
Stalker alternative 1.3 passage of caches. Alternative: Walkthrough. I won't let you


What is a mod? For me, it's kind of like a hodgepodge. I would call this modification light OP2. What is waiting for us here? It is possible to choose who to play for. Military or free loner. 8 endings, 4 for each. Many locations and new tasks. You can put a weapon pack, which I will talk about a little later, well, + a lot of other little things. On the face of it, it looks very attractive. But, in fact, everything is bad. I've been playing threesome for a long time, played as a military man, after a long break I decided to go through all the endings as a stalker. But something went wrong.

***For whom to play? Plot***

If you have not played the mod, but want to try it, then I advise you to go for the stalker. Because the first hours of the game will delight you. To get out of the Dressing Room, you need to pay the sentry, then go wherever you want. Collecting artifacts and mutant parts is one of the main incomes in Alternative. We collect spillikins and animal paws, go to the Dressing Room (again, paying 10k for going with swag) and sell everything at a high price. Therefore, the stalker case is present. And money is really needed here to open up further tasks and opportunities. And as for me, the passage for a stalker is much more interesting than for a military man (although I opened only one ending). I expected something more grandiose from the passage for the military (as well as from the mod itself), but in reality I got insanity. By the way, the plot component, quests and dialogues are the same.

First, we are shown a dream of GG, and it becomes clear that GG is flying to the Zone in order to figure out why he has these dreams. Therefore, we are given to understand that there is a certain purpose in fashion that we must fulfill. Although we have to come up with the name of GG ourselves (if we want). The game for the military and the stalker somehow intersect. The same tasks can be completed for both, but some are not available to anyone. So what can we learn by playing as a military man? Well, only that the endings and the plot itself are half dead. I don't have any interest. Even the 3 secret missions that will allow us to finish the contract ahead of schedule are made from the bullshit. And then, these tasks are interconnected, although logically this should not be. And, playing for the military, we will not be given an answer to those very dreams that are not good.

It is easy to guess that all the actions of the mod take place after the events of the trilogy. But in fashion, it's hard not to notice that the plot is done, again somehow. A fan and the attack of mercenaries, Gray and bandits, Kruglov and mercenaries, documents in X18, documents in X16 and the Ghost, Voronin's tasks, Lukash's tasks, the assault on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant by the military. We can see all this with our own eyes, but only we are not playing for the legendary Bullseye. These moments are simply not removed. Even one of the first tasks for the military, where you and Degtyarev are heading through the Overpass to Pripyat to carry out the evacuation of the military in the Laundry. Alya economy version Call of Pripyat. Why invent something new when you can take the old and cut it down completely?

The endings also leave much to be desired. 2 endings for the military depend only on the banal choice of dialogue. Do you want to leave the Zone since the contract has been completed? Or do you want to go to prison because you wanted to copulate with an American woman, or will you help the C-consciousness? And the other 2 will not be better. After helping the O-consciousness to find documents, we turn into some kind of creature that will mumble something. And the last one is leaving the Zone through the subway tunnels. By the way, you will stay in the tunnel for a couple of minutes at most and will not meet any resistance.

Almost most of the tasks are built on the principle of "Guess it yourself." And there are a lot of such examples: How does the GG know where the teleport to the Clear Sky base is? How does the GG know that a suit with a WHSD is needed to descend into the Overpass, and Degtyarev led the GG there and did not bother to say about some kind of gas? How is the GG supposed to know that in order to get into X8, you need to have a program for hacking PDA? Most of all I like tasks with girls. For example, the search for the wife of a certain man in the dressing room. Do you seriously think that players are able to accidentally stumble upon Pda, at the end of the ATP road? 1 in 1000? This is at best. It's hard to get through without a guide. And looking for a girl in the Swamps. The continuation of this story is hilarious. We must find a stalker on Cordon who ordered the girl. By chance, we find a stalker (where they usually cannot be), we start a conversation with him and he decides to ask what GG heard about that very girl? Logic, where are you? But where are you, swimming dead in a radioactive swamp, face down? Bad luck to you. Outcome. In the plot, dialogues, logic in this fashion could not. Let's move on.


