
Why does the keyboard enter sleep mode. How to set up hibernation on a pc or laptop. Hybrid sleep mode

Why bother with a sleep button? For example, you use your computer a lot and have to be away from your computer a lot. But when you return to your computer again, you need to turn it on again! It is good if this happens once a day, and if it happens 2, 3 or 5 times.

For this, there is a hibernation button.

Small digression:

Added on 06/15/2017.

Before we go further, study the keyboard, if there is a button with some kind of sleep mode, then try what will happen if you press this button. Different laptops and keyboards have different buttons, and sometimes there is a sleep button or not.

That's why. If you did not find the sleep mode button, then you can go to step # 2.

My old desktop computer, which I bought in 2007, had a separate sleep button. It was to the right of the enter button. By the way, there was also a separate shutdown button.

Option number 1.

Today I have a FN button, between the ctrl and windows button. This means that when you press the FN button and another button, a completely different command is executed than if you just pressed that button without the FN button.

On all modern keyboards, the sleep button can be located in completely different places! But this button exists! And we will look for her today! How do you imagine - how the button that is responsible for the sleep mode should look like?

This button should be associated with sleep! We open our eyes and look closely at the keyboard - my guess is that this F4 button is on which a crescent moon is drawn and there is a sleep mode button! And indeed - on my keyboard - the sleep button is F4.

Learn the keyboard and you will be happy!

Option number 2.

If you don't have a sleep mode on your keyboard, then it's okay - there is a sleep mode when you close the laptop lid, or if you have a stationary PC, you can reassign any button on your keyboard to sleep mode. We will write about this option soon.

Sleep mode when closing the laptop lid.

Depending on the operating system, laptop brand, the path to the settings will be different.

Therefore, we open the search and hammer the lid closure there.

But, even extending the life of hard drives, we are faced with a different problem. This is the noise coming from the computer and the high power consumption in the constant on mode. To solve this problem, Windows provides power management modes.

XP is simple: standby and hibernate. The standby mode is very good. We press the button - the hards are turned off, the screen goes out, saving energy and creating silence, but the machine is working and is ready to turn on at any key press on the keyboard or mouse.

In Windows 7, they were too smart: they made three modes. These are, hibernation and hybrid sleep. And the translators have confused everything to the limit. Look, in XP there were and are, as we know, 2 modes: "Sleep mode" was designated as "waiting", and the "Hybernate" mode was translated as "Sleep". Funny translators, in a word.

In Windows 7, "Hybernate" was called "Hibernation" and "Stand by" or "Sleep mode" was designated as "Sleep". And they also created a third mode, which is designated as "Hybrid Sleep".

It is difficult to understand these modes without a glass of Coca-Cola.


I had to make the same settings on the installed Windows 7, which correspond to the "Standby" mode in XP. And my adventures began ...

In short, it has been experimentally revealed that the "Standby" mode in XP is the "Sleep" mode in Win 7, and the "Hibernation" mode in XP is the "Hibernation" mode in Win 7.

During hibernation, the computer turns off completely, but the contents of the memory are written to a file on hard. When turned on, the session is restored completely, as before the computer was immersed in hibernation. This mode takes a while, which feels a little more than a normal Windows boot.

I will separately say about the hybrid sleep mode in Win 7. This is a combination of sleep mode and hibernation. An image of the memory is taken and saved to the hard disk, as in hibernation. In this case, the computer does not turn off, but goes to reduced power consumption, as in sleep mode.

In Win 7, neither this mixed mode, nor hibernation mode interests me. I need the "Sleep" mode so that I can turn off the screen and hards and turn everything on in a few seconds (analogous to the "Standby" mode in XP). And for this, just, you need to dig deeper into the power settings.

But first, you need to configure the following in the device manager:


Network adapter

Perhaps all these jackdaws will already be standing; all the better. This is so that when you press the keyboard or mouse key, the computer wakes up.

Next, Start -> Control Panel -> instead of "category" select "icons". At the bottom there will be "Power supply", press.

You can customize Sleep by selecting a power plan, such as Balanced. It is better to disable "Sleep" in these settings, and force the computer into this mode at night.

