
Л 10 e-mail is not necessarily published. Overview of the Vyazma washing machine: characteristics and instructions. About the varieties of washing machines

The date of foundation of the Vyazemsky machine-building plant is considered to be the end of the 19th century. It was then in 1898 that the Stroganov merchants founded a vocational school for artisans. And already in the post-war period it was decided to establish a laundry equipment plant in Vyazma.

Vyazemsky machine plant

At the present time, the factory conveyor is equipped with productive high-precision modern machines. Thus, managers significantly reduce the number of defective parts. The increased strength of the inner drums is guaranteed by the introduced and mastered seaming technology. In addition, it significantly reduces the amount of imbalance during operation.

The technical and economic indicators presented on the official website speak of high quality equipment. It is able to withstand competition with well-known German, Belgian, Czech, American, French brands. The basis of all presented models is the developed energy-saving systems and high-quality spare parts.

The number of options used, allowing to save the manual labor of the operator, is maximized even in the standard configuration. This functionality allows you to significantly increase the productivity and thoroughness of laundry processing.

The plant produces a wide range of models of washing machines for public areas. The Vyazma washing and wringing functionality models are distinguished by their convenience. The official website offers models for public enterprises with a large volume of work, and spare parts for service.

Features of each model range

The lineup demonstrates the categories of washing machines of the manufacturing plant Vyazma on the official website:

  • The industrial model Vyazma 25 is an automated washing-squeezing-type unit, which makes it possible to obtain a laundry moisture content of 50% at the outlet. To models of this type can be attributed LO 10, LO 7, LO 15, etc. The basis of the washing machine is based on a frame under the springs. It easily copes with the vibration that occurs during spinning. The equipment allows the installation of a washer-extractor model on any floor without special reinforcement equipment. Washing machines are equipped with water and energy saving systems; for ease of use, they are equipped with 99 programmable processes. Vyazma 25 is equipped with a frequency-controlled drive, which ensures smooth start and stop of the LO-10 drum.

Model Vyazma 25

  • The model range of industrial washing machines Vyazma of serial production "Lotos" with a permissible drum loading of 12-60 kg and "Vega" with loading parameters of 10-35 kg. Operation is available in two main modes, manual and automated. Serial production of Vega units provides them with a rigid frame. For ease of operation, the model circuits are supplied with automated control systems. The incomplete spin function delivers products with 70% humidity to the outlet. The final spinning stage takes place without using a centrifuge.

Washing machines lineup"Lotos": designed for use in enterprises, equipped with 110% spinning functions, with manual or automated control. The functional unit Vyazma of a barrier type is intended for linen weight in the range of 20-240 kg. Her design features allow loading and unloading laundry from different areas.

Suitable for functional rooms on both sides of a wall or partition. This washing machine provides 50% dry laundry. Recommended for use in enterprises with high requirements for sanitary standards. In industrial washing machines of the selected type, loading of linen can occur from one hatch, and unloading from another, dividing the incoming-outgoing flows.

In the L-10 operating instructions it is said that small items that can get jammed into the opening between the loading hatch and the drum should be folded into a special bag.

Instructions for the washing machine Vyazma also warns the user against removing the laundry until the wash cycle is complete.

About the varieties of washing machines

Industrial equipment Vyazma of sprung type LO 10 allows loading 7-100 kg and unloading the pressed mass to the drying department of the next machine without a centrifuge. The proposed equipment is endowed with a high degree of reliability and automated control functions. It is indispensable for modernized production plants and public institutions with high reliability rates.

Demonstrated efficiency and ease of maintenance and operation. Now, in order to increase the productivity of the machine, it is necessary to shorten the length of the drain hose connected to the valve as much as possible.

When dismantling the dosing, detergent, element, use a special device in accordance with the instructions, or contact the service department.

For industrial washing machines of unsprung type from the series "Lotos" and "Vega" with the parameters of loading linen 10-60 kg, the advantage is the presence of manual and automated control. The circuit is available in three configurations with increased, partial extraction or without it, the waste liquid is removed using a drain valve. In accordance with the instruction L-10, when using a detergent with abundant foaming, reduce the amount to ½ the rate recommended by the manufacturer.