As I wrote above, there are some notes of interest here for a couple of hours. We start from scratch. In one sweater, and we are gradually growing, but no, we are growing rapidly. We will leave the Dressing Room with one TOZ, and it will be possible to go back already with VSS and the Vega scientific overalls (hello thicket). + there are things from the original PM, so you won't have problems getting the initial equipment. Literally, after playing for a couple of hours, we can already get an exoskeleton that carries 250kg + with good performance and BCC with auto-targeting, moreover, with a magazine for 25 rounds, with the highest accuracy (which even Gauss does not have), low weight, with low recoil , increased bullet speed, and the 9 * 39 caliber is the most lethal in this fashion. A universal barrel for killing all living things, just buy 9 * 39 caliber in the Dressing Room from a merchant. And all this can be obtained by completing a series of the simplest tasks from Cardan, which does not require any effort. And that's it, you just don't need anything else. We add here the recipes of the absolutes, make edits for 14 art slots, cook the spillikins and turn into a machine for destruction. Yes, you can enjoy pumping the GG (search for a good barrel, armor, cooking art, and so on), but this can be done in the first hours of the mod, in the future you need to go through the plot, which is boring and not interesting.

Having passed the original locations with the original moments from the PM, the whole gameplay turns into a stupid running around from one point to another. Go from Chernobyl2 to the Waiting Room for 2 lines in the dialogue with Strelok? Certainly. Go from the dressing room to Chernobyl2 and back to complete the second uber-duper secret task to turn on the antenna? Please. The walking simulator is in full swing. Of course, the punch helps to overcome long distances, but it does not cancel the boring story gameplay.

But in fact, you can find action in this mod. In the form of bugs, a mod, or rather an endless spawn of NPCs. The Monoloitites alone are worth something in Eastern Pripyat. A fascinating shooting range in the spawn of believers, near the old kbo. Until you run out of ammo or your computer burns down from the search of corpses. The same parsley with stalkers in the Red Forest (I had to kill them in order to get into the Forgotten Forest, playing as a military man). And the endlessly appearing controllers on Jupiter?

Separately, I would like to note the "excellent" balanced pseudo-dogs and partially bloodsuckers. Not only do these dogs do not die from a single 9 * 39 caliber shot to the head, they also have a psi-strike that can kill the GG after 5-6 times if they do not have proper protection from psi-impact. And after cleaning up the den of dogs, near the Bar, after a while, as many as 7 pseudo-dogs appear. The chair burned very nicely. A whole magazine of Saiga sometimes does not help to kill one creature. Bloodsuckers, on the other hand, do not cause as many problems as the same pseudo-dogs, but still sometimes these abilities irritate them.

***A huge bug in this mod***

I advise you to put the mod without a weapon pack. I'm a big fan of guns, but not so much that "Eww, left-handed barrels, shit mod !! 111! 1!". I like a large arsenal, because there is a choice. But here, he is redundant. A bunch of barrels that are taken from different mods, mostly from OP2. More than half you just stupidly will not see, but you know why? But because they were stuffed into rare hiding places. And to get this rare cache, you need luck. But don't rejoice. Having received a cache from a dead novice bandit, you will not find anything there except for a useless knife. Different Walters for different calibers. And so on and so forth. Different calibers, tracer bullets, smoke underbarrel grenades, illuminating underbarrel grenades. Why is this all? Gauges are a huge pile of brown mass that are simply not used. OP2 doesn't even have that, although this mod can be stretched out over whole months, if not a year. Why do I need 16x70 caliber double barrel shotguns? But this is not the most important thing. I was on fire from someone else. From the rearmament of the NPS. Master bandits in exoskeletons run around with these double-barreled shotguns that pose no serious danger. It feels like the great Monolith unearthed nearby several boxes of weapons during the Second World War and they are the only ones they use. And mercenaries with ultrasound. God. Yes, and all this is absolutely not necessary if there is a universal Vintorez that incinerates everything around. There is simply no better trunk. One shot one kill. A shot in the little toe of the left foot - a corpse. And melee weapons ... Not only do knives need to be inserted into the pistol slot (it seems, I could be wrong, I played for a long time), they are also useless. To break the box, you need 2-3 with the second hit. At what they added some new animations of PC mouse strokes. Need to quickly kill the enemy? We press RMB and wait 2-3 seconds until the GG shows off. Fast hits are out of the question. Yes, even without this pack in the original fashion, the knife is the same G, but at least the slaughter is normal there. The weapon pack is absolutely not balanced and is somehow sewn here to be.

I tried to complete the game as a stalker, find all the endings. Everything went great in the beginning when I first started getting gear. But having got Vintorez, Nanosuit, all the recipes for artifacts and 14 filled slots for these arts, it's time to go through the same plot and quests. And this house, for 200k. In order to get a few, again, not interesting quests. Dumb running around, and later teleportation from transition to transition, became very annoying. Endured and gave up. There is no pleasure, and nothing can be done.

The mod is broken everywhere. In the story, dialogues, gameplay. At first it is difficult, a little later we run around the Zone like a tank, and no one can kill. Worth a try, who hasn't played? Maybe it's worth it, not the worst mod, but you can't call it good either. Clear skies, stalkers.

