
Iphone 6 1549 which country. What is LTE network

First of all, it is worth familiarizing yourself with this concept. LteAdvanced is a wireless high-speed network standard, in other words, 4G. This development based on network technologies that everyone knows and remembers. These are GSM / EDGE and UMTS / HSPA. The main advantage of this development is the increase in speed due to feeding from another radio interface with rather improved network cores. Lte serves as a natural update both for operators with a direct GSM / EDGE network and for CDMA2000 users. Moreover, different countries use their own frequencies, which directly allows you to connect to these networks around the world, but only from a multi-band phone.

LteAdvanced is a data transmission standard over a distance. First of all, the purpose of this introduction was to increase the bandwidth and speed of the signal, while appropriately applying digital processing of the original signal. Also, with its help, the developers tried to simplify the direct branch of networks, the basis of which was IP, while it was possible to achieve a significant reduction in data transmission delay when compared with Lte 3G.

This network allows you to download various files at a speed of up to 327 megabits per second, while the upload speed is almost 180 megabits per second. The operating range of this network ranges from 1.4 to 2800 MHz.

Is there support for these frequencies in Russia?

In fact, the support of LteAdvanced in Russia on new iPhone models is exaggerated, since the coverage area of ​​these frequencies is simply quite small. The very fact of the presence of these frequencies makes us understand this issue, and take into account which ranges are allocated in Russia. In fact, LteAdvanced frequencies are supported by many telecom operators, including Megafon, Beeline, MTS, Rostelecom, and others. They often produce a frequency range from 800 MHz to 2800 MHz. Moreover, licensed support exists only for Moscow and its region. Of course, they function in other areas as well.

If you turn to the technical data sheet of the Iphone, you can see the following: all the lists of ranges supported by the iPhone in some way overlap with the allowed ranges that function in the Russian Federation. Of course, in order for the phone to support at least one of the frequencies, its series must be taken into account. Often it should be of the A1457 or A1507 series. In some cases, it can be A1529 or A1530. This number is registered in the technical passport of the Iphone, so it is impossible to confuse it when buying. Why is there such a small support for Lte frequencies in Russia at this time? First of all, this is due to the fact that these frequencies appeared not so long ago on the territory of the state, and operators, of course, will not immediately work on all frequency fronts, improving their efficiency, productivity, as well as the range. There is of course the hope that there will be more range support in the near future and the use of LteAdvanced will gain momentum.

LTE iphone 6 vs iphone 5s comparison

First of all, you should get acquainted with the direct operation of this function separately on each device, and then compare them with each other. So, how are Advanced frequencies supported on iPhone5. After the release of the final version of iOS8, owners of iPhone5 smartphones could find a new toggle switch "Turn on, turn off Lte", which is located in the "Cellular data" section. But it is worth considering the fact that there are three versions in the line of these smartphones. These are iPhone 5, 5s and 5c. Despite the fact that they have almost the same look and name, they have completely different characteristics, and, of course, they support different frequency ranges. iPhone 5s and 5c can support about 10 frequencies Lte located in Russia. At that iPhone time 5 has two models in its release. These are А1428, which operates exclusively in the North American frequency range, and the А1429 model, which supports LteAdvanced frequencies, directly in Russia. But, it is worth considering the fact that this frequency is supported only on operating system iOS8.

How does it work this network on iPhone 6 and its variants in Russia. When choosing this gadget, you must also take into account its model. Take, for example, two models A1549 and A1586... The first model can support 16 different frequencies in Russia. Moreover, iPhone 6 A1549 supports 7 and 20 frequencies, which are more common among mobile operators Russia. Now let's talk about the second model A1586. It has the ability to support 20 different LteAdvanced frequency bands. This model also supports the desired 7 and 20 frequencies, but more high level, which includes the data transfer rate, which is faster than the iPhone 5. Based on this, we can draw conclusions: the first and second iPhone models 6 will receive the Lte frequency range. So a simple user this phone will simply not notice the difference in this support. Already when buying, it is worth considering the price of the product, which will most likely be the decisive factor.

