
Adding a middle name to a first name. How to make a patronymic in VK: fill in personal data How to put a nickname on VKontakte

Now it is difficult to find a person who would not use social networks. Many do not recognize this and deny it in every possible way, but at the same time they have accounts registered under fictitious names. Every day social networks take more and more place in our lives. They allow not only to communicate with friends and acquaintances, but also to watch movies, listen to music, as well as run your own groups or even business.

In the meantime, some statistics! As of September 18, 2017, the VK service was visited by more than 63 million 800 thousand people, while the number of pages viewed exceeded 1.5 billion.

We put the Middle name and Nickname on Vkontakte

First, check which browser you are using! We will look at two examples "Mozilla FireFox" and "Google Chrome".

Let's start with Mozilla

  • Go to your page in Vkontakte
  • Go to profile settings. The "Edit" button under the avatar.
  • Highlight your last name and right-click, then select "Inspect Element"

At the bottom of the screen, the site code will open, where the line that needs to be copied will be highlighted.

Attention: Copy "External HTML"

Now we need to insert this line. Click Paste After

In the new copied line, you need to replace the word pedit_last-name with pedit_middle_name.

Click on a free space and you will see how a new line will appear in your profile after the line "Last name". In which you can write any word.

Save for the changes to take effect. Now between the first and last name, a nickname will appear. By the way, the changes are visible only in the desktop version.

For Google Chrome

  • Go to your VK profile settings, highlight your last name and click "View Code"

On the right side of the screen, a column with a code will appear. As in the case of Mozilla, the line we need will be highlighted, which is worth copying.

After that, click again on our highlighted line and paste. To do this, click "Edit as HTML" and in the window that appears, press the key combination Ctrl + V

Now, also change the word "last" to "middle".

A new line will appear in the profile, in which it is worth entering your nickname. After all the shenanigans, save!

Remember! In the mobile version, as well as in the mobile application, you will only see the First Name and Last Name! If you have any questions or you can’t make a patronymic on Vkontakte, then write in the comments!

The changes carried out by the VKontakte administration do not always benefit all its users. This is especially true for the previously existing field "Patronymic", which, in the course of the next innovations, disappeared from the pages of VK users. However, there are many people who would like to return the "Patronymic" field to their pages. Is it possible to do this and make a patronymic in VK 2019, let's figure it out together.

Initially, the creator of Vkontakte, Pavel Durov, positioned VK as a youth social network for students on the borders of the CIS (post-USSR). In Vkontakte, there was a “Patronymic” field, in which those who wished to enter both their middle name and nickname.

With the rapid growth of the Vkontakte audience, the administration decided to transfer VK to the international level. In the format of the latter, the "Patronymic" field loses its relevance, since foreign users get along just fine with the first and last name. Therefore, it was decided to remove the specified field from the user pages of VK.

In the course of innovations, the "Patronymic" field disappeared from the functionality of VK

Another argument against the existence of a patronymic in VK was its absence in the search. The presence of a patronymic did little to help in finding the right person, so it was decided to abandon it.

The "Patronymic" field in VK 2019 - is it possible to put it?

Thus, the HTML code of the Vkontakte social network today in 2019 does not imply the presence of the Patronymic field on the users page. Nevertheless, many enthusiasts are trying to turn back the clock and edit the HTML code from VK servers using a browser.

Indeed, after such changes, the "Patronymic" field appears on the user's page. But at the same time, they forget to explain that the Vkontakte HTML code on the server remains unchanged. Therefore, the next time you enter VK, the "Patronymic" field will again disappear from your page.

Nevertheless, the network provides ways to enable the Patronymic field in VK 2019. We do not guarantee their effectiveness in connection with the information provided by us. At the same time, everyone can try them in practice, and draw a conclusion about the working nature of these tools from their own experience.

VKOpt plugin will help to return missing fields

Plugin " VKOpt"Is a multifunctional plugin for your browser that changes the functionality of Vkontakte in accordance with your desires. Initially, it was positioned as a convenient tool for downloading music and videos from VK, but over time it went far beyond its limits. Among its features is the addition of the "Patronymic" field, which you can change to suit your needs.

Install the plugin, activate it, go to edit your page data. There, find the "Patronymic" field in VK 2019, and change it according to your desires.

