
ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected which means. ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected what it means Ufs was not detected what to do

Smartphones on Android base occupy a leading position in the market. However, this does not guarantee their smooth operation. Very often, users are faced with various small problems that, fortunately, can be solved rather quickly. A more complex problem can rightfully be considered the error "ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected". It does not allow the mobile device to log into the OS, and when trying to "reflash" (through the SP Flash Tool, for example) it starts to display this message.

ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected when flashing via SP Flash Tool

Causes of the NAND Flash was not detected error

NAND Flash is a modern way of storing information in phones, its memory. Therefore, when an error occurs in memory cells, then the message "NAND Flash was not detected" is issued. In more detail it can be translated as "the memory was not found."

Most often, this problem occurs on Android devices from Lenovo, and some models with MTK processors.

Memory is damaged for many reasons, but there are several main ones:

  • The most frequent are physical breakdowns of the device.
  • Incorrect installation of new firmware is less common.
  • Outdated databases of programs for flashing.
  • Installed protection against software interference.

Fixing ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected

First of all, you should establish the performance of the smartphone itself. That is, you need to make sure that the memory is completely healthy. Perhaps there used to be moments when the phone got into the rain or fell on the floor. Then the cells could simply stop working correctly.

  • The solution in this situation is to be repaired in a service center. You will have to completely change the NAND Flash to a new one. It is highly discouraged to try to do this at home, as there is a very high probability of breaking other installed modules in the phone.


When you are convinced that the memory is working properly, you should double-check the installed OS. Perhaps the firmware has defects in its assembly, which lead the smartphone to problems. Sometimes, when reinstalling updates, users did not carefully read the instructions, so something is just being done in the wrong sequence.

  • Find a completely different firmware version. Make sure the source is reliable, that you can trust him - it is advisable to look for the official websites and forums of the manufacturer. Read the attached instructions carefully. After all, sometimes there are options when you should remove the battery before starting the update change.

Some of the Android mobile devices may not function properly. When the phone is turned on, the user often sees only a single blinking of the screen, and attempts to clear the device cache (wipe cache) do not give the desired result. When you try to flash the system using the appropriate flash utility, the memory test of this program displays the message "ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected". In this article I will tell you what the message ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected means, what are the reasons for this error, and how to fix it.

So what is ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected? First of all, it is worth deciding on the answer to the question "nand flash what is it".

As you know (or maybe someone is reading about this for the first time), now there are two main methods of the type of flash memory - these are NOR-flash and NAND-flash, differing in the method of connecting cells into an array and read-write algorithms.

While the NOR flash works with small memory sizes, the NAND flash is used where large amounts of memory are needed (tens and hundreds of gigabytes). In particular, NAND flash memory is widely used in modern mobile devices(smartphones and tablets), allowing you to quickly and efficiently solve various digital tasks.

Accordingly, when a user encounters dysfunction of his smartphone and tries to reflash his device (i.e. install another software shell) by using specialized programs(usually this is some version of the SP Flash Tool), then the test of this program may display the message ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected, which means “Error. NAND Flash memory not detected "

Causes of error ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected

The reasons for the ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected error can be of three main types:

  1. Physical failure of the NAND Flash memory of your smartphone (tablet);
  2. Incorrect versions of the firmware files that are installed on your phone;
  3. An outdated version of the SP Flash Tool itself.

After we have decided what ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected means and what are the causes of this dysfunction, we will move on to methods of solving it.

How to fix error ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected

So how do you fix ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected? First of all, it is worth determining whether your device has been subjected to any physical stress (for example, whether water has entered it). If something like that, nevertheless, happened (and recently), then there is a high probability that the flash memory of your device is damaged, and irrevocably. In this case, the best solution would be to buy a new device.

If nothing of the kind happened to your device, then try using a different firmware version for your device. Pay attention to the version of the scatter file, there are often problems with it, as well as with the preloader inappropriate for this device. Some devices (for example, lenovo) need to be flashed with the battery removed from the device.

You will have to look for the specific firmware for your particular device on the network yourself.

Also, when answering the question “how to get rid of ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected”, I advise you to use only the most recent version of the SP Flash Tool, since a number of errors that occur during firmware can be caused by an outdated version of the utility (there have already been precedents).


When answering the question "ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected what it means", it should be noted that the most common causes of this error are physical damage to the flash memory of your device, as well as incorrect versions of the firmware files used for installation on the phone. Try to search for alternative firmware versions, and also use the latest version of the SP Flash Tool - this will allow you to effectively fix the ERROR: NAND Flash was not detected error on your device.