Washing machine - squeezing Vyazma VO-20P steam MSU-402

For industrial equipment of the barrier type, the presence of a final spin and automated control is provided. Used mainly in medical institutions or in the nuclear and chemical industries.

The availability of spare parts in the public domain allows you to quickly and efficiently repair breakdowns. Absolutely eliminates the possibility of crossing the incoming and outgoing streams of dirty and clean laundry. These models meet high sanitary and hygienic requirements thanks to the installed filters at the inlets of the mixing valve.

All presented units are excellent for washing in large quantities. The quality does not differ from international standards. Simultaneous, savings, benefit and high productivity.

Eosinophils are cells that phagocytose antigen-antibody complexes, represented mainly by immunoglobulin E. After maturation in the bone marrow, eosinophils are in the circulating blood for several hours (about 3-4), and then migrate to tissues, where their lifespan is 8-12 days ... Unlike eosinophils, they do not contain lysozyme and alkaline phosphatase. For eosinophils, a diurnal rhythm of fluctuations in the blood is characteristic, the highest rates are noted at night, the lowest - during the day. Eosinophils respond to chemotactic factors secreted by mast cells and basophils, as well as antigen-antibody complexes. The action of eosinophils is actively manifested in sensitized tissues. They are involved in immediate and delayed hypersensitivity reactions. The content of eosinophils in the blood is normally shown in the table.

The content of eosinophils (absolute and relative percentage) in the blood is normal in adults and children

Eosinophilia as a Sign of Allergy

In allergic conditions, eosinophilia is usually moderate - from 0.2 to 1.5 * 10 ^ 9 / l, but in some cases it can be higher, for example, in bronchial asthma or angioedema. Severe and stable eosinophilia (from 10 to 60%) can be with pemphigus and Duhring's dermatitis herpetiformis. In addition, eosinophilia is accompanied by periarteritis nodosa (about 18% of patients have a level of eosinophils reaching 84%), rheumatoid arthritis, complicated by vasculitis and pleurisy. There is also a hypereosinophilic syndrome, in which it reaches 138.0 * 10 ^ 9 / l, while eosinophils account for 93% of the cells.

The main causes leading to eosinophilia in the blood are shown in the table.

Diseases and conditions accompanied by eosiophilia

To decipher the values ​​of the remaining analysis indicators, you can use our service: online.

Surely everyone has seen in the admin area of ​​WordPress ( Settings - Writing) settings item " Publishing via e-mail", and many even tried to configure this function. I am sure that many did not succeed as a result: since setting up this function implies additional configuration steps, and there are simply no intelligible instructions on its operation on the Internet. You can google it yourself. How to set up publishing in WordPress via e-mail and why you need it? Actually, now I will try to tell you about everything!

Why publish via email in WordPress?

In one of my previous publications, namely, I described one of the possibilities to write posts in WordPress - it told how to remotely publish (using only the voice recognized by your Android mobile phone) new entries on your blog right from your phone! So, publishing via e-mail in WordPress is another one. additional opportunity remote publication of new materials to the site when, say, there is no direct access to the editor and the administrative part of the site. There are persistent rumors that this function- publishing via e-mail in WordPress is going to be turned off from the core of the engine. However, even in new version 4.0, it is still present almost in its original form, so let's understand the intricacies of its work. And this function works simply! You write email to a special e-mail address, and your site (robot) goes to this mail and picks up the text from there and publishes it on the site! Yes, everything is simple, but why is it needed and how can it be used in practice? First of all, you can publish an article for your readers only by sending an email to a special e-mail box. This is very convenient when you do not have a password from the administrative part at hand (working at someone else's computer), etc. But you can go even further. Using the e-mail publishing feature in WordPress, you can create wonderful ...! For example? Dating site, message board ... whatever! Implement on the site / sites (this can be done on external resources) reverse form links with the necessary fields for filling and the letter sent through it will be published after some time on the site you need running WordPress. Or another example: you can make thematic subscriptions to our e-mail box for special mailings (you can find a clever use of spam - as a rule, some spam is not published anywhere openly on the Internet, and your site will then be the primary source of such information, for example, about trainings, courses, events). In matters of choosing the use of the function of publishing via e-mail in WordPress, I would like to rely on your imagination - with a skillful approach, you can create not only a self-filling site (it does not require any attention and costs), but also beneficial for users or for the owner ().