If you choose from modern computer games those for which the most modifications have been created, then Stalker will definitely take the first place. This stealth shooter, which tells about the events in the Chernobyl radiation zone, has become a real masterpiece, which is very rare among projects released by post-Soviet companies. This series of games is great on its own, but it's also notable for the fact that fans have already created quite an impressive number of mods for it, each of which adds various elements, from new weapons to full-fledged storylines. By the way, the latter option is quite common, because the universe of "Stalker" is vast, so you can create many different narratives on behalf of different characters. But how does Alternative stand out from the background of others? The passage has not changed here, the game mechanics too. What is the difference?

Description of the mod

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that this modification not only adds a storyline. It makes it non-standard, alternative, and also introduces a rather impressive number of side quests into the gameplay that do not affect the plot of the Stalker: Alternative mod. The passage, as mentioned earlier, practically does not differ from the original games and from other modifications. Naturally, there are some features here, such as freedom of action or strict obedience to orders (depending on the path that you choose for yourself). But all the outstanding moments in this game should be analyzed separately, as well as decide on the recommendations that will help you pass the Stalker: Alternative mod. The passage will not take you much time, like most modifications, but it will allow you to look at the world of "Stalker" from a completely different perspective.

Character selection

So, it’s worth starting with the fact that in all original games and modifications, developers and creators independently determined which character the gamer would play for. As for this mod, you are given a complete one - you can enter a name for your character yourself, as well as choose its appearance. However, this is not a particularly significant difference between the modification "Stalker: Alternative" - ​​the passage from this does not change in any way, the appearance of the character only affects which photo is displayed in the dialogues, and the name - how NPCs will address you. This is just a nice feature, which you should not dwell on for a long time and focus on. It's time to move on to more important issues that may also affect your passage. "Stalker: - this is the latest version of this mod. And it is on the basis of it that further consideration of the issue will take place.

Scene selection

At the very beginning of the game, you arrive in the Zone to serve there. And then you are presented with the main choice in the game - which way will you go? Your passage of the game "Stalker: Alternative" will completely depend on this. And it is here that the essence of the name of the modification is fully revealed. So, you have two options. You can obey the order and go to do what you were sent here for, that is, to serve. On the other hand, you can switch sides and become a free stalker who will perform many tasks, travel around the Zone, facing all its dangers. Here is such a choice that the modification "Stalker: Alternative" offers you. The passage for the military and for the stalker should be considered separately, since they are completely different concepts that lead to different endings of the game.

We play as a free stalker

If you decide not to obey the will of the military and go to free bread, then you will have a huge advantage - freedom of action. You will be able to travel around the Zone and complete tasks designed for the stalker, which will lead you to the end of the story. In parallel, you should take side quests that will allow you to acquire weapons, ammo, ammunition, and so on. Naturally, no one has canceled an important part of the Stalker series - the search for hiding places. You will do this for someone in accordance with some kind of quest, or for yourself, or maybe you will notice caches by accident. In any case, they will help you get through the game and allow you to get the most out of the Stalker game. Mod "Alternative", the passage of which can be divided into two parts, is not limited only to the fate of the stalker. You can easily replay by choosing a different direction. And that's the beauty of this mod.

Passage for the military

The disadvantage of the storyline for the free stalker is that there is nothing new in it. Naturally, the quests there are all original, the side quests are quite interesting, but the concept does not change at all compared to the original version or other modifications. What really appreciates "Alternative" is the passage for the military. Here everything is completely different, the game "Stalker: Alternative" completely changes its appearance. The walkthrough guide will let you learn all the details, but it's much better to do it yourself. So, you agree to be a military man, which means that you will have to obey all the orders that your superiors give you. You need to follow the schedule and complete the plot military tasks. In addition, non-plot quests will also be available to you, and most importantly, some of the tasks of the free stalker will also be open to you. That is, this mode is much more attractive to fans, as it offers a new look at the game from the side of a completely different character. This has never happened before, and you should definitely try this option.

Alternative endings

"Stalker: Alternative" lives up to its name not only because it has two storylines to choose from. If you decide to play as a military man, then the ending of the game will depend on your actions. In total, this storyline has three branches, each of which leads to the original ending, so it is recommended to try all three methods, since the duration of the game is not so high, and each of the ending options deserves attention.

Side quests

This is not to say that in "Alternative" side quests deserve special attention. Naturally, they are attractive and interesting, but still the emphasis here is on something completely different, namely on the possibility of playing as a military man. Most of the non-plot quests relate specifically to the free stalker, so it is worth focusing on their passage as a last resort.

We offer the latest version of the modification for "Stalker - Shadow of Chernobyl" - "Alternative" 1.3.1. In the latest patch, the mod was finally brought to mind by the developer, and it became possible to complete it. Numerous plot inconsistencies and bugs have been fixed, a second alternative ending has been added.

