
Burning a disc using Nero Burning ROM. Burning an Audio CD with Nero How to burn to a disc with nero

How to burn music to disc or any other data? It would seem a simple task, but for many novice computer users, it raises a huge number of questions. There is nothing complicated about it. To burn a disc, you need special program... Today, there are many utilities on the Internet that will help you cope with this task, but the most popular and widespread is Nero.

First, decide on the discs that will be burned. Less information will fit on a CD than on a DVD, so it is better to take the second option, besides, their cost is almost the same. For rewriting, please use rewritable discs marked RW, they can be erased and burned multiple times.

How do I burn a disc with Nero?

First you need to download and install this program. You can download it from the link - http://www.nero.com/rus/downloads.html. Just keep in mind, this trial version but it will be enough.

So let's get started. We launch the utility using the Nero Express shortcut (you can use the Burning Room, but everything looks more complicated there), after that a window opens for us to create a new project. Here you need to perform the initial configuration.

We select the first item "Data", it will allow you to write any files, I think that the question "How to burn a movie to disk?" disappears by itself, everything is done exactly the same.

Then we select the required type of disk. In my case, it will be a CD, but it's okay if you have a DVD, the procedure for setting up the burn is the same.

After all that has been done, a window will appear in which you need to add music or other files for recording.

This can be done in two ways. The first is done as follows: click on the "Add" button, then look for files or folders that we want to burn and click again on the "Add" button, after clicking the object you have selected will be added for burning.

The same procedure can be performed in a simple old-fashioned way - “Take and drag”. Find required files on your computer, select them and drag them into the Nero program window, thereby adding objects for recording.

Another moment, when adding files, watch the green bar at the bottom of the window, it shows the amount of information that you want to record. This indicator should not be red and cross the 700 MB mark for CDs, and 4.7 GB for DVDs. Otherwise, the program will generate an error.

After the data has been added, click on the "Next" button, select the device that will burn (as a rule, your drive is already installed by default and you do not need to change anything), give a name to the disk, specify the number of copies if you plan to burn several identical copies, the required number is set.

One small nuance, if there is empty space on the disk when adding files, make sure that there is a checkmark next to the item "Allow adding files" at the bottom. This will allow you to re-record the disc as needed.

That's all, click "Write" and wait for the process to complete.

Video instruction:

Now you know how to burn music to disc. As you can see, everything is done in a couple of clicks. If you have any questions, then leave them in the comments.

Good day friends! In this lesson, I will show you how to write files to blank discs in Nero, that is, to discs. As you probably know, there are actually many different programs with which you can write various data to discs. You can also do this and standard means Windows. But today we have a different task - to learn how to burn discs in the Nero program. Burning a disc means writing files to it.

So to record throughNero first of all we need installed program... Secondly, we will need an empty CD-R disc or DVD-R, as well as a burner drive, in almost all modern computers he is present. Thirdly, we need to study all the information on recording files in Nero, which you see below.

Now you can click the Burn button, or you can customize something else.

Or rather, you can specify disk name... It will be displayed when we insert this burned disc into the drive and go to "My Computer".

To do this, go to the "Label" tab and specify the name of the disk here. We write one two keywords, by which we can easily determine what exactly was recorded on this disc. And then we press the "Burn" button.

Recording in Nero has gone! Here we can observe what is happening at the moment (caching, writing, checking), and also see how many percent is left until the end.

After the recording is completed, a window will appear where we will have to click on the "OK" button, and here you can also see all the events performed by the program during the recording.

That's all, writing files toNero completed successfully!

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about a question that interests many novice users, namely, how to burn a disc? I must say right away that there are a great many programs for burning CD and DVD discs. You can even burn a disc using a standard Windows functionality... But in this article we will learn how to burn a disc in Nero Burning ROM. I consider it the best in terms of convenience and functionality. True, there is only one drawback - this program is paid.

So let's get started. The first step is to install Nero on your computer. The Nero package includes many programs for (for example, using), video, graphics, but we are only interested in Nero Burning ROM. Therefore, you can do a custom installation and install only this component. After installation, from the menu Start we launch our program for burning discs.

Burning a data disc

The first step is to learn how to burn an ordinary data disc. When you start Nero, the following window will appear:

In the drop-down menu on the top left, you need to select which disc we are going to burn - DVD, CD or Blu-ray. Let's say we have a DVD.

Further, on the left side of the window, you need to indicate that we are writing exactly the data disc. To do this, select either DVD-ROM (UDF) or DVD-ROM (ISO). UDF and ISO are format specifications file system for storing files on optical media. The difference between UDF and ISO is that UDF allows you to record files larger than 2 GB, that is, there is no limitation on file size, as is the case with ISO.

In the tab Multisession I have an opportunity start multisession disc... This means that another time it will be possible to add some more files to this disk. If without multisession- then nothing else can be written to the disc.

The next tab is NeroDiscSpan available only for UDF projects with disabled multisession. This feature allows you to automatically distribute large files (over 4.7 GB when burning a DVD) across multiple discs (you can learn how to split large files into several parts using Winrar).

In the tab UDF (ISO) I recommend leaving the default values.