In contact with

Possible errors generated by the SP Flash Tool when flashing devices based on MediaTek processors.


Port problem.

It can occur if, for example, com-ports are disabled in your BIOS (although in this case the com-port is virtual, and the physical USB, but when disabled, you simply will not see the equipment on which the preloader drivers are installed). This is either a problem in the USB cable (changing the cable for firmware helps), or a problem in the USB port of the computer (poking the cable into another port helps).


Occurs when the size of any part of the firmware exceeds the size of the space allocated to it (This is usually a kernel block or Recovery). Perhaps changing the version of the flasher will help.


The error is similar in nature and direction to error 1003.


You need to use more new version SP Flash Tool


The scatter file does not fit the phone. For example, the name contains 6577, but the phone is actually 6573.


On phones with MTD flash, error cases:

1) When you select Download, the checkbox is not installed on the preloader or dsp_bl blocks. You need to use a suitable version of SPFT, for example v2.xxx for MT6573 phones, or turn off DA Download All mode.
2) When you select Download, a checkbox is installed on the preloader or dsp_bl blocks. We need to uncheck these blocks! If these blocks need to be flashed, you need to connect the phone in BOOTROM mode.
3) When choosing ReadBack, Format or MemoryTest. You need to connect the phone in BOOTROM mode.


Possible connection problems. Check the cable and / or reconnect the cable to a different port.


It is possible that the uboot bird is not in the SP Flash Tool window. uboot - operating system loader + drivers for initializing the main equipment (display, processor, GPIO). Or when there are Russian folder names in the path line for example: C: \ Users \ Andrey \ Desktop \ Hata \ Firmware \ Tablet firmware \ 8.31 \ Surfer 8.31 3G_20130402_V1.03 \ Surfer 8.31 3G_20130402_V1.03


In addition to the problem with the hardware, it can be when the Scatter file does not fit the phone. For example, the name contains emmc, but the phone is actually with MTD flash.


Occurs during automatic formatting, you should try to set formatting addresses manually.


The problem is that the SP Flash Tool compares the address of the PMT block on the flash drive of the device with the scatter file before flashing it and finds the difference, which is why it gives an error. The PMT block is created dynamically by the SP Flash Tool from a scatter file.


To delete / overwrite a PMT block with a new one from a scatter file, you must first erase it in the device you want to flash. To do this, click on the "Format" button in the SP Flash Tool (in the window that opens, we do not change anything, just click OK), then click "Download" and the SP Flash Tool will rewrite new data on the PMT block and others on the flash.


The solution is to change the USB port and move the SP Flash Tool to the root of the C drive:

There is also an option that in download file agent has no CPU / Flash information. The solution is to update the flasher version.

The problem may be hardware, for example, with a failed flash memory



  • flasher version change, possibly even more old version;
  • changing the firmware cable;
  • it is also possible that the battery is dead during the firmware. Solution: charge your phone and try the firmware again;
  • it may also be worth flashing with the battery inserted.


In addition to reading errors in the phone itself, the same error occurs with errors in file system computer. For example, there is not enough space for a file, or the file cannot be overwritten. it is blocked (see the log).


The error occurs when trying to change the firmware on a device with a processor through the SP Flash Tool.


After flashing the phone, format the phone using the Format button (do not do this if you have a device on an MT6575 or 6577 processor) in the SP Flash Tool, then flash the official or from your device firmware and flash all the blocks (check all the boxes). Sometimes you need to uninstall and reinstall the drivers and do the formatting again, and then reflash if the previous attempt was unsuccessful.


Block sizes in PMT and scatter file do not match. It is necessary to find the line in the BROM_DLL log:

size changed from 0x

It often happens:

Partition 13 (USRDATA) size changed from 0x0000000000000000 to 0x000000000B620000

There is no size in the scatter file, so SPFT itself calculates the USRDATA size based on the size of the flash and the space for BMTPOOL. And in the PMT tables inside the body, the size of the blocks is spelled out and in this case someone or something has written zero there.

To solve this case, you can rename the scatter USRDATA to __NODL_USRDATA ... But here error 8038 may occur due to the difference in the names wink.gif. In the general case, this error is treated by loading all blocks (sometimes one usrdata is enough), after that the size in the PMT should change to the correct one.


When setting up the SP Flash Tool download agent, you need to select the flasher that comes with this version. Choosing other agents gives this error.


If, when fully assembled through the SP Flash Tool, and there is no way to install new firmware and also fails to reset again.


