
Solving the problem with overheating Meizu M5. How to fix the problem with fast discharge of Meizu M5 Note Why is meizu m3 heating up

Mobile devices have become powerful enough to perform most of the functions that previously only a desktop computer could offer. However, time remains a big disadvantage. autonomous work... Today we will look at the question that users often ask: why does it drain quickly? Meizu smartphone?

Why does it burst quickly

The simplest answer is that the battery installed on board the smartphone has insufficient capacity to meet your expectations regarding autonomy. But this will not solve your problem in any way, so let's talk constructively. First, you need to determine if there are any hardware problems with the battery: power controller, capacity loss, and so on. Secondly, if everything is fine with the apparatus, then it is necessary to check whether the charge consumption is recorded correctly. For example, if the charge level drops to 1% and at the same time the smartphone holds for another 5-7 hours, then this is clearly a troubles with software part- do a factory reset, it helps in most cases.
Also, a common problem is that apps consume too much power using 3G / 4G, GPS, NFC, and so on. Optimize the number of applications, permissions for them, disable unnecessary functions and services.

How to fix

If your Meizu smartphone is under warranty, then you can contact the SC if you are sure that the problem is in the hardware, and not in the software. If initially the device showed itself to be bad, then it is better to return the device within 14 days. But, as for the apparatus, the problem may be with the controller, which reduces the battery life, or a short circuit on the board is possible. In such cases, you definitely need to either exchange for another one of the same, or demand a refund.


If the problem is in the software, then you just need to reset the settings, unless, of course, it's not a crooked firmware. In this case, you only need to look for a newer one. Flyme version, update your smartphone, or flash it on custom, if it is more stable.
Of course, do not forget that there is a possibility of a banal getting into viruses, if the "infection" is deep, then hard reset will not solve the problem, you will need to flash with full wipes.

It is common for Meizu M3 Note smartphone to heat up to 45-50 ° C while charging the battery or when running resource-intensive software for a long time. However, if a rise in temperature occurs even when the phone is inactive or a weak application is running on it, this may indicate that the gadget is not functioning properly. Frequent overheating can adversely affect the lifespan of mobile devices. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to identify the cause of the problem as soon as possible and try to fix it on your own. Let's consider why the Meizu M3 Note, Meizu U10 or any other device from this company can overheat and what to do in a specific situation.

The reasons for the strong heating of smartphones Meizu

Meizu M3 Note phone is equipped with a powerful and at the same time energy-saving eight-core MTK processor Helio P10 4 + 4. Weak operations are performed on four ARM Cortex-A53 cores clocked at 1.2GHz. Under heavy loads, 4 more cores with a frequency of 1.8 GHz are additionally connected. This approach allows you to reduce the heating of the smartphone and extend the battery life.

The normal temperature of the Meizu M3 Note is around 25-30 degrees at rest and 50-60 ° C under high loads. When charging the battery, this indicator can reach up to 70 ° C, which is also provided by the manufacturer and does not affect the performance of the mobile device in any way.

The following elements can get very hot in Meise:

  • display;
  • CPU.

Therefore, malfunctioning of one of these modules will be the source of the problem.

If the Meizu M3 Note or Meizu M5 quickly discharges and the back panel heats up a lot, most likely the reason lies in a failed battery. It will not be possible to visually inspect it for bulges, since all Meizu are produced in a non-separable case. However, you can check the battery status programmatically. This requires:

Operation of the display at maximum brightness can cause rapid discharges and overheating of the battery. Meizu M3 Note is equipped with 5.5 '' Full HD screen, which consumes a lot of power. We recommend using automatic brightness control to reduce the temperature and conserve battery power.

To strong energy consumers mobile devices also includes modules wireless communication(Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi and Internet). To prevent the phone from heating up, it is better to turn them off if they are not needed.

CPU diagnostics

In all Meizu smartphones, special sensors monitor the temperature of the processor and battery. If these elements heat up above normal, the thermal sensors notify the owner of the device about a potentially dangerous situation and automatically turn it off.

