploading a file to FBD, there will be a space in this place.

Next, "Tools"->"Options"->"Spelling" check that there are ticks: automatically check spelling, always suggest a replacement, skip words from capital letters, skip words with numbers, skip Internet addresses and file names, automatically check grammar , also check spelling. Let's do a re-check.

There is a slightly different way of working with MW - loading a template. This method is well described, and I will not repeat myself. My only objection to this method is that FBD still does not understand such volumetric formatting, so is it worth fencing the garden. But maybe it will be more pleasant or more convenient for someone.

Then the most tedious and nasty work begins - we carefully look through the entire file, correcting errors and forming footnotes. There are two types of footnotes in the source file - denoted by an asterisk and denoted by superscript numbers. First, go to "Insert"->"Link"->"Footnote", and configure. Footnotes should be at the bottom of the text, number format 1,2,3..., start from 1, continue numbering. Apply the changes made. Next, "Tools"->"Settings"->"Commands", select "Insert" in the left window and drag the "Footnote..." command from the right window to the toolbar.

When a footnote appears in the text, set the cursor to the place of the footnote and click on the button that appears on the toolbar with the mouse. In the window that appears below, we throw the text of the footnote. Thus, all footnote formatting boils down to the following procedures:

  • move cursor to footnote
  • remove footnote indicator (asterisk or number)
  • click on the AB1 button on the toolbar
  • highlight footnote text
  • drag it with the mouse to the bottom window
  • remove the remaining "garbage" from the footnote - empty lines, asterisks, numbers, etc.

Having reached the end of the file, we additionally check by searching if there are any missing footnotes.

In a situation where bold or italics fall on part of a word, select this word and make it normal or fully highlighted, depending on the text. This, again, is done so that later a space does not appear inside the word.

At the same time, we highlight the headings in bold and empty lines for their automatic subsequent recognition.

Save the file and exit MW.

FBD - making an fb2 file

Before opening a file with FBD, especially when using it for the first time, it makes sense to check the settings of this program. I have it set up like this. The most important thing is to check if there is multilingual support for books with Spanish, French and the like. In addition, I always keep the original format and often use the definition of headers not only keywords, but also by the selected text, since chapter titles are often highlighted in bold during recognition.

This menu is called up using the button

After making all the preliminary settings, it is recommended to reload the file so that they are applied to it. Next, we look through the file for the arrangement of headings, quotes, verses, etc. Some of the errors are identified and corrected at this stage of work. Immediately make a reservation, to select a piece of text, you must double-click on it with the mouse. In this case, the paragraph is highlighted. If you need to select more than one paragraph - first select the first one with a double click, and then go to the last one and Shift + click with the mouse. Only in this case the text selection will be 100% correct. All BookCorrector commands apply only to selected text.

First, we check whether the author and the title of the book were determined correctly. If not, we correct it using BookCorrector (choose book author and book title respectively). Then we define the annotation (if any) as an annotation (BookCorrector annotation). Next, we look for all the titles (BookCorrector title), epigraphs (epigraph), verses (verse) and quotes. Quotes (letters, etc.) are the most difficult! The fact is that they are not supported by BookDesigner as a separate feature. In this connection, in order to get a beautiful and well-made file, you have to pervert. Personally, I do this: at the beginning of the quote on a separate line I put the set of letters xxxxx, and at the end of the quote, also on a separate line zzzzz. Next, I'll show you how to convert it back to normal. Or, alternatively, you can arrange them as epigraphs. The advantage of the second method is that the author of the text is allowed in the epigraph, but with a large (very large!) Number of quotations, this is a somewhat inconvenient method, leading to an increase in manual labor. I will also tell you about what to do next with epigraph quotes later.

In addition, epigraphs, poems and quotations may contain the author of the text, which should be presented as a text author.

In BD and FBD there is also a very handy tool for searching Tools -> Element Browser. It allows you to find incorrect line breaks, incorrect paragraph endings. To do this, you need to run a search for broken sentences and bar ends (user). When you click on a line in the browser, BD automatically jumps to the location of this element and highlights the paragraph, heading or picture - whatever you are looking for. It is also convenient to check headings in it - it is desirable to have the table of contents of the book at hand.

At this stage of working with FBD, I still make additional adjustments to the images in order to optimize their size. To do this, I completely exit the editor (in the settings I always have the load last book at startup checkbox checked and go to the LastFile folder of the main program directory. It stores the html0 file and pictures for it. I optimize these pictures using IrfanView (however , the program can be anything you like.) Then I call FBD again, either just like that, or by opening this html0.

After selecting all the headings, it is necessary to form the future structure of the book. At this stage it is very convenient to use FictionBookSectionEditor. It is called with the icon

And it looks like this

In this section editor, using the arrows, we set a document structure that is easy to read and logical in terms of the table of contents. For example, such

After that, be sure to press the apply button to record the current location of the sections. ATTENTION! If you exit the section editor and re-enter it, the sections will look unmarked again! Your changes in the editor will not be visible! Therefore, do not exit the section editor until you get the desired result!

It remains to do the last thing before actually making the fb2 file - to format the footnotes. To do this, select the footnotes and do Format->selected notes.

Now you can call up the FB2 creation menu.