Now it is worth comparing directly these two models of iPhone 5 iPhone 6 and their variants with each other. First of all, it is worth noting the following: both devices support the LteAdvanced network and various types of frequencies that operate directly in Russia. The fifth iPhone, of course, has less support, since only 10 different frequencies can be used on it, while 20 types of frequencies can be achieved on the iPhone6. Here, often, it is worth approaching from a professional point of view. If the device is bought by a person who knows a lot about this, then he should buy the iPhone6, which has a wider range of frequencies, but if it is regular user, then it is quite possible to use 5 iPhones. Moreover, when buying a device, you need to take into account the price of the product, other characteristics of the model, and, of course, the taste of the buyer, which will play a significant role. So it all depends on the person who buys the iPhone.

In descending order of importance for me: 1. OS. It seems like a Sony spokesperson said ios is a boring system. Maybe, but for me the system is optimal: smooth interface, no lags, useful applications... I didn't have any problems with iTunes, everything is clear and understandable to me, to put a ringtone in no time. The interface is intuitive and accessible, I am thinking of buying an iphone for my mom as a younger model. In general, I'm talking about simplicity - as a plus, because I've had a pretty long experience of living with Android. And whatever one may say, but it cannot work without lags. Android costs thousands various devices(which is certainly a plus of its versatility), ios only on one - Iphone, in fact, this implies the development of software for a certain hardware and vice versa. 2. Camera. The camera is on a 10 scale for me at 8. Before the iphone I had an LG G3, and so when compared with it, the iphone loses a little in my opinion. Photos on the Iphone are definitely great, sharp, with correct color reproduction and natural colors, and night photography is also good (but not as with LG). The selfie camera on the LG G3 also shoots sharper, however front-camera(main) for me, the iphone is more pleasant precisely due to the natural color rendition. 3. Touch ID. It's quick and easy to put your finger on and the phone will unlock in a second. Works better than Samsung. 4. Design and materials. Smooth lines slim body, rounded display. It fits perfectly in the hand, it is convenient to use all the buttons. I like the lever that instantly switches to silent mode, which we inherited from its predecessors - a very handy thing. 5. Sound. Good speakers, clear sound. 6. Wow-effect and equipment. Agree, it's nice when shopping brings joy! So, after buying an iphone 6, such joy lasts a long time, well, it is very pleasant to open the box with the device itself, everything is carefully packed, the headphones are neatly folded into a separate case, a packed manual, everything is so neat and tasteful)

Cons are also in order of decreasing priority: 1. Price. I bought it for 40 tr, which I think is expensive, of course, the dollar exchange rate is also to blame, but also apple company, whose smartphone prices are the highest on the market. There is a lot of controversy about why pay a lot of money and get a smartphone that is not inferior to an android for 20 thousand. I will say this: I had the opportunity to allocate money for new phone- I highlighted and my choice fell on iphone 6. If I did not have such an opportunity, I would not take loans for the sake of an apple. 2. It's stupid, of course, but as a minus I will call the fact that audio recordings in VK are blocked on ios) I do not like downloading music, I listen to new music online every day. The problem is solved by installing an application that clings to VK and displays audio, there are all your audio recordings and a full search, as well as friends' music. Or you can run in a browser mobile version site vk.com, where audio recordings are. The problem can be solved quite simply, but there is an inconvenience after the android.

Before that there were: iphone 4, sony acro s, iphone 4s, LG G2, LG G3. Honestly, ski 3 suited me for everyone, the only thing for a year of service began to lag already. I just wanted to change my phone, I was considering options: iphone 6, Microsoft Lumia 950, sony z5 compact. I was not ready to spend money on 6s. Sonya threw it away almost immediately, tk. I read reviews about unstuck displays and so on. Also, the Sony camera is excellent, but in my opinion it lags behind the listed models. In the Z5, Sony again put all the new developments, did everything cool, but it feels like, like the Samsung, they don't have time to test their models, so consumers are the testers. And you must agree, pay 35-40 thousand to take a raw product and then do whatever you want with it somehow unpleasantly. I took the tested model in a new package with a picture on the box)) Lumia is also a cool smartphone with a wonderful camera, probably the most best among mobile devices... But I was afraid that I would not like the Windows, I also read reviews about its dampness and decided that there was no clear "want" in relation to this model. General impression of use: I was most worried about the battery, it turned out to be in vain. I charge at 7 in the morning, an hour a day - to listen to music online, LTE is always on for me, viewing feeds of social networks, mail, answering messages, and calls per day about 30 minutes, auto brightness, i.e. the display is very bright during the day. at 21.00 - I have 50% charge. Of course, while the new one, it holds well, in a year or so the battery will go down a little. The size of the display is enough, for me it is just right. Again, the ringtone, I watched the video on YouTube, 5 minutes - I learned, everything is simple. Free space. I have 16 GB of internal memory, which is enough for me. I had all phones with this amount of memory (and androids too), I never bought any memory cards, etc. Now 9.5 GB is free. Photos, with a dozen applications.