Using the same indicators and special program the user has the ability to know the load and temperature of the CPU at any time. The CPU Monitor application does an excellent job of diagnosing the processor. To check it is enough to install and run this utility... The required information will be displayed in the window that opens.

If the CPU temperature goes off scale, and the load sensor shows 90-100%, this may indicate the following:

  • simultaneous operation of several power-consuming programs in the background;
  • strong clogging of internal and RAM;
  • exposure to malware.

Solving the problem with processor overheating

The battery can drain quickly and the phone can get very hot when a large number of programs are running in the background. To close them you need:

Mobile devices also heat up when the operational and internal memory leftover files, cache and other unnecessary data. Fortunately, in branded shell Meizu flyme a multifunctional manager is provided that allows you to monitor the load on the OS, remove garbage and clean the RAM. It works as follows:

The file manager, among other things, is endowed with antivirus functions. Therefore, if your phone is very hot, it will not be superfluous to check it for malware. If you find potentially dangerous software, it is better to get rid of it.

Modern mobile phones long ago ceased to be just a means of communication, but turned into a full-fledged portable computer... However, in addition to the great capabilities of these gadgets, many smartphone owners began to face a fairly common problem - a rather rapid battery discharge. Trend Meizu phones m5 Note to fast discharge began to be noticed more and more often by users of this brand.

Such a disadvantage is explained by the fact that the multifunctionality of phones entailed increased requirements for batteries, the resources of which may not always be enough to complete all tasks. Apart from this, there are many other different reasons that can cause the battery to drain quickly. Let's consider in more detail the possible reasons.

Perhaps one of the most power-consuming processes in a phone is working in a wireless Internet connection mode when WI-FI assistance or 3G / 4G. Every smartphone user will agree that a lot of the time the phone is used to surf the Internet. In addition, various applications can use the wireless connection for their full functionality. For example, in just a couple of hours, Meizu u10 quickly discharges due to the work of geolocation functions. In turn, these functions can use maps, weather widgets, various programs.

In addition to WI-FI, the phone can quickly run out of power due to the included Bluetooth connection. It can dramatically reduce battery life in just a few hours. To avoid unnecessary energy consumption optimal solution will turn off Bluetooth and software modes where GPS option is needed. It is rational to include these connections if necessary.


A serious test for each device is operation in "extreme" conditions for it, which include low air temperature. Many modern devices are equipped with Li-Pol batteries, the performance of which deteriorates significantly in frosty conditions. It is noticed that at low temperature indicators, about 30% of the battery capacity is lost, which is why in the cold Meise is discharged quickly enough.


Another factor that quickly began to discharge Meizu is the background work of various applications and programs. To maintain them permanent work the phone consumes a lot of energy resources. Such products may include system processes, game applications, instant messengers, widgets, and others. Since they run in the background, it is not always easy for the user to understand which programs are running the most on the battery.

Quite often, various services consume a lot of energy Google play... To optimize battery performance, you can try clearing the cache by clearing the device from accumulated old and unnecessary data. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure about once a month. In addition, you can extend the battery life by shortening the screen time. You can also set the screen brightness to automatically adjust according to the light intensity.

In order to find out which applications are running constantly and consume a lot of energy, you can look in the application manager on your phone or install special software.


In addition to the above reasons, there may be a problem with the battery, due to which the phone does not work for the number of hours it is supposed to. It is necessary to find out if there are any hardware problems with the battery, in particular, with the power controller, loss of capacity.

There may also be problems with the charger. In order to check its serviceability, you can carry out the following check:

  1. See the battery level of the switched on phone, and remember the percentage;
  2. Turn off the device;
  3. Connect to phone Charger and let it charge for 15 minutes;
  4. Turn on the device;
  5. Check if the battery level has changed.

If the charge percentage has not changed, the charger is faulty.