If you did everything correctly, then the fields of the author, title of the book and annotations are already filled. You just have to choose a genre from the proposed list and insert the cover by dragging it with the mouse from the window Windows Explorer into the book cover picture window. Check the settings - the book for library option must be enabled. For a competent definition of dashes / hyphens, I have recently been using the dashes-> long parameter, but I did not redo the screenshot. We press the make book button and wait for the beep signal that the book is ready.

In principle, now you need to validate the resulting file. In case of errors, a very convenient FictionBookInvestigator tool is automatically turned on, in which you can correct the wrong pieces of code. It is also called in the "Make Fiction Book File" window by the "load to FBI" button, which is activated after fb2 is created.

FBI - pre-edit fb2 file

FBI (Fiction Book Investigator) is a specialized manual fb2 file editor/validator. In terms of options - several times more powerful than FBE in terms of a set of options. In addition, in it I do bulk replacements for dashes that are not recognized as long by FBD and do the quotes that I talked about earlier.

After making fb2, upload the file to FBI, then to Find/Replace:

Find what: uni(44)uni(45)uni(32) replace with: uni(44)uni(32)uni(151)uni(32)

Click "replace all"

This converts all constructs like "comma hyphen space" to "comma space em dash space".

Find what: uni(46)uni(45)uni(32) replace with: uni(46)uni(32)uni(151)uni(32)

Click "replace all"

This converts all constructs of the form "dot hyphen space" to "dot space em dash space".

Find what: uni(33)uni(45)uni(32) replace with: uni(33)uni(32)uni(151)uni(32)

Click "replace all"

This converts all constructs like "exclamation mark hyphen space" to "exclamation mark space em dash space".

Find what: uni(63)uni(45)uni(32) replace with: uni(63)uni(32)uni(151)uni(32)

Click "replace all"

This converts all constructs like "question mark hyphen space" to "question mark space em dash space".

Find what: uni(32)uni(45)uni(32) replace with: uni(32)uni(151)uni(32)

Click "replace all"

This converts all hyphens of the form "space hyphen space" to "space em dash space".

Find what: replace with:

Click "replace all"

Find what: replace with:

Click "replace all"

The last 2 items create quotations from the xxxxx and zzzzz constructions that were specified earlier. After the fb2 file is made, they are converted into paragraphs, which must be replaced with the necessary tags. Be sure to validate after that! Check if there are any unmodified constructions left somewhere (sometimes garbage gets into the paragraph in the form of a space, tab, etc.).

After all the quotes are formed, I search for the end of each quote and, if necessary, highlight the author of the text at the end. F7 - tag-list, select the desired text after deleting the tags, double click on the tag .

Usually, at this point, I'm done with FBD and move on to the FBE editor.

FBE - fine-tuning

The FBE editor is convenient in that it allows you to edit both appearance, and the source code of the document and well reveals its structure. When opening the "tree" of the table of contents, all the flaws and shortcomings are immediately visible and can be easily corrected. Moreover, you can edit both in text mode and in tag mode.

First of all, you need to make sure that the structure of the document is beautiful and logical, there is no unnecessary fragmentation into sections, the table of contents will look good. An example is sectioned headings.

When such a broken heading occurs in the text, it is, firstly, ugly, and secondly, it is inconvenient, since this heading is the title of the chapter. These are two headings of the same level, so you can safely merge sections and avoid unnecessary increase in the number of sections. To do this, placing the cursor on the top of the merged sections, you must press Alt+Del. After that, select the heading, which has turned into a section, and drag it into the heading. Remove extra empty lines, or add them if the title is too long and looks ugly.

There are a few items that I edit in any FBD document. 1. Abstract. FBD, in addition to creating a separate item in the description called annotation, duplicates it in a separate section immediately after the author and title of the book. This dubbing is not very convenient for the subsequent use of the file, so I delete this section entirely. Right click Select->body/section, and right click Cut or Delete.

2. Often, files with pictures following one after another do not pass validation. The fact is that FBD does not insert an empty line between such pictures, which the scheme requires, even if you manually try to insert a line. Therefore, we put the cursor on the second, third, etc. pictures and press Enter.

3. Correct quotes. As you remember, we highlighted quotes as epigraphs. Now we need to make quotes from them. It is more convenient to do this in the source code editor (View-> Source). Searching for a tag and look a little higher. Immediately before it is a section break, since an epigraph can only be placed at the beginning of a section. But the quote can go anywhere in the section, so the section break can be removed, and instead ... insert ...

4. Blank lines before and after the chapter title. Such lines are extremely rare, but they must be removed according to the rules for creating a valid document.

5. This, in fact, is not editing. And it was possible to do this in FBD, but I do it here, because I like the form offered for filling in FBE more. This is filling in the description file! How to fill it out and what to write where is intuitive and well described in other articles, so I will not dwell on this.

MTP - footnote cleaning

In principle, as I have already said, one could completely do without this program. But I love her, so I'll tell you. It is very convenient when you need to make a bulk replacement in a file (or several files) of text structures with variable text inside for other structures with the same text. In principle, with the same success, you can use BookCleaner, which is part of FBD, by writing an appropriate script for it, and this will probably be even faster, but I use MTP.

This processor has its own, very simple, macro language, the text of which I will give in full.

The crux of the problem to be solved is that FBD and its author strongly disagree with the rules established in fb2 regarding footnotes. In the format, backreferences are in principle allowed, with the exception of footnotes. Therefore, they have to be corrected without fail in order for the library to accept a valid file. In addition, the type of links is brought to the library standard.