Gray iPhones are always popular in our country in the first days after the start of sales around the world. The reason is simple - Russia usually receives official deliveries only to the so-called second wave of countries in which Apple smartphones are being sold. This usually happens no earlier than a few weeks, or even months after the start of sales in the United States and other countries.

Of course, one of the most important questions that interests many is whether their iPhone will work on our LTE networks.

The answer to this question can only be given by an operator, and even then not always. We compared the network capabilities of "sixes", which will be sold in the world from September 19, with the supported LTE networks of our domestic operators. Based on the results of the study, a table was drawn up.

In addition, in this article we will touch on the prices of new smartphones from Apple and decide where is the best place to go to get one of the first ones.

Let's take a look at the supported frequencies, iPhone models and other nuances, since September 19, the start of sales is indicated in just a few countries, including the USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Singapore, Japan, Australia and Hong Kong.

All of these countries will be open for pre-order in the online store from September 12th. Without these troubles, devices can be purchased only by standing in line in front of Apple Stores.

The differences between GMS and CDMA versions are minor. The latter, in addition to all four generations of networks, support work in CDMA networks. GSM-models will "swallow" any SIM-cards from operators with 2G-4G communication.

Here, the iPhone can be purchased both from operators with a contract and without a contract (in the Apple Store or in T-Mobile stores). The situation in each store will be ambiguous, therefore, if you are going to buy a smartphone in the states, I recommend finding the contacts of a specific point of sale and finding out everything by phone in advance.

So, American carriers such as Aio, AT&T, Cricket, T-Mobile or Verizon will have the following smartphone models available:

  • iPhone 6 will only sell two models: A1549 (GSM) and A1549 (CDMA)
  • iPhone 6 Plus has the following articles: A1522 (GSM) and A1522 (CDMA)

NS These device versions will support the following 4th generation bands: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29.

Other US operators (C Spire, Sprint, US Cellular) will have other models available:

  • iPhone 6 only two models will be sold: A1586
  • iPhone 6 Plus has the following articles: A1524

Accordingly, these models have support for all networks, including CDMA- operators, as well as catching extended ranges of bands LTE:

  • FDD-LTE (Bands 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28, 29)
  • TD-LTE (Bands 38, 39, 40, 41)

Information about the model without a contract, which will be sold in communication shops T-mobile currently absent. Now it is not yet clear what kind of article this modification will have and, in general, when the exact date of the start of its sales in America. It is worth waiting for a pre-order and already at this stage it will be possible to obtain the necessary information.

As for the prices for new items in the American market, I will give the cost of devices without a contract (in US dollars):

16 GB 64 GB 128 GB
Apple iPhone 6
Apple iPhone 6 Plus

It is worth mentioning that this is the most adequate cost in the entire globe. However, an air ticket to any American city will cost at least twice as much as to the same Berlin. It is worth considering this too.


Support situation LTE- networks in this country are absolutely identical to those in the United States. Same articles, same stripes cellular communication. Only the operators differ: Bell (including Virgin), MTS, Rogers (including Fido), SaskTel, Telus (including Koodo).

As purchase information iPhone in Canada, I will only give a table of prices for the model (prices in local currency - Canadian dollar):

16 GB

64 GB

128 GB

IPhone 6
IPhone 6 Plus


Current rate as of today: 1 CAD = 33, 66 rubles. Quite democratic, but there are better options.


Only two versions of the devices we are reviewing will be on sale here: iPhone 6A1586 and iPhone 6 Plus A1524. However, support for modifications with SKUs A1549 and A1522 guaranteed by the company. In other words: they bought the iPhone A1549 in America, which means they can be used to the full in France.

In the land of haute cuisine iPhone can be purchased without a contract at Apple Store. New smartphone models will support networks of operators such as Bouygues, Free, NRJ, Orange, SFR (including La Poste Mobile).