Reinstall the driver again.


Invalid files. For example, we chose a scatter file from a folder with files not yet prepared for FT. It is necessary to select the scatter file from the folder prepared for FT files.


Appatana problem with flash memory

The error occurs:

If you do Format, then the error S_PART_NO_VALID_TABLE (1037) will come out and it says that you need to do Download to create the partition table.
Firmware Upgrade does not allow to do -> again due to error 1037
You can download PRELOADER alone. Loading any other section throws error (5069) S_DL_PMT_ERR_NO_SPACE.
Does not depend on the version of the scatter file.
The FAT does not depend on the size of the partition either.
You can make Manual Format - it gives, but within the UA Size. After that, an attempt to fill any section again ends with error 5069.

Most likely this is a feature of flash memory - there are cases when neither formatting nor low-level formatting has no effect.



We select: Options -> DA Download All -> Speed ​​-> Full Speed ​​(when the High Speed ​​mode is selected, an error (6124) appears on some PCs).


Occurs if the names or addresses of blocks in the scatter file differ from the table inside the phone (PMT). You need to look at SP_FLASH_TOOL.log and look for the NOT MATCH string in it.

NandLayoutParameter :: CompareIsNandLayoutMatched (): NOT MATCH: load item key (CUSTPACK2), value (0x3444000), target item key (CUSTPACK), value (0x3444000)

It is necessary to replace the name CUSTPACK2 with CUSTPACK in the scatter. If there are several differences, then this error will occur until the scatter after the corrections made becomes identical to the PMT. You can fix everything right away if you compare the tables that are in the log just above the NOT MATCH line.

The first from the scatter file, the second from the phone's PMT. It is necessary that all block names in the scatter are the same as in the second table.


The error is similar to 8038, but editing the scatter file did not solve the problem.


1) Firmware of the device through the programmer.
2) In rare cases, the firmware helped through the DOWNLOAD button with all the checkmarks installed.


It occurs when you try to flash the device on one platform with the firmware from another.


In other cases - changing the version of the flasher.

Invalid ROM or PMT address

If the hardware part of the device is known to be in order, the memory must be formatted, and then the firmware is in a standard order.

In today's article, we will analyze the NAND Flash was not detected error, which is a rather serious problem for any owner of a smartphone based on the operating system. Android systems... It is not so easy to encounter this error: this message pops up in the process of flashing the device, during memory testing.

Usually when users realize that their smartphone cannot load normally operating system, then they make an attempt to reflash it, and also perform a memory check (or resort to a memory check after installing the firmware). This is where they encounter the NAND Flash was not detected error.

Translated into Russian, the error message translates as "NAND flash memory was not detected." This error can be caused by the following:

  • physical damage to the NAND memory of the smartphone;
  • unsuccessful attempt to install the firmware;
  • outdated software for flashing;
  • the smartphone is protected against software changes.

Solution for NAND Flash Not Found Error

There are not that many solutions to this problem: checking the NAND memory, checking the installed firmware and changing the utility for flashing. The first is almost impossible to do at home, so we recommend that you go with your smartphone to the nearest service center and rely on the local guys. Perhaps you recently dropped your smartphone, as a result of which its memory was damaged.

Nevertheless, if the memory is in perfect order, then the problem is probably installed version flashing either in software with which you are trying to install it. Try to find some other firmware version and install it. Among other things, make sure you follow the instructions that came with the firmware. If this does not help, then use another program to flash your smartphone. Any other will do - use a search engine and advice from other users. With normal memory functioning, some of this should help you get rid of the NAND Flash was not detected error.

Error: NAND Flash was not detected!
1. Download SP flash tool(I think you already have) and Smartphone multiport download tool = http://www.mediafire.com/?1ycvu9ywv7vjnhv.
2. Open and run as admin - SPMultiPortFlashDownloadProject.
3. Click file, open download agent name "and add" MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin ".
4. Open factory database and select the .mdb file.
5. Click scatter file - and select the .txt scatter file.
6. Then the "top three boxes (LCD and camera driver). You click last - ???????? button and unlock it for changing driver parameters.
7. Remember the 1st box for back camera, 2nd box for front camera, 3rd box for display driver.
8. My recommended:
under sensor 1 selectv5647_raw
under sensor 2 select: hi704_yuv
under sensor 3 select: T050UWV014NS or if it doesnt work LM050AMYBO1E
(if doesnt work change again and again)
9.Select high speed and no battery (I think no need to do).
10. Simply close the Tool. then open, SP flash tool
11. Select scatter loading, and load the same "scatter file", which you previously opened in the "multiport download tool"

Then reboot your phone and check ... display is ok?
If not ok, Then again open smartphone multiport download tool and change the display driver and do the same all things previously.
You have to do repeatly, until, you are getting display normal.
The same thing for camera "s working also.