Unfortunately, this approach removes all paragraph markings from the document. Therefore, if there are other internal links in your book, it is best to do this work manually or you will lose them. The adjustment takes place in 3 stages.

1. Elimination of paragraph marking.

So, in the window SOURCE TEXT write a block


and in the window REPLACED BY- such


and start the processor.


TEXT=" "


TEXT=" "

3. Definition of the footnote number as a heading.





TEXT=" \n <p>" NAME=BLOCK1 TEXT="</p>\n\n

After so many edits, the file is ready for proofreading so that the errors encountered will not cause irritation and the desire to throw the book into some far corner ...

BD - for proofreading

I use the BookDesigner program to make a file for the device on which I read. I would not mention it here at all, but there is a bright and beautiful example of using BookCleaner, a program included in both BD and FBD, and suggested to me by the developer of these programs. This is a great illustration of how you can replace MTP with a little script.

If you remember, BD and FBD do not create, understand or display quotes. In the future, this is likely to change, but in the present - alas. And I would like to see all fb2 formatting in the device - firstly, in order to avoid possible errors and incorrectness, and secondly, a beautiful book is just a pleasure to read. Therefore, in order to have a selection of quotes in the reader, this script was written.

Example for BD, the latest update must be installed. You can also do this in FBD, but there is an old version of Book Cleaner, the script is the same, but the buttons are different.

Tools -> Book Cleaner script -> new


RegExp: check the box.

table -> add row

script -> save as -> "fb2cite"

input file: before formatting -> select "fb2cite.bcf" input file: after formatting -> none output file (fb2): -> none

Close Book Cleaner. After loading fb2, all cites will be highlighted in red. If there is a text-author inside cite, then it will be highlighted with its own color. Double-clicking on the first line of cite will select the entire element, and its type will appear on the 4th status bar: cite

An example is given in the author's edition. I changed it a little for myself. Changes were made to the color of the text - red is too bright for me. For a long time, I also used the conversion of text to italics, until I came across a book in the text of quotes in which italics turned out to be significant. But for those who wish, I can say that you can insert tags And. In addition, in order for em dashes to be visible during proofreading, I took the advice of the author of the program by renaming all em dashes and middle dashes into a Greek letter at the loading stage? , and then converting it back to a dash. The pictures clearly show where to use which script stored in the file with the .bcf extension

Attention! After using the Book Cleaner in tag replacement mode, it is highly recommended to check the tag tree with the Html Fragment Editor, especially for non-specialists in html.

Unusual books

In this section, I will talk about unusual books that I came across for proofreading. New chapters will appear here periodically, as there is no limit to human perfection!

Lots and lots of stories

A very unusual request came from a scanner to split the storybook into multiple files, one story per file. Since reading hundreds of files is not very convenient, I first split one file in MW into 19 by the number of authors. This is done simply - a new file is created into which a piece of text from the original file is inserted. It immediately became clear that some authors could not be divided into separate stories because of the interconnected stories, and some were impossible because of the through numbering of footnotes within these authors.

The most important thing to say here is that you first need to completely create one file by carefully filling in its description and subtracting the annotation. If at least one error remains, then it will need to be corrected in all files.

When making subsequent files, you must use the FBD load description option before directly launching make book on the make Fiction Book file tab. Then description will be completely copied from the sample file, except for the author of the book and its title. Attention! The ID is also copied, so change the number for each next piece!

After proofreading and editing these 19 files, I proceeded to break them down into individual stories. To do this, I copied the file according to the number of stories and renamed each one so as not to get confused in the sequence of files (at the first split, the files looked like Collection_name_author_number.fb2. During the subsequent split, the story number in the author's file was added to the file name). The breakdown consists in removing the superfluous and editing the description (a). In the title tag you need to change the title of the book, in the description (e) correct the title of the story and necessarily! ID number.

As a result, I received 63 files without any problems.


Another extremely complex book consisted of a huge number of pictures and quotes. I already talked about quotes above, but I want to touch on the pictures especially. To quickly search for all the pictures in a file, as well as for all specific components in general (headings, epigraphs, italics, footnotes, etc.), there is a very effective Element Browser program that is part of BD and FBD. It displays in its window a list of all pictures (or other selected elements) and when you double-click on the name of the picture, it jumps to its location. Double-clicking on the picture itself brings up the Insert/Edit Picture window, in which you can change the picture, delete it, and also change its size and position relative to the text. The very location of the picture can simply be changed by picking it up with the mouse and dragging it to another place. Inserting a picture is easy using the F5 button that opens the same window.

final result

Well, we have reached the finish line. Everyone reads on their device, so there is no point in describing the proofreading, the final editing of the file takes place in the FBE, which we have already talked about, as a result we get a fairly clean, beautifully designed book, ready to be uploaded to the library. This work is long and tedious, but the result, in my opinion, pays for all efforts.

A good book is a valid book with well-defined footnotes, verses, epigraphs, other formatting and a full-blooded title (translator's name, cover, etc.)

General sequence of actions

  • Getting primary fb2 from txt|doc|html|etc.
    • Programs for creating fb2
    • Simple import using Any2FB
  • Refinement of the body of the document
    • Removing containers
    • Adjustment fb2, selection of verses, etc.
    • Formatting footnotes (the instruction is not ready yet, but Any2FB immediately creates normal footnotes from footnotes of the form [footnote text])
  • Header completion
  • Working with xml source
  • What is NOT in this document

Getting primary fb2

This step requires the most skill. Here you can use the following programs:

The list looks somewhat intimidating, but not everything is so scary :) I suggest starting work with the FBE + Any2FB bundle.