Publishing via email to WordPress: settings

Ask basic settings can and should be in the admin area of ​​WordPress (). There are few of them: Mail Server, Port, Login, Password and Default category for posting, but require explanation.

Mail server ... Your mail has POP-3 access, you can see this address either in the help information on working with your mail, or in the section of your mail settings. For example, for Gmail mail users, this address will look like: pop.gmail.com, Ukr. No - pop3.ukr.net etc.

Port. Usually 110 , you do not need to change this default number, but some mail providers may have their own port, so, in which case, look for such information in the settings section of your mail server.

Login... Your mailing address or exclusively login from mailbox (depends on the specific mail provider and the authorization method).

Password... Your mailbox password .

Publishing posts in WordPress by email: settings Actually and all settings. We will remove due attention to the item - Login... Actually, this is your e-mail address, which you must register, to which to send letters and from which they will be published on the site. Meanwhile, such an address must be complex and necessarily new! Unknown and unreadable to anyone. After all, if it is a simple electronic mailbox, such as [email protected], then such a name can be picked up by malicious spam machines and your site will soon be flooded with spam mail. That is why WordPress warns in its e-mail publishing settings section:

Any message sent to this address will be published, so it is best to keep this address confidential. For example, here are three arbitrary names that you can use: m7z0l7Tk, Kk8xcVa4, 9BrOlaHj

Thus, it is preferable to create mailboxes per WordPress recommendation like: [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] This address serves as a kind of password; only you (or other editors of your site) should know it, so that someone else's mail does not accidentally get to the site. After entering these settings, save them and proceed to testing the script.

Publishing via email to WordPress: testing and debugging

So, the mailbox is created, the settings are made in WordPress, we proceed to the first testing in just 2 steps:
  1. We send a test letter to our registered email address.
  2. We wait 10 seconds and open the link in the browser http: //my_site_ru/wp-mail.php
At this link we will see a message like:

"POP3 connect: Error(inability to connect to your server - be sure to check the settings: Settings - Writing - item Publishing via e-mail ")

"Slow down, cowboy! You don't have to check your mail so often."(too frequent access - a second attempt to access the page is possible in 5 minutes)

It looks like there are no new letters(this means that the robot has successfully logged in to your mail, but did not find new letters for publication - there are no new letters).

Based on the results of the message on the page, we can track the operation of the script and, if anything, make the necessary adjustments to its operation. This can be done in the file wp-mail.php, it is located at the root of your site. Opening the file text editor and make changes to the lines (if necessary for accurate debugging):

define ("WP_MAIL_INTERVAL", 300); Allowed interval for viewing new messages in mail in seconds. By default, 300 seconds is 5 minutes. It is advisable not to reduce this figure, but, on the contrary, to do more at times.

$ post_author = 1; id of the site user on whose behalf the article will be published. By default id = 1 (this is the administrator), you can specify the id of any editor, if necessary.

$ post_status = "pending"; The status of the new publication - by default - is pending (on approval - it is not published immediately on the site, but is sent to the administrator for moderation). If you set the status - publish, then the article will be published on the site immediately, automatically.

$ charset = ""; Letter encoding. By default, this is empty and emails are processed as UTF-8. For some mail servers here you can set your own encoding if letters are published on the site in an unreadable form.

If you have configured the publication of articles via e-mail correctly, then after each sent letter to your secret email address, its content should appear on your site as new entry(on moderation or immediately published - depending on the settings I just mentioned. Go ahead ...