Error: NAND Flash was not detected! 1. Download SP flash tool (I think you already have) and Smartphone multiport download tool = http://www.mediafire.com/?1ycvu9ywv7vjnhv. 2. Open and run as admin - SPMultiPortFlashDownloadProject. 3. Click file, open download agent name "and add" MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin ". 4. Open factory database and select the .mdb file. 5. Click scatter file - and select the .txt scatter file. 6. Then the" top three boxes (LCD and camera driver). You click last - ???????? button and unlock it for changing driver parameters. 7. Remember the 1st box for back camera, 2nd box for front camera, 3rd box for display driver. 8. My recommended: under sensor 1 selectv5647_raw under sensor 2 select: hi704_yuv under sensor 3 select: T050UWV014NS or if it doesnt work LM050AMYBO1E (if doesnt work change again and again) 9. Select high speed and no battery (I think no need to do). 10. Simply close the Tool. then open, SP flash tool 11. Select scatter loading, and load the same "scatter file", which you previously opened in the "multiport download tool" 12. SELECT "UBOOT" ONLY AND NOT SELECT OTHER ALL PARAMETERS. THEN CLICK DOWNOAD. Then reboot your phone and check ... display is ok? If not ok, Then again open smartphone multiport download tool and change the display driver and do the same all things previously. You have to do repeatly, until, you are getting display normal. The same thing for camera "s working also.

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Results (Russian) 1:

Error: NAND Flash Not Found! 1. Download SP flash tool (I think you already have) and Smartphone multiport download tool = http://www.mediafire.com/?1ycvu9ywv7vjnhv. 2. open and run as administrator - SPMultiPortFlashDownloadProject. 3. Select the file, open the download agent name "and" MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin ". 4. Open the factory database and select the .mdb file. 5. Click the dot file button - and select the dot file. -display and camera driver). You press the last one - ??? button and open it to change driver settings. 7. Remember, 1 box for the rear camera, 2 boxes for the front camera, 3-box for the display driver. 8. mine is recommended: under selectv5647_raw sensor 1 under sensor 2 choice: hi704_yuv under sensor 3 choice: T050UWV014NS or if it doesn’t work LM050AMYBO1E (if it doesn’t work change over and over again) 9. Choose high speed and no battery, (I think I don’t need to do it). 10. just close the facility. then open, SP flash tool 11. Select Point Load and download the same "scatter file" that you previously opened in the multiport download tool12. CHOOSE “LOADER” ONLY AND DO NOT CHOOSE ANOTHER ALL PARAMETERS. PRESS THE DOWNOAD BUTTON. Then restart the phone and check ... that the display is OK? If not OK, then reopen the smartphone multiport download tool and change the display driver and do the same all earlier. You have to make the compass until you get the display normal. The same for the camera work as well.

translating, please wait ..

Results (Russian) 2:

Error: NAND Flash was not detected!
1. Download PI tools flash (I think you already have) and Smartphone Multiport Download Tool = http://www.mediafire.com/?1ycvu9ywv7vjnhv.
2. Open and run as administrator -. SPMultiPortFlashDownloadProject
3. Click the file open download agent name "and add" MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin.
4. Open the factory database and select the MDB file.
5. Click the scatter file - and select the scatter .txt file.
6. Then "three boxes (LCD and camera drivers). You click on the last - ????????" button and unlock it to change the driver parameters.
7. Remember the 1st box for rear camera, 2nd drawer for front camera, 3rd box for display driver.
8. Mine is recommended:
with probe 1 selectv5647_raw
under sensor 2 select: hi704_yuv
under sensor 3 select: T050UWV014NS or if it doesn't work LM050AMYBO1E
(unless changes work over and over)
9. Select high speed and no battery (I think there is no need to do).
10. Just close the tool. then open, PI tools flash
11. Select the load spread, and download the same "spread file" that was previously opened in the "multiport download tool"
12. SELECT "UBoot" AND DO NOT select any other all parameters. Then press DOWNOAD. Then don't restart your phone and check ... is the display ok? If not ok, then open the smartphone multiport download tool again, and change the display driver and do the same all earlier. You have to repeatly until you display normal. Ditto for camera work as well.

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