Importing a simple document using FBE+Any2FB

Install FictionBook Tools and Any to FB2 . You may need to install the latest MSXML or even upgrade your system - FBTools don't work on Win9x.

So, the system is updated, and the programs are installed. Open the Fictionbook Editor from the FBTools package, call the menu?Import?/?ANY->FB by GribUser?. Let's move from simple to complex, first we convert the document from lib.ru. Enter the address of the text in Any2FB, reset the settings (if you have already used Any2FB) and click?Import?.

After we see the reassuring phrase Export finished on the Log tab, press the button? Done?. The document is transferred to FBE and we can see what happened during import. Headings were recognized, one footnote was recognized. The paragraphs look good. The only complaint is that the title of the entire document was converted into a separate empty section, plus a line about OCR was recognized as the title.

Fine-tuning the document body in FBE

Basic operations for adjusting and ennobling fb2.

Let's get down to what everything was started for - fine-tuning. I suggest just removing the first line of the original document (some people make it a title for the body, but I don't think it makes sense). The simple operation of removing the extra section from the title, however, is fraught with known difficulties in the FBE editor. Removal of structure elements (such as: verses, sections, epigraphs) can only be done from the previous element.

Set cursor above headline?Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. Private speculation? and press the ?Del? key.

As a result, the text moved to the previous element, and the old structural element was removed. Press ?Del? until the text is deleted. This method works for any FB2 elements and you will use it widely.

Before we similarly deal with the ?/* Scaned...? it will be useful to look into the header editor. Among other things, he suggests entering information about OCR. Let's transfer there (Copy+Paste) the information from the body of the document and now, with a clear conscience, delete the text about OCR - no one is forgotten. It is also not forgotten that you need to remove the section from the previous element.

Abstract, epigraphs, poems, pictures

In ?body? at the beginning of the document, colored markers on the left mark sections? annotation? (gray blue) and ?history? (crimson). It is highly desirable to fill in an annotaion (abstract), thereby greatly facilitating the life of future readers). If you changed something in the finished fb2 document, fill in the history - for example, indicate that the document has been proofread, a page skipped during scanning has been added, etc. Don't forget to change the version number of the document as well (see below).

If necessary, you can add an epigraph: put the cursor where it should be (the epigraph should immediately follow the beginning of the section and its name, if any) and press Ctrl+N (or Edit=>Add=>Epigraph). A purple strip will appear, into which you need to copy the epigraph (you can simply drag it). If the epigraph is a poem, then inside the purple strip (tag ) you need to press Ctrl+P (or Edit=>Insert=>Poem), black will appear ( ) and dark red ( ) stripes, in dark red you should drag the poem. ? this is a stanza, and there can be several such tags in a row. The epigraph probably has an author: drag his name to the end of the poem, select it, press Ctrl+D (Edit=>Add=>Text Author) ? the dark red stripe ends, and the black one is extended by one line; copy the author's name in a black stripe (tag after). That's it, the operation is completed (note: after the epigraph, some more text should follow, that is, the tag

should not close immediately after the epigraph). We press F8 (calling the built-in validator) to check the document for errors. If there is an error, Source mode will open and the cursor will automatically move to the tag where the error was made.

You can insert an image into the book (for example, the cover of the paper version): Edit=>Add Binary Object. After that, the image file is attached to the end of the document and can be used. To make an image a cover, in the Description mode, enter its name in the Coverpage-Image field, adding # beforehand (for example, #cover.png). Now the cover has been inserted into the Description of the book (where it can be seen in the Haali Reader) and will automatically show up on the book page in the library. If you need to insert a picture in the text, you should press Ctrl+M (Edit=>Insert=>Image) or Ctrl+G (Edit=>Add=>Image). An empty frame will appear with the inscription Unknown image ID, you must click on it and in the drop-down list (the panel at the top with the inscription Href) select the ID (name) of the desired image.

Please note that the cover no need insert at the beginning of the document. The cover is indicated once, in the description.

For a snack, you can rename the footnote?Note_1? in, shall we say? This concludes our misadventures with the body of the document.

However, there is still something left for us. Namely - the title, which so far contains only information about OCR, and the author's surname is designated as "Boris Strugatsky". There is no gud.

Title debugging

Again we switch to the header mode (menu?View?->?Description?) and get to work. First, let's choose a genre. When placed in a library, the book will be placed on the appropriate?shelf? according to this field.

The entire heading should be filled in the same spirit. Below is a picture with the required and optional fields filled in. Required fields are marked in red, where necessary comments are given. Remember that the more reliable information you provide, the better. Spend time looking for the date the work was written, the name of the translator, the publisher that released the book. Often such information speaks volumes.

Pay attention to the name of the series. No need to enter the title of the book like ?Doepkin's Adventures I: Doepkin on the Moon?, ?Doepkin's Adventures II: Doepkin on Mars? etc. Instead, enter the Book title ?Pupkin on the Moon?, and in the Sequence Name field, enter ?Pupkin's Adventures?. Do not forget to indicate the number of the book in the series, this will automatically sort the books into shelves in the library - first to the moon, then to Mars, not vice versa.