According to the plot of the modification, we can go through the story as a stalker or as a military man. The choice of the character affects the quests to be completed, as a result we get two plots in one game. The main character will again receive answers to vital questions.

Features of the mod "Alternative" 1.3.1:

  • The choice of the storyline at the beginning of the game: military or stalker.
  • An interesting plot, gaining momentum towards the end of the story.
  • Expanded gameplay compared to the original: special skills, artifact transmutation, achievements, reputation, etc.
  • The atmosphere of the zone is preserved, there is an everlasting sense of danger and anxiety.
  • Territories of the pre-zone and zones, strikingly different in terms of hostility.
  • Long plot duration, diverse endings.
  • Tightened graphics, improved textures and skyboxes.
  • The game encourages exploration of the zone, a freeplay element is built in.
  • Lots of good cutscenes.
  • Included elements of horror in many tasks.
  • The weapon component has been improved and expanded.
  • Build locations have been introduced, such as the "Dead City", there are a lot of them.
  • Thoughtful dialogues that help navigate the intricacies of the plot.
  • Cut mutants returned, there are also new ones.

There is a mod and negative sides, unfortunately. Stable departures occur in several places. Fixed by reloading saves. There are some inconsistencies between the plot of the modification and the abandoned quests of the original game. The animation does not always work correctly when driving. In any case, the mod was a success, despite the above flaws. Recommended for download!

The mod is installed on a clean copy of the original game ‘ ‘ 1.0004. The mod folder should be unpacked (folders: bin, gamedata and userdata; files: fsgame and gamedata.dbmm) and dropped into the root folder of the game with file replacement. A new game is required.

Video with a solid review of fashion:

Year of issue: 2016
Genre: Action / Shooter / 3D / 1st Person
Developer: GSC Game World
Publisher: N.S.A.(san27)
Publication type: Repack
Game version: 1.0004
Mod version: 1.3.1
Interface language: Russian
Voice language: Russian
Tablet: sewn

✔ Operating system: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 10
✔ Processor: Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.4 GHz / AMD Athlon™ X4
✔ RAM: 2 GB minimum (rec. 4/6 and above)
✔ Video Card: 512 / nVIDIA® GeForce™ / ATI Radeon®
✔ Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound device
✔ Free hard disk space: 17 GB
✔ Game settings: Full dynamic lighting

This is your story. In the Alternative mod, the player plays for himself, can choose a name for himself and change the icon that is displayed in the dialogues. How to do this, read the Player Profile. The game starts after the events that end Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl. The player will face situations, the choice of which will determine the end of the game. At the moment, there are eight full-fledged endings in the "AlternativeA version 1.3.1" mod: four for the stalker and four for the military. Global choices are in the dialogs and they are highlighted in orange. It is advisable to make a save before choosing, so as not to start the game from the beginning. In order to sell artifacts and parts of mutants at a bargain price, they need to be taken out of the Zone. Not all locations present in the mod are displayed on the map, according to the plot they are outside the Zone and it is not so easy to get to them. The original plot of the game has been cut. Flash Arrow now contains different information. Game start changed. Some computers and PDAs can be hacked and downloaded, possibly opening new storylines. The swag of gangs is also located in safes with electronic locks. Important information

Most importantly, while playing the mod, carefully read the dialogues, messages (highlighted in red) and the PDA. Be inquisitive, attentive, there are no hopeless situations in the mod (refers to the location "Dead City") that seem like that at first glance.

If, when pointing at an NPC, it is highlighted in red and he is your enemy, this does not mean that you need to throw bullets at him, there is no use from a dead NPC, maybe he wanted to talk to you. If there is an opportunity to resolve the issue peacefully, you need to use it. You can get into the camps of hostile factions that are located in the added locations without a fight.

The cut monsters have been restored and new ones have been added to the game. Some have new abilities.

Transitions from location to location are not displayed on the map, but they are all present from the start of the game. You can find the transitions yourself, but during the game you will receive information about their location.

20 unknown artifacts have been introduced into the game, which will receive a name and description after laboratory research, and while they are unknown, the artifact detectors do not react to them, so the first copies will have to be searched for by touch.

In the PDA, in the "Journal - Personal Notes" section, information will be placed, after studying which you can go to quests and complete them.