Better to put "Never", about additional power parameters a little lower

You can activate the "Sleep" mode (other modes as well) from the keyboard if it has a Sleep button. Can be activated via the "Start" button. Previously, this mode, like any other, can be assigned to the power button, or you can not assign it, but choose from the drop-down menu:

Power button actions

Assigning modes to the power button and sleep button

You can shut down, or you can choose to sleep or hibernate

And a few more important settings. If we want the "Sleep" mode, but at the same time leave some default settings in the bowels of our "Balanced" energy plan, then the "Sleep" mode simply will not work. This also applies to hibernation.

The default is hybrid sleep mode. We turn it off by going into the additional power settings, as in the screenshot, and turn on, if suddenly turned off, the wake-up timers, in order to wake up the computer from the mouse.

Even with all this, there may be problems with the output or input of the computer into the "Sleep" mode. Sometimes the whole computer freezes. Very often, the monitor does not come out of sleep. Here, most likely, the video card is to blame. This is especially noticeable on the Radeon 7000 series.

  • update the drivers for the video card

  • update motherboard chipset drivers

  • turn off the webcam, mouse out of the slots while checking the sleep mode

  • reset the bios by pulling out the battery for a while and disconnecting the power cord from the socket

They say that the following can still help: change the PCI-E slot of the video card, plug the jumper on the motherboard, update the BIOS, use the monitor, not the TV, change the socket of the video signal output cable to the monitor, play with the wake-up timer modes, disable external card readers and usb -habs, change the default "Aero" theme to another.

"Sleep mode" is most useful function available for use on computers running the operating system Windows any version. With it, you can temporarily turn off your PC and quickly wake it up without waiting for a long boot. Let's take a closer look at how to set up hibernation in the operating room. Windows system 10 for its correct functioning.

You can put your laptop to "sleep" using the keyboard. Typically, manufacturers provide a similar function key on one of the F1 –F12 buttons, depicting a “Z z” icon on it. It is activated by the key combination Fn + F1 –12.

To put the computer into a state of "sleep" programmatically, just go to the "Start" menu, click on the "Shutdown" button and select "Hibernation" from the options offered.

It is likely that this button will not be among the shutdown options. To add it, you need to do the following:

  1. Click on the search icon located to the right of the "Start" menu and enter the query "Control Panel". Go to the first result.
  1. Select the "Large icons" view type, go down to the end of the list and go to the "Power supply" section.
  1. In the window that opens, go to the item "Action of the power buttons" located in the left menu.
  1. Click on the line "Changing parameters that are currently unavailable."
  1. Activate the "Hibernation" item in the "Shutdown Options" section and click on "Save Changes".

A sleep button will appear among the shutdown options for your computer or laptop.

Without leaving the window in which we found ourselves in the last paragraph of the above instructions, you can configure the action of the power button, sleep button and closing the laptop lid to put it to sleep. For notebooks, the button settings for battery operation and mains operation are configured separately.

Let's move on to considering the settings provided by the system in relation to the method we are disassembling to turn off the PC.

The setting can be done in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. We return to the power supply parameters and click on the "Configure the power supply scheme" button opposite the circuit that is currently being used. By default, the scheme used is set to “Balanced”.
  1. In the window that opens, you can configure the automatic transition of the computer to "Sleep" after a certain amount of time of inactivity. In addition, you can select the time after which only the display will be turned off. We set the appropriate parameters for battery and mains operation, and then save the changes.
  1. To go to more detailed setting mode, click on the line "Change Extra options power supply ”located in the same window.
  1. Open the first group of settings that has the name of the selected power plan. The group contains the "Require password on wakeup" setting, which is responsible for the constant demand for a password by the system when the computer wakes up from sleep. If you need to protect your data, it is recommended to set the values ​​"Yes" in the corresponding items. If there is no need to permanently enter the password, you can select the "No" value.
  1. After completing the settings, go to the "Sleep" parameter group. Open the "Sleep after" tab, where you can select the time interval for the automatic transition of the PC to "sleep".
  1. The last important change will be the setting of the wake-up timers. To gain access to them, you must open the corresponding paragraph. Wake-up timers are certain system operations and events that can "wake up" a computer from "sleep" without the direct participation of the user. Such events include the installation of a system update or the arrival of the time of execution of any task from the "Scheduler". You can turn on all the wake-up timers, leave only the important ones, or turn them off altogether so that the PC does not wake up unexpectedly.