Notice also the ID field? if you upload an updated version of your book to the library, the value in this field (combination of letters and numbers) should remain the same, and the version number should increase. This will update the book even if you change the title - the book will still be recognized as an update to an existing document and the old document will be correctly replaced. A side effect of this method of identifying books is the ability to remove any of your books from the library - you simply assign the new book the ID of the victim intended to be slaughtered and upload the book to the library over the old one. The world is cruel.

Working with xml source

This mode is used to correct errors made in the previous two as well as to perform all sorts of advanced (and non-advanced) tasks (such as section nesting) that do not have a convenient implementation in GUI:). For example, it's easy to get rid of unnecessary tags from here

(and they will certainly appear during export). The author's name and the title of the book do not need to be separated into separate sections, it is better to put them in a tag , coming immediately after <body>, which can only be done in source mode.</p><p> <body> <title> <p>Philip Pullman</p> <p>The Amber Spyglass</p> <p>(His Dark Materials? Book Three)</p>

After that, the tag is already opened

, which contains the text of the book, divided into chapters (the tag after <section>). If there are several parts in the book, then each of them must be in a separate container. <section>, in which the chapters will be nested (also each in its own container).</p><p>Here, like, that's all. Once again, check the book with a validator (F8), and you can send it to the library (do not forget to enter your email and check the box next to? allow updating existing books?).</p><p>If you want to look at a well-prepared document and generally understand with examples what to put where, I recommend downloading the book <b>Psychology of art</b>, there the formatting is very sophisticated and competent.</p> <h3><span>What is not in this document</span></h3> <p>It was a course of a young fighter and now you will be able to prepare very decent documents. However, as you'll discover over time, the hardest part is the first step, which is getting the fb2 usable. This document, unfortunately, does not cover this topic very well, so prepare for the worst :).</p><p>Preparing footnotes is also fraught with certain difficulties, from which only Any2FB will save you, and even then not completely. Instructions for all these arduous operations are not yet ready, and your help here can help many people as much (if not more) than this document helped you (hopefully). If you have something to say - share with the people.</p> <h3><span>What exactly needs to be added:</span></h3> <ul><li>Preparing complex documents with Any2FB</li> <li>Preparing fb2 using a template from Word</li> <li>Preparing fb2 with BookDesigner</li> <li>Working with regular expressions</li> </ul><p>If your working methods differ from the above - write, we will include them in the instructions.</p><p>Send your suggestions, amendments, instructions and angry demands to grib@gribuser.ru.</p><p><i><b>Rollon and Dmitry Gribov</b> </i></p> <p>A fairly large number of e-books available on the Internet are presented in this format.</p> <p>The fb2 (or FictionBook) format was originally created specifically as a format for presenting electronic versions of books and eventually gained well-deserved popularity. fb2 format files allow you to preserve text formatting and may contain images such as cover art or illustrations.</p> <h2>How to open fb2</h2> <p>Downloading the right book is not difficult, but how to open the fb2 file?</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/pcsecrets.ru/wp-content/uploads//2017/06/reader.jpg' height="300" width="262" loading=lazy loading=lazy>If you prefer reading on a special <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/news/kak-sdelat-perenosnoi-zaryadnik-dlya-telefona-izgotavlivaem-portativnoe.html">portable device</a>(electronic reader, see photo on the left), then there will most likely be no problems. Many modern electronic readers by default can work with the fb2 format.</p> <p>But still, sometimes it becomes necessary to re-save the e-book in a format understandable to the reader. For example, the fairly popular Kindle e-reader does not support fb2, but works great with other popular formats.</p> <p>fb2 files have a clear structure and this allows them to be easily converted (save) to other popular formats such as txt, doc, rtf, etc.</p> <p>How to convert fb2 to mobi (format supported by Kindle reader), plain text file txt or <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/reviews/kak-opredelit-kolichestvo-pechatnyh-znakov-v-vorde.html">word document</a>, I'll tell you a little later.</p> <p>Now let's figure out how to open fb2 on Windows, that is, what fb2 reader should be installed on the computer.</p> <h2>Program for reading fb2 on a computer</h2> <p>There are quite a few programs for reading fb2 on a computer. At one time, I recorded a video about the FBReader program and, from my point of view, this is a good reader.</p> <p>The program supports not only fb2, but also other popular e-book formats, such as epub, mobi, html, etc.</p> <p>In addition, through the program you can access free and paid catalogs of e-books. That is, you can search and download books directly from the program.</p> <p>It's absolutely <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/reviews/plagin-programma-dlya-prodvizheniya-v-socsetyah-skachat-smm-tools--.html">free program</a>, which has versions for different <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/iron/raznica-mezhdu-aifonom-5-5s-i-5s-sravnenie-modelei-iphone-processor-i-operacionnaya.html">operating systems</a>, including mobile ones. If your phone does not have an application for reading books in fb2 format, then you can try <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/news/programma-shpion-dlya-simbian-besplatnaya-testovaya-versiya-programmy-po.html">mobile version</a> this program.</p> <p>As I mentioned, some time ago I made a video about FBReader. The interface of the program has not changed since then, so the video is still relevant (watch from 3:32)</p> <span class="i0DMLmuy-wE"></span> <h2>How to create fb2</h2> <p>To create an e-book, you need to use any <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/iron/sozdanie-kompleksnyh-tekstovyh-dokumentov-s-pomoshchyu.html">text editor</a>, for example, well-known to everyone.