Prices in euros are in the following order:

16 GB 64 GB 128 GB
IPhone 6
IPhone 6 Plus


The rate of the European currency as of September 10, 2014 is 47.71 rubles. Taking into account the local tax, which, of course, can be returned at the airport, the game is still not worth the candle.

United Kingdom

And here the situation with models ( A15xx) and strip support LTE- networks the same as in the United States of America, despite the fact that only two models will be on sale, as in France. Of course, the British already have their own operators: 3, EE, O2 (including Giffgaff) and Vodafone.

The order of English prices is as follows (British pound):

16 GB

64 GB

128 GB

IPhone 6
IPhone 6 Plus

The current exchange rate of the British pound against the ruble is 1 GBP = 59.56 rubles. Medium option. Do you need it? If you happen to find yourself in London on the 19th of this month, then why not.


Cellular services in the country of sausages and beer are provided by Deutsche Telekom, O2, Vodafone. And all the same two modifications of smartphones will be sold: A1586 and A1524. If Apple.com does not lie, the models for the USA, Canada and Puerto Rico can easily work in German networks on an equal footing with their native German iPhones.

We look at the table and find out how much they can be bought (euros):

16 GB

64 GB

128 GB

IPhone 6
IPhone 6 Plus

In my opinion, this is the best option, considering also the cost of the flight to Munich, Dresden or any other German city.


I will not repeat myself, since the alignment is absolutely identical to the German, French and other markets. But the Japanese operators, of course, are different: KDDI, NTT docomo and Softbank.

The order of prices is as follows (Japanese yen):

16 GB

64 GB

128 GB

IPhone 6




IPhone 6 Plus




The current ratio to the Russian currency is as follows: 1 JPY = 0.35 ruble, in other words, the maximum iPhone 6 Plus can be purchased in the country for almost 35,000 rubles. A great option. That's just the flight ...


Opera their own, Asian M1, SingTel and StarHub offer to buy modifications of A1586 and A 1524 for the prices, which you can find out about below:

16 GB

64 GB

128 GB

IPhone 6



IPhone 6 Plus




The rate is as follows: 1 SGD = 29.35 rubles.


If we are talking about local operators, then their own three reigns here: Optus (including Virgin), Telstra, Vodafone. From September 19, two modifications of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus will be on sale here: A1586 and A 1524. As elsewhere. Support for strangers by numbers A1549 and A1522 also guaranteed.

C money for Apple smartphones in Australian dollars (1 AUD = 34.27 rubles) was established as follows:

16 GB

64 GB

128 GB

IPhone 6


IPhone 6 Plus



Hong Kong

In this province of China (I hope I did not offend anyone with such a wording), there are four supported operators: China Mobile Hong Kong, CSL, Hutchison and SmarTone.

1 Hong Kong dollar is equal to 4.79 rubles. Accordingly, prices in local currency are as follows:

16 GB

64 GB

128 GB

IPhone 6




IPhone 6 Plus




However, buy in Hong Kong iPhone on the day of the start of sales, perhaps the most difficult thing. The thing is that there are even more enterprising people in the queue than our compatriots, the Chinese. The latter buy up all the stocks of new devices and take them to their shops, where they sell, of course, already a little more expensive than the official price. In general, one must prepare for the worst here.


Just in case, I remind you of the order of our, domestic prices:

16 GB 64 GB 128 GB
Apple iPhone 6
Apple iPhone 6 Plus

Now for the most interesting part. Can the owners of gray devices brought from abroad hope for the operation of their devices in the networks of the fourth generation of our operators? The answer to this question is further down the text.

Beeline and Megafon has support for LTE networks 7 (2600 MHz) and 20 (800 DD). Megaphone successfully registers devices in its network that are capable of catching the same bands. Accordingly, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus models, which are sold in all over the world, including the USA, should grab onto our high-speed networks with ease.

MTS has support for LTE 7 networks. Consequently, any model of a new smartphone from Apple should work successfully in the networks of the largest operator in the CIS.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that our conclusions are not the ultimate truth. In theory, everything is exactly as indicated above. In practice, the situation should not be different for the worse. Keyword: "should not". Without real tests, that is, before the start of sales, it is impossible to verify all this data, so we will focus on the information available at this stage.

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