We confirm the introduction of any changes by pressing the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

On this basic setting parameters can be considered complete. Let's move on to a fairly common problem by which the computer can spontaneously "wake up" even when the wake-up timers are disabled.

Problems waking up spontaneously

System events are not the only reason a computer can wake up on its own. Another reason for this awakening can be the activity of devices connected to the PC - most often, problems can be created by the keyboard, mouse, network adapter or a USB controller.

To prevent the computer from waking up due to an accidentally pressed button on the keyboard or an accidental movement of the mouse, you must perform the sequence of actions described below:

  1. Right-click on the "Start" menu and select the "Device Manager" item (you can also go to it through the Control Panel).
  1. Let's take a look at fixing a problem with a mouse as an example. Open the "Mice and other pointing devices" branch, then select the "HID-compatible mouse" parameter, right-click on it and select "Properties".
  1. Go to the "Power management" tab and deactivate the item "Allow this device to wake up the computer from standby mode". Click on "OK".

We repeat the above actions with the keyboard and other devices. The scheme of action is absolutely the same in all cases.

Let's take a look at one last useful add-on.

Hybrid sleep mode

Hybrid sleep is a great combination of sleep and hibernation. It allows you to completely secure information in the event of power failures leading to the deletion of data from RAM - the system will take them from hard disk which is not affected by power off.

At this point, the analysis of the parameters of the "sleep" mode can be considered complete. Let's move on to summarizing.


"Sleep mode" is a special scheme of operation that saves energy, but at the same time supports the operation of PC nodes in a sparing mode. In addition, the "wake-up" of the computer from "sleep" is much faster than a normal power-on, which allows the user to immediately start solving scheduled tasks.

Video instruction

We attach a detailed video instruction in which all the above steps are consistently carried out and explained.

Of course, there are some peculiarities in the use of sleep mode, which we will now consider, for example, why there is sometimes no "hibernation" command in the shutdown menu, or how to wake up the computer from sleep by simply touching any key on the keyboard.

Windows 7 hibernation

A lot of letters come with requests to show and tell how to set up correctly cnbox mode on laptop and on simple computer with established Windows 7... So let's get started: Start-> Control Panel-> System and Security-> Power.

In this dialog box, you must have selected Power plan, for example, I have chosen Balanced, press Setting up a power plan

Here you and I can choose:

Turn off display: you need to set the time when the computer turns off the display when completely idle, for example 15 minutes.
Put the computer to sleep mode: you can choose any time, for example, you set 30 minutes, this means that you are working on a computer, urgently left for other business, and left it on, after 30 minutes your computer or laptop will understand that the owner is not there and go to sleep mode.

When you arrive, you just need to swipe the keyboard with your hand or press the Power On button of the computer (depending on how you set up, read on) and your laptop will immediately wake up and you can resume work from the place where you had to leave ... For example, I can wake up my laptop from sleep mode by pressing any key on the keyboard and Windows 7 immediately restores its work, and on a stationary computer it is easier to press the power button of the system unit.
When using a laptop, you and I will still have access to the function Zak action digging the cover

if you select Sleep in this parameter, then when you close the lid of your laptop, it will go into sleep mode, and when you open the lid and press any key on the keyboard, it will instantly start.

In the Power supply window, the Request a password on wake-up function is available, it is needed so that no one can use your computer without you, when someone tries to wake up your laptop from sleep mode, he will naturally have to enter a password.

Also in the Power supply tab, we can configure the parameter Pi button actioncomputer melting, so that when you press it, the computer goes to hibernation or hibernation, and also completed its work. Select an option To do nothing and when you press the power button with Wind ows 7, nothing will happen.

By default, the computer wakes from sleep mode when the power button is turned on, if you want you can configure it to wake up from pressing any key on the keyboard or touching the mouse. To exit from hibernation Wind ows 7 using the keyboard or mouse, you need to go to the device manager and double-click the right mouse button on desired device and in the properties go to the tab Power management and check the box Allow this device to wake up the computer.

If this number does not work for you, then your peripheral devices do not support this function, but you can find out exactly by typing in command line powercfg -devicequery wake_from_any and all devices with which you can wake up the computer will be displayed.