</p> <p>Create a text document according to all the rules - with headings, formatting, illustrations, etc. Then save it in the usual Word format - .</p> <p>Well, now we just need to create fb2 from doc or docx. For these purposes, we need a program that will allow us to convert the file to fb2.</p> <h2>Converting fb2</h2> <p>So, we need to create a book in fb2 format from a Word document, or we already have a book in fb2 and need to convert it to some other format, for example, epub, mobi, txt, or Word format.</p> <p><span class="2RnV_skEQCc"></span></p> <p>Let's use a converter program. There are many such programs, and one of them is Caliber. This program is designed to convert e-books to <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/news/huavei-akcent-g630-obzor-i-testy-huawei-ascend-g630-privlekatelnyi-android.html">specific devices</a>, but it supports quite a lot of formats and has a very extensive functionality, so it is also suitable for simply translating an e-book from one format to another.</p> <p>The program is free and has versions for different operating systems. If you wish, you can even download, which does not require installation.</p> <p>When starting the program, we will be asked to select a folder in which the newly created files will be placed.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/pcsecrets.ru/wp-content/uploads//2017/06/001.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Then a wizard will open that allows you to adapt the converted e-books to a specific device. If you are converting a book specifically for an e-reader or smartphone, then you can use this by selecting your device in the list.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/pcsecrets.ru/wp-content/uploads//2017/06/002.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>If you just need to convert a file from one format to another, then select "Generic".</p> <p>If necessary, you can always run this wizard through the Options.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/pcsecrets.ru/wp-content/uploads//2017/06/003.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Well, now we add books to the program that we want to convert to another format. I will demonstrate using the example of a Word file that I just created.</p> <p>Click on the "Add books" button and find <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/iron/dlya-chego-nuzhna-arhivaciya-diska-arhivaciya-failov-kak-eto.html">desired file</a>(or files) on a computer disk.</p> <p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/pcsecrets.ru/wp-content/uploads//2017/06/004.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/pcsecrets.ru/wp-content/uploads//2017/06/005.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>I'm interested in fb2, but please note that there are not only standard e-book formats like epub, mobi or PDF.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/pcsecrets.ru/wp-content/uploads//2017/06/006.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>If we have a book in fb2 format, then we can convert fb2 to Word, that is, to <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/reviews/chto-takoe-programma-ofis-perechen-programm-microsoft-office-besplatnye.html">Microsoft programs</a> word.</p> <p>Click OK and the conversion process starts.</p> <p>After the conversion is completed, we can go to the folder (which we specified in the wizard when starting the program) and find a subfolder here, which will contain the original file and the newly converted fb2 file.</p> <p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/pcsecrets.ru/wp-content/uploads//2017/06/007.jpg' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>How to convert PDF or DjVu to fb2</h2> <p>Well, I can’t help but raise the question that quite often arises when considering the fb2 format - how to convert PDF to fb2?</p> <p>True, if <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/news/kak-izvlech-izobrazheniya-iz-pdf-failov-preobrazovanie-jpg-v-pdf-kak.html">PDF file</a> was created from <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/iron/sostav-i-naznachenie-operacii-formatirovaniya-tekstovogo-dokumenta.html">text document</a>, for example, was saved, then, most likely, you can select the entire contents of the document, copy and paste into a new Word document. In addition, again, there are special ones that can make this task easier.</p> <p>Well, when we have a Word file, we can convert it to fb2.</p> <p>But I want to emphasize once again that it will be possible to successfully convert PDF to fb2 only in one case - the PDF was created from a text document. If the PDF is scanned pages ( <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/iron/rossiiskoe-programmnoe-obespechenie-dlya-kompyutera.html">software</a> scanners allows you to save the result immediately in PDF), it is unlikely that this task will be so easy to solve.</p> <p>All the same applies to, which was originally intended for storing scanned documents. Just like that, converting DjVu to fb2 will not work and you will have to use the algorithm described above - recognize, save in docx, convert to fb2.</p> <p>I want to bring to your attention the extension for OpenOffice OooFBTools. <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/news/access-fail-imeet-rasshirenie-mdb-ispolzovanie-baz-dannyh-drugih.html">This extension</a> is designed to convert documents from formats supported by OpenOffice.org Writer to FictionBook2 format. But this is not just a converter, it is also a formatting and markup tool. After processing and converting a document using OooFBTools, it practically does not require additional editing in the fb2 format editor. That is, you can quickly and conveniently get your favorite book in fb2 format.</p><p>In fact, the extension implements almost all the main features of the fb2 format. Here is just a small list of possibilities:</p><ol><li>Export of the main elements of the document structure (text structure, footnotes and hyperlinks, paragraph styles, annotations, quotations, poems, epigraphs, pictures, simple and complex tables, etc.).</li><li>Document history.</li><li>Document annotations.</li><li>Implemented 10 levels of header nesting.</li><li>Ability to remove empty lines.</li><li>Export links within a document.</li><li>Automatic filling of converter form fields (author, title, abstract, etc.).</li><li>Text corrector - replace quotes with a herringbone, remove extra spaces and much more.