Publishing via email in WordPress: work automation

Settings made ( Settings - Writing - Publishing via e-mail), the script is checked and debugged (in the root file wp-mail.php). Now it remains to automate the script. As I already mentioned, the script is launched by calling the page browser http: //my_site_ru/wp-mail.php Quite right, it does not work automatically, as it might seem at first, so many are perplexed: settings have been made in the site's admin panel, and the function of publishing via e-mail in WordPress does not work - letters are not published: (For the function to work and the script will check your mail automatically , you will need to run the script on a timer. To do this, in the hosting control panel, we need to find such an item as Cron. Found in the hosting control panel Cron? There we will be prompted to write an instruction by means of prompts: we need to indicate when (Minutes, Hours, Number, Month, Day weeks) and that (the Team) we will periodically run.Approximately cron in the hosting control panel looks like this Universal instructions by writing cron does not exist, but in the reference information for its tariff plan you will surely find hints on how to properly run Cron. Better yet, write in support, they say, I'm a teapot, please start the script http: //my_site_ru/wp-mail.php on a schedule (cron), with a period of 2 times a day (why check it every minute?)! I am sure they will not refuse! Actually, and all the ordeals with the publication via e-mail in WordPress! I will be glad to hear in the comments: how this information became useful for you and what sites you managed to implement through the described function. Rate the material:

It just so happened historically that I have about 10 email addresses. Little by little, due to different needs and circumstances, one or the other started up 🙂 So there were already a lot of them with different login / password, on different servers ... it became difficult to remember all this data, but you need to keep track of the mail. In general, after the next reinstallation of the OS, configure the MUA (read mail client) on all these boxes it was completely lazy. Therefore, I decided to think about how to set up all this in feng shui ... so that mail would be collected somewhere in one place. After all, it will be cool - you configure only one account in the MUA on which all mail from all mailboxes is poured. There are only 2 ways to come up with a solution:

  1. On one of the web-mails, configure the collection of mail from other accounts (this is supported by gmail)
  2. On your own home server, set up mail collection for all accounts using fetchmail and then distribute to the local home network via IMAP (configure dovecot)

I chose the second option - so, setting up fetchmail!

Initial data:

  • the external ip of the home server is;
  • internal ip of the home server -;
  • the user on the home server for which we will download all mail - user;
  • Debian is installed on the home server;

As root do 2 things:

  • Installing fetchmail

black: ~ # apt-get install fetchmail

  • Add the following line to /etc/rc.local to autoload fetchmail:

su - user -c "fetchmail -k"

Note: the -k (keep) switch is needed if you do not want messages to be deleted from the server. (Leave copies of messages on the server). If not necessary, you can remove it!

  • edit the fetchmail config (which is in the user's hamster) ~ / .fetchmailrc to this state:

set daemon 300
poll mail.miha.net.ua proto pop3
user "user_131" with pass "11223344" is user here;
poll mail.mazzza.net.ua proto pop3
user "mysorka" with pass "bellstore" is user here;
poll mail.best.ua proto pop3
user "funbmw" with pass "my_password_here" is user here;
poll pop3.mail.ru proto pop3
user "user ... 11" with pass "mail_pass" is user here;

user "lamer" with pass "lamers_pass" is user here;
poll freemail.ukr.net proto pop3
user "user99" with pass "users" is user here;

user " [email protected]"with pass" bigmir_pass "is user here ssl;
poll pop.gmail.com proto pop3 port 995

User "Bestuser.ua" with pass "megagmailpass" is user here ssl;

As you can see, setup is as easy as shelling pears!

set daemon 300- means that the process is daemonized and checks new mail every 5 minutes (300 seconds)

Here is an account for an account on a certain server mail.miha.net.ua:

which gives me a pop3 mail for user user_131 s password 11223344

is user here - means that in our system mail is intended for the user user

It couldn't be easier 🙂

With servers whose ssl connection is a little more difficult - but also not special:

having an account on gmail, we can easily pull mail from it using the data:

  • connection port - 995
  • secure ssl connection - yes
  • user - Bestuser.ua
  • password - megagmailpass

Well, that's the end of the setup 🙂

Now, just in the console as user, run fetchmail -k to start collecting mail. The next time the system boots, it will start automatically, but we added it to autorun 😉

I'll tell you about the dovecot setup sometime later ... because I played with sieve a little there - so the article will also turn out rather big :). Nakrajnyak if you need to quickly raise the IMAP server - you just need to install dovecot.

black: ~ # apt-get install dovecot-imapd

Immediately after installation, it is 100% ready to distribute mail (with authorization for real system users on the server)

Good luck everyone 🙂

The problem was solved - you can drink beer too!

Hello, friends!

In our period, I think that everyone knows the answer to the question: Email- what it is? But the questions and problems that arise with it make me write this article.

The title of the article may shock you! Email? Who does not know now: what is it? Of course, I will not tell such simple things: what is a "dog" or that mail is used for mail messages!

But I'm sure many of us have problems with mail.

Therefore, starting simple, I will move on to more catchy questions, namely:

  • Which service is the best?
  • Short review one of the postal services.
  • Recommendations for the future

What is email for?

Of course, first of all, e-mail is needed now, in addition to its main purpose (messaging), as a personal identifier: almost all services are used for authorization and recovery e-mail account the user, sending him there a password, an activation link, etc.

Hidden "benefit"

Do you think this is where the use of "electronic" ends? You are deeply mistaken!

Even ordinary mail, where messages were transmitted by stagecoach, served not only for personal correspondence! Letters transmitted from one province to another were checked selectively by special services, intercepted by rivals, which sometimes decided the fate of entire nations!

Do you think our electronic life is easier? Of course not! Letters are also checked and curated.

Maybe some of you didn't know this? Then don't scream! Let's speak in a whisper!

Well, it is for them, the specialists, to know better: what are they analyzing there. Some structures even live off this!

The part of our society that forgets about the law scans our " infu"For his personal needs or sells it for good" dibs ».

For example, if someone wants to "foist" your product on you: he can "plant" a Trojan in your browser, and such that Kaspersky or Microsoft Essentials they won't take him. I had such a case. And SpyBot didn't help either.

As a result, I threw the advanced browser into the "trash heap" and installed a different design (read about this on my other pages).

Crackers fall into mail account and read your information. Now I am only touching on the "humane" category of Trojans, which do not harm us (at first glance). They just read our thoughts out loud, which we “are scattered on the Internet. Do you think that everything is allowed to you, and you can litter in world space? Litter?

Now get a bunch of spam in your e-mail box! Ready?

Aha! Do not want? Tortured?

From this follows the name of our next subtitle.

Which service is the best?

To prevent spam from interfering with your work on the Internet, you need to choose a good mail service!

At the moment I am not a patriot like our fathers and grandfathers were! I don’t know is it good or bad? But I want to declare that Yandex mail is the best on the Internet!

"Yasha" sorts everyone strictly and lets us work according to our plan. Believe me, I would choose it even if it was Chinese! The only question is that I do not understand Chinese writing!

In Google, I could not find some of the buttons necessary for use at all, such as “ to answer" etc.

How it is possible to "shove" them so far - this is only our American colleagues know!

Advanced Mzyl-ru is quite capable of presenting an "advanced" browser and throwing you spam.

Just do not tell anyone about this, otherwise I will be excommunicated from some services and an anti-advertising campaign will be launched against my blog! Deal?

Let me briefly tell you some useful functions Yandex mail, which may not always be visible to the naked eye.

A brief overview of one of the mail services

I don’t understand at all: how can these bourgeois postal services occupy the first positions in the ranking? Probably just an acquaintance? Who knows them? Nobody! It's just that our language is difficult for them.

In order to get your mailing address, you need to create an account. Any mailbox starts with this.