List of locations

forest thicket,
forgotten forest,
lost village,
red forest,
military laboratory,
Dead city,
Jupiter guide,
Western Pripyat,
Laboratory X-8,
Dark End. Dump,
Dark End. Swamp,
dark hollow
hidden road
Plant Rostock

Repack Features:
A game:
- Nothing is cut
- Nothing recoded
- Game version: 1.0004
- Mod version: 1.3.1

_ Owners of Windows 7/8/10, if User Account Control (UAC) is enabled, run the game with administrator rights.
_ If the saves in the game do not work, then run the game with administrator rights.
_ If the game won't start, try deleting the user.ltx file from the userdata folder in the root of the game.
_ Do not put the repack on the "C" drive (where Windows is)
_ For owners of Windows 8/10, if the mod crashes when starting, put compatibility with Windows 7 in the shortcut.

In this section, not all quests of the "Alternative 1.2" mod are affected.

In the "Alternative" mod, the player plays for himself, can choose a name for himself and change the icon that is displayed in the dialogs. How to do this, read the Player Profile. A lot of interesting things can be learned from the dialogues. At first glance, they seem to tell you about elementary things that you are well aware of from the original plot of the game, and this is not just like that, you need to pay attention to these things. All the necessary information is in the PDA and in the documents found.

In the PDA, in the "Journal - Personal Notes" section, information will be placed, after studying which you can go to quests and complete them. In version 1.2, two quests are available from personal notes that originate in the Forezone.

Game start

You arrive in Prezone as a civilian to sign a contract to serve in the Zone. Before leaving the military base, look into the control room. It contains a computer that you can hack a little later. Check all computers, PDAs, laptops, safes for hacking.

To hack PDA computers and safes, you need programs that Kalancha will give you, about which you can learn from Sidorovich. There are six programs in total: three for hacking computers and three for breaking safes with electronic locks, all programs are required to complete the game.

There is a transport in the mod, in order to start the transport, you need to set the action on the keyboard key in the options-control to "Enable", by default there are spaces.

When talking with the Strelok, in the Predzonia bar, you will have to make a choice (the further development of the plot will depend on the choice) to serve under a contract, or become a free stalker.

Free Stalker

Having chosen the fate of a free stalker, you have freedom of choice, but it is not clear what to do with it. You need to follow the advice of the Bullseye and meet with the Mayor. What you need to do to progress through the story in the dialogue is highlighted in green. Pay attention to the military man who will come to the bar after talking with Strelok. Help the saleswoman who sells in the store, you will definitely need empty boxes. The inhabitants of the Forezone sleep at night.

From the original game, there was a quest to find Strelka's cache. Flash Arrow contains other information. After the Extremal found in the cache, an unusual journey around the Zone will begin.

Quest from Cardan.
Cardan will ask you to bring three tool kits, one by one. All three sets are on Zaton. To complete the second task, you will need at least the first computer hacking program. When you wake up to hack, save before hacking, it may not work the first time. It depends on the outcome of the third task whether or not Cardan will give a task on Jupiter.

Quest "Parallel world"
The quest "Parallel World" starts after the laptop in your house is hacked. All information on the passage of the quest, in addition to tasks, is displayed in the PDA in the "Journal - Parallel World" section. You need to do exactly what is described. If it says "stood on a pile of foliage for a long time", then you need to do so, and not run around this pile and kick the foliage. When you get to the Dark End and find the cache, do not forget about the map and the knife, at the moment the knife is a weapon. And artifacts against mutants are weapons of mass destruction. The main thing is to know which artifact to apply at what time. Everything found in the Dark Land, it is better to leave there, it may come in handy.

Quest "Legend"
Quest "Legend" will begin after hacking the PDA in the bunker at Chernobyl-2. Nesterov is located in the Dark Edge on Mozgolome.

Quest "Find Chemist's swag"
The quest "Find the Chemist's swag" will begin after the information obtained by hacking a computer from scientists on Jupiter. When you find all four artifacts, the quest will end. After the dome-shaped room in which the installation stands, passing along the corridor, pay attention to the container on the left, before descending the spiral staircase.

Quests related to other quests
The quest to exterminate the plague from the Zone will begin with the task "Find the guard" for scientists on Jupiter. To continue the quest, you need to hack the PDA in the X-8 laboratory, which is located on Jupiter and bring the corpse of an unknown animal to scientists. What Ozersky asks for needs to be done periodically. Further continuation of the quest is connected with the "Legend" quest. The quest will end with the task "Destroy the uterus of an unknown little animal." There are two options for completing the quest: 1. when you know the alleged location of the lair of an unknown animal, you can immediately go and finish this quest. 2. If you re-go down to X-8 and find the second PDA, you will be in for a surprise. When you say to Ozersky "What did you say? The Zone itself? The Zone, well, of course the Zone. Okay, I have to go." This means that you know who you should talk to now. After completing the quest, be sure to talk to the "ally".