</li> </ol><p>You can download the OooFBTools extension from this link. The expansion pack contains a very <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/iron/stavim-v-bios-zagruzku-s-diska-podrobnaya-instrukciya-kak.html">detailed instructions</a> for installing and using OooFBTools in <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/android/kak-izmenit-shrift-pri-zapolnenii-pdf-redaktiruem-tekst-v-pdf-faile-kak.html">pdf format</a>. At first glance, this instruction may seem a little complicated, so I would like to give an example <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/news/fleshka-svoimi-rukami-laifhak-po-izgotovleniyu-stilnogo-korpusa-dlya.html">quick creation</a> fb2 books from plain text document. In my description, only the minimum set of functions necessary to create an fb2 book will be shown, but in the future, based on my instructions, it will be much easier to deal with all other functions.</p><span><p>As a source file, let's take the book "Just for fun" by Linus Torvalds in txt format. We open it in OpenOffice Writer and see a not very pleasant picture.</p><br><br><p>We don't need a book like this. Let's start by using the Load Style Template To Document tool from the OOoFBTools menu and then press the F11 key. As a result, we get a window with a list of styles as shown in the figure.</p><br><br><p>Here you see a list of preset styles required to format the document. The purpose of many of these styles can be understood from the name. For example, the paragraph style "Book Title" is needed to highlight the title of the book in the text. We will return to them.</p><p>As we said above, the formatting of the source text is no good. Format it manually? Of course not. To do this, there is a tool "Text Corrector". Select it from the OOoFBTools menu. In the window that appears, mark the required items and click "Accept".</p><p>After that, using OOo Writer, we will set the text alignment in width. Now it's more beautiful. Do not be alarmed if you do not see paragraphs, more precisely a red line. That's the way it should be. After converting, in the resulting fb2 file, all paragraphs will be where they should be. I will say right away that the Text Corrector tool works very well. I corrected and read 5 books (that is, I had to see all the shortcomings), and in none of them did I ever meet the results of Text Corrector errors. Although much depends on the source file.</p><p>Now let's mark the epigraph. Simply select the text with the epigraph and double click on the "Epigraph" style template. The test will turn blue and align to the right. In my case, the epigraph consisted of three parts, I separated them with an empty line.</p><br><br><p>I intentionally did not enter the book of its author and title into the test. I did it for myself and it is enough for me to see all these moments in the list of books in my reader. But you can easily do this by analogy with the epigraph.</p><p>Now let's mark the chapters. Chapters are marked up with "Level" 1, 2, 3, etc. styles. to ten. What is the point? Let's say there is a book consisting of 3 parts of 5 chapters each. Accordingly, we mark the parts as Level1, and the chapters as Level2, that is, we get a hierarchy.</p><br><br><p>Here "Introduction" is tagged as Level1, and "In the Footsteps of a Revolution" as Level2. Actually, after marking the chapters, the book is ready for comfortable reading and you can start converting. In the OOoFBTools menu, select "Export to fb2 format" and in the window that appears, fill in the entire <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/news/where-to-collect-iphone-7-batteries-for-mobile-devices-differ-from-each-other-in-their-capacity-and-technology.html">necessary information</a>(genre, author, title, etc.). Click "Create fb2 file" and that's it. The resulting file can be uploaded to your favorite reader and enjoy reading.</p></span> <p>FB2 books, which have become popular especially among PDA owners, are available for download from numerous online libraries. And each user is quite capable of creating an FB2 book on their own. There are already many tools for this. One of them, Fiction Book Designer, we will look at in today's review. <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/iron/testirovanie-pamyati-fleshki-flash-utilitoi-h2testw-testirovanie-pamyati.html">This utility</a> allows you to create FB2 books, edit text and tags.</p><p>After installing and running Fiction Book Designer, a small sample text opens in the editor window with a few instructions.</p><p>If we have our own text, then upload it ( <b>File - Open Book</b>) and start formatting. When preparing an FB2 book, it is desirable to select entire paragraphs (lines) <b>double click</b>, this allows you to save a little time and accurately select text.</p><p>Every piece starts with <b>titles</b>. We click on the line with the name (it will be highlighted), then right-click to call the context menu (or menu <b>Format</b>) and select the item <b>book title</b>. Thus, we designate the name of the FB2 book in tags, besides, the selected text is automatically formatted, for example, it is centered, highlighted in a different color, the font changes, etc.</p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/pkgid.ru/upload/u1/003/fictbookdes_2.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>To see all the tags of the FB2-book, click the button <b> </b>. Save the changes and check in the window that opens <b>make Fiction Book file</b>. In field <b>book title</b> should be the title we recently allocated. In a similar way, we add all other important parts of the text to the tags, for example, chapter titles, subheadings, annotations, etc.</p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/pkgid.ru/upload/u1/003/fictbookdes_3.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Now let's note <b>author</b> and add it to the tags. Select the line and select from the context menu <b>book author</b>. When creating an FB2 book, the author's name must be specified in the tags in the following format: <b>name, patronymic (if any), surname</b>. If the order in the text is wrong, you can quickly correct it by selecting the menu item <b>more transformations - shift selected words</b>. In any case, full name the author of the work should appear in the tags, and the text will be formatted.</p><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/pkgid.ru/upload/u1/003/fictbookdes_4.