Having received an e-mail from Yandex, we see a comfortable and functional space for our mail account:

  • Of the many useful things I really like, the ability to select letters by dragging the mouse cursor over them while holding the left button? It's comfortable.
  • Emails are delivered instantly!
  • It is possible to transfer video materials and files with text even weighing several gigabytes when connecting cloud technologies (Yandex, Google, mail of disks).

Yasha allocates 3 GB at once. But this space is legally and free of charge increases 2-3 times or more. But more on that in another article.

There are also such "bells and whistles":

  • You can record a short video and send it to a friend.
  • The organizer will remind you of your plans.
  • Lovers of instant messaging can take advantage of mobile application.
  • It is possible to turn off the display of advertising materials in the settings.

Most of all, I like Yandex-mail for its position on spam: there is a “smart” folder that “takes” all the letters we do not need. If she “did not understand” something, she can be “prompted” by pointing to a specific letter. She will understand and will do the right thing next time.

What to do if I forgot my username, password from mail?

There are times when one of the users forgot their mail, all their data from the account, and the password and login that they wrote down were not saved. I hope this does not happen with you? And if this has already happened, then let's do something together!

When you forgot your login from the mail, proceed as follows:

  • In the mail from Google, you can find your login on a mobile phone with Android OS, if you go to the settings.
  • Remember which friend you sent messages to. Friends will read your login in any of your emails sent.
  • You could use your email address instead of a login on some Internet resources, first of all, in social networks... You may have saved this data.
  • On many resources, your profile can store your email address. Well, remember well: where did you write the address in your personal data? I'll try to give you an idea: Internet services of banks, and other earnings on the Internet ( wmmail.ru).

Password recovery options:

1. This is already the easiest thing: when you enter your account, there is always a link like “ Forgot your password? »In Yandex, it looks like this:

And in Google - a whole step-by-step operation (these are the "advanced" Yankees):

Use the password recovery function. You will have to enter the answer to the security question, and then you can enter New Password that will need to be stored securely.

2. If you do not remember the answer to a question, please contact technical support. Then you will need detailed information about yourself. They will communicate with you through your other e-mail or send a new password (code for changing the password) to your mobile phone... If you do not have one, then start on any postal service.

At mail.ru, technical support does not help in these cases. Alas!

What to do if your mail is hacked?

If your mail is hacked, you will see that your username and password are not suitable.

  • Therefore, the first thing you need to do is contact support and reset your password (remember and enter the secret word when asked).

In this case, support is obliged to make sure that you are the true owner of the account, so do not be offended when you are asked unnecessary questions. They may even be asked to send a copy of the passport. This is fine. Therefore, at the beginning of registration, indicate all your data correct.

  • Then proceed as directed by the helpdesk representatives. When you have done everything and set a new password, check all your Internet services, where you indicated this e-mail.
  • Be prepared for the fact that these services may have unknown changes in your profile. You may also have to contact technical support on such resources if you cannot restore the previous view of your accounts.
  • Look through the messages in your recovered mail, including the "Deleted Items" folder: there may be letters that are strange to you. If there are any, then their content may be useful to you. Although this is not a fact. Look at them: if you find there traces of the violators' actions, then there will be an opportunity to purposefully fix everything.
  • Link your e-mail to a phone number.
  • Use at least two electronic mailboxes different resources. In the first of them, specify mail number 2 as a backup address, and in the second - mail number 1.
  • Make your username and password complex. Do not use passwords like "last name-year of birth-phone number". A strong password is a messy mix of small and big letters in combination with numbers.
  • Do not use the auto-complete form function (passwords and logins).
  • When you exit your browser, clear your history.

  • Use a temporary file cleaner (such as Ccleaner) every day.

In general, modern mail services are quite secure. Therefore, the main thing is not to respond to enticing messages " princesses from africa »That need your wallet, and everything will be OK! In one article, all the topics will not fit, but they are contained in other articles on my blog. I hope they will be useful to you! The blog is updated daily with new material, which you can subscribe to by clicking on eponymous button.

If you have any questions on the topic, I am ready to answer them after your comment.

All the best, friends! See you on other pages!

P / S

Best regards, Alexander Sergienko

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