
What are gadgets from Google? New products from Google are serious competitors to Apple and Amazon

Do you want visitors to be able to find on the pages of your site actual news, weather forecast, calendar, games and other interesting elements?
One way to get this richness on the site is to take advantage of the free library Google Gadgets .

What is Google Gadgets?
Gadget, translated from English, means "device, technical novelty, trinket."
Gadgets are small script programs that offer you dynamic content placed on any web page, such as: currency converter, calendar, to-do list, various calculators (for example, a shipping cost calculator), news, games, open chats, etc. . With the help of gadgets, you can spice up your pages and make them more interesting.

Choose a gadget.
Google's Gadgets Library offers a wide variety of gadgets by category: News, Tools, Communications, Fun & Games, Finance, Sports, Lifestyle, Technology, and New Content. You can browse through these categories and choose a gadget that fits your site's theme.

We get the code for Google gadgets.
For example, choose the Google gadget - "Calendar informer".

In the window that opens, customize the calendar for the site design.
Different gadgets may have different settings. Most often, it is possible to add your own name for the gadget. The size of the gadget can also be edited.
All changes you make can be seen immediately.
When you're done with the settings, click "Get Button Code".
The code will be displayed in the same window, just below the gadget in a rectangle, as shown in the figure.

Copy the code (be sure to copy).

Adding a Google Gadget to a Web Page.
This code must be added to your web page.
How to insert html code on Blogspot explained

Unlike Apple, Google spent almost no time on specifications new products, their resolution and the speed of microchips. The head of the company, Sundar Pichai, focused all the attention of the public on artificial intelligence, emphasizing its importance to Google, reports the New York Times. “AI is rethinking how Information Technology", he said in his opening speech.

Google Pixel 2 and 2XL

Two new smartphones with Android 8.1 Oreo are available for pre-order today. Both have the same specifications, wide OLED screens, 12 megapixel cameras, no headphone jacks, but there is a USB-C adapter. Functions wireless charging, like Samsung or Apple, no, but in 15 minutes you can replenish the battery for 7 hours. Both phones are ready to work with augmented reality apps and Google Lens. The Pixel 2 5.5-inch starts at $649 and the Pixel 2XL (6-inch) starts at $849.

Google Pixel Headphones

Compatible with new Pixel smartphones and devices running Android Nougat and above. Equipped with built-in voice Google Assistant Assistant and can report incoming messages and answer user questions. Their most attractive feature is the ability to translate from 40 languages ​​in real time. Hold a charge up to 4 hours. Price - $159.

Camera Google Clips

The compact AI camera can be placed in a room or hung on clothing. She herself will recognize the faces of family members and take memorable photographs. “Nothing escapes her gaze unless you want it to,” they say at Google. Price - $249.

Google Home devices

The rounded, cloth-covered Mini speaker is Google's answer to the Amazon Echo Dot. With a touch, you can pause the music or change the composition. Connects to any other Bluetooth speaker or Chromecast device. Price - $49.

Larger and powerful Max forms a sound depending on the parameters of the room in which it is located, and can hear commands even over the noise of the music. Over time, he will learn to understand when to turn up the volume, and when to turn it down, and recognize the song by a few lines said aloud. Price - $399.

Notebook Pixel

New touch Pixelbook with the same operating system, just like the Chromebook, but enhanced with the Google Assistant voice assistant, so you can talk to programs. It can be used as a regular laptop or as a tablet with a 12.3-inch screen. Included is a stylus designed in collaboration with Wacom. The initial price is $999, for the stylus they ask for another $99.

Daydream VR Headset

Updated glasses for virtual reality with new lenses, built-in stereo system and soft cloth. Price - $99.

Do you want visitors to be able to find the latest news, weather forecast, calendar, games and other interesting elements on your website pages?
One way to get this richness on the site is to take advantage of the free library Google Gadgets .

What is Google Gadgets?
Gadget, translated from English, means "device, technical novelty, trinket."
Gadgets are small script programs that offer you dynamic content placed on any web page, such as: currency converter, calendar, to-do list, various calculators (for example, a shipping cost calculator), news, games, open chats, etc. . With the help of gadgets, you can spice up your pages and make them more interesting.

Choose a gadget.
Google's Gadgets Library offers a wide variety of gadgets by category: News, Tools, Communications, Fun & Games, Finance, Sports, Lifestyle, Technology, and New Content. You can browse through these categories and choose a gadget that fits your site's theme.

We get the code for Google gadgets.
For example, choose the Google gadget - "Calendar informer".

In the window that opens, customize the calendar for the site design.
Different gadgets may have different settings. Most often, it is possible to add your own name for the gadget. The size of the gadget can also be edited.
All changes you make can be seen immediately.
When you're done with the settings, click "Get Button Code".
The code will be displayed in the same window, just below the gadget in a rectangle, as shown in the figure.

Copy the code (be sure to copy).

Adding a Google Gadget to a Web Page.
This code must be added to your web page.
How to insert html code on Blogspot explained

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