What is the difference between Windows 7 Hibernation and Hibernation, and what is Hybrid Hibernation?

  • Sleep mode: The computer saves information about your open applications in RAM and enters a low power mode, doing it quickly enough, but if your laptop is completely discharged, the computer will simply shut down and your open applications will simply close without saving the work.
  • Hibernation: The computer saves all information about your open applications on the hard disk in the hiberfil.sys file and shuts down completely. The only difference is that during hibernation, the computer does not consume electricity at all, while in sleep mode, energy is still consumed. But to enter hibernation mode, as well as exit it, the computer needs much more time than when using hibernation mode.
  • Hybrid sleep mode: combines sleep and hibernation, the results of your work in open applications are saved in RAM, but also on the hard disk and the computer goes into a low power consumption mode, so that when the battery is completely discharged, the results of your work will not be lost.

The simple answer is: The computer goes into sleep mode faster than hibernation, and it also comes out of sleep mode faster than out of hibernation.

You really need to be careful when using hibernation with some programs, for example, if you put to process or encode video files for several hours and at this time the computer goes into hibernation, the process will naturally be interrupted by an error. And when the computer wakes up from sleep mode, you have to start encoding again, in such cases, you need to turn off the sleep mode while such a program is running completely.

  • Conclusion: It is preferable to use hibernation mode in the event that you are not enough long time move away from the computer. If, when using hibernation mode, you completely de-energize the computer, for example, remove the battery, then there is no risk of losing open and unsaved data, since the computer is completely turned off. Hibernation does not provide such a guarantee.

In the shutdown menu, sometimes there is no "hibernate?"
Hibernation may not appear in this menu when hybrid sleep is enabled in the power settings. Power supply-> Setting the power plan-> Change additional power settings, in these settings, we can prohibit the use of hybrid sleep mode, remove the password to wake the computer from sleep, and more.

In order to find out what modes your computer supports, type powercfg / a in the command line
Hibernation and Sleep Mode can not work in Windows 7 if they are disabled in your BIOS, read our articles How to get into BIOS. They may also not work due to outdated drivers for the video card.

Sleep mode- the best way to turn off the computer as a temporary uselessness and after a while to instantly restore your session. In this state, the device switches to the minimum energy consumption: power is supplied only RAM and the processor function responsible for its operation. That, in fact, makes it possible to save and restore a session of work.

To put the computer to sleep in the menu "Start" Windows has a corresponding option. And on laptops, this mode is also enabled by default when the lid is closed. And how to "lull" the computer using hot keys? So that this process can be quickly carried out every time you need to be distracted for a while. And do not pull the laptop cover every such time, if the work is done with it.

1. Keyboard hardware capabilities

It is not recommended to close the laptop lid unnecessarily without needing to open it. This will accelerate the wear of the device matrix cable and the screen fixing hinges. Therefore, many manufacturers provide a combination with an auxiliary key for immersion in sleep. Fn... Usually this is Fn + F1 or Fn + F7. Here, in fact, these hotkeys on laptops are preferable to use. If combinations with the device do not work Fn, you need to install the native drivers - with DVD-disk from the delivery kit or from the official web resource of the manufacturer.

For assembly PC you can purchase a keyboard with additional function keys, including the sleep key.

2. Setting the "Power" button to sleep

If buying for PC no new keyboard coming soon, dive into sleep mode can be configured for hardware power button "Power" system unit... In laptops, the power button is usually set to sleep by default. If it is not and the device when pressed "Power" turns off, goes into hibernation or just turns off the display, in the Windows environment, all this can be reconfigured.

Go to control Panel.

Here we need a section.

And, in fact, we select what we want to happen when pressed "Power"... We save the changes.

3. Hot keys for sleeping

For sleep mode, Windows does not natively provide hotkeys. But they can be implemented by setting up shortcuts to program shortcuts. For this, it is necessary, accordingly, to create a shortcut to the system function of immersion in sleep.

On the desktop, create new label.

We indicate as an object:

C: \ Windows \ System32 \ rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState

We give a name, you can arbitrary. We press "Ready".

A new object has appeared on the worker, go to its properties. Go to the tab "Label"... Who, by the way, is comfortable using the sleep button on the desktop, can customize an icon for it.

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