Thanks to the VKOpt plugin, the middle name field is again available for editing

Editing VK HTML Code

Another way to make a patronymic in VK in 2019 is to change the html code of the VK page. The effectiveness of this method is doubtful, but judging by the reviews, it helped many VK users. To edit the code, use the Google Chrome browser.

Do the following:

Here's how to make a patronymic in VK, each of the users can, and we'll talk on this page.

Hello to all readers, and if you are interested in how to put a middle name in a contact, then we will now teach you how to do it consistently. Another secret of VKontakte about which it will be useful for fans of this social network to know.

But in order for you to make yourself a patronymic in contact, you will have to get into the html code, but this is not scary.

It will be much easier to get a VK patronymic than from this network.

Here's how we do the patronymic VKontakte

1). In order to put a patronymic in a contact, or, as they say, change a nickname, you will need to go to your page in contact with the link "Edit page".

2). Then, in the “Name” column, put the cursor and right-click on your mouse on the phrase “View Code” and you will see the code we need to change. We are only interested in the selected fragment of this code.

3). Do as shown in the picture below. Everything is done by pressing the right key. Click on Copy then Copy oyterHTML.

4). Now click on Edit as HTML.

5). You will have this:

6). We copy the text in the window, press "Enter" and paste this text under us, I apologize for the tautology, but this is how it turns out.

Here is what you should get:

7). Now we change the words in the second line that we copied. Instead of first_name we put middle_name. And instead of your name, you can put a patronymic or nickname, as you like best.

This is how you can put your patronymic or your nickname in contact.

In some browsers, it may be below, in some on the side, I'm showing you the process here in the Google Chrome browser.

You already know how to make a patronymic in VK and you will be able to add it yourself if you wish to the VK page. Yes, and show your friends how to add it.

Some VK users are surprised when they go to the page of a person who, in addition to his first and last name, also has a patronymic. But how is this possible if there is no “Add middle name” item in the page settings? In fact, you can add a middle name yourself, but for this you will have to resort to some simple steps.

Open your page in the Google Chrome browser (we will show an example on the specified browser, but you can repeat the entire procedure in another web browser) and click "Edit Page".

The General tab opens with basic information about the user, including their first and last name.

Now be extra careful. Hover the mouse arrow cursor over the word "Last Name", as shown in the screenshot, and press the right mouse button. Select View Element Code.

You will see the code for this element, it will be highlighted in blue.

Click on the line that is above the selected one (indicated by the red arrow in the screenshot above), then right-click and select Edit as HTML.

A window will open. Below the main entry, add the following code:


After adding the code, click on any line of code with the left mouse button. We look at the page and see that the “Patronymic” item has appeared.

Add a middle name and be sure to click on the "Save" button. If you do not add a middle name right away or reload the page, this item will disappear and you will have to do everything from the very beginning.

We go to the page and see the following picture:

Instead of a middle name, you can use any nickname you wish. In order to remove the “Patronymic” item from the settings, you can remove the code in the same way that you just added it. Or make it easier - remove the middle name from the item of the same name and the last one will be automatically deleted after the page is reloaded.

By the way, according to some reports, moderators can independently remove the middle name from the name if they notice it.

Hello, friends! For each Vkontakte user on the main page, you can see the first and last name, but some also display a nickname or patronymic. How to write it or just replace it with a surname

You need to do this from a computer or laptop. I will show on the example of the Google Chrome browser.

So, go to your Vkontakte page and under the avatar click on the "Edit" button. You can click on the thumbnail at the top right and select a similar item from the drop-down menu.

An area with code will open on the right, in which one line will be highlighted. Move the mouse cursor over the line that is above the selected one and press the right mouse button.

Select Edit as HTML from the context menu.

After that, part of the code will be presented in this form. Place your cursor at the end of this code.


It should look like the screenshot below.

After that, the “Patronymic” field will appear on the Vkontakte settings page. You can close the code by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner of the window.

Type the desired text in the "Patronymic" field. It can be either your real or nickname.

Scroll down the page a little and click on the "Save" button.

After the changes you made are saved, return to your page.

Now on your main page, in addition to the first and last name, you also see the report.

If you need to change your middle name, or change it to a nickname, then just go to editing the page and write another text in this field.

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