Tab Label allows you to set a name for the future disk. By default, the drive name is New.

Well, the last important tab for us is Recording... Here we set the write speed. The default is - Maximum, but we are not satisfied with this. I recommend setting the speed as low as possible. Thus, it is more likely that the disc will be written without errors and will be read normally on all possible media.

Now all the settings are set, you can proceed to the next stage. Push the button New... The working window of Nero Burning ROM will appear in front of us. This window is conventionally divided into two parts. On the left - the files on our disk (so far empty), and on the right - all the files that are on the local computer.

Now, the files that we want to write to disk, drag from the right side of the screen to the left, holding down the left mouse button. You can create folders on disk to somehow organize their storage.

I would like to draw your attention to the strip at the bottom of the screen. It displays the fullness of the disc. Let me remind you that for a regular DVD, the usable volume is about 4.5 GB. Therefore, pay close attention to this bar - as long as it is green, the disc can be recorded.

After the selection of files for recording is over, you can go directly to the recording. To do this, press the button Recording, check the settings again, and then click.

That's all, the program will complete the recording by itself and open the drive with the ready-made disc.

Hello! In this article, we'll talk about how to burn a disc using the program Nero.

Technological progress is moving at a tremendous speed. I believe that soon disks will not be needed, as now they are actively using usb drives... But while they are in demand, let's consider how to burn a disc.

You can use the standard Windows disc burning tools. But in this article, we will learn how to burn a disc using Nero(I recommend using Nero 7, I consider it the most stable).

Start the program (Start »All Programs» Nero »Nero StartSmart)

After launching, we see the action selection window. ProgramNero has good functionality. In addition to high-quality disc recording, it can play video (using the built-in player), edit images, video, and record sound. You can also create CD covers and stickers. Since now we need to burn a disc, let's do the following:

Open additional settings (arrow on the left side of the program window)

  1. Select the "Data" tab
  2. Hover over mouse cursor on the "Create Data CD" or "Create Data DVD" tab
  3. On the left, under "Open with", select " NeroExpress"And check the box" Use as standard application "
  4. Click the green arrow button

These steps are done once, at the first start.

You may ask - Why did you have to do the manipulations described above? Why not use the default one?

The answer is simple and obvious - it is cumbersome and not as easy to use as NeroExpress.

It is difficult for a beginner to navigate in such a window, so I suggested a more convenient option.

V NeroExpress there are no difficulties, click on the "Add" button (1), in the window that opens, select the file or folder you want to write (2), in the same window, click "Add" (3).

It is also easy to add by simply dragging them from the explorer (for example, drag the file either from "My Computer" or from the convenient program " Total commander») To the Nero workspace.

Do not forget to follow the scale at the bottom of the window, as you add files, it shows how much the disk will be full. In the image above, you can see that the project uses a regular 700MB disk, if you exceed this value, then can't write it down... I recommend reading the article "", in which you will familiarize yourself with the sizes of discs, formats, capacity, and find out which disc to choose for recording your project.

Did you add the wrong file by mistake? Don't worry, select it and click on the "Delete" (or "Delete" button on your keyboard), which is immediately below the "Add" button. When all the files you need have been added, click "Next" in the lower right corner of the program.

In the next window, select your CD or DVD burner drive (1), assign a name to the disc (2), open additional settings (3), select the write speed (4), I recommend setting it to no more than 8x so that no errors occur. You can also check the box if you want to check the disk for errors after burning (5). The item "Allow adding files" (5) will allow you to add something to the disc without erasing the previously recorded files. I do not recommend using this item, as after these manipulations the disc may not work.

If you change your mind and want to write some other files to the disc, return with the "Back" button, if everything is in order, click the "Burn" button (6). Wait while the disc is being written (the speed of execution depends on the amount of MB of information).

Finally, you will see the following window:

Click "OK", then you can close the program window. When closed, you will see the following window:

If you record a project once, then there is no need to save it, so click "No".

Now you will say with confidence: I can burn a disc withNero!

One of the most popular ways to create a bootable Windows disk is the method described in this article. Or rather, the program, well-known to the world, will help us in creating Nero Burning ROM. With the help of this software product we can easily create a disk, which will then be useful to us to install (reinstall) our system, in this case Windows 7.

So let's get started. Launch Nero Burning ROM, in the window that opens, select the format of our DVD or CD, in my case it is DVD and yours most likely too, because, this system will hardly fit on a CD. In the next tab, select DVD-ROM (ISO) because we are working with the image and in the third step we click on the button open.

In the window that opens, we find our image and open it.

In the next window, we leave all the checkboxes as they are, the only thing you can do is check or not check the box next to the item "Check stored data", this means that after recording our image, the program will check the integrity of the recorded data, I decided not to install it. After we press "Burn".

The program starts recording, but first it may want to format the disk, it will take a little time.

After formatting, it will immediately start writing to the disc, as shown in the picture below.

So at the end of the recording, a window will appear where there will be information about its successful completion, click "OK".

Our disc is ready, you can verify this by inserting the disc into the drive.

Ogive your opinion about this article, and of course, ask your questions if something suddenly went wrong with you.

Thank you for the attention!

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