The "Legend" quest is connected to the simple "Find the antidote" quest. When you bring the antidote to Nesterov, the quest to turn on the antennas on the Radar will continue.

Unrealized quests that were continued in version 1.2
In the Alternative 1.1 version of the mod, there were quests that were not fully implemented. The task "Find documents from X-8": the obtained documents could be given to "Debt" or "Freedom". In version 1.2, it matters to whom you give documents.

Quests related to a girl named Sonya, which began with the task "Find the girl from the photo" did not grow into a separate storyline, but received a continuation and influence on the ending of the "Legend" storyline.

Overnight at home, unexpected guests may arrive who will need your help. The second night guest, who comes to the GG home, received a quest for the GG. A feature of this quest is an attempt to implement an alternative delivery and summing up.

Contract service.

The storyline for the military was continued and has three endings.

While serving in the Zone, you need to clearly fulfill the assigned tasks, as in the army. Passing the game for the military, it is possible to complete part of the quests of a free stalker.

Good luck Stalker!

Detailed description of quests

Free Stalker

Saleswoman and boxes

Undertaking to help the saleswoman, we go to the Bar and buy a map of Predzonia. There is a car near the store, we get into it and drive to the boiler room, there are four boxes on the first floor. We take one at a time and drag it to the car, we stand so that we can take all the boxes and get into the UAZ, we go to the store and carry the boxes to the counter, we take everything, we talk to the saleswoman.

Find the girl from the photo.

The task is taken from Sidorovich. He says that you need to find out in the beginner camp. If Tolik is alive, he will give you a tip on the transition to the Swamp. If Tolik gave up, we go to the Swamp without a tip, the transition is located in a barbed wire fence, which is not far from Sidorovich's bunker. You need to go along the fence towards the checkpoint. A girl at the Clear Sky base. She informs you that no one knows about her presence in the Zone.

We go to Sidorovich, you have two options: take the money or say that you have not seen the girl. In the first case, every stalker will try to take revenge on you for betraying Sonya. In the second case, you have a new task "Warn Sonya". We go to the Swamp and in the church we release Sonya from captivity. We accompany Sonya to the base, you need to go next to her when she reaches the fence, we stand and wait until she disappears from the PDA, quickly into the teleport and wait for her near the gate. Sonya asks you to find a customer, taking this task, we go to Cordon. In the house behind the railway bridge, on the right side, we talk with the stalker. After the conversation, we return to Sonya, she will thank you.

Quests from Cardan

All three instrumental sets are located at Zaton. The first set is in the forestry boiler room, on the mountain from the barge. The second one is under the iron forest in the laboratory, this is where the helicopter fell on the concrete. You can get into the laboratory only after hacking the computer on the second floor, at the table. For hacking, you need at least the first hacking program, which is given by Kalancha at the Clear Sky base. In the lab, the kit is in the room where the large gauss gun is installed.

Set number 6 is with the mercenaries who are at the treatment plant. You need to go at night, as Cardan asked, and quietly steal the set, which is located in the room where the mercenary snores. It may happen that the mercenary, before going to bed, grabs a set, in which case he needs to be killed and the set is taken away. If it doesn’t work out quietly, we take out all the mercenaries to the sewage treatment and catch up with the one who escaped near the transition to Cordon, pick up the set and go to Cardan. This is a fallback option when you really want to get a quick-firing shotgun as a reward, but the task for set #6 can be turned in anyway.

With luck, Cardan will ask you to free Brother Pilot. We fly to Jupiter by helicopter from the Clear Sky base. At night, in container warehouses, we make our way to the hangar where the Pilot is kept. When releasing the Pilot, there are now two options: clear the entire camp or leave quietly. The choice will depend on how you solve the problem with the bandit who guards the Pilot. After escorting the Pilot to Yanov, we fly to Cardan and finish the quest.

This quest originates after the PDA hack at Chernobyl-2, Strelok spoke about this bunker at the beginning, only asked to forget. Bunker, this is in the original where Sidor sits. You can get there by jumping through teleports, or using the "Punch" device to enter the coordinates. Whoever hacked a laptop in the Guide has these coordinates. The device is located in the Extremal cache in Pripyat.

If jumping on teleports without a device, the first time you get into the bunker you will be thrown out of it, continuing to jump on teleports you will fall into the bunker behind bars. In the bunker under the PDA shop (you must have a hacking program), we hack it. You can get out of the bunker by going to the grate, the teleport that you threw out for the first time will repeat its action.

We go to the Strelok, he will send you to the Anarchist, who will tell you his story, an entry will appear in the PDA, the Legend Magazine. We go to the Ferris wheel in Pripyat, we find a sheet with a record. In Monolith Management, we do what is written on a piece of paper. We talk with the Joke, we carry out her task. After that, if you have already brought the carcass of foot-and-mouth disease to Ozersky, then a message will come from him. We go to Ozersky, they will send you to him anyway. He will tell you about Nesterov.