If it is established that no problems were found with the hardware, then you need to check how correctly the battery consumption is recorded. For example, in the case when the charge level is kept within 1% or less, but the device does not discharge for 5-6 hours, then there is a high probability of problems with the software part. In this case, it is recommended to reset the settings.

Android MediaServer Process

This process scans the phone memory (internal storage, external card) for the presence of various multimedia files (audio recordings, photos, video files, etc.). At correct work The Android MediaServer process should terminate after finding the next file, but it happens that the process loops. The reason for this phenomenon may be, for example, damage to the media file, due to which the scanning process does not end. In turn, this leads to the fact that the Meizu m3 battery is quickly discharged.

  1. To avoid this problem, we recommend that you “Safely Remove” your phone after synchronizing it with your computer. Failure to follow this recommendation increases the risk of file corruption during transfer to your phone, which will prevent Android MediaServer from scanning files correctly and will continue to run without interruption.
  2. Also, it will not be superfluous to use high-quality memory cards that have high speed reads and do not cause any failures in the file transfer process.
  3. Make sure your phone is missing incompletely downloaded files. If there are any, it is best to remove them.
  4. You can format memory drives. It is very important to copy all your data to another device before this process. Otherwise, all files will be deleted.
  5. To cope with the endless work of MediaServer will help special utilities, which will forcibly close this process.

Forums and reviews are teeming with questions as to why the Meizu smartphone is heating up or even turning off by itself. The most interesting thing is that during the analysis of the entire flow of information, it was found that most often these problems are encountered precisely on modifications with processors from Mediatek and they are often tailored specifically for the local, Chinese market.
However, we are not so worried about this, since we need to figure out what to do if the smartphone is too hot, which can lead to spontaneous shutdown or even serious damage.


First you need to determine what exactly is being heated, in which area. If the battery is heating up, then this is one thing. But if in the area of ​​placing the processor - this is completely different. By analyzing the information, it was found that in 99% of cases the problem is precisely the overheating caused by the chipset. The temperature rises to 48-50 degrees in idle mode, and at a load of up to 60-70 - it's horror. This data can be read using specialized software or by typing the following combination: * # * # 4636 # * # *.


Overheating can cause not only problems with a comfortable pastime when your hands are taken care of, but also disable the smartphone itself, since excessive overheating can damage both the processor itself and neighboring components. In this case service center will not always help, since repairing a smartphone will cost almost the amount of a new device or even more (since the work also costs money). The smallest thing that can happen when overheating is spontaneous shutdowns or reboots. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but what to do. It's a pity, of course, only the money that was spent on a device designed by Krivoruk engineers who built such a "rotten" project, and the technical process in the same deck.

How to solve

Perhaps the overheating was caused by some kind of incorrectly written application, then this is not a Meizu problem. Just don't use this software. But this is often not the case. I can say right away that, for example, when you start the camera and use it for even 10 minutes, there will be significant heating on almost every smartphone, including an iPhone.
Something similar can occur during prolonged gameplay, since significant resources of the CPU and the graphics accelerator are used, which leads to heating, and with insufficiently thought out heat dissipation and also, if the materials contribute to this, eerie heating occurs, from which you want to throw your smartphone into the water ...
Of course, we will not consider the cases of explosions, why do you need these horror stories?
What to do if Meizu weights the same heats up. First, there is a little trick that has been tested in practice. Reduce the brightness level to the minimum values ​​and heating will be significantly reduced. Secondly, use the power saving mode. In the case when the processor has 8 cores and 4 of them are less powerful, and consume less energy, the degree of heating will decrease. If the performance is sufficient and even more than enough, then you can lower clock frequency on kernels, construct a suitable mode (maybe conservative or custom).
Of course, you can contact the official service center to solve the problem, but they are unlikely to be able to help with something. If you manage to hand over your smartphone under warranty, this is the best solution. After all, you paid the money you earned, you shouldn't give it away for bad work.

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