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Next, in our example, <b>book title and number</b>(or the name and number of the series of books). In order for the FB2 book reader to correctly display the text, in this case it is necessary to correct the title and number of the book in the following format: <i><b>(Book title - book number)</b> </i>. Be sure to indicate in brackets with dash separation. Then, as usual, select the line and in the context menu (or in the menu <b>Format</b>) select item <b>subtitle</b>. In tags, this data must be checked in the field <b>sequence</b>.</p><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/pkgid.ru/upload/u1/003/fictbookdes_5.png' height="508" width="470" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>If the text contains <b>annotation</b>, then select it and in the context menu select <b>abstract</b>.</p><p><b>Epigraph</b> at the beginning of the book, also highlight and select the menu item <b>epigraph</b>(together with the author, if specified). Then, if there is a link to the author at the end, we mark it as <b>text author</b>. If the line with the author is the last in the epigraph, the same can be done faster by selecting the item <b>epigraph+text author</b>.</p><p><b>Poems</b> in the text we format the command <b>verse</b>.</p><p>TO <b>headings</b> apply the command <b>title</b>, and to subheadings <b>subtitle</b>.</p><p>To select several lines in the Fiction Book Designer, double-click on the first one, then, together with the key <b>Shift</b> on the last line of text.</p><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/pkgid.ru/upload/u1/003/fictbookdes_6.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><h3>Formatting Text in Fiction Book Designer</h3><p>Finally, let's look at a few useful tricks that allow you to speed up and simplify text formatting when creating an FB2 book.</p><p>Often when scanning or typing, there are <b>broken paragraphs</b> when the line breaks and continues in a new paragraph. To quickly fix a broken paragraph, select both paragraphs and apply the command to them <b>paragraph</b> in the context menu. As a result, the paragraph will take the correct form, two (or more) paragraphs will stick together.</p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/pkgid.ru/upload/u1/003/fictbookdes_7.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>If the text of the FB2 book is formatted incorrectly, for example, instead of a regular paragraph, several lines are marked as verses, then select the lines and select the item in the context menu <b>more transformations - selected elements - paragraphs</b>.</p><p>Generally to the selected text through the menu <b>more transformations</b> You can apply several actions that simplify formatting, for example: <br><b>break + title</b>- add an empty line, and format the selected text as a heading; <br><b>subtitle + break</b>– mark it as a subtitle and add an empty line after it; <br><b>line break before and after selection</b>– add one empty line before the selected line and after it.</p><p>Through the menu <b>more styles</b> you can make a superscript font ( <b>superscript</b>), subscript ( <b>subscript</b>), underlined ( <b>underline</b>), remove all spaces in the selection ( <b>remove spaces</b>).</p><p>Command <b>Insert special symbols</b> allows you to open a list box <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/iron/vvod-simvolov-s-klaviatury-alt-kak-nabrat-specialnye-simvoly-na.html">special characters</a> for quick insertion into text.</p><p>To see non-printing newline characters, in the menu <b>view</b> choose <b>show nbsp</b>.</p><p>In the same place when choosing an item <b>book info</b> a window with information about the FB2 book opens. Here you can not only view statistics by headings, paragraphs, words, but also by symbols, for example, the number of brackets, quotes, etc. Button <b> </b> will help you find the specified tags in the text (headings, subheadings, epigraphs, verses, etc.) and create a list of elements through which you can quickly jump to the selected element. <br></p><p><img src='https://i0.wp.com/pkgid.ru/upload/u1/003/fictbookdes_8.png' height="388" width="389" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>A window with a list of fonts, where you can not only select the font, but also the size, color and style, opens through the menu <b>Configuration-Fonts</b>.</p><p>Most of the commands discussed are collected in the toolbar located to the right of the Fiction Book Designer editor window, to open it, select from the menu <b>Tools</b> paragraph <b>Book Corrector</b>.</p><p>The list of all elements is opened via the menu <b>Tools-Element Browser</b>. Through this list, it is convenient to quickly navigate between the chapters of the FB2 book, instantly scroll the text to any heading and, in general, any formatted element.</p><p><img src='https://i2.wp.com/pkgid.ru/upload/u1/003/fictbookdes_9.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Finally, we also note that for texts in Russian it is necessary in the settings ( <b>Configuration-Settings</b>) in the dropdown list <b>book language</b> set language <b>Russian</b>.</p><p>Once you've finished editing and formatting text in Fiction Book Designer, you can create a . To do this, click the button <b> </b> and in the opened, already familiar to us, window, click on the button <b> </b>. The finished book is saved in the folder where Fiction Book Designer is installed. <a href="https://maccase.ru/en/android/kak-sdelat-format-gotovogo-faila-mnogostranichnyi-tiff-kak.html">Finished file</a> opens in an additional utility installed with the editor called <b>Fiction Book Investigator</b>. Here we can see the FB2 file format "from the inside" - the text and elements of the book are presented in tags. The same utility will help check the validity ( <b>Book - validate</b>) of the received code and, if there are errors, correct them manually. It is desirable to view the finished text in any program for reading FB2 books, for example, Haali Reader.</p><p><img src='https://i1.wp.com/pkgid.ru/upload/u1/003/fictbookdes_10.png' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><b>Characteristics:</b><br><b>Interface language:</b> English <br><b>OS:</b> Windows 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, 7 <br><b>File size:</b> 6.3 MB <br><b>License:</b> free</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//counter.yadro.ru/hit;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="edit-link"> </div> <ul class="related-posts"> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="cat-bar"><span class="side-title">Other entries</span></div> <li 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