Nesterov in the Dark Land on Mozgolom. If you have not met him before, he will ask you to bring an antidote. We bring him an antidote, for which he will tell you how to restart the generators at Chernobyl-2 (without the "Puncher" device, this will not work). You have the first coordinates for entering the device if you hacked a laptop in the Guide. We restart the first generator, look for a note in the generator, then the second and third, similarly to the first. We go to the Radar, turn on the antennas (stock up on artifacts from psi-radiation and increase endurance, do not forget about first-aid kits). Let's go to the joke.

To get a continuation, you need to find any stalker who has a dialogue about the Forester. We go to the Forester, listen to his assumption. We talk with the girls, both are on Yanov. In the end, you decide to go and turn off the "Radar" yourself. In the laboratory on the "Radar" you will find a surprise and another choice. In one of the options, you have to go through a psychological quest that will require endurance, patience and attentiveness from you. When you get to the secret part of the laboratory, find a laptop, take it with you, you will need it. After a while, a task and a description for it will appear. The description says where you can find the first and second PDA, but you have to look for the third one. I consider further description of the storyline inappropriate, it will not be interesting for you to play.

A parallel world

The quest will start after hacking the laptop in the house, which you buy from the Mayor. All the necessary information, in addition to tasks, will be displayed in the PDA (Journal-Parallel World), after each computer hack. In the Swamps, B. The Doctor will tell you about the ford. We go to the ford, through the railway tunnel we get into the Dark Land. Swamp. We find and hack a computer in the house. In Zap. Pripyat on the roof of the Yubileiny, we crack the PDA, we read. After some waiting on a pile of foliage, you will take away the place that you will need to find, it is in Zap. Pripyat, not far from the dry cleaners. In the littered tunnel we break open the laptop, read, get up in the doorway and wait, We fall into the Dark Land. Dump.

In one of the houses, which is not far from your place of appearance, we hack the laptop, we read. We find the first cache, there is a map in it, the map contains three sheets with maps. On the TC map. The landfill is marked with three places, red dots. At the moment you need to point in the middle. There you will find another surprise, do not forget that the knife is a weapon, at the moment it is relevant. With the help of a knife, you will get the coordinates written on a piece of paper. We enter the coordinates into the "Puncher" device, inspect the second cache, read the note from the cache. We head to the hangar, do not forget that artifacts can be weapons. We find the third cache, which is located in a crevice next to the armored personnel carrier. We enter the coordinates found in the cache and get to the Brain.

Upon entering the location, we get the task to find and disable the psi-installation. The installation is located under the building, which is surrounded by satellite dishes, you can get through the elevator shaft. The psi-installation switch is on the table, turn it off, talk to Nesterov, find and hack the computer in the freight elevator shaft and get the location of the transition to the Dead City.

In the gym, when hacking a laptop, we get information on how you can return from a parallel world. You can get out of the Dead City, just like you got in, through the sewers. There are two hatches through which you can get into the sewers, in one of them there is a passage.

There are two meditation zones in the Dark Edge Junkyard, located in different railway tunnels. (I recommend leaving everything found in the Dark Land before leaving, it will come in handy in the future.) When you get into these zones, effects are played, after playing you need to wait a while. Through one zone you will get to the Swamp, then I think you will get out.

Through the second zone, to the Lost Village. In the attic of the flock near the corpse we find a note, we learn that we need to get under the roof of the house. To get to the attic of the indicated house, you need to collect empty boxes and use them to build a ladder inside the house, jump under the roof. We are looking for caches, read the note, go to the store, turn off teleports. Now you can get out through "Limansk" or "Collector". This is where the quest ends.

Find Chemist's swag

The quest will begin after the information obtained from the computer of scientists on Jupiter. The information will be entered in the "Artifacts - Sunlight" section, there will be a code for the door to the laboratory on the Generators. After talking with the Swamp Doctor, who will express his assumption, we head to the laboratory on the Generators. You need to go down to the lowest level, where there are only corridors. There is a hatch in the ceiling, but you won’t get into it, on the right side of the hatch there is a ladder, go up it, the teleport will transfer to the room. In the room from the hatch, two corridors, along the long passage to Jupiter, along the short one to the Collector.

In the Collector we find a computer, it is important for you, we hack it. After reading the information, you will need to find the door indicated in the photo. After the anomaly, while walking along the corridor, pay attention to the container on the left, before descending the spiral staircase. Through the door we get into the second part of the Collector. We find a safe there, break it open, you already have two artifacts of the Chemist.

On Jupiter, where the railway entrance to the plant, to the right of it is a channel and a grate, walking along which you will fall behind the bars, there is another safe. In Zap. There are no mountains in Pripyat, but nine-story houses will pass for them. Two twins are connected by an anomaly, through which you can climb to the top, where the fourth artifact of the Chemist will be waiting for you.

Flash drive Strelka and caches of Extremal.

The Strelka flash drive is located in the same place as in the original game, but when you take it, you will have another task, after reading it, we go to Jupiter. The plane is behind the graveyard above the railway tunnel where the controller lives. On the wing of the plane, PDA from which you will receive two photos, which depict caches.

We are heading to Pripyat, we find the house shown in the photo. We climb the ruins to the second floor and travel through teleports until we get into a room with a working radio. There is a backpack in it, in which the "Punch" teleporter and a photo with the image of the next cache, there is a note for the photo. In order to get to the cache in Zap Pripyat, you will need an empty wooden box. In the "Punch" there is an image of a house, put a pointer on it and click on enter, you are on the roof of the house. We jump from the roof of the house to the roof of the entrance, put the box, from the box to the balcony, hack the PDA, we get the coordinates. We enter the coordinates into the device, in one of the caches there is another PDA from it we get a photo in the "photos" section. The photo shows a place that is located at the Jupiter plant.

We find this place, behind the bars of the PDA, we get the coordinates from it. We enter into the device, we move behind the bars, we rise to the roof. At the other end of the roof we get to the landing, we find a backpack, there is a reward in it. A continuation of the storyline is planned.

Ending mod Alternative version 1.3.1

For the military:

1. Completion of the contract

Having completed three secret tasks, the GG terminates the contract ahead of schedule and flies to the mainland.

2. Prison

If they refuse to cooperate with the representative of the Awareness project, the GG is taken into custody and sent to the mainland, where they are imprisoned.

3. Poltergeist

GG agrees to cooperate with the representative of the project "Awareness" and undertakes to find a complete package of documents from the X-18 laboratory, which consists of 5 parts. When searching for 4 and 5 of the fifth part of the document, the GG meets a ghost. If the GG ignores the advice of the ghost and continues to search for documents, then he remains forever in the Zone, ending his path as a person and becoming a poltergeist.

4. Exit the Zone

GG agrees to cooperate with the representative of the project "Awareness" and undertakes to find a complete package of documents from the X-18 laboratory, which consists of 5 parts. When searching for 4 and 5 of the fifth part of the document, the GG meets a ghost. Following the advice of the ghost, the GG goes in search of a tunnel through which he will get out of the Zone.

5. Revenge

This ending is possible if the GG surrenders Sonya Sidorovich, having received 50 thousand for this, then when communicating with the stalkers, the GG can be killed, avenging Sonya's death.

For a stalker:

1. Suicide

If the GG agrees to take the box to the Clear Sky base at the request of Victoria. As a result, the GG realizes that he made another mistake that cannot be corrected. He understands that his death can stop the Zone and decides to commit suicide.

2. There is no way out

With the correct passage of the plot, but if the GG surrenders to Sonya Sidorovich, having received 50 thousand for this, then no one will be able to leave the Zone, including the GG.

3. Love

This ending is possible only after rescuing Zoe. GG will have the opportunity to leave the Zone with Zoya

4. I won't let you

This ending is possible only after talking with the Joke and if the GG decides to tell someone about the existence of the Joke.

5. Asylum

If the GG made the wrong choice when handing over documents from X-18 and incorrectly disposed of the documents of the Awareness project, then when returning to the Hold, a psychiatric hospital will be waiting for him in two possible exits. The third possible way out does not bode well.

6. Surprise

With any passage of the plot, this ending is possible. When returning to the "Hold", if the GG goes along the corridor along which you do not need to go, he will be warned about this, then a surprise.

7. Second Chance

If the GG made the wrong choice when handing over documents from X-18, but correctly disposed of the documents of the Awareness project, then when returning to the Hold, the GG will have a chance to correct one of the mistakes and he will be able to exit the Hold.

8. My room

If the GG made the wrong choice when submitting documents from X-18 and incorrectly disposed of the documents of the Awareness project, then upon returning to the Hold, entering the ward, the GG will end up in a psychiatric hospital.

If the GG uses a second chance, then when entering the ward, he will wake up before being sent to the Zone and decide not to fly to the Zone to sign the contract.

If the GG made the right choice when handing over documents from X-18 and correctly disposed of the documents of the Awareness project, then when returning to the Hold and entering the ward, he will wake up before being sent to the Zone and decide not to fly to the Zone to sign the contract. And he will be able to get out of